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25342706 No.25342706 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Marine depressed?

>> No.25342723

What does it say?

>> No.25342750

she will never be a housewife

>> No.25342757

Shes been without dick for so long anon. Expect this kind of behavior from every vtuber

>> No.25342767

>members only

>> No.25342793

translate weeb

she probably wants to marry but can't

>> No.25342860

I'm an oversea sexy guy that will save her womb.

>> No.25342877

She needs cock mine

>> No.25342927

>has a million fans
>views them all as being beneath her

>> No.25343098

She is just sad she hasn't been able to sing or hang out with chat. She literally said, "You still like the captain, right?"

>> No.25343124
File: 1.27 MB, 960x540, I ain't readin dat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc0ex32.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read that ching chong shit.

>> No.25343147

because she doesn't have someone to put a baby in her

>> No.25343194

What does it says faggot.

>> No.25343216

Because there's an ocean separating her from my cock. Now here's a question for you OP, why the fuck do you assume I can read moon runes?

>> No.25343228


Anon probably used google translator to translate and didn't quite get it, and is trying to make someone translate/explain it to him here

>> No.25343331

Who did she pissed off to be placed in the dog house.

>> No.25343488

she says
> Let's have an honest talk here, Parasocial relationships are dangerous and unhealthy, you should only watch me as entertainment,
I'm not your friend, much less your Girlfriend or wife. If you feel that way, you should take a break, i still respect and love my fans, but you should have boundaries.
Thank you for your support

>> No.25343560

Dating your own fans is widely considered a bad idea.

>> No.25343709

Not gonna bother translating it all manually so have this somewhat accurate deepl translation instead

I haven't... I haven't been able to talk to you guys.
I have zero self-esteem.
I've been thinking about running away, disappearing.
I'll stop being so gloomy...
I'd like to write a diary in a brighter light.
How are you guys doing?
Do you miss hearing the captain's voice?
I want you to hear my voice soon! I want to sing!
I haven't even done a "goom" for a long time!
But I have some very important recordings going on, so please wait until they are done.
I'm looking forward to your live comments and conversations as I think about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to deliver it.
I'm looking forward to talking with your live comments.
I hope you still like the captain.
The year before last, I was so busy over the summer that I cried myself to sleep and cried during my birthday countdown.
Last year, I overworked myself over the summer and got vocal nodules.
This year, however, I have learned that summer is a busy time and I will die, so I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.
So, I am at peace with my physical condition!
(Mentally, I have zero self-esteem and am unstable.)
I want to cherish all of you who are following me, my messed up and useless captain.
I love you.
Please marry me (I'm always being asked to marry, so I'm going to ask you to marry me).

>> No.25343715

its unfortunate, but no matter how well meaning, staying away long enough does cause people to move on, try out different vtubers, perhaps find someone better. That's why those 'fans' who accept everything and push for them to 'take all the time they need' are really no different from antis, they also lead a vtuber to destruction. Fans also have an obligation to kind, but firm, to their oshi. Don't lie to them about breaks. Impress on them that they should do what they need to do, but if they take too long, or are too lazy, people will move on, their viewers will shrink, they will be worth less for sponsorships, and ultimately their income and satisfaction with streaming will decrease as they lose regulars.

complete opposite actually.

>> No.25343808

ok EOP

>> No.25343904

>have high standards for men
>expire your eggs before getting pregnant
lol lmao even

>> No.25343961

It's "game" not "goom".
Guess whatever ocr it was mistook ゲ for グ

>> No.25344013

> cum penis sex cum penis sex cock penis cum jokes and streams
many such cases

>> No.25344049

I hate faggots like you. Virtue signalling on 4chan

>> No.25344056

Little whore its time to go home

>> No.25344100

Can't say this inspires too much sympathy...

>> No.25344157

I actually can read it but that's a lot of text.

>> No.25344281


>> No.25344282

Lack of overseas sexy guys overpowering her and having their way with all her holes

>> No.25344345

in short
>i cant stream right now
>i feel sad
>don't leave me

>> No.25344359

> only talks about cum penis sex
> complains people see her as a whore

>> No.25344478

Why does Marine go insane every time she takes a break from streaming? Is this the parasocial backfire effect?

>> No.25344526

Been a while marineschizo
You forgot your copypasta. Or is it on a autoban filter already?

>> No.25344559

its her hag vagina telling the brain that it has 6 ovulating cycles left.

>> No.25344614

Turns out some are as dependent on their viewers as viewers are on them.
Or they play the game super fucking well.

>> No.25344675

the same happens with Watame

>> No.25344677

Are such gloomy members-only posts common in holo? I've been out of the loop for a while so I don't have any membership subscriptions but for some strange reason I had this image of Marine always being that cheery office lady type and seeing her write how she cried due to her work and how she has no self-esteem makes me wonder why would they even worry about anything? Don't they have shit loads of money already? I mean, if she wanted to take more breaks she could, or if we wanted to quit and start a family she could also do that, right? Why are so many Holomem depressed despite the fact that they're living the dream?

>> No.25344703

Hopefully she fucks off
She's one of those members who got popular by sheer luck, zero talent, xwro entertainment... Just pure coomerbait and nothing else, people used to watch her before for the garbage she used to say and when she ran out of it she got a coomerbait model to keep her relevancy

>> No.25344706

People talk about parasocial fans, but parasocial streamers also exist.

>> No.25344722

we are talking about Marine, so most likely a play, not streaming has tendency to bleed fans, at least those on the fringe, baiting with parasocial attachment makes them stay, for now.

