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31622146 No.31622146 [Reply] [Original]

>Does Gamescom guerilla over Alban's Gamescom sponsorship stream
>Asked to postpone outfits for Obsydia even though they were ready back in March, wanted to postpone it till September and management told her to fuck off
WTF is wrong with her? Is she trying to sabotage NijiEN or what?

>> No.31622443

Selen is an agent from Hololive???

>> No.31622925

Where the fuck do you have any proof the outfits were done in march anon? And where did you get the info that Selen wanted to postpone till September? Sounds like some faggoty bait to me.

>> No.31623099

Petra said on her outfit stream that her outfit has been done since March

>> No.31623193

They were waiting for rosemi's mama to get off her lazy ass and draw something

>> No.31623286

and is somehow selen's fault because?

>> No.31623307

Ok, and where the fuck did you get that Selen wanted to postpone in September?

>> No.31623352

Rosemi said her outfit was ready for months.

>> No.31623460
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>> No.31623506

Selen said on her own stream after the outfit announcement that she wanted to postpone it to September. Do you guys watch streams at all?

>> No.31623591

Timestamp it fag, I don't believe you.

>> No.31623776

Anon is that a serious question?
Are you actually retarded?
Literally no one on this board watches selen, we just use her dumb face for bait threads.

>> No.31623801

He's a thread reader from /#/. They're melting down right now. Hopefully this will humble them to not shit post so much, because checking out that thread... damn they cannot handle the bantz.

>> No.31623858

>what's wrong?

>> No.31624085


>> No.31624393


>> No.31624438

If the outfits were ready since fucking March, do you really think fucking Selen herself could delay them for 6 fucking months? Anon you are hella fucking retarded

>> No.31625119

>Petra and Rosemi ready to go since March
>Selen wanted to ask a delay of 1 more month because she isn’t ready yet
Who else to blame but her?

>> No.31625422

this kek. simple process of elimination leaves selen as the only possible reason for the delay. her admitting that she wanted to stall for another month just cements it

>> No.31626074

Holokeks DESPERATELY trying to create drama after seeing their numbers absolutely mogged by Petra
Can't wait to see what this board looks like when Luxiem outfits are revealed KEK

>> No.31626176

For months on this board it's been
>It's lazy Rosemama's fault
>Petra's mama is so lazy and slow
But now that signs possibly point toward Selen being the hold-up it's:
>Do you really think one girl could hold up the outfits?
Added bonus finding out that dragoons don't even watch her streams. Don't worry, I'll still watch it.

>> No.31627216

People acting like Selen delayed anything when it was the fucking Concept Art that was done in March. Petra even said so in the fucking stream.

>> No.31627446

Holofags aren't in the conversation. This is about Dragoon genocide. They have been a blight on Niji EN, and I'm sure others will just watch the slaughter from afar.

>> No.31627476

its too late, the narrative took off in the main thread and is a commonly accepted fact. even if it gets disproven, people will still carry the hatred even knowing its false

>> No.31627555

>Dragoon Genocide
All out war... they will probably seek amnesty with our enemies

>> No.31627658

is this how hogoons cope?

>> No.31627828

No, she said she's been waiting to show us since March. That could mean anything from concept art to finished models.

>> No.31627898

These are really dumb rrats. It's pretty obvious from all of their comments they had the character art done in march, but all the rigging/finalizing has been on going since then. Do you really think they don't see them till they're fully rigged?

>> No.31628600

I can't believe this FAT FUCK had the balls to make a stream whining about le bad management for not delaying the outfits EVEN FURTHER for her autistic commissioned project when she was well aware that it was already delayed a fuckton because of her

>> No.31628825

>Got told to prepare for outfit reveal at the start of august
>Went "huh?"
>Wanted to delay it to prepare
>This somehow means that she delayed it since fucking march

>> No.31629197

That doesn't mean she's been delaying since march. Do you really think she has the power to do so? Do you really think nijien management would allow such a thing? Do you really think that if all of obsidya outfits were ready since march they wouldn't show them on their 1 year anniversary stream? That Selen would even make subtle jokes about not having a new outfit for over a year if her outfit was already finished?

>> No.31629203

She literally saying she wanted to delay her reveal
but would be too far from the others
Do your fucking english reps, even my ESL ass understood what she said

>> No.31629373

Everyone hates Dragoons as well. Too bad Dragoons shat on their family so they have no one to have their back anymore.

>> No.31629440

you don't understand anon she clearly HATES her genmates after solo commissioning multiple events which included all of them

>> No.31629461
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>This is about Dragoon genocide.
Final solution the dragoons for a better world

>> No.31629480

>Selen anti thread

>> No.31629916

No one really dislikes Selen (although there are some who do), and you can see ITT where dragoons immediately blamed rosemi's mama and didn't watch streams enough to know things that Selen had said herself. I don't even think that it's Selen's fault that outfits were so delayed, but the way dragoons act has made her a target.

>> No.31629951

stop evading filters schizo

>> No.31629961

>No one really dislike Selen
The main thread always shat on her and today they shat on her even harder
I don't know why they keep pretending

>> No.31629992

Fagoons btfo, fat lazy dragon doesn't even deserve to have the same mom as Elira.

>> No.31630016

>always shat on her
Posting oceanlaw art is not shitting on her dragoon

>> No.31630107

>cherrypicking unrelated shit
It only take a few seconds to read those "Whats your opinion on Selen?" to see a lot of people unironically hating her

>> No.31630243

Sorry /#/, shitposting this hard about her isn't going to make people not watch her outfit reveal.

