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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27787445 No.27787445 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27791389

the only important thing is creative freedom

>> No.27792069
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The way this situation is presented, i can only think 2 reasons as of why

1. To sate her loneliness

2. to spook Cover, and remind them to give the girls better negotiations

Either way, it's sad that she had fallen this hard. thank you for everything and i will always remember you in your prime form, and never acknowledge your existence in your current form Kaichou. Good bye.

>> No.27792092
File: 1.10 MB, 850x1209, I did nothing wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kson did nothing wrong

>> No.27792102

Creative freedom means reacting to youtube videos for 8 hours every day.

>> No.27792154
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>> No.27792169

I've never seen this board so broken over 2 words lmao.

>> No.27792181

that applies to Cover actually now that they're trying to interfere with their talent's private lives, contrary to what they said regarding Rushia's.

>> No.27792209

Being a delinquent who helps others like her fallen comrade move on from the black company she worked for will make one enemies, true.

>> No.27792239

Kson is just Shirou incarnate, being the only person sticking with mikeneko even at the cost of the world.

>> No.27792286

>even at the cost of the world.
A world (ie business model) full of hypocrisy and lies is not worth saving.

>> No.27792291

>sticking with Japanese Amber Heard
Kson is retard incarnate.

>> No.27792346

ksonkeks still coping

>> No.27792387

Kson is as nice as johnny depp confirmed.

>> No.27792415
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>> No.27792503 [DELETED] 

amerimutt nigger company cant do anything creative in the first place other than woke trash.

>> No.27792518

Makes sense
Kanata and Ilya are both the best girls.

>> No.27792580

You guys seem to be treating this as an idol culture thing, or like a pro-Holo anti-Holo thing? The only part I care about is Kson versus the autistic insane Chinese cancel squad, and I honestly can't believe she hasn't given up yet. She even might win.

>> No.27792677

>You guys seem to be treating this as an idol culture thing, or like a pro-Holo anti-Holo thing?
She rejected idol culture within Hololive and these fags were in deep denial about it back then.
They also want to pretend she wasn't forced out of Hololive. But is also expected never to join any other group ever for some reason.

>> No.27792702

>holofags are giant hypocrites
more news at eleven.

>> No.27792735

Chinks gave up already and besides, the absolute seething from Holobronies about Kson's betrayal was enough.

>> No.27792741

>Day 7, still seething

>> No.27792781
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She still be my hero who help her's friend in when she need it most

>> No.27792790

anon, august is the earliest estimation of this board to be semi-normal again

>> No.27792828

>Day 7, still coping

>> No.27792830

> She focus in talents freedom now

>> No.27792877

No u

>> No.27792916

>She even might win.
On depends on your win conditions. Making lots of money- Yeah she already has and will continue to. Producing the content she wants-creative freedom means seh can do what she wants so yeah. Being happy-slowly antagonizing the fanbase that lifted you to stardom by commenting passive aggressively on the company your friends stil work for and adding to your already large pool of antis. Probably not

>> No.27792918

Who said Emiya Shiro is wise?

>> No.27792950

Rushia is Matou Sakura
Everything is make sense now!

>> No.27793040

Pretty impressive how she shook off all the chink spammers onto Fubuki then split with no consequences while Fubuki is still getting spammed over a year later.

She's no hero.

>> No.27793070

Mike is debuting this month. We're guaranteed another shitstorm before august.

>> No.27793081

it almost feels like they don't give a fuck about Coco but hololive/cover as a whole

>> No.27793104

Kson knew she was going into vsj ages ago. All of kson's savior-fagging over the past year was a calculated move to build up a particular image and connections that allow her to poach/front-run hire talents from JP competitors in order to try and eat the JP market. She has voiced her interest in management for ages, and should be seen as a glorified suit at this point.

Even bringing along mike was a deliberate move to communicate to prospective hires that it doesn't matter how bad your rep is they're interested - not done out of the goodness of their hearts at all.

>> No.27793137

that's why i said,
>earliest estimation

>> No.27793197
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You just glorified spammer as Fubuki is deserve it and Kson is bad guys who not accept their's spam.

Are you spammer? Where are you from?
Artiadiscord? Voxdiscord? Tell me

>> No.27793200
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I can feel it.
The dark lord's seal is close to being broken

>> No.27793228 [DELETED] 

>can’t even call out fags for spreading disease
Nice freedom you have there

>> No.27793288
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learn english before you post here, Chink

>> No.27793312

Not the shitpost god...

