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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26185379 No.26185379 [Reply] [Original]

Bros... the normies are laughing at us again...

>> No.26186180
File: 162 KB, 480x270, 1649525783554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fun of looking at schizo posts without the downside of having to actually comb through them
are >we zoo animals to these people?

>> No.26186320

I've always viewed you guys as mostly entertainment. I thought we all did that.

>> No.26186449

good. let them spread word of /vt/ so retards like cimrai or artemis can stop being vtubers and go flock to other retard activities like twitter

>> No.26186490

Eight of my posts got featured there...

>> No.26186719

Only eight?

>> No.26186984

This wouldn't be a problem if they destroyed this shithole of a board, but they start going to other boards and that's when it goes downhill.
/vt/ was a fucking mistake.

>> No.26187020


>> No.26187106

Stop self-promoting faggot. No one cares what normalniggers think.

>> No.26187108
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The rest are by me.

>> No.26187114

Seeth faggot. /vt/ is the most fun board since 2012-2016 /sp/

>> No.26187151

Imagine giving a shit about what anyone else thinks of you.

>> No.26187214

it's a shitty fucking board for people who actually watch vtubers though, that's the problem.

>> No.26187378

Fucking attentionwhore.

>> No.26187440

How could this happen to us, /vt/sisters?

>> No.26187538

Why didnt based 4chan hacker do something?

>> No.26187693


>> No.26187848
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>> No.26188112

He missed the unicuck posts :(

>> No.26188209
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Yeah like /sp/ and just like /sp/ it was only good when events were taking place otherwise it was just power rankings and jerking off about numbers. People really don't notice that the appeal of /vt/ is that is is a weird mix of a bunch of different boards /a/, /v/, /jp/, /sp/, /ck/, /biz/, /c/, /e/, /trash/, /b/, /pol/, /pw/, /co/, /cgl/, /mu/, /tg/, /mlp/ all somehow combined into this weird schizophrenic blender that spits out some of the most awful shit I have witnessed on this site in the decade plus I have been here while simultaneously shitting out the best stuff this site has produced in years.

This board is awful. But 4chan(nel) is awful and has always been awful. This board is the purest expression of the best and worst parts of this website. A bunch of mentally ill autistic weirdos WAY WAY WAY to invested into their hobby. We watch anime girls play video games poorly, talk about shit, and/or sing. Yet if you read any thread you would think the most recent stream was an earth shattering event that has consequences on a global scale and that the rise and fall of nations is tied to these people streaming.

>> No.26188227

its a three-way mirror

>> No.26188232

they really are just like us

>> No.26188403

Subject No.6180, stop questioning everything. Back to your containment thread

>> No.26188491

Remember to add "niggers" to all your posts to avoid being featured on YouTube

>> No.26188566

Cope more chuds

>> No.26188704

Come on.
There's nip website where they translate /a/shounen chapter leaks threads.
Its funny when the web had to explain 4chan liggo like kino, cope or dilate.

>> No.26188714

You don't even know the difference between to and too, shut the fuck up

>> No.26188731

stop advertise your channel here.

>> No.26188772

>They stay as vtubers
>They talk to your oshi on twitter and laugh at you

>> No.26188984
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>> No.26189123

You have proof its my channel?

>> No.26189183

Kill yourself, normalfaggot

>> No.26189232

also porn and gore

>> No.26189458

you shouldnt assume most people think of you as a real human being

>> No.26189471

Doesn't need to when people will do it for him for free in the guise of bait threads

>> No.26190104

Funny to imagine what this place would look like as a mental institution.
>migoposters opening every door to say hello
>watame room is filled to the brim with watermelons
>nijien room is a nonstop orgy of the most degenerate shit around
>/meat/ is the surgery room with a creepy, but rather competent doctor
>tribalist selenposter talks about nothing other than how the people in the west wing dorms are cooler than the people in the east wing dorms
>saplings who lack object permanence and freak out whenever the nurse leaves

>> No.26190178

I found this while searching for evidence for a Salome numberfag shitpost. Not my fault it comes up before her channel

>> No.26190326

>nijien room is a nonstop orgy of the most degenerate shit around
that's kind of hot. maybe nijisanji is okay after all.

>> No.26190399

No it's not, considering 75% of the discussion is homoshit. Take a trip over there and see what I mean

>> No.26190427

What about the guys who just wont let go of amesame or pekomiko?

>> No.26190555

Posting some normie comments cause I don't wanna link it. Who are the zoo animals now, huh?

>> No.26190717
File: 370 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-221609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we imagine the chuubas are the therapists of the asylum, they'd be the ones asking the doc leading personal questions about their relationship with their coworkers

>> No.26190836
File: 442 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-222122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP? Takodachi? Cuckbeats?

>> No.26190919
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>> No.26191054
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4chan helped this happy anon find nijisanji

>> No.26191201
File: 2.12 MB, 540x270, jester.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the "people" I shitpost with? No wonder everyone outside this board hate this containment cesspit

>> No.26191269
File: 612 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-222633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh... are the normies enjoying themselves too much? Is shitposting about chuubas actually... fun?
Can they allow themselves a giggle at the dreaded... n(igger)word?

>> No.26191375

>trauma because someone made a nazi edit of Gura

>> No.26191383
File: 418 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-222959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube comments discovering how beautiful free speech is

>> No.26191475
File: 384 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-223202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori antis btfo

>> No.26191543

>I know her from trash taste
More like mori antis were right.

