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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32148801 No.32148801 [Reply] [Original]

What would it take for her to be forgiven?

>> No.32148951

Already forgave her. Never was really mad, just posted bait to shitpost.

>> No.32149137

There's no turning back if you've collabed with a male. You are dead to me. Period.

>> No.32149140

I believe in rehabilitation, so trying to memory hole it and never speaking about guys again is a way to go.Then after 6 months I will forgive her.

>> No.32149178

Never ever collabing with a male again.

>> No.32149203


>> No.32149218

more tempus collabs. people need to understand there's nothing wrong with it. hell, they might even enjoy it

>> No.32149220

make male collabs once a year at the minimum

>> No.32149254

Good riddance. Fuck that lying whore.

>> No.32149264
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she should adopt a magmite

>> No.32149268

There's really no forgiving her because it would require a genuine apology and she's not capable of giving one. Unlike most people here, I actually accepted Ina's apology because she genuinely grasped what was wrong with what she said. Even Kiara has had some genuine apologies. But Ame, Mori, Kronii, Ollie, etc. all are worthless when it comes to apologies because even when they make them they are completely insincere and dripping with contempt.

>> No.32149285

Appologize, suck our cock on stream and boost the bond level to 10.0

>> No.32149296

Once a whore always a whore

>> No.32149298

There is nothing that needs to be forgiven.

>> No.32149299

She did nothing wrong.

>> No.32149318

>the absolute state of this board
This really is the cuckold board. No wonder every other board laughs at you faggots.

>> No.32149329

>She did everything wrong*

>> No.32149367

She'd need something to be forgiven for

>> No.32149378 [DELETED] 

This. Disown the lying whore until she learns the hard way that we asked for her not to fucking collab with any male. But even then I won't fucking forgive her.
>the absolute state of this board
Keep being cucked

>> No.32149386


>> No.32149396

The people harassing them and trying to control their content deserve contempt. Don't like what they do, don't watch the streams. Pretty easy

>> No.32149423

And here we go with the stupid threads again. Ame's turn is over now is this bitch....

>> No.32149435

Back to Twitter you go, tourist. Cucks are mocked on this website, not encouraged.

>> No.32149450

If she stopped beating around the bush and flat out just addressed her future collab plans with Tempus. She needs to stop treating her membership like children.

>> No.32149457

There is no "cucking" possible since there is no romantic relationship between you and her, you retarded unicorn

>> No.32149462

She doesn't even understand the issue in the first place. Lost cause, just move on.

>> No.32149483

Cope Krocuck, you get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.32149488 [DELETED] 

Killing that blue fag on stream

>> No.32149489

Mori and apologies name a worst duo

>> No.32149501

Women don't belong here

>> No.32149546

Who said there was a romantic relationship, cuck? It's Krocucks that believed that so now it's their turn to be buck broken in the cuckshed by Ju-In Regis.

>> No.32149558

Stop doing mixed collabs, show tits again, do tons of GFE ASMR. I want to see her go the Finana route.

>> No.32149567

deliheru voice pack let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.32149591

What's funny is that despite Ame purposefully trying to anger goslings with her Karaoke stunt, she came out smelling pretty clean compared to Kronii who was too scared to face chat with the real issue.

>> No.32149599

Tits or GTFO

>> No.32149624

I have a bigger dick than you and most likely touched more pussy than you.
Nobody likes delusional unicorns

>> No.32149629

1 week tops.

>> No.32149631

Dildo Paizuri stream. Like a hand cam stream but it's on her tits instead.

>> No.32149639

I can't. She revealed her true self and even if she apologized it would be a façade. I'll just get a new oshi.

>> No.32149651

this board is 80% female from South East Asia

>> No.32149660

Holy shit when did Ame of all whores become a voice of reason all of a sudden compared to this depressed menhera bitch? Top kek

>> No.32149683

Hold on we haven't forgiven Ame yet.
Stop splitting the unicorn attention OP.

>> No.32149686

>prerecorded video vs actual collab
Go figure

>> No.32149700

Too bad for your narrative they don't exclusively shit on those people (or even really talk to them at all if you think about the context of the streams). They always shit on their genuine good-willed fans in an attempt to be "diplomatic" and then they have to double-down. Kronii's rant was against shipping and socially-awkward males, that's her entire fanbase. She didn't make any comments that are explicitly directed at harassing her or trying to control her. The only one that you could even pretend was explictly directed at those people was "fuck incels" but given the whole context before that statement, they aren't the ones she was talking to. She was talking to people who cared enough to listen to her awkward insulting of all of them.

>> No.32149710

I've already switched to Tenma. Thank God I'm out of the Holosanji bubble for good. Never again.

>> No.32149711

sure you are, nobody lies on the internet! btw I'm Elon Musk.

