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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 284 KB, 598x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2651338 No.2651338 [Reply] [Original]

its over.......another one has fallen..he won

>> No.2651361

If people keep bitching about them collabing management will forbid it in the future
So what I'm saying is you niggers should bitch on Twitter or YouTube where they might actually see it

>> No.2651386

Not until he gets Reine. Turkeybros hold the fort!

>> No.2651414

i kneel to ENMA-sama

>> No.2651465
File: 21 KB, 400x400, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't do the same, right, Risu?

>> No.2651481

She already tweeted about him yesterday.

Are we just going to have Connor generals threads now every time he's mentioned?

>> No.2651483

No I want this to keep going so that it swallows the entirety of ID. I want them gone

>> No.2651609

This is all ollie's fault. First she gets my turkey wife addicted to apex. Then she forces her to collab with non vtuber males, only a matter of time until she gets forced to collab with connor too. Ollie was a mistake

>> No.2651683

Ollie graduation when?

>> No.2651708

Well if chuubas keep sucking his dick, yeah.
People hate ironic weebs, simple as. Nobody gave a shit when Fubuki creamed herself over Nakamura, but offline shit is always gonna stir rumours since ultimately you never know what's actually happening, if they keep openly flaunting it it'll only grow.

Any bets on how long it takes until we get another Matsuri/Hoshikawa freakout.
Given enough time and outside faggots it's just inevitable?

>> No.2651769
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu doesn't even play Apex so we're fine

>> No.2651921

Connor here, Moona was definitely the tighter of the two. Key word being "was"

>> No.2652028

If we can remove holoCN we can remove holoID

>> No.2652115

Ollie and Apex are mistakes. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.2652230

Just report them to their local Imam for infidelity, let Allah's wrath do the work.

Honestly though ID does just seem like a liability at this point, all the yabs and risk for a negligible audience, even if they just axed ollie, she's only gonna get worse.

>> No.2652329

Who the fuck said Alfred is alright in the last thread. This man is on suicide watch

>> No.2652348

why are anitubers like this?

>> No.2652459
File: 172 KB, 738x415, مونا قوسينوفا.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr. tanigox please fire these incompetent managers

>> No.2652559
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sure thing bud

>> No.2652590

Ha, holy shit he is.
Whether one wants chubbas interacting with men aside, ID is gonna get themselves killed if they carry on.

Life's gonna hit hard when they realise the kids that watch anitubers don't pay like the snubbed gachikois.

>> No.2652631

Unsubbing from these whores inshallah

>> No.2652648


>> No.2652691

god i geniunely feel bad for alfred. he's one of the biggest moona gachis. i wouldn't even surprised if he gone in few days.

>> No.2652705

I think this illustrates the actual issue.
It's not so much the interaction but how they gush over him, repeatedly bring him up, and just put him on a pedestal in general.

>> No.2652722

That could be a jab at him and Iofi, though.

>No, that clout chaser ironic weeb is definitely in the right place.

Risu is fucking BASED

>> No.2652725

Why do they keep posting these?
>"Oh I got carried by a welshman in this crappy battle royal game!"

>> No.2652759

oh jesas

>> No.2652762

People said Iofi was mocking him too and she went full groupie retard. Risu is next.

>> No.2652766

They're trying to stay relevant.

>> No.2652927

Holy kek

>> No.2652935

time to hijrah my brother

>> No.2652940


>> No.2652954

This poor Englishman..

>> No.2652967

wtf he's losing it

>> No.2652987

Wonder if this is a test to see if they'll lose gachikoi.

>> No.2652989


>> No.2652996
File: 41 KB, 640x586, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.2653015

any moonafags able to get in contact with this dude? it feels he's 1 Apex tweet away from off-ing himself holy shit

>> No.2653019

Risu and Anya remain based alhamdulillah

>> No.2653033

Murder suicide when?
Come on Alfred, you can save Hololive!

>> No.2653039

with an ironic weeb? hard to tell

>> No.2653050

>Crappy battle royale
Apex is one of the most decent royale game right now that even /v/ praise it, i get that you are sick of looking at chubba playing it but the game is good

>> No.2653063

There’s no way they’re retarded enough to do this without some kind of motive but this has gone way beyond a test kek

>> No.2653080

not sure about moona since she's an actual dumbo, she didnt know any better.

>> No.2653099

Who the fuck is Connor? How do you people know all these literally whos from Twitch anyway?

>> No.2653130

have your dose


>> No.2653133

> /v/ praise it
>/v/ talking about games in a serious manner
Not even the Apex thread on /vg/ like Apex.

>> No.2653138

Anitubers get the rope, they should play with male chuubas, not cancertubers

>> No.2653169

Welshman "VA" (did anime abridged...) and anituber. Basically no one.

>> No.2653170

Just the dude that collabed with calli, come on man.

>> No.2653174

remember that TrashTaste collab with mori? he's one of them

>> No.2653178

i got that "predator" vibe from this dude somehow

>> No.2653191

this, calli and ame's interaction were fine since it was mostly professional, but ID are pretty much going "hnnnnng i got carried by a big chad in apex <3". i honestly dont care since its indogs but it looks pretty cringe, especially since historically connor is memed as being a harem MC since melty queen genuinely wants his dick

>> No.2653207

>did anime abridged.
How embarrassing.

>> No.2653212

Yeah, more interactions is one thing, all but sucking him off is another.
They can't escape it either, people will always have this in the back of there minds.

>> No.2653240

I only know Gikkum or whatever his name is through osmosis. I don't know about the rest, but they seem like a bunch of inoffensive normalfags.

>> No.2653251

>tries to leech off of EN while they're booming
>get ignored and become a banned word in ame's chat
>can't leech off JPs because he can't speak nip
>moves onto JP and they fall for his bait
>everyone smells the bullshit
>"god why do hololive fans not want their talents to associate with me?"
absolutely delusional

he's almost certainly doing something with ollie, with how thirsty she is for validation

>> No.2653264

People just don't want any potential yabs. How is that controlling and not seeing them as an actual person?
I've had some patients with connor but he really is a dyel retard.

>> No.2653269

>moves onto ID*

>> No.2653279


>> No.2653287

also collabing is one thing, but this seems off

>> No.2653307

be a man and make stand a alfred, cancel your membership!

>> No.2653312

But we do know they're real people. I don't care if that person is irl that collabs with them. I just know that a lot of people/streamers irl are fucked up and have skeletons in their closet. These last 2 years revealed a lot to me. I just don't want them or hololive getting caught up in that kind of shit via association because there are REALLY CRAZY outrage mobs online that will drag your ass down just for having any kind of contact with someone that has as a BIG YAB.

>> No.2653313

Come on M-chan, he's one of Moona's biggest gachis, read the room onegai.

>> No.2653316

Is Alfredo killing Connor while streaming it live the Final Yab?

>> No.2653317

>i honestly dont care since its indogs
It's going to spread to EN sooner or later. It's inevitable. And I don't mean collab like the one Mori did since that was strictly a professional thing, I mean regular streams.

>> No.2653326

Come on unicorns step up your game, you are not gonna let this fag walk all over you right?

>> No.2653340

Never trust a welshman

>> No.2653351
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Moona... Your gachikoi...

>> No.2653355
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>tfw don't care about indogs or en whales
Feels 気持ちいい bros

>> No.2653363

Fuckers question me and go schizo (teafags) when I said I dumped EN and went back to JP after 2 months after their debut.

>> No.2653368

why do e-celebs want to cling onto everything but when people look over their bullshit, they always act like they are on a moral highground

>> No.2653377

Alfred is not ogey.

>> No.2653403

Poor lad. It's over for Moona.

>> No.2653404 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 527x390, 1611602230926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they should play with male chuubas
they should fuck off back where they came from

>> No.2653426

they will eventually try and you know it

>> No.2653450

He definitely seems the type to "encourage" them to behave in the 3DPD way he described.
I don't believe the grooming narrative, but I'd waged good money Ollies "I wanna break the rules" comment has some influence from him.
He has clear disdain for idol culture.

I don't care either but I don't want them causing collateral damage.

They have to be actually retarded to act out the unironic Chad and Stacy stereotypes given their audience.

>> No.2653454
File: 58 KB, 600x612, Akira reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfredo please...

>> No.2653458

>that hairline
>he use "content creator" to describe his "profession" unironically.
>all that mental gymnastic he does.

