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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 169 KB, 399x383, 1660235110667332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30898783 No.30898783 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30898910


>> No.30899153

A Breakdown of Lumi's Typical Week:

Full Time Job 1 = 32 - 40 hrs
Full Time Job 2 = 32 - 40 hrs
Streaming = 42 hrs
Other = 46 - 62 hrs

46 - 62 hrs/7 days = 6.57 - 8.86 hrs/day

Sleeping, "Medical" School, Eating, Reading, Other Stuff ~ 7 - 9 hrs/day

Depending on what you make of this, Lumi may or may not be full of shit

>> No.30899212

as fap material? yes
as a vtuber i'm going to watch? no

>> No.30899226
File: 165 KB, 720x2167, LumiSeetheCope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one picks her

>> No.30899277

Yeah as one of my murder victims

>> No.30899314


>> No.30899318
File: 218 KB, 600x600, 1658937567634992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already picked the funny bunny.

>> No.30899322

Based schedule schizo?

>> No.30899424

She is full of shit but she is still better than most phase girls,

>> No.30899434
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x1203, invaders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaneko Lumi is very good at convincing people that she's the next big thing, or at least pandering to people thru basic /pol/ references, horny coombaiting, and ticking every checkbox that a lonely vst nerd on 4chan would find appealing.
Lumi's strongest ability isn't her mediocre streaming skill or her basic singing, but having mods being able to promote her existence through constant usage of 4chan and talking like a millennial journalist working for a gaming website trying to clickbait people through the lowest hanging fruit possible, while exuding an aura of unwarranted self importance.

It exudes such a fake and disingenuous aura to not only the character she plays, but the person as well. If you just read her hype posts and looked at her numbers that her fans will quickly point to, you would think she is must see entertainment. However, if you actually watch her stream, you will find someone who is uninspired talking to a slow chat that, for being "near 4view,” her chat moves as slow as most 2views and 1/3 of her chatters are her mods and it really is the best example of there being no organic demand or natural entertainment value.
The truth is she would literally be out of vtubing if Pipkin Pippa didn't take pity on her and beg Phase Connect to hire her after she bombed out of CyberLive, stole money from there, and killed that company.

>> No.30899459

The fuck? I thought you were picking me up? I've been waiting for an hour.

>> No.30899494


>> No.30899618

Yuri is good, i hope she can eventually leave lumi and phase behind for something better

>> No.30899660

>near 4view
the only lie here. she is barley even 3view on YouTube.

>> No.30899706

Is this why shes becoming a pickme girl, noone picked her?

>> No.30899804

Watched one of her streams, she talked about how she doesn't watch/like anime, made me wonder why she's pretending to be an anime girl on the internet, never watched her again. Seems to be trying real hard to participate in something she has no real interest in

>> No.30899918

extremely based point that I will use against her in the future

>> No.30900031

Depends, will you keep shitting on Goslings Lumi? I'm a mentally ill loner with lots of money that needs pandering to.

>> No.30900037

I will

>> No.30900251

>notices vtubers trending
>views that as easy money
>gets into a startup corpo
>the more money she gets the more of the act she drops
>openly starts to shit on the whole culture
yet another episode of "why gatekeeping is perfectly fine"

>> No.30900448

>both announce total rebrands
>NTR Thursday cancelled
>some of the oldfag mods left
something is fishy.

>> No.30901232

I'm going to trust lumi and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.30901353

Well, I can't stop you from burning yourself if you're that stubborn.

>> No.30901366

I will keep watching her until someone else makes warhammer content

>> No.30901485

based frankly, and i used to be one of her biggest shills

>> No.30901646

She doesn't watch because she doesn't have the time to invest, she still watches FOTM.

>> No.30901652

Anon, the "pick me girl" meta is so seven weeks ago. Get with the program.

>> No.30902026

>she still watches FOTM.
she doesn't
she's just following the trends by pretending

>> No.30902085

She watched the Kitagawa shit.

>> No.30902162

any proof beyond posting a few gifs on her twitter?

>> No.30902232

I remember her discussing the plot, but that was long ago, so I have no source on hand.

>> No.30902251

i mean
she did in VC at least twice
muted and possibly deafened as is par for the course from her

>> No.30902331

so she didn't watch that, thanks for agreeing

>> No.30902596

My standards are pretty low for vtubers (I can watch Shylily for example), and I still pass on Lumi. Too fake, too much pandering to /here/ and watching her play RTS games just pains me. There are no redeeming qualities. At least Lily is cute.

>> No.30902876

you mean a fat girl who copies veibae and makes animal noises is cute?

>> No.30902913

This, it was a huge turnoff when she called JRPGs weebshit... bitch you're an anime girl

>> No.30903262

>and ticking every checkbox that a lonely vst nerd on 4chan would find appealing
You mean playing strategy games? That's literally the only checkbox she needs to check, and guess what, she's literally the only chuuba that plays strategy games.

>> No.30903294
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>> No.30904438

Shit tastes, also every girl is fake and manipulative. At least be fake and manipulative about the stuff that I like.

>> No.30904482

Nah, one other has been getting into them lately, but I won't be shilling that bitch, she broke my heart

>> No.30904782

Ah, yes. No yabs is another checkbox, but that should be for all chuubas, and it seems that it's a high hurdle for a lot of them.

>> No.30905026

No I won't. Rape is less fun if they're asking for it.

