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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27451525 No.27451525 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27451916

Hey kanata, you have to move out, you live with the member of rival company, you being there compromises our security,

>> No.27452307

This. A roommate(the real kind) is going to know every time you leave the house for recordings and stuff and that isn't information a rival company needs to have. There is also a chance, albeit very small, that kson could look through Kanata's shit while she's out of the house and find information she shouldn't have about Cover's schedule/plans. Do I believe she would do that to her friend? Not really, but corporate shouldn't take the risk anyway.

>> No.27452382

She got cucked with her clone, she's not fine.

>> No.27452432

>there is also a chance, albeit very small
this is the key part here even if everyone doesnt think something will happen its still an unacceptable security risk

>> No.27454269

They're updating policies because her literal roommate joined a competitor.

>> No.27454318

graduation in 5..4..3...

>> No.27454494

so much for not meddling with their talents' private lives I guess

>> No.27454529

Hypothetically speaking, what happens if a situation like this happens with two people who are in a relationship though? Would they be required to not live together?

>> No.27454560

My company would fire my ass too if I they found out I was fucking a honeypot. Fastest way to have trade secret leaked to competitors.

>> No.27454629

If it’s something like that It’d be shady as fuck. I somehow understand cover because the current situation means Rushia and Coco might be too close to Kanata and they might want to not be in that situation.

>> No.27454663

Trying to remove kanata from kson now would be the dumbest move hololive can do ever. Why risk pissing kanata of and sending her directly into the hands of vshojo?

>> No.27454666

Is VShojo really a competitor? It's like saying Hustler magazine competes with People magazine.

>> No.27454681

Rushia and Coco can leak trade secrets on their own, makes no sense

>> No.27454725

Isn’t La+ roommate also a vtuber/streamer?

>> No.27454966

In a normal company you would probably be fired for an "unrelated reason" they aren't required to disclose. If they were exceedingly generous, they wouldn't allow you to do anything work related at home. No taking documents home, no accessing corporate email from home, etc. You would also be reassigned to a position where you aren't handling anything too important in the first place because they aren't trusting you not to talk about work at the dinner table.

As far as vtubers go, I have no idea what they would do in that situation. She can't very well go to the studio to do her regular daily streams and there is a miniscule, but non-zero, chance the competition could sabotage the stream by shouting Taiwan at the top of her lungs or something.

>> No.27455030

Her not disclosing that her roommate was going to work for a direct competitor now means she outed herself as a potential future liability.
This is the reality of having a job where you have access to sensitive information.

>> No.27455084


>> No.27455120

t. person who never held a job that required you to sign an NDA
Get a degree and a real job, retard.

>> No.27455146


>> No.27455148

> be kanata
> live with friend C
> friend C sets up competitor to kanata's company
> competitor employs another former employee, one who left on bad terms
> don't tell company this is all happening under your roof for months
I'm not surprised in the slightest by "an emergency meeting". The company I work at has fired people for less conflicts of interest.

>> No.27455169

NTA but you are all doomposting like crazy, this could be something simple like discussing what to do in case kson is bringing her new coworkers for a loud offpako stream.

>> No.27455211

I agree with this
Kanata's destiny is so fuck up right now.
Onlyway is make Kanata as hostage and pressure Kson leave Kanata volunteerly

>> No.27455213

Requiring that an employee disclose the employment of their friends and family is not legal in Japan, and only legal in the US because nobody's fought it in court yet.

>> No.27455249

Or it has nothing to do with kson at all, honestly you're all retarded.

>> No.27455261

Cite the laws.

>> No.27455271

Ndas you sign don’t apply to people you live with just you. Meds.
They’re bullshit anyway, if your company can crumble and lose tons of money from someone blabbing you have bigger issues in your corporate structure than information leaks

>> No.27455332

> emergency meeting with management
> cancel stream immediately.
> Mikeneko leak incident.
> The most fearsome competitor live in the same house or room.
> burn YujinC x PJK friendship

No, This will be hot topic would you not believe it in VT next few days

>> No.27455348
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rushia menhera-masterminded kson to join her and planned this inevitable catch 22 for kanata and holo management. i will not take my meds

>> No.27455383

sure, a sudden emergency meeting with this timing has nothing to do with this weekends developments
Yagoo just wants to discuss his favourite touhou with everyone, it's fucking Marisa. He'll demonstrate his undying love by fucking a stuffed Marisa doll

>> No.27455414

This will turn out very ugly if Cover want to destroy PJKxYuujinC friendship for secret.

>> No.27455466

started ugly

>> No.27455573

Kson said to be in LA right now.
I believe the problem here was related to Cover announcement of the new male branch being almost at the same time Vshojo JP branch announcement, meaning someone might be leaking information.