>> No.32149738

>trying to control their content
I don't understand why people try to do this. That she's willing to do it in the first place shows she doesn't respect her fans and is enough reason to write her off. Scaring her into submission won't change her true thoughts.
Maybe it's just people in denial desperately trying to cling to something that's already gone.

>> No.32149771


>> No.32149816
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She's not treating her members like children, she's treating unicorns like children.
She wouldn't need to be saying any of this if people out there didn't treat Vtubers like their kindergarten/elementary school teacher childhood crush who need to be given the talk about how they're only their teacher and not their mom and need to get over them since it's weird as hell that theyre thing to get into a relationship with them.

>> No.32149835

Some will leave but I think most will cope and stick with her until her next fuckup at which point the whole cycle starts again.

>> No.32149840

Tenma played with Sykkuno and DisguisedToast last year. Try again.

>> No.32149841

We've been in the fandom since Kizuna AI began, Twitter tourist. Maybe find a better cope next time before opening your mouth.

>> No.32149892

Go back.

>> No.32149912

>Source: My Ass

>> No.32149939

This is what faggots always say and then when their favorite corpo is suddenly dying they're in complete confusion as to why it sucks so much now. Trust me I've seen it happen to plenty of once big communities that are now struggling to remain relevant.

>> No.32150010

Oddly enough, after this shitshow with Kronii i forgive Amelia. At least she kept it simple.
Kronii is a retard

>> No.32150011
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The only thing she needs to do is do a naked dogeza in front of her viewers and tell them to stop shipping her with men and that she's only interested in girls. It's that simple.

>> No.32150018

The type of people throwing money at someone are always going to assume that money is actually buying them something. They're just idiots.

>> No.32150027

This. Hololive is doomed to complete irrelevancy if the male collabs keep continuing. When it bleeds viewers so do the profits. Bankruptcy in 2 years by the time Hololive becomes mixed-gender as a whole. Thank you Omegatranny.

>> No.32150049

>teacher x student is weird
your literature reps.......

>> No.32150056

It's all a joke to them

>> No.32150081

Maybe you could make that argument for other members but she already reciprocated the parasocial relationship with her members before, she accepted them completely and that's something you can't walk back on
Also she shat on shippers as well, do you think the unicorns are the ones shipping her with the boys?

>> No.32150084

Literally go on YouTube. Type Tenma Sykkuno or Tenma DisguisedToast or even Tenma Corpse.

>> No.32150089

>forgiving the whore with an actual boyfriend over the failed normalfag menhera bitch
Top cuck

>> No.32150104
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Kronii, my Queen. Please reconsider. This might sound a bit controversal and maybe what I'll say might sound rude but, I do not think that you getting in a collab with the Holo Tempus (btw the guys are great it's not their fault) is very wise. This is not what your fanbase was built around Oh my Clock. We only love the clock untouched and unspoiled around here. So I beg you blue Queen, be careful to not go astray.
Feel free to ignore my message completely. After all I am not worthy of your attention, great clock.

>> No.32150141

No results for both. Why are you deliberately lying? Phase Connect is inclining and it's for a reason. NO FUCKING MALES

>> No.32150148

For starters she could at least apologize for disappointing her viewers instead of saying it’s her viewers fault.

>> No.32150172

i dont really care who she collabs with but if she orders me food then i can pretend to be angry and forgive her! :D

>> No.32150185

>improve yourself
>btw guys, wanna hear something annoying?
>Homo voice
>singing with homo voices
That was more malicious than Kronii being fucking stupid and yet no longer has to deal with idiots. Imagine that.

>> No.32150202

Her viewers have rightfully forsaken her. She has no one to apologize to anymore. She dug her own grave. I hope she enjoys being a 3view by October.

>> No.32150214

All whores must graduate
Talking to men is prohibited

>> No.32150223

I can not watch your shitty content and still harass you, cunt. Don’t underestimate me.

>> No.32150290

Well I wasn't even mad about the collab, what irks me the most is how she addressed the drama and the flip flopping between her opinions. She's outed herself to be an ingenuine bitch.

>> No.32150333

>she's treating unicorns like children.
>proceed to snuff out shippers who make her art and fanfics instead of wrangling the schizos or the homos
You and I saw two different things

>> No.32150352

What the fuck kind of a response is this? The male on your screen didn't make your blood boil when you saw it? You Krocucks are hilarious. Keep the fucking cope up LMAO

>> No.32150360

She was always disingenuous, people just pretended to ignore it because LE DEEP SEXY VOICE. No wonder she thinks she’s a man half the time, sounding the way she does.

>> No.32150398

I'd need proof on that to believe it, if she said that then she is dumb and is just dealing with the aftermath of her own choices, but until then it just sounds like she said something completely different and got twisted around to fit whatever narrative you people are trying to brew up.

