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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30888192 No.30888192 [Reply] [Original]

Last Saturday night after a hard day at work I sat down to what I thought would be an enjoyable karaoke stream from my oshi, Amelia Watson. After a few duets with HoloENs and one with Kobo I was surprised to find that the next one was a "Fly Me to the Moon" duet with one of the new Tempus members. I don't hate Tempus but I fully admit to being a gachikoi/gosling for Ame and for this to come up without warning was pretty upsetting. I'd been previously burned by her dismissive "improve yourself" comment and thought about how she had lately only been doing repetitive gaming streams rather than cool experimental things and how she hadn't thrown a bone to us goslings in a good while. In a fit of rage I canceled my 18 month sub and started trying to decide between a few different HoloJPs to be my new oshi. But it's not that easy to drop an oshi. I still really appreciate Ame and her super chat reading stream felt just like any other. Was this a one-off or is she going to push the males on stream more? And will it be professional (like JP Stars × Hololive collabs) or spontaneous (since the latter would do a lot more damage to my image of Hololive as cute girls doing cute things)? Did I act rashly?

>> No.30888342

>Did I act rashly?
Depends, did you check if you were bumping off a bait thread or a general before making a new thread?

>> No.30888370

OP thinks we will read.

>> No.30888411
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>Was this a one-off or is she going to push the males on stream more?
>And will it be professional
The more you hate it, the more she'll take it personally and do it just to spite you out.

>> No.30888451
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>> No.30888455

As it turns out I did bump off a bait thread.

Worth a shot. I've talked about it a bit on the Ame split but that general's become far too much of a hugbox that dismisses any negativity as falseflagging antis.

>> No.30888525

>I did bump off a bait thread.
Then based

>> No.30888529

i swear to fucking god she dueted with astel in an unarchived karaoke like half a year ago
im not having false memories
i swear
why did no one go nuclear over that?

>> No.30888647

>Did you act rashly?
Only, you can answer that. However, you liked her for her creative streams and those aren't likely to come back, with any frequency. So, that should be a good enough reason to drop her.

>> No.30888648

I'm so sorry lmao. Make sure to get some comfort food to improve your weight score. Be the bigger person, anon.

>> No.30888650
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you defended her and stuck by her after she made it clear a few weeks ago she would support homos and collab with them you get what you fucking deserve team cucks !

>> No.30888745

I don't remember that ever happening.

>> No.30888750

No one cares

>> No.30888768

Honest teamate advice, have a back up oshi that is known as someone who will never ever collab with males.
I think Holo EN might indeed try to push more males collabs but it's unclear since girls like Gura won't even say their name. Only time can tell, i'm holding on to the membership for now but i'm not hopeful for the future.
Also no, there's no way EN stars collabs with the girls will be professional like the JP ones.

>> No.30888772

Ame, is an Architect chad, nice.

>> No.30888810


>> No.30888936

If you don't want to see males Collab with females then I hate to say it but might have to think about dropping Hololive in general. I'd say "just got to JP" but even a lot of them have been collabing with males frequently. The world has changed, men have become pussies and the indoctrination worked.

>> No.30889031

>I'd say "just got to JP" but even a lot of them have been collabing with males frequently.
Only the ones that had been doing it to begin with, like Towa and Matsuri.

>> No.30889068

You're thinking of a different blonde

>> No.30889132

You made the right decision. I was a day one member, but I dropped after the Q&A. It wasn't just her comments about tempus that lead me to doing this though. I didn't feel fully appreciated as a fan before that either.
If you are anything like me, then you will doubt your decision for 2 or 3 weeks, but ultimately you will be glad. I certainly am.

>> No.30889589

I don't understand, she is pretty open about having a bf, how can you completely ignore that and be upset about her singing a song, not even talking to the guy
(improve yourself)

>> No.30889867

Yeah, me

>> No.30890787

honestly these threads are hilarious, as a 2-year teakek i hope you guys never stop making them

>> No.30890861

Not going to read this garbage. Not even the first word. Go get a life you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.30891128

>working on a Saturday
You have bigger problems to address than your one-sided pretend girlfriend breaking a promise she never made to you friend.