>> No.2653464

Just pure coping. They're e-celebs with a big fanbase, they obviously can't be in the wrong. Their ego can't handle that.

>> No.2653485

Just wait until Nene adds him to her husband collection.

>> No.2653507

The Highlander

>> No.2653509

i think en girls are a bit too smart about their branding to do that and we're not even talking about enma bringing down the fucking hammer.

i think ame was dating a twitch streamer at one point(if not still dating) so she clearly knows how to keep up the act

>> No.2653527

are they in a contract or something? why are they "obligated" to post a tweet about playing with him?

>> No.2653534

By Allah we shall prepare the stones should such happen

>> No.2653537

he or any e-celeb will eventually send an SC

>> No.2653542

Normal streamer? Nah. Normalfag-tier vutber like V-shojo? I can see that if they continue to grow in popularity

>> No.2653576

If they don't he'll release the photos

>> No.2653578

>i think en girls are a bit too smart about their branding to do that
This. Gura and Ame both blew Connor off when they showed up during their streams. I also know Gura just ignored Carson when he was sending red scs before he got cancelled
I'd still not risk the chance though.

>> No.2653584

What, you mean can't just do whatever I want and receive unconditional validation?
All mediums should be the same, everyone should be exactly like me!

>> No.2653596

Ollie is retarded
Iofi is also kinda retarded
Moona is actually retarded so she's doing it because she saw both ollie and iofi doing it

>> No.2653606

At least you used the faggot knight, I'll shit on your homos if you use the leeches like asstel, leeching son or the black faggot.

>> No.2653608

inb4 "I superchatted a virtual youtuber"

>> No.2653613
File: 25 KB, 230x305, Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 14.50.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The status quo is being shaken amongst the IDs

>> No.2653618

Whoever just replied to Alfred is a fucking hero

>> No.2653650

hes the hero we need.

>> No.2653652
File: 161 KB, 915x883, anya_nooooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Anya to incline more. Her wrasslin in holofightz today was glorious.

>> No.2653656

>they're playing apex together, a game you have to play remotely
>nooooo they're having babymaking sex
shcizos, this is why no gril will play apex with you

>> No.2653657

Ollie is retarded and high on clout
Lofi is a certified cocksucker who joined hololive because of the homos
Moona is an easily influenced retard

>> No.2653668


>> No.2653669

burgerunit anon... that's too far..

>> No.2653683

More like Alfred is gonna an hero

>> No.2653686

that reply...

>> No.2653691

Say that to alfred's face, I dare you fag.

>> No.2653704

Post it

>> No.2653712

please go back to your discord hugbox

>> No.2653717

Honestly this is shitty behavior but I'll let it slide because it might make Moona at least stop collabing with that faggot. She didn't collab with males for a long time so she might actually listen if people speak up.

>> No.2653720

>He has clear disdain for idol culture.
Aye. At worst he's actively trying to dismantle Hololive's idol ways seeing it as "evil", at worst, just another white man not understanding established culture. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.2653724
File: 73 KB, 1080x323, 1618689305188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good message, but hint directly about membership cancellation

>> No.2653729

Just click alfred's latest tweet.

>> No.2653731


>> No.2653748


>> No.2653749

They'll stay relevant. Most of modern society need a youtube to talk about their hobbies because they can't form their own ideas and opinion. Look at any hobby. There's someone with a youtube channel making a living just talking random shit about it. Sadly, this applies to watching anime as well.

>> No.2653754

>I'd waged good money Ollies "I wanna break the rules" comment has some influence from him.
Yeah, I had that same feeling shortly after the members' stream summary came out.

>> No.2653755

Carson should be a prime example of why this is such a bad idea.
Even if nothing happens between them, they are all but affiliating themselves with uncontrolled people.
If Connor ends up with shit like Carson ID won't be unscathed.
If they can't stop creaming themselves for 2 minutes to realise this it's just a waiting game till a larger yab.

>> No.2653768


>> No.2653782

You guys let this random british guy live rent free in your head
It's not like hes fucking your oshi on stream or some shit, who cares

>> No.2653817


>> No.2653818

That's not gonna be pretty, some girls actively promote and profit of it

>> No.2653823
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 1597218958831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based

>> No.2653843

Alfred cares...

>> No.2653847

fucking kek

>> No.2653857

I'm pretty sure the hobby in this board is getting bothered by random shit mildly related to v-tubers.

>> No.2653862

Moona is a natural leech.

>> No.2653864

>he's not aware of what's coming
cant really blame you tho. it's ogey my sweet summer child.

>> No.2653869

his fans are already joking that he’s adding holo girls to his harem

>> No.2653875

>who cares
Her paypig?

>> No.2653891
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>> No.2653899

Nice, people really need to rub it in to the gachikois more often.

It's less that and more >>2653754

>> No.2653914

Alfred obviously

>> No.2653934

Nah, fuck anitubers, every single one of them and their clout chasing, they will cancel lolis soon enough

>> No.2653937

This fucker is based

>> No.2653980

How the tables have turned

>> No.2654003

But he is! He's fucking her so hard even I can taste his cum!

>> No.2654008

>>everyone smells the bullshit
>>"god why do hololive fans not want their talents to associate with me?"
Anon, that clip is from last year back before the whole TT mori episode.

>> No.2654036

It's not about him, it's more about what will happen next

>> No.2654097

It's not about the cummies, it's about sending a message.

>> No.2654134
File: 408 KB, 553x553, 1612130736745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest with you dude, even if he came out publicly as having knocked up all the ID girls I would have more of a problem with him impregnating more than 1 women than I would the fact that he fucked a vtuber
I dont watch ID that much anyway and I dont watch vtubers for the GFE anyways so it's not really my problem

>> No.2654204

Unironically, always has been. And she is yet to reveal her true potential

>> No.2654207

funny you say that, because Connor is the only trash taste member to actually be anti-loli
Gigguk and Theanimeman have both defended it

>> No.2654226

if you want to tell a few words to Alfred, I can do it directly, however, you can do it yourself, but need to join discord server

>> No.2654230

well, given you post AO your point is invalid

>> No.2654284

Connor needs to leave. The more people bitch in the IDs posts the better. It's for their own good.

>> No.2654289

>Gura and Ame both blew Connor off when they showed up during their streams
When did Connor show up in Gura's stream? Are you sure you are not confusing him with Carson?

>> No.2654297

there are reasons why ppl okay about holos collabing with males lets say sugita or ZUN but not this one particular cunt.

>> No.2654301

that's why I'm more neutral about these both, but I'd still not have them around because so far I have seen anytime they open their mouth about some niche otaku things, their "fans" just say its gross, or so happens in the cespoll of shit that twitter is.

>> No.2654320

Is he really anti loli? How can he be so chill with degenerates like Gigacuck and faggotman then?

>> No.2654353

But if i remember right Connor has also said he doesn't want to ban lolis.

>> No.2654373


I'd rather kill myself

>> No.2654374

Because they're friends? It's not that serious of an opinion that it would make them hate eachother

>> No.2654386

anti-loli men don’t shit themselves over it like women do. connor is kind of a weirdo but hes not a loud mouthed sjw type

>> No.2654401

How exactly does twitter work? Both the Alfred tweet and another anti-Conner reply to the Apex screenshot are at the very bottom of the list, despite having more likes and replies than many other comments

>> No.2654439

I would not want to be friends with a pedo desu

>> No.2654452

Is Alfred Moona’s actual friend or is he the autistic stalker he looks like right now?

>> No.2654455

People are okay with Sugita and ZUN because theyre fucking awesome and not some slimey british cunt

>> No.2654475

good thing liking loli isn't the same as being an actual pedophile who likes IRL kids

>> No.2654483

I almost want to reply seriously, but I don't want to turn it into that kind of thread, no matter how bad it already is.

>> No.2654496

Dangerously Based

>> No.2654502

>The state of Gachikoi Paypigs
This what you fags get for ruining vtubing

>> No.2654535

It just looks like one of those autistic powerdonators who got the chuuba to say their name a few times

>> No.2654545

Just seems odd. If a close friend is open about jerking off to furry diaper porn I don't know if I could still be close friends.

>> No.2654575

I'm still here, grabbing your oshi by the vagina with my money, and no amount of seethe can change that unless she's an irrelevant indog

>> No.2654601

Maybe people can start retweeting his comments. I really feel bad for him.

