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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27765008 No.27765008 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty weird for me to exist here but eyy~

I'm Zeiis Welford, a Loreless streamer that speaks English, Tagalog and Mindanaoan Visaya!

I love playing FPS Games, specifically Apex Legends and Valorant, but I also play some other genres too! (osu!)...

I currently don't have any schedule set coz me's still studying, aaaaand I'll totes appreciate yall to greet me when I go live!

I do stream on Twitch but I'm mostly active on Twitter!

I'm relatively open on a good ton of topics but make sure it still stays human~

IRL talks are a no-no so please be kind~



>> No.27765097
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>no lore

>> No.27765318
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>no lore

>> No.27765326

Sis, please turn back and leave this website as fast as you can.
There's nothing good to be found here.

>> No.27765466

"I live in cringe, accepting it, living with it, by that; I am cringe, but free" - Confucious

>> No.27765640
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You don't want to do this, OP.

>> No.27765657

>inb4 LARP
Tropapips, you're either a psychopath and a trendhopper to actively shill yourself here.
Get out of here now.

>> No.27765706

or a trendhopper*

>> No.27765714

>Twitter created 2016

>> No.27765773

yeah, can be considered an ancient relic lmao

>> No.27765844

*sigh* gave me a good scare there...

>> No.27765888

Lore's too meta nowadays, might as well start from none~

>> No.27766095


>> No.27766172

Do not do this here unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.27766209

I do, and I think there's no turning back.............

>> No.27766356
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Joke's on you OP, I don't use twitch to get my e-whores.

>> No.27766466

play FPS games mate....

>> No.27766485
File: 191 KB, 418x352, 1631906522976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do this op, this place is a shithole

>> No.27766520

Why are you here OP, you’ll just attract the wrong kind of fanbase…

>> No.27766532
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So? Still an e-whore by all definitions.

Now dance for me.

>> No.27766572

I can save you

>> No.27766634

Will you be my wife?

>> No.27766658

You can't even save yourself.

>> No.27766691

NGL this made me chuckle a good amount mate~

>> No.27766725

No one has expressed the desire ti sexually harassing you. Weird.

>> No.27766746

I guide others to a treasure I can't possess~

>> No.27766802

Nooo what have you done you destroy your carrer already noo

>> No.27766809

That... could be a weird decision mate,,,,,,

>> No.27766828

this entire thread is priceless. They're not sending their best.

>> No.27766878

ANY% Career cancel speedrun WR from Zeiis Truly~

>> No.27767012

Prolly charging up for sumn else mate...

>> No.27767119

Do you do GFE? If not then I'm not interested

>> No.27767235

Ayaw mo sa YouTube? Mas marami yata mga Pinoy na VTuber doon, baka gusto mong makiintegrate sa community nila.

>> No.27767337

Oh no... It's my first time hearing that...

>> No.27767380

irrelevance is like that

>> No.27767424

YT's kinda good, but I kinda feel that YT's better for clips and shizz~

>> No.27767501


>> No.27767668

Good luck

>> No.27767733

I know my opinion is irrelevant because I am a pleb, but hear me out. Are us plebs as insignificant as we are made out to be? If there were no plebs, could there be any subs?

>> No.27767772

You really need to get out of here.

>> No.27767830

Coffee Peeps rise!!!

I appreciate the Capitalized stuff doe~

>> No.27767869

he is right, this place is not good for you or any chuuba. All of them crumble over themselves eventually

>> No.27767929

"I know what I must do, But don't have the will to do it" - Confucious

>> No.27768020

>I do stream on Twitch
>mostly active on Twitter!
To the trash

>> No.27769024

As fellow SEAgger, i advice you to leave this SEAboard peacefully
>speaks tagalog
Your lore is getting cucked by life, also putang ina
Yo dawg i never saw hana macchia 3D before, now i have thanks

>> No.27769196

Tagalog isn't my native nor EN, aaaand I feel uncomfy speaking in Visaya coz only a few lads can understand it well...

Lore too [REDACTED] to mention, thus loreless~ lmaooo

Now that you mention that....


>> No.27769272
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You don't want the /vt/ audience. Trust me. It never works out.

>> No.27769415

You still using reddit spacing, why dont you lurk this board more...

>> No.27769512
File: 80 KB, 600x536, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apex legends and valorant
wow, really groundbreaking stuff here

>> No.27769528

What happens when I'm already inside it?????

>> No.27769644

those are the ones that can run stably on my Laptop sooooooooo

>> No.27770007

If this is how you want to be, remember to do your OPSEC reps.

>> No.27770176

How can anyone be sure that it the Vtuber posting because if so post something like an clover gif on Twitter

>> No.27770509

Unironically go to /wvt/, and also you might want to try out other not so saturated games
For example, apart from Tiger and some others there are no major Fightan chuubas I can think of, might give that a try. If you want to stay FPS related you could try boomer shooters, which are not really demanding for your hardware and have a sizable audience that is not usually catered to.
Also do Opsec reps and do not pander /here/

>> No.27770546

Well, there's our proof.

>> No.27770589

just download some emulators and be a retroge chuuba. i'm sure /vrt/ would love you

>> No.27770617

What happened to her? I haven't seen that general in a few.

>> No.27770693

On an break because of life

>> No.27770707

She went on a '6 month hiatus" to find a real job. Turns out dads were not only cancerous, but cheap too

>> No.27770710

Hmmmmmmmm Interesting suggestion... gonna write that down aye~

>> No.27770767

You should ask https://twitter.com/eira_ch for help on how to make it also what do you sound like

>> No.27770784

lmao good riddance

>> No.27770987

a dude.

>> No.27771018

>he fucked up quotes
impressively dumb

>> No.27771096

Babi or tranny?

>> No.27771137

Seems to be a babi from what I've looked at so far.

>> No.27771219

Oh no a grammar typo! It's still true, and you know it. Dads were awful and simply watched their oshi go into poverty.

>> No.27771268

Every case of a vtuber advertising themselves like this here ends up poorly. Heed the warnings, this is not a place of honor.
Also this is the first I've ever heard of "Mindanaoan Visaya", sounds like it's ugly as fuck

>> No.27771400

It's a flip dialect
fucking yikes

>> No.27771498

Lurk around the virtual esports thread and don't wander away from there.

>> No.27771567

>Dads were awful
truly ebin

>> No.27771575

POst nudes

>> No.27771705

>IRL talks are a no-no so please be kind~
tits or gtfo

>> No.27771733

Your oshi is on the dole while you're still here shitposting. That's all dads were ever concerned with.

>> No.27771789 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.27771887
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>> No.27772039

A little variance is good no?

also yea, and it sounds super far from tagalog.

>> No.27772443

i second the anon who suggested retro games for variety, i took a peek to your channel and only see FPS

>> No.27772599

>bitching to anons about someone not making money from their internet activities
If I could, I'd punch you hard in the face.

>> No.27773276

pls don't.

>> No.27773374

Who could have predicted that a mentally ill christmas cake who was raised by 2ch attempting to entertain an audience of lonely 4chan posters wouldn't work out? What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.27773578

Another fucking babi
No one will ever watch you, go back to the /asp/cord and circlejerk off with the rest of your freakish kind

>> No.27774106

>he doesn't like babi
How does it feel to be a fucking faggot?

>> No.27774954

lmaoooo noooooo

>> No.27775135

>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.27775308

What the hell is a reddit spacing???

That's just how I segment my sentences mate~

>> No.27776417

Ok but how far do you squirt

>> No.27777385

>went to your twitter
>profile link
>saw a 3 minute video
>15s in and your voice and model aren't even in it
just stay in these threads
