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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29911284 No.29911284 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous Thread: >>29793636

>> No.29911307
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.29911335

Love wife, don't bite bait, and remember that cares about how we feel

>> No.29911655

Horror stream soon. keep this thread alive

>> No.29911715
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>> No.29912146


>> No.29912411

>a literal Kiwifarms lolcow posting in our thread
Kek. LMAO even

>> No.29912971

>posts about Japanese vtuber
>surprised information about her is in Japanese

>> No.29913143

>tweet says she sent it then deleted it at a later date (so the guy doesn't have it anymore) but Twitter DMs don't work that way (even if you delete your side of the DM it still there in the recipient's side) so it either disappeared due to a bug or it's straight up fabricated
>this + the choice of words (晒す、expose) in the tweet imply she did something she shouldn't have done
>however there was a reply tweet where for her 1st year anniversary there was a gacha where she would send a DM to the winners and this seems to be one of it (meaning she didn't send it as a personal thing)

>> No.29913192

I've actually been curious as to when the vshojo deal was made. Her nazuna design was apparently teased around may so perhaps around that same month is when the decision was made. Was there anything significant happening around that time that made her go through such a decision?

>> No.29913308

Design was teased May 20th specifically. Given that it was just a small piece of art it could have been done literally last minute and only slotted in on the 19th or something. So there's the latest date.

>> No.29913664
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>> No.29914101


>> No.29914152

this >>29913143
any more questions? I assume what you posted about Yagoo was a shitpost, at least

>> No.29914323

Wake up

>> No.29915315

I should still have an hour, but if Nazuna wants me to be up, I shall be up.

>> No.29917047

rabu rabu wife

>> No.29917052
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>> No.29917836

10 min

>> No.29918343

Imminent stream

>> No.29918390


>> No.29918406

this jingle is in my ear for 2 weeks now

>> No.29918575

Playing horage today.

>> No.29918642


>> No.29918669


>> No.29918919

>still has endora text on screen

>> No.29919294

bets to when she will realize this?

>> No.29919331

She'll realize it when she rewatches the VOD.

>> No.29919860

First real jumpscare of the game.

>> No.29919883

choice may be a bit to complicated for these devs

>> No.29919900

Ok listen, making games is hard

>> No.29919944

Non initialized variables have killed us all devs...

>> No.29920134

After seeing the last few streams, i think she should move up her start time like 1 or 2 hours.
She just keeps getting more viewers over that time instead of flattening the curve like it's usual.

>> No.29920326

It also doesn't really help that XQC is streaming atm and some of her EOPs most likely overlap with big twitch streamers.

>> No.29920407

Biggest VTuber on Twitch according to the tag after all...

>> No.29920433

if that's the case who cares about them.

>> No.29920464

Are you really saying XQC fanbase overlaps Nazuna? That's a wild claim.

>> No.29920571

Probably EOP Vshojo fans anon, we do have some saviour fags in her streams who have not yet fully converted and Vshojo fans also watch fleshtubers.

>> No.29920644

>you become a fish with arms
this fucking game

>> No.29920646

>XQC is streaming atm and some of her EOPs most likely overlap with big twitch streamers.
Weirdest way to cope with low numbers
She has next to no overlap with those streamers and not that many EOP viewers, she had less drops in viewership from when Pekora would start streaming and they actually had viewer overlapl. It's more that it's 3:00 or 6:00 am for a shitty horror game that only appeals to Japanese viewers. Large swaths of EOPs only viewed the shiny new thing, Nazuna, because she's a novelty; and the majority of vshojo viewers already figured out they don't care about watching Nazuna. Whatever casual Hololive viewers there were are probably filtered by twitch, the lack of it appearing in their youtube subs/recommendations and the lack of a dedicated waiting room, and instead just stick to Hololive at this point. Japanese viewers are also filtered by twitch and the successive incarnations of Rushia -> Mikeneko -> Nazuna. The novelty wears off and she drops in viewers. There's no new audience to care for her, whatever publicity she got would already have been the most as Mikeneko in a language that actually watches her. Of course Nazuna's numbers peform worse.

>> No.29920649
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Some overlap indeed, nothing significant though.

>> No.29920740

>Unlocked costume is literally called "Takeshi"
Takeshi, yamero!

>> No.29920754

Yeah, a drop in viewership from the 1st week is to be expected. And she is playing Tsugunohi, some horror kusoge no-one cares about, the noombers were better yesterday with Minecraft.
Who really cares anyway?