>> No.2654660

He is her biggest fan. He is obsessed with vtubers in General. Ive seen some VODs from other Hololive members from the early 2020 and saw him superchatting. He seems to be a good lad, although his voice makes me think he is a bit too old to be THAT much into vtubers

>> No.2654683

From what i've gathered in the past 10 minutes, he is about as respectable as your average tier 3 pokimane sub

>> No.2654719

>his voice makes me think he is a bit too old to be THAT much into vtubers
Old men have always been the primary market for idols. He's in the right place and if Moona is smart she'll hear his complaints out.

>> No.2654749

he was a gen 1 ID gachikoi for first few months until he went moona only.

>> No.2654757

it's just a low voice dude

>> No.2654796

Moona tried to do one of those traced selfies like Nene but she only confirmed our suspisions of her being a fat cow.

>> No.2654816
File: 698 KB, 576x621, Peko rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie and ID management literally crashing the branch straight into the ground kek
Can't wait for the SEAniggers to start shitting up the threads once they get back to their mudhuts.

>> No.2654960
File: 416 KB, 537x557, 1587688213941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my heart hurt?

>> No.2654967

I doubt it. The ID management handle few yabes like Moona dox and Moona Tweet quickly. Now if only have few people + nijisaji to retweet this lads, the ID management pretty sure gonna drill them like people on ugyur camp, since ID management are chink

>> No.2654971

I think I can understand why you guys dont like Connor, but I really couldn't care less myself. At the very least I'm against harassing the chuubas just for collabing with him

>> No.2654987

I am not even a unicorn and i actually watch connor a bit but i am blaming connor on this, he is way too ignorant about what hololive is and just trying to get into the holo circle by bruteforce. For fucks sake, these girls have a manager for a reason, pikamee talk about needing to go through holo jp managers for collab and feels like connor is just using his status to jump through management and get near holoids. Just way too many western content creators that lack self awareness and professionalism and don't treat everything like a business hence all the twitch drama. If this issue gets bigger, prepare for twitch normies and sjws to come and attack holo fans especially gachikois.

Hello holoid manager? Please slap some sense into moona, iofi and ollie.

>> No.2655005

>crashing the branch
Reine is more popular than ever, Anya is inclining too
Ollie and Moona are only hurting themselves

>> No.2655067
File: 122 KB, 962x566, 1617333130070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried making burner accounts but twitter isn't working for some reason

>> No.2655073

>collabing with him

>> No.2655077

because the thing we used to enjoy is being taken... again

>> No.2655085
File: 1.54 MB, 4433x2562, 1618680398069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.2655088

Spot on. He treats them like fucking indie twitch streamers and expects responses similar to that.

>> No.2655105

Twitter accused my second and third accounts as bots. They did something new.

>> No.2655116

It's not about being unicorn. It's unfair treatment. Like dude that guy don't even send you SC while the Alfred guy give your money. But why you collab with him who don't send SC
>but he's anituber and it's just like me and Pekora collab
No. It's different. One this is literally who. Same as with alfred

>> No.2655143

I've tried making Twitter accounts about half a dozen times over the past few years (mostly for access to the media tab) but all my accounts were blocked after a very short time (10 minutes to 1 hour) despite not having used them for anything other than viewing art, demanding I give them my phone number.
Fuck twitter.

>> No.2655275

This. We should burn the bridge. Maybe the ID gonna get CN treatment, but its big price for warn the other branch and Hololive so they can't do anything they pleass

>> No.2655277

>Gachikoi behaving like chinks
Why am i not suprised.

>> No.2655296
File: 20 KB, 256x256, 1610301364890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like there're too many newfags on this board. Remember Abadango and how Aqua needed to make an apology stream? It's the same shit.

>> No.2655320

HoloID will lose all their gachikois soon if this shit keeps on going

>> No.2655336

your oshi is getting nakadashi'd by connor RIGHT NOW

>> No.2655338

Ollie, Moona and lofi need to address this thing or they'll lose some of their biggest gachis.

>> No.2655339

Well, same shit, and?

>> No.2655353

Maybe i should go and tell him this next time he streams and see what his response is.

>> No.2655355

I also need to remind you all:


slow and steady into the yab glacier.

>> No.2655361

Gachikoi are subhuman

>> No.2655389

yeah and their money keep the show running

>> No.2655402

There's too many mutt so I am not surprised they don't know about purity. Anyway I Saw few comments on Alfred guy. I am sure Moona Saw that now

>> No.2655421

ITT jealous incels

>> No.2655427

t. Too poor for SC

>> No.2655428
File: 607 KB, 720x1051, 1607246381163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the one giving their paychecks though, as much as I hate to admit it. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

>> No.2655436

Well ID management seems to treat them like indies too.

>> No.2655450

Say all you want, but the "Free entertaiment/Poor gang" isn't the one paying the girls living

>> No.2655463
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>> No.2655464

Them incels got money since they have no one to spend it one though.

>> No.2655471
File: 54 KB, 419x112, 2347343463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit don't get this. How popular are these guys anyway? I tried to watch some of their stuff and they make the most boring videos about anime that I have seen in a while, and their opinions are all... safe and inoffensive? It's like watching 10 minutes of white noise.

>> No.2655472


>> No.2655490

>Gachikoi are subhuman

>> No.2655500

Subhumans keep this show running, even chinks were keeping hololive alive for a good while

>> No.2655502

Enma, i apologize. you were right all along.

>> No.2655506

Even if they are, gachikois are the ones who pretty much fund Hololive.

>> No.2655515

the enma apology thread is this way >>2627589

>> No.2655538

I only watch that podcast. They are only "good" in that because they hardly talk about anime.

>> No.2655563

Not until EN can collab with Coco.

>> No.2655579
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1605830995659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of their roommates do you think he's seen by now?

>> No.2655594

They became popular when being an "ironic weeb" was starting to be hip, like 6 years ago. They aren't growing anymore but their sizeable audience hasn't gotten tired of them.

>> No.2655595

He'd probably stop talking to Ollie if the rrats of her being fat is true.

>> No.2655603

I do SC, i'm just not a desperate fag who spends my life savings and replies to twitter posts as a day job so a girl will say my name online

>> No.2655605

So you're trying to say her pussy just hit different?

>> No.2655639

Gigguk and TheAnimeMan are two of the oldest Anitubers, with the former starting on 2008.

It's Connor that's a real problem: He's doing it for clicks and is actually just a normie who's trendhopping to anime, and to vtubers (Gigguk is the only one who Genuinely likes vtubers, Joey once interviewed Ai, so he actually has experience).

And no, HoloEN are safe; Mori isn't betraying her close friend(Milkyqueen) and actually rooting for her to bag Connor, Ame and Gura outright ignored him, Ina and Kiara DON'T care.

Which is why SEANigs are seething right now. Everything they projected that Mori will do, the whole ID branch is doing.

>> No.2655662

>ollie is fat
As much i wish that's true, that's not Ollie pic, that's Polka.

>> No.2655664

So? A gachikoi is still worth hundreds of (you)s

>> No.2655691

>They aren't growing anymore
Well actually with Connor, he has nothing but grown since the last year thanks to that podcast.

>> No.2655698

You'd want your oshi to get stressed out with chink spam just so they can do a one time appearance on reddit review? Enma is waiting on you faggots to do your gay ops and squash the bugs which still hasn't happened.

>> No.2655717

that's because he's the newest on the bunch, as someone said, both Joey and Garnt have been doing this for years.

>> No.2655724

probably cause people didn't know he existed until the podcast
i know i didnt

>> No.2655730

>just a normie who's trendhopping to anime
I would not go that far to say that he doesn't like anime but he is a normalfag.

>> No.2655732

Because no one except fujoshits knew him back then

>> No.2655743

Whoa you gave her almost enough for half a meal, I'm sure they would rather have you than the fans that actually make the job worth

>> No.2655747
File: 195 KB, 720x720, 1612581287677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is why SEANigs are seething right now. Everything they projected that Mori will do, the whole ID branch is doing.

You love to see it

>> No.2655758

It's fine when they collab on someone else's channel, but not on their channels, this feels disgusting for some reason.

>> No.2655761

I am not sure SEA will seething since most SEA doesnt care and even rooting them for collab. I still want ID management slap some sense for them tho. Like fucking hell wake up. But knowing SEA woman.....

>> No.2655775

I can't believe ID is going to die because of a bandwagoner

>> No.2655782

>and actually rooting for her to bag Connor
What do you mean?