>> No.32150400


>> No.32150402

He was expecting you to make informed criticism. Clearly he was overestimating (you)

>> No.32150464

naked dogeza

>> No.32150473

Her responding and fueling the drama forced her fans to take a side, turning around and giving in would just burn both sides
Oh wait, that is exactly what she did
I dont care what she say or does now, she proved she don’t understand her own job or how the internet works
I dont even care about the male thing, but how she handled it made me lose any respect for her

>> No.32150505

Dropped. At least Kiki is pure.

>> No.32150519


>> No.32150565


>> No.32150594

If you're cuckolded by anime girl talking to a guy there is no hope for you, reach for the rope now.

>> No.32150621


>> No.32150696

>ame schizo trying to deflect this back at ame
Kek what a sorry cuck

>> No.32150698

Why didn't you get filtered out by Kizuna trying to get Pewdiepie's attention and collabing with TheAnimeMan?

>> No.32150720

I'm not the cuck faggot. I'm laughing at cucks who believed Kronii was even worth their time when she revealed she was a non-binary slut in her past life. This is their comeuppance. It's beautiful watching Krocucks crash and burn like this. And I've been thanked countless times for my duty. Stay coping, faggot.

>> No.32150750

Other boards laugh at /vt/ because they see it's ridden by gossip drama mongers like (You)

>> No.32150797

You will never be accepted here, Teacuck
She's always been a sellout and a whore, what else is new?

>> No.32150805

did you miss the memo? the man on the screen is me

>> No.32150806

Anyone who thinks that vtubers have any obligation to do what their fans want is a seething moron. If she makes a decision that makes her sub count dip a bit in order to be more comfortable streaming and not have to act as the emotional support pillow for your mental health issues then thank god, we don’t need vtubers pandering to every waking insecurity people have. I’m sure there are plenty of other sellout vtubers that will have no problem faking every part of themselves to fit your ideal. Watch them and move the fuck on, and most importantly, stop acting like the problem is anything other than you needing therapy.

>> No.32150843

Your breakdown has been really entertaining to watch.

>> No.32150853

Kissing Irys and confessing her love for her.

>> No.32150860

Schizoroniis made complaints before this about her behaviour before and she pledged to change, some time later she started pandering more and doing more fanservice. She didn't literally say "I'm only yours kronies" but surely you can understand that since she started to pander to the biggest schizos, she also has to deal with the same schizos when she does something they don't like? It's a simple consequence of her own actions

>> No.32150889

Wrong. Other boards laugh at /vt/ because it's filled with pathetic cuckolds such as yourself trying to justify cuckoldry and degeneracy across the website. There's a reason why Holobronies is a genius insult for you lot and I'll give you a hint, the term did not come from this board and predated the Chink-enforced popularity of Holoshit 2 years ago.

>> No.32150891

Mumei was forgiven after collabing once and never again. She could do the same.

>> No.32150935

The only one that's losing his manhood is you, cuck. I've been thanked at least a thousand times for exposing that non-binary slut. And /vt/ would not be complete without my redpills.

>> No.32150986

>it's good when vtubers exploit the mentally ill
>it's bad when the mentally ill try to get some minor affection in return from the vtubers
I guess your next post is where you start advocating for gas chambers.

>> No.32150996

You're literally describing Kronii to a T, she can't fucking stop pandering to her fans.

>> No.32151022

Nah, they're just cucks, akin to the kikes that cry out in pain as they strike you after they did not listen to me and my repeated warnings. /Infinity/ was thanking me all week for my services.

>> No.32151098

Classic cuck response. Big reason why /vt/ is mocked everywhere.

>> No.32151111

>Cuck calling other people cucks
Love to see it

>> No.32151125

Off collab sex with Mumei

>> No.32151148

The only whore is you. No one wanted you assholes. All you do is constantly cry like menheras. It's simply asking to be bullied.

>> No.32151163

I accept your concession. I really appreciate it, cuck. Now back to Twitter with you.

>> No.32151224

>the new fans are forcing the people who built this hobby out
Every fucking time. Get the fuck out of /vt/

>> No.32151233

Literally nothing. You schizos love miring down chubas in this fake controversy shit, all she has to do if acknowledge it to put you into overdrive. If she can take a page from her JP senpais and just ignore it, you idiots will find a new thing to dogpile someone else with.

TLDR; Just let the toddlers finish throwing their tantrums.

>> No.32151261

Now nobody watches Ame anymore

>> No.32151358

>fake controversy
She committed the yab that got Rushia rightfully terminated from Hololive. And there's no "tantrums," just natural reactions to how whores get outed and disowned.

>> No.32151449

Don't collab with Tempus again. You get one chance because Mori initiated all of this shilling.
Never do it again

>> No.32151485

I don't know about you seething unicorn but I don't watch hololive for some fictional one sided romance story that brews inside your heads. I just watch them for fun. So she did not do anything wrong except give the ether to the wrong fanbase lol but I'm not a shipper either so I don't give a fuck. She had fun and this was the first time she felt genuine i always flamed her for having a boring voice and boring chick personality but in that collab it was coworker having fun. Get a grip for fuck sake. You people make the rest of us men look bad. Have some fucking self respect and quit this fucking embarrassment.

