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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27703468 No.27703468 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite vtubers that do ASMR content?
ASMRlets do not apply

>> No.27703596

ASMR is cringe

>> No.27703706

Because you can't feel the asmr sensation, of course its cringe for you, you're defective.
I like Patra and Ayamy for non-lewd asmr

>> No.27704243

patra, ayamy. maybe millie, but i wish she would do her asmr in a room isolated from her loud pc or upgrade her pc.

>> No.27704848
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Mary. Her ASMR is the only one that helps me sleep.

>> No.27705851
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Genuine ASMR is good if you can experience tingles. For reasons we don't fully understand, a lot of people can't. So to them it just seems like coomer bait or GFE shit for incels. It's a shame camwhores found out about it and bastardized the term so they could justify their glorified audio porn. It isn't surprising though because a lot of people either don't understand what ASMR actually is or flat out don't believe it is a real thing. The original ASMR stuff didn't have sexual OR romantic overtones. It was things like watching someone go to a doctor or listening to someone quietly read a book. People quickly figured out you could trigger the response with certain sounds so tapping and scratching videos became common. You can find lots of ASMR videos on youtube that are just people performing triggers with no talking, let alone roleplay, at all.

Then came the girlfriend roleplay because, as mentioned before, many people CAN'T actually feel the tingles themselves so they just listened to relax. Women see a market of people wanting relaxing videos and do girlfriend whisper roleplay. Some people do still get tingles from this so it's not an entire loss, but you can see how things have shifted due to a lot of people just not "getting it". Take Fauna for instance. As much as I love her other content, she doesn't get tingles and it really shows in her ASMR quality. Finally came the thots seeing "pathetic virgins looking for affection" and so they decided to start deepthroating their mics because they don't have any other marketable skills. Now ASMR gets associated with this audio porn and youtube occasionally goes on a warpath trying to nuke it off the platform. And that won't change because people who can't feel tingles will never believe it was ever anything but lonely men looking for attention from women.

TL;DR Women ruin everything.

>> No.27705885

Based ASMRchads

>> No.27706143
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My body tingles at her command.

>> No.27706361

but hey I like both. just sad that YT goes overboard with the banning of actual ASMR vids.

>> No.27706565

Tsukushi Aria aka Not Haachama
She recently got back into ASMR just two days ago after youtubes most recently crusade against ASMR channels.

>> No.27706717

I tend to go for the super lewd ASMR on dlsite, although girls like Patra and Mary are very relaxing to listen to.

>> No.27707033

Why does youtube hate ASMR.
Its getting annoyed when shit is nuked without warning.

>> No.27707161


>> No.27707368

Shirayuki Mishiro

>> No.27707448

I enjoy listening to roleplay asmr when they call me master and also heartbeat asmr.

Also can someone recommend me the best equalizer settings for earphones? I always felt that the audio feels different compare to my old headset.

>> No.27707761


>> No.27708792

Kamishiro Natsume my wife.

>> No.27709334

I think I just got used to the PC sound as part of the background I barely notice it in Millie streams anymore. Other than that, absolute perfect at sleep inducing, her breathing is something else and she doesn't do heartbeat which always wakes me up.
The only thing holding her back is her typing, her keyboard can be fucking loud and is always immersion breaking. That's the issue with any entertainment vtubers doing ASMR, chat still acts like it's a stream to banter and make the streamer laugh and Millie can't help but respond. Same shit happens to Fauna.

>> No.27711043
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I don't get tingles at all so I gauge an ASMR based on how fast they make me sleep.

Some time ago I had a really bad insomnia, and at that time I got recommended an Patra-sama ASMR with those titles like "99% to fall asleep..." and I was like bet, 5 minutes in and I was drooling in my sleep.
she single handedly cured and fixed my shit sleep schedule so I guess she is the real deal?

Overall I like to listen good/nice clean voices, sometimes roleplay is fine too.

