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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 305 KB, 750x688, 0EE6325F-5333-473B-81F0-0ECB857E1AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25997513 No.25997513 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25997573

She is scheming

>> No.25997614

That picture is seriously bad. Looks goofy as fuck. Did she think that was supposed to look good?

>> No.25997622

It's a meme

>> No.25997686

>"I will try to be cool and do things to make people like me, but because I'm a stupid piece of shit I actually make people hate me even more so I will pretend I did that on purpose. Take THAT h8er$!"

>> No.25997688

please forgive autistic people for not being able to tell which emotion is which. to her, her 3d model looks fine.

>> No.25997740 [DELETED] 

Now that's she done touring on her RM for a bit, she's going to create new homegrown yabs.

>> No.25997839

her model just looks absolutely blazed at all times, thats the best it can do

>> No.25997861

she means she will cause problems on my dick

>> No.25997899

Shes playing you all like fiddles.

>> No.25997954

She'll change her name to Whori Calliopenis.

>> No.25997983

She can strum my instrument, if you know what I mean

>> No.25997989

I believe she was reading my mind and targeting this at me.

>> No.25998052

She does a little trolling.

>> No.25998097

I think it's meant to look goofy, that's basically her main selling point.

>> No.25998467
File: 983 KB, 730x487, 1653349299826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1m ago
Mori literally made this thread btw
That is what she meant

>> No.25998712

She wants sensei's attention

>> No.25998768


>> No.25998784

she just rewatched The Joker (2019)

>> No.25998787

I Hate u Mori fucking FAT

>> No.25998871

i believe this rrat

>> No.25998902


>> No.25998930
File: 3.84 MB, 1865x2848, 90470309_p0 Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 0-10 how much is Mori in need of a spanking right now?

>> No.25998955

As bad as she is, no one in EN has tried more different types of content than her. She's at least trying to carry on the spirit of Coco

>> No.25999041

That's it. That's the trouble.

>> No.25999054

>Ame exists

>> No.25999103

>more different types of conten
Like what? How is anything what Mori does the same as what Coco was striving for?

>> No.25999160

What absurd definition of "types of content" are you using where she beats Ame, or even Kiara for that matter.

>> No.25999216

Is it causing a problem?

>> No.25999225

needs a bonking with her own mic

>> No.25999237

it's sort of good enough if you lower your standards

>> No.25999241

she's gonna be an annoying cunt as usual

>> No.25999502

looks mischievous enough to me

>> No.25999653


She has three stream types.

>Playing Souls Jump games mediocrely and trying to convince her audience to laugh at the same 3 Shrek and Adam Sandler jokes
> Teach English poorly to girls who speak a language she can barely speak
> Chatting and getting fucking drunk.

She's not Coco no matter how hard you Deadbeat cucks meme her to be.

>> No.25999723

oh no bros she´s gonna MOOOOOOOOOOOORB

>> No.25999880


>> No.25999957

Mori is the one that started the playing with the VC open for certain games. She started the podcast thing. Even though she gave up on it in the end, the TTRPG was more ambitious and different than anything anyone else in EN has tried to do. She also is the only one in EN besides maybe Irys who actually is making music at the same level as the JPs. I don't like her, but at the end of the day, I can admit my oshii by comparison is a lazy fuck. It says a lot that of everything EN has tried to do, TTRPG has had the most follow through and they didn't even finish it.

>> No.26000011
File: 735 KB, 1004x640, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26000059

Idiots tend to think it's okay they're stupid when they make it their entire personality

>> No.26000542

> She is trying new thing
> She want to be good senpai

>> No.26000644
File: 488 KB, 539x650, 5647787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she talkin bout ME

>> No.26000656

But enough about Amelia.

>> No.26001029

It's called shitposting you fucking retards for Christ sakes we're on fucking 4chan

>> No.26001060

>t. Mori

>> No.26001090

Looking forward to see this screenshot flood the catalog once SEA get back from school

>> No.26001141

you dont understand just how many third worlder newfags are here phoneposting

>> No.26001248

oh i thought it was reddit, thanks for clarifying mori!

