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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3248719 No.3248719 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some of you guys have such an outward seething hatred towards anyone Western?
Yeah I know what VShojo is like. But HoloEN ended being up tremendously popular among most people here, and rather than acknowledging that the kinds of girls you want to see actually DO exist in the West, you treat HoloEN like some sort of genetic anomaly and pretend that Cover's scouting team picked out literally the only five good girls to ever exist in the West. Though, some of you categorically refuse to even give them a chance anyways.
I'm willing to bet that when EN2 debuts we will go through the same exact timeloops.

>> No.3248810

The people here are paranoid freaks. EN 2 will have a bunch more nearly perfect girls/idols and people will still shitpost about how they'll totally hire niggers and trannies next gen and how it's all been a fluke. It will never end.

>> No.3248898

Watching EN is like watching anime dubbed. It's that simple.

>> No.3248937

Anon, 90% of people on this board watch nothing but HoloEN. All that we other 10% ask is that you guys don't constantly flood the catalog with shit threads about them like this one

>> No.3249293

No anon you know damn well that's not how some people here act and I think you misunderstood who I'm addressing this towards. If you're just not interested, then that's fine.
I'm talking to the "all western women are whores" people, the constant Kiara anti thread posters, and the retards on ホロライブ who decided to make a JP split thread and live in denial because they can't even handle being forced to acknowledge EN's existence.

>> No.3249617

Sorry to say but current EN is really catering mostly to EOPs and lacks the authentic experience of a actual JP waifus. The girls really feel more like the best of twitch streamers and not virtual idols. I started with EN but since I actually understand enough JP to get by I started watching the JP girls too. Can confirm that the feel of the JP girls are totally different. Yes I can understand what the EN girls say more accurately but they all have no onscreen chemistry and their presentation feels rather lackluster and kind of forced. There is just something unnatural about it. Not that some JPs are not the same way, but the best JP ones just have a much more polished presentation that flows more naturally. There reactions are also more akin to friends you are hanging out with rather than a streamer talking to strangers in chat. Anyways, it's not something people who can't into the language and culture will understand you have to experience it for yourself. But the current EN gen really does not convey the authentic Hololive experience that the brand is known for.

>> No.3249794
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Will never watch EN
Will continue to support jp chuubas
Simple as

>> No.3249885

go back nigger you don't own this place

>> No.3249930

go back to your anti thread

>> No.3249997

>But HoloEN ended being up tremendously popular among most people here
No. HoloEN became tremendously popular among normalfags that migrated here.

>> No.3250029

If people are being retarded just ignore them, you don't need to seethe this hard because people don't like your favourites

>> No.3250072

Imagine liking SJW Cringe dub over superior Japanese

>> No.3250105


>> No.3250398

>I'm talking to the "all western women are whores" people
All western women are whores because all women are whores. The difference is Vtubers are fictional characters being played by actors, and fictional women do not need to be whores. Eastern women understand that men do not want whores and cater their characters accordingly. Western women understand that westerners have entire movements around praising whores and as such will let their whorish behavior seep into their characters.

>> No.3250475

Tell me how I know you've only watched Hololive Vtubers.

>> No.3250591

My oshi isn't from Hololive. You can just look at the sheer magnitude of western whores on twitter and groups such as vshojo and see that westerners idolize whores.

>> No.3250695

Who's your oshi? Don't be shy.

>> No.3250787

You'll just shit up the general with your tourist friends. What does it matter who my oshi is anyway? Seems like you're just seething because I hit a nerve.

>> No.3250813

>That one bit that Choco and Mel did
>That one girl who literally had sex with her boyfriend on stream
I think you're just seeing what you want to see, anon.

>> No.3250824

So it's a Niji. Then you should be familiar with Gundou and Hoshikawa. Hardly girls acting pure to cater to Eastern males.

>> No.3250870

Play 20 questions all you like

>> No.3250895

I accept your concession.

>> No.3250932

>>That one girl who literally had sex with her boyfriend on stream
I bet you consider russians eastern too. Canadians are not Americans just because they're in north america.

>> No.3250962

Tell me your oshi. I guarantee it's some western whore you're whiteknighting for right now.

>> No.3250978 [DELETED] 

White people are evil

>> No.3251003

Because everything is political over there and you're getting worse by the day. The only reason vtubing is still somewhat okay and why HoloEN is still fine is because it hasn't garnered the attention of he worst of your political activists and politicians. But it's only a matter of time before that happens.

>> No.3251031

>Why do some of you guys have such an outward seething hatred towards anyone Western?
because i heard like 5 seconds of one of moris songs

also this. they all sound stupid to me
laid back english speaking holos like ina and reine are ok though

>> No.3251039

I watch Mashiro primarily, if you must know. His last Helltaker stream was quite fun.

>> No.3251083


>> No.3251104

What has he done that makes you seethe so much you falseflag on /vt/?

>> No.3251148

They hate EN because it's more popular. That's it. That's literally it.