>> No.30906953


>> No.30907019
File: 437 KB, 578x619, bait[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1ph054.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30907418
File: 50 KB, 1024x673, r3852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does someone who go to medical school has time to stream let alone have a part time job? That is impossible. She's lying bro. I got 2 friends that went to medical school and they had no life and didn't even have to work because their parents were loaded and paid for everything. Also the 2 full time jobs is pushing the lie a little bit too far. Either you don't understand what having a full time job entails or you are lying. Full-time jobs mean you work 8 hours every single day and only get 1 free day per week. 2 full time-jobs means you don't even have time to sleep bro.

>> No.30907521

Streaming isn't as difficult as you seem to think it is

>> No.30907689

You fuckers kept posting bait with her and Pippa for so long I actually looked up clips to see what the fuss was all about.
They’re funny. They’re entertaining and the collabs both between both the two of them and with other girls in Phase Connect all look kino. Maybe it’s because I haven’t watched a long stream where I’m exposed to several hours of it at length, but I really don’t see what’s so bad about PC that they’re always bait fodder.
Lumi sounds like Watson but without Watson’s personality (which to me is a plus). Pippa is an autist but far more articulate and clear in her spergs than most autists are. So what is it about them that this board hates that isn’t true (or “true”) about any other vtuber this board likes to shit on?

>> No.30907884

i hope she sees this bro

>> No.30907972

PCG themselves are posting these threads to get people talking about their girls, it's free adverisement and very lucrative, Kiki picked up on it too and started doing it herself recently.

>> No.30908131

>you fuckers
It's all women complaining that they pander to men or /vt/. That's literally it.
Except for Lumi, she has a dedicated ex-mod shitposter that has been seething for god knows how long because she noticed that he was both insane(the kind that organizes shitposting raids on discord) and a groomer.

>> No.30908264

* and banned him.
Until this day, I see him posting about how he totally managed to get in again through another username, and that he totally keeps in close contact with her through a secret discord server that only he and lumi has access to.
I'm amazed that he didn't show up yet, he always appears in phase connect threads, and especially in Lumi threads.

>> No.30908320

wait so is it an ex-mod or is it menace? or hylo?
and which one am i?

>> No.30908394

You know why I won't be picking her and I won't be banned for saying it

>> No.30908397

Why would I care? I’ve never joined her chat or any vtuber’s chat, so she wouldn’t know it was me anyway.
I just watched the clips and literally did not see anything that made Lumi stand out as deserving all these bait posts and all this hate. In terms of yabs, no one seemed to be that much worse than HoloEN.
If the accusation is being too tryhard, ie being /here/ and a “pick me girl”…I haven’t noticed it. Or at least, it hasn’t been noticeable enough to be a problem to me. And if it ever does, I’ll just watch someone else.

>> No.30908545

I was referring to people who regularly post and participate in bait threads like these. Not every anon with a penis who’s coomed to vtubers is a fan of the constant bait.
The only regular target of /vt/ bait that I dislike is Mori, and even then I hated the constant threads for rarely adding anything new.

>> No.30908573

>not gfe

>> No.30908735
File: 532 KB, 942x426, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grows up very poor
>family didn’t have TV or vidya, so she spent her entire childhood in the library to pass the time
>grows up very rich
>traveling all across the world; living in LA and NYC because of her parent’s high paying job
>went to University on a full concert pianist scholarship, eventhough she can only play “Twinkle Twinkle”
>is getting her Masters degree and soon will start her residency
>works 2 full times jobs in fashion
>somehow finds the time to stream 6-hours per day 7-days a week because she has so little going on in her life
>stole merch money from her old company
>quit the company and abandoned her genmates when confronted about it
>literally kills her old company that gave her her start
>speaks 9 languages fluently, but only ever speaks english and never streams with JP
>pays for interviews to try to get ahead
>is a 4view, but her chat moves as slow most 2views
>brings in the most dono money, but can't even find someone to bid $1 on her cutout at LeafCon
>has her mods pick all of her games for her and has them carefully dictate her persona
>drops her best friend Yuri from weekly schedule because she is too big time and needs that extra night of numbers instead of slumming it up with a 2view

>> No.30908746

Congrats, anon. You are one of the only ones with critical thinking that can decide things for yourself.
I have been having more luck with the small corpos than the big ones or the indies.

>> No.30908873

she used to do it

>> No.30908982

had do I groom my way into becoming one of her mods? i bet they get nudes

>> No.30909108

How 'bout you go and pick deez nuts HAH

>> No.30909152

Dang, didn't know her lore went this deep

>> No.30909175

>brings in the most dono money, but can't even find someone to bid $1 on her cutout at LeafCon
I honestly believe that some of these chuubas "recycle" their own money. Like, donate to themself through someone else to make it seem like they are popular / have simps, just to incentivize others to do it too. I know some guys that were literally competing for vtubers attention with donations. That is the ultimate goal of creating pay pigs.

>> No.30909219

Because she is

>> No.30909224

Stop posting off of /vt/.

>> No.30909268

the funny thing with Lumi is that her oil barons are still all her same old ones from her old company. She hasn't picked up any new ones which is weird considering she is much bigger now than when she was in CL.

very sus.

>> No.30909277

>is a 4view, but her chat moves as slow most 2views
I might actually check her out. I hate it when the chat is just a spam of "LOL", "Agree", or similar ways of just repeating what the streamer said.

>> No.30909347

This doesn't work with Twitch subs, because Twitch takes a cut.

