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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26548937 No.26548937 [Reply] [Original]

>Literally all of her genmates are chilling in the US
>Is probably hanging out with her trashy TT friends
Why is she like this?

>> No.26549090
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>> No.26549106

It's fine, I wouldn't want these fine collabs ruined with her presence. Also I doubt Amelia would want her in her house.

>> No.26549293
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>> No.26549876

>most recent tweets are at charlie and tt

>> No.26549972

Kinda hard when she is in Japan and TT are in US

>> No.26550041

Get ready for the TT, MoistCritical, and Hololive Myth collab

>> No.26550204

why is Ame this magical "must hate all people" girl
>Ame HATES Gura
>Ame HATES Kiara
>Ame HATE Mori
She's never shown any indication for disliking anyone apart from MAYBE Gura, and only because her chat forced those 2 together

>> No.26550376

I don't think you need to worry about her bringing that side into Hololive side anymore.

>> No.26550384

Good. She didn't fuck up the off collab

>> No.26551060

Ame actually disliking Gura? Don't think that was ever the case. There was that one Minecraft stream where Ame trolled Gura by saying her real name & Gura got her back, but it was all playful teasing. These 2 are the best pair in Myth.

>> No.26551201 [DELETED] 

I hope you're joking because her roommate is going to appear at a US con with TT pretty soon like early July. Why wouldn't she economize visiting her genmates earlier in the week before she takes a con gig?

>> No.26551372

Because she doesn't care about Hololive

>> No.26551402

Because hanging out with Myth makes her miserable on top of getting less views than if she collabed with anyone else as Ramblin' Gamblin' Lucifer.

>> No.26551608

>Trash Taste
Why does mori choose to associate some of the biggest fags on the internet?

>> No.26551693

she stays in like company

>> No.26552053

ame has silvervale
Kiara has ironmouse ans pink cat
gura has projekt melody?( gura roomate followers her)
And mori has tt, charlie, ironmouse and music t keep her happy
Ina no clue shes forgettable

>> No.26552115


>> No.26552152

I mean I don't know when she is going. Her current schedule ends at saturday so she could leave either that day or on sunday.

>> No.26552271

she sees them as, not genmates, not friends, but lower tiered uwu anime girls. they are fake whereas she is real. she won't associate with them anymore than the bare minimum needed to progress her "career"

>> No.26552900

Because she doesn't care about myth or hololive in general.

>> No.26553373

Silvervale is a KFP (watches members streams)
Ironmouse has had no interaction with Kiara beyond saying she'd like to have her on her show once

>> No.26553505

Is Ame actually friends with silvervale?
When I looked it up all I found is a roomate collab they once did, didn't seem like they were close or anything

>> No.26553555

Because she doesn't understand that they're mooching off her for views.

>> No.26553624

I don't think Charlie needs to do that. He only did that collab for pity and to get over with. He associate with her at all

>> No.26553636

I'm pretty sure management already veto'd that once.

>> No.26553723

Charlie's a cool guy but goddamn Mori is such white trash

>> No.26553767

Everyone here affirms they are, but I've never seen more than superficial interactions from them so it may be a rrat.

>> No.26553777

Pity? Charlie will collab with anyone, he's been in this for a long time he'll use anything for content.

>> No.26553868

I know but he wasn't his usual himself. Pretty awkward collab overall

>> No.26554050 [DELETED] 

she once anounced collab with TT on her rm account after tweeting that she was busy on mori account.
you guys should watch the TTRPG collab with TT, it was seriously tragic.
rm became a retard game master, TT got bored with the game and interrupted many times, rm made pee jokes to get their attention.
they sneered at poor rm, but rm still thinks of them as friends.

>> No.26554090

The real question is why is Mori so bad at Bloodborne?

>> No.26554115

She is in Japan. She was traveling Europe two weeks ago.

>> No.26554124

She is a woman.

>> No.26554137

right my bad, mouse recently said she’s going to message kiara to collab
Yeah she was a mod and close friend for her before she became ame,

>> No.26554162
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I want a Mori x Nyanners off collab.

>> No.26554222 [DELETED] 

Does she think of them as friends though? Or does she think of them as beneficial work relationships?