>> No.32151512

cuckanon... it's time to let it go.
You need to be in a relationship to be cucked. Giving a superchat is not a relationship.

>> No.32151519

It's not quite the same, but it's severe enough that they should close the EN branch like they did with CN.

>> No.32151531

That explains the tranny voice

>> No.32151651

Hahahahaha holy newfag. Tenma openly told unicorns that she doesnt want them. Ask in their general for screenshots. And she just recently collabed with a Niji guy.

>> No.32151667

EN is what carries Hololive though. Without it, you know it would no longer be in operation. We're seeing the actual death of Hololive with these forced male collabs.

>> No.32151712

EN has been irrelevant for a long time you delusional retard.

>> No.32151750

I saw all I needed to see while following her from debut up to December of the same year.

>> No.32151796

Then Hololive has been irrelevant for a long time in turn. No wonder Nijisanji, VShojo, and others have long surpassed them.

>> No.32151807
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>> No.32151834

She already had her reputation destroyed by chinks, became utterly irrelevant, started fucking around with NFTs, and then got knocked up. Even if I don’t kick someone that far down.

>> No.32151905

Exploiting? If her recent responses are indication she’s oblivious that they even exist in large quantities. Unless you’re saying that all vtubers are inherently exploitational, in which case you have a very narrow view of what their appeal and market is.

>> No.32151951

Yes? Who in Hololive is worth watching in 2022? Other than Gura who has been reclining substantially this year and the rest of the unwatchable whores?

>> No.32151970

he's right, /vt/ is mocked on every other board, it's mostly because simping but the forced positivity is cancer as well

>> No.32152005

introduce herself as cumdumpronii, guild tempus dedicated onahole vtuber

>> No.32152038

enter into a lesbian relationship with me

>> No.32152098

I wrote this.

>> No.32152217

No one is trying to control her content, they are spreading awareness of what kronii really is
People don't have too many expectations of the holoEN girls, kronii barely ever streams and always covers her chest whenever she does, now she's going to collab with males, anons are just marketing her for everything she stands for

>> No.32152283

wow you are actually retarded.

>> No.32152286

I think /gif/ is still the king (queen?) boards

>> No.32152434

>And other delusions I tell myself
Enjoy your own breakdown. Things are changing and you will still be here a sad loser while the landscape is transformed. Crying won't change anything. Nothing you do will change anything. You are powerless and weak. All you have are your tears. Pussy. :)

>> No.32152437

It's true though. JP has been irrelevant since Coco graduated and if you claim otherwise you're in a cope because it's Chinked as fuck again.

>> No.32152466

>find in page
>sex (with me)
Fine, guess I'll take one for the team.

>> No.32152509

>i-i'm not a cuck!!! you're a pussy!!!
Post physique

>> No.32153207

Dude are you out of your mind? They have several heavy hitters that not only pull great numbers, but also get a ton of sponsorship deals. In what fucking world do you live in where HoloJP is irrelevant?

>> No.32153405

a massive brutal violent gangbang on stream for two whole hours straight. also sh doesnt get money for a year. i hate this fucking stuck up WHORE/1111]]]

>> No.32153400

naked dogeza apology ASMR stream.

>> No.32153429

They all came back because Coco left. It's complete soulless trash and you're worse than a cuck for consooming it.

>> No.32153479


>> No.32153536

Just say you've never watched Kronii. You don't have to be embarrassed about it.

>> No.32153740

Make her intentions clear with no uncertain terms. If she could manage to do that, I'd be impressed, proud even. Doesn't mean I'll stay with her if I don't like it.

>> No.32153764

I, like others, unsubscribed since she showed her true colors

>> No.32153854

You know what's funny? She never had a problem with being shipped with the Moomster. But when it's with a male she has a problem. Stupid fucking lesbian faggot feminist whore.

>> No.32153856

VTubers have an obligation to their fans in general. Their comfortable lives of being digital whores is paid for by people with real jobs that actually impact society. I have more respect for the high school dropout putting fries in a bag than I do for ungrateful Internet celebrities.

>> No.32153859


>> No.32153923

same here

>> No.32153938

Ironically time. If see just waits everyone will ether forgive her or just move and and watch other people. Despite all the hate her subscriber count has gone up from this and we just need to see if it effects her ccv

>> No.32153961

Thanks for proving that you're a retarded thread reader. First he says how Hololive will basically go bankrupt when EN dies because JP is "irrelevant", and when proven wrong, you are grasping at straws mentioning Coco like that means anything . LOL Literal retard

>> No.32153997

her sub count is always going up you tard wtf u on about?

>> No.32154058

Ollie and apologies. Honestly she's the worst member in all Hololive and I don't think anyone else is close. Even boring fucks like Roboco are better because at least they're not obnoxious attention whores.