>> No.26001260

>chatting and getting fucking drunk
>getting fucking drunk
but thats every stream

>> No.26001264

I think it really shows how popular Mori is that more than any other vtuber this board just can't not chart her every move. When VT starts ignoring her exploits that's when you know it's over

>> No.26001318

>the spirit of Coco
you mean reddit?

>> No.26001322

I couldn't not read this in Calli's voice

>> No.26001499

Mori please, this is SEAnigger central.

>> No.26001552
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>> No.26001639

I shit on shitposts too, because a shitpost, even an ironic one, is just that. Shit.

>> No.26001883

Take more pictures of your tits...thanks.

>> No.26001919

Based if true

>> No.26001923


>> No.26001967

I'm ready for lean gate 2.0 the re-cucking

>> No.26002033
File: 432 KB, 1351x638, 1643058760910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Mori ever understood the concept from picrel?
She seems like the kind of white girl that lies to herself so it's hard to tell.
The "they hate you because they're jealous" type of white girl.

>> No.26002082

Hit the gym Mori, You and your RM could barely construct rap verses and move on stage.

>> No.26002356

damn it karen stop making these damn threads
It makes us want to jerk off to you and cali art

>> No.26002432

Bootleg Otep

>> No.26002603

This post is unironically posted by cali

>> No.26002689

Gib more tiddy pics and I will positively post about you for a year.

>> No.26003041

As much as I don't want her to spend more time with Suzy, maybe Suzy will beat some sense and idol reps into her. She was pretty decent at vkani today

>> No.26003258

I Hate Mori

>> No.26003405

I love Mori's tits

>> No.26003749

You'll just have to see what she does in the Sololive I guess. She'll be in complete control of it and it's the biggest concert in her career, how she behaves during it will tell you what to expect from her going forward.

>> No.26003797


>> No.26003819

didn't feel good when you got -20 downvotes on reddit did it? it's okay, it's a safe space here.

>> No.26003872

God I love her thin waist and big tits.

>> No.26003960

twitter literal who: *anything*

>> No.26004064

>biggest lolcow in the industry
>literal who
Does it hurt to insult your oshi to deflect from her, cuckbeat?

>> No.26004121

>biggest lolcow
That's not your mother.

>> No.26004165

>biggest lolcow in the industry
I mean Kiara was actually posted on lolcow forums before she was even a vtuber....

>> No.26004200

“I was purposely acting retarded”

>> No.26004266

here deadbeat, have a pity kek

>> No.26004281

If Mori coomerbaited just a little bit, she would slowly convert antis like Kiara did.
Don't underestimate the power of coom.

>> No.26004465

>You ain't my boss, or my mom or my dad
>And you got to reassess if the shit make you sad

>> No.26004559

>t. has never watched Mori
Mori does a fuckton of coombaiting, and streams dedicated entirely to coombaiting. As Mori, she will do any cringe shit for attention. It's baffling how she can do that and then write lyrics like >>26004465 though.

>> No.26004603

/vt/ BTFO

>> No.26004686

Ohhh noo/vt/sister's we got too cocky

>> No.26004831

That's literally teh reason she picked it. Her being a cute goofy ass dork is her main selling point on the english side and JP side thinks shes cool for some reason.

>> No.26004834

She does sometimes, and she's been playing more into it instead of immediately trying to deflect. Antis don't watch streams. They just watch clips and read threads, try to draw the worst context, and then spam it here hoping everyone belives it. Done so much that it's losing effect.
There are reasons why every Holo who has met Mori adores her, and why she has a consistent fanbase...and why a small vocal minority obsessively seethe over those facts.
Now she can be a dumbass at times, but she is a very lovable one.

>> No.26004842

What song is that from and why should I be upset?

>> No.26004863

hi Mori

>> No.26005313

Forget it, anon, it's a catalog post

>> No.26005427

>There are reasons why every Holo who has met Mori adores her
Is there a single time that a holo has said ANYTHING negative about literally any other vtuber in company or out of it? The only time I remember something like that was flare getting visibly upset at rushia

>> No.26005578 [DELETED] 


>> No.26005581

>and JP side thinks shes cool for some reason.
some girls like a more deep, masculine female voice. like marine.. but maybe even more. and act like an adult more in the way she speaks, mannerisms.
her model is also tall, have big breasts, and wears masculine-coded clothing. so perhaps some jp girls have a crush on her, i get it.