>> No.26191594
File: 467 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-223325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does reddit have proportionally more parasocial fans than 4chan?

>> No.26191779
File: 664 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-223625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies biggest weakness is the niggerword. Props to the councilposters for keeping the fulter strong

>> No.26191841

About to spam report this account for CP on a shitload of accounts because of you OP. Hope it isn't your account.
Now fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.26191902

We call you SEAmonkeys for a reason.

>> No.26191956
File: 627 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-223943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit cuckbeats, I was joking earlier but this is just pathetic

>> No.26192479
File: 538 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-224658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara fans making it all about them. Looks like ME ME ME also extends to the fans
Thanks for the assist bro. I disliked it, but I'm not sure it does much

>> No.26192753
File: 191 KB, 586x620, 1254990025887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the comments I wouldn't be able to read them without your screenshots you're a lifesaver anon.

>> No.26192808

did the poor little anon get his feeling hurt by youtube comments?
dont be a fucking nigger and leave them alone faggot.

>> No.26193068
File: 120 KB, 720x695, a721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said the same thing months ago but nothing happened? All bark no bite huh typical 4chan lol

>> No.26193126

Im pretty sure thats not how the yt report system works. If it gets mass reported with CP, an actual wagie from yt will review the video. And if no CP gets found, then your mass reporting will be all for naught.

>> No.26193197

Let's welcome our normalfags newfriends


>> No.26193289

NTA, but I hate containment-breaking niggers

>> No.26193341

This, start typing nigger every other nigger word.

>> No.26193400


>> No.26193403
File: 467 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220615-230012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP telling people to go to lolcow to look up rrats on his oshi
No problem dude. I know the internet gets pretty spotty in South East Asia

>> No.26193522


>> No.26193636

*dry humps you*

>> No.26193690

that specific guy wasn't even a schizo he was just stupid, assuming he was even telling the truth

>> No.26193739
File: 138 KB, 1422x800, inglourious-basterds_-3-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No problem dude. I know the internet gets pretty spotty in South East Asia

>> No.26194007
File: 53 KB, 1234x572, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Where's the text-to-speech? Where's the Mario 2 music?

>> No.26194030
File: 58 KB, 600x680, FB_IMG_1608930666793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool anon put me in the next video

>> No.26194067

That's pretty subtle

>> No.26194108

Kek, SEA then, have it your way. Was gonna stop posting anyway

>> No.26194810

>She can sing
Do KFP really believe this? Also leaves out that her prior idol career was a massive failure that resulted in her turning to a career in pro wrestling.

>> No.26194904

Meds schizo

>> No.26194962

thanks bro, this is amazing content, exactly what I come to /vt/ for, super high effort posts like these

>> No.26195383

The newfags who make these thread simulators don't actually know about thread simulators.

>> No.26195439

No, there are things here that shouldn't be said anywhere else for a reason, faggot. Exposing that on a YouTube video breaks it's purpose

>> No.26195560

>4chan is bad meme
>/vt/ is bad meme
Alright, post some good websites, let's see it :)

>> No.26195635


>> No.26195672

Normalfag fragility is real

>> No.26195702

You weren't here when Ollie had to take a break because containment-breaking faggots on Facebook kept spreading the stupid fingering rrat, and she read it, didn't you?

>> No.26195762


>> No.26195903

They'll censor nigger if they want to feature your post that badly though

>> No.26195990

>the buffet is the architecture general

>> No.26196355

>normalniggers literally break down if you insult their sacred cows

>> No.26196615

>/VT/ is the new meta?
ew worse than reaction videos

>> No.26196982

I got a live one!

>> No.26197007

>the rise and fall of nations is tied to these people streaming.
>implying Reine isnt slowly turning ID into a first world nation through chuubas and violence

>> No.26197030

I'm not a normalfag, but I mainly use /vt/ to laugh at schizoposting, tribalism retardation, and the occasional actual intentionally humorous content produced here.

>> No.26197140
File: 183 KB, 322x314, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saplings who lack object permanence and freak out whenever the nurse leaves

>> No.26197439

Yeah, but that shit was real and also fuck Ollie.
Real entertainers (aka not third world incompetents) know how to brush the stuff off. When somebody Selenposted at Selen in real life (the I KNOW YOU'RE /HERE/) copypasta, she just laughed it off and ignored it. Meanwhile, the incompetent jag she was with was malding. Shows the difference

>> No.26198311

I got some
>japanese nurses are the most competent
>hardly anyone can speak japanese so everyone puts up with the english nurses
>the indonesians have it even worse than the english speakers
>sometimes there's a weird face competition where everyone strikes the funniest face possible
>suggestive pictures of nurses is the main currency, being traded around like cigarettes in a prison
>everyone worships the director, even though they're nowhere to be found
>omega is an hr roastie
>rrats are written on the walls of cells, cafeteria, bathrooms, tables,
>all written in scratches, blood, or shit
>mostly shit
>schedules and chuuba tweets are posted on a noticeboard, sometimes hotly debated
>one time a nurse in the west wing left a door open and someone heard them shittalking the nurses in the east wing, which quickly became the only discussion around the cafeteria tables for months
>nurses let you go outside but nobody does

>> No.26198832

am i supposed to give a shit about what normies think or do?
have you consider doing a suicide? i urge you to do so

>> No.26198908
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