>> No.27793335

Even that worm-infested cumdump is better than Rushia.

>> No.27793377
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> Chink is mindset not race
> by this logic, I am no Chink!

>> No.27793392

I mean, Hololive treated her terrible in the final few months so I honestly don't blame her.

> "I keep asking for EN collabs but management is blanking me"
> "I had an idea for a replacement Asacoco. Management said no."
> "I'm talking to the EN members off stream. They're not even allowed to mention my name."
> "I spent a lot of my final week preparing an epic farewell, but my first few ideas were all rejected, so its back to the drawing board."
> "I recorded multiple green screen meme videos with Kanata so you guys wont forget me." Cover will only ever show one.

I could go on.

>> No.27793406
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>> No.27793433

KSON believes in second chances. Of cource for hololive this would make her evil. Yagoo likes broken girls, but he doesn't care about them. KSON is a good person. Yagoo is not.

>> No.27793547

"Ages ago" Oh you mean March? Ffs

>> No.27793611


> unperson her from Hologra except last episode.
> no Sponser except SEGA demand Kiryu Coco only.
>No collabo until she decided graduate and they just let them collab with Mori
> So many projects wss denied by 3 bastards in the board of content.
> She like Yagoo thou you can feel good vibe with him from her

>> No.27793678

Yagoo and Kson don't hate each other.
She praise him in the past but subtle way.

> She hates the board of content by 3 oji bastard most.

>> No.27793697

does Yagoo even own his company anymore? i refuse to believe that's the face of someone who try to break up best friends because of some "risk management"

>> No.27793704

This implies that Kson from the future will, through some magical death-game ritual, suddenly appear in the present and try to kill her younger self to not make the mistake of joining Vshojo.

>> No.27793891

No, not anymore.
He may be CEO but Hololive was controled by the board of content which establisted after Taiwan by Cover directly

> They want to control everything in Hololive.
> Cover is not Hololive nor Yagoo
> executive board who live in shadow.

Several members talk about then many times already. They exist

>> No.27793949


Also, who could forget "Weather Hackers". A song gifted by a fan. Management wouldn't let her sing it uncensored or even release it.

>> No.27793966

This. It's honestly crazy how everyone somehow forgot how awful she was being treated, and for so long. Do people not remember how we'd get excited when there were even just crumbs of interaction between Coco and EN behind the scenes, or how hype her limited appearances were?
All of that suffering has now been forgotten in a SEA of shitposting.

>> No.27794148

Shirou wins in the end.

>> No.27794217

>Coco vs Kson

>> No.27794227

Didn't say that.

I don't understand why this theory upsets people. It's pretty apparent she's not all that interested in focusing on being a talent at this point. It's just clever and sensible business sense to do it, and will probably be a good thing for the industry as a whole since it'll light a fire under the rest of the industry's ass. Unlike other people I actually think she knows what she's doing. It's also not "wrong" for Kson to act like that; the easiest way to build the kind, welcoming and trustworthy image needed to help in this kind of recruitment is to actually behave that way after all. Actions speak louder than words, and the underlying intent doesn't matter all that much as long as the outcomes are positive.

I guess people don't like it because it implies ulterior motives (which people immediately assume is inherently morally wrong) and that they think it's somehow a bad thing to try and eat the market whole.

It also runs counter to the idea that VSj is a guild-like entity, which is quite frankly delusional and demonstrates a clear misunderstanding about the kind of attitude VC and people like gunrun have towards business. Their entire model is to run as skeleton crew as possible and achieve growth at all costs.

>> No.27794367

I'll never forgive them for denying us a sequel to maidragon where Aqua is the one helping lift up Coco's spirit.

>> No.27794451

If she really was Shirou, she'd still be in Hololive telling post-graduation Kson to fuck off.

>> No.27794498


Are we talking about Yagoo here? Not that I blame him entirely for how Kson was treated by Cover.

Kson's rescued someone again, and she's ready for more exploits.

Creative freedom means playing whatever games she feels like, or talking about what she feels like. If it's avant garde, fine. If it's comfy, fine.

And it means no forced apologies to dictatorships.

>> No.27794641

Whenever I see a fanbase or company talk about 'creative freedom', the closest positive that's displayed is the ability to stream Konami games.

>> No.27794713

This is not unlimited blade work anon
This Heaven feel route and Rushia is Matou Sakura.

