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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26934817 No.26934817 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26934835

How about clicking ANY of the threads discussing it.

>> No.26934916

>Gura is "sleeping" in the other room

Chumbuds... I'm so sorry

>> No.26934981

>Mori gets AirBnB for Myth to use
>Her sister throws a party for god knows why
>Mori is too stupid to tell her sister to call it off
>Gura is forced to either get doxxed or lock up in her room

>> No.26935022

Gura got roofied and fucked by 10 niggers

>> No.26935069
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Nightmare scenario

>> No.26935184

"her sister"

>> No.26935186

The Final Yab is upon us

>> No.26935216

Here's a spoonfeed, OP

>"there are people outside and on the curb chillin with them alcohols"
>"there was a rager going on, like full on edm like blasting out the windows"
>"I was like yo... we're gonna kicked out... it was bad"
>"I think she's fine right now, she's in a room close to me, away from where the speakers do be bumpin"
>"So I think she's fine, she's just like, 'nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep', so she's sleepin"
>"but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?"
>"I dunno I broke away so I could do this"

>> No.26935281

She is being herself as usual.

>> No.26935304

Threaten the security, safety, and opsec of all of myth by publicly broadcasting information about a party being hosted at a place myth will be staying at, attended by known, easily trackable individuals.

>> No.26935433

>this is what everyone's freaking out over
Why are vtuber fans so overdramatic?

>> No.26935491

this is literal nightmare scenario retard, she can't do something worse than this without breaking the law

>> No.26935534

because of the heavy implications that the last sentences involve and the fact that she holds no responsability for whatever the fuck was happeningg there

>> No.26935559

>being this autistic

>> No.26935591

>she's sleeping
Ohooo. A lucky shrimp getting some action with cunny

>> No.26935628

Any Jeremy's here?

>> No.26935651

Gura its okay I'm sure the chumbuds will pay for your abortion. :)

>> No.26935696

>bringing fellow myth members to a place that a rowdy party is going on that WILL be posted to known and watched social media accounts

>> No.26935710
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>> No.26935731

>retard doesn't know what OPSEC is

>> No.26935802

Typical wigger move from Mori. I knew this would happen

>> No.26935838

>nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep
That's precisely what I say when pretending to be okay with something I'm really not okay with.

>> No.26935846

Abortion money akasupa

>> No.26935866

Mori trapped the shark alone in the room, in a party full of drunks and degenerates

>> No.26935900
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Alive and kicking

>> No.26935919

Remember Homewrecker?

>> No.26936084
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nope, sorry mate, i'm a Cristian.

>> No.26936140


>> No.26936147

Even if you strip away the opsec concerns it's fucking sociopathic to do this to a socially awkward friend who is your GUEST without at least asking permission first. And the absolute callousness that Mori treats this situation with is insane. She doesn't even realize how fucked up it is to do this to Gura. It boggles the mind how someone can be this absolutely uncaring of other people.
Hell, even if you strip away the social anxiety concerns, it's still rude as fuck to do. You're supposed to be polite to guests and make them feel welcome, at least in my country. Even in absolute normalfag situations this kind of shit would never be okay.

>> No.26936265

You people understand that Gura isn't like a literal child, right?

>> No.26936297

And you understand that Mori is also not a literal child as well? Holy fuck how much do I have to SAY THIS you fucking cuckbeat

>> No.26936327

What do you say when you're cool and just gonna go to sleep?

>> No.26936338

>treating people like shit is okay if they're adults
What the fuck is wrong with cuckbeats?

>> No.26936353

>She isn't a child that means being a shit host is okay
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.26936358

im literealy in my car driving to the address right now

>> No.26936360

tell that to the judge

>> No.26936371

You dont because you usually dont need to explain yourself.

>> No.26936376

We aren't saying Gura is a child, dipshit. We're saying Cali is an inconsiderate cunt.

>> No.26936398

This just seems like a mildly awkward situation at worst?

