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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32047709 No.32047709 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Scarle flop?

>> No.32047799

By which I mean flop her massive tits on my dick

>> No.32047858

That's the answer

>> No.32048003

The same goddamn post yesterday. Did you just wake up, anti-kun? Here for your daily nijiseethe?

>> No.32048046

Model/personality mismatch.

>> No.32048049

she seems like a nice girl but as a streamer she's kind of boring. the design can't do all the work.

>> No.32048898

She makes the most Super Chats of her gen.
Cope tribalist subhuman

>> No.32049029

Magni cursed her

>> No.32049064

she's not entertaining at all, kino model but bad at streaming, idk why niji hired this woman

>> No.32049353


>> No.32049376

Isn't that a rather low bar?

>> No.32049466

Are you for or against seperating people into different groups?

>> No.32049727

Im a holofag but I find it in bad taste to shitpost about Iluna, they arent massive successes but very few are and the girls seem cute enough so I hope they get some moderate success
Except Ren. I hope that faggot clout chaser just graduates

>> No.32050246

I like Scarle though. She has interesting streams and I enjoy her random ancedotes. she's in her own little world just doing whatever. I'd call her the Anya of her gen, and I don't mean that as an insult. You just watch her do whatever that she feels like doing and be amused on how, uh, divorced she is to vtubing, nijisanji and even streaming and curious how she'll develop as a content creator over time.

She does have model/personality mismatch but that's nothing a 2nd outfit can't correct.

>> No.32050284

>Im a holofag but

>> No.32050320

Wait is this true? Last I checked it was rosemi 2 no contest.

>> No.32050464

She needs to collab more with the members I watch already. I love Kyo now because of his interactions with Enna.
Scarle is almost at 20k and Maria is at 15.3k

>> No.32050465

>that's nothing a 2nd outfit can't correct.
If obsydia is any indication, iluna won't get second outfits before the heat death of the universe.

>> No.32050467

I'm guessing, but I think it's the avatar and twitter interaction mismatched with her actual character and voice. At least that's what repel me after her debut.

>> No.32050511

Are you going to post this every time she streams faggot?

>> No.32050513

everyone who subscribed to her before debut thought she was gonna be a mommy

>> No.32050623

Tranny faggots have already ruined NijiEN and as you can see they are now busy fucking up Hololive.

>> No.32050645


>> No.32050698

Hard as fuck if you want someone good.

>> No.32050708 [DELETED] 

extremely high
t. spic

>> No.32050989

Someone please explain the appeal of mommyfaggotry, because I genuinely do not understand it,

>> No.32051247

It would help if Scarle wasn't an insomniac that streamed at the literal worst time slot humanly possible.

>> No.32051364

language and cultural barriers drops the chance of getting some good latinas really bad

>> No.32051612

It's hard to find one that isn't pregnant and about to go on maternity leave.

>> No.32051803

>why is a morning zatsu not getting 5k viewers?

>> No.32051928

>Tranny faggots have already ruined NijiEN
>Finana is in wave 1
NijiEN was newer good though.

>> No.32051977

No mother figure growing up

>> No.32052185

This this this
Scarle is honestly a decent streamer and always has something to chat about, but NA people basically can't watch her. She's on the west coast but streams like an australian.

>> No.32052399

>she was supposed to be mommy
>she wasn't mommy
>she was supposed to form a power couple with that grey haired bitch
>she couldn't be more disappointingly straight and the other bitch is too woke to bother with

>> No.32052450

Shut up, those are decent numbers

>> No.32052456

>being Latino

>> No.32052604

She was one of the tranny faggots destroying it from the inside. Now you see her giving that up since she realized that catering to trannies isn't profitable.

>> No.32052667

Aia has a similar issue. Both of them get comparable VOD views to most of the other NijiEN girls but it seems neither of them are catering to their majority audience's timeslot to be watched live.

Most of Scarle's poorest performing streams have been guerilla 4-5am zatsudans she does because her body clock doesn't exist. Like holy shit figure it out.

>> No.32052795

isn't she taking night classes for college or something? i think that's why she's not streaming in prime time

>> No.32052973

>Shut up, those are decent numbers
For an indie.

>> No.32053080

yeah with my children

>> No.32053083

If that's the case then I'm sure she's made peace with not getting good numbers and just wants to vibe, which I'd respect.

For the most part though, it seems ILUNA has not got the Chinese/Asian fans (which might be good for them in the long run) so they're smaller and need to be more pragmatic about their timeslots.

>> No.32053337

keep pushing vtubers one of them is gotta stick

>> No.32053431

Doesn't matter if it's a low bar or not. It's a lie. She didn't flop. This post should be about the other members of iLuna if they're doing worse than her

>> No.32053592
File: 239 KB, 750x407, 1306B060-43F0-4E2B-BE08-1C5DF174F45F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia’s my favorite in this gen but her streaming hours normally are bad for me.

>> No.32053747

In terms of SC donations, Scarle and Maria are doing the best, and Aia is basically tied 3rd with Kyo and Ren. Aster has the lowest SCs. For live viewership, Aia and Scarle have the lowest. Ren and Kyo the highest.

Conclusion: No Zhang fujos inflating the wave means it's the women that have the more paypigs. The men have more viewers but they're probably broke Tumblrfags.