>> No.3251185

Absolutely nothing, he's great. You got the idea that I was defending the Vshojo menace in your head all on your own. I just disagree with the basic idea that all Japanese chuubas act pure and Western chuubas act whorish. I've seen plenty of exceptions in both cases.

>> No.3251219

>they're just jealous
>they only bully you because they have their own problems
this is some grade schooler cope

>> No.3251256

EN and it's consequences for the chuuba culture have been awful. Now EOP are throwing reddit tier terms and pushing for Holos to be some kind of sluts instead of proper idols. It's horrible

>> No.3251263 [DELETED] 

The West has done nothing but destroying everything in their sight for centuries, anon.

>> No.3251289

This is the exact shit that SJWs say, anon

>> No.3251348 [DELETED] 

SJWs are also the product of the west.

>> No.3251360

>not all
Sure, you can cherrypick exceptions to anything. On aggregate however the vast majority of eastern Vtubers do not act like whores and the vast majority of western Vtubers do act like whores.

>> No.3251359

As is post-WWII Japan.

>> No.3251364

I always found it funny that the ones that get the most pissy about vshojo are holoentards, like they're trying to prove they're somehow different.

>> No.3251384
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>> No.3251396

It's cope. HoloEN and Vshojo are both complete cancer.

>> No.3251445
File: 206 KB, 820x512, 1605054678268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread asking why people are western antis turns into a western anti thread

>> No.3251448 [DELETED] 

Nope. Japanese are neither American or European, unlike SJWs. The West has done nothing but destruction to the world and can't stop even when they realize it. Typical white "people".

>> No.3251471

Gee, it's almost like he was asking a question directed directly to antis or something.

>> No.3251473

who are u quoting

>> No.3251480

nanking denier hands wrote this post

>> No.3251504

i would say that its popular because most people don't know japanese and they absolutely aren't going to learn the worlds hardest language just to watch some streamers

>> No.3251532 [DELETED] 

Nope, just someone with a measure of empathy. Something that white people will never have.

>> No.3251533

The cycle of seethe never ends, because they will never be Japanese

>> No.3251540

It's only weebs weebing

>> No.3251558

If you can understand the difference between "all" and "most" then that is all the understanding I ask of you.

>> No.3251562 [DELETED] 

Are you saying it's a bad thing?

>> No.3251566

Without Japanese you wouldn't be here in the first place

>> No.3251569

Why do burgers hate themselves so much?

>> No.3251588

the japanese streamers will always remain a niche for english audiences. people just cant enjoy them when they speak in a language that the viewers cant understand

>> No.3251598 [DELETED] 

They just finally realized that they are the bad guys of history

>> No.3251624

Or, you could have just said nanking denier

>> No.3251654 [DELETED] 

Trying to goalshift, as expected of a white apologist.

>> No.3251658

Because burgers, like this board, import agregious amounts of outsiders that refuse to integrate and yet are still considered burgers.

>> No.3251688 [DELETED] 

>Blaming everyone but themselves
White "people"

>> No.3251698

Remind me again how you're not an SJW

>> No.3251724

That is quite the non-sequitur. I like and appreciate Japan. I also laugh at self-hating retards who escape to watch girls they can barely understand but are still stuck in their shitty country when the stream ends. You will never be Japanese

>> No.3251731 [DELETED] 

I hate LGBT people too. I just hate white people more because the destruction they cause far outstrips what a bunch of fags could do.

>> No.3251750

White people are souly responsible for SJWs

>> No.3251782

Okay feminist

>> No.3251783

I'll remake this thread outside of SEA hours

>> No.3251803


>> No.3251835

whats the point? they are popular because english is the universal language that literally everyone understands. few understand japanese and the content is usually not translated so it does not have a chance

>> No.3251842 [DELETED] 

Sure. Let's pretend that white people aren't the one who keeps pushing feminism then. It warms my chest to know that whites will be extinct within the century thanks to immigration, interracial marriage and sheer faggotry.

>> No.3251857

Whatever you say thinly disguised tranny

>> No.3251881

May I inquire your ethnicity?

>> No.3251882

imagine hating gays when majority of chuubas are one

>> No.3251901 [DELETED] 

Seething white man. Hope you enjoy black bulls railing your sister

>> No.3251914

chuubas aren't like your twitch streamers. they're playing characters and yuribaiting.

>> No.3251915

Uh huh, go chop your dick off somewhere else fag

>> No.3251919 [DELETED] 

Not white, thank God

>> No.3251937

So you are a Canadian, makes sense.

>> No.3251939

you can't write everything to yuribaiting even if you want to

>> No.3251986

I'd rather watch a JP struggling eternally with cute engrish. Yes, I can't deny HoloEN is talented, but the lack of a language barrier ruins the experience for me.

>> No.3251989
File: 9 KB, 440x222, indog manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find rational reasons from self-hating whites and SEAcockroaches
It's literally just "You will never be japanese.jpg"

>> No.3252024

I'm shorter than this...