>> No.32154144
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Because Kronii isn't even Wada's best

>> No.32154170

I don't watch ID. Why did Ollie do that hurt Hololive?

>> No.32154174

Why don't you check this board out for yourself. No one cares about JP because they aren't and will never learn Japanese. There was a nice bridge between EN and JP with Coco but she graduated so no one unironically cares. I'll admit the yabs they undergo are hilarious compared to EN's though.

>> No.32154269

Was kind disappointed when Whore of Babylon wasn’t also drawn by Wada. Not to say the art is bad, just doesn’t make sense to have two forms of the same Beast drawn by different artists.

>> No.32154272

Ollie has been arguing that members should be able to be in outspoken relationships. Basically she wants to be in vshojo but won't just fucking leave. She's also incredibly annoying. Like fucking hell.

>> No.32154398

She’s fat.

>> No.32154465

>Why don't you check this board out for yourself.
The english speaking board... watches english speakers...
I hope you know 5ch is like 2 times faster on big events than this board and /jp/ combined

>> No.32154567

>huge unity-fag
>deliberately wants to break down every and all foundations that makes Hololive, Hololive
>simps, lusts, and calls out for every single fucking vtuber no one cares about
Did I miss anything else? Anons who watch her more can add to that list.

>> No.32154586
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No one cares about this drama outside of /vt/. In fact the whole world is laughing at you. You are as influential to Hololive as a snail on the sidewalk is to a crowd of people who's about to step on it. These girls can do whatever they want within reason, and you literally can't do anything about it.

>> No.32154654

They prefer Nijisanji way more though. Nijifes on streaming was unreal in terms of how fast the board went.

>> No.32154698

>No one is trying to control her content

The fucking cope lol

>> No.32154964

Graduation is the only way
There is no recourse
Women who interact with males
Deserve suffering

>> No.32155019

I think it'd be really funny if Kronii quit council too. Like, council would just be 3 people at that point, and it'd be really unbalanced, but funny

>> No.32155125

Go back, Twitter tranny. We got Rushia and Aloe graduated and don't even try us.

>> No.32155137

She respects her fans, just not the retarded ones. Nobody respects those ones. Some people are willing to bend a bit for their money but they'll never respect them.

>> No.32155245

>She respects her fans
only the ones with friends of the opposite sex though

>> No.32155400

probably not speaking of the boys again; she's slowly starting to see what unicorns are capable of like mooms did
but that would need some containment breacher to say something like tgat

>> No.32155452

>Confusing 2ch with 4chan
>Mori literally gets away with everything

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.32155528


>> No.32155564

Nobody in HoloEN respects their fans. You’re walking ATMs to them, and they’re reminded of that every time they start the stream and get showered with money for doing nothing.

>> No.32155572

Penis Bad
Her actions are unforgivable

>> No.32155612

If she helps me find a gf I'll forgive her.

>> No.32155631

This hurts to read because it's very real

>> No.32155705

based. i prefer being cucked when i am not aware of it.

>> No.32155811

Collab more to filter the parasocial fucks

>> No.32155903


>> No.32156004

simple as

>> No.32156099

That's all of Holoshit in general. We had Rushia but she got fired. Take the indiepill or GTFO /vt/

>> No.32156570

So let me get this straight... People are mad because she collabed with homos...and enjoyed it? Is this really all it is?

>> No.32156747

I forgave her when I stopped supporting her. Now I just hope she doesn't drag others down with her.

>> No.32156883

>Not 2chan
Anon, we're basically a bunch of losers and dramafags, we've never been relevant in this industry, unlike 2chan

>> No.32156956

i laugh at this board too. they make up their own yabs and freak out about everything.

>> No.32157250
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Only a faggot would be afraid of other men.

>> No.32157258

There’s nothing to be forgiven. The schizos on this board will cry and whine while the rest of us won’t live in fear of a virtual boy having fun with a virtual girl for our entertainment.

>> No.32157362

To actually apologize and not make a snide, back handed double down masquerading as an apology.

If she just said sorry and she wouldn't do it again, I'd have put it behind me right there. But she's not sorry and she will do it again. So I will never forgive her.

>> No.32157366

There is nothing to be forgiven.

Did I freak out when my wife got a boyfriend? No, I stayed mature about it since she's not my property, a mind of her own and the freedom to make her own decisions. Our marriage has never been better. You people all need to chill.

>> No.32157599

wow, so brave. You go KING!

>> No.32157708

Correction mafu mafu fans and rushia breaking nda is what got her graduated you sad fuck did nothing but cry about mafu.

>> No.32157794

Yup they've been seething about it for two days.

>> No.32158020

She's having a member's stream. Anyone have a QRD?

