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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 247 KB, 1640x625, nijindia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
315316 No.315316 [Reply] [Original]

Do they get hateful chats against india like curry, poo in loo, sing/dance bollywood pls etc etc?

>> No.315352

there are indian vtubers wtf

>> No.315384

No one cares enough about niji literal whos to do that

>> No.315403

It was the dumbest fucking demographic to ever target and I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to target the indian market besides "there's a billion of them".

>> No.315428

>When all the design budget goes to one member

>> No.315484

That's probably all they thought. India is a big market... but not for vtubers.

>> No.315495

so it was a massive flop?

>> No.315502

They literally tried to rebrand them as nijisanji EN.
Yes, Nijinigger management is THAT dumb.

>> No.315511

Typical Nijisanji approach, shotgunning all market. Sometimes it worked but not for their foreign expansions

>> No.315523

i'm actually insulted that they don't speak hindi (on stream)

>> No.315572
File: 19 KB, 474x474, Aadya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The debuted to a not-enough audience, then Nijisanji rebranded them to Nijisanji EN to salvage the situation. Didn't work, because they didn't prehype the thing and a rebranding isn't as interesting. Then Hololive decided to do their EN thing, so they got rebranded back to NijisanjiIN to clear the way for proper EN branch.
Frankly I think they got screwed over, since they're good streamers. At least I've enjoyed some of Aadya streams.
Hopefully the EN branch will be able to send some viewers their way.

>> No.315728

Sometimes there's miracle like Nijisanji ID and sometimes there's shit decision like Nijisanji IN.

>> No.315766

Mick Gordon is the only reason ID isn't a complete disaster

>> No.315767

>since they're good streamers
Yeah, no

>> No.316072

I like Noor. I heard her KING cover and it's pretty good.

>> No.316323

ID isn't exactly what you'd call successful either

>> No.316334

I think Virtuareal in China does fairly well. The group makes the most out of any on the platform at least.

>> No.316382

I don't know why they hired people that were only going to stream one or two times a week though. You are never going to build an audience like that no matter what you try and regardless of how good you are.

>> No.316427
File: 206 KB, 720x873, 156774588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo, give me brown tomboy loli!

>> No.316445

Isn't Virtuareal more like an independent company that is invested by Nijisanji than a foreign branch?

>> No.316466

Not really. Their chats are small and chill. Noor is cute I just wish she would get over her genshin addiction.

>> No.316507
File: 22 KB, 324x327, etna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have some pretty good design

>> No.316538

I don't really understand exactly how it works or what the ownership arrangements are. It's coproduced with bilibili or something like that.

>> No.316561

Noor is good, it's a shame she was wasted on a failed expansion into a country with a billion people but only a thousand computers.

>> No.316578
File: 352 KB, 720x3543, njijikr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. They even tried Korea which should be a good demographic for such stuff but it still failed.

>> No.316586

I mean she is Indian so what should they do?

>> No.316601

Why would vtubers in korea take off when their entire entertainment market is dominated by people who are 99% plastic and faker than a vtuber avatar?

>> No.316606

How do you know it failed? Do you know what their target was?

>> No.316655

I don't really get that part of it either. People say these things failed but they still seem to be actively building them. Wouldn't you just give up after a year if you didn't see anything in it.

>> No.316675

Well if you just go by the sub numbers then its pretty apparent that they failed as only a couple of them managed to cross 50k and rest of them are still sitting with indie numbers.

>> No.316676

If you revise success down below whatever result you achieve you will always win! Nijisanji Forever!

>> No.316718

>I don't know why they hired people that were only going to stream one or two times a week though.
You just described all of Nijisanji though.

>> No.316741

Not really though.

>> No.316759

Do you know the numbers for indies speaking KR?

>> No.316773

Yeah. Remember 1st and 2nd gen?

>> No.316799

>You just described all of Nijisanji though.

>> No.316818

Fair enough, but low activity doesn't mean you'll automatically fail was my point.

>> No.316867

They're just doing it for fun because most of them have other full time jobs. Niji should've hired full time streamers like Holo. I hope Yagoo doesn't repeat niji's mistake if he's still planning to expand to India >>316427.