>> No.27794721

Kson was The Boss all along

>> No.27794811

>And it means no forced apologies to dictatorships.
Literally everyone else would've done the same thing. In 2022 we hate dictatorships, but 2020 was different.

>> No.27794823

> After Rushai was terminated recently

Melody invited her for year but she denied and Ironmouse said she really unexpected Kson join Vshojo.

You can guess what put her to Vshojo

>> No.27794989

>means playing whatever games she feels like
I think this is going to be harder as part of vshojo. A lot of game companies have different permission rules for large organisations and Indies and they will not consider Kson an indie regardless of what she says. In en its not a problem but in Jp its different

>> No.27795007
File: 153 KB, 493x517, Screenshot_20220709-153835_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Haachama next? Cause this is straight up Vshoujo shit now and she seems to be practicing it now.

>> No.27795160

Rushia is Zouken - a decrepit geezer living way past her expiration date, surviving out of pure spite, whose only purpose is to suck out the vitality of younger, broken, most likely brainwashed people.

>> No.27795228

> If Rushia is Sakura
> If Archer is Coco in Hololive
> If Kson is Emiya Shiro
> If Kanata is Saber

Emiya Shiro denied Archer existance and become seperate people because of Matou Sakura issue.

Kson join Vshojo for Rushia and become enemy to Kanata and her's justice for save her 's friend!

Holo/Stay Night : HeavenLive Route


>> No.27795402

>creative freedom
>react to youtube videos all day
>occasionally flash your ass
>do cosplay once every few months
>do gunpla every now and then
wow such creative freedom

>> No.27795405

>for how Kson was treated by Cover
You mean that one time when they agreed to shut down their entire Chinese branch because of her?

>> No.27795436

More like the chinks pulled out in response.

>> No.27795451

Artia is traitor

>> No.27795795

Zouken not relate to Shirou until Heaven route but Rushia as Sakura fit the role.

Saber = Kanata
Loyal, good heart, you can trust her

Tosaka Rin = Fubuki
Justice fag, bimbo , smart, Tsundere

Matou Sakura = Rushia
Not good person but love Shiro so much, need Shiro to keep her stable, good cooking and cleaning freak for Shiro


>> No.27795861

you forgot 'spout unsolicited basic bitch political opinions in a high-handed manner'.

>> No.27795988

Why do you think they pulled out? Because Cover didn't punish Coco enough. You're basically saying Cover did end up punishing her even after everything?

>> No.27796400

she was practicing since her debut

>> No.27796413

ame has been more creative in hololive than kson has ever been as an indie. really makes you think if the excuse holds him. i think "creative freedom" is just a fancy way to say "i wanna be an ethot".

>> No.27796853

Because Bilibili shut down all Hololive channels and translation groups are rebellion and send ultimatum to Fubuki

>> No.27797044

kson hate threads became stale, making the same argument over and over is no fun at all, bring me something new

>> No.27797442

making the chinks seethe for roughly 2 years by now and earning her right for the Welsh cock how is she a villain?

>> No.27797484

She wipes her ass from back to front.

>> No.27797497

holofags were chinks all along? cause i see them seething the most

>> No.27797561

weak, just realized i do the same

>> No.27797669

if Kson has freedom to say taiwan numba wan and cover is bad then i will acknowledge her "freedom"

And no, being a whore isnt freedom

>> No.27798425
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>serving under a company offers more creative freedom than working by yourself

>> No.27798655
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i swear every time i lay my eyes on the damn pride flag it gets uglier and uglier

>> No.27800050 [DELETED] 

Fuck monkey-nigger-pox-aids riddled faggots.

>> No.27800149

>holofags were chinks all along?
Always were.
/vt/ constantly denies it, but Hololive blew up in 2019-2020 thanks to chink clippers. Only difference between now and then is that the chinks have been replaced with SEA (aka ethnically chink) clippers.

>> No.27800186

But youre a man. Its different if your a woman.

>> No.27800327

i don't think so.
probably since they got sponsored by Bushiroad.

>> No.27800697

>Cmon, leave them. Join me, we got all the creative freedom, we can collab with Trash Taste, Nuxtaku and be on chaturbate together. It's me, your long time friend, you'll do it, right?
>No, I like where I am, Hololive is great, I want to be an idol

based Kanata

>> No.27800725

>millionth thread about the topic
>overused meme quote
/vt/ is a garbage fire but can you at least try to be a little original with your threads?