>> No.32158070

>Tell your fandom you wont
>You do
>They ship you with male
>Tell them not to ship you with anyone
>Make garbage tier comparisons
>Realize she basically killed every yuri ship because she was ultra broadstroke in her warning
>Dials back every thing
and bonus
>Sounds like a bored/sleepy bitch the entire time
I can't wait for her graduation this year

>> No.32158088

Based and mature

>> No.32158174
File: 1.12 MB, 1706x972, 1661391068850308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sykkuno is too powerful. He has already corrupted Ironmouse and deflorated Rosemi. It's only a matter of time before he hunts down and harpoons Gura. It's over.

>> No.32158456

>trying to control
There's being manipulative
And then there's having standards
Know the difference

>> No.32158756
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>> No.32158793

I would forgive her if she apologised, explained why what she did was wrong and solemnly vowed to never collab with a m*le again.
Until then I hope a schizo goes postal on her. No, not in minecraft, in real life.

>> No.32158934

She really needs to let it go and stop addressing it. She's not going to convince anyone who doesn't believe her with her words and by continuing to bring it up she's just adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.32159008


>> No.32159026

>Tell your fandom you wont
Won't what? Collab with males? Since I almost never watch kronii due to timezone differences, I have no idea if this is true but it seems like you made it up because otherwise other anons would have already posted a clip of her saying that and proving that she's a liar. So far what I've seen has just been people being upset because they assumed things which then led to disappointment.

>> No.32159059

nein, i dropped her already lol, nothing but another perfect woman turned onahole to me

>> No.32159371 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 228x356, 1655187333573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate males so much it unreal. Fuck this punk bitch mother fucker in particular.

>> No.32159637

>Since I almost never watch kronii due to timezone differences
Damn, they made youtube videos unavailable based on timezones?

>> No.32159648
File: 931 KB, 1313x1440, 20220828_104939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk guys, I think she's still pretty gay. I don't think she'll fuck any of holotempus.

>> No.32159763
File: 147 KB, 300x300, kron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, I am late to the party, what did she do? I ve seen something about she openly saying she is gay, but at this point is impossible to navigate through the endless shitpost.

>> No.32159856
File: 206 KB, 2000x1125, unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32159887

called virgin males subhuman and told them to stick to IRyS

>> No.32159918 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 621x741, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii had the time of her life with Altare
And you spend your life supporting their comfy wealthy lives while not being valued at all

>What would it take for her to be forgiven?
Kronii doesn't care or appreciate the fans. It's always about her and herself. If someone is okay with this kind of oshi, good for them.

>> No.32159926

Talked to males, then did a garbage job covering her tracks / making excuses

>> No.32159958

>joined collab with penis-havers
>gets pushback from long-time Kronies
>addresses drama
>completely misses the issue and targets shippers instead
>basically told those with opposing opinions to stop being maidenless

>> No.32159968

The same Irys that’s very blatantly fucking some Cover sound engineer?

>> No.32160114

>>32159958 (me)
Forgot to add
>backtracks a bit on the shipping thing on a later twitter post
>basically it's ok, as long as both parties agree to it

>> No.32160117

if she was fucking him she wouldn't talk about it on stream

>> No.32160144

There's nothing to forgive for the idiocy of tourists pushing a fucking narrative to bait her fan base.

>> No.32160207 [DELETED] 

Very disappointed. I can withstand the male dbd flirting collab IF Kronii didn't release stupid statement about shipping and made quick blatant moves to to retain her fans for money.

>> No.32160218

Unicornbros, who can I trust? I don't want to get hurt anymore

>> No.32160316

No, she just makes it painfully obvious while you pretend to not see it.

>> No.32160324

>Kronii had the time of her life with Altare
And Princess Diana had the time of her life with her Arabic fancy man. Doesn't mean it's going to magically end well.

>> No.32160416
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>> No.32160434

>Scaring her into submission won't change her true thoughts.
I don't care about her true thoughts. It is a weird Judeo-Christian obsession to try to get the person not to just act correctly, but to think correctly. Thoughts mean nothing, actions do, and I only care about those.
t. unicorn

>> No.32160573

>a person having fun with somebody other than you is tantamount to cuckoldry

I thought Kroni was the menhera but I guess her fans are too.

>> No.32160598

You have to convince her what she did was wrong first. Good fucking luck.

>> No.32160617


>> No.32160685

>"El no sabe", but in english

>> No.32160743

Take the JP pill, anon. Or at least watch Shondo and don't listen to drama schizos about her.

>> No.32160771

Trans atlantic dick

>> No.32160829

Even my oshi thinks I'm a creepy loser for being a virgin...

>> No.32160831


>> No.32160832

There is no salvation for her. She's dead to me

>> No.32160928

There is nothing to forgive but i would love if she could post her boobs

>> No.32160970

>"No one cares about this drama"
>Kronii address it in public PSA
>Kronii now also talking about in members and actually reading the community post
>actually thinks about compromising
>"No one cares"

>> No.32160971

She implied everyone who was watching her is an incel with no female friends
This cunt can go fuck herself

>> No.32161014

Who's Queen Elizabeth in this scenario?