>> No.30909419

Yeah, I fail to see the downside of that, cofy chats where your messages can actually be read are the best

>> No.30909501

will remove it from the pasta and include some variation of this instead >>30899804

>> No.30909634

>luminiggers are actually now helping craft pasta's against their oshi
lowest iq fanbase in phase

>> No.30909642
File: 690 KB, 2660x3675, Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never actually said that she has any side jobs right now and was streaming a lot because it's the summer break.
>rothschilds bow to Lumi
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>controls Lumicord with an iron but fair fist
>owns castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient Russian royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Lumigrad will be be the first city)
>owns basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Gremlin Lumi Babies
>said to have 200+ IQ
>she owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Lumibots inside you right now
>learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Lumi will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

>> No.30909741

>Kaneko Lumi is very good at convincing people that she's the next big thing, or at least pandering to people thru basic /pol/ references, horny coombaiting, and ticking every checkbox that a lonely vst nerd on 4chan would find appealing.
checks out

>> No.30909755

She is 200+ on Youtube and Twitch is her main-platform, anon. Don't complain about someone being wrong and then do the same thing in the other direction.

>> No.30909857

>hoodly paff shaba tack
Now I truly understand.

>> No.30909876

>Twitch is her main-platform

>> No.30909929

That should jsut show you how harmless and ineffective all this retarded /vt/ anti-ing is.

>> No.30910027
File: 44 KB, 392x415, Pippa and Yuri on Beach with Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rrat is pretty funny:

Evidence supporting Lumi being East Asian:
>Asian tiger mom upbringing
>Classically trained in piano and 5 other instruments
>Fluent in Mandarin and 20 other languages
>Pale skin
>Lives on US west coast
>Goes to medical school because her parents made her
>Hates whites and blacks
>Money whore with 2 full-time jobs on top of streaming

Evidence supporting Lumi being Caucasian:
>Pale skin
>She said so

>> No.30910081
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>> No.30910198

She was already picked by her mods.

>> No.30910282

This thread changed me. Thanks bros.

>> No.30910305


>> No.30910405

its because her oil barons are her mods and they ban anyone new, they dont want competition

>> No.30910429

This thread and these thankless heroes who make these posts changed me.

>> No.30910457

Her accent is a dead giveaway. No euro sounds like that.

>> No.30910568

Wait, are you saying it's like a cult? I fucking love cults, I will now watch your oshi

>> No.30910639

anon, she banned all her mods except two lmao

>> No.30910700

Her mods don't donate a penny to her. Except Sei, but he was purged last year.

>> No.30910732


>> No.30910762
File: 835 KB, 1670x2048, Loom beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi literally posted her feet on twitter and they were white with pink, not yellow.
The rrat that Lumi is a dirty slav might be real.

>> No.30910799

how much money do I need to donate to get into the inner circle lads?

>> No.30910835

>fat fingers
holy fuck, she's a cow

>> No.30910839

reminder she literally pays her head mod smug out of her own pocket

>> No.30910860

tell me what the fuck I'm looking at

>> No.30910890

chink feet

>> No.30910923

They had cutouts of the talents at a con, after the con they auctioned off the cutouts, there was no bids on lumi's

>> No.30910947


>> No.30910961


>> No.30910999
File: 6 KB, 190x266, 1642390427216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kind of bad for her... I'll save you Lumi

>> No.30911036

I’m going to be real. I watched some clips of her because I wanted to see what all the hate was, but her big Stacy energy is actually pretty attractive.
The reason I visit these bait threads now is to see how credible both the rrats that she’s talented at everything AND the rrats that she’s lying are.

>> No.30911049

she's rich, she doesn't need to be saved

>> No.30911051

that guy is really fun to troll

>> No.30911071
File: 476 KB, 681x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quite sad.

>> No.30911083


>> No.30911124

she's not going to med school. The work load is such that she couldn't be streaming at all. She's not in residency either because her stream times don't match any of the standard shifts.

t. john hopkins

>> No.30911147

She does, she's hurting emotionally, I will repair her broken maiden heart and make sure she never feels left out again

>> No.30911209

antis don't watch streams, she never said she was going to med school, not even once

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.30911316
File: 1.33 MB, 1375x773, 1658013610431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fat fingers

>> No.30911317
File: 7 KB, 213x257, Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's actually a spooky skeleton

>> No.30911328

I feel attracted to her personality, and I like the games she plays, she's likely me bros. That's why I'll never watch her.

>> No.30911348

>lumi is popular enough to have her own schizo and bait threads
I'm so proud of my strategy games slut

>> No.30911360

Holy fuck she's gonna blow!!

>> No.30911393

gook fingers

>> No.30911830
File: 548 KB, 849x816, kanekolumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an anti just wanted to draw asian lumi

>> No.30911874

built for BWC

>> No.30911897


>> No.30912050

Nah holmes, my new baseline is chubas who'll saviorfag me

>> No.30912221


>> No.30912310


>> No.30912492

what is this picture from

>> No.30912511

A photo of her food she tweeted months ago.

>> No.30912698

It's from her "Roast me" stream

>> No.30913193

jesus look at that ratty hair

>> No.30913205

No, I don't socialize with whores.

>> No.30913353

Only someone that has never had a job would think you could have 2 full time jobs and study/stream full time in addition to that, lol.

>> No.30913926
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, 860dd539d9daf37a1ffce35b0959a1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Lumi to laugh at me for cumming fast from her paizuri.

>> No.30914047

female hands typed this

>> No.30914310

no, your adhd is too annoying to me.