>> No.26936402

t. Jeremy.

>> No.26936441

Do you treat every adult like shit?

>> No.26936459

Mori basically invited her friends for a party with other hololive members in the same house
>Cover:"not our problem"
So it's not your problem either

>> No.26936469

she took every single shred of opsec Myth had, threw it in a dumpster, lit it on fire, and then plugged in spotlights to let everyone know. she also completely demolished any and all respect I had for her personally

>> No.26936525

Is opsec even possible if you're gonna be seen anywhere with either Mori or Kiara, both of whom have pretty well known roommates?

>> No.26936528

She's probably drunk off her ass again and can't read the room for shit.

Are you retarded? This isn't about Gura not being able to take care of herself, this is about the minimum of respect you show to co-workers and friends by not stranding them in an unknown party without even telling them about it beforehand.

>> No.26936544

Yes, Mori was streaming when shark still trapped in there

>> No.26936657

I would never "be cool" with someone dropping me into an unknown party without any forewarning. If I'm cool with something, you usually don't have to ask me in the first place.

>> No.26936694

No normies in the middle of Texas will recognize Mori or Kiara.

>> No.26936785

Jesus you are a real wet blanket then.

>> No.26936863


>> No.26936899

t. Jeremy

>> No.26936911

t.friendless nerd

>> No.26936929

Go home, Jerome

>> No.26937309

This is the kind of shit pimply 17-year old classmates do to each other, not adult co-workers. You'll understand once you grow up.

>> No.26937490

These are women in their twenties who all got jobs playing videogames while pretending to be anime women, I'm not sure they're the most mature and businesslike people.

>> No.26937773

Sure, and Mori is notorious for this kind of garbage. I'm just stating what should and shouldn't be considered normal and acceptable behavior.
For all I know, Gura has convinced herself that it's okay to be treated like this, but it's equally possible that she quietly resents it and just went along with it to maintain good relations and not cause a scene.

>> No.26937779

Nigger people get taught they're supposed to be good hosts and make guests feel welcome when they're fucking children.

>> No.26937958

Why the fuck does she talk like that?

>> No.26938090

I think everyone's missing the elephant in the room. This is an airbnb and they're trashing some poor persons house. I hope moris account gets blacklisted and she won't be able to pull this shit again.

>> No.26938115

Do we even know if it's whole of Myth, or just Gura?

>> No.26938136

if this is mildly awkward I would hate to see what you think is a real problem

>> No.26938147

Who says the place is getting trashed?

>> No.26938184

I'm sure Mori has enough money to hire a cleaner or something. Unless her sister has some WILD connections, I don't see the party being that crazy, other than blasting the music really loud

>> No.26938220

She's a drug addict and probably high at the time

>> No.26938236

Part of the meltdown is that it is currently just Gura I believe

>> No.26938267

Bro, why tf does she talk like that

>> No.26938313

Wigger gon' wigger dawg

>> No.26938317

because she's a sheltered white kid that wants to be a cool hardcore rapper

>> No.26938341

only gura was subjected to the party but all of myth will be at the location soon, and it's most likely been sussed out by doxfags and schizos.

>> No.26938512

You're just outing yourself as a shitty person by following this line of logic. Audience reflects the streamer I guess.

>> No.26941518

normalfags do it all the time, they think it's actually good and it helps autists get over their anxieties.

>> No.26941625

Yes, normalfag TEENAGERS. Adult co-workers don't.

>> No.26941645
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for all the antis ready to report, talk about the drugs she is using. That's downright assassination of character in any kind of japanese media; actors with decades of work get erased completely by even a hint of it.

>> No.26942367

She has admitted that her sister had gotten high in that stream. Other than lean, I don't know how we're gonna get more information.