>> No.27455625

Japan: Labor Standard Act of 1947.
America: Employment Protection Act of 1975. The act is technically about racial, religious, and sexual discrimination, and hasn't been tested in court to see how the logical reading of it holds up against things that aren't "your boss can't force you to tell him you live with a black man".

>> No.27455638

> use Kanata as hostage
> pressure Kson to leave or terminate Kanata.
> Kson leave and help Cover calm her fan
> Hololive and Ksonfags very piss off to Cover.

I smell blood

>> No.27455702

Anon.... VshoujoJP advertised for very long time in JP and they announced big news in ANX long time ago

>> No.27455705

I was just thinking about this possibility.
If that's the case there's a chance that she tells them to go fuck themselves or she graduates.

>> No.27455777

Kson won't let it happen.
She will leave for Kanata's safety

>> No.27455810

>tells them to go fuck themselves or she graduates.
She can say bye to her music career if she does.

>> No.27455869
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>> No.27455877

And Kson will regret her's decision for the rest of her life.

>> No.27455954

also considering she had broken her promise, i doubt she won't do it

>> No.27456367

Kanatan joining vshoujo lets goooo

>> No.27456372
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Usually someone gets fired... So Kanata might end up with Vshoujo too since they don't really seem to follow any business ethics or care about anything at all.

>> No.27456396

you just have no fucking clue whatsoever.
All companies can crumble from information leaks. That's the entire point is to leak something that will cause problems. how fucking stupid are you not to understand the basics.

>> No.27456447

Probably shouldn't have made a vshojo alt while still in Hololive, anyone can see through that flimsy Rushia impression

>> No.27456454

>t. never owned a company or any form of business
>t. never been in any form of management
>t. retard

>> No.27456531

i smell esl

>> No.27456624

i wouldnt miss her honestly. Not because of kson, but because of miguel.

>> No.27456695

You guys know wthat James Carville (high level Democrat operative) and Mary MAtlin (High level Republican operative) are marrried right?

>> No.27456714

>American politics are incredibly corrupt
Who could have seen this coming?

>> No.27456786

Yes I am JP.
Sorry, My english is bad

>> No.27456856


>> No.27456884
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>> No.27456893

Getting fired is a good way to join vshoujo without having to wait one year for NDA to end

>> No.27456946

Japan is not US. They can’t fire you there without a reason and she hasn’t done anything wrong outside of living with someone. Asking her to move out alone is already pretty gross but firing her would be outright illegal.

>> No.27456959

you need med, anon

>> No.27456964

>When you sign a non-compete agreement, the enforceability of the document does not depend on why you leave a company. If you voluntarily leave or if you are fired, you still cannot go and work for a competitor, as a general rule. The employer still has trade secrets that he does not want to let go to a competitor. When employees are fired, they may be angry and more likely to give up trade secrets. Because of this, most agreements are still in place even if you are fired.

>> No.27457002

Why can mickey do it then

>> No.27457026

And? USA is not democratic country. It's dictatorship of 2 parties and they both would happily work together to divide society more.

>> No.27457030

who said she can?

>> No.27457068

With their new additions, Cover might start looking at them as competitors.

>> No.27457082

Why is she doing it then?

>> No.27457119

why did she do all the other retarded shit she's done? because she is a retarded menhera who thinks shes above it all

>> No.27457225

Weird, I honestly thought japanese vtubing industry is like game industry where everybody knows each other and has rough idea what everyone is working on.

>> No.27457256

>American politics corrupt as fuck
What else is new? The Republican party is just a boogieman, both parties are basically the same shit. Like half of Republishits are neocon plants from Demorats. The Never Trumpers, Lincoln Project, etc. are all demorats pretending to be republishits.

>> No.27457259

Let's take our meds.
I think it's the usual half year meeting that's running longer than usual. Maybe they'll talk about kson but in all honesty I believe this is more your usual long meeting rather than "oh shit they made the league of super villians"

>> No.27457267

If she proves that cover was the one who violated the contract in the first place, I don't think the NDA still applies

>> No.27457384

Anon. It's emergency meeting. It's definitely not usual half year meeting.

>> No.27457521

Not trying to shit on Kanata here, but I don't really think she has that kind of leverage, although if it leaks out it might be bad PR for Cover.

>> No.27457551

They'd be dumb to not make an emergency meeting about the new league of supervillains.

>> No.27457627

Always wanted to do this...

Eigo ga o-jozu desu ne!

