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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29325427 No.29325427 [Reply] [Original]

>thinks men are disgusting
So this explains why she wanted to gatekeep Hololive from HolostarsEN. Not only does she bandwagons whatever Miko plays and has started to do loli GFE to keep her numbers up. This misandrist has no shame and I can see right through her.

>> No.29325501

Don't make me post THAT.

>> No.29325557

Is tonight just people schizo-ing out?

>> No.29325671

Well, Gura is... Based? I guess?
Not all males are disgusting though.

>> No.29325716

That's been this boards entire existence since inception. If there has been a non-schizo free day I would love to see it.

>> No.29325844 [SPOILER] 
File: 274 KB, 219x250, 1656467987182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay but more importantly take a look at this
she's so cute

>> No.29325849

Between GFE and ignoring the holostars I’m tempted to switch my membership from Kiara to Gura

>> No.29325877

Gura is such a pick me girl

>> No.29325922

>gura says men are disgusting
>im disgusting

>> No.29326018
File: 2.92 MB, 2720x1800, 1610156870119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna and Gura saying a bunch of sexist shit and Fauna lamenting that she couldn't play as a woman during that stream was fucking hilarious.

>> No.29326523

do you people have ear autism? She isnt saying disgusting she is saying the smartest

>> No.29326610


>> No.29326624

Yes, tonight specifically to make (you) seethe :)

>> No.29326662

do your reps

>> No.29326671

before zoomers and woke became a thing pick me girls were the norm, they weren't even called pick me girls, they were just normal girls. I hate zoomers so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.29326689
File: 850 KB, 1226x812, migo...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN Miko
I'll take it

>> No.29326790

No, retard, you don't know what a pick me girl is. Watch more tiktoks. They will teach you.

>> No.29326800

"Oh Karen did you heard what Gura said? Isn't she kind of a 'pickme girl'?"

>> No.29326831

It's faggot snowflake women who are jealous of popularity. The /vt/sisters in action.

>> No.29326860

are you actually dumb enough to believe it

>> No.29326912

Gura mindbreaks shitposters just by existing, so yeah.

>> No.29326954 [DELETED] 

Jay.... im sorry..

>> No.29327019
File: 27 KB, 379x436, 1602846852192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I believe everything I read on this website and have never made a post that is in any way a lie or ironic in nature. I earnestly reply to every single bait post to correct them. I fully read every essay post and blogpost and reply to them seriously.

>> No.29327034

>thinks a majority of her fans are disgusting
Damn who would have thought

>> No.29327054

>watch more tiktoks
no, fuck you zoom zoom. you are not a real human being. you are programmed by Chinese algorithms. My fecal matter has more humanity in it than your entire being.

>> No.29327131

>doesn't know what something is
>refuses to learn

>> No.29327200

Neither miko or gura hate men. Do your archive reps
In fact they really love men

>> No.29327234

>half the thread is people calling her a pick me girl because they heard "the smartest"
>half the thread is people calling her a misandrist because they heard "disgusting"
/vt/ is getting dumber by the day

>> No.29327259

If I've learned anything in this board recently is that that's high praise.

>> No.29327275
File: 171 KB, 495x695, 1612144113289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch more tiktoks. They will teach you.

>> No.29327284

Your faggot zoomer definitions are all wrong. you think people with dicks are women and girls who cut off their breasts are men. You have nothing to teach me as you are a failure as a human.

>> No.29327370

You really love to take cocks up the ass. It's true, do your archive reps
In fact you really love men

>> No.29327388
File: 1.15 MB, 2215x3084, 1656372138185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of SEA ESL just hide and ignore

>> No.29327414

Man why don't timestamps work on mobile

>> No.29327417

>half of /vt/ is calling her a pick me girl because they watched Gura's stream
>half of /vt/ is calling her a misandrist because they watched Fauna's stream with discord audio

>> No.29327429

being a chumbud is to getting tired of winning

>> No.29327576
File: 16 KB, 231x231, 1650721287552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must accept the winnings anon just to see the detractors seeth even more.