>> No.32161091

>Kronii now also talking about in members and actually reading the community post
>actually thinks about compromising

>> No.32161150

When we see the eventual "TO EVERYONE HATING ON KRONII, LEAVE HER ALONE" plebbit posts....does this mean they've won, or it's just begun?

>> No.32161269
File: 27 KB, 258x319, 1639418656248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is simply interacting with homos now enough to send you people so far off the deep end? What the actual fuck happened with this board? Are you all newfags desperately pretending to be unicorns or something?
Holostars is just a branch, holos always interacted with them. One of the Holostars, Roberu, is particularly famous for holding a neat little interview corner with various people, including holos. This has never been a problem.

>> No.32161656

I don’t know about all that stuff man I’m just never going to watch the homos or anyone who collabs with them

>> No.32161941
File: 1.42 MB, 1211x1211, 1631202990889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids really have no clue what kind of legacy homos actually have. It's a shame, because shit's been really fun.

>> No.32161990

Your first sentence already makes no fucking sense. They have an obligation to do what their fans want because their fans provide them with money in order to live their life. I don't give a fuck that she collabed with a male, I am upset that she and other EN whores can't make a small enough sacrifice on their fans behalf while being paid absurd amounts of money by them. Don't join a company where you're expected to at least imitate an idol and act like a whore, stay on fucking twitch where you belong.

>> No.32162053

you think it's us their laughing at?


>> No.32162354

>Sourse: Believe me bro

>> No.32162368

I don't get why you're melting down so much over this. Would you call Fubuki a whore as well? What about Sora? They both collabed with homos before.

>> No.32162391

>where you're expected to at least imitate an idol
So, tney're doing right, because idols collab with males all the time lmao

>> No.32162399

I don't exactly have the time to watch vtubers all day so prioritizing JP live over EN vods is the only way to go. I wish there was at least 1 member from HoloEN who streamed during Asia/Euro prime hours and maybe with gen 3 I'll finally get lucky. And no, Kiara doesn't count.

>> No.32162539

>>actually thinks about compromising
That is NOT what happened. She even said it was not appropriate to post that.

>> No.32162636

Yes and no. She is still going to collab with Stars, and even is confused as to why people are reacting this way. Said it's not appropriate to air this on unrelated posts.

She was relieved to find out everyone only freaks out when they collab with the Stars "the first time", and that this won't happen next time.

>> No.32162680

they're donations not a paycheck, you dont like it dont donate

>> No.32162786

>She was relieved to find out everyone only freaks out when they collab with the Stars "the first time", and that this won't happen next time.
Yes because all your old fans have now left you. Dumb cunt.

>> No.32162883

>actually thinks about compromising

She's literally asking chat why ID doesn't get flak for these collabs and wants to know what ID does to keep this from happening.

Homo Collabs are the future

>> No.32162896

No one left Fubuki when she collabed with homos for the first time ages ago.
God I hate newfags, you really have no clue what Hololive actually is.

>> No.32162998

>She's literally asking chat why ID doesn't get flak for these collabs
That's a good question. Why is she the only one getting crucified for these collabs when Mori did far more ridiculous stunts and no one gives a shit. This is a Discord raid or something?

>> No.32163012

This, absoluterly this. Thanks, anon.

>> No.32163025

Not him but yeah I would call Fubuki a whore.

>> No.32163109
File: 168 KB, 327x365, 1648668166191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are a nigger faggot retard and you should leave this board immediately.

>> No.32163198

This!!! So much this!!!!!!! Take my reddit gold kind stranger!!!!!!

>> No.32163210

She said she won't collab with JP Stars

Because she can't speak Japanese

The whole stream is her trying to figure out how to keep collabing with Stars and not deal with this same shit.

>> No.32163307

coom on the belly of the beast

>> No.32163518
File: 492 KB, 2616x2962, 1660040261264297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting crucified
She's getting some mild online criticism from people who were once fans of her. That is not crucifixion lmao.
And she's getting it and not Mori because Mori made it clear from the beginning what type of streamer she was. Kronii tried to have her cake and eat it. She's doing a Finana, encouraging unicorns and reeling them in only to throw them under the bus later on.

>> No.32163617

Imagine throwing shade at the very same parasocial fucks who are you ENTIRE target audience. How fucking dumb do you have to be? Why in the fuck does she think anyone watches her in the first place?

>> No.32163698


She's LITERALLY reading self-help about parasocial relationships to chat in her members stream right now.

>> No.32163788

Because she doesn't understand that they're her entire fucking audience lmao

>> No.32163811
File: 423 KB, 700x700, definitely purchased by men with stable jobs and girlfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, who does she thinks buys this???

>> No.32163868

You sound like a schizo. Collabing with homos has never been a fucking Rubicon for unicorns, homos are entirely sanitized, and they always have been. The most you'll get out of them are Roberu memes from the /jp/ of old. I wish we gatekept you retards harder because you're fucking annoying.
The same people who buy Mori bodypillows.