>> No.29920882

She's in her habitual range.
It's just that this game isn't a buff for jp audience who are kinda tired of the nth iteration of this horror kusoges and the EN audience (for which the normal starting time can be really really early) just doesn't care to wake at this point for this.
But yeah, not doing things in youtube and not having a box with other japanese chuubas is hurting more than anything.

>> No.29921562
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Feels like this one was even worse than the others, if that's even possible

>> No.29922043

hey, we got a choice this time, with two whole different endings!

>> No.29922200

Numberfags get the rope

>> No.29922537

Epe time

>> No.29922547

Okay I guess it's time to play Pex

>> No.29922586

looks like she learned it's normal to switch games like this on twitch

>> No.29922607

Why did she say for months how she couldn't stream on youtube because of trauma, but she can always stream Apex without trauma. I have trauma about Apex.

>> No.29922625

They didn't tell her that if she doesn't change the game category twitch can get mad with her?

>> No.29922629

She should remember to switch the game category and her title too

>> No.29922645

GTA is a worse trauma imo

>> No.29922672

Her moderators can do it for her. Lazy mods.

>> No.29922675

I kinda welcome apex after that horror game even though not a fan of FPS. Was kinda zoning out then doing other things. Maybe it'll liven me up and others in my shoes.

>> No.29922711

LOng Life t y

>> No.29922775

>game category is wrong
>title is wrong
>TL subs are tiny
>map isn't completely covered

>> No.29922811

No time to fix, エペ calls

>> No.29923101

Someone needs to somehow let her know about changing the category and title or letting her mods do it. The one thing Twitch actually doesn't like is streaming under the wrong category. I'm EOP and tried but didn't get through.

>> No.29923187

I think it's just something she's comfortable with. She said how she uses it relax and I don't doubt that since we've even seen it many times after stressful events

>> No.29923609

She did this to puff up the stream duration more than anything else lol.
Also this is like the 4th stream she's asking about what the 2h thing means lol.

>> No.29923851
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>> No.29924008

Same as her asking what the hype train is.
Vshojo should have explained basic Twitch stuff to her

>> No.29924014

I think she said something about no ASMR or cooking streams yet? Wasn't paying too much attention.

>> No.29924304

She sounded a little upset at the end there, maybe I'm just tired and not thinking straight though

>> No.29924324

Maybe Twitch should get mad at PrickQC for abusing tags

>> No.29924402

I didn't quite catch all of the end, did anything happen?

>> No.29924434

>what the 2h thing means
what is that

>> No.29924461

It was a bit of a filler stream. You can tell when she (or any other chuuba really) isn't really feeling it but it's good enough to check in for the day. The game being very dissapointing and having to repeat it a few times because of an error and a tiny amount of extra content probably didn't change her mood either.
She also has been through being kinda tired, too hot to sleep and not going to the hospital yet since she moved.

>> No.29924483

It was about people asking her to do raids. She wants us to only see her and not leave her and people are asking her when she finishes stream to send her viwers to someone else, it's normal for her to get angry

>> No.29924675

She could always send her viewers to something inoffensive like an animal cam

>> No.29924785

I would concur. I'm not interested in watching anybody else but her on twitch. I only made an account and on this platform for her. Even did the same in creating a twitter account. I would prefer she stays on longer but that's me.

>> No.29924937

It’s ok if she doesn’t want to do raids but she needs to either explain that clearly to the viewers so they don’t keep asking, or research more about why they are asking. It’s a massive part of Twitch culture that every other Vshojo streamer utilities (even Kson), so of course EOPs are going to mention it until they’re told to stop

>> No.29925030

>she needs to either explain that clearly to the viewers
How cute that you think this has ever worked anywhere

>> No.29925061

A lot of streamers don't do raids, including at least one in Vshojo.

>> No.29925064

Less people would mention it, yes.

>> No.29925077

Yeah, looking at it again and she said she still is thinking about doing either.

>> No.29925078

>or research more about why they are asking.
This is Nazuna we're talkin about.

>> No.29925086

Agreed here. It's somewhat finnicky because it'll be hard for her to be direct but I think if pushed she'll start to tear up and even new viewers can understand it bothers her

>> No.29925137

Isn't really considering it
Doesn't want her room to be seen so no

>> No.29925223


>> No.29925249

It hasn't even been a month yet and folks asking her this stuff. She's still finding her groove yet.

>> No.29925392

Ahmmm, public twitcast...