>> No.26554276
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>spending a whole month travelling across the entire fucking glove
Not even Mori is that crazy.

>> No.26554296 [DELETED] 

I don't know but I bet TT thinks of her as latter.

>> No.26554312 [DELETED] 

Well, she's not the one benefiting from this shit.

>> No.26554330 [DELETED] 

Same created Silver.

>> No.26554379

Ame literally created Silver.

>> No.26554432

And yet she's back in the US next week... for a TT event.

>> No.26554438 [DELETED] 

I am starting wander where these schizo antis crawled out from. All of this pitying people against one another, pretending to be fan of Mori's genmates/TT to accuse Mori, thinking all the girls are part of their resistance and supporting them etc. These don't sound like KFPs, Takodachis, teammates and chumbuds to me. There are so much schizo narratives made up in these posts.

>> No.26554473 [DELETED] 

Apparently they're still friends if they're willing to invite her AX

>> No.26554548

She was traveling between London and Austria a couple of weeks ago. She probably wants to spend some time at home.

>> No.26554591

i'm sure she has a good reason and nobody will mind if she can't make it. nobody.

>> No.26554623 [DELETED] 

When rm did TRPG collab with TT, aughtgraphs of mori and hakoz was displayed to stand out in the studio.
TT and their viewers seem to consider rm as an anime voice actor, not talented rapper.

>> No.26554743 [DELETED] 

Anime voice actor?

>> No.26554983 [DELETED] 

She needed the practice and constructive criticism to finish HoloMyth TTRPG in kino fashion.

>> No.26555080

I would like to think that mori returned to the US to escape from TT.
How many times have trashfag ruined her schedules and career and youth?

Why the rapper who has no interest in anime needs to collab with anituber?

>> No.26555150

She only genuinely doesn't get along with Mori. Wouldn't call it hate, but they definitely aren't comfortable in each other's presence.

>> No.26555186

ISREAL?? clip?

>> No.26555201


>> No.26555264

no i just don't care about holoen but this has me interested

>> No.26555308


>> No.26555312

Good, mori is shit and now she is alone with tt

>> No.26555348

You should be happy for Mori since she's with her friends and all that - and in return we get to have actual good streams.

>> No.26555405 [DELETED] 

she unironically considers them her idols in content creation

>> No.26555445 [DELETED] 

people always say this shit but if reddits anything to go off theres like a 90% crossover between anituber fans and hololive fans and trash taste is also significantly more popular than hololive

>> No.26555470 [DELETED] 

Charlie sure but I don't think she watches any of TT peoples content.

>> No.26555504

Too bad they only view her as an easy way to get views on their channel

>> No.26555579

cause, work

>> No.26555591

because she has trash taste
ged id :DDDDD

>> No.26555668

many of TT's guests are anime related people or youtubers.
Why does no one question the indie rapper being invited as guest many time?
the reason is simple. no one thinks rm is a rapper.

>> No.26555732

Delete this. She's gonna fly on a plane straight to the US right now just to spite (you)

>> No.26555770

Trash Taste is the enemy.

>> No.26555781
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Calli is a multi-talent genius: singer, rapper, lyricist, editor, comedian, producer, and jump king expert.

>> No.26555813

On one hand it's part of the reason why I hate her
On the other hand, since I do hate her, I'm now happy when she chooses not to be there and ruin it

>> No.26555837

And why does that matter? She's her friends. She likes being with them, she should feel free to do so instead of being forced to do a company-mandated collab with her genmates that she obviously doesn't like as much as TT.

>> No.26555844
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see you in early july!

>> No.26555855

But she hasn't been there as her roommate you know as an guest and not just GM in their stream.

>> No.26555890

Oh I know it's inevitable, but it's nice that right now we're getting kino offcollabs without her, even if it's not gonna be like this next time

>> No.26556105

I forgot teacher, streamer, bartender, podcaster, wine taster, game master, animator, and ASMR artist.

>> No.26556259 [DELETED] 

>I am starting wander where these schizo antis crawled out from.
From here.

>> No.26556427

She signed a contract

>> No.26556461

She has though

>> No.26556682

As her roommate? No.