>> No.316872

maybe not but I don't think its going to be helpful

>> No.316898

How do you know 50k is what they wanted for it to be a success though? Where are you pulling the numbers from? Your ass?

>> No.316968

There are literally 3 of them, sounds weird to say most. That issue really seems to be IN branch specific. The KR branch for example has a whole group of people that stream with much higher frequency.

>> No.316995

Oh gee, maybe it has something to do with how the only two vtubers from that branch who have seen any kind of success are the ones who've switch to streaming almost entirely in Japanese, while everyone else struggles to get more than 20 viewers?

>> No.317008

Niji doesn't care, they started Niji IN gen 1 to get the infrastructure set up for future expansions if they want to do it seriously, and to just test the waters. The operating cost of vtubers is basically nonexistent so its not like they have any reason to fire them.

Seems dumb to call expansion branches "failures" when they're introducing an entirely new thing to countries that didn't have it before, and learning along the way. Niji KR is a pretty decent success just for that reason. There's basically no other Korean vtubers and if vtubers ever blow up in Korea they're hoping to have the local infrastructure to poach higher quality talent before Hololive can get there.

>> No.317010

Expanding into india is almost as big of a mistake as expanding into China. They should expand into europe or south america.

>> No.317044

Okay but have they said it failed? Also im watching the girl with the least subs right now and she has over 50 viewers so nice rrat.

>> No.317051
File: 45 KB, 301x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji KR is a pretty decent success just for that reason.
No it fucking isn't, nobody in korea watches nijikr. Fucking hell hololive doesn't even have a branch there and they are still have greater market penetration in Korean than nijisanji with their dedicated branch.

>> No.317086

Okay and how many Korean vtubers in Korea does hololive have that koreans are watching? That's what I thought.

>> No.317106

50 whole viewers? That's like almost 1/10 of what vshojo thots get!

>> No.317130

Yeah I'm sure they are happy with their 50 korean view average. The guy who's in charge of the korean branch must be throwing a party in his penthouse apartment right now while his colleage pat him on the back.

>> No.317153

Pretty good considering there are only about 50 million Koreans compared to 1.5 billion English speakers.

>> No.317188

She seems pretty happy to me. Guess she isn't a numbersfag.

>> No.317290

>two vtubers from that branch who have seen any kind of success are the ones who've switch to streaming almost entirely in Japanese
I love Noor but I think she got more subs than her genmates due to the same reason. She still streams in English but she frequently streamed in Japanese too.

>> No.317292

It's relatively successful locally. Hololive ID is on another level though.

>> No.317301

I'm talking about holoKR, not IN.

>> No.317334

Yeah keep revising those standards lower, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can get nijisanji to be judged by the standards of indies.

>> No.317336

They're unimpressive which is unfortunate.

>> No.317348

Which Korean speaking indies are we comparing to?

>> No.317367

Still no source of Ichikara saying KR failed? Sad.

>> No.317376

I know but I was saying that Noor, who frequently streamed in Japanese got more subs just like the NijiKR you were talking about.

>> No.317387

>As long as I don't say it failed it hasn't actually failed

>> No.317394

Nobody cares what ichikara thinks. IN and KR and even nijiniggers ID can be considered OBJECTIVE failures because everyone with half a brain can conclude that all of them aren't bringing in any money save for Hana. And nijinigger management basically acts like they don't exist.

>> No.317420

I accept your concession.

>> No.317427

>if the company doesn't say it failed it didn't fail
Holy fuck, imagine being this dumb

>> No.317435

It's classic nijinigger cope

>> No.317436

Noor is great, Aadya isn't that bad either, Vihaan is meh and it looks like he streams with a static model.

>> No.317450

They really don't act like they don't exist though. What actually gives you this impression is not following any of it closely enough to know what you are talking about and coming to the conclusion that since you don't see it it doesn't exist.