>> No.30915298

You're just criticizing an adult for not liking cartoons made for kids. I know it hurts but you have to face the facts. People simply grow out of the anime phase. It doesn't mean you stop appreciating the art style. The whole thing just loses it's edge and you start seeing anime fans in the same light as Star Wars fans.

>> No.30915412


>> No.30915515

>long nails
disgusting she is not fit to be a housewife

>> No.30915645

If you’re actually a woman and not just trolling, can you please tell the rest of us what the difference is between a girl without makeup and a legitimately acceptable target for looks-based slander?
Like, what’s the difference between “ratty hair” and “staying at home and so didn’t do her hair”?
Or is this just shit you say about people you don’t like, regardless of whether you’re a woman or a vtard trolling

>> No.30915763

Looks like a scene from horror movie, alien just unhatching from the egg

>> No.30916144


>> No.30916980

I'm sorry you had to find out this way, anon.

>> No.30917643

That's not a criticism, just an observation. From the other posts in the thread seems like there are other signs that she's just riding the trend and riding it well enough, though it doesn't stop others from pointing it out

>> No.30919166

She's jealous of Lumi's size 00 body.

>> No.30921174

I wont shill her again, but another rabbit makes a lot of Warhammer content plus actually has enjoyed it for years

>> No.30923468

>See Lumi is streaming
>Enter stream
>like the video

It's the best I can do.

>> No.30923722

>money is everything
God I hate this take. The people that take this to heart are always internally bankrupt and at worst manipulative backstabbers.

>> No.30925422


>> No.30926183

My point is it's not hypocritical to do vtubing and not like anime. You are allowed to come into vtubing from any angle, as vtubing is it's own thing and not a sub-culture of anime. The only requirement seems to be the avatar itself and it can be the subject of debate
Has anyone ever come out and said they dislike the anime art style? I know Veibae hates "weeb shit" but I have a hard time believing she hates her model.

>> No.30926531

You will never be a real pikamee

>> No.30926554

>Anything drawn or animate is for kids
Literally go back you cock smoker.
I can argue that some anime have better and more mature plots than most of holywood cookie cutter blockbusters

>> No.30929253

Not even Pikamee will be a real Pikamee.

>> No.30929561

Does anyone here who hates her have a stream (preferably with time stamp) to show why she’s bad? Seriously, I’ve watched clips so far and she seems great. I feel like I’m missing something here

>> No.30930178

She's just as fake and manipulative as lumi, but less entertaining

>> No.30930251

Half the people in this thread are woman being petty

>> No.30930601

I guess a better way to phrase it is what’s the source for her saying she works two jobs and goes to med school or shit? I know at least some of that is taken out of context.
Im pretty much just giving antis one last chance to prove themselves, because I have some late night work to get done in a bit, and if someone doesn’t answer my question, im just gonna put on a lumi stream in the background

>> No.30930676

Does she count vtubing as one of the jobs? That + a part timer job, and school isn't totally out of the question for somebody with no social life and a high work ethic.

>> No.30930794


>> No.30930915

holy shit i wanna have strangling choke sex with lumi

>> No.30930983

She's pretty easy to watch from the little I've seen of her. I think she might be more unhinged than Pippa.

>> No.30930998

How is this bad?

>> No.30931099

she definitely doesn't like Jews.

>> No.30931244

good on her, jews suck
also sauce?

>> No.30931261

She must be the first woman to ever gaze upon W40k, so you know she's a pickme.

>> No.30931314

she just likes strategy games, it's her thing, 40K happens to have a couple of great strategy games, she didn't know jack shit about it before then, she literally asked "is this like halo?"

>> No.30931479

>heart rate goes up while she imagines being corrected
im starting to think it might not be an act

>> No.30931859

That’s insane. Every clip I’ve watched of the two (in collabs as well as separately) makes Lumi look like the straight man to Pippa.

I’m trying to figure out why Lumi’s supposedly so “fake”, because if it isn’t, then she’s just like me fr

Some antis are just making it completely up in their head, but some take valid points and just exaggerate them to all hell.

I’ve been trying to do my reps, and the kind of shit I run into is stuff like this
> rrat says she claims to know a bunch of languages, claims she’s lying because she’s never sung it on stream before
> try to look up videos of her speaking Chinese, confirm there don’t seem to be any clips
> find old threads in archive where it’s said she only claims to *read* most of those languages
> thread also has much shorter list of things lumi says she can do
> rinse and repeat, but for the number of instruments she plays

So, did people exaggerate her claims? Did she add additional stuff to the list since then? I have no idea what the context is.

Like, for the language part, reading is easier than speaking. I can claim to read six languages, I only know how to speak three. That’s because French, Spanish, and Italian are easy as shit to learn how to read if your first language is English.

>> No.30931992

I think Jews are based and I also want sauce. I think for the exact opposite reason though

>> No.30932059

we may be enemies, but our common interests make us allies... for now

>> No.30932134

Lumi feeling hurt, enjoy this antis:

>> No.30932156

The other day her bioclock was going at it at 200%.

>> No.30932212

She did happy merchant drawings in her past life.

>> No.30932236

Post em

>> No.30932274

I would if I wasn't a poorfag in britbong, LUMI LOVE!

>> No.30932532

Damn that's kinda fucked, but I'm not falling for female crocodile tears anymore

>> No.30932670

So, that's why she became a mysogynist. She had to deal with other e-girls from a management perspective.

>> No.30932739

vt sisters are doing an awful job of making me hate this lady, everything you post just makes me like her more

>> No.30932794

Maybe I’m a freak, because I would have done the exact same thing she did. So how am I supposed to hold any of this against her?