>> No.30891197
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She's trying to groom you into fucking the Stars. Your only option now is too unmember Ame and member Regis instead. Become his gachikoi and pray that whore never tries to get between you, your bros and supportive BF(best friend), and eat some chili.

Bros don't let that girl get you down The Boys think your great already bro.

>> No.30892084


There is no turning back once you have committed yourself, you have 3 options

>ignore this situation, and you'll be disappointed again in some time, she will stream with them every now and then
>fully cucked, quite pathetic
>leave and never come back (improve yourself)

if you choose the last option, you'd better not get involved because you will be disappointed again

>> No.30892357

You're just mad because someone told you you're unironically too far gone and need to rethink your relationship to vtubing. You're probably just shitposting, though, this IS /vt/.

>> No.30892648

you guys are... all right. Look at JP, the big daddy of holo. Once in a while, you see a holostar collab. They exist.But no JP girl makes it their main bread and butter. It has always been single streams that are the true focus. The tuber and the fans. Even the stars themselves said this in their own streams. Collabs are always rare. So tempus just got here and is popular, as they are new. Of course collabs will come. Remember when EN was new? after the collab ban, there was a lot of collab with them.

YES it will be pro like jp. you have NO evidence that its always tempus collab tempus everyday, you decided that on your own. Theres no way thats the last one, but its going to be a rare thing.

YES you act rashly. You clearly lack conviction and doubt your own judgement, why is this here? Whenever you make any decision in life, if you are very happy, sad or angry, it will cloud your judgement.

You know, maybe its also not such a bad thing to have holostars once in a while. They dont actually take from the girls and only add to the plate. I believe a bunch of the EN girls do not like the no male thing. Its a rule thats imposed by certain fans, not the streamers themselves. Its too strict, I understand not wanting a romance, but frowning upon any kind of interaction, even twitter, is extreme.

>> No.30892693

>Also no, there's no way EN stars collabs with the girls will be professional like the JP ones
literally proven wrong by the very first collab

>> No.30892695

Leaving rrats behind, she said the real reason was that she wanted to include everyone in HoloEN (holoproEN in general, that's why the tittle was "w/EN", and she didn't chose any Axel song beacuse they were japanese ones), and the only song that she knew from Altare's karaoke was "Fly me to the moon". And there would not be spontaneous collabs or full collabs schedules with males like NijiEN.

And the last answer depends, if you're going to continue being like that everytime maybe it's better if you let her go, because this will just keep damaging you. If you want to see someone that will ignore males no matter what (at least at the time) from EN, Gura and IRyS. Gura not even in members tried to pronounce one of the guys name when the chat was talking about him (something about Cult of the Lamb perms)

>> No.30892722
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just go out, buy and eat a footlong OP
all your worries will melt away

>> No.30892742

>larping as a teamate
>creating a thread every 30m

>> No.30892759

>Did I act rashly?
No. You finally did your first step to improve yourself.

>> No.30893070

doesnt ame appreciate her fans though? Ame seems to be the type to express through acts rather than words. She has been putting work in making streaming innovative. Ive seen some VR and a fan interactive thing, one time. That is how she expresses that she cares. She isnt good at outright saying it. Kind of like a dad.I am a tourist, but thats how ive interpret the effort ame puts into ideas.

>> No.30893161
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>> No.30893171

No, she very rarely does creative streams nowadays. It's why teammates were already dropping her before the improve yourself comment

>> No.30893285

What's your honest opinion as a teamate? Are you happy she made a duet with a male and you want more of it or are you enraged and you want none of that from now on?

