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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29620139 No.29620139 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, all this Oshi business, keeping up their support, always being there for their streams. It's so draining on a man and it always feels like it never comes about anything fruitful.

How do you deal from the burn out. I want to give up entirely, this whole vtuber fanboying but I've already invested so much time and money, it feels like I'm losing out.

>> No.29620216

It’s already too late anon

>> No.29620248


>> No.29620297


>> No.29620346

Dont watch vtubers and just become an anti

>> No.29620440

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.29620515

>it never comes about anything fruitful.
I SEA....

>> No.29620919


>> No.29621025

Stop, they're not something to invest into.
Vtubers are simply another form of entertainment and must be approached this way if you wish to derive any enjoyment from them they're something to watch when your board or put on in the background, or need a laugh.
If you want some kind of meaningful reward or physical or spiritual then you must instead do something productive something that can help you both physically and mentally

>> No.29621767

You have an Oshi because you want them to be happy and supporting them made you happy. Wanting something in return other than some appreciations and respect isn’t healthy expectations. To even want “anything fruitful” is delusional. You should stop before you do something schizophrenic.

>> No.29622639

tl;dr for the rest of the post: Please go cold turkey and never look back, anon.

Ex-/akbg/ regular unicorn here. Started following idols in the '00s, and started following daily activities back when Momoiro Clover had daily concerts and someone uploaded them to youtube. Way back before Akari left and they changed their name to Momoiro Clover Z. Before the earthquake.
The sheer amount of content produced by the 48 group eventually led me to focus my attention on it. There's several subgroups, each one with tens of members and at least a couple of TV or internet shows a week, PLUS guaranteed daily concerts. Each group has its own theater. And then they started livestreaming when SHOWROOM (where Kaguya Luna, incidentally, also ended up streaming the most) came about.
So I watched like 10+ shows every week and a bunch of concerts, certainly every graduation concert. When SHOWROOM started, I watched the streams of all my favorite members. I even went on to make subs for one dorama entirely on my own, and another one together with other anons from /akbg/. Subbed some AKB and HKT variety too. Clearly, I was a full on NEET living off savings back then. Spent like 8 years on that until I had no way to pay the mortgage and had to go back to wageslaving, in 2019.
I even spent money voting in the sosenkyo, until one of the girls I voted for scandaled because she was a filthy whore. So I changed oshi (quite easy with tens of members per group, though it did still hurt) and never voted again. But I did, for example, donate through SHOWROOM. The girl who I donated the most to, ended up scandaling as well. In fact, at least 5 of the oshi I had throughout the 5-10 years I followed them scandaled. Maybe I just had the shittiest of luck, or maybe I have a whore detector and I like whores, I don't know. But the burnout did entrench entirely, around I believe 2017.

So I went cold turkey. Replaced 10+ shows a week plus streams plus concerts plus making fan content with grinding MMOs and, eventually, moving to a different city to work. Before covid, I had to commute 1 hour going to work and 2+ hours back, and had (still have) a 10 hour shift. So that was a way to definitely focus on something else.
When covid started, I didn't have to commute any longer, and I could watch streams while working. And while I did start watching vtubers early on (was on virtual youtuber threads since the beginning of Aichan, before the general was even created. I also did stuff like subbing Siro's content through the youtube heroes program, back when I was still a NEET), I only really got into them with Hololive during the start of the pandemic. Via Pekora. Because of the promises the "idol" title offer.
I'm still working and grinding vidya though. And reading manga and some literature. And I don't follow 3DPD idols any longer, thank god - while I was gone, there was a rape scandal that completely killed the franchise's momentum.

Go cold turkey, anon. It's the only way.

>> No.29622744
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I deserve to be noticed by her.

>> No.29625347

Anon, if you still wanna support your chuuba but it's feeling too much to handle, I recommend you to consume their content with the eyes of a creator. Try to understand her quirks, how she uses her voice and what she does to keep chat attention. I was also suffering from burnout but when I started to understand their work my admiration and respect for them just got even higher and now I find even more joyful to watch and support them.

>> No.29625562
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Supporting my oshi feels good. If it doesn't feel good then she's not your oshi.
But that's just my opinion.

>> No.29627012
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stop watching streams and resort to clips/highlights. slogging through hours of content to get to juicy bits is never worth it.
based. so many artists need to get their shit together and learn to write, instead of redrawing le meymeys.

>> No.29627221

Jesus christ

But yeah op I feel yeah I feel obligated to watch streams now when I would rather play video games. The only time I skip streams is when I have something to do irl

>> No.29627242

The concept of having a oshi will never not be retarded to me. I’m not going to have undying loyalty to somebody I don’t even know

>> No.29627477

I used to think that too. You just haven't found the right one yet.

>> No.29627845

Answer two questions if you want to give up:
1. Do you suffer if you leave your oshi?
2. Do you feel you'll miss out on something if you leave the rabbit hole?
The answer to the first question is "yes" if only you want to believe it. So, the opposite is true.
The answer to the second question for me is "no". I had to leave the rabbit hole so long that I missed the entire Mano Aloe fiasco and Coco & Haato clusterfuck. I don't feel guilty until now and it doesn't have any effect on my life.

What you've gained in your life from watching VTuber?

>> No.29629256

Stop spending money. Just watch streamers streaming live or vods when you need background noise for whatever else you're doing. Never unironically worship celebrities, online or off.

>> No.29631879

Thanks for your story

>> No.29638999

It's fine to slow down. It's fine not watch every stream, it's fine to just watch clips sometimes.
I don't force myself to watch streams and still find myself watching hours upon hours of Pekora from time to time.
Also the fact my Oshi never streams (Aqua) makes it veryy easy to keep up.

>> No.29639733

An oshi is the one person in the world who can never burn you out or drain you(except your balls). You clearly have no oshi. You're nothing but a poser.

>> No.29640226

Their success is the fan's success.
That's the fundamental idolfag feeling.

>> No.29645188


>> No.29652460

Just take a break and find other meaningful things in your life. Come back when you're prepared to appreciate her again and you'll be much happier. She'll probably be happier for you too if she's worth it.

>> No.29652685

>feels like it never comes about anything fruitful
Nigger you're watching entertainers, not tilling the fields.

>> No.29653260

i'm a clipnigger because I will never have the time or energy to catch any of the streams in full. I'll take the best bits spoonfed to me plus tip please.

>> No.29653818

as others said, take a break. what you get from your oshi is almost always intangible. for me, it's the satisfaction of watching my oshi grow into a better person and vtuber. i do get recognized from watching and supporting my oshi, even though i don't donate much to her. what still puzzled me out is that she's a 4views, yet she still bothered to say happy birthday to me. i didn't even tell her, just other fans of her celebrating my birthday on SNS.

>> No.29657940

How about you just, don't? Missing a stream means nothing man, nothing is going to happen if you aren't there.

>> No.29659132
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It’s too late, I’m getting Omega on the line

>> No.29660226

> not working to be the best version of yourself to get a cutie virgin wife and make her your oshi
> not use vtuber only as a language (Nip) learning tool

>> No.29663793


>> No.29663884

>It's so draining on a man and it always feels like it never comes about anything fruitful.
that's the life of a unicorn, they're pathetic beings whose sole purpose is to serve their master