>> No.29925395

This. Just let her get used to game streaming on Twitch first and then when she's comfortable we might get more. Rushia pretty much only did cooking streams on special occasions anyway so it's not really surprising. ASMR will be the best when she's comfortable enough doing it.
brb twitcast

>> No.29925409


>> No.29925453

What's she complaining about now?

>> No.29925924

yeah what she upset about?

>> No.29926047

She's being vague again but sounds like something's stressing her

>> No.29926131

Well, hopefully summary anon could help once again.
I understand some japanese and could work a few things out but my japanese is too shit to understand most things, specially with her fast talking. But it seems no completely serious but a bit more juicy than the usual twitcast on details on her current live, activities and mental state.

>> No.29926155

Probably disappointed with vshoujo. She thought she joined another Hololive, but in reality it's a whorehouse with no clients.

>> No.29926232
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>> No.29926258

fuck off

>> No.29926327

Yeah I'm just catching up what's being said and she is being vague. Somebody said something bad about minecraft and she caught it.

>> No.29926460

wow some asshole really saying he's going to Aqua Minato. Just go silently tf.

>> No.29926522

I know she's being half serious but i really don't remember her being this energetic, loud, accelerated and i would say almost bratty in any twitcast before since february. They're usually very calm affairs.

>> No.29926621

She's cute even when she's being bratty

>> No.29926718

Either that or she's more tired then she thinks she is and doesn't realize it. Maybe the heat getting to her.

>> No.29926820

I know she's just ranting but I really hope she does go to the hospital

>> No.29927067

So what I’m hearing is the heat is very bad for her. Probably the reason she ended stream earlier

>> No.29927125

Whatever it is it doesn't sound super serious, just some cute ranting.

>> No.29927130

Yeah just ranting. She is everywhere.

>> No.29927164

Maybe the food she got from uber eats will make her feel better.

>> No.29927233

She did talk about wanting to change her bed of 10 years. I think a comment said either she or the commentor slept with the covers on them and I'm like yeah you're asking for a heat stroke.

>> No.29927334

Yeah that food is definitely toning things down.

>> No.29927403

Cute hangry ranting

>> No.29927538

elden ring bros...it's over...

>> No.29927639

Dark Soul...

>> No.29927768

Come on good guys exists I'm one of them.

>> No.29927990

Man this is making me sad and envious. I wanna have a nice chat with her while eating too.

>> No.29928165

I wish i could follow this too. But i'm not only 下手 but also it takes so much of my mental space at my level i just automatically disconnect like 40 minutes in. Too much japanese...

>> No.29928211

It's cute how she asks for permission in buying stuff to chat.

>> No.29928230

luckily she flips the script often so if you need to reset and refocus its fine

>> No.29928294

I'm not sure I am following right. Is she hearing things and thinks a ghost is saying something?

>> No.29928485

Talking about scary stuff now. She's still in that horror mindset.

>> No.29928519

I love this bgm

>> No.29928529

Pokemon direct shit

>> No.29928685

The game was disappointing anyways. Only two bosses challenged me (Fully Grown Falling Star Beast and Caelid's Godskin Appostle), the latter being beaten up easily once I had enough levels. The ending (past Fire Giant) was utter shit, and the critics claiming the game is [harder than any Souls|The greatest game of the decenny|A for-everyone DS] are beyond cringe.
Once you're level 150, you two-hits everything and all areas become dried empty.

Even the supposedly good-at-games Botan beat Malenia with the very balanced Rivers of Blood katana that averages 800 damage per hit x5 per combo (and summons). Fuck that.
I still don't know how to access the area, LOL. At least the game doesn't spoonfeed us on where to go. But the viewers do.

>> No.29928744

This twitcast feel a girlgfriend ranting about everything instead of the usual date,its so cute.Even her voice tone is different

>> No.29929186

yeah and she's being real girly right now.

>> No.29929248

Well she's back to being happy again. I missed out on the first 14 minutes of her more serious ranting. No clue what it was about.

>> No.29929274


>> No.29929538

Did she say what/when the next Nazuna stream would be? I still need to watch the VOD

>> No.29929791

Nope, probably don't expect one tomorrow for now

>> No.29929886

Isn’t the minecraft server opening up today or something though?

>> No.29930010

Today someone asked her about streaming on Youtube and she said no? Or did I misunderstand

>> No.29930065

on the twitcast or nazuna stream?