Patra-sama, Ryugasaki Rene, Kurusu Natsume and Ratna Petit

>> No.27712022

>WARNING: mucho texto ahead
So how do you know if you can experience tingles or not? Is it the one of those things where if you're not sure if you can or can not experience it you probably can't, cause if you could you would instantly know it? I personally have a very limited experience with asmr, because, exactly as you said, I though it's a coomer bait. When Fauna debuted I gave it a shot. Your comment about her mediocre asmr skills picked my attention because now I'm hoping that maybe that's the reason I'm not sure about tingles.
Lemme give you my brief diagnosis: I like her whispers, but idk if there are any tingles in that, I really like when she's blowing into my ears (aka mic). That's what gets me, what gives me shivers sometimes, but not all the times. It always gets me when I'm in bed and I'm still not asleep and it gets me like 50% of the time when I'm sitting at my pc. Ear cleaning with the puffy thingy or oil ear massage doesn't get me at all, where the former even irritates me if I'm listening to it for a longer period of time. Nail tapping is good, but not to ghe extent of the air blowing.
That's what I can say on top of my head atm. If there's still a chance for me (maybe even if its not) can you guys recommend me some stuff with a lot of triggers from a vtuber? Preferably 1h max and in english, cause I usually fall asleep long before finishing and I'm esl who doesn't understand Nihongo. Or the language doesn't matter if it's centered around triggers and not roleplay stuff?

>> No.27713037
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Ilu Fluor

>> No.27714125

I like Masaru.

>> No.27714498

Absolute favorite Lamy, Fauna and Noel
Other that I still like Okayu, Haachama, Choco, Rushia, Patra, Mare... There is a lot.

>> No.27714539

Patra, no contest. Cutest mom voice, no background noise, no paywall

>> No.27714581

Everything seems like "coomer bait" to a philistine, as that's one of the very few ways that they can interact/identify with the world.

>> No.27714672

Mare Ch https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQRfUPNla7dB-kdcWD92lJg

>> No.27714695

Ear blowing is a very common “tingle” trigger yeah, and that being said ironically it’s often the lewd ASMRtists that are best at it. That being said, Noel, Patra, Millie are all pretty decent at that particular trigger.

Honestly it’s all about listening to a lot of different triggers: massages, hair cutting, shampoo, heartbeat, ear tapping, ear cupping, ear blowing, etc. from good sources and then seeing if they make you *feel* (literally a tactile sensation) usually somewhere on your head or along your spine.

I’m fortunate enough to actually get this (though I’m kinda becoming immune to a few triggers)

>> No.27714877

>WARNING: mucho texto ahead
Please. Hold my beer.

>So how do you know if you can experience tingles or not?
Well, for me my first experience actually happened in a real life situation when I was like 7 years old and went to the doctor for a regular exam. Just them taking my blood pressure and checking my eyes and ears was enough. But not everyone is the same and different things trigger different people. People theorize that ASMR is a sensation dating back to social grooming(the monkey kind not the discord kind) and is a calming effect to help people stay relaxed and still during it. My honest advice is to find a video on youtube of someone doing a ton of different triggers. Should be easy, most of them have millions of views. If you aren't horrifically turned off by the idea of having a real life man on the screen, ASMR Zeitgeist is one of my goto channels. and I'm sure some kind anons can recommend you some others either here or in the dedicated ASMR thread. I won't pretend he doesn't act a little cringe but the man does good work with triggers. Different triggers work better for different people so using one of those big compilation videos to help narrow down what, if anything, works for you is the best way to start. Some people like tapping or scratching. Some people like the sound of pages in a book being turned. Ear massages are a common trigger but not universal. I personally love the sound of ice gently clinking in a glass of water.

Put on your earbuds or headphones(I prefer the former for closeness but either works), close your eyes, try to relax and actively listen to the sounds. Don't just have it on as background noise while doing other stuff. I can't experience tingles without focusing on the sounds I'm hearing. I've never heard of anyone else who can either. Most importantly, pay attention to the volume. You don't want it to be very loud. Loud sounds are jarring and will take you out of the experience. Your normal comfortable streaming volume is probably a tad too loud for ASMR(this is why most ASMR streams tend to lower the volume on their end). I personally keep it as quiet as I can while still being able to clearly make out all the sounds I'm hearing but YMMV. If one video doesn't work, don't give up hope, just try another one because believe me there are a lot of different triggers out there. If trigger noises don't seem to work for you then you might enjoy the (non-sexual) roleplay stuff. Ephemeral Rift's channel has some frankly goofy roleplay that somehow works really damn well for me, but there are tons of options on youtube for haircuts, spa days and frankly just about anything you can imagine. If that doesn't work for you then you can try listening to some of Patra's ASMR streams. Her sound quality is undeniably top-class and maybe the mild GFE works for you. If not, try some other popular channels and see if you can find anything that gives you any sort of pleasant tingling sensation in the back of your head or neck. Whether it is sounds or roleplay. Maybe your trigger is something obscure like tapping on macadamia nuts or simply a woman putting makeup on you. If nothing seems to work then you might just be one of the unfortunate ones not neurotic enough to experience it.