>> No.2655784

Fuck off redditfag

>> No.2655815

>the whole ID branch is doing.
It's all ollie, this didn't happen before she appeared. Iofi, Moona and Risu knew that at least they should only collab with vtubers, ollie brought her irl e celeb fanaticism to ID

>> No.2655835

Milky has a huge crush on him. Mori being Mori, roots for her, as she felt the same thing for a certain SnapbackSausage back in ze day.

>> No.2655837

ID has been dead long before this, anon.

>> No.2655863

I mean CN style dead

>> No.2655885

I really hope Holo ID gets terminated, shittiest branch of the company. I bet most people over here don't even watch them anyway.

It's also impressive the amount of retards that doesn't seem to understand that this is more than "Holo collabs with males is yabai", it's almost like they don't read the fucking thread and ignore these tweets these girls made, sounding like they are extremely horny for his cock like he is some kind of giga chad (Which is something no other holomember has ever made, so any example from other cases are completely different and invalid for this discussion).

I usually don't want bad things to happen to anyone in Hololive, but this time I really hope some big shit comes out of all of this drama and seal the HoloID's destiny. Don't they want to break the rules just like Ollie said ? So be it.

>> No.2655914

>Iofi, Moona and Risu knew that at least they should only collab with vtubers
So did they realize that Connor has 2 million subs and that they can use him thanks to Ollie?

>> No.2655936
File: 171 KB, 293x297, 1618631883181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is being blown way out of proportion in some ways but I do think the way they keep fawning over this dude on twitter pretty strange and off-putting. Thankfully I'm a MERAKyat and I trust Reine to stay away from this nonsense so it's had no effect on me yet.

>> No.2655945

>they want to break the rules just like Ollie said ? So be it.
Hey, my dagger doesn't do anything wrong.

>> No.2655972

Why is this a problem again?

>> No.2655986

Every time it comes up, he constantly cracks FBI jokes and low-key calls them pedophiles. To me it seems like he's more concerned about the social and legal repercussions of openly liking loli rather than actually liking it.

>> No.2656005

>sounding like they are extremely horny for his cock like he is some kind of giga chad
Welcome to Indonesia, anon. They lust towards white cock.

>> No.2656007

I don't care for ID except for Reine. I just want to see this piece of shit get booted off the Internet for his shit taste in anime

>> No.2656016

It's symbol and reminder that majority their money from lonely man. A big price, but Necessary

>> No.2656029
File: 179 KB, 991x422, connorstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that makes the least sense is how they are going about it. If you want to leech from this guy, streaming with him will only expose you to a small portion of his audience. Getting on Trash Taste or his YT channel is where the real fresh blood is. Maybe they see this as a stepping stone to that kind of exposure but I doubt he'd do it.

>> No.2656031

I fucking hope she gets addicted to other game than APEX. I don't want it to happen to Reine...

>> No.2656032

Tell him that we're all rooting for him, he needs to make a stand for himself

>> No.2656049

>my dagger doesn't do anything

>> No.2656062

It's funny because Gigguk is the one cucking Sydney with vtubers. She got annoyed by it too much that she became Hime.

>> No.2656084

You got me, at least I can groom her with other melhomies.

>> No.2656099

It is just me or it's Ollie's fault? More likely that Moona wants to play Apex and asked Ollie to join her team and Ollie bring Connor to the team

>> No.2656105

It’s really not. It’s just purityfags shitting their beds because their oshi is having a normal human interaction.

>> No.2656109

I dont care about indogs. Let them get connor'ed.

>> No.2656119

They have in their own company the second most subscribed vtuber and nearly everyone in the top 50 most superchatted channels, if anything connor is the one using them, the IDs have nothing to gain and everything to lose

>> No.2656138

>Maybe they see this as a stepping stone
That's exactly what he's doing.

>> No.2656139

Based maximum

>> No.2656161
File: 286 KB, 1000x577, ollie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Cucks fuming Connor is doing the very thing they pray every night would happen to them

If anything you should be applauding his hard work to get easy Indo snatch AND free extra publicity

>> No.2656169

So that's why she did that ugly bastard video

>> No.2656195

>it's Ollie's fault
Always has been, this, homo collab, ollie mori astel collab and another homo collab soon.

>> No.2656197
File: 137 KB, 636x1218, 166562140_6032633283429490_1590999541321769025_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some indos already complained about them playing with jaret guy back then, ultimately getting bullied by the whole community and he had to private his account (or deleted?)

>"@hololive_id please management and staff, why these talent become more often collabed with males such as this jaret guy, if it was with holostar we are understand, this is become too often, even for a fellow v-tuber please don't played too often (with random males), doesn't look really good..."

>"please suprvised and reviewed (the collab), often time sc isn't get noticed, please, your business is based of these halu people, if it keeps going, how about the impact? (to these halu people). it doesn't really matter for a fellow indo, but how about overseas looking at it? just suggestion."

>"I'm talking like this, to represent for fans that doesn't like something like this, and not dared enough to say it. think about it, you're done from your work, you want to watch your favorite v-tuber, and she's having fun with another dude.."

well, it looks like it works, we haven't seen the girl ever contacted with these jaret guy anymore, maybe one of you should do the same complain, privately or publicly like this.

personally I don't really mind it, because they're going to be on TT podcast anyway, but if you cared enough for these girl, just spit out your opinion in front of ID management (yes, they're actually exist) privately or publicly and they probably gonna consider your input.

>> No.2656204

based connor, go for reine or risu next.

>> No.2656217

>if anything connor is the one using them, the IDs have nothing to gain and everything to lose
Connor doesn't need them, anon. IDs saw his numbers and want some of his audience to boost their stream watchers.

>> No.2656225

This. I kind of find them pathetic as well, but they are like what whales are for gacha games. Also it's their money, so whatever makes them happy I guess.

>> No.2656234

It's pretty much that, it also happened when ollie and reine collabed and ollie invited another male and at some point left so reine got stuck collabing with a male she didn't know shit about

>> No.2656235

Probably, but also, why would Moona turn away free view amps and/or a possible win.

>> No.2656240
File: 85 KB, 456x538, 1591655058508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope your zombie doesn't get abadangoed like baqua.

>> No.2656241

Risu hates these guys for pulling the Wrestling = Vtubing comparison.

>> No.2656246

It's Ollie fault. I hope ID management act like fucking chink. C'MON IDMANAGER, YOU ARE FUCKING CHINK, FFS DO YOUR WORK

>> No.2656266

Connor please get off this board and stop groomin ollie you freak

>> No.2656275

Dont they still have their irl accounts? Why are they doin this on their vtuber account?

>> No.2656303
File: 193 KB, 1400x1575, 1616228248301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have more faith in her anon. She's been amazing at avoiding any sort of yabs or controversies so far. It's one of the things I really appreciate about her.

>> No.2656311

Connor pls go and stay go

>> No.2656317

Cover is looking for ID managers, maybe that will cause a change

>> No.2656318

Whos next bros?

>> No.2656321

She absolutely will

>> No.2656325

It's also very funny how HoloID turned out to be almost everything people feared HoloEN would be.

>> No.2656328

>irl accounts
Connor can't get the holo clout from there.

>> No.2656335

All of them
Reine first

>> No.2656336

Can you read? They can collab with all males they want, but anitubers and people alike get the rope

>> No.2656346


>> No.2656364

The IDs don't give a shit about numbers, and even then if they were so hungry for numbers they would collab with gura or marine who they can easily contact and they would actually get new actual fans

>> No.2656375

When you take into consideration that Iofi has gone on record multiple times mentioning that she hates numberfagging and doesn't care about sub counts and prefers a loyal fanbase that stick with her because they like her instead of niggers following her because of some collab or publicity stunt, her latest tweets mentioning Cuntnor really do feel like she's fangirling hard and trying to ride his dick as hard as possible for motives other than clout or exposure. Can't say it's the same case for the rest of the girls, but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.2656380

Oh that guy. Jesus most Indo are cuckinfag and screaming "SHE CAN DO WHATEVER SHE WANT" AND "YOU ARE ANTIS INCEL. SHE CAN COLLAB WHATEVER SHE WANT". That's why that guy delete his tweeter. What a hero

No. Ollie doesnt get abadangoed. It's Moona who get abadangoed thanks for this Alfred guy

>> No.2656404

First one is a hard one because She hates TT for equating Wrestling into vtubing. Reine is overall, Yab free. Anya probably, but the girl needs all the help she needs to get subs.