>> No.29930084


>> No.29930128


>> No.29930259

no clue then but I'm slightly relieved it was on the nazuna stream. Would have lost my shit if she got screwed out of her Main account

>> No.29930369


>> No.29930444

Terrible photoshop but other than that it's very cute

>> No.29930575
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>> No.29930612


>> No.29930681

my wife is very very cute

>> No.29930682

the face bothers me. Not cute as Nazuna or the other drawings I've seen.

>> No.29931102

her knowing how to crop, and add a layer in photoshop is a miracle as is.

>> No.29931396

Well now you are just underestimating her. She did make all her thumbnails for years and years.

>> No.29931712

please mike I need sleep

>> No.29932124

Yeah I'm saying her learning how to do that is nothing short of a miracle (mostly joking)

>> No.29932413


>> No.29932464

do you think its over can I close my eyes

>> No.29932541

You have 10 minutes

>> No.29933194

( ´ ;∀ ;`)ショボーン

>> No.29933829


>> No.29934321

2 twitcasts in a row holy shit

>> No.29934439
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>missed the stream because of a conference call

>> No.29934498

It's going to be a full 8 hours in a row with her more or less
more days like this please...

>> No.29934559

>missed the stream
which one, she's doing the third right now

>> No.29935386


>> No.29936399
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>> No.29936552

Meh had no clue about a second cast and can't watch the 3rd one since I'm poor.

Enjoy those of you who can afford.

>> No.29936917

It’s a good cast

>> No.29937924
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ok if there's another one I don't think I can stay up any longer to listen to it

>> No.29939327
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>> No.29940843
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>> No.29942989
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>> No.29944474
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>> No.29946743
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>> No.29948027

Did she say what game is next?

>> No.29951007

sadly, no

>> No.29951061

Why can’t she make it to trending?

>> No.29951141

yes, playing with lonely men's hearts and stealing their money

>> No.29951232

That’s just VTubing, she does is less than everyone else, especially in Hololive.

>> No.29951809

Fuck off Vei

>> No.29951872

I like how Mike always ends up trending but Nazuna can't seem to

>> No.29952199
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>> No.29952268

Trends is based on all other hashtags getting posted at the same time so it's not surprising that her tag would trend during the middle of the night in Japan. It takes more tweets to get a hashtag trending during the day. Still it's good for her since she's happy about it

>> No.29952336

Alright Veibae we know you self project your shit personality to make you feel better about yourself, don't you have sodas dick to ride?

>> No.29954479
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Lots of content today and I only missed some of it

>> No.29954755
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Tissue hoshii~

>> No.29954810
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>> No.29955138

I love my pon wife

>> No.29958327

My wife's cute feet

>> No.29958614

It's only been like 4 hours, wake up

>> No.29959420

Yes dear.

>> No.29960657
File: 41 KB, 594x145, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is about Uto, right? If one were a new Twitch viewer they might see Uto as basically Nazuna with better Engish skills.

>> No.29961130

What makes you think it's about Uto? Where did that come from?

>> No.29961207

Nazutan... why are you still up? She needs to sleep.

>> No.29962458 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 1000x1500, 3C4F7EAE-4976-4268-A47D-A72AE658309D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That petite butt belongs to a certain utaite

>> No.29962653 [DELETED] 

When will we see her reveal her african bull bf on stream?

>> No.29962714

>6am in Jakarata
>no bait in the catalog
Like fucking clock work.

>> No.29962861

>bait gets deleted almost instantly
J..Ja..Jannies you do care...

>> No.29962899
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>> No.29963766

I missed the bait. What was it about this time?

>> No.29963807

need to worship her navel

>> No.29964570


>> No.29964946

Funnily enough she was for a little bit the other day after the longer English tweet, mixed in with some tweets of other characters named nazuna

>> No.29965909 [DELETED] 

Holy shit imagine if she got blacked

>> No.29967618
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I miss her so much.

>> No.29967834
File: 165 KB, 850x1202, F3D6F8E4-0B07-4AA4-9147-C7A03E6B5717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s still with us

>> No.29967850
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I love this nekomancer

>> No.29968034
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>> No.29968153
File: 2.63 MB, 2272x1284, 50A63305-D9C8-4023-A527-B038AE6CCBF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna is in Mousey’s stream art.

>> No.29969016

Wholesome clip

>> No.29969373

Mouse just confirmed there are two sepearte Vshojo servers.
1. Vshojo & Friends
2. Vshojo-only
Probably because of Nazuna (she didnt say that, just a guess)

>> No.29969386
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>they made a server for vshojo+friends and a vshojo only server

>> No.29969426

Is the VS only one modded?