>> No.26556746

if rm really thinks TT is her friend, I really feel sorry for her.
she has no friends in Japan, so she has no choice but to play with her fake friends.
however, TT just plays friends with rm because that's an easy way to get viewers.
If rm's other side graduates from hololive, TT will soon erase rm from their memory.
Well, they will pay attention for about 3 months like they did with Kson.

>> No.26556810

She always has ironmouse i guess

>> No.26556865

She's been on the TT After Dark

>> No.26556950

Calli's well out of Kiara's selfish attempt to interrupt Gura's Bday.

>> No.26557016

I meant the main part of the podcast.

>> No.26557063


>> No.26557377

>deadbeats actually think this makes someone talented

>> No.26561593

>gura doing melody type steams

>> No.26562689


The AmeSame karaoke yesterday was amazing, the concert was amazing too. But this stream was 99% Kiara talking excitedly about Pop Tarts for one hour while the others struggle to get a word in edgeways.

I spent the whole time feeling really bad for ame who couldn't pariticipate.

>> No.26564743
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>/vt/ is still seething at Mori when she isn't even the worst in her gen
Get with the times, grampa.

>> No.26567940

eggs coping

>> No.26571553

Canonically its because her pussy is only 4 inches deep when aroused, so she lovea J-cock and weeaboo cock the best

>> No.26571798

I know the wigger will show up at some point, her Ebonic ass is inevitable, but that’s just a good reason to celebrate the current offcollab without her

>> No.26572092

Keep to your containment thread, deadniggers. No normal person wants to see your trashy wigger whore on the catalog

>> No.26572754

imagining the jar shortage...

>> No.26573505

>deadbeats actually think she's good at any of those things

>> No.26573905

Their standards are absurdly low.

>> No.26574082

You don't think she is good at animation? I would say that is only thing she is good at and don't understand why she didn't went with that career.

>> No.26574244
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Because of the Universal deal, god it would be hillarious to see a drug related yab for her to get completely unpersoned.

>> No.26574264

Idk, she's okay
it took her several years in the industry to make anything worthwhile and it's mostly notorious for having a unique visual style, not for actually being well animated

>> No.26574311

Alcohol more likely. I would laugh so fucking hard if her RM did a venting stream about how UMG is making her go to AA.

>> No.26574328

>doing drugs
>this somehow is not outright expected
>this somehow leads to them being unpersoned
Anon in what Disney universe are you living

>> No.26574392


>> No.26574502

Ame and Gura both said, they'd never collab outside of Hololive, pl friends be damned. I think that one Ina collab with Pikamee is all she's going to do to. It's only Calli and Kiara who want those outside collabs.

>> No.26574516

How are you even surprised at this point? She spent almost the entire Spring in the US and couldn't be bothered to visit anyone.

>> No.26574945

Didn't she mostly do MVs for her favorite band? I don't think she ever tried to get in to animation industry.

>> No.26575045

I guess she could have done the fiver thing.

>> No.26575119

They call it "music". There's no hope for those cucks.

>> No.26575300

The funniest shit to me is that Calli streams the most in HoloEN but also seems to give the least fucks. All of them treat it as free money but Calli is the most aware that it's FREE money she can use to do stuff she actually wants to do.

>> No.26575383

>that horror game stream where gura was scared but then ameria came and chatted with her happily while playfully ribbing each other
They are obviously actual friends, something I feel many of the people on this forsaken board have never had given the amount of "they secretly hate each other" or "they must want to have sex" posts from mentally ill weirdos.

>> No.26575396

Sorry deadbeat, but this shit isn't new. I imagine most of the EN girls all like and respect Calli as a person/talent, but english collabs with her are always awkward for the other girl(s) and the viewers. She's the Haachama of EN in that her second language collabs are kino, but her main language collabs are cringe. Calli needs to collab more with the JP girls.

>> No.26575494

>more JP collabs
No thank you.

>> No.26575564

This is Japan you fool. The composer who made
Kaiji's OST spent years in prison afterwards for having weed.

>> No.26575651

Ah, but Mori is a 5'6 Amazon that can just Gaijin Smash her way through all JP laws/social mores.

>> No.26575711

Because she's a big fat phony that lies so she can fit in with what's hip.