>> No.25344730

Someone should post this in her fanart hashtags and witness her fans melt down.
This bitch would probably quit for good.

>> No.25344742

Money doesn't bring happiness, anon. All that material shit is meaning less.

>> No.25344782

Same schizo btw

>> No.25344808

There must be at least one rich guy with muscles.

>> No.25344815

>Money doesn't bring happiness
if you are a cunt, sure they don't

>> No.25344825

>tfw she was saying this for herself and not to her viewers

>> No.25344846

Her throat is fucked up from overuse, like pekora. It wouldn't be so noticeable but there are holos who love streaming and then the ones that don't stream and kind of leech off the ones that do by association.

>> No.25344868

Nah not him. I'm just daring him to actually do something.
Spoiler: He won't because he's scared as fuck of getting sued.

>> No.25344869

>Being this broke and clueless
You'll never learn because you're an ESL in some shit south american country.

>> No.25344879

>s-she's loved by everyone!! There's no way anyone could hate her!! I-It must be one single person who doesn't like her!
Kill yourself marinefag

>> No.25344905

>membership streams have *thousands* of ppl watching
what even is the point

>> No.25344908

But..I don't watch Marine...

>> No.25344964

you just described what's going to happen to most women in the coming years lmao

>> No.25344966 [DELETED] 

>ad hominem
why marinefags are like this?

>> No.25344993

mothafucka cheer up bitch

>> No.25345007

More negative effects from Parasocial relationships, i sure hope Cover will do something this time and do some changes on their work ethics, it's pretty tiring to be a emotional sponge for thousands of people (mainly lonely men)

>> No.25345024

You say that while you have been literally the only """""person""""" that has been spamming threads about how much you hate Marine.

>> No.25345045

>Or they play the game super fucking well
they play it so well that if's fucking obvious that it's what they're doing

>> No.25345083

Hololive in shambles

>> No.25345110
File: 242 KB, 707x1600, 16372826481948382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even indies are suffering with the effects from Parasocial relationships, people are becoming aware, slowly, but they are

>> No.25345122

>members only
I think this is better than exposing all your woes in a public stream. Those who follow her will understand her situation without the stupid public's opinion unless some shit like OP leaked it.

>> No.25345201

Not this menhera again.

>> No.25345211

>Are such gloomy members-only posts common in holo?
From the memberships I have, Kanata, Korone, Koyori and Miko have posted gloomy posts before. Especially the trio of Marine-Kanata-Korone, they've been pretty depressed the past year.
There's a reason normal idol companies usually see their talents graduate after 3 years or so, I'm sure someone has the graph of that company (akb48?) with a comprehensive gen debut-gen graduation timeline

>> No.25345225

Not saying this stuff in public is disingenous and means that she is just manipulating her "dedicated fans"
this whore needs to answer to the public for saying shit like this behind our backs

>> No.25345289

>t. eternal greynigger in any chat
Fuck off and die

>> No.25345309

>even indies
Posting one of the most extreme examples of a menhera who probably should have never become a chuuba does not bolster an argument.

>> No.25345359

No, saying this stuff in public is just farming pity points. It's like placing tags like depression or autism in your twittard profile.

>> No.25345384

Nyanners found hers
6'3" tall
also a Vtuber
Social butterfly
Marine will find one, but she needs to graduate

>> No.25345389

she has no justification to hide this from the public and i will make sure she knows all her posts are being leaked
enjoy no more membershit posts

>> No.25345448

>Marine will find one, but she needs to graduate
She needs to step outside of Japan.

>> No.25345556

JP needs to open up so that I could impregnate everyone of them

>> No.25345578

Post them om 5ch, kira-suki and if you can find an IP that works futaba channel.

>> No.25345638

No no. They like that there's no more gajin around. Everything is nice and quiet now! So peaceful!
>Economy starts to collapse because no tourists
Yep, everything is fine.

>> No.25345639

>Why are so many Holomem depressed despite the fact that they're living the dream?
People always believe that they have it the worst and they deserve better. Other people have no hardship in life unlike them who always get the short end of the stick and have to 'work hard' for their success.

>> No.25345648

so hag feels inadequate compared to the cute young girls and feels down?

>> No.25345672

why? It's much better to spread them on her fanart tags

>> No.25345702

>japan is a tourist economy

>> No.25345740

Not all of Japan but a good number of places within it are.

>> No.25345780

Yes, more specifically, she's afraid her fans will leave her after nearly working herself to death. So, this is where the low self-esteem comes in, plus she doesn't have any life outside of hololive, really.

>> No.25345805

Because money quite literally only matters to men to get laid from women, only in the hyperretarded capitalist/communist dialect of materialism do women exist as economic cogs to compete with men for dollars/yuans on equal footing, rather than men being rice farmers to provide for their wife and her kids.

>> No.25345859


Polka is really bad for this, as one example.

>> No.25345895

Anyway the collapse in japan is the same as the usa, pension schemes don't work when parents make it "got mine suckers" and their kids become slaves. Ironically this has been a problem for thousands of years, as both the aztecs and romans had mandatory retirement and restriction of citizenship rights for the elderly to curtail old people using their influence to push policies which benefited them at the expense of the next generation. The concept of a pension as the end all rather than as a supplement was the downfall.

>> No.25345899

in real life she is still a lonely hag and not even famous, she blends right into the bug masses, chuuba imposter syndrom must be pretty mental

>> No.25345918

I know vtubers get their throat fucked by making fake voices, but I always wonder if they ever literally get their throat fucked to the point they can't talk.