>> No.29969442

Based based based based based based

>> No.29969460

Didn't say but the way she was talking about it made it sound like the Vshojo-Only one is Vanilla

>> No.29969469

Mouse I kneel

>> No.29969524

from what I understand it's one server but two different worlds, so they're "both" modded. the modpack is english-only but apparently they're getting someone to translate it into JP for Nazuna? I'm not too sure on the latter part

>> No.29969543


>> No.29969603

She said they are thinking of connecting them at some point so I don't think it's the same server.

>> No.29969617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29969746
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>> No.29969865

Mouse has won me over. I kneel.

>> No.29970133

>one of the og vtubers who has streamed for 5 years
>lurks /here/
>vows to always protect nazuna from males
Also go into her stream and cheer her up. She is super stressed about her anniversary and is in pain from her meds and wants to let out some stress by playing minecraft + chilling with chat but her internet keeps fucking up and she is on the verge of tears.

>> No.29970183

I’ll give mouse a pat on the back during her anniversary.

>> No.29970541

What if everyone uses the VShojo + friends server, and only ever visits the VShojo server for Nazuna who is there alone most of the time.

>> No.29970594

I'm sorry I doubted you Mousey-daisenpai

>> No.29970607

Unfortunate concession I guess. Probably wont be many random encounters but at least they will have a palce to collab with her now

>> No.29970980

Based, I thought this might happen >>29473566

>> No.29971354 [DELETED] 

goodjob mouse and nyan!
look how good modded minecraft is vei is having so much fun! i'm sure inexperienced players will love to play on this server!

>> No.29971551

but this isnt the one nauzna is going to play on

>> No.29973083

that is exactly what is going to happen
hopefully kson keeps her company there and becomes more like the unofficial vshojo JP server with extremely rare cameos by the EN girls

>> No.29973088

You guys are forgetting Kson is also vshojo JP and will probably play with her.

>> No.29973181

Are the vsjfags seething over this decision or nah?

>> No.29973244

I don't see why they would, they get twice the servers
Unless they just hate Maikura

>> No.29973264

They're seething mostly over the fact that they actually hate this mod pack kek

>> No.29973380

The boyfriend posters, cuck posters and lsfags are, they try to hide their cope by saying the girls will never collab with Nazuna and claiming we are angry about them making separate servers. Everyone else is just bitching about the MC mod because it's shit and hopes that the Vshojo JP server has minimal mods or is vanilla.

>> No.29973425

This. Fuck mouse

>> No.29973532

not really, theres some low tier bait but nobody really cares, the problem is the modpack that is absolute shit, vei and silver are streaming on the server and just kepp dying, theres also a claim land thing that is absolute shit for a vtuber server since you cant even fucking open doors in claimed land, absolutely obliterating any type of offline interraction

>> No.29973665

Well there's always the hope that they won't be able to figure out how to translate the mod for Nazuna and so they don't bother with it on the VSJ server if that makes them feel better

>> No.29973830

Why would they? Everyone supports nazuna and her no males decision. Only bfposters (femanons) and lsfniggers (redditors) have anything against her

>> No.29974084

What is lsf

>> No.29974490

Vshojo is cancer so are their fans

>> No.29974508

As a modder I can assure you that whoever thought it would be easy to translate a mod into another language is a retard. It would take months and by that time They might as well give up altogether if the mod is as bad as they say. It has no lasting hold. I'll find it incredibly ironic if everyone gets bored of the mod server and ends up playing in nazunas no boys allowed server.

>> No.29974843

A rrat is going around that Uto might be joining VShoujo because of recent follows.

>> No.29974921

a reddit for twitch streamers, ik vei's bf is very popular over there. /vsj/ tends to have faggots from there (or so they say)

>> No.29975056

Kson followed all of VShojo including Gunrun in June last year a long ass time before she thought about joining.

>> No.29975085

They actually do, some fag posted a screenshot of him being banned from it thinking it would prove he didn't come from there.

>> No.29975159

That timing just makes it seem like she was planning this from day one post hololive

>> No.29975181

I assume what they meant by translating the mod was looking to see if it had a Japanese version already because it looks like an absolutely huge mod, it'd take forever to translate everything in it and that's assuming they're even aware of how to do that

>> No.29975263

Remember when Mikeneko followed a VShojo person a couple months ago and we all called that an rrat?