>> No.3252028

>HoloEN is talented
how exactly?

>> No.3252045 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 770x435, Cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am a Bolivian. How can you tell?

>> No.3252105
File: 84 KB, 602x674, 1604237361040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no 150cm high SEAnigger boy with 10cm dick to humiliate with my big white cock

>> No.3254389


>> No.3254763

Not going to mass reply because I'm not a faggot but I just wanted to remind most of the people in this thread that you will never ever be Japanese.

>> No.3256010

> muh leftist bogeyman

>lacks the authentic experience of a actual JP waifus. The girls really feel more like the best of twitch streamers and not virtual idols


Fair enough

>> No.3261719
File: 51 KB, 900x540, 1620039247209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if there are Japanese itt they will never be real Japanese like pic related

>> No.3262003

this opinion is based. very based indeed

>> No.3262035

drawing and singing. Not making shitty weeb rap, but the other stuff is good.

>> No.3262061

The western vtuber thread is over there if you actually care about them.

>> No.3262088

>rants about a thing that's on Youtube getting exposure to Murricans.

They literally stream in SJW-infested waters. With or Without EN, this hobby was doomed to that fate.

With the Netflix Vtuber active, it's only a matter of time now.

>> No.3262297

I agree with this. The cultural exchange is fun.

>> No.3262332


>> No.3262537

do not distract yourself from the fact that these girls are one simple incident away from the ever-fine line of westerns yabs. it's not that they're anomalies, but the mental fortitude to not simply give in to that almost-cultural pressure is impressive.

>> No.3263437

As I already said, the only thing that stopped them from hating HoloJP talents is that they don't understand them apart from clips and they can't register insincerity because they are not native speakers.

That's the same as you liked some performer/rapper etc, then you learned english well enough to understand what he's singing about and dropped almost immediately.

>> No.3263519

Western women have been largely made unclean by the cult of social justice in a way that Japanese women typically haven't. That being said, HoloEN is either doing a really good job of hiding that with it's girls, or they're some of the few good ones left.

>> No.3265400

Ina and Kiara are massive SJW, I'm glad they leave that to their roomate stuff

>> No.3266575

i love short boys

>> No.3268065

No, it's not because they are speaking in another language or some florigen waifu fetish. There really is a difference in presentation and over feel of the streaming styles.

>> No.3268141

The majority of anime watchers are seanigs and chinese

>> No.3268532

Loud, obnoxious SJWs poisoned western women's reputation.

>> No.3269421

>Choco and Mel
And that's hololive alone.
Eastern vtubers act like giant sluts too, people only sperg when they're speaking English.

>> No.3269785

/vt/ spends most of their waking hours fearmongering about sjws but when has a prominent English vtuber ever acted sjw in stream?
You have people like Nyanners/Kiara who don't bring up politics on stream but people here bring their personal views up constantly and try to force the issue. The western antis are always the ones forcing politics into the discussion, not the girls themselves.

>> No.3269872

Without American cuckboy Moot you wouldn't be here

>> No.3270003

If Ina is a SJW than either goddamn is she good at hiding it or she's only slightly left leaning especially with work her roommate does.

>> No.3270323

And vtubers wouldn't exist if Americans hadn't infected Japanese brains with radiation

>> No.3270332

Yeah a lot of the talk about SJWs is currently just doomposting and not something I see happening in the major Japanese agencies especially with the strictly no politics approach they've been going with for a while.

>> No.3272841

yes there is a difference but the masses aren't going to start watching something that they cant understand even if it feels nice

>> No.3276694
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Why? It's the cynical way of the world. Expect to be disappointed.

>> No.3277856

Holy fuck I would be a giant in SEA.

>> No.3278095

>It's the cynical way of the world

>> No.3278539

HoloEN and most western vtubers are boring as fuck, don't have characters and are cringe as fuck, it's like watching dubbed anime, i.e normalfag shit. I don't know why SEAniggers keep worshipping them so much and making these retarded bait threads, not even the americunts are so retarded, it's always on SEA hours.

>> No.3279730

Westerners are actively trying to ruin Japanese culture (social harmony) one way or the other. They attack and harass artists and other vtubers minding their own business, what's absolutely abhorrent is that the western vtubers (especially vtweeters) themselves are doing this and enabling this kind of garbage. This has been seen way too many times and I'm not gonna give them even a single inch. I'm gonna be wary and apprehensive of all 'western vtubers' out there because they have lost my trust.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

>> No.3280449

Because I listened to Calli's 'rap' on debut

>> No.3280536

>worlds hardest language
only if you're american. japanese has simpler grammar structure, fewer irregularities and overall easier pronunciation compared to English. Only Kanji fuckery gets in the way

>> No.3280967

theres only few simple letters in english but in japanese there are thousands and many of them look almost identical, even if they don't they are extremely complex so very hard to remember