>> No.317452

I accept your surrender

>> No.317459

>keep releasing new gen after new gen

>> No.317485

They literally just had a collab with all branches and it was a huge success. If you pulled your head out of your ass and actually watched vtubers you'd know this. And it's only the beginning.

>> No.317490

Do you also believe that everyone who digs a hole will hit gold if they dig for long enough?

>> No.317622

Why does it feel like no one here actually watches nijisanji and that they only want it shitpost about how superior hololive is?

>> No.317667

Because that is right.

>> No.317678

I don't know anything about nijisanji, but I watch Alice a lot because she is cute!

>> No.317681
File: 514 KB, 510x716, 1612569116727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you think the "This is a hololive baord" is a joke?

>> No.317686

I don't think people realise just how poor most of India is outside the cities. A lot of villages don't have electricity or running water.

>> No.317690

Because of your cognitive bias as everyone around you watches only holo

>> No.317702

that's good to hear. So the fanbase isn't as toxic as ID

>> No.317708

Everyone who doesn't watch Hololive or western indies stayed on /jp/ pretty much.

>> No.317740

Lets be honest here even if they moved over they would be a drop in the bucket and outnumbered by even the vshojo thread

>> No.317748

I am the OP. I do watch some nijisanji but mostly in clips

>> No.317795

>/v/ recognizes that top game series like call of duty and top companies like EA/Ubisoft are shit
>/vt/ sucks the top companies cock while saying numbers is all that matter
What went wrong?

>> No.317810
File: 122 KB, 661x623, 1612298854085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just jealous that homos aren't as successful as niji males.

>> No.317817

If we cared about games, we'd play them. We're here only watch the chuubas make funny noises.

>> No.317833

I'm sure that if Niji viewers were actually using this board there would be some of them in a thread about Nijisanji at least. But yeah, still a drop in the bucket compared to all the r/hololive posters here.

>> No.317878

/v/ is split between nintendo and sony dicksuckers wtf are you talking about

>> No.317978
File: 108 KB, 850x510, 1611965997143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure most people who have been watching vtubers for more than a few months have a couple Nijisanji favorites too but the the threads just can't seem to stay afloat. That's just how it is.

>> No.318003
File: 137 KB, 1000x988, hololive haato carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda get the same feeling. The couple of threads about Nijisanji I've seen on this board have basically been about holofans laying out their rrats. The one Niji thread up right now that's left untouched is racing towards page 10 with like 11 replies. I don't think there are any actual nijjers here.

>> No.318038

Because you kuzuha-faggots disgust me.

>> No.318058

There is a nijisanji thread though.>>313864
It's almost completely divorced from the jp thread but it's there

>> No.318080

Console company is actually much closer analogy compared to games company

>> No.318164

Everyone who watches Nijisanji is still on /jp/ because their janny deletes all Hololive-related posts in the /jp/ Niji thread.

>/v/ recognizes that top game series like call of duty and top companies like EA/Ubisoft are shit
And yet all the threads on /v/ and /vg/ are about AAA games from scummy companies like Riot and Ubisoft and EA, or gacha shit, because that's all the zoomers on those boards have known since they were born. Doesn't help much to call them bad companies when they still suck their cock with mom's credit card for skins.

>> No.318170

Video games are just vehicles to push degenerate politics these days. Meanwhile the major japanese video game companies do everything in their power to keep their content politics free. It's pretty much the last remaining bastion of entertainment that's completely devoid of politics.

>> No.318187

I meant major japanese vtubing companies.

>> No.318623

Never saw anything like that on Noor's streams, japanese love her somehow though, they can easily dominate the chat.

>> No.320855

I watch Noor and haven't seen any comments like that yet.

>> No.321059

>almost as big of a mistake as expanding into China
nijisanji's chinese branch is doing fine, they make good song covers

>> No.321168

Who gives a shit whether the streamers are Korean or not? If the Koreans would rather watch JPs than their own people, then why even bother making more Korean chuubas?

>> No.321229
File: 293 KB, 522x736, SKcqpC3Cu1nJVl5GXCkr0YUBW4J3kOebLAAXtL0Rdnc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've subbed to exactly ONE Niji, and it's only because I'm starved for tomboy streamers, and even then, I still don't watch her because she mostly plays APEX and Pokemon. Until they come out with an EN branch, I just won't feel the need to invest much into them.