>> No.29975525

>everyone gets bored of the mod server
From my experience mods get boring quickly. You end up focusing on that new content, and not the creativity aspect that keeps minecraft so engaging. From what I've heard that's exactly what ended up happening with the previous servers.

>> No.29975776

Not really, she was friends with Melody for more than a year before that and a bunch of the other girls were in her replies on twitter all the time, not surprising that she would want to get to know them too.

>> No.29976059

The mod literally just adds stuff on top of vanilla minecraft. Nothing prevents you from just building stuff creatively.

>> No.29976069

Eh I assume that was because she had a collab with Mel lined up pretty soon after getting her own model, and she was talking with Gun at the time for tech reasons to ensure the collab went smoothly since Mel specifically is pretty notorious for being shit with her tech. Was probably just a courtesy since the timeline of events as its known has her not being formally involved until March of this year.

There was only really one server before this and people just kinda drifted away over time. Only later finding out that it was probably because of a lot of mods on the server that made keeping it updated difficult as opposed to anything else. Then Nux happened a month in and that killed it.

>> No.29976187

That's my point, following a bunch of popular vtubers on twitter doesn't mean you're going to join them. I follow all of the Hololive girls and I won't be in EN3.

>> No.29976383

>I won't be in EN3.
Not with that attitude you won't

>> No.29976501

What's with westerners and modded Minecraft. Do they not know how to make MC streame comfy and entertaining like JP chuubas?

>> No.29976548

I will join EN3 and avenge Rushia from the inside.

>> No.29976574

Femanon Fandead....

>> No.29977046

Ganbare Suzaku 2.0.
I am tempted to apply in to find out what actually was leaked by her and then bail out and make it public.

>> No.29977180

EN didn't even know about it until the announcement, so unless you're Japanese I doubt you'll get anywhere

>> No.29979859
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>> No.29980326

I’m going to go with no stream for tonight

>> No.29981074

From the sounds of things in the vsj thread looks like the modded Minecraft server is going terribly. Mike really dodged a bullet there. I'm gonna assume they'll either remove that mod or migrate everyone to Nazus server. However should they just to migrate they need to keep the original rule mouse stated earlier to keeping it strictly "vshojo mems ONLY"

>> No.29982139

They're on the same server. Both worlds will have the same mods.

>> No.29982886

Unconfirmed yet, the mention of joining both worlds eventually implies it's all separate like the Holo/HoloEN worlds.
I don't give two shits what mods they use or if they don't use them. My main concern was Mike interacting with men and it seems like my worries have been satiated for now. However I will say a mod based entirely off of XP and mob grinding is the complete opposite if what Mike loves about Minecraft so that's not gonna go well

>> No.29983064

I think if it adds cool stuff to gawk at for her she'd be able to enjoy

>> No.29983343

Maybe that's why Mike basically started a solo craft playthrough. They've probably told her the server would be a modded experience and she made that solo world for the typical comfy Minecraft streams she wants to do.

>> No.29983465

I doubt she thought that far ahead in this particular case

>> No.29983623

The mod is cool but it adds a shitload of stuff to read, there's a bunch of classes and races with different abilities, theres new enchantments and stuff, things have flavor text, new systems, etc. Not being able to read all it it will probably hurt the experience.

>> No.29984450

why won't she just join kson's server then? there might be males there, but they're the kind that respects nazuna's boundaries, like Taishi.

>> No.29987311
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>> No.29989223

Kson barely even plays minecraft, she'd be playing with strangers.

>> No.29989364
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she clearly hated management and made no secret as coco

>> No.29990243

Based Kson, I guess she turned out to be right.

>> No.29991400

love wife

>> No.29991644

does kson have an ark server? maybe she'd have better luck there

>> No.29992233

I've never ever expected this, and i think they did it to just accomodate her, so this is seriously based.
Already changing my opinion on them a bit, pretty nice gesture.
Maybe the memes are true and Nazuna can really un-whore Vshojo

>> No.29993512
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i'm actually surprised they're doing all of thios just for Nazuna! you'd think if this was some other woman, they're going to resent the new girl for having preferential treatment despite being a newcomer to the company.

>> No.29994180

As it turns out, being one of the biggest vtubers in the world gives you some pull when it comes to other vtubers.

>> No.29995479

From what I can see, they're just as big fans of her, so they feel honored.