>> No.27802528

lmao there goes the ching chang chong with his delusions
How many times do we need to tell your delusional rotten brain that most viral clips were from the West? Look it up nigger.

>> No.27803027


This shouldn't escalated this way if Json didn't blurt out stupid stuff like Json==good cover==bad. All corpo is evil!

Everyone is ok until this happen.

>> No.27807787
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She's Oda Nobunaga, going to unify the warring states of vtubers and lift up Japanese indies to join her part of VShojo(the JP branch), she's wanted to form a big gang or guild for a while now.

>> No.27808653

Anon, all corporations are fundamentally evil, cause they don't care about you, or your chuuba, they only care about quarterly reports.

>> No.27808668

and we just watched the Hono-ji incident were Mikoneko(Akechi Mitsuhide) just forced her to commit seppuku

>> No.27811183
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>Kson joins a company
>Becomes a manager of her own branch
>Doesn't disappear
>Bugs lose their shit cause they know they cant touch her anymore
>So they shitpost as hard as they can for a week

This is like a time loop, it always happens when cocoson does something.

I cant wait for the cataclysmic bug butthurt when Kson starts collabing with hololive.

>> No.27811262

To think this all happened because chinks are the most sensitive faggots in the world
Imagine a timeline where the mention of Taiwan caused no melty.

>> No.27811270

>I cant wait for the cataclysmic bug butthurt when Kson starts collabing with hololive.
I thought the bugs hated Hololive? Or do they just Fubuki and Aqua? I must have lost track of what they actually like, dislike or want.

>> No.27811506

They hate her being successful for some reason.

Her going back and collabing with hololive would be especially notable, since it would boost her reputation through the roof, and not make her look like a 'judas traitor' or whatever.

>> No.27811702

Twitter tourists and their revisionist history is always such a treat. Keel going anon.

>> No.27811889

>a hero
Chinks were right about her from the very beginning. She's nothing more than a walled whore.

>> No.27812785

Kson just wants to be a regular twitch streamer behind an avatar. She's not alone in that regard, I fully expect Mori to be the next to graduate.

>> No.27813100
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>ESL moment

>> No.27813208

Is Kson even a V-Tuber anymore? All she wants to do is appear with her 3DPD self cosplaying her character.

>> No.27813270
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>> No.27813351

Stop saying that shit. The chinks hate her for a different reason than you do. You don't have to agree with government brainwashing just because you have a common enemy.

>> No.27813457

Or maybe people just hate vshojo and her turning herself into one bit by bit, but ok

>> No.27813720

Keep telling yourself that.
Chinks hate her because she's a bad influence to their hololive idols.
And the shit she's currently doing is that.

>> No.27814019

Fucking retard

>> No.27814816

The most popular Hololive clips on Youtube are exclusively made by Japanese.
The secondary popular ones are mostly by Taiwanese and Sea People.

The loss of the Bugclip channel wasn't even a loss, no one remembers it in the Western sphere and it had no influence on the Western clipping scene in the long-term other than spawning bait clip channels like Otakmori.
It obviously wasn't viewed by JP viewers who view JP clips, and JP Hololive is more popular than ever and is (and always was) the core of the fanbase.
The Chinese legacy in Hololive is only one of a terminated branch and making Aqua retire.

>> No.27815410

How so? She's literally the same character she's always been. Maybe it's just that people's expectations were mistaken...which is strange considering she's not exactly the quiet, closed off type.

>> No.27819045

>can't answer back with any proof and resorts to insults
Truly, a tatsunocuck.

And Hololive was dying without Chink money. Retards like you downplaying their help is the reason because you don't like them is why Coco can cuck you easily.
And besides, you're just an EOP who doesn't understand business.

>> No.27825630

China hate!
Kson love!

>> No.27825839

man, Fubuki must be a truly disgusting person, so many chinks hate her.

>> No.27825949
File: 254 KB, 1465x712, 20210721_075155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks hate Hololive retard

>> No.27826186

Chink want Coco, Haachama, Fubuki, Korone, , Subaru , Sora and Yagoo fired from Hololive


We have proof

>> No.27826261

> Hololive moment faggot


>> No.27828558

>joins vshitshow
>immediately abandons her best friend and kicks her out of the house
>kanata is forced to go on stream and pretend nothing is wrong
I didn't care about this before now. What an absolutely abhorrent person.