>> No.321964

I loved her King's cover.

>> No.322251

I stand by my theory that the only way for NijiKR or a hypothetical HoloKR to succeed would be to pander less to actual Koreans and more to overseas koreaboos. Get talent like HoloID2 that's fluent in English but can still make Korean songs and do the occasional KR only stream.
I unironically think this would be decent move if they ever decide to expand Holostars overseas but don't feel ready to commit to an EN branch for them yet

>> No.322306

Wait, so they have the designs ready before they even do the auditions? No wonder it flopped so hard

>> No.322313

That might work, but at what cost? K-pop stans are a bigger cancer on this earth than ultranationalist bugmen. It's not worth the trouble they might cause.

>> No.322354

Because that's the truth. This is a hololive board with a lot of people who hate nijisanji for not being hololive. They have some weird compulsion with them.

>> No.322379

So are Nijisanji JP and they have more tons with over 200k lol including from 2020 wave

>> No.322407

If they are going to do that what even is the fucking point of doing a foreign branch for that? Just hire someone who can speak korean in japan and fold them into your main branch, that way you don't have to deal with the hassele of international business and you basically achieve the same result anyway.

>> No.322412

I'm watching Jiyu right now and totally like her. I usually don't watch non-JP chuubas but she speaks mainly Japanese which makes things a lot easier. It might also be my bias for tomboys speaking but she's really cute.
There are quite a few gems in the Korean branch.

>> No.322420

Yeah that's really the only issue, the fanbase is dominated by underage girls with no social skills and a tendency to inject political bullshit where it isn't necessary. Plus some the rrats and fanfics they come up with make our schizos look well adjusted

>> No.322426

>Niji ID
Hana macchiato is the only relevant one and you can thank her being basically an English streamer and mick gordon being based for that. No to mention that they all get completely mogged by holoID

>> No.322479

Still a bad practice overall. Letting the talent have a say on the design is a better approach since the talent develops a more intimate relation with the avatar

>> No.322507

Nijisanji fans has caused trouble for hololive on at least two occasions, and ever since then it's become a common refrain to blame any kind of JP fan outrage on nijisanji shitstirrers. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter at this point.

>> No.322844

I don't think so. Melissa had a complex about her big boobs so she got a new outfit which makes her flatter. Rikiichi auditioned for a blonde ojousama with drill hair and got his current look instead because the management thought everything else would be a waste of his talent, and they were right. He still streams as an ojousama sometimes but it's better as a one off joke.

>> No.323963
File: 343 KB, 800x720, En6qJBSVoAEKYZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, why are people still bringing this Mick Gordan shit up. That was ages ago. Cia, Miyu, Bon and Zea in particular have actually had more viewers recently than ever. Hana's still doing's great. Do really think Mick's presence alone popping up during a single one of Hana's streams has that much staying power?

>> No.324063

Who is Mick Gordan?

>> No.324860

herd mentality, tribalist mentality but everyone is hololive fan

>> No.325000

>Nijisanji fans has caused trouble for hololive on at least two occasions
what? where is proof? don't tell me it's some rando nips tweet and 5ch thread

>> No.325067

>our schizos
I keep seeing this mentioned in lots of threads, but I actually think that blue-board schizos are at worst just obsessed autists. It never compares with actual asian schizos or even just the red-board schizos.

>> No.325121

Boran learned Japanese just to be relevant and successful. Her fps skills are great too.

>> No.325677

Aloe got harassed because she criticized nijisanji in the past.
And the holocaust was caused by nijifags reporting holo videos.

>> No.325755

where's proof? i am asking for proof, not your narrative

>> No.325783

Look at this one go

>> No.325834

>siu lee
she looks familiar...

>> No.325876

Composer of the recent Doom soundtracks. Had an infamous moment where he visited Hana's stream.

>> No.325944

Considering KDA did numbers, this is probably a good idea.

>> No.325982

Korean Friend!