>> No.2656446


>> No.2656469

The difference is that Abadango actually did superchat Aqua asking to play her. He didn't just force his way in like Connor.

>> No.2656477

>That's exactly what he's doing
Stepping stone to what? He isn't some small time anituber.

>> No.2656482

now I understand the chinks

>> No.2656499

Its not like ID makes much money anyways....

>> No.2656513

Dagger won't give him the time of day because he's not a nip.

>> No.2656521

She lurking in this place. Pretty sure she are contrarian. I mean this woman streaming on any big /jp/ stream because lulz

Gaijin pig please die

Thanks for Dutch blood, reine immune to any Western monkey

>> No.2656552

Have you seen the disgusting amount of money hololive brings? Ollie probably makes more than him

>> No.2656554

Calli with some JapRapRat for a meet up collab

>> No.2656579

Nah, another loser here.

>> No.2656593
File: 17 KB, 601x105, astolfoboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ollie sc is built different honestly, they're like having fun getting cucked constantly

>> No.2656602

The absolute state of HoloID

>> No.2656603

>watching EN/ID unironically

>> No.2656617

>woman are manipulative
Wow, where I heard that again?

>> No.2656646

I have been arguing and fighting on tw with chinks for months, now I'll use the tactics I learnt from them as a weapon, my weaponised autism will save hololive from anitubers.

>> No.2656652

Then why are they responding to him? They could just ignore him like Ame did but don't.

>> No.2656659

Gigguk is so OG he even has a reaction video to Mr. Anime murdering his entire family. How many oldfags here remember that one? It still makes me laugh, lol.

>> No.2656667

she's an attention whore. what a disaster.

>> No.2656668
File: 159 KB, 956x1237, EA1622AB-2366-490D-9828-74AE4F843DF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crying, shitting, pissing AND cumming because he can’t collab with Hololive streamers
Get fucked sheep shagger

>> No.2656696

They are zoomer. And I know few zoomer who pay for getting cucked

>> No.2656698

I'd love to see some numberfag statistics about the SC donors in hololive, I bet my ass most of it comes from the same 10% people of which most are gachikoi.

>> No.2656704

my hero

>> No.2656717

if they were smart they would have tried to ease into the collabing-with-men thing by collabing with anyone else. literally anyone else.

instead they immediately jump into the deep end by collaborating with and fawning over a guy whose entire gimmick is 'handsome sexy smooth deep-voiced man who women can't get enough of'.

they've made a pretty big mistake. unless they get lucky and people just randomly stop caring, this is only going to snowball until they call off this weird harem thing or something real bad happens.

>> No.2656745

yea that was prior to debut by months I think. iirc it was not a good breakup either... but that may have been a rrat. DESU I dont care, as long as it doesn't intrude on streams.

>> No.2656748

Are you gonna use wheelbarrow like Roberu stream?

>> No.2656750

They're unironically horny for him. You can be a fat ugly fuck and get laid in Indonesia as long as you're white. Now take someone who is e-famous and moderately attractive and you get this conga line of indog whores.

>> No.2656764

>Ollie probably makes more than him
Him being part of BookWalker? Hell no.

>> No.2656775

>anituberfag calling other people "normies"

>> No.2656785

ID Gen 1 are going to Japan for the 3DModel, what are the chance they are going to meet Connor??

>> No.2656800

Die as a hero or live enough to become a villain

>> No.2656804

The /jaypee/ native, I am laffing. She probably think he is a faggot and wish she could tell him to his face.

>> No.2656807

if he's just another one then that is ok, not like he's particularly known among her JP gachi. If she starts giving him special treatment, then there might be an issue, but she knows the ropes enough to not let it go that way.

>> No.2656815

Anon, that was after Mori was in that podcast.

>> No.2656817

imagine my shock. i'll never forget her meltdown arc because of numbers. lying two faced fujo.

>> No.2656820

I just want Risu to meet Oga so she can cuck Fubuki for real.

>> No.2656846

He looked like he'd be in his late 20s or early 30s from that video he made for one of Moonas celebration streams. Somebody without anything to commit to yet, but with a job and lots of disposable income.

>> No.2656852

Reminder that everyone hates gachikois until its their oshi the one cucking them live. Then suddenly they fall silent.

>> No.2656854

she doesn't give a fuck and she's too much of a bitch
she's too much of a nationalist to talk with white piggu

>> No.2656874

He seems fairly on the level

>> No.2656884


>> No.2656898

>what are the chance
why they're getting really close recently?

>> No.2656902

Yes, because look at how much fubuki, noel, mel, matsuri, kanata, marine and basically everyone she's collabed with after the bugmen incident is getting harassed.

>> No.2656904

Can someone explain to Ollie that leeches did not care about her before she got into Hololive. Its only now that shes here they give a fuck and they wont care about her if she were to graduate.

Can someone tell Ollie that Anitubers will absolutely shit on Vtubers if it came to getting more clout. Like these guys dont even talk about Nijisanji, 774, Eliene family, VOMs, NoriPro, PinkPunkPro, Tsunderia, Prism PolygonProject, and these guys only cared about VShojo when they started getting popular, despite Hime being part of the damn thing. Doesnt it raise a red flag Anime Youtubers who suddenly cared about vtubing are only interested in the most famous one?

What does it take for a person to see a leech?
I hope the managers tell Ollie do this one experiment "Conner to interact with her in her nonVtuber account? Check his reaction."

>> No.2656924

and yes, lets make it worse than it is already. into minus revenue we go!

>> No.2656936

Reine has been pushing for the gachikoi audience, and she's starting to get it with all these "jealous" and "I want to be your 1#"

>> No.2656951

Id say cope, but theres one legit reason this is happening. The fagzombie

>> No.2656966

She's worse than Kiara....damn...

>> No.2656989

she will, she has to, to represent holoID at TT podcast later. wether she like it or not
most likely won't, unless it's about something other than gaming
there's a chance, depends on reine at this point

>> No.2657043

Anon. Telling SEA woman like that useless. It's just like throwing brick to river. Unless management say that, we can't do anything. Or we can. From start, we can support this guy

>Reine pushing her ojou side

>> No.2657066

Do you watch the JP's retard? Kanata can't mention Coco without having to set her chat to members only. Chinks were testing out membership spam on Gura in her last stream.

>> No.2657089

smartphones ruined the internet.

>> No.2657094

It's not that deep Connor we just don't like you

>> No.2657137

Nooooo not Moona too pleasee, guys what should i do? should i just be normies and stop watching vtubers?

>> No.2657159
File: 424 KB, 1883x1440, 1608890560317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would they even be able to make a dent there? Gura's kids practice spam 24/7.

>> No.2657185

nah, I'll laugh at the carnage if other people do it but i'd feel too dirty actively contributing to that.

>> No.2657193


>> No.2657207

I stopped watching Holos a while ago but are they really still at it? Lmao

>> No.2657217
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1616143864560s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all Ollie's fault. She's ruined herself and now the rest of ID is about to follow.

>> No.2657220

>all these risuners think their treerat won't collab with the fag
She'll do it, and she'll enjoy the aneurysm you'll get.

>> No.2657243

This could be it dude, i have same feelings now..

>> No.2657244

She can enjoy that fat unsub button too.

>> No.2657246
File: 13 KB, 650x365, 1617059769404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your EN Holostars gen 1 right here

>> No.2657278

Guess whos going to Nippon soon anon.

>> No.2657287

You guys laugh but he is the only one speaking up

>> No.2657297

Is it only me, or it feels like Ollie haven't been interacting with her genmates that much lately? She even said on her member stream, that her best friend is Moona and she doesn't talk with others, tho like a month ago she claimed talking almost every day with Reine and Anya

>> No.2657319

i cant really put the blame 100% on Ollie since my oshi is a literal retard who do stuff just because her "friend" do so

>> No.2657336
File: 214 KB, 1726x707, OllieYAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is afraid of coming off as annoying to her genmates and senpai.

>> No.2657338

These people really don't understand what made vtubers popular in the first place do they?

>> No.2657354


>> No.2657358

I can't take her serious especially with that tambourine

>> No.2657360

Why do they keep bringing him up? If they play Apex with him offstream, whatever.. But why do they all tweet it out and post screenshots like this? What is their game? Because it's not really all that helpful for their image. People who watch Vtubers generally don't want that a man is playing with them in an online game and carrying them.