>can you guys recommend me some stuff with a lot of triggers from a vtuber? Preferably 1h max and in english
Unfortunately the number of english vtubers doing trigger-based ASMR is pretty small. That or maybe its just all indies I haven't heard of before. Millie is pretty great when she's not doing scuffed streams. In my opinion her ASMR tingle-triggering skills are above Fauna's despite having a worse setup and a tendency to goof around a little too much sometimes. As another anon mentioned she doesn't speak during the streams(usually), but she does type in chat and has an unfortunately loud keyboard which can be rough. Patra's stuff is mostly triggers with mild cute talking that you don't really have to understand to understand if you know what I mean. Don't be too turned off if you see the timestamps and some of her stuff seems like the same stuff you didn't like about Fauna. She's SIGNIFICANTLY better at it so it might still work for you. This post is too long to proofread so hopefully I didn't fuck anything up too badly.

>> No.27715182
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Macoto. She's cute, her karaokes are pure sovl, and she also shows her ero side. Couldn't ask for more.
By the way, if anyone has her vtuber design sheet or something alike, I would be grateful, she has very little fanart.

>> No.27715860

shadow is god tier nothing will beat her.
I recently found menace and I like the sound of her voice and some of her weirdness.
millie parfait is very nice and gives me lots of tingles but all her asmr is exactly the same.
luna, haato, and polka have a few good streams I go back to.
ik fubuki 's are nice but I think all her's are members only

>> No.27716007

I get tingles when watching fauna but it's usually from her voice rather than the other stuff she uses

>> No.27716104

If you just want to see if you can feel tingles try Noel's roommate that shit makes my whole body start moving

>> No.27716522
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Pic related is doing Tanabata wishes ASMR tonight. She does ASMR every Thursday at least, usually more than once a week

>> No.27716532

one of these will surely make you tingle if you have the gift

>> No.27716768

this stream was very relaxing and comfy to listen to. when will ina do real asmr?!?

>> No.27716955

God I wish Ars Almal did asmr

>> No.27719529

Rinetto Kyandie is amazing. Check out her channel before she purges it
Nene Amano, Charlotte Suzu, Lua Asuka, and Reina in Production Kawaii all have good ASMR streams.
Yura Rikudou in Prism
Shabel Tonya is great, she did visual ASMR, but it was purged sadly. still she's worth listening to
Hari Ryu from Nijisanji. rare but very cute.

>> No.27719766

>Rinetto Kyandie is amazing. Check out her channel before she purges it
Not familiar with her. Is she retiring or did she get picked up by a corp?

>> No.27720095

Right now, her.
She does earlicking + heartbeat and that's a killer combo for me.

>> No.27720178

Patra, Mary and Rene are the best ones. Rindou is pretty good as well.

>> No.27726935 [DELETED] 
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Menace Alchemilla.
Her ASMR doesn't seem focus on as much tingles as others, but it's like a really, really calming zatsudan. It's nice.

>> No.27727046
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Alchemilla Menace
Her ASMR isn't really directly focused on tingles, but listening to it feels like a really, really calming zatsudan. It's nice.

>> No.27728705

ayamy, aria, hano, patra

>> No.27732241

I feel this. I'm not a usual /vt/ poster nor partake in any superchats but I do remember there used to be a niche and great community of asmr on youtube, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lfTRSThkfQ
the rest are japanese ero asmr ripped off albums (which some are bad/amateur but japs do good asmr, usually the blowing is nice on headphones).
I noticed when they released the anime asmr sometime last year which was fucking garbage.
>they used audio panning
>no echolocation/dual mic
>people actually think this is "ASMR"
people think that's asmr? oh no. none of it triggered a Response.