>> No.326157

how is nijisanji allowed to be this incompetent, feel really bad for them now

>> No.326208

You want tomboy livers and you are not subbed to Melissa ? anon...

>> No.326537

Because this is an EOP board. JSP mainly watch niji because they can see the obvious virginbait yuribait of HL.

>> No.326574

>this is what nijiniggers actually tell themselves

>> No.327056

ask the same question in nnd, 2ch, 5ch and see what the nips would say but swap hololive and superior nijisanji.

>> No.327328

She criticized it based on nothing but rumors btw, because the vtuber from nijisanji wasn't out from harassement but because she wanted to get in the music industry as a singer, which is what she did after graduation.

>> No.327348

b-but people on here said holoJP still more popular than nijiJP no?

>> No.327376

Cover is so competent. That's why Mel wasn't harassed by a manager, Mio didn't get two strikes, we have tons of merchandise out there, a great 3D technology..

>> No.327410

but 4chan said to me that hololive is more popular in jp than nijisanji even though nijisanji and kizuna are the only recognizable in there.

>> No.327434

Oh that totally justifies those schizos gangstalking her and making her attempt suicide, thanks for clarifying that nijinigger.

>> No.330719

Oh, so thots can make a false sexual harassment report amd still getting away with it, thank for clarifying holonigger

>> No.330816

He's asking you for proof that the schizos stalking and asking her to kill herself were Nijisanji fans.

Also here, why don't just scroll down this guy's twitter https://twitter.com/makutakotako?lang=ja who regularly gets both EN and JP Hololive fans giving him pages upon pages of DMs telling him to suicide and whether he deserved it.

>> No.331134

>they're good streamers
Noor is passable, the other two are never fucking around.

>> No.331660

There are more Pikamee fans on this board than Nijis

>> No.331966

>Hana and a bunch of literal whos
Dude have you seen the new niji IDs? I wouldnt even join with designs like those jesus

>> No.332288
File: 14 KB, 225x225, nagisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not agree with you calling the other IDs literal whos, because ZEA and Cia in particular has been hitting some pretty good numbers recently, but holy fuck what were they thinking with Nagisa's design. Should have just gone full goth loli. At least Derem's is unique.

>> No.334313

Shotgun approach

>> No.334478

She didn't even critizise it, she brought up that she knew certain people who worked at certain other vtuber agencies with bad practises. Some nijinigger heard that and assumed that she was talking about nijisanji and that's when the whole thing started

>> No.334928
File: 2.25 MB, 2048x1448, ezgif-1-59e76aebb260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have had the belts be an alt for derem, white hair is always a big attention-grabber

>> No.335584

Don't be retarded, she literally named Kudou Chitose then lied about being acquainted with her and the reason why she retired.
Why would she lie? Fuck if I know for sure, probably for clout with her little group of viewers and because she didn't know (ex-)Chitose was gonna redebut a week later as a singer so she thought she could get away with it.

>> No.335691

This are her exact words
>にじさんじってよくツイキャスとか歌い手からよく引っ張ってきてるんよ、Vの中身の人を。それを良く思ってなかった人が人がいて、事務所のVの中の人どうしで遊んでいた時に、 久遠千歳 のリアルの顔が裏垢で拡散され、それが身内どうしで回って、表に出てきて、 久遠千歳の本名と顔写真と全部晒されて、住所、住所まではいってなかったかな?出身校とか年齢とか顔とか全部晒されて
>Niji-Sanji often scouts talents from twitcasters and 歌い手 (indie singers ) for their Vtubers. There are people who are not happy with that. When Chitose Kudou was hanging out with other Niji Sanji Vtubers, (the picture of) her real face spread on their private accounts, it spread to the inner circle, then leaked to outside, her real name, her face, and such got all exposed.
> それで多分ガチ恋勢とかがさ、家にリア凸したりとか、まあ色々細かい情報を調べて、まあなんか色々悪いことをするんじゃないかって心配を恐れての引退だからね、あれ
>maybe (there are) gachikois (serious fans) who would go to her real house, or looking up more details, and do bad things, her retirement was due to fear from the concerns over such things that might happen (She didn't say fans went to her house)
>So, famous agencies are scary because things of this kind happen. Actually, Vtubers who used to do twitcasting or 歌い手 are scary. They become Vtubers and are being flattered but many of them did messed up things when were 歌い手. So, choosing an agency should be done carefully.