>> No.25345971

Man, I still remember the diary posts daily when I was a member. It really shocked me since I didn't expect that.

>> No.25346016

serious question... wouldn't be she better off with discussing with co-workers, rather with people with whom you bonded through streams and that you don't know personally?

Unless she's fucking paranoid about her co-workers.

>> No.25346110

easy many singers have to leave after a vocal chord problem and the same thing is happening to her so have to enjoy what is left

>> No.25346131

The lot of them are probably in the same state she's in.

>> No.25346132

Most Holos hate Marine.

>> No.25346203

because she is not depressed and shes just manipulatong her fans

>> No.25346210

The wall is real and it spares no one. Biologically these women are at the age where they should be getting ready for grandkids, not an extra cat. But such is life in the modern world. Many a cat will eat many a lonely spinsters face when they die alone. And it's only gonna get way worse.

>> No.25346216
File: 700 KB, 848x1200, 1627592999795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


misses chatting, singing and playing games with the viewers. But is busy between recordings and taking better care of her voice to avoid a repeat of last year.

>> No.25346294

They're (the JP one's at least) just as menhera as her. The point of these members posts is just about their fear that a lot of memberships are being cancelled while she's away.

>> No.25346457


>> No.25346659

A century ago, yes. Human biology did not change. Our SOCIETY(bottom text) has. In no point in history the majority of the female population went on to be single childless spinsters with a dozen cats.

>> No.25346734

it has been 3 years havent you noticed marine has no actual real friends?

>> No.25346736

She realized she is a horrible person

>> No.25346915 [DELETED] 

I haven't... I haven't been able to talk to you guys.
I have zero self-esteem.
I've been thinking about running away, disappearing.
I don't want to be so gloomy...
I'd like to write a brighter note.
How are you guys feeling?
Do you miss hearing the captain's voice?
My voice is getting better and better, and I want you to hear my voice soon! I want to sing!
I haven't even done a game for a long time!
But I have some very important recordings going on, so please wait until they are done.
I'm looking forward to your live comments and conversations as I think about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to deliver it.
I'm looking forward to your live comments and conversations.
I hope you still like your captain.
The year before last, I was so busy over the summer that I cried myself to sleep and cried during my birthday countdown.
Last year, I overworked myself over the summer and got vocal nodules.
This year, however, I have learned that summer is a busy time and it will be difficult, so I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.
So, I am at peace with my physical condition!
(Mentally, I have zero self-esteem and am unstable.)
I want to cherish all of you who are following me, your messed up and useless captain.
I love you.
Please marry me (I'm always being asked to marry, so I'm going to ask you to marry me).

>> No.25347115

>This year, however, I have learned that summer is a busy time and it will be difficult, so I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.

>> No.25347265

An acquaintance of mine knew a woman who was already a grandmother at 28 and it happened in England of all the places. So, yes, Marine is qualified to be a grandma and people calling her baba are right to do so.

>> No.25347489

it's biologically expected to become a mother at 14. um, actually, it's ephebophilia, not pedophilia,

>> No.25347498

Depression is chemical. Some people are just naturally unstable weirdos. Most of those people end up in artistic and creative careers, musicians, artists, actors etc. It's why so many of them drug overdose and kill themselves. I hope Marine isn't smoking crack rocks.

>> No.25347652

Money doesn't bring happiness but it does resolve all the unique problems in life, the remaining problems are just shit everyone deals with. And it's easier to deal with that once the financial problems are resolved.

>> No.25347701


Captain, as someone who appreciates a big ass and has experience with menhera girls, I can save you.

>> No.25347862

The extremely young grandmother thing is because people who have kids way too early end up having kids who have kids way too early. It's a cycle of terrible people. I have a cousin like that. She'll probably be a great-grandmother when she's 50.

But if you aren't already a grandmother in your 40's, you've definitely failed as a woman. So the fact that these bags aren't even mothers yet or even ready to accept that responsibility means it's generally too late for them. Giving them the freedom to make the wrong choices in life was always going to turn out this way.

>> No.25348090

The wrong choice IS having children. We are the proof, imagine having children that ends up in a 4chan gossip board.

>> No.25348300

Shes a fucking weirdo, most vtubers are. That clip of her going after her co workers sister and freaking her out is nasty as fuck. Bitch has zero shame for how horrid she behaves, i refuse to believe this behavior is ok in the eyes of the average nip, people probably think shes a freak thats why no one talks to her.

>> No.25348957

this is most women, to be fair. The next generation of westerners will be dogshit because most women either have no standards for men and get knocked up by the first jagoff they talk to or impossibly high standards for men in which case they have no kids

That being said, Marine is in her 20's. She's nowhere near menopause so idk what you're on about

>> No.25349059

Greetings to Mongolia

>> No.25349219

It's not their fault. High standards for men ensure the species remains strong. The problem is that the game has changed. Men aren't needed as much to be providers and protectors when government raises the bar and gives women free shit. Then they'll only be attracted to men who are over that bar. It's no more their fault than it's my fault being attracted to big tits. Modern society is incompatible with how we evolved.

>> No.25349255
File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, NEKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are genetic gatekeepers. Get over it.