>> No.27457677


"non-compete" clauses in contracts are legal in Japan in very specific cases, but they are usually unenforceable due to the fact that they violate both Civil Code and the Constitution of Japan.

Article 22 Constitution of Japan:
"Every person shall have the freedom to choose and change his residence and to choose his occupation to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare."

Article 90 of the Civil Code:
"A juristic act with any purpose which is against public policy is void."

Article 6 of the Labor Standards Act:
"Unless permitted by act, no person shall obtain profit by intervening, as a business, in the employment of others."

The enforceability of non-compete clauses is determined upon considering the balance between their necessity for the employer’s legitimate benefit (in most cases, protecting trade secrets) and the employee’s constitutional right to freedom of choice in employment. It is very difficult to persuade the court to prioritize the employer's benefit over that of the employee.

>> No.27457686

Are you implying that vshoujo is like the suicide squad, or the evil avengers?

>> No.27457810

We already established this, VShoujo is the Legion of Doom

>> No.27457862

I don't know them but it is a cool name

>> No.27457963

>buy all your ex-talents
>slam "Talent freedom" all over Tokyo
They are aggressively trying to poach from Hololive.

>> No.27458023

>VShoujo is competition now

>> No.27458041

all out war

>> No.27458070

>"oh shit they made the league of super villians"
That's only if Aloe joins. Or Sio.

>> No.27458124

based law guy

>> No.27458176

VShojo declared war.

>> No.27458201

>takes two former employees to promote themselves in Japan
>not competitor

>> No.27458232

>VShoujo has now 2 of the biggest SC machines of hololive
>They are poaching talent from other companies

>> No.27458236

Do you think Kson told Kanata about the Vshojo deal while they were cuddling after fucking like rabbits?

>> No.27458250

That's exactly the problem my friend, Kson joined Vshojo just now, but from some clips, you can confirm she was in contact with Vshojo manager since the creation of her Twitch channel. I've tried to find the clip, but i couldn't find it anymore, but Kson accidentally, revealed that Vshojo management helped her to configure her channel, meaning she was in contact with then since she started streaming on Twitch after her graduation.
And it gets worse, there's several clips on the past with Kson saying she will collab with Mikeneko soon, and now that is confirmed that she will join Vshojo, also confirms she was in contact with them all along and also a connection between VshojoxKsonxMikeneko, and Mikeneko also confirmed the information she leaked in her last statement.
During this period, Kson was still living with Kanata.

There's also the rrat that implies the vtubers who graduates/gets fired of Hololive have to wait 1 year to join another big corpo, and Mikeneko also violated that agreement, making the contact between them even more harmful. Kson joined Vshojo exactly a year after graduation.

>> No.27458301
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VShojo doesn't have the connections to the JP music industry like Hololive has so it's unlikely Kanata would consider jumping ship. You gotta remember that PPT's pursuing a career in music and afaik, VShojo doesn't do that. But shitposters will say otherwise anyway just because.

>> No.27458305

>There's also the rrat that implies the vtubers who graduates/gets fired of Hololive have to wait 1 year to join another big corpo
That's quite normal for this kind of business, but Rushia was fired, so she most likely doesn't have to wait the year.

>> No.27458334

You're going from problem A to codified response B ignoring context (which granted is usually how JP management operates). If Kanata is a possible liability for Cover, then trying to intimidate her and meddling with her personal life will make her a BIGGER liability. Making her quit would be a PR apocalypse.

Kanata and Coco are also the two chuubas where a lesbian relationship is an actual possibility and not a yurischizo delusion. They've lived together for years and constantly imply or outright state that they do everything together up to and including sleeping in the same bed. Push comes to shove, Kanata's not going to choose Cover management over Coco.

>> No.27458367

>Holomem regularly complain about having to deal with so many restrictions
I can imagine some of them thinking about jumping ships if VShoujo does well enough

>> No.27458389

she might choose her fucking career tho, music, idolshit - none of which vshojo does. long distance relationships are possible tho

>> No.27458412

>This is the reality of having a job where you have access to sensitive information
Nigga they pretend to be anime girls and play videogames, they aren't in the CIA

>> No.27458459
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Doctor Choco, I'm CIA.

>> No.27458506

My wife works for a rival tech company.
We're both adults and know not to risk our position by leaking stuff to one another.

The companies did a short extra briefing on security risks, but that's all they're legally allowed to do. Can't meddle in our personal life.

Stop talking as if you know shit.

>> No.27458511

>VShojo doesn't do that
Hololive doesn't do that either. She had to pay for all her songs

>> No.27458570

Made me kek more than usual. Thanks, anon.