>> No.26575828

Chumpedos disagree they think gura loves them

>> No.26576186

Ina has 39daph

>> No.26576215

I mean if she burns one in the US she's cool.

>> No.26576289

>in the US
>goes back to Japan
Huh, I wonder what the penalty for bringing drugs into Japan is.

>> No.26576371

Possession of coke was up to 7 years iirc. So probably a lot.

>> No.26576512

It was a pop tart review stream and she was the host retard chama

>> No.26576533

>Calli streams the most in HoloEN
Not even a threadreader, go back

>> No.26576834

Who says anything about bringing it Back to Japan.

>> No.26576883

Anons, do you think she tried to introduces those ttfags "friends" to her genmates ?

>> No.26576934

If she hasn't tried yet she will at some point in the future. After all that's the only reason they hang with her.

>> No.26577029

Nope, Japan still can give you shit if you do stuff that's illegal in Japan, but legal outside of it.

>> No.26577088

Yeah not if she brings it back retard. I'm talking like if Michael Phelps bong rip pic surfaces

>> No.26577108

So are they trying to force her to introduce them to her genmates?

>> No.26577219

Given how Cuckbeats have let her believe she can do anything she more than likely thinks she can just flout those rules too.

>> No.26577259

Holomem in general probably.

>> No.26577867

God i hate them so much.

>> No.26578013

She got arrested at the airport for carrying lean

>> No.26581725
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Man even AI knows it's time for Mori to go.

>> No.26582009

I do wonder how long it is until she hits the popularity ceiling? Like is there higher to go after getting recording deal.

>> No.26582114
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>Mori introduces your oshi to them

>> No.26584107

As a Vtuber she hit it ages ago.
But as a musician the sky's the limit really, rebounds are extremely common so you can never count one out, they can always just rebrand themselves too.

>> No.26584609

Her music is completely unremarkable and her claim to fame is being an anime girl musician.

>> No.26584765
File: 425 KB, 828x638, these threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to walk around in circles
Walk around in circles, walk around in circles
Walk around in
Don't need to walk around in circles
Walk around in circles, walk around in circles
Walk around in
I don't need to walk around in circles
Walk around in circles, walk around in circles
Walk around in
Don't need to walk around in circles
Walk around in circles, walk around in circles
Walk around in

>> No.26584843
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>> No.26584949

Yeah, so? Do you know nothing about music? Success isn't about how good your music is, it's about how well you can advertise yourself and appeal to others. Having a good hand helps, sure, but it's 90% just about how well you can stack the deck.

>> No.26586544

That was Omega and they're gone now.

>> No.26586644

This, so much this!

>> No.26586678

Ina has Sana

>> No.26586708

But, but...She beat it five times Anon!

>> No.26586752

She isn't that amazing at self-shilling either if she's still hanging out with z-listers like TT.

>> No.26586837

she's having a good time selling out shows, i don't think she's worried about le bad TT men

>> No.26587366

I'm glad Ame wasn't there because there was no way to salvage it a d it would have reduced the stock price of Gurame coin

>> No.26587490

Ame, before Hololive, actually helped Silvervale get started with Vtubing

>> No.26587708

Anon no matter how cringe they are, or how much you hate TT for whatever reason, they get big numbers and big money as content creators.

>> No.26588072

I need the amazon greentexts

>> No.26588387

Watch out Gene Simmons, Mori Calliope and CDawgVA are coming to dethrone you.

>> No.26588834

Hasn't Calli lied to Myth multiple times? And chose TT over them? I mean, I can chalk it up to autism but beyond that why do you say shes reapected as a person

>> No.26588981

Watch streams.

>> No.26589302

And that matters why?

>> No.26589701

And good fucking riddance. Someone post the clip of her lying to Kiara to her face about listening to the King cover. Mori couldn't even be fucking bothered to finish their TTRPG in time before her Trash Taste event thing, so why expect her to meet up with the girls? It seems impossible for her to retain friends for a reason.

>> No.26589851

Because they're not z-listers. They rake in 51k monthly just from Patreon alone. That doesn't count their Twitch subs or their sponsorship money. Joey who's probably the slacker when it comes to content creation has a higher viewership in Japan than Marine.

>> No.26590122

I do