>> No.25349367

>Was fully planning on visiting Japan in 2020
>Even when my country had zero cases for over 9 consecutive months the Jap government never once made an exception
>Now they're rolling out small tourist procedures globally long after the rona became a household staple
The Japanese government is cucking me from marrying Marine and they've been doing it for 2 years

>> No.25349435

>I now remember a ancient species of Elk that when extinct because the females would mate with males with the largest horns.
>The horns grew so big that the males could barely hold their heads up so now they couldn't escape from predators.
Females...are a curse.

>> No.25349534

Marine has mentioned plenty of times that she talks about her concerns and depression with Kanata, here she's probably looking for some reassurance from her fans since that's where her insecurities come from; her fans forgetting about her or not watching her.

>> No.25349613

she just needs to stay single and everyone will keep loving her

>> No.25349840

>thread about a 28 year old woman

you're going to jail anon

>> No.25349931

Being 24-30 year old female and not in a relationship in Japan is suicide. Once you hit the 30 mark there's no chance for you other than overseas niggas. Marine is on the older side so she's probably nearing 29 or even 30 very very soon (judging by how rampant her marriage posting has gotten).

>> No.25350037

sure you're not confusing Marine with Matsuri newsister?

>> No.25350365

Living through a screen and through an avatar is unnatural
Depression ia a sign of modernity
Touch grass marine
Buy a boat and sail across japan, you have the money

>> No.25350525

Well they multiplied Kizuna for similar reasons back in the day (and it kind of killed her whole career) holos have to do voice acting, record songs on top of streaming and she's still new to this levels of popularity and pressure. Also like 90% of Japanese people would say they're not good enough etc.it's part of the culture really and about what I would expect her to say.

>> No.25350728

Even if men were allowed to rape and thus try to take away women's gatekeeping power, the woman can simply intentionally miscarry the children if she doesn't like the father.

>> No.25350789

What age do women start their period? 18?

>> No.25350949

Nothing stopping a woman from intentional miscarriage but there's also nothing stopping me from launching a 10 pound brick at her face in the middle of a forest

>> No.25351097

>The horns grew so big that the males could barely hold their heads up so now they couldn't escape from predators.
That sounds like bullshit, evading predators is a constant selective pressure that wouldn't allow the horns to get so big to begin with (not to the point it makes it hard/impossible to survive).

>> No.25351200

>Marine is in her 20's
Not for long, she's turning 30 this year

>> No.25351299


>> No.25351412

>Marine has mentioned plenty of times that she talks about her concerns and depression with Kanata
>with Kanata, who also suffers from depression
>who also makes members posts like Marine's
Doesn't seem to be working all that great. That, or they coordinate their efforts

>> No.25351424

This, almost every sincere chuubas said to have one true nightmare and it's starting a stream and nobody is watching

>> No.25351645

You'd be surprised how often this happens. Usually when it does, the specimen is too old to warrant bearing more children and it's just ready to die. Before that happens, it's young, fertile and looks good to females. Sorta like how lions don't die of old age, their teeth and jaws just get so weak they starve to death.

>> No.25351779

most streamers have pshychical issues of some sort, constantly fighting to stay relevant will also mess you up pretty badly in general.

>> No.25351934


>> No.25351980



>> No.25352046

hey ayame keeps showing up in 3D=lives recently and Shion was too depressed to stream since like forever.

>> No.25352086

I bet you actually believe this happened in person just because of the drawings.

>> No.25352098

I suppose you can select who doesn't pass on their genes by killing them, but you still won't be able to choose whether yours survive. Unless you do some really scary shit like restrain her for he entire pregnancy so she can't choose to miscarry (debatable because she could probably still stress herself out and still lose it), or use a surrogate or test tube baby.

>> No.25352138

>Even indies are suffering with the effects from Parasocial relationships

this 2view bitches can only dream about real gachis

>> No.25352213

Fear not anon, i've already watched Don't Breathe, I know what i'm doing ;)

>> No.25352249

well that's what Aqua said before taking a break.

>> No.25352335

Gonorrhea, usually.

>> No.25352415

well haven't she talked an actual numberfag like Pekora into taking a break from streaming just recently? But her fans worry and ask questions.

>> No.25352614

All her close friends in Hololive(Aqua, Shion, Ayame) are on a depression arc and Pekora and Miko don't want nothing to do with her.

>> No.25352642

anon her real age actually changed from 2 years ago, she's not 28 forever.

>> No.25352691


>> No.25352723

she will be mine

>> No.25352781

I understand that, I'm saying that if the horns started getting too big to the point it was making the young Male elk less likely to survive long enough to breed then natural selection would force the horns to remain no larger than that. The only way it'd be an issue is if some brand new predator was suddenly introduced to the environment rather than co-evolving, which is extremely rare.

>> No.25352828

good point, my bad.

She's 17 forever

>> No.25352941

Hers really get to me too.

>> No.25353195

Unironically Rushia's fault

>> No.25353454

Polka's known for making some pretty depressed posts too, isn't she?

>> No.25353940

Name a vtuber who doesn't have mental problems

>> No.25353966

Luto :3

>> No.25354003

me. follow me on Twitch. i have 3 followers

>> No.25354040

>>25342706 (OP)
A part of me is going into a dark space, thinking Rushia told Marine to start her depressed/schizo arc for the akasupas

>> No.25354070

From what I've seen in this and other threads, apparently so, but I'm not a member of hers so I wouldn't really know.

>> No.25354103

Fauna? Fubuchad?

>> No.25354169

>I haven't even done a "goon" for a long time!
Marine's just moody because she started NNN five months early

>> No.25354484

Fubuki probably doesn't feel. She's so obedient to Cover it's almost robotic. She's so devoid of life, it's almost like she's not even real. Can you even find 1 clip of her showing genuine emotion? I thought not!