>> No.31630585

She's a selfish megalomaniac bitch who burns money on random projects because she's trying to compensate for something, she pulls this bullshit about doing it for the other members but no one uses that shit, the vast majority don't even have VR equipment, the 3d chibis was the only thing she managed to get going and this was more just the others who got interested jumping in, pomu was already doing VR chat streams before that anyway

>> No.31630673

rent free

>> No.31630731


>> No.31630763

Why not? She's literally the biggest female Niji and can probably tell Rosemi and Petra what to do. And Niji management never do anything anyway

>> No.31631210

Just because Dragoons shit on all the other livers thus being a beacon to put Dragoons back in their place doesn't mean people hate Selen. Do you know why they shat on her hard today? Do you know that it has almost been a whole month of Dragoons being utterly insufferable and pointing fingers at everyone. From management to Luxiem to Luxiem viewers to iLuna, and so on. Dragoons should monitor their behavior, because they are only going to recieve what they output.

>> No.31631323

Enna is becoming the big dawg now and Selen is a shrimp to Luxiem. She's literally holding up Ethyria and Luxiem for her selfish reasons, none the less her own wave mates. Glad management made a hard deadline for them to FINALLY get the outfits out.

>> No.31631436

>doesn't mean people hate Selen
Why you lie on the internet anon? Selen had antis way before Luxiem and now they just don't pretend anymore, you can say they hate the fan base but telling yourself that a lot of people don't hate Selen on that thread is pure delusion

>> No.31631640

The way Dragoons act in the main thread doesn't help. Act like a victim as much as you want, the beating was a long time coming. Then marching Selen as a martyr all the time. Dragoons surely didn't help the perception of Selen in the thread, especially with their month long hissy fit.

>> No.31631689


>> No.31631871

nta but if you think that you "defeated / beat them" you are wrong, they got in situations like this way before and they always manage to go back
tomorrow you will see them defending selen as always like nothing happened

>> No.31631908
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>> No.31632003

Of course, they always do it. Hence why people hate Dragoons.

>> No.31632246

>You hate them because they defend their oshi from people who is shitting on her

>> No.31632387

>You hate them because they defend their oshi from """people""" who is shitting on her

>> No.31632447

You hate everything related to Selen, got it

>> No.31632485


>> No.31632613

Proud selen anti since the week she debuted AMA

>> No.31633150

What do you mean "Why not?", how can you believe that Selen has the power not only to delay her own outfit reveal for six months(which is in itself a retarded idea) but to also make Petra and Rosemi delay theirs? Why would they obey her? And again, if all of their outfits were supposedly ready since march why not reveal them in their 1 year anniversary? This rrat just doesn't make sense.

>> No.31633208

>but to also make Petra and Rosemi delay theirs?
She didn't retard, she asked to delay only HERS
Fucking threadwatchers

>> No.31633750

>default portrait
there has never been a thread made with a default portrait that isn't lazy bait

>> No.31634242
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>> No.31634411

Yeah, that's my point

>> No.31634766

why'd you anti her so early

>> No.31637305

> Selen anti thread from someone who actually watches her
rent free jesus christ

>> No.31637899

>who actually watches her
>used the fresh /NijiEN/ "drama" about Gamescom overlap and managed to misinterpret what she said about outfit delay
Nah, seems like a poor falseflag attempt

>> No.31638329

point still stands, nothing to do with Hololive and everything to do with local nijien schizos

>> No.31639498


>> No.31639593
File: 3.21 MB, 2322x3895, __selen_tatsuki_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_takechi49__ae60992a9068bf154b88e7266c24e795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's a selfish megalomaniac bitch who burns money
Tragic. She's relatable like an adorkable distaff counterpart of sorts, and has the kind of cavalier "does whatever she wants while still doting on her fans" attitude I can respect, but my own megalomania can't tolerate my being beneath her. Feels bad, man.

>> No.31639958

>defending anyone online. Especially someone that doesnt know (you) exist.

Just fucking enjoy entertainment and move on from your emotional dependency. Be a man

>> No.31640046

This is true, we should gossip about anime girls on the internet like real men

>> No.31640068 [SPOILER] 
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(shhh she is the holospy!)

>> No.31640589
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Vtubers' niche is "women talking to and being nice to (You)." Preying upon men's loneliness and unmet emotional needs is literally the entire point of their existence. All female vtubers are succubi, and pretending otherwise is just a massive cope by people too weak-minded to accept when something they enjoy (doing) is morally and ethically repugnant.

With that said, it's the rationalizations and mental gymnastics I find off putting. Don't hate the ones who're self-aware. It's the ones who smile fakely while loathing their fans, as if they're somehow any better, that make me cringe.

>> No.31642432

Because they're in the same group? Everyone will never shut the fuck up If Rosemi and Petra get their outfits but Selen doesn't. I'm not saying it's Selen telling them to delay their outfits but if she did then the other two will have to comply, I mean, what the fuck are they gonna do? Telling her to fuck off? Of course they can't do that.

>> No.31644024

Outfits were done early but so was Selen’s, they were only told the reveal date in august which fucked with selen since she needed more time for her reveal stream prep due to having other projects, wanted to delay her own reveal till September but wasn’t allowed

>> No.31644745

This but unironically.
I've been calling them succubus for ages now, and not in the 'haha yeah they're kinda like that aren't they' way, I mean they are actual succubi. Like straight up for real, they meet all of the pre-requisites.

>> No.31649334

shes based

>> No.31652691


>> No.31652778

based pomudachi

>> No.31657433


>> No.31657520

she's lying to cover for the management being fat lazy fucks