>> No.30932860

For the simple fact that she's a female on the internet I guess

>> No.30932945

Man, that's sad. But at the same time, holy shit. $200 for a cutout? I imagine that was the starting bid for all of them.

>> No.30933117

That's because she's honestly as close to a perfect chuuba gf as you can get.

>sex model
>sex voice
>huge stacy energy
>really into fashion (has subscriptions to keep up with fashion trends)
>easy to talk to
>works out
>isn't a nerd but is earnest at learning about nerdy shit from her chat (watch some of her streams where the 40k autists lore dump in chat and she reads it all)
>doesn't force gfe, she's just a natural

She's like one of those popular pretty girls in high school who's friendly with everyone including the nerds and losers. Just an overall nice handworking girl.

>> No.30933224

I get the feeling you're female
>>really into fashion (has subscriptions to keep up with fashion trends)
Why would anybody care about this wtf?

>> No.30933291

Her and Yuri joined together.

Yuri is Phase Connect incarnate and has fit right in with everybody since day 1. Everybody loves her and speaks highly of her.

Lumi feels like she is on her own island and feels completely detached from Phase Connect.

>> No.30933348

weebs hate her because she comes off as some stacy that's overstepping her boundaries by becoming a vtuber. she shits on weebs while being an anime girl

>> No.30933430

Do you know why she doesn't collab with males? It's because she asked her chat and a good portion said that they don't want her to.
Crazy, isn't it? A chuuba that doesn't actively hate her chat, or does the opposite of what chat says just to spite them.

>> No.30933463

>isn't a nerd but is earnest at learning about nerdy shit from her chat (watch some of her streams where the 40k autists lore dump in chat and she reads it all)
Does she even do this anymore? I remember in Februaryish chat was talking about Gray Jedi in Star Wars and she spent a few minutes asking her chat to tune it down because she was afraid nerdy stuff would filter newcomers. I admittedly haven't watched her much since so I genuinely have no clue.

>> No.30933544

Built for Jignx cock

>> No.30933547

>pandering to your fanbase
It's honestly pretty obvious, I don't know why more don't get it, if you know your fanbase is composed of a bunch of guys that want to fuck you obviously don't collab with males

>> No.30933645

>really into fashion (has subscriptions to keep up with fashion trends)
Literally who gives a shit? What guy cares about fashion? Or is this point supposed to make her more girly / more appealing to us?

>> No.30933654

Not lore dumping walls of text in chat seems like a given honestly

>> No.30933660
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the rrat going around is that picrel was a shot at Lumi from Yuri about Lumi being fake, and it lead to their falling out.

>> No.30933722

Im glad I wasn't the only one that though that point was odd

>> No.30933732

It must be the same way with the Stacy accusations. That’s what made me watch clips. The closest I’ve seen is the fact that she’s not menhera and she’s not some sheltered weirdo.
So she knows how to cook, (probably) knows how to drive, and doesn’t have problems asking strangers for directions and stuff. Next you’re going to tell me she knows how to to look up error codes on Google, knows what a mirepoix is, and has dabbled with Python before!
What a stuck-up bitch, demonstrating a somewhat higher than average ability to pick up basic skills on the fly and a modicum of common sense, and being aware of said fact. The sheer arrogance!

>> No.30933747

She streamed total war 2 like two weeks ago and spent a lot of time just reading and asking chat about historical stuff so yes. She has probably the best chat interaction among 3view streamers, like I chat occasionally and more than half of them get read which is a really nice feeling.

>> No.30933811

>pandering to your fanbase
It goes beyond that. She reads and listens to her chat. Something that I don't think I have ever seen any other chuuba do.
Also, there isn't a single female chuuba that her fanbase isn't composed of a bunch of guys that wants to fuck her.

>> No.30933831

But aren't girls cutest when they're retarded?

>> No.30933856

>5000 people like a tweet burying lumi

>> No.30933878

Fucking exactly, which is why collabs with males should be a no brainer

>> No.30934000

what a slut

>> No.30934076

kek what a crying btich.
this is lifeblood to an anti. broken to the point of tears.

>> No.30934163

post tits

>> No.30934234

Damn, Malenia really mindbreaks normalfags

>> No.30934303

hi Flam

>> No.30934305

Anon, when I first discovered this place, I thought that phrase was sarcastic. As in, “we love her despite her being stupid,” or “we love her because she’s extremely smart, but pretty good at playing up her mishaps.”
I didn’t actually believe until recently that some people actually *want* their oshis to be helpless, pathetic imbeciles

>> No.30934348

Clips or it didn't happen.

>> No.30934407

Bros it’s ok if people don’t like your oshi

>> No.30934416

What the hell is a flam?
It's cute in the same way that you would find a puppy or a kitten cute

>> No.30934418

Surprised the Erina didn't go for more, that is one pure sex model.

>> No.30934545

It's ok that people likes someone you hate, sis.

>> No.30934982

That’s my problem. I’m autistic. I can’t see women as puppies or kittens, only as humans.
Also, more intelligent people are more perverted. Especially intelligent people who spend time thinking about their fetishes.
That clip of Lumi saying she wanted to get corrected was hot as fuck. The part right after, where she laughed, said she had no idea why she was into that shit, and wondered if it was a reaction to being abused, was even hotter. Because people who don’t mind intellectually exploring why they have weird kinks tend to be good at discovering other fetishes they didn’t know they had.