>> No.335811

Her head is too big...
Just make her head smaller probably can improve her design

>> No.336428

Melissa is pretty girly, despite what she says.

>> No.337855

>forgetting Hayama Marin
She's literally a genki brown tomboy. Pretty similar to Chigusa actually just not a koreaboo.

>> No.340101

Her dad and translated clip in niconico is much more reason for her growth.

>> No.341881

>or south america.
same problem with india, a losta of population but way less computers and why bother when EN exist considering than +60% of said population understand reasonablely well english?

>> No.342224

>hololive board
and the orange guys

>> No.342321

How would I go about commissioning a south park style live2d rigging of moot's face?

>> No.342399

>They literally tried to rebrand them as nijisanji EN.
Holy shit.
Probably also the fact they're literally Indian vtubers still.

>> No.342987

>same problem with india, a losta of population but way less computers
you wouldn't think that considering how much "come to brazil" spam I've seen in 2+ decades of using the internet.

>> No.350117

He's still kinda responsible for skyrocketing Hana and essentially saving NijiID

At least by the time Pikamee started boosting Hana you could say it's paying back

>> No.352744

> her retirement was due to fear from the concerns over such things that might happen
Stop with that absolute bullshit, that's why everyone calls her a clout chaser.
Her whole narrative is based on that "fact" but it's now public that Chitose left to pursue her (successful) career in the music industry.

>> No.352785

I'm quoting her words directly you dumbfuck

>> No.352798
File: 72 KB, 500x500, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not harassment if everyone's having fun !!!

>> No.353136

I don't understand why people still defend Aloe. These autists have a serious saviour complex.

>> No.353268

"muuuuh singing so great"
that bitch is using a retarded hamster voice plus autotune wtf, if she debuted in nijisanji this board would be making fun of her retarded voice

>> No.353294
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, BIG ROBBARI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it doesn't contain flashy musical numbers, ridiculous anime level fight scenes or magic tricks, Indians simply don't give a shit.

>> No.353416

Gee I wonder why people defend someone who got harrassed by nijiniggers

>> No.353558

You are not harrassed if you are the instigator

>> No.353566

The same white knight audience who would watch twitch whores

>> No.353611

So just like Roa then?

>> No.353881

Same. I love her

>> No.355488

>Dollar Tree Fubuki

>> No.355518

The dude doesn't even look Indian lmao

>> No.356174

I don't know anything about niji IN, but how is this a bad idea? The fact that it's a huge potential market is literally the only thing that matters

>> No.356210

Because they're not weebs and the majority are dirt poor?

>> No.358836

Im insulted that they tried to make them the main English branch for Nijisanji, cant really connect with someone from such a vastly different culture and people. Just fucked up for both parties.

>> No.358838

Because there's almost no weebs there, the vast majority of the country lives in conditions that could be considered medieval and the few people that do have access to the internet are all barely educated and do nothing but send unsolicited sexual advances to white women on instagram.

>> No.358987

>do nothing but send unsolicited sexual advances to white women on instagram
Isn't that true for every culture?

>> No.359029

You say that as thousands of people happily watch Japanese vtubers?

>> No.359042

It's a stereotype about indians that exists because it's true. I had a girlfriend who did cosplay and only had like 4K subscribers on instagram and facebook and her inboxes were full of indians.

>> No.359128

They're japanese though, they didnt make japanese natives their EN branch. It seems fake and just rude to both the talent and the viewers that they're trying to bring in. Like with HoloEN, these are all people with western life experience, even Ina seems to have a lot of western experience. Also i'd argue that while japanese culture can be pretty weird to a westerner, they're a lot more western than the rest of Asia. India is extremely alien to westerners for the most part and the draw to their culture isnt something that anyone has in big numbers. Japan has a shit ton of stuff that leaks into western media that makes people interested in them before they even think about looking into Japanese Vtubers. How many westerners go out of their way to watch Indian TV shows or media?