>> No.25354786

Chads don't show emotion, anon.

>> No.25355021

But doctor, I AM Pagliacci

>> No.25355055

Just fuck and marry one of you coworker, there's plenty of lesbians there

>> No.25355108

That sounds utterly miserable
But hey they'll die a husk, so if they wanna live like one so be it.

>> No.25355143

She just rejected Lamy actions, there is no hope with this woman

>> No.25355194

Fubuki fucking cried like a baby when Sasaki from Nijisanji quit over gaming permissions and thought about quitting too.

>> No.25355224

You can't it's a prerequisite

>> No.25355312

That's wrong. Chads do show emotion it's just that their only emotion is winning

>> No.25355333

I can, and do not insult my friendwife. She is the spine of Hololive who is attacked by chinks now.

>she is showing genuine emotion.
> she is crying for Coco like broken glass.
>the saddest cry for Coco unironically.
> she asked us for not clip it.
> even 4chan respect her's wish.

>> No.25355438

This post was before the latest stream, by the way. She wanted to sing and she did it. And the stream was great.

Listen to Unison and pay attention to the lyrics, anon. Why do you think the object of her devotion, the personification of her audience, is called Mr. Silence?
She gets her validation from comments scrolling down her screen while she sits alone in a silent room. The words that make her feel validated and fulfilled make no sound.

>> No.25355504

She's not complaining at all. You too listen to Unison and pay attention to the lyrics and visuals. She's presenting every side of herself and asking you to choose her, no matter the reason, no matter why you like her, as long as you like her, she's happy. They're presented in the form of each outift being "one Marine", all fighting for your attention.

>> No.25355834

She didn't write the lyrics. The song has nothing to do with her thoughts.

>> No.25355970

Ok brainlet. Do you think she hires someone and just says "write about whatever the fuck you want"? A lot of people don't write their own biographies. It's still their story.

>> No.25356044

>This post was before the latest stream, by the way. She wanted to sing and she did it. And the stream was great.
So it was a ploy to hype up the karaoke for superchats, It worked flawlessly considering she made over $13k

>> No.25356092

>posting member's only content

>> No.25356167


>> No.25356215

>saddest cry for Coco
Everyone cried during that, she was merely following along
Just like you said, she's the spine of hololive, and it shows. After all, integral parts of a corporation is being emotionless, following trends, and pretending to care

>> No.25356312

She didn't have any input on the lyrics for Unison and she doesn't agree with playing the role of a girlfriend for her audience.

>> No.25356317

are you projecting anon?

>> No.25356347

How many hololive wrote their own song?

>> No.25356469

Who the hell is talking about the role of a girlfriend? She openly and repeatedly talks about her need for validation and how she feels miserable when she can't get it from chat. She also talked about how happy it made her to specifically see comments about how clean her voice sounded.
It's the thing that drives her, she'll release the super expensive MV and get millions of views on it, but if she can't stream and get people telling her nice things in real time she'll still feel down.

>> No.25356485

I know Suisei writes her own lyrics for most if not all of her songs. Not sure about others.

>> No.25356487

I wish I was

>> No.25356678

Mori, Suisei, Watame, Akirose, AZKi, Kanatan, Rikka... I'm sure there are others. Some more frequently than others, I think only Mori writes every single one.

>> No.25356707

It's all a lie anon, you know it in your heart

>> No.25356846
File: 258 KB, 1464x2048, sakana and marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will save her. One day.

>> No.25356886

Who is Sakana?

>> No.25356889

Suisei wrote Next Color Planet, GHOST and Stellar Stellar. They're really good lyrics, too, so I think it's mostly due to a lack of time.
Rushia also co-wrote her first original, I remember her talking about how much more edgy the original lyrics were, as she eventually settled for the final version, and that it took a shitload of time to write.

>> No.25356941


>> No.25356967

If that was the case. Ayame wouldn't be getting 6 figure views on her streams

>> No.25357294

Akira is going through a rough time

>> No.25357435

What validation did she seek? Is it for getting 13k dollaros from unsuspecting members and viewers?

>> No.25357543

caring for a competitor? Unity of different companies? Ha! The very idea

>> No.25357786

Because being a full time vtuber is not a healthy lifestyle, surprise!
They spend so long acting like a character that when the are forced to take a break they go nuts because the character is their life. this then compound with the realization of neglecting their actual life and it spirals from there.

>> No.25357873

>crack rocks
nah she'll just get medicated the fuck out of reality like Nene

>> No.25358009

Imagine marrying someone with fake personality.
All those money from akasupa only for vtuber to die alone in their room

>> No.25358067

with their vibrator

>> No.25358100

She went into the negative to afford the new song and MV. If she cared about money the most she should probably focus less on the professional projects that cost her money and more on streaming, don't you think?

>> No.25358193

Marine's fuel is attention and validation, not money and everybody knows it.

>> No.25358199

According to who?

>> No.25358305

According to your oshi, that fat whore

>> No.25358351

She’s posted some pretty depressing stuff and has broken down in tears in members only streams (mostly as a result of ego searching). You know how hated Kiara was early on in /vt/? 5ch feels a similar way towards polka.

>> No.25358388

Poeple need to make a chart of which oshi seeks what in their life.

>> No.25358463

Mio seeks me

>> No.25358499

I don't remember writing this post...?