>> No.30893315
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oh hey
if there are any actual teammates here please gtfo our of our split
your routine amesame discord raids are already a fucking blight on it without the other resident shitposters getting a turn
i dont care if your whore of an oshi has betrayed you or whatever but please dont take it out on gura just because shes the only one who really believes in CGDCT out of everyone in EN
deal with it in your own time

>> No.30893369

proof or ban

>> No.30893388

The only reason she did it was out of spite.
Seriously, ask yourself why Ame did it. Can you come up with literally any other explanation? The title of the video was "karaoke with FRIENDS".
So either the starsEN members are her good friends that she legit cares more about than you or it was to spite her fans who were upset with her about her response to the holostars question.
Don't forget she deleted the comment thread on that video so it clearly bothered her.

>> No.30893446

Teakek I've made fun of you for a while but I'll give you actual advice now. See and wait a few weeks how things turn out, watch if she pushes the male thing more and doubles down on it or not. Watch streams but don't get too into them

>> No.30893450

I honestly believe you did the right thing, the sooner you stop supporting vtubers, the more your life improves. Its clear now that Ame and the rest of holoEN dont want people like you or me sticking around anymore, we have been milked enough so now the next target demographic are female fans who enjoy shipping or something

>> No.30893490

She deleted the comment on the Q&A stream before tempiss debuted too.
It certainly bothers her. She'll keep doing it though

>> No.30893515

>Regis dated a girl
>only stayed with her because her dad's chili was good
>girl cheated on him
>threatened to reveal she was a whore unless she gave him her dad's chili recipe
Bro's... he's just like us...

>> No.30893552

The schizo Amesame raid happens way before this incident with Ame from what i've seen from your thread.

>> No.30893638
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its a routine thing
its like a storm that comes in every now and then
a literal shit storm for those of us who dont like it, but there are legit amesame chumbuds in there

>> No.30893672

I think you misunderstood. Sorry.
That was the comment thread I was referring to.
I don't think she deleted any new comment threads.

>> No.30893698

Have you tried counter shipping?

>> No.30893763

She definitely used to, but in my opinion she changed a lot. Take her tiktok for example. She used to tease us by playfully threatening to make a tiktok account and we used to make fun of her for liking that shitty app. We were very vocal about our dislike for it, and she knew that. That was the basis of the banter after all. Even so, she not only made an account that she actively uses regularly, she also deceptively raised our expectations by telling us that she has an exciting announcement at the end of the stream. The situation with twitch is similar.
It wasn't a big yab, but many smaller things, which showed a downward trend, that made me drop her.

>> No.30893764

Didn't some teammate send a comment that got deleted on the karaoke? Basically alone the same lines as the q&a guy

>> No.30893803

You didn't, don't pay for another man's condoms. It's time for teammates to go back to HoloJP.
EN can go suck dicks in the gutter for money once they run out of money. Most of them don't have any other skills to fall back to once this money train ends and Biden's inflation will fuck them. Good riddance.

>> No.30893818

Ame cute!

>> No.30893828

my nigga at least hide the fact that ypou don't watch streams

>> No.30893931

i would be okay with magnus or vesper, but she chose the openly mansluts of the gen

>> No.30894041

I don't care, she explained she wanted to include everyone in EN that had an unarchived karaoke and it was the only song she knew out of the ones that he sang
its in her blood to be supportive, she made a fucking studio in her house to record Kiara's Birthday 3D
I'm not gonna anti my oshi for being a supportive person, that is beyond insane
1:10:45 if timestamp doesn't work

>> No.30894084

This is honestly what I'm starting to feel as well.
I've been there supporting them since day one, but as soon as they were able to collab with males, it seems they'd rather be with them than us.
It really fucking hurts because I've given so much of my time, money, and support to these girls and it just feels like I'm being stabbed in the back.
Gura probably won't collab with them, but does it really matter when it's so clear she has another life outside of all this that means so much more to her than Hololive or her fans?
I was wary of EN when they debuted, but I slowly warmed up to them when they seemed different from other western e-thots. But I should have listened to my gut.

>> No.30894133

>but as soon as they were able to collab with males
why didn't ame collab with holostars JP, then?