>> No.32053800

>Pure sex model
>terrible boring streamer

>> No.32053855
File: 106 KB, 618x164, E6E57D9D-A76E-468F-B1A7-2DB048899D4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s be real, what’s the first thing you do when you get up. Is it open YouTube to tune into a live stream? It’s the last thing I want to do in the morning.

>> No.32053952 [DELETED] 

I feel like a talented spic would be the hardest race to find. Way harder than even a black person.

>> No.32054108

>what’s the first thing you do when you get up. Is it open YouTube to tune into a live stream?
That's exactly what I do every morning.

>> No.32054126

Latinas are prostitutes and that isn't a skill that transfers well to streaming (with a model)

>> No.32054146
File: 744 KB, 400x273, Elmofire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did Scarle flop?
Because she is in Nijisanji during the time of Vox and friends

>> No.32054190

I need to wash my mouth, take a bath, get dressed before i do anything with YouTube.

>> No.32054245

Magni still shows up on her streams

>> No.32055344
File: 430 KB, 659x621, 1659895883802999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up, turn on anybody who's streaming, go back to sleep, wake up one hour later, change the stream (if the other one ended), change my clothes, stumble my way to the dining table, eat breakfast.
At no point, unless nobody I watch is streaming, does the streaming of vtubers stop.

>> No.32057754

Uhm that's the first thing I do. Since I don't watch tv anymore it's been live stream and now it's a vtuber to play in the background. Not everyone is you dude.

>> No.32058089

It was her stories about giving fake numbers to guys and shitting on them just for daring to ask her out

I'm sure the femcels still love her but way to alienate your dwindling male audience in one go. Though I suppose ugly femcels would probably also hate her for wasting an opportunity and humble bragging about getting hit on at gamespot like laser cheese

>> No.32058222

Fake latina, is just a boring vtweeter given an expensive model

>> No.32061148

Cute gremlin whore

>> No.32061473
File: 95 KB, 1120x900, 83056142_144973340296672_5065781812437975040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they arent massive successes but very few are and the girls seem cute enough so I hope they get some moderate success
>You just watch her do whatever that she feels like doing and be amused on how, uh, divorced she is to vtubing, nijisanji and even streaming and curious how she'll develop as a content creator over time.
Sigh. All of these things have happened before. and will happen again.

Still miss you Aadya, wherever you are.

>> No.32061716

I liked Noor's streams...

>> No.32062432

wtf is a fake latina? You either are or aren't. tf kind of retarded shit is this?

>> No.32062752

She's in Canada learning 3d animation and stuff now. I found her roommate's channel a few months ago.

>> No.32063009

Spare a breadcrumb for a beggar, if not a whole spoonful?

>> No.32063081

The world just wasn't ready for a latinx vtuber.

>> No.32063111

this but unironically

>> No.32063137

I like her Twisted Wonderlands playthrough

>> No.32063865


>> No.32064455

Thank you

>> No.32065590

>>Trailer promises dommy voice
>>Not a dommy
>>Model promises a Latina
>>Not a Latina
>>"Why isn't she doing better?"

>> No.32066122

Is she too normal?

>> No.32066277

>**she moves away from the mic to breath in**

>> No.32066531

>the design can't do all the work
I wish this was true

>> No.32066640

Fake LatinX

>> No.32068463

>actually a flip
That's why

>> No.32068635

>A flip
Latinx of the orient.

>> No.32069201

As a latino she should be talking like Reimu at the very least but she doesn't. Maybe she's one of those families that moved to the USA and has been here for more than two generations but then she would be a chicana and brought up in that culture. Has she even spoken about this? If not then she might be one of those northern west coast latina's who moved south where we are at as a majority. She doesn't have anything that is tex-mex so that is easily ruled out and same with east coast.

I am real sus about her. If her father is Vietnamese (and her forefathers for that matter) that would explain everything on why she does not fit the latina mold because she is of her father's people. Her father would have to be of indigenous or black origin from latin america and be behaving much like Reimu does at least and from there would depend which type of latina sister she is.

I was really hoping Scale would be a ghetto type of latina with a mouth like Enna and Reimu combined with sexual appeal.

If you really crave for a latina why ain't some of yall watching Reimu? Is it because she collabs with men or somethin? I was watching yesterday's stream of House Flipper and she asked her pentomo's not to cheat on her but I think she was doing it in a joking manner. She was also complaining why she doesn't have a man and asked her pentomo's if they've been in a relationship or are in one and a very few answered yes and she got mad which was funny af. Talkin about something about hearing somebody say they're half-virgin not sure what it was referring to.

>> No.32069256

neXk (You)rXelf

>> No.32071391

I love how LatinX makes spics seethe so much

>> No.32072202

I just like nursing handjobs from oneesan/motherly figures

>> No.32074901

gave her a try. Just didn't like her voice. Kinda got annoying. So I don't watch anymore

>> No.32075519


the design does all the work for some of nijis biggest number, and a huge number of indies are only big for their models
Scarle seems decent but the contrast between just an above average streamer compared to literally the best female vtuber model that has ever been crafted is jarring.
corpo tubers are also oversaturated at this point. she'll dominate the fanart department over every other corpo tuber but that means nothing for streams.

>> No.32075677
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she never did, she never started, the threads before her debut were artificial and fake hype, nobody was interested, npc never learn