>> No.26942540

that would be more than enough to get her erased from media if she was japanese, but mori is a gaijin so she'll be fine even if she admits to using drugs

>> No.26942754

I enjoy these yabs more than I should

>> No.26943046

Unless some brave JP bro translated this into a clip, the Japs won't have a clue.

>> No.26943895

Calli is a goddamn retard, I wonder what the outcome of all this will be. It feels that Calli won't ever get in proper trouble with Cover though, they invested too much into her at this point.

>> No.26944047

You know what the outcome will be, nothing, because it doesn't fucking matter

>> No.26944220

Got gura drunk and sounds like she may have given her dugs and got her rapped in a room close to where she was streaming.

>> No.26944319
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Are you some kind of a nihilist, son?

>> No.26944638

I dunno, being locked up in a room while people outside are having a rave with drugs and shit because the person that invited you didn't tell you about any of this, especially as a socially awkward person
It's literally a really fucked up situation to be in

>> No.26945433

I hope Mori learns from this and becomes a better "friend". I dont care if gura has social anxiety or is a party animal. You dont have a random rave at your place without telling your friend beforehand.

>> No.26945510

Mori let her sister throw a party full of strangers and let Gura get raped by 100 men all me

>> No.26945783

okay boomer

>> No.26945792

A lot of people are freaking out here but I'm pretty sure Gura is ok with that. Most of you are probably pissed not because of her safety, but because she went into a party that probably had a bunch of guys who maybe even tried to hit on her.

>> No.26945891

Pfff seems unlikely, i wish that actually happened but she is stupidly stubborn, i am afraid that this won't be enough. She should be given a suspension though, i hope I am wrong but Moris irresponsible demeanors are going to cause something actually bad someday if things keep going this way (yeah, this isn't something that serious, despite it could potentially had been anyway)

>> No.26945892


>> No.26945893
File: 28 KB, 533x389, 1651095544475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious part is that it's only vt that's having said meltdown over this. Haven't seen any other place complain about Calli/Gura thing this hard other than vt and are being the ones going to the comment section of that stream putting thumbs up on every comment criticizing Calli for something she didn't even do (almost every screenshot people have posted shows then giving thumbs up to hate comments) so it is literally /vt/ heavily seething over nothing hoping that If they cry enough it'll turn into something

>> No.26946023
File: 960 KB, 611x1219, Barbie in the USA guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who is in the USA.... Gura is having a party and a half right now, So yes she is getting dick.

>> No.26946028

she'll just double down on being a retard because she enjoys reading hate posts

>> No.26946032

Yeah bro totally, did you see James? he got iced bruh, that was on god so sick. Last night was like a movie fr

>> No.26946046

Hilarious part is that you are a casual bitch and should kill yourself

>> No.26946058

None of the ENs are my oshi so I don't give a shit if they're getting railed all the time, but in terms of opsec this is an absolute nightmare and Mori needs to be hit with a punishment for that, just because she doesn't give a shit doesn't mean others don't

>> No.26946164

Pretty sure Gura is not okay with getting doxed

>> No.26946192

how did we miss this by a day?

>> No.26946196
File: 137 KB, 327x297, 1651096259358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and point proven

>> No.26946250

I hope the next AX will be as good as this one.
because the more media exposure her roommate gets, the less popular both of them become.

>> No.26946308

I don't think they will go but if they did I don't think anyone will get lucky and get a photo anyway.

>> No.26946317

She got Gura raped

>> No.26946367

>I hope Mori learns from this and becomes a better "friend".
This exact sentence is being said after every yab that involves her genmates, when is it going to happen?

>> No.26946419
File: 175 KB, 264x738, Image 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate, faggot, you got nothing

>> No.26946467


>> No.26946488

Jeremy here, Gura is ok you guys don't need to worry about her ;)

>> No.26946505

Read the comments of that stream she did. All the top comments are 'Ohhh, I hope every ends up being ok. That's pretty bad and I hope the safty of you two isn't ruined'.

>> No.26946579

this but no roofie and it was consensual