>> No.29996199

I want to hold her and she can just pound her fists on me until she's all out of stength and then I'll lay her down and spoon her and let her fall asleep in my arms

>> No.29996457

The biggest problem I see with the two servers is that only Nazuna and maybe mouse play on the vshojo only server, although if they have done so, maybe they have talked to Nazuna before

>> No.29996825

I never watched Rushia, but, there's a first time for everything. What's her appeal, tell me about her now that she's Nazuna.

>> No.29996930

excitable genki rage machine cutie gives fun times and also she's unironically in love with me

>> No.29996966

I heard she was pretty big on GFE stuff, how fucked am I being EOP?

>> No.29997302

she has live subs as nazuna but do your reps anyway
there is no E

>> No.29997457

Not sure how to take that but all right. I'll get to those reps.

>> No.29997497

She's in the process of learning English since she found her never saviour EOP fanbase some months ago, that she really loves for supporting her unconditionally through her times of hardship;
and she is definitely getting better but her starting level was so low this isn't saying that much.
But more important that that she found a way to get consistent human-made live translation for her streams.
It's like the fan translators you find sometimes in some holo jp streams but she has multiple ones (somewhat professional even) that take turns and rotate to translate her whole streams.
They also found out how to put the translations in her stream window, though you can use something like Hyperchat to catch all the translations on different windows like some sort of log, which is incredibly convenient to catch up even if you have to leave for a bit.

>> No.29997616

Oh, just as i posted this comment she just revealed she did voice acting work in some sort of voice drama which is something i didn't know she did.
That must be why she was having these voice recordings.

>> No.29997633

What's her content like?

>> No.29997648

voice actress

>> No.29997685

vsj is bullying her, retards

>> No.29997730

Your retarded imouto playing video games while being extremely cute and excitable.

>> No.29997799

>make a special server just for her because she probably requested one

>> No.29997891

>Not sure how to take that but all right
There is no E

>> No.29997921

imouto menhera kanojo

>> No.29997941

The story seems to be a total anime-like tearjerker drama and from what can i read she probably only appears in the the beggining of the story as a very ill girl who is the sister to the main character (both orphans too) and some supernatural bullshit that they like to do in these stories at the end.
Interestingly enough she talks in her tweet about participating in the voice drama in past tense but in the web page of it it says it's some sort of series of live streams (different passes?)

>> No.29997978

>vsj is bullying her, retards
this thread(including myself) was sperging out
over her being forced to interact with males(rightly so) by being on the initial server. KYS

>> No.29997991

Will the movie be subtitled?

>> No.29997994

>Interestingly enough she talks in her tweet about participating in the voice drama in past tense but in the web page of it it says it's some sort of series of live streams
pre-recorded livestreams maybe
either fully or partially

>> No.29998007

The voice drama is likely recorded and will probably get streamed during those times

>> No.29998038

>excited to play minecraft with the girls
>see that they have guys tagging along with them constantly
>ask whether they could do a vshojo only server
>the boss sighs and as a "compromise" makes a literal pen for her that nobody but her is going to join while everyone else is having fun on the other server

>> No.29998046

looks japanese as fuck so I doubt it
I want her to keep doing voice work though so I'll buy the ticket

>> No.29998050

Dumbasses kek
They're using the literal meaning of 配信...

>> No.29998059

it's better than her playing with men.

>> No.29998092


>> No.29998099
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>> No.29998113


>> No.29998213

Her fanbase is her boyfriend you cretin.

>> No.29998340

Yeah, with me

>> No.29998418

That's the site name
Look at the actual ticket details retard

>> No.29998424

Yes, many of her fans at the same time with no voice chat, that's correct.

>> No.29998689

that was never going to happen but the way they handled this is literally no better than them straight up telling her that she should stick to single player if she doesn't like the way vshojo does things and it's bizarre to see people happy about it

>> No.29998746

Vshojo is its own thing. They can't just change everything they do for Nazunas sake. Creating a seperate server is the best outcome. Do you really expect them to ban Connor off the mains server just to appease Nazunas fans? It would backfire horribly and the Vshojo cucks would kick up a huge stink about it.

>> No.29998752

>that was never going to happen
It was LITERALLY going to happen and we had people in here repeatedly telling us that we should just be okay with brief interactions(they're not okay, either)

>> No.29998794

has anyone tried to buy a ticket for it?

>> No.29998820

How many times are you fuckers going to assume the worst, only for it to never happen. Be hopeful for once in your life, goddamn.