>> No.30894142

As you can see OP, all the Teamates capable of intelligent thought have already dropped her, she has a fanbase of retarded Yes-men now

>> No.30894204

You didn't act rashly, if anything it took you way too long to get a clue and stop supporting such an ungrateful bitch

>> No.30894222

You weaved that retarded Gura bait right in there, bravo

>> No.30894232

>working on a saturday

>> No.30894264

I dropped her in the first year. She was always disrespectful toward her fans.

>> No.30894278

Not to encourage either of you but she doesn't speak japanese, for one thing. For another, except for a couple exceptions the homos are extremely allergic to collabs with the hololive girls and will take any excuse to bounce out of them to avoid trouble for everyone involved.

>> No.30894298
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>Bothered by Ame telling you to improve yourself again
Not a teamate
>Not liking her game streams
NOT a teamate
>Not used to homo shilling after 2 years
You're not even trying
>Post-2020 teammmmate
Even if I pretended you're for real, you'd be a disgusting tourist worth nothing

>> No.30894343

Because, she's an EOP who uses her dusty Japanese study books as a coffee table.

>> No.30894387

Language barrier

>> No.30894395

this should end discussions if anyone had any doubts,
if someone hates Ame anyway no argument will reach them

>> No.30894457

She collabed with holoJP a total of 16 times so far, language barrier never stopped her

>> No.30894487

She was advertising the homos last night. This is the new normal and the new Ame. The lovey dovey & creative Ame is dead

>> No.30894580

Ame used unicorns as her personal ATM for years and now that she's settled she wants to get rid of them

>> No.30894582

>Not gachikoi with her after the dating stream.
Not a teamate.

>> No.30894603

It has though. She'd collab a lot more if she made any effort to learn the language. Instead, she collabed with the JP girls who were making an effort to learn 英語。

>> No.30894669

the more people that realize this unfunny retard that can't even breathe properly needs to be dropped the better.

>> No.30894677

She's always shilled homos

>> No.30894703


>> No.30894815

I voted no even if i like Ame. Being a /vt/s favorite like she used to be is not a good thing

>> No.30894841
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Is that supposed to be directed at me? You know nothing about me.

>> No.30894846

Just last night people gifted her 370 memberships according to hololyzer and she made more money than usual with 2 normal streams
I don't think anyone gives a fuck outside of here, especially looking at >>30894041 point
You're either a brainrotted catalog fag or you actually watch Ame and know ehat she's really like. Her superchatters are not going anywhere, they're going harder if anything

>> No.30894861

The problem with you Teakeks is that you don't choose your battles well. You should have put up with Ame being a cunt all those other times, then gone absolutely berserk over males. Now Ame doesn't take your tantrums seriously.
Actually, did you even meltdown over males, or have you let normalfags astroturf as teamates encouraging Ame to spread her legs for homostars?

>> No.30894898

You really think Gura's been faithful to her fans this entire time? I used to think that, but I don't know anymore.
I think it's unrealistic to expect that from her when she's never said she would be in the first place.
Gura's never even once said she's single. If she wanted her fans to think that, she'd just say it explicitly like Kiara, Irys, or most of the JP girls. But she never has.
Also, it's really clear that she and her friend are doing everything they can to hide the fact they know each other. Even to the point of unsubbing from the other.
I'm a chumbud that was membered to both Gura and Ame, by the way.

>> No.30894934

Still waiting for the collab

>> No.30894987

No, not you specifically just teacucks in general.
>Not gachikoi with her after the dating stream, hence not teamate
>Gachikoi with her yet still tolerate her to this extent, hence cuck

>> No.30895053

Yea the top 1% cuck will just go even harder when their oshi is under pressure. She doesn't care about those who don't pay for her boyfriend's condoms anyway.

>> No.30895104

I'm not sure. I didn't see it live.

>> No.30895116

What's your point?, like I said she used unicorns as her personal ATM for years and now that she's settled she wants to get rid of them, this doesn't mean that the unicorns will leave her or that they will stop giving her money, simps will simp and cucks will get cucked.