>> No.2657386

I'm not laughing. Alfred Ridder will RID us of this YAB, haha. That didn't count.

>> No.2657389

You'll get bullied by the indocucks if you're just some random faggot on twitter.

>> No.2657405

Deserves to lose her voice desu

>> No.2657418

Idk how you don't read that as passive-aggressiveness but ok bud

>> No.2657435

>Kanata can't mention Coco without having to set her chat to members only.
My point still stands. She's the closest to coco and isn't getting any harrassment for it unless she goes out of her way to piss of the bugmen. Her most recent meme review guest mel hasn't gotten any spam after it.

>> No.2657492
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1616541659983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hol up, Soo Min Park liked this tweet

>> No.2657496

I genuinely think Ollie is interested in him. Moona probably just tries to ride the wave and thinks this will help get part of his audience.

>> No.2657523

>this is your average holiday
Glad I'm a nijichad.

>> No.2657526

wait is that the guy who comments on literally every ID post and stream and video?

>> No.2657532

Ollie got manipulated, Iofi is a dumb fujo and Moona is an autistic retard

>> No.2657537

okay we need SMP to speak up too

>> No.2657538

Holy shit, it's real. Even the Korean AI is in doubt

>> No.2657540

I'm trying to create an account on that hell of a site but it just tells me an error ocurred and wont let me in... I need to post my seething...

>> No.2657545

holy shit

>> No.2657549

>Ollie interested with him
Of course she is. He are western. OH MY GOD OLLIE KEKING JARET

>> No.2657552

Its almost always the whales that keep money grabbing operations like this running.

>> No.2657554


>> No.2657556

Connor is retarded.

>> No.2657560
File: 80 KB, 650x563, 1598613493725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhmm... Soo Min, I thought you'll defend the girls...

>> No.2657575
File: 265 KB, 465x389, Devious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.2657579

The end is coming?

>> No.2657583

It's been broken almost 24 hours twitter is a fucking joke

>> No.2657593
File: 291 KB, 449x377, 1594124783856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.2657594

SEAkun...your english reps...

>> No.2657621

They’ll expect one of us in the wreckage

>> No.2657664

Wait. Why they sensor cucking?

>> No.2657689

>unironically defending muh gfe idolfags
Do holofags really?

>> No.2657704

>'handsome sexy smooth deep-voiced man who women can't get enough of'
Does anyone actually still believe this? The dude's hairline has already recessed noticeably and he's got a bald spot at the back of his head.

>> No.2657715

to think about it, i wanna see this as way from Allah to ease my hegira. i gave up anime and vidya back then until i discovered chuuba and obsesed with it since the lockdown bs. im just gonna sit here and wait for the last straw and abandon them for good since i cant really enjoy the IDs the same way i enjoyed it last year. it's been fun bros. sayonara.

>> No.2657720
File: 97 KB, 523x521, 1614265650998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie anons, I never expected myself to become an unironic anti. I swear I'm only doing this because I genuinely care about these girls.

>> No.2657743

Best Post ITT Gachikoi are just as bad as chinks honestly maybe even worse

>> No.2657751
File: 33 KB, 525x525, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2657758

Feels great to know my oshi respects her character and people enjoying the anime girl fantasy, ID was meant to fail

>> No.2657759

its either anya or reine who worth to push now.

i see lots of anya and reines clips lately, clippers see the gist

>> No.2657760
File: 123 KB, 300x300, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfred is a flaming autist, he threatened to delete her fan minecraft server once because moona killed the ender dragon without him

>> No.2657771

Still better than any Indo guys.

>> No.2657776

the change of heart, you'll never know, anon...

>> No.2657780


>> No.2657785

Not everything needs to be Vwhores you faggot.

>> No.2657799

I can tell Alfred about your support and that only he has influence now in this situation, because I know him closely. but do i need to do this..?

>> No.2657812

Yeah I'm sure this business would be thriving if it weren't for the people giving them moneý, they're the ones holding vtubers back

>> No.2657813

hang in there bud

>> No.2657828

At least gachikoi gave massive amounts of money at the start.

>> No.2657846

This Ollie is not the current Ollie -eternal simp and getting banged on stream- Zombie

>> No.2657857
File: 118 KB, 1204x835, Chink criticizes Iofi kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi's a deeply insecure fujo, most of you weren't around when Kaoru graduated and she acted as if the guy was her idol sweetheart who got fucking assassinated (he was married by the way).
Reminder that this comment was what made her delete her tweet saying she would translate and played the victim after the among us collab.
Iofi gets away with a lot of shit because no one cares or watches her.

>> No.2657860

It's not about males, it's about anitubers and literal leeches, they could collab with chads and professionals like Belmond banderas, but you see them playing with that fucker like if he was a super star.

>> No.2657880

leave the poor lad alone, he suffered enough.

>> No.2657883

this is a shitposting thread, if you're not larping he's the one that should chose where to spend(burn) his money

>> No.2657890

well that's true, but how the fuck do you know?

>> No.2657893

/vt/ cucks called out

>> No.2657895
File: 746 KB, 1237x961, 1618631290640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. I mean Soo Min Park itself already liking his tweet. And that guy always defend the girls.

>> No.2657913
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1587657576621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fucking real

>> No.2657914

You do know the chinese were the first people to support hololive right? money means nothing in the long run. if one little thing can set you off

>> No.2657915

b-but muh best wingman.

>> No.2657916

How much money do you give them anon? Free entertaiment right? haha

>> No.2657920

Don't, stop gaslighting the faggot.

>> No.2657932

Shut the fuck up gurafag

>> No.2657945

same reason you know

>> No.2657952


>> No.2657963

IDs was never meant to be this popular by global in the first place actually, since they realized EN made them more money, they're going this route now.

>> No.2657967
File: 305 KB, 958x867, 1591430763191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2657970

He's the only man that can put a stop to Connor the purity of Holo IN rests in his hands

>> No.2657972

damn it! this is the first time i wish ID get less attentions, so they can reflect and change.

Did M chan just that retard to let things slides.

>> No.2657975

>why not change your name from Airani to AngryAni? it suits you better LOL
KEK. fucking legend.

>> No.2658006

The amount of shit Iofi has done behind the scenes vs her own personal stream is fucking criminal.
She should be the face of Holo ID

>> No.2658007

reminder she also took credits from the 1st PekoMoona collab which she has nothing to do with.

>> No.2658011

chinks don't pay shit, though

>> No.2658019

The problem with Connor is that Hololive is supposed to be an escape from reality. Many of us guys are not at the top of the social hierarchy so to speak, so this was supposed to be a place where we can escape the fundamental truth that not all men are created equal. Then in comes Connor, flirting with vtubers and his fandom roaring about his expanding Harem, that that escapism, and a fundamental part of not only our enjoyment but also our happiness, comes crashing down. That is why we are upset.
I'm not against male and female collabs. I like Subaru and she has collabed with the Stars before. But what Connor is doing is something entirely different. He's hurting people. He knows it, and he enjoys it.
I wouldn't take that gamble. If they have to choose between you guys and Chad, they're going to choose Chad. You know deep down it's true, but do you really want it to be confirmed?

>> No.2658020

Cover needed the chinese money until they got big enough, they won't ever get big enough to not need the gachikoi money, the entire anime industry lives on the few percentage that spends a ton

>> No.2658041

I have sc statistics for jp side. For the big earners, some gachikois donated and contributed to about 8% of overall scs. Shion has a gachikoi that donated 2600000 yen overall. I seen aqua's gachikoi pop up in taiwan board before and dude is just so rich and throwing money at manjigumi because they are cute.

>> No.2658046

>She should be the face of Holo ID
She couldn't even keep the viewers she got from all of those collabs.

>> No.2658054

god i hate this numberfag

>> No.2658066

UNITY bot is backing Alfred, oh shit all thats left is for Joseph to like the tweet.

>> No.2658068

they already get less attention right now, this whole situation happened because of exactly that. management had to do something, and they're agree with this TT thing

>> No.2658074

What does she do besides being a mediocre artist.

>> No.2658083

>Did M chan just that retard to let things slides
she enjoyed this shitshow unironically

>> No.2658091

dude, aren't u aware of highly edited meme funny clips of hololive in the early days were made by chinks?

