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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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296679 No.296679 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the board-tan?

>> No.296708

yes due to both it being a neutral entity and the history attached to character

>> No.296755

vroid when?

>> No.296834

No. Only the loli bear is allowed.

>> No.296858

Why is she the picture for the rules post when she is currently nothing? It should’ve been AI.

>> No.296887
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>> No.296914

Yes, might as well make use of the design since it won't be used for anything else.

>> No.296949


>> No.296965

Does this character have a tag I can look up on boorus

>> No.296999
File: 1.49 MB, 1024x768, bearloli2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I rig her too?
I rigged bear loli but its not that good
I dont like green Mito that much desu

>> No.297000

There are a few boards with two board-tans, I guess /vt/ could be one of them.

>> No.297054


>> No.297094
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>> No.297123

makes sense desu
holo fags vs nijjiniggers
corpratefags vs indiecucks
sea vs the rest of the world
orange fags vs the rest of the board
this board will aways be in a constant state of strife its origins were born of it

>> No.297185

Lolibear (Descendant of Pedobear, evolutionary cousin of Spurdo and Gondola), the chaos of indie vs Midorimito (literally "Green Mito"), the order of corpo

>> No.297231

Does she have a name?

>> No.297564


>> No.297607

Green Mito

>> No.298473

rotate her skirt and kiss her panties

>> No.298518

Why does every new board try to force the double -tan gimmick?

>> No.298903

Blame /m/ since they tried to do a lot more than 2 back then.

>> No.298935

>Should I rig her too?
Go for it!

Also, nice breathing on the bear

>> No.298981

Because the boards are too new to have a natural mascot, so people have dissenting opinions on who they want to represent the board. Just let it be decided naturally by who gets OC and who doesn't.

>> No.298996

I blame /aco/'s schizophrenia, no one has focus on designing waifus every one can agree with

>> No.299007

For /vt/ there's a historical split between who they think should've won the competition. That's at least some justification.

>> No.299014
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Never forget what they took from you.

>> No.299019
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>I dont like green Mito that much desu
Can you rig this one?

>> No.299061

we'll bring her back

>> No.299117

We have the technology.

>> No.299495


>> No.301627
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Do this one too, if you don't mind.

>> No.308140

I've been thinking about this a bit more since the last thread, but I really do want to see a "4chan" equivalent to vtubing, or maybe streaming in general. I'm thinking it could be a great way to facilitate camaraderie. Not everyone can be an entertainer or entertaining, but maybe that's not the point. Maybe it's not that we stream to entertain someone, but to get someone to help you have fun just as they do.

So basically, I'm really just thinking this could be like a way to play games and shoot the shit with others, pseudo-anonymously. Maybe this is already something streaming sites are supposed to "do", but the ready-made vtuber avatar and organized format on 4chan I think would make a big difference to approachability.

Here's the idea: we have 1 or 2 avatars that people can use. That serves as the anonymous mask. Voices will be at play, so unfortunately it might not be truly anonymous, but it's the best we can do. Then whenever any of us wants, we can start a stream, and theme it around something, like discussing an anime, or playing a game. Then people interested in the theme can view the stream and see if they might have fun with whoever's streaming, and then they can ask to join as a participant, and it can go from there.

I don't know if having accounts/usernames be visible would be good. Maybe not. But if we use Twitch/Youtube as the actual streaming platform, then we can't avoid it. One of the consequences would be that people could rack up viewers if they wanted to the point where it can become another normal streaming channel. But maybe that wouldn't be so bad either, if everyone gets an opportunity like that, depending on how entertaining they are. But as soon as they can make a stable channel, implying they have people to play with already, then they're worthless on the index that we'd supposedly be maintaining.

Unfortunately I don't think any of this can pan out without smooth integration of such a system on 4chan, so that we have a board that's less like a board and more like an indexer for the streams.

>> No.309333

Why would you kiss panties?