>> No.30935715

>antis make thread
>spew rrats
>people get curious, find rrats to be fake
>gain respect become fans
uh antisisters, how do we stop losing so badly?

>> No.30935779

Doesn't collab with males has a Doxx Schizo mod who was basically grooming her. ok.

>> No.30935994

If you hate Lumi after watching this clip you are just dead inside. She's a good person.

>> No.30937629
File: 45 KB, 1125x1010, 2502B420-482D-4192-A844-70571E44B353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sex

>> No.30940482

It's me, the anon who keeps wondering what makes Lumi's Stacy-ness inherently bad. I actually got to work and started watching one of her recent streams. As it turns out, I just happened to pick the one where the fashion thing comes from.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_y_pYxWp7c (relevant portion starts at around 36:45)

She brings up the fact that she's into fashion only so she can segue into a talk about marketing. I haven't finished it yet, but so far her analysis has been pretty clear and easy to understand for someone who doesn't know much about fashion.
So yeah, I'm now arguing that Lumi is the perfect gf. She has diverse interests, and she might be the female Atrioc.

>> No.30940858
File: 2.78 MB, 494x614, lumi dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually does their reps to find if stuff on 4chan is true or false themselves
I am proud of you. People like you give me hope for this place yet.

>> No.30942838

Literally this. Pretty much all of this.

>> No.30943394

So I take it we've come to the conclusion that Lumi is a good girl, yes?

>> No.30943832

This is all wildly exaggerated at best. She just had tiger parents. My parents didn't let us have cable until I was ten, and they restricted us to Nintendo games only until I was in high school (because my brother was the one who was more into gaming).
My pop cultural memory is several years younger than my actual age. My parents also paid for my college.

>> No.30943858
File: 234 KB, 402x426, 1659845474182560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Lumi fucks dogs

>> No.30944253

Is she a pick me girl ?

>> No.30944460

A portion of these bait posts and threads are women malding over vtuber stacies.

>> No.30944590

I made it to about 49:00 in that stream before deciding that I'm going to watch her next one live

>> No.30944745

she never said medschool

>> No.30945164

I conclude that i'd like my weenis between those titties.

>> No.30946206

No. At least, not from my perspective, which I admit is biased.
I'm watching my first Lumi stream, and the thing that's attracting me is how intelligent the discussions are. Maybe some of the stuff like the "tradwife dream" is mild pandering, but I've been zoning out of those parts

>> No.30946237

she's fun to watch, really is a shame the amount of bait and rrats thrown around about her. i'm annoyed by a few of her parasocial chat members that are clearly desperate as fuck for interactions, but otherwise it's usually a good time especially with the tangents she goes off on

>> No.30946311

>the thing that's attracting me is how intelligent the discussions are
>Maybe some of the stuff like the "tradwife dream" is mild pandering
Massive cognitive dissonance in two sentences.

>> No.30946416

It doesn't seem that hard. Just say something interesting and relevant to the discussion.
Is this why people say her chat's "dead"

>> No.30946756

Because everything in this stream so far suggests that she's curating her persona, not faking it. She's talking about the parts of herself that'll appeal to chat, but that doesn't mean she's making it up.
There's nothing wrong with that. That's what I do when I'm not anonymous. That's what we all do. That's not the same thing as making your persona up.

>> No.30947483

i think her design is kind of weak desu
nothing about the art ever really caught my eye, only started watching after finding out the kind of content she did. i wonder if that has anything to do with it.

>> No.30948104

I think it's less that and more the fact that the relationship she cultivates with her chat is like that of a platonic friend. Buying a cardboard cutout of her would be like buying a cutout of your friend, which just feels weird.
I lewd the shit out of her design, but when I watch her streams, I'm paying attention to what she says, not what she looks like.

>> No.30948142

Sounds like "get a real job" problem

>> No.30948545

honestly all the bullshit drama makes it sound more like a typical office job than not.

>> No.30948751

That’s the thing, anon. All jobs are like that, except for the ones where you don’t interact with any other people, which are rare. If it means working with other people, it means potential office drama.
Lumi knows that, so that’s why her focus is on changing the way she deals with it and reducing the chances of her starting any. I like that perspective, it’s healthy

>> No.30949008

LOL, agree

>> No.30949466

Lumi is okay as an entertainer, but knowing what I know about her I would never pick her over other girls.

>> No.30949604
File: 2.59 MB, 1792x828, 4CC4DD5C-8BD0-46C8-BFE8-E8C4F1F800B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of JRPGs and Anime are disgusting turbocringe. If you were in the hobby for over 5 years, you’ve probably watched/played all that is worth your time and you “don’t watch anime”, really.

>> No.30949940

go back phoneposting faggot

>> No.30950240
File: 1.03 MB, 1283x1205, 1638358092562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mod collab on air
>Groomed by Sei
>Maxor interview
>Multiple Divegrass/dev collabs
>the inner circle
Keep coping, she just knows how to sell the lie.

>> No.30950284

her staff is composed exclusively of /here/ people, now you get the appeal.

>> No.30950542

Don't care about her rrats. Don't care about her male collabs. Don't care about her having boyfriends. Still never going to donate one cent to her or participate in her chat. Still going to daydream about a life with her where we fix each other. Still going to kill myself before 40.

>> No.30950676

maybe if you don't spend money and time on a whore like her and you start replacing her with going to the gym maybe your mom would be proud of you.

>> No.30950825
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>> No.30950849

I have a home gym at my own place, which I haven't used in years, and mothers don't give a shit whether you're fit or not. Where did that even come from? What a dumb fucking thing to say.