>> No.2658097

But she did have a lot to do as she's the one who helped Moona to get confidence. The bad things she does don't cancel her good ones and viceversa

>> No.2658105

How do you keep track of gachikois though? Coco's lunatics make up dozens of accounts to make dumb jokes on free chat

>> No.2658108

your new is showing

>> No.2658112

jeesas if a single gachikoi is 8%, all of them have to be like 50% of the donations

>> No.2658125

They aware Jaret incident. I am sure after this we don't heard anything about conor

>> No.2658140
File: 134 KB, 241x385, 1614626621737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit reminding me of Aloe's situation but this time we are the antis

>> No.2658155

most recently was get Josuke's VA from JJBA hooked up with Roberu
Talked to some art companies to get other artists some really nice gigs

She's apparently very "in" in in terms of the art community

>> No.2658162

So if some dude says he'll donate a million dollars to have sex with her irl she should just do it right? Money is all that matters right haha.

>> No.2658165

>The amount of shit Iofi has done behind the scenes
I actually don't know much about this, what's this great stuff she done behind the scenes in contrast to streams?

>> No.2658179

I'm just laughing

>> No.2658183

False equivalence, and you don't give a single dollar, thanks for your answer

>> No.2658198

NGL, if that same guy offered to give me a mil to spread my ass open, i'm taking that Mil

>> No.2658207

>chuuba says a black company is a black company and is afraid of what their fans do if she gets doxxed, then gets doxxed
>compared to a zoomer chuuba alienating part of their audience because she introduced a normalfag anituber to her branch
how? and fuck off with >we

>> No.2658221
File: 149 KB, 832x1000, 1618096115322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do it.

>> No.2658222


>> No.2658230

here's why you're wrong:

1. pekomoona 1st collab will still happen wheter that "weakest moment" happen or not. pekora asked moona for the collab on 26 of november https://youtu.be/nSqaHqRQVIc?t=9002 and "weakest moment" is on 29. so the collab was already settled by then.

2. the context of that moment was moona being sad about being left out alone FOR AN OFFCOLLAB with kira family or whatever they call it. then iofi suggested moona to ask pekora for an offcollab too. that's the trigger, that's the moment where moona talked about her insecurity of not being able to speak japanese. the rest is history. so it's not about asking pekora for a collab (1st collab).

>> No.2658231

Most people would accept that though, maybe not some holos since they made more than a mil. Self respect isn't worth that much don't kid yourself

>> No.2658279

Do not underestimate numberfags anon, they keep a monthly record of sc statistics for all jp members. As for alternative account, they have similar name or the same profile pic.

>> No.2658294

based zoomers not giving a shit about retarded GFE

>> No.2658305

It's not about you doing it. It's about if you'd be okay with your oshi doing it. All you want is for them to make money so it shouldn't matter how they get it.

>> No.2658307

>He thinks half of people wouldn't do it
Anon, I hate to break it to you but... money is quite important in this world, even if it's a stupid comparison the one you did, because just keeping a fantasy of being a cute anime girl so rich fags can gosling about you is by no means comparable to letting your ass get fucked, they will even get more money from the gachikois than the 1M dollar single stand.

>> No.2658308

that’s already happening, he’s a snake and already caused fighting about the issue it’s only a matter of time before chuubas that choose not to collab with men will be harassed

>> No.2658311
File: 145 KB, 828x1719, 1594230521460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing is that even if this dumpster fire will get resolved in the best way possible, that is cutting off this faggot antituber completely, the bad aftertaste will remain for a long time.

>> No.2658318

I think I know who you are lol

>> No.2658365

Connor pissed off reddit as well, after he blamed Hololive fans in that clip they grew to hate that faggot too. Which is why EN is never going on TT again.

>> No.2658383

>he’s a snake and already caused fighting about the issue
Yeah on /vt/.

>> No.2658398

Connor's playing leapfrog. Went through Ollie to get to JP and EN girls yea?

>> No.2658396

I feel if this becomes a big yabe, I can see Connor become persona non grata just like Melody

>> No.2658408

>You're the only other person here anon. The rest of us are all Connor samefagging

>> No.2658424
File: 58 KB, 356x396, daily.polka.laugh_CH2aW1kBrL3_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we.... the villains

>> No.2658458

>”Gachikoi are subhuman”
>becomes prevailing opinion among growing mutt population
>gachikoi’s leave
>your oshi retires
>”I can’t believe you fucking virgins stopped supporting her this is your fault!!!”

inb4 “I don’t have an oshi faggot”, that’s why we treat people like you like an invasive parasite in every fandom you target

>> No.2658466

He did went to that section on reddit to say he didn't mean all hololive fans.

>> No.2658491

please go back

>> No.2658494

Tell me when Hololive fans are doxxing, sending death threats and calling her phone 24/7 over this. Nijiniggers went so far that a couple of their schizos were taken to court and fined.

>> No.2658499

please don't encourage the guy spending copious amounts of money on a girl who will never love him back

>> No.2658515

I feel the same anon, I just want hololive to not change

>> No.2658534
File: 98 KB, 491x682, irish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Never trust a Welshman, me Pa always told me, and he got his throat slit, so he should know. The kind of fellas who'll steal an acorn from a blind sow and then kick her for squealin'"

>> No.2658535

Does Mori have gachikois? She is my oshi.

>> No.2658543

that wont happen, because my Oshi is an indie, faggot

>> No.2658555

cant speak japanese despite living in Japan for years
totally ingnored by Gura and Ame

>> No.2658558

>gachikois leave
>still hundreds if not thousands of subs and small donators giving them more than enough money
Oh the horror

>> No.2658559


>> No.2658561

Go back? Wdym?

>> No.2658570

Yes and they are all roommate orbiters which is even worse.

>> No.2658581

yeah, and this gives the opportunity to any e-celeb to get in for the sake of getting clout.

>> No.2658590

Then stop harassing the girls
If you're mad go call connor a faggot on twitter or something

>> No.2658594

Probably not, assuming >>2657760 isn't a rrat, he'll probably do it by himself of his own accord.

>> No.2658602

If they seriously retire just because they are making less money they are greedy and obviously only in it for the money

>> No.2658603

>harassing the girls
No one here does that.

>> No.2658655

But she has collabed with males. Would they have not left long ago?

>> No.2658687

Saying "I dont like this" on an anonimous board, isn't harassin people you fucking retard

>> No.2658691

what IF... this TT thing is actually works, holoID gets a lot more popular than ever before, they're getting a lot more attention.. except its not from you guys, it's from new people who doesn't even know vtuber exist
because I'm pretty damn sure, this is where they're going right now

>> No.2658735

EN is a dead end already.

>> No.2658760

>TT fans
>not knowing what vtubers are
Come on.

>> No.2658767

>yesman faggot is backing a gachikoi's concerns over the girls
when even this faggot isn't behind ID's sucking up to antitubers, you know something is wrong about this whole situation

>> No.2658790

Her interactions have all been professional from what I know; not the thinly veiled flirting the indogs are doing.

>> No.2658791

dude. What if this whole trash taste things works, and a bunch of people find out about anime who didnt even know anime existed before

>> No.2658851

Yeah i guess i get your point.

>> No.2658898

>didnt even know anime existed before
Lol, if they r going through this route, they should collabs with neil d armstrong or vsauce

>> No.2658915
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>> No.2658916
File: 194 KB, 503x503, 1617285995766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their living, not a side hobby. Vtuber careers are far too demanding for them to also have a day job to support themselves.

>> No.2658917

i swear i'm gonna start to find this retard based because of you guys

>> No.2658972
File: 111 KB, 933x952, Eacz1rPXgAAS04S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though I would never start to see this happening in hololive... fucking indogs

>> No.2658994

it really isn't, like, at all

>> No.2658997

Can you call this hobby though?

>> No.2659087

Majority of Ollie's donations are from bandwagoners that hop on the latest big hip thing, which is Ollie since she appeals to people like that and keeps going for the fag's audience. What she doesn't realize is that many of these will fuck off the moment a new gen of ID or EN comes online. The worst thing about is that she also spread this to other people in her branch, they'll suffer the same fallout of alienating their original fans and the exodus when trend hoppers leave.

>> No.2659097

why isn't the OG crowd growing? seems like if these 2 are the founders, why haven't they made efforts to make greens more invested?

>> No.2659156

I want to give Anya every thin cent, but it seems she's 100% complacent being dead last

>> No.2659168

What, are they supposed to hold them at gunpoint or something?