>> No.27458649

Non-compete clauses are pretty useless in Japan and don't hold up in court as they violate both Civil Code and the Constitution of Japan.

>> No.27458711

No? Why would anyone care about some random Burgerclap politicians?

>> No.27458837

shut the fuck up normalfag no one gives a shit about your job or wife

>> No.27458838

anon got reverse jouzu’d how will he ever recover?

>> No.27458936

Someone who follows other holos can confirm if it was just Kanata?

>> No.27458955

... as they normally do if it goes over budget.
Guess what, they get more of a revenue share if they pay up.

>> No.27458988

Pekola too, there is a thread about it

>> No.27459057
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>My wife
Way to out yourself as a fucking vshojo discordshill.

>> No.27459101

it was a pretty big meeting, iirc Peko also complained about it (there's a thread for her as well kek)

>> No.27459175

>Over budget
Cover doesn't pay anything for their solo songs or covers. It comes 100% from the pocket of the talent. Everything is o we budget because there is no budget at all.

>> No.27459240

They have to do it to save Kanata's purity. It's for the greater good.

>> No.27459431

>don't really seem to follow any business ethics
>care about anything at all
>Is an American company
checks out

>> No.27460412

Seems to be a false alarm, sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.27460439

Have you ever work in real professional company anon?

>> No.27460555
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The fire rises!

>> No.27460763

Very informative and rational Pekobrain
I'll go complete that Lobtomite side quest now

>> No.27461054

Will you die?

>> No.27463128
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If the rrat is cover is banning all vshitshow collabs, the fact is they should never have been allowed in the first place.

See the drama they got when veibae was going to collab with kiara, and the nyanners shit too.

I hope the end result is holo/nijiEN collabs get worked out and allowed instead. Pomu/Kiara way better than vshitters.

>sorry you can't collab with vshojo no more because we don't want to promote former talent, especially rushia
>but you can collab with nijisanji since they too hate vshojo now as they need to protect chinese interests!

>> No.27463215
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It's okay kanata...there's always suisex and her sister.

>> No.27463315

I would take holoEN/nijiEN collabs over vwhores any day. At least nijisanji has some respect to vtubing culture.

>> No.27463421 [DELETED] 

At least nijisanji has some respect to vtubing culture.
Choosing between NijiEN AND vshoujo is like chossing between cancer and aids; cancer is obviously worse but nobody would want to have aids neither.

>> No.27463484

>At least nijisanji has some respect to vtubing culture.
Choosing between NijiEN AND vshoujo is like chossing between cancer and aids; cancer is obviously worse but nobody would want to have aids neither.
And then there's the fact that EN is shit no matter the company. You're choosing between aids, cancer or getting anal raped.

>> No.27463705

>contract is legal
>still violate the fucking constitution
fucking nip laws

>> No.27464029

But company bootlicking is fine if it's my favorite Japanese nippon seiso vtubing company!

>> No.27464109

>how fucking stupid are you not to understand the basics
equally as stupid as you for not understanding companies cannot tell you who you can or can't live with no matter what you sign
contracts and ndas of this nature have been taken to court and ruled unconstitutional, there is precedent so don't even try to spin it like it's okay

>> No.27464284

>believes that xompetitor employees in the same house are maji taihen
>gets told "actually no, I know that how companies handle this because I am in that situation"
>gets upset because someone knows better
>continues to pretend it is maji taihen
You wouldn't pick up someone hitting on you if they fell completely nude into your bed.

>> No.27464383

>You wouldn't pick up someone hitting on you if they fell completely nude into your bed
This unironically applies to most of the board

>> No.27464396

How are they going leak anything relevant when they haven't been at the company for months?
Coco could only do it because she lives with someone with that information.

>> No.27464772

I know, not like I am much better.
NTA, this is all fine and well but what about JP?

>> No.27465060

All of their advertising is anti-hololive and the brought the biggest former hololive figures with them and made them anti-hololive.

>> No.27465467

You know what's the scariest thing about this is, not that some NDA breach or information leaks might happen through Kanata, it's that they don't need to actually happen for Cover to do something to Kanata because it will never go public anyway.

And on the other hand Kson or Mike can also threaten to leak something, or just do it on accident. One discord/LINE screencap with personal or corporate info, it doesn't even have to be Kanata's. Who's Cover gonna blame for that? Kanata herself. In other words, it's a double blackmail situation. I hope Kanata gets away from all this as soon as possible before everyone around her makes her life a living hell.

>> No.27465724

Yeah I hope she graduates as fast as possible.

>> No.27467333

lol suisei doesn't give a fuck about her anymore
she's on her own
she chose cocock instead of tradwife suisei, she should deal with the consequences