>> No.30950960

It's literally all lies though. The leader of the anti server she was bitching about was Yuri, the bitch she abandoned CL with. She's claiming that people were leaving when she and Yuri were the only ones to leave and the impact of their exit and the shit-tslking they did after caused CL to fold. In fact the other girls were so dedicated that they formed a continuation company to stay together beyond CL. A trashy liar is all that Lumi will ever amount to

>> No.30951076

Your mother probably wants you to be healthy so you don't fucking die of a heart attack before you're 50.

>> No.30951104

no reason to believe anon from 4chan over the person that was actually in the company.

>> No.30951127

Well shit now I feel bad.

>> No.30951150

technically Inori left not so short after and Hylo left like a few weeks earlier

>> No.30951186

No that tweet was directed at another 2view who got into a lot of heat for saying she hated anime. There were a couple of threads about it on /vt/ and dramaniggas youtubers but I don't remember who it was.

>> No.30951282

that's fake, your mother cares about you and your health. She didn't take the time to give birth a rise to someone to just "don't give a shit".
If you have a home gym you have NO REASON to not get fit. If you are so loser to not doing it for yourself do it for someone else.

>> No.30951350

>not lifting weights = unhealthy
how fat are you.

>> No.30951367

The Aetheria girls talked about this not long after all the shit went down. They were also in the company, and also not backstabbers
Well I sure hope no PC girls ever consider graduating, apparently Lumi will quit the second there's a hint of someone leaving

>> No.30951466

imagine you're with your girlfriend and you don't have the strength to pick her up. Imagine your mom gets old and you can't help her because you're a skinny bitch.

A healthy male body is one with big muscles. Like a greek god

>> No.30951592

I've seen "pick-me" a lot but until now never bothered to look it up.
The urban dictionary page sounds like was exclusively written by incredibly bitter fujos.

>> No.30951654

it's a femcel term, I don't know why people here suddenly started using it. It's probably all just seething 2views

>> No.30951902

women like this have existed since the dawn of humanity but for some reason it took thousands of years to come up with a term describing that.

>> No.30951983

Depending on what type of job it is it's entirely possible. People are doing IT right now from their homes.

>> No.30952260

She doesn't go to medical school, she's a graduate student working on her masters.

>> No.30952980

Women that make other women seethe by not being shitty people?

>> No.30953254

They're understandably rare.

>> No.30953416

>trying to beat Malenia
No wonder she was breaking down.

>> No.30953488

>I don't know why people here suddenly started using it.
It's a forced meme

>> No.30953670

Thanks to her, not only am I aware this song exists, but it's stuck in my head.

>> No.30955474 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 530x423, 1659837472421659lk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source? pls post it in the h/ vtuber thread

>> No.30956474

I like anime and I think most JRPGs are garbage.

Playing JRPGs is like watching shounenshit.

>> No.30956828

She's definitely familiar with Japanese media though. She's talked about anime before and definitely reads manga. It seems more to me like she's into very basic bitch type shoujo- and otomeshit, which is more common in manga and games than in anime - which tends to be male oriented. Lots of girls tend to be more into manga than into anime.

>> No.30957598

This one actually looks cute, I like it.

>> No.30957966

women that pander to men in the most blatant way possible. "I'm one of the boys, I'm just like you!" whilst barely scratching the surface knowledge.
This is Lumi. She's a normie with /here/staff and a numberfag with weird sense of pride.
She doesn't want to do Fortnite/Apex and GFE but wants to capture the untapped niches with just barely enough effort to start the trickling.
She'll forget about 40k the moment she notices that it no longer brings in new people.
Remember history streams or virtual guides? She's no longer doing that because it doesn't bring out numbers.

>> No.30958085

>Remember history streams or virtual guides?
I 'member

>> No.30958816

this is all true, but theres nothing wrong with it as a streamer. its entertainment, she does a show and people like it. more numbers = more people like it. shes not tricking anyone anymore than unironic gfe streamers

>> No.30959747 [DELETED] 


>> No.30960399

t. someone that has never had a job and doesn't know what "doing IT" even means.

>> No.30960554

other edits like that? it's hot

>> No.30960677

>history streams or virtual guides
never happened

>> No.30961047

Just because Twitch's VOD system is retarded doesn't mean you can deny the history.

>> No.30961132

Lumi definitely flicks her bean to these threads.

>> No.30961184

The term got popular on tiktok, so it probably made the jump to discord at some point and i wouldnt be surprised if some vtuber threw it around by now.

>> No.30961189

Not a thing.

>> No.30961399

the discord boogeyman

>> No.30961461

Lumi's antis are something else

>> No.30961545

get back to grooming, Sei

>> No.30962425

I see you are awake. How is the cope going?

>> No.30962528

>Like a greek god
It's healthier than being fat, but that's far from the healthiest body possible. Do you think that bodybuilders don't get severe medical problems when they get older?

>> No.30962775

Well at least she doesn't have the unicorns sniffing her back

>> No.30962793

gymlet cope

>> No.30962827

is she ever getting a higher quality model?

>> No.30962845

So, by your criteria, all streamers are numberfags, since all of them have dropped something in the past. And in her case, she literally dropped variety content for something that is known to not bring a lot of viewers, which is playing strategy games all the time.
And if she only plays that to bring viewers, why would she play that off stream? She has over a thousand hours in civ.