>> No.26005613

Moments of being upset when someone does something wrong. Like Kiara was upset after a point where she was in Austria and Mori hadn't reached out to her. Which is something they fixed the past week. They both seem to be at peace with their friendship now and shouldn't just let it fade again.
But the Mori that lives in some posters heads is contradictory to reality. Sometimes to such an extent you have to laugh.

>> No.26005805
File: 1.75 MB, 184x312, 1654322720060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I dont even think about mori at all. Just like to shitpost if I see a thread here LMAO

>> No.26005832

The lean and sc arc happened and there's nothing that will erase that reality

>> No.26005882 [DELETED] 


>> No.26006024

She wants her mom to spank her like when she was a kid

>> No.26006070

She's going to morb.

>> No.26006168

This shows that this place is just a braindead breed of retards

>> No.26006283

If you really think about it she's kinda like the female joker

>> No.26006331

i wanna bounce mori's fat titties on my cock and make her titties cum milk and then blow a fat load into her reapussy with my big ups

>> No.26006344

She looks cute wtf are you on about

>> No.26006432


>> No.26006442

I never really notice how much deeper her voice is compared to the other girls, especially jp girls until she goes a group thing like v carnival.

>> No.26006503

sometimes I want to think that Mori is a part of Ghost's inner circle and is paying $300 to him in Bitcoin

>> No.26008229

ez, being horny is bad
if necessary, coom so you can go back to hating

>> No.26008743

Unprotected sex with her ________

>> No.26008939 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1860x1120, 1655087572791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alchohol, not even once

>> No.26008974

her main selling point is her huge norks

>> No.26009090

and this thread is a shitpost
what's new?

>> No.26009768

So did the Notorious SEA diss track. And the Twitter campaign trying to cancel her, driven by actual 2views and trannies who also came here.
Those are the faces of antis. Bigger clowns than the one they mock.

>> No.26010135 [DELETED] 

Another fallen girl...
Drugs sucks man.

>> No.26010271 [DELETED] 
File: 996 KB, 267x276, Shades off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drank so much she became an ethnic slav

>> No.26010442

these "antis" live rent free in your head

>> No.26010890

No, Mori lives in their heads and they pay her for it. They give her multiple threads here and all it's done is prove they are stupid and worth making fun of more than her.
Constant bait threads, shitposts, trying to reignite stuff from months or even a year ago. Deadbeats keep winning, antis keep seething, she keeps laughing.

>> No.26011034
File: 9 KB, 182x277, Watamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird choice of nickname when Mori doesn't even know who that is.
But people always bring up the SEAfag and leave out the Watamate who released the Mori diss track to end them all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD99GKKS_KQe

>> No.26011191

Anyone who really hates mori wouldn't go through lengths to make thread here about a twitter post
Most likely made by a shitposter or a cuckbeat baiting for easy (You)s

>> No.26011374

Only to try to cover up the failure of the first. Which was pulled down in shame. When some of those lines were probably written by fans having some fun.

>> No.26011491

That would be the best outcome but I've seen enough copypasta lists and sheer hatred that a lot of it clearly is genuine. Then they will suggest they are justified in doing it day in and day out.

>> No.26011511
File: 67 KB, 493x614, Mori-Calliope-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She means she knows that no matter how hard (you) seethe, your JP oshi WILL say カリサンかっこいい

>> No.26011616

Time for this month's yab.

>> No.26011854

actually kinda good. antis producing good content instead of cheap /vt/ sisters level drama for once

>> No.26011948

I'm sure she can appreciate someone putting their feelings into something artistic. Even if it's trying to counter someone with words. That's honestly way better than endlessly bitching or trying to drag someone else down and ruin them.

>> No.26011993

Can we take a moment to appreciate how masterful this tweet was? 100 reply thread over literally nothing. You guys are getting played like a fiddle.

>> No.26012061

>please forgive autistic people
It's funny because you don't realize that you're talking about yourself.

>> No.26012318

It was made out of sheer spite against the low quality of the first but go off deadbeat.

>> No.26012364

Mori is fat