>> No.2659173

The irony of your post is that Japanese fans could see you and idiots like you as the 6th stage of this image.

>> No.2659192

>we haven't seen the girl ever contacted with these jaret guy anymore


>> No.2659294

seems if the OG crowd can sway newcomers, the game is destined to sink or be casualized. That's why DotA2 fought tooth and nail from 2011 to 2019 to be "get good or get gone". and then in 2020 they buckled and got LoL'ified.

>> No.2659375


>> No.2659635

Fuck off Jaret. Ollie already move from you to connor

>> No.2659662

Go back

>> No.2659665

it's not rrat, but it's a completely different situation. On the server, he knew that he had influence, but people dissuaded him, the opinion of the crowd is important to him. If he realizes that he has influence now and receives the approval of others, he may become unstoppable

>> No.2659701

Gachikoi and Holofags are the reason this degradation started

>> No.2659905

>Gachikoi and Holofags are the reason this degradation started
>the reason it keeps working since day one caused it to degrade
Retardchama... I...

>> No.2659909

ah Lin Dongquin, one of the most loyal and the embassador of all chumbuds according to /vt/

>> No.2660174

Bold of u thing that i'm that fucking marsmallow guy.

Check risu's and Ollie's tweet reply, u faggot,
ID Manager's did fucking nothing

>> No.2660636

he complained about the collab, there's no collab with this jarret guy anymore tho
maybe still in contact on twitter or live chat

>> No.2660856

>risu's tweet reply

>> No.2661062

Unironically based beyond belief

>> No.2661071

She's the reason Pochi became a Hololive mama

>> No.2661286

only moona right now apparently, ollie doesn't get hurt at all by this

>> No.2661291
File: 38 KB, 646x731, 1618163987564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well if chuubas keep sucking his dick, yeah.
>People hate ironic weebs, simple as. Nobody gave a shit when Fubuki creamed herself over Nakamura, but offline shit is always gonna stir rumours since ultimately you never know what's actually happening, if they keep openly flaunting it it'll only grow.
>Any bets on how long it takes until we get another Matsuri/Hoshikawa freakout.
>Given enough time and outside faggots it's just inevitable?

>> No.2661534

>chicken streaming
>thread suddenly become quiet

>> No.2661697

Alfred has a point, why is she streaming with a guy she just met and bragging about it when he's the one that's been watching and giving her money?

>> No.2661810

She's not even streaming with him, she's just playing in private with him

>> No.2661818

That's the point. But hell they gonna scream "INCEEEEL INCEEEEL UNICOOOOORN PURITYFAAAAAG DIEEEEEEE". That's why I am taking /jp/ pill, being Tatsunoko is blessing. And Reine and Anya are precious to me

>> No.2661843


>> No.2661912

>People on here used to laugh at how easily the JP crowd would get over their oshi's talking to boys
>Now they're crying over discount jap girls flirting with a literal who gaijin trying to get some extra views
Another (4chan channel) has fallen indeed.

>> No.2661990

That's even worse

>> No.2662004

kek that's even worse

>> No.2662154

one of the reasons yagoo trying to change it's direction from "idol group" to "entertainment company"

>> No.2662187

doesn't moona make fun of alfred's advances and even named her minecraft pet after him? this is starting to get a little degrading

>> No.2662251

Isn't that the issue, I mean they chose not to stream or interact with fans and instead played with a random guy before bragging to people can't?

They're the ones so obsessed with sex the idea of entertainment that doesn't have sex is alien to them.

>> No.2662275

>even named her minecraft pet after him
No wonder this dude loyal to her. Shit I hope the best for him

>> No.2662291

ollie ditched the one run they had where they won. Ollie is the inviter, and Moona was her +1, on top of Connor being a +1

moona i don't think directly speaks to him

>> No.2662330

I don't give a shit if you have sex with others. Just don't bring unnecessary male on your character. It's just like watching porn and then hearing male voice on that video

>> No.2662360

Yeah I could have worded that better, I didn't mean that it's better to just play with him off stream, on the contrary. At least if she streamed it you could reason that "it's just for the collab", but here they're all playing with him off stream and then bragging about it on Twitter like he's a fucking trophy.

>> No.2662477
File: 20 KB, 242x251, bb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,
My name is Connor, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass vtubers. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than simping for titty streamers.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was born in England and got to live to Japan without even knowing their shit language. What achevements do you have, other than "gossiping about virtual e-thots"? I also get shitton of money for being in a cringy podcast, and have a banging hot slut (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.2662500

Moona makes fun of everyone's advances, all her fans like it though, what they won't like is when she doesn't reject connor's advances

>> No.2662707

>Chooses Ollie over Moona
Come the fuck on Connor, you're picking the mystery box instead of the car

>> No.2662716


>> No.2662720

Nah, it'd be less of a problem or at least not a public issue if it's just in private. She's gushing over him on twitter.

>> No.2662817

This one just hits different.

>> No.2662874

Quick question: How salty would /vt/ be if Calli went full ollie mode on Critikal or that JapRat she gushes over

>> No.2662883

Don't give him Moona

>> No.2662960


>> No.2663060

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.2663119
File: 100 KB, 720x918, 1612936526604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were Connor, you'd want Moona. So Connor rightfully deserves the best (Available) ID girl
Supreme order of ID is Reine, Anya, Moona, Iofi, Ollie[./spoiler]
Risu is literal Rrat Goddess and as such can not be listed

>> No.2663124

I'd be dissapointed that they can't keep it professional, but I trust the rest of holos outside the indogs can.

>> No.2663331

It would be very much out of character for her. She's talked about such behavior before and how she has realized she's on the receiving end of it now and her bad experience of being on the opposite site of this experience. She should've learned her lesson and know better now.

>> No.2663336

I'd love to see the fallout, given he's a song portraying simps as literal insane murderers that'd get brought up incessantly.

>> No.2663799

cuckbeats would orgasm just reading the title

>> No.2663939


This is what happens when you give money to a Vtuber. Remember

>> No.2664355

this is true, but they pay the bills so

>> No.2664451

For you

>> No.2665471

Well her boyfriend reveal didn't hurt her either.
Her fanbase must be used to getting cucked.

>> No.2665543

I'm actually curious, did ollie lose viewership? I personally stopped watching her like a month ago when she started asperging too much for me, but I though it was just me.

>> No.2665834

Probably because "professional" streamers are not as likely to sperg out as some randos. If I were a chuuba, I'd no stream with fans. But, I know people who run other kinds of channels that do play games with their fans.

>> No.2665861
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>> No.2665980

Why not, maybe there is just misunderstanding on the line... since as he said he doesn't really understand hololive.

>> No.2666005

how many hours until the next cuntnor apex screenshot tweet? place a bet.

>> No.2666189

Connor is streaming now with ironmouse if anyone wants to ask him. I would but broke gang

>> No.2666258

why does he choose the weak autistic vulnerable girls?

>> No.2666362

cos he knows they are retarded enough to do it. Like Ollie and Moona

>> No.2666398

I did the same

>> No.2666429
File: 158 KB, 900x1200, 6F8D70B1-DB69-4777-A4D9-02A38C62A169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at his body. Look at that tiny frame. Those tiny girl shoulders. He looks like a little boy that his mommy dressed up. If it weren’t for that deep voice and preying on weak autistic fujos, he’d be in no man’s land.

>> No.2666505

I can't believe this sick predator is making a vulnerable girl play video games and have fun.

>> No.2666559

What do you think groomers do

>> No.2666579


>> No.2666595

>thinking this place has any influence on their views

>> No.2666623

Seethe, Connor. Enjoy being the big fish in the small pond. I can’t blame you for finding the one niche where you can actually live out larping as a Chad.

>> No.2666745

500+ posts just to say you're jealous he's got the attention of your anime waifu. Go get laid, good god

>> No.2666793

Stop grooming high school girls connor

>> No.2666940

They're just toys to you, Connor. You are what you accuse the worst of Holofans to be.

>> No.2667007

Fuck off, Connor. I'd sacrifice Ollie and Moona to bring you down the #metoo hole for your shit taste in vidya and anime

>> No.2667077

isn't his main audience 12-16 year old girls that he already interacts with? if there was any sign of sexual harassment or grooming I think it would have happened by now

>> No.2667150

it'll happen in 4 years when they realize getting pumped and dumped by an anituber wasn't a good idea