>> No.25359019

I can tell you that

> It's not playing along.
> She really cried for someone she really like.
> emitionless

>> No.25359099

i know for a lot of her songs Aqua has A LOT of input, but i don't know about Marine

>> No.25359121

What did kson ever achieve?
She doesn't seem to do anything special recently

>> No.25359618

She’s getting (relatively) old, maybe she sees newer members like la+ get to start her hololive career right at the start of early adulthood and realize she’ll never have that experience. I do think she talks about being young a lot because it’s something she frets about in her personal time, maybe a mix of biological pressure (if that exists) and definitely societal pressure.

>> No.25359817 [DELETED] 

>This fucking elves...

>> No.25360146

Thank you Anon

>> No.25360731

Yes what's wrong with that?
We should share this with as many fans as possible

>> No.25360813

Been following her for a while, Marine has some serious self-esteem problems. Hopefully her friends and colleagues having some talk with her behind the scene.

>> No.25360873

We should've gatekept shits like op harder

>> No.25361979

You don’t even watch Fubuki.

>> No.25363611

Her sankisei is no more, and her effort at recruiting kouhai for her group failed

>> No.25364708

she is happy

>> No.25366691

Is Marine the only vtuber who is concerned with her dried up egg?
At least Korone already married but she isn't depressed at all

>> No.25367131

I haven't... I haven't been able to talk to you guys.
I have zero self-esteem.
I've been thinking about running away, about getting clean.
I'll stop being so gloomy...
I'll try to keep my diary on the bright side.
How are you guys doing?
Do you miss the place where you hear the captain's voice?
I'm getting a little saki and I'm not coughing anymore and I can't wait for you to hear my voice! I want to sing!
I haven't even done a goom in a while!
But I have some very important recordings going on, so please wait until they are done.
I'm looking forward to talking with you and your live comments, thinking about what I'm going to say and how I'm going to deliver it.
I'm looking forward to your live comments and conversations.
I hope you still like me.
---Last year, I was so busy that I cried myself to sleep and cried during my birthday countdown.
Last year I overworked myself so much that I got vocal nodules.
This year, however, I have learned that I am too busy to die, and I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.
I have learned that I am too busy to die this year, and I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.
(Mentally, I have zero self-esteem and am unstable.)
I want to cherish all of you who are following me, my captain, who is such a mess and a failure.
I love you.
Please marry me (I'm always being asked to marry, so I'll try the opposite).

>> No.25368414

I'm dead fucking serious.

>> No.25368487

Just looked it up. It was the "Irish Elk"

>> No.25368517

Maybe we should start calling her young and sexy from now on?

>> No.25368561

Someone give this whore some dick asap

>> No.25368876

I didn't know they had internet in Pakistan. Please stop marrying your daughters off at 11 or 12.

>> No.25369004
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1653468070115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you.
>Please marry me
lmao don't tell me holobronies fall for this blatant pandering
frankly this is emotionally manipulative, any girl who does this is a massive red flag who you should stay away from because she knows how to wrap men like you around her little finger

>> No.25369006

i dont think lying to her is a healthy way to cope with this, anon

>> No.25369046


>> No.25369049

>5ch feels a similar way towards polka.

>> No.25369071

Give me like five years bros.

>> No.25369098

They hate how loud she is...or really was when she 1st started with all the hype energy. That's what lead to the mario kart stream where it was a challenge that she couldn't go over a certain sound decibel. She even brought it up on one the the recent "Legend of Polka" episodes after all this time. That shit hit her hard.

>> No.25369099

A grownass thirty year old women posted this, sounding like a teenager.
Are all the hololive jp girls like this in their member posts? Ame and Fauna seem perfectly normal, is it because they're not old women?

>> No.25369120


>> No.25369230

In Asia, once having no one special in your 25 y.o is considered a "waste" and your only plus point is your money.

>> No.25369278

.........i just wanna watcher dancing and singing like usual man

>> No.25369286

She save indie industry and save Deluta and Mikeneko

>> No.25369468

It's weird. My oshi had to take medical leave & it just made my feelings for her grow fonder, but a few months later I had to miss a bunch of streams for RL reasons & that broke most of my parasocial feelings towards her. I still watch all of her streams, but after like 20 minutes I feel like I've gotten everything I wanted and just turn it off.

>> No.25369514

That's the healthiest way to consume vtubers anon. Good job I'm proud of you.

>> No.25370282

>men being rice farmers to provide for their wife and her kids
Multiple husbands for one wife and they're all raising someone else's kids? What is this, cuckatopia?

>> No.25370685


>> No.25370709

>I haven't... I haven't been able to talk to you guys.
Why is she typing like she's talking? So even this is a performance

>> No.25370901

used to be, she has no fucking clue what she wants now
now that would be logical solution, but lets do the opposite

>> No.25371015

Reminder this was posted days ago and the resident schizo had to take time to scrounge up enough rupees for a membership

>> No.25371166

that makes no sense. how would they know she posted drama if they weren't a member already oh and the picture says 12 hours ago.

>> No.25371218

I should clarify;
it used to be chat -> voice fell apart -> got attention from co-workers -> got better -> chat didn't give the same high as before -> relapsed with voice -> co-workers too busy -> voice got better -> covid -> got some attention from co-workers again -> all healthy again

plainly speaking, she ran out of drugs.
question is what comes next

>> No.25371354

Oh you just got a screenshot from somewhere else

>> No.25371443

Its because Ame and Fauna have boyfriends.