>> No.311327

>organized format on 4chan
>whenever any of us wants, we can start a stream
>and then they can ask to join as a participant
>the index that we'd supposedly be maintaining
Why are you trying to push this discord-esque, circle jerk approach that completely defeats the entire purpose of having a vtuber unassociated with a single individual, and is at odds with the base concept of 4chan. To use an already established example, a 4chan vtuber should be exactly like what the Guy Fawkes mask was in theory, without the faggotry developed by its use in cringe IRL fedora-wearing. It should be a thing that anyone can grab and put on and take on an "identity" that has only the barest amount of collective cohesion. The only organization involved should be getting general agreement on an avatar, and the name and tags (so that it can be searched on youtube/twitch/twitter/wherever). After that if you want to make a thread dedicated to said hypothetical vtuber where you link various accounts making use of the avatar, go for it.

>> No.311770

Maybe I wasn't clear. I was implying that it'd be an index of live streams that are "unfilled" in the sense that whenever a stream dies, or when it reaches capacity for however many people can be in it or be viewing (might need to find an optimal number through experimentation), it would get taken off the index automatically, or at least get hidden, and then unhidden if it gets back within bounds. Maybe a more appropriate way to frame the idea is that it could be like an omegle except the rooms can be "previewed", and it's facilitated by it-just-werks vtuber avatars and a 4chan-integrated index.
So it shouldn't result in a circle jerk or any mass organization of people from 4chan, but it could unintentionally keep a viewership because of being on a platform we can't control, like Twitch.

>> No.316034


>> No.317605
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> I really do want to see a "4chan" equivalent to vtubing
You have Koopa, /wvt/ thread and the /aud/ thread

>> No.317646

Please don't talk about Koopa anymore. She's a liar and a cheater. She doesn't deserve to be related to any 4chan stuff ever again. She can go play with her discord friends and ask them for their advice.

>> No.322170


>> No.322307

What’s that logo from? It’s really professional looking, I’d watch a 4Clover vtuber judging by logo and name alone.

>> No.322442

Just schizo shit, antis from the /trash/ thread trying to bring their shitposts here.

>> No.322742

Fuck off koopa clique

Here is what happened
>secret discord server established by fan of koopa
>only allow vtubers and super fans of vtubers
>don't allow anyone else
>make discord server private and invite only
>someone leak that koopa is dating her fan in the secret discord
>rumors fly around
>/wvt/ on /trash/ went to shit for days
>koopa and discord friends refused to address the issue
>deleted the discord channel where the flirting happen
>the fan never show up again
>koopa remains vague about what actually happen
>ban all mention about discord drama in her chat
>vtuber discussion move to /vt/
>now she has her own thread and should not be associated with anons she lied to and betrayed

>> No.322899

Someone post the loli. She was such a better design

>> No.323145

The shirt loli or the bear loli?

>> No.323159

Ok, but Koopa didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.323180

I think the shirt one? It's been a while

>> No.324279

she's really cute

>> No.324418

How did she "betray" anyone in that scenario. It just sounds like a bunch you sperged out over nothing.

>> No.324519

4Kuma was robbed! ROBBED!

>> No.325438

She betrayed the autists by not doing a naked dogeza or something. Discord autists run amuck and make the Vtuber clear up things instead of admitting they were retards - what else is new?

>> No.325651

did the schizos unironically believe if they "raised their own vtuber", they would fuck them?
blade runner 2049 ruined a whole generation of manchildren.

>> No.325690 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.326061

It's not that hard to believe, any idiot here would throw away their shame to take advantage of some shut in autist girl. It just means that since she's a public personality, we pay attention when he's trying to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.329637

Discordniggers not even once. Blow your brains out fag.

>> No.331259

We really don't need a board tan.

>> No.331418

Whyever not?

>> No.331574
File: 460 KB, 640x480, 21b30e168807c1167ca0d4065e69232466bde577c1270ee837c5439485f56f21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.331646

It just feels so dumb.

>> No.331658

Damn, this version has to be my favorite. Hadn't seen her before.

>> No.335840

I forgot to add this.
>used to visit /wvt/ occasionally asking for advice
>anons in /wvt/ gives actual advice and criticism
>after the secret discord was made, she visited /wvt/ less and less
>she finally fully stopped visiting /wvt/ until someone made a thread for her on /vt/
She doesn't visit /wvt/ anymore and I hope she never will.

>> No.337689

>She doesn't visit /wvt/
Lmao she was here like 3 days ago before her surgery sperg

>> No.352976