>> No.29327862

>my oshi thinks im a disgusting piggy bank LETS GOOOOOOOO

>> No.29327897 [DELETED] 

Jesus, what kind of kinks are Gura and her boyfriend in to that would compel her to say this on stream?

>> No.29328052

Says Fauna is a man because she's the smartest
>is somehow a misandrist

>> No.29328066

seething homotards

>> No.29328069 [DELETED] 

Of course she thinks men are smarter. She legit has a 2 digit IQ as does most of holoen. Hell, she even pisses the bed apparently

>> No.29328416

No you idiot. Pickmes are a reaction against woman's empowerment

>> No.29328641

you're fucking retarded if you don't have personal agency and you rely on trends. I hate zoomers so fucking much, if a tiktok came out telling you to kill yourselves you probably would.

>> No.29329046

ESLchama... she said "da smartest"

>> No.29329117

How do you retarded ESL SEAniggers even get that from what she said LMFAO.
She was implying that men are smarter than women.

>> No.29329181

Even with discord audio I have no idea how anyone could possibly hear disgusting

>> No.29329214

oh no no no zoomers, not the tide pod challenge...

>> No.29329252

Are you all actually retarded? Are sea "people," trying to make a yab out of their own misunderstanding? Not only is that not what she said, she was clearly making a shitty sexist joke.

>> No.29329314
File: 80 KB, 1032x774, 1658776172286013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pickme. Gura is not one

>> No.29329582

>why am I the only man?
>because youre the smartest
Are SEAniggers actually fucking retarded?

>> No.29329692 [DELETED] 

lol this board really is full of seething lolcow whores

>> No.29329737

so a pickme girl is any girl who thinks the current incarnation of feminism is flawed or merits critique?

>> No.29329876

So a "pickme girl" literally is just the ideal woman?
Why exactly is this being used as an insult lately?

>> No.29329899

labeling someone as a pickme girl is an attempt by IdPol faggots to isolate and alienate girls who don't tow the "Party" line. I have no hope for future generations as they exist entirely within the realm of propaganda.

>> No.29329902

>95% of non general threads are worthless shitposts or drama bait
Fix this shit already mods

>> No.29329956

Thots hate women that actually try to be appealing

>> No.29329971 [DELETED] 

femcel crab mentality

>> No.29330053

They want men to have extremely low standards.

>> No.29330071

one meta thread allowed anon

>> No.29330083

The fix is to rangeban all of SEA, but unfortunately they'll never do that cause they get too much ad revenue from them due to the fact that theyre lipdrooling monkeys that are too stupid to understand how to install adblock.

>> No.29330191

Yes. It's jealous cunts that think it's an insult for some reason. I unironically search for "pick me" in the archive to discover new vtubers to watch, and it works great. It's like a seal of quality.

>> No.29330265

you... are very smart

>> No.29330498

in case you're one of those groups:

>> No.29330619 [DELETED] 

you're talking to SEAmonkies, they don't understand english

>> No.29330670

No she wasnt you blithering SEAape. Gura's "the" always sound like "da". She was hesitating saying it

>> No.29330842

Thats actually not a bad idea kek. Think ill try it

>> No.29331002


>> No.29331134

>because you're the...smartest...
Honestly baffled you guys can hear anything else. Then again I can actually afford a good pair of headphones

>> No.29331143

>women doing sexist jokes
It's never a joke if women do it.

>> No.29331490

Then why did she say she hesitated. Why would you hesitate to say something that lightweight?
Which are you more likely to refrain from saying because it would be inappropriate or volatile? You people are dumb fucks.

>> No.29331717

>something that lightweight
because its not? try saying a joke like that in front of a woman

>> No.29331821

girls who complain about pickme girls are literally meaner and shittier to girls than pickmegirls are

>> No.29332050

this thread has no reason to exist and neither do you

>> No.29332354 [DELETED] 

I don't watch clips or streams, I just read rrats and spread them. But I assume she said disgusting, because that's something someone to pisses in other people's beds would say.