>> No.27828673

>HFZ storyline makes her seem as a victim for management
>she was the management all along


>> No.27829378

>reddit spacing ESL
Tatsunocucks look more and more like chinks every day.

>> No.27831915

Chadnata was the real player. It was all about her from the beggining, Coco was just the decoy "protagonist". Proud Penis Tenshi.

>> No.27831974

she saved her...

>> No.27832173

She has always been a stupid vulgar cunt, why is everyone acting surprised that she’s seeking out other stupid vulgar cunts?

>> No.27832300

regardless of the falseflags and shitposting going on on /vt/, japanese people are still going apeshit against kson for siding with mikeneko(who only the most obsessed of gachikoi stuck by)

>> No.27832467

shit bait but /vt/ will bite anything

>> No.27832695
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it's up

>> No.27832723

They are Jun-gang Who is Anti- Vtuber in general. They help Mikeneko about Twitch but they want Mileneko destroy Hololive.

But Kson slap Mike and eat rice

Search Kanto association and Mikeneko in Japanese . You can find the clue

>> No.27833251

stop larping, retard

>> No.27835066

stop shilling your channel here falseshitd

>> No.27835448

She protected Coco. So yeah, because of Coco she got attacked.

I can make shit up too you know.

I'm not your boogeyman, tatsunocuck.

>> No.27836467 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 2048x1536, 20210910_161246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 1 of founder of Andy and you are nothing. I an traitor of antis and you are just some anon.

>> No.27836679
File: 347 KB, 2048x1536, 20211011_090757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Artiafag and Judas in Andy spam discord.

Shut up faggot
Know your place

>> No.27841021

I swear this "MUH TALENT FREEDOM" bullshit will become a lifelong meme whenever Kson fucks up from now on.

>> No.27841368

i bet vshojo doesnt have the freedom to spout racial slurs

>> No.27848434

i bet they cant say they love jk rowling

>> No.27848976
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>> No.27849887

Jitome Monoe when?

>> No.27850558

CN branch was not shut down

>> No.27852179

Creative freedom is ometimes bad. See Ren & Stimpy.

>> No.27852232

If they aren't shut down, please link me to their active channels.
I'll wait.

>> No.27852713

> "I keep asking for EN collabs but management is blanking me"
What would EN gain from collabing with Coco? Let's see, a bunch of chinks wheelbarrowing all their chats and potentially shifting their attention towards the new branch that was growing at fast pace
> "I had an idea for a replacement Asacoco. Management said no."
What kind of "idea"? Similar to her hanged Kanata?
> "I'm talking to the EN members off stream. They're not even allowed to mention my name."
Well, they are a new branch that was growing the fastest among all branches. Mentioning Coco would just attract the rabid chinks to shit up their chats. Remember that this was before youtube rolled out subscriber only mode
>"I spent a lot of my final week preparing an epic farewell, but my first few ideas were all rejected, so its back to the drawing board."
Again, what kind of "ideas" were rejected?
>"I recorded multiple green screen meme videos with Kanata so you guys wont forget me." Cover will only ever show one.
You chose to leave so don't blame others

The management lost confidence on her after her return asacoco featuring multiple holos. It was in the best interest of the company to defuse any outrage, and yet she riled them up by sneaking that end credit postcard telling all chinks "fuck u and never come back", which basically gave wings to all the chink rrats about her and Cover. Regardless of how blameless she was for showing youtube analytics with Taiwan on screen, her refusal to deescalate the situation made that the entire company was now the target of those ccp drones.

Then she didn't have the patience to wait for everything to calm down before getting back into collabs again and decided to leave because she knew her loyal gachikois would follow her roommate channel and she would get the full SC cut. And now she joined the competition while shitting on her former company, the one that lost sponsorships thanks to her and any other company in the world would've used that as grounds for contract termination. Meanwhile, Fubuki is still getting spammed because of her

>> No.27852808

Read the previous post dumbass, the CN branch was not shut down by bilibili when the other holo JP channels got suspended

>> No.27852993

So they're not shut down? Links?

>> No.27853167

Are you fucking retarded? Are you unable to follow a conversation or do you have reading comprehension issues?

>Why do you think they pulled out? Because Cover didn't punish Coco enough. You're basically saying Cover did end up punishing her even after everything?
>Because Bilibili shut down ALL Hololive channels
>CN branch was not shut down

I don't expect you to take the L, you will probably move the goalpost