>> No.25372912

So basically Marine just needs dick? Actually, all the most mentally ill holos are also likely single so you're probably onto something.

>> No.25374395

Why are you?

>> No.25377622

God she deserves a hug.

>> No.25378934

With my dick

>> No.25381832

Wow, pretty cringe.

Entertainers are more entertaining when they are positive.

>> No.25381902

Nice slavery mentality

>> No.25382028

Nigger, I'm not saying she can't be depressed herself.

But if I were a member, I wouldn't want to see shit like that.

>> No.25382113

Yeah it would be better if she said literally nothing for months.

>> No.25382187

Maybe just "I'm having a hard time now, wait a bit" instead of "Marry me!".

Nigger, just admit you revel in this fake closeness to her this makes you feel.

>> No.25382269

Yeah, what kind of person throws the word marry me around especially to her members.

>> No.25382340

I dunno, this is in fact the first time I'm seeing someone's member post, which is why I'm disappointed it's so cringe. Especially when it's Marine, whom I like in general.

>> No.25382369

Marine is the type that gets lonely from not streaming. IIRC there are several cases back then where her viewers told her to rest but she didn't want to stop streaming because she will feel lonely so she wants to chat more with her viewers.

>> No.25382388

Why are you bringing up the marry me bit now when you just complained about the negativity of the post?
Be consistent.

>> No.25382443

>Marine is the type that gets lonely from not streaming.
This is a lie. She could be streaming right now but chooses not to. If she can't stream due to all the work she took on, that was her choice. She did it knowing she won't be streaming.

>> No.25382474 [DELETED] 

Are you literally schizophrenic, SEA monkey? I mean, probably yes, seeing how you're into this cringe shit.

Anyway, I see this Marry me stuff as the same cringe shit as the negativity. Oversharing and overdependence.

>> No.25382524

When did I say I'm into it, you fucking retard?
You were just complaining that she talked about being depressed but now suddenly the problem was that she said "marry me".
Hope you have a long vacation for the epic racist remark.

>> No.25382556

>This year, however, I have learned that I am too busy to die, and I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.
>I have learned that I am too busy to die this year, and I have been allowed to take time off to accommodate my busy schedule.

I hate it when DeepL randomly repeats sentences for no fucking reason. The second sentence is mistranslated as just a repeat of the first.

>> No.25382658 [DELETED] 

>You were just complaining that she talked about being depressed but now suddenly the problem was that she said "marry me".

Those are the same type of shit to me.
Yes, I know, you non-whites have issues understanding less immediately clear groupings of things.

(For reference, I consider all Americans as non-white, no matter their actual skin tone. Just saying in case you're one. Though SEA is more likely imo.)

>> No.25382682

I'm going to marry Marine in 2027.

>> No.25382706

You are mentally ill.

>> No.25382784

No, just interested in entertainment from e

And well, not seeing people like you as the same level of human as myself. That probably causes me to sound harsh.

>> No.25382848

You're a literal moron and not human.

>> No.25382888

And you're clearly some fucking Reddit tourist.

>> No.25382893

What is saki? Is it sake?
What is goom?

>> No.25382906

Please be patient with him. He's a member of the Frieza race.

>> No.25382921

Never been to reddit. You're from /v/ which you probably wear like a badge of honor.

>> No.25382969

>posts indie correctly pointing out that schizos need to take their fucking pills
>"indies are suffering with the effects from parasocial relationships"
Anon... a chuuba suffering because of fans being schizo is not the same as suffering because she's schizo.
granted in this case she also is schizo, but still

>> No.25383046

Wasn't the hate also because of her PL and RM?

>> No.25383406

She's got the combo of people liking her PL stuff more than Polka today, of being overweight(which nips transfer their disdain of over to the chuuba), and being loud and perceived as obnoxious. It's gotta suck when you can't even relax and let loose on a collab because you'll get tons of antis shittalking you.

Does Subaru get this kind of treatment? She's louder than anyone when streaming. And the duck is notorious for egosearching and stalking fans.

>> No.25383538

You do know this guy does animations based on stream clips, right? And that there's a link to the original stream in the description?

hur dur "I bet you actually believe this happened because she admitted it on stream"

>> No.25383563

I'd like to see her really work on her eigo reps and delve into more ENstreams. Still haven't seen a drawing stream with Senchou and Ina. Maybe one party doesn't want to.

>> No.25383583

It didn't happen in person you fucking moron.

>> No.25383632

having mental problems is normie shit now.

>> No.25383635

which polden was that

>> No.25383669

I personally don't get the Kana hate, most i know is that she moved from youtube to twitch and a lot of people hated it.

>> No.25383698

marine has worried ina's Japanese isn't up to snuff, and she knows her English is totally worthless

>> No.25383809

>I consider all Americans as non-white, no matter their actual skin tone.
Retard take. There are probably groups of ethnically German Americans that have purer German blood than some actual Germans that have been in the country for a millennia. The pastiest white Irish can be found in Appalachia.

>> No.25383867

kinda strange how all the soulless thread-reading no-input faceless corpo lyrics writers somehow keep coming up with lyrics that are perfect for the characters they're assigned to, hmm?

>> No.25383927

Get by with passion English then. Ina can communicate just fine in JP as long as Marine doesn't go motormouth like in her zatsus.

>> No.25383950

You think they're perfect because you based your view of Marine on those lyrics and think they represent her.

>> No.25384089

I can't even remember. What I do recall is Polka talking to a guest and said something a long the lines of "No, they think I'm too loud." when talking about the viewers/fans. It jogged my memory.