See Rushia or Kson for examples of extreme simping and make no doubt, even if Ame was being breed live on stream they would STILL give her money, such is the power of beta males.

>> No.30895141

watching the arcade date stream was the worst fucking mistake of my life. i fell in love even though she ditched us for gura at the end of our date. it should've been a red flag then and there.

>> No.30895222
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Girls like Selen, Ame, Mori etc, that support people her coworkers no matter if they're female or male are genuine and never changed.
Ame has been supporting all of holopro since 2020, a quick look at her twitter likes show this, its 10% about her, 90% about the others
Girls that try their best to appeal to insane unicorns by NOT EVEN MENTIONING tempus have something to hide and arenjust not being genuine. Not pointing fingers but just look at Rushia

>> No.30895240

This is the way!

>> No.30895284

>improve yourself
i can't think of a single thing she managed to improve on over the last two years. if anything, i love her because she's flawed and will never leave me behind. i hope she loses more viewers, more ame for me.

>> No.30895295

>dated a girl
>just like us
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.30895342

not every fucking day like she is now.

>> No.30895345

One thing would have been for Ame to announce a collab, but a love song duet out of nowhere is a direct jab to her goslings

>> No.30895376


>> No.30895388

Anyone who actually watches her knows she distanced herself from anything resembling GFE for a reason, because she didn't want to give the wrong impression or false hope. Same reason she never really went back to ASMR despite saying she was gonna buy a mic. It's one of the things I respect most about her. With that said, I was still there for those streams and they did manage to fuck me up a little. Can't shake it. I don't think anyone who's newer to her will care about potentially more homo involvement, and I'm sure many of the other older teamates/gators are a little more functional than us sadsacks, but I'm just gonna keep going and hope I can shake it off.

>> No.30895488

A little more functional but not that much.. :P

>> No.30895517

So many falseflagging LARPers itt

>> No.30895553

you're a minority

>> No.30895561

I don't know if this is your honest feeling or just a bait but here's what I thought about it, she did that duet basically just mandatory support for the homos, nothing more.
But yeah, not gonna lie, it did hurt watching her singing love song with another male.
I also thought this kind of thing would happen when the ban collab for the homos is lifted, but idk man, I've spent my time catching her streams, and fucked my sleep schedule to listening to her sudden karaokes but yeah.
Short story I would give it another thought, at least until a Myth anniversary. If this thing will drag on till then, I will drop her.

>> No.30895560

I saw her post hoc explanation but listen to
and tell me with that cheeky laugh as she revealed his name she didn't know that it would be controversial.
I am convinced she knew what she was doing with that pick.

>> No.30895799

>she wanted to include everyone in EN that had an unarchived karaoke and it was the only song she knew out of the ones that he sang
a) I dont want to hear men singing ever and this sounds like shes going to keep doing it
b) its karaoke you sing to the words on screen and she cant sing for shit anyway, not like shes going to fail some audition

>> No.30895844

How can it be mandatory when I doubt any of the other girls will do something like this, even the ones open to collabs?
Unless you mean mandatory in that Ame's unity brain required her to sing a stars song and in that case she should have thought about the implications of picking a love song and waited until there was something less provocative to sing.
Unless being provocative was her intention which I actually do believe it was because the alternative is that she is completely oblivious to how a portion of her fanbase feels about her.

>> No.30895856

no offence but if you havent realized what Ame is like after this long you are legit retarded.
literally every other fanbase even the fucking deadbeats have been calling her the cuck containment fanbase since close to the beginning.
she has always been fake as fuck and always will be, she is the only EN that actually hates her fans openly and likely at all.

>> No.30895926

NGL those threads are pretty funny to read after yesterday's reveal of /pol/mates cuckposting their "oshi" on twitter for lulz.
That's what irony-poisoning and (you) addiction does to a mf.