>> No.32163874

Someone called her out on this and she's making fun of them.

>> No.32163914


>> No.32164029

Should read a book on how to acquire a personality that isn’t drenched in monotonous sarcasm and Reddit memes.

>> No.32164055

She's making fun of them because she doesn't understand what her fucking job is looooool

>> No.32164128

Go back.

>> No.32164173

Post clips.

>> No.32164190

I've been here since 2004. How about you go back to your mother's fucking womb, it's been 12 long years since you left.

>> No.32164338


>> No.32164663

You haven't been anywhere in 2004 you fucking underage faggot. I can smell you fucks from a mile away, you came here from r*ddit and now you're desperately trying to fit in. It's not fucking working, so go back.

>> No.32164737

>You haven't been anywhere in 2004



>> No.32164790

That... sounds fun

>> No.32164813

Holy shit, you're a sperg too.

>> No.32165133

Why does every Western roastie makes a point of trippling down on the "you can't control me reeeeee", even when it's clearly hurting them as a creator and creating bullshit drama? Is it the need to prove that they are independent wahmen and no man gets to tell them what to do?
For fuck's sake, just ignore it and it will go away sooner or later.

>> No.32165361

Western women want everything consequence-free. Cause-and-effect? No, you silly incel. They’re above such things, and how DARE you presume otherwise?

>> No.32165715


>> No.32165813
File: 73 KB, 700x700, E9GDe87UcAEuL10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Ouro Kronii at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Kronii stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any temporal infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Kronii kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.32165913
File: 49 KB, 486x420, 1658338409760017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep talking about all this spicy drama and yet there's not a single clip...
inb4 retards who don't know how to disable the live-only function for streams

>> No.32166015

The westoid shitters they hired don’t act like the Holostars you’re talking about.

>> No.32166050

Maybe because they realize you retards would be better off with out your GFE addiction and care about their fans enough to not want to feed you more?

>> No.32166243
File: 54 KB, 680x673, Fap2nBEVsAIX2cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw mori at a market in Japan yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “guh? guh? guh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen boxes of wine in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by brapping really loudly.

>> No.32166288

I don’t need someone, let alone some burnout who had to resort to digital prostitution, to act like my shrink.

>> No.32166380

Yeah cause you're clearly doing such a good job doing that on your own. :^)

>> No.32166605

Irrelevant. The audacity of you dumb niggers to hem and haw like women about /vt/ sticking its nose in other people’s business and personal lives while advocating for the other side to do it to people who didn’t ask either.

>> No.32166716

>it's another /vt/ schizo meltdown over a vtuber telling them to not be schizos as they convince themselves that the chuuba NEEDS to pander to their schizophrenia they definitely do not have
Every fucking time

>> No.32166826
File: 55 KB, 365x365, 1661989165004347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslings winning

>> No.32166896

nice projection.

>> No.32166954
File: 116 KB, 449x600, 1661290365628670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those faggot in shamble, cheers

>> No.32167027

what happen with Ina? who she collabed with?

>> No.32168499

What would it take to redeem her "fan"-base?

>> No.32168879

After trying to understand the opposing side and trying to make a compromise, I can say that I can forgive Kronii.

CGDCT bros keep winning. FUCK unicorns and FUCK homobeggars/tourists.

>> No.32169421


>> No.32169513

How does it hurt her career? I mean, I'm almost 100% sure you aren't like a whale superchatter for her so you really got no leverage.

>> No.32169807

yes, it is the pathetic cucks that get turned on by watching a male and female interact while you rot in your basement that are being laughed at, faggot

>> No.32170041

>gets BTFO
>b-b-but muh strawman
lmao homobeggars are absolute clowns

>> No.32171764
File: 693 KB, 882x944, 1650381713246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc i thought i was already in the deep end but seeing you people, it make me think im a perfectly normal and mentally healthy individual since i don't fucking think this way.

>> No.32171887

holy BASED

>> No.32172161

Trust the rope. Trust it, and you'll never get hurt ever again.

>> No.32172932

CGDCT bros fucking WON! She's going to keep collabing with males, who she talks to and thinks are cool but they are NOT her type, don't worry they are NOT her type. Her channel will not have the collabs on them, so CGDCT bros fucking WON!!!

>> No.32173095

More or less same--unless it was top-down, in which case I'd just ignore it. To me, it's the same as Umisea--obviously forced, from-the-company top-down "business partners" work which I would never watch. But being in a company and collabing for the company line isn't a problem in my book, so long as it doesn't dominate her work.
>"What would it take?"
Some GFE would be nice tho.

>> No.32173111

Kronii needs to pick a side and stick with it. Trying to make a compromise will just make things worse. But watching her own members go after each other was hilarious and I do hope it continues. Would be interesting to see how a holo reacts when their fanbase is at each other's throats.