>> No.29998855

I’ll buy one when I get home

>> No.29998960

I'll buy it closer to when it happens, unless I can't for whatever reason.

>> No.29999010

Pretty much this and you can expect all of them to just play on the main one with everyone and occasionally visit her...which is gonna feel lonely for her but ya can't expect everyone to bend over backwards for 1 person when all the rest have no issues and if anything it adds more to their streams to have +s and guys there. They all pretty much stick with their own groups as well.

>> No.29999057

Vshojo JP will get more members and they will probably play in that server with Nazuna.
Chill about it.

>> No.29999089

Kson said they have no plans to add more new members anytime soon

>> No.29999095

I don't even think that particular poster is a regular at all, it's such a strange thing for her supposed fan to be worried about
on the contrary I hope the mod kills her a few times so she clI can be TSKRd

>> No.29999160

>girl sees nazjna log in
>walks through portal
holy fuck the humanity

>> No.29999205

>buying the ticket requires a japanese phone number

>> No.29999234

If theybdont fix the configuration file, she's not gonna leave spawn due to getting ganged by mimics

>> No.29999235

Well, if that's so that's a bad strategy. You need to establish a box if you really want to attract and keep the JP viewers, not just 2 streamers who have completely different schedules.

>> No.29999264

>You need to establish a box
Hello fellow /#/ chad

>> No.29999298

nips and their fucking box autism

>> No.29999308

The keyword was no new members soon. Eventually sure, but next members to come are gonna be EN according to mouse and hopefully before eoy

>> No.29999331

thats common 5ch lingo though kek

>> No.29999348

Can an anon good at recording just post it on nyaa si after it comes out, none of the japs know about torrenting

>> No.29999573

yeha, japs love their boxes, cliques and groups, they stroke their winnies to them, just two embers in JP branch is nothing more than two indies with corpo label on them, not interesting for japanese autistic collectivism

>> No.29999676

The rest of the girls also have their cliques, but those are ofc not VS members , which is again another reason why splitting the server in 2 was the best they could do even if it would technically make Nazuna a solo player for the most of it

>> No.29999959

that's going to be a problem

>> No.30000203

It's not only the nips. It's one of the most common ways to grow for every big streamer. I know some things about the spanish twitch streamer community and it works exactly the same for them.
They have gigantic collabs with tens of streamers and that's an enourmous pool of viewers that allows some of them to get hundreds of thousands of live CCV for playing modded minecraft.
In fact they got recently a 3 million viewers event just from the hype of having all them do boxing.
What people like of them it's universal (though jps idol schizoness surely helps):
They share their audience but it actually means both have more viewers if they stream at different times, they create more interest and hype for whenever they stream together (people can't get enough of this interactions),
this makes them bigger buffs them in the algorithm and if you get bored of one instead of moving to a different place you can check the others and keep in their orbit.

>> No.30000316

the only thing the repels viewers faster than a lack of a box is male interaction.

>> No.30000600

Only here tho, 3 of the other girls have very entertaining streams with guys and people eat that shit up hard

>> No.30000834

>have very entertaining streams with guys and people eat that shit up hard
>have very entertaining streams

>> No.30000887
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buying a ticket seems annoying as hell
why can't things be easy for once

>> No.30001353

Mousefag here. She confirmed just now on her discord the VSJ only server is vanilla.

>> No.30001503

In the case of the Spanish community (I know because I belong to it) is that all the streamers are very united and make all their fans support other streamers, that's why they can get so many people on stream. Besides that they are always doing joint game series. In a few weeks they are going to start a Minecraft series with about 30 people and the last time they did it streamers from 300 people went on to have +10k

>> No.30001774

Honestly, I might dedicate my next drink to the mouse
Basically if the other girls get sick of the mod, they'll switch over to the vanilla server and build stuff for Nazuna to admire later

>> No.30001999

Good to hear
If I understand correctly the other server is moded, if the girls don't like it, they may join to her

>> No.30002429

Well, you can still do cool things with it.
Though, after seeing so many hours of Holos playing in Vanilla some new things with mods would spice things up a bit.

>> No.30002500

See the thing is ow that the only real barrier of entry is gone...the difficulty being too high and fucked spawn rates there's even less chance people will go to build stuff in vanilla...the mod isn't just combat oriented there soo much shit in it for build enthusiasts there's probably like 100 new decor blocks/items . Basically whatever they build on the modded is gonna trump anything they do on vanilla also starting over from scratch on vanilla isn't gonna be fun either