>> No.30896023

you are retarded, ame will collab with males all she wants, if you dont like it go improve yourself. get a therapist to fix your parasocial fuckness

>> No.30896063

My jaw dropped when she did that. I’m not an Ame gosling but she was the first EN I followed, and I still admired her. The choice to slip a Holostars duet in with no warning just seems deliberately disrespectful to me, and I’m left to assume that Ame genuinely doesn’t want me to watch her streams. If she wanted to shill the homos she could have mentioned it in the title or description so that people who don’t like them can opt out, but she specifically wanted those people to see her duet with one.
For me, Kiara engaging with them on Twitter was enough to cancel my membership. If Tempus had been around at Myth’s debut and been treated this way I would have never watched EN at all.

>> No.30896083

On the very remote chance this isn't poorly constructed bait, Gura and Kiara are very different people. Gura has always wanted her private life to remain private, she gives out very little identifying information because she isn't s terminally online freak and wants her internet presence to be a personality not a person. As a result she is one of the least doxxed EN members. Kiara on the other hand is extremely Publix, she's stood pictures of her tits and location-doxxed herself so bad she got a visit from a fan. You can't expect the same things from these two, it's absurd

>> No.30896131

Tell that to the fujos bitching and moaning about it in /mans/ too

>> No.30896138

literally proven right by the very second collab

>> No.30896151

I love her. I'd pay to eat her feces.

>> No.30896289

another anon here
it's pretty clear what happened is she wanted to sing a song with with regis for UNITY and that one was the only one she knew and she didnt think any further than that
it wasnt some 500Iq move or out of spite, she even said her brain was fried that day
i wasnt happy that she did it either, but i wont drop her or unmember, i'm a gachi not a unicorn
if she does it again i hope she doesnt sing a love song again

>> No.30896374

maybe ame should try singing a song she doesn't know and it wouldn't be 100% dog shit.

>> No.30896431

they're trying hard to take holoEN the same path NijiEN took, if that happens. it wont be proffesional, it wont be occasional, it will undermine everything that makes hololive good.
And everything that happened so far shows thats where theyre heading

>> No.30896462

I unsubbed to Ame. I improved myself quite considerably with the click of one button.

>> No.30896512

she didnt say anything about not making guerilla male collabs, if anhthing thats exactly what she did

>> No.30896522

>if she does it again i hope she doesn't sing a love song again
This was just the spark son

>> No.30896561

I feel the same way about not dropping her over it, I have been watching her for too long and still genuinely think she is a great person.
But I disagree that it was entirely on a whim and she didnt think about it at all, she prepared the setlist, revealed names on her computer on screen and as you can see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KylRjccy11A She did a mischievous giggle at the literal moment she revealed his name, I don't buy it that she didn't on some level know what she was doing.

>> No.30896597
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You just know

>> No.30896598

why would she want to include everyone? she never did that, not even with council, but suddenly decided to do it when the males came, she wants to collab with the males and is testing the water

>> No.30896622

The first anon here
That's true, the idea was to sing a song with the homo. And the only song she could sing on the blue homo list is that song. Also, I realize her mood was different from her normal karaoke, turn out she was pushing herself, just to shill the homos right after their collab ban was lifted.
I know it hurts that she chose a love song, but a part of me still thinks its better rather than she does 1 on 1 collab with them

>> No.30896763

I thought this was just going to be a blip like the SHien shilling. Its clear now though that this is the future shes chosen and all the OG teamates that made her kneel when Astel came sniffing around are gone. To those looking for a new home, the first step is clicking into one of the many other non holo threads. Its hard to take that first step but just force yourself to do it.

>> No.30896773

She’s going to collab with them dude. She’s going to keep pushing to spite people who don’t like it and make the money back on gifted memberships

>> No.30896861

I took the Gura pill, you should do the same. She loves her fans and won't go anywhere as long as we're there for her, she even went out of her way to ignore the Homos just for us.