>> No.30962846

>A healthy male body is one with big muscles.
People will big muscles have shit cardio. They gas out fast.
t. Army guy

>> No.30963147
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pic rel is what I mean with a "greek god" and what every man's body should look like.

>> No.30963302


>> No.30963454

Full time gives you 2 days off a week. Normally it's the "weekend."

>> No.30963733

>Sukoya Kana's medschool - takes a long hiatus to focus on studies
>Bao's medschool - shorter, less frequent streams so she has time to study
>Lumi's "medschool" - full-time streamer with allegedly two jobs and still having enough time to do social things IRL
I don't know who, but somebody's lying about that medschool.

>> No.30963919

Not only this is far from what anyone who went to gym would call "big muscles", but having almost no body fat isn't healthy. Unless you have a rare disease, this can only be achieved through medication, which is also bad for your organs.
Also, picking up a girl is easy, I could do that before even going to the gym.

>> No.30964113

Lumi isn't in medschool, she never said she was in medschool, that was fabricated whole cloth by rratbrained retards.

>> No.30964304

it is big muscles compare to the average male.
And it was never about picking up women bro

>> No.30964458

could be jewish

>> No.30964522

>it was never about picking up women bro
Not in any sense except literally, never date a woman who you couldn't bench.

>> No.30964661

Picking up in the sense of literally picking her up.

>> No.30964897


the chinese stream was with uruka.


>> No.30967129

pumpkin spice basic bitch

>> No.30967265

every man should look like thor from god of war

>> No.30967435

This except unironically. The vast majority of anime is awful degenerate pandering trash. There's maybe one or two worth sharing every season at best.

>> No.30968132

Thanks anon. Now I’m gonna see how fluent at Mandarin she really is. Curious what her accent is. Is it southern, like Enna’s, or is it northern, like mine?

>> No.30969446

She is clearly more cultured than the average incel, no wonder most anons find her intimidating. There's nothing incels hate more than a woman who can put them in their place.

>> No.30969817

The fact that I don't find her intimidating at all either says something about me, Lumi, all those anons, or both.
This girl is literally the first vtuber to make me *want* to join her chat, mostly because she was asking chat questions about shit that I knew that I couldn't tell her because it was a VOD and not live
ffs, the last "church reform" was NOT 1517. That was a *schism*. The last church REFORM was in 1965. For a chat that has a bunch of Paradox game enjoyers and "Deus Vult" larpers, how the hell did no one in her chat know that?

>> No.30970304

>>30968132 (me)
Well, to my untrained ears, Uruka definitely sounds more southern than Lumi. Lumi's accent isn't as northern as I thought for someone who may or may not be half-Russian.
I assume Uruka's Taiwanese, but her accent isn't as obviously Taiwanese compared to some Taiwanese people I've heard before.

Lumi's Mandarin is good enough that I don't immediately cringe and think of pandering to zhangs. 8.5/10 would tune in to another one

>> No.30970532

Time has always fucked with me man, I can give you a solid general outline of almost any period of history but ask me about specific dates and I go to pieces.

>> No.30971019

I memorize the dates after I get the general idea down in my head, because the former become associated with the latter for me. Sorry if I didn't make the reference clear.
1517 is the date of the Protestant Reformation. But that was a schism, because the Protestants left the Catholic Church. The last reform within the Catholic Church was the Second Vatican Council in 1965.
She never mentioned what church it was, but she's dressed like a nun and talking about it like there's only one "church", and we're talking about anime Christianity. It would have been nice if someone in the chat caught on.

>> No.30971067

Assuming Lumi learned from a teacher and not from her parents, she would most likely have a Beijing accent. Which is pretty close to what she speaks.

>> No.30971279

Did the Second Vatican Council decide anything interesting?

>> No.30971373

Im stupid, very stupid but not stupid enough to date a vtuber. Being open to being a vtuber is automatically a kind of weird behavior, because it means you as a women are ok with your job being to emotionally (and sometimes sexually) please and tease unknown men.

>> No.30971433

Lumi has a nun outfit?

>> No.30971784
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x810, satanialaugh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded post by an itoddler
color me shocked

>> No.30972035

I think she is trying to find a middle ground. Please her audience but also have it on her terms so people dont just roll over her as a "weak" female. Which is kinda based. I like Lumi but I cant watch her because she's on twitch and twitch is cancer.

>> No.30972086

Trashy, liar bitch

>> No.30972157

Stupid, town bike skank

>> No.30972313

There was only one schism and that was in 1054.

>> No.30972373

>Lumi thread hits bump limit
I think this board just pretends to not like her

>> No.30972423

I just wanted to say that kek
t.Orthodox bro

>> No.30972536
File: 23 KB, 593x492, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I will pick you

>> No.30973569

Anime shit manga good

>> No.30973702

>Ackshuallys someone literally repeating something she said
Why is she such a bitch?

>> No.30973754
File: 3.13 MB, 1668x1555, 1640481722627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked Lumi if she should be trusted and she answered https://streamable.com/c7q3rr

>> No.30973963

That's it, I'm trusting.

>> No.30974040

Thanks sisters, you changed me. (jk you failed again)

>> No.30974249

All me.

>> No.30974255

Cute stream, I'm sold bros

>> No.30974387

Thread's sliding so I can admit my love for Lumi and she'll never know

>> No.30974698

What does the spider web symbolize?

>> No.30975444

I trust Lumi.

>> No.30976352

This is true, would you date a girl whos job is providing companionship to random men for money. Same as dating a vtuber.

>> No.30976352,1 [INTERNAL] 