>> No.29332388

So the homos are pickme boy?

>> No.29332542

Fuck this shit man.
This is why all boards should be blocked until people actually read the FAQ and stickies.
Can’t they just hire someone to code something that allows that?

>> No.29333232

How much of a loser chud do you have to be to consider the cartoonish slavish doormat in the meme the ideal woman?

>> No.29333524

Because she knows how a woman needs to be if she wants affection from a male. If you don't follow any of those don't come here complain that no man wants to date you.

>> No.29333557

Please click this link

>> No.29333586 [DELETED] 

have sex femcel

>> No.29333605
File: 236 KB, 536x550, 1613367462704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gura a holoJP in spirit? Does she even care about idolshit? Might sub to her.

>> No.29333616

she educated herself

>> No.29333655 [DELETED] 

Finds men so disgusting she got a boyfriend. lmao

>> No.29333773

And your mom is the best cock sucker in town

>> No.29333936

I've said this many times but Gura is probably the most HoloJP like Holo in HoloEN. No she's not going to be literally HoloJP, but she's an idolfag, she's relatively strict about the whole "no males" thing, etc. The only real thing missing for her is the drive, work ethic and stamina of the top tier HoloJPs. She might be a clipfag but she loves HoloJP and the whole idol aspect of things.

>> No.29333938

>Men are smarter than women -Gura.

>> No.29334020

Americans think its inappropriate to say men are smarter than women

>> No.29334032

So the only thing in common is the no males rule is what you are saying

>> No.29334034

Your ancestors have spent millenia scoffing their nose at women who weren't like this

>> No.29334078

In the context of the clip it would of course be in humour, but if the other possibility is also in humour it is still worse optics

>> No.29334131

That sounds extremely sexist anywhere in the western world. I don't know about Japan or Indonesia.

>> No.29334146

Where do I find one of these

>> No.29334154

You asked if she cared about idolshit, she does care about idolshit. No she doesn't have the work ethic of a HoloJP like Miko or Pekor. What other traits would she need to be "HoloJP in spirit"?

>> No.29334227

but you are American, how would you know? you probably couldn't even find America on a map.

>> No.29334270

Women are the sexual selectors in the human species. That should be sufficiently obvious to you by now

>> No.29334329


>> No.29334354

A rare find since the west is ruining women.
But you have those in korea or japan.

>> No.29334400

>what is patriarchy
>what is rape
oh no no no femcels, you really shouldn't take the last 40 years as an example when the last 4000 years was a different story.

>> No.29334431

You mean north Korea, right

>> No.29334730

The last 40 years are just a reversal to the natural human state before agriculture and patriarchy upended the natural order.

>> No.29334781

Crystal meth level copium

>> No.29334798

oh, the new trendy buzzword.

>> No.29334874

Ill take two!

>> No.29334908

Gura is so based I made her my new oshi after everyone else bowed to the cocks of Tempus

>> No.29334934

>Higher rates prostitution and sex work
>Higher rates of female infidelity
>It is customary for the men to literally hand over their salary to their wives

>> No.29335041

Don't be stupid, it's right in the middle above Mexico and beneath Canada and Alaska.

>> No.29335063
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, 1658903427616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does loli GFE
Nah, this shit doesn't add up

>> No.29335075

gura really likes fauna. to think an autistic love for mario kart can hitch you with the biggest vtuber

>> No.29335153

Gura and IRyS. IRyS afaik hasn't acknowledged the Tempus. IRyS skirts/ crosses the GFE regularly. Also she appreciates her gachis. I'd say 90%+ of her solo streams she reads every pink and aka plus some others if they get her attention. Call it simping or parasocial or whatever but it's nice to know on some level she acknowledges and appreciates that her fans contribute to what she takes home financially.

>> No.29335170
File: 41 KB, 326x326, 1644750031056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care if it's an illusion i just want that missing piece

>> No.29335352

Only a loser would settle for less.

>> No.29335452

Shes begging for rape correction

>> No.29335521

poal time