>> No.30896885

True, it was planned.
I got suspicious on Spiderman-2 when she said something like " did you watch guys watch any cool stream recently?"
She wanted to bring up Mori and Vesper collab, that was the first clue about her duet karaoke with the homos

>> No.30896951

she basically ignored the attempt of homosbeggars both on supasunday stream with bubbabot and rust stream

>> No.30896973

i still dont think she was doing it out of spite for goslings or whatever
also she now knows some people were upset fwiw
if she does it again i'll just mute it but i'd prefer if it wasnt that kind of song

>> No.30896984

didn't stop her from collabing with JPs like mel, roboco, and lui. why is it suddenly a hurdle to overcome with someone like astel, who is willing to collab with girls if they ask him?

>> No.30897066

>her mood was different from her normal karaoke
cause it was a duet karaoke
>Also, I realize her mood was different from her normal karaoke, turn out she was pushing herself, just to shill the homos right after their collab ban was lifted.
she didnt even mention him or tempus by name
>, but a part of me still thinks its better rather than she does 1 on 1 collab with them
she all but stated she wouldnt during the infamous q and a

>> No.30897097

how is shitly siging along a romantic song with him supportive, that would only make antis go after him and hardly give him any useful exposure.
She sabotaged her coworker and you think this support bullshit is a good argument?

>> No.30897230

What's your excuse gonna be when she gets that one on one collab then? I wanna be prepared for when I get to rub this post in your face

>> No.30897252

To be fair she asks us if we watched any cool streams or hololive stuff at the start of so many streams I don't see anything suspicious about that.
I also hope it wasn't out of spite but just some bad attempt at teasing or trolling but honestly I would have moved on from this and accepted her supa sunday explanation if it wasn't for the giggle and laugh as she revealed his name, that to me showed at least a little bit of forethought about the reaction she was going to get and yet she still did it.
I also don't think picking a song like that was in anyway helpful to the blue man, I don't watch him but from what I understand he has been pretty firm on the no collab begging/shipping stance himself and this can't have helped him in establishing those boundaries so if her goal was unity I think she failed on that front also.

>> No.30897351

Vtubers really do attract the most mentally weak people.

>> No.30897377

>shes just suporting her coworkers
thats fucking bullshit, how is shitly singing along him and making him a anti target suportive?
why wasnt she supportive to Irys, Calli, Sana, by singing along them in karaoke up until the fucking males came?

>> No.30897404

No on will believe me because falseflaggers ruin any chance at the few serious people getting real discussion, but I'm a day 1 investigator who's getting a bit upset actually.
I really do not appreciate her doing this because I KNOW that she knows what it looks like. She didn't do this by accident, she literally said "I thought some of you might not like it" when opting to not pursue a possible apex collab with Astel back then. She isn't stupid, she understands this.
So the only explanation is that she knows what she did and although I'm sure half of the motivation for doing it is found in her contrarian nature and her wanting to own some people it ends up annoying even those who weren't upset before.

I really hope Ame doesn't continue on this path because it's not a good one. I loved telling her that she's cuter than usual today but right now I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.30897419

She knew people would be upset a month ago and she said " if you don't like it don't watch, I don't care". Please don't delude yourself this hard, anon

>> No.30897429

thats disgusting

>> No.30897548

whatever the case she messed up and i hope she thinks more about it and makes a better choice next time
i dont mind tempus im just not a fan of male collabs personally
i wont watch if she does
not gonna drop her or stop supporting her but still
I meant about this specific instance

>> No.30897592

Honesty, i would like that to happen.
But yeah, here is my rrat, in Tempus, both Regis and Axel were getting special treatment from the management, first because Regis is good at singing while Axel is fluent in Japanese. The idea was to boost Regis with his singing capabilities and Axel for JP audience.
Ame, despite her lacking skill in singing, still got huge number on her karaoke streams, also she has a good number of female audiences, and that's where singing duet song with Regis will send the message, something like, "Hey, check this dude, he is so good at singing"

>> No.30897662

That guy has to be baiting cuz Gura did say she's single a few times. She's not really all that private, she just thinks her life is boring and sucks at explaining stuff.

>> No.30897713

no excuse here, i will just send my feedback to her

>> No.30897805

Did she actually read the SC from that finana avatar guy she got in free chat?