now a lot of other new ASMR channels with 3dpd, some are great but most are erotic shit and that girlfriend roleplay you talked about that is so cringe. I never watched any of those. It's more like hypnosis/roleplay than it is ASMR. might as well just listen to "10 hours of jazz with fireplace" which sounds a lot better IMO.
ero-asmr has devolved. I still like some asmr videos done by koreans (usually faceless) they know the "tingles" and really have invested well with top grade ear simulators. other "western" asmr crap are literally forced, like they have a producer who just tells them what to do or something, literally zero triggers, it's just roleplay crap and there's a million views holy shit -> although I'm giving them the benefit of having room for improvement, the damage has been done. ASMR has devolved. There also used to be a few TB/GBs of ASMR mega somewhere posted around in 4/a/ but I can't find it in the archives (pre nu-ASMR and pre Vtuber) or I did and the link has died.
well I'm not against vtuber shit but it has devolved into vtubers in the past few years, it's harder to get asmr content and I feel like the non-vt asmr sounded a LOT better although nobody seeds them anymore (and I've no way to get CDs shipped so maybe I'll just post it here, any ASMR fags there? where is OUR community??).

>> No.27732300

Setsune So.yogi

>> No.27732768

What alot of these fags also don’t mention is developing and enhance those tingling sensations. Ive been listening to asmr for 2 years and learn that doing things such as rolling your eyes back,focusing on certain parts of your skulll as they start violating it, practice visioning the experience aka.try to imagine as if you were actually getting a message. Theres also some other things you can do like sniffing smelling salts or taking caffeine to really give that tingling a fucking kick

>> No.27732792

Mare, Necoma Karin

>> No.27732808
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>> No.27732911

I forgot to mention audio quality aswell. how good your headset/earbuds are will make or break the experience

>> No.27733009

It's been decades and this still hasn't been topped. https://youtu.be/IUDTlvagjJA

>> No.27733022

you need good earphones and headphones. usually headphones work really well with blowing, it's what got me into it back in 2014 with a shitty headphone.
some sound much better with earphones since the little microdetails cannot be output by headphones (especially since headphones require a lot of voltage).
I use equalizer on both since that's how you get good sound.

there's a modern tool though for getting proper earphones/headphones response which is linked here https://squig.link/ - you should look for bassy (more higher squigly lines on the left side) if you're going for asmr (since it's hard to EQ on videos or browsers) but the tool is a good way to find your preferred sound.
>buy IEM/earphone
>see measurement online
>how do you EQ your earphone? put it on the online graph
>buy a new one that looks like that
although you can just use EQ.
>can you guys recommend me some stuff with a lot of triggers from a vtuber
I don't think I've seen notable ones. also as an ASMR enthusiast I prefer various artists than "one vtuber" and in my opinion most asmr artists pre-virtual youtubers are whole leagues better but I'm not sure the current state of asmr, I've heard some JP ero ASMR artists I heard of started doing vtubing though.

>> No.27733592

Gura does surprisingly good ASMR but there is only one privated stream

>> No.27736390

I used to listen to Mary but dropped her after finding out she used to do lewd asmr.

>> No.27739058

I can count with no hands how many asmr posted here never did anything remotely lewd.

>> No.27739495

Which vtubers are the best for comfy talk / whispering ASMR? Non lewd or slightly lewd, JP/EN
I honestly don't care about most triggers even though I get tingles

>> No.27739643
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Melody does pussy ASMR on occasion

>> No.27740125

shirayuki mishiro

>> No.27740318

>>27666750 That's where you should ask

>> No.27740459

Where could I hear that?

>> No.27741439

Because asmr is coomer shit.

>> No.27744115

Millie's older asmr was better, now she mutes every 5 minutes, types on her keyboard every 5 minutes and memes way too much. Unfortunate because it was nice.

>> No.27746551

My fox wife Yukino

>> No.27746827

Been listening to a bunch of dlsite uploads on japaneseasmr. There's no good way for me to sort out the uploads by quality so I just judge from the cover art.

Anyone know any good ASMR audio where they give you a really nice ear cleaning, and then turn up the lewd by licking your ears or doing H with you? Or maybe something in the reverse order.

I've also recently been into sleeping noises too

>> No.27747885

I fell asleep few minutes after I posted and when I woke up I was busy so I've just now checked all of the responses and wow, that's a lot of advices. I feel bad responding to all of you in one go like this but this really is a ton of information, too much for me to comprehend quickly so I can individually respond to all of you. I'll follow your advices and explore asmr in the next days, weeks, months and I'll lurk in asmr threads if I need help or just to share my experiences.
Thanks for your advices, I really do appreciate them.

>> No.27755028

the /pmg/ threads on /aco/ have an archive of her cb VODs but I don't know which ones have them