>> No.359869

I would have thought the talent would have seen it as a good opportunity if anything. Suddenly you have gone from being marketed to one (albeit larger) country where you aren't doing particularly well, to being marketed to just about the entire world.

I don't really watch them at all but culturally at least they seem quite western to me.Just looking through their videos you see things like "simp", "cursed", "anime girl", "rip and tear" all sorts of meme western shit.

>> No.360333

They do speak Hindi though. It's like HoloID where they mainly speak English but sometimes speak Indonesian. If the chat itself isn't using Hindi then I don't know why they'd use it but they do reply to Hindi messages if someone sends them in chat.

>> No.360707
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>I had a girlfriend

>> No.361056

Delicious nijinigger tears

>> No.361260

I actually kinda love these streamers with low amount of viewers and subs. I'm a poorfag and they almost always respond to every message even if it's not a supa.

>> No.366351

You must be brain dead if you think there aren't enough computers in India. The problem is that the people who own computers usually never care to watch Indian content in the first place.

>> No.372135

Siu is cute, witty and has great taste in games

>> No.372193

Someone would even need to know they exist to even send them any kind of hateful messages though

>> No.372263

The problem is that its cheap, lazy, and could not be a clearer message from management that they do not give a fuck about you.

>> No.375660

Wew this thread lasted a lot longer than I thought

>> No.379670

niji is the only agency somewhat visible in the west and holofans need a target to justify their vtuber choice are the best kek

>> No.384684

same. Any streamer over 100 viewers is just too hard to interact with

>> No.387259

so, whats the actual problem with nijisanji branches, why are their numbers so low, is it ichikara's fault? a mismanagement? serious answer please.

>> No.387524

Nijisanji's business model is literally shitting out as many vtubers as they can and hoping something sticks, and barely supporting the people that they hire who don't experience growth. They have a quantity over quality problem. The only time they got lucky in their branches was hana. And that's just because they hired someone who happened to be fluent in English which they probably didn't know.

>> No.388089

This is such bullshit. They literally just announced they are giving entirely new redesigns to the two lowest subscribed members of the KR branch.

>> No.389070

Ok, now contradict the other points in my post about them hiring people that simply don't have the charisma to make it.

>> No.389307

So you want me to disprove your claim that you haven't even proven? When you have already demonstrated that you are quite happy to regurgitate nonsense?

>> No.389336 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 480x360, pajeet_virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, your computer has a virus

>> No.390034

It's the standard japanese company problem where they don't understand how to appeal to overseas audiences and that just because they are affliated with a company that's big in japan doesn't mean that people will check them out. The whole thing where they rebranded a bunch of indians as the EN branch just because they happen to speak english is a perfect example of how little they understand the foreign market.

>> No.391551

Yes, I'm pretty sure you know that and you have given a chance to all of them to know they don't have charisma.

>> No.391570

> quantity over quality problem

How many of those have you watched to give this argument?

>> No.391772

If that was true, you don't think those branches would disappear? But instead, they are active for years.

>> No.393622

>two lowest subscribed members of the KR branch
But that's Yorumi's sister. Her design is great.

>> No.394191
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>> No.396150

Gaon and Chiho they have been there since the beginning but been not had much growth at all.

>> No.396361

That's fair. Compared to the others, they really need it.

>> No.396411

Every new member has overtaken them eventually. I think as it stands most of the latest gen that haven't would have probably done so soon.

>> No.399040

Vtubers have very minimal overhead after the initial set up cost, so as long as they don't cost them money there's no point in retiring them.

>> No.399117

Remember when they turn them into NijiEN and then backpedal about it after HoloEN succeeds?

They already graduated 4 of them anon, it's only a matter of time until the others except for Bora and Roha Lee follow suit.

>> No.399944

They didn't graduate 4 of them. Don't forget that some of those vtubers came from a merger with another agency that was about to die.