>> No.25384162

I have never seen a Subaru anti from the JP viewers.

>> No.25384333

the dude with the fish head in the picture, you know, like, 魚. Fucking EOPs.

He's the big cheese at Phase-Connect. Your thread got invaded by small EN corpo fans. This is one of our memes, don't worry about it.

>> No.25384437

she got to do what she wanted and let tons of others feel enabled to do what they wanted too.

>> No.25384530

What they wanted? Become a mediocre vtuber?

>> No.25384575

It's amazing how these people just want to believe everyone is as shitty as them. Everything that is good is a lie and everything bad is real. Holy shit the layers of intertwined deranged irony these people live in never cease to amaze me.

>> No.25384720

>I see this Marry me stuff as the same cringe shit as the negativity. Oversharing and overdependence.

Watch streams, or at least watch clips from someone competent. She's playing a role and bantering with fans that propose half-ironically.

>> No.25384785

What the fuck are you talking about? Marine is literally not credited for the lyrics for Unison. You're the one that's lying and living in "layers of deranged irony".

>> No.25384811

AFAIK it's mostly about how she fell out with Tsunderia to go indie, but even then I don't know the details. The Twitch thing probably didn't help at the time either, it seems to be a lot more acceptable now.

>> No.25384931

By making the lyric of vtuber as someone broken and vulnerable, it will incite viewers delusion of I want to protect and provide my vtuber with supachat. Good deal

>> No.25385117

I think that was the HonHima collab.
That's nuts. Tells me the loudness is a bullshit reason then. The hate Polka for not doing coomer content anymore and not collabing with old friends.

>> No.25385138

Terrible excuses on her part desu. She's perfectly capable of slowing down and defining the obscure words if she has to. Plus EN fans fucking love Marineglish and she knows it, considering the video she made.

>> No.25385156

Looks like you and other retards need to know what parasocial actually means with a cute face.


>> No.25385193

i have never seen a good post with a selen image attached to it

>> No.25385241

That's why I think they don't want viewers to compare and critique their skills. Maybe Ina doesn't want Takodachi spamming "Ina is better" in chat.
Selen ritual poster is alright.

>> No.25385308

But Ina is better. If Marine gets demoralized into never drawing again then that's her own fault for not being good enough.

>> No.25385312

The loudness is 110% a bullshit reason. Chuubas scream all the time and the expected response is "tskr" in most cases. Volume knobs exist for a reason. Antis who "don't like her voice" are just rationalizing their personal bias, every time.

>> No.25385392

Would Takodachi really do that? I was under the impression they're the best behaved fans in Myth, if not EN.

>> No.25385760

I know but they will be rude about it in chat. Takodachi are angels in solo streams but can show their asses in collabs.
Fauna and Sana have the most well behaved chats. In Myth, it's Ina but only because everyone else in Myth has dogshit chats.

>> No.25385866

Marine is just afraid of showing how bad her art looks next to an actual pro.

>> No.25386257

wakaru, I haven't been paying attention for a while.

Rurudo tho?

>> No.25386359

drawing collab streams the way Marine used to do them usually go really long, and Marine already has gradually come to dislike how difficult it is to fill time in them even when both participants speak the same language, in part because it's hard to talk (and talk with an eye for what makes for good stream content) and focus on the art at the same time. When there's a language barrier the conversation necessarily has to be significantly more shallow and limited, which is placing additional constraints on what is already a very tenuous format, in Marine's eyes.

Not that she wouldn't agree to do it if you caught her in a super optimistic mood or something I bet, but it's exactly the kind of thing that she's most fearful of. Marine is the type to get super anxious about ensuring the second-by-second stream experience is minimally dull. She hates dead air more than anything.

I think it would be a good stream anyway but I completely understand what it is Marine is worried about.

>> No.25386379

rurudo is not a professional. Ina is just on another level entirely.

>> No.25386395

you don't know who rurudo is

>> No.25386428

Yes I do and she's not a professional. What high profile job has she done?

>> No.25386459

what do you think professional means? stupid ESL

>> No.25386496

Mods will delete the slightest criticism of Mori but this thread stays up 300 strong

>> No.25386517

It means to do something as a profession. Nobody hires rurudo to do art.

>> No.25386623
File: 202 KB, 1100x1000, angy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25386715

kadokawa has hired her to do LN art, Cover obviously hired her to do vtuber designs, she's done art for a bunch of Gacha games like FGO, she did the art for loads of VNs, etc etc

>> No.25386939

Are you mixing up Ina's and rurudo's work on purpose? rurudo never did any art for any game other than one CE for FGO and that's it. She only got the LN art gig after Towa.

>> No.25386981

No I AM an overseas guy that will save her womb.

>> No.25386984

the fuck are you talking about if you don't deny literally any of it
stupid fucking ESL

>> No.25387029

ayame is an extreme exception, her fans are used to and expect that behavior, and have repeatedly rewarded it. Vast majority could never get away with that

>> No.25387040

>she's done art for a bunch of Gacha games
This is literally false. She ONLY did a single piece of art for FGO. Ina is responsible for multiple desigs in multiple games, does character design for anime, etc.

>> No.25387073

That sounds like a professional artist anon...

>> No.25387089

so she's a professional then, glad we agree

>> No.25387254

She spends her time building gunpla happily. Though she does get butthurt when her friends friend a boyfriend or husband.

>> No.25387336

>when her friends friend a boyfriend or husband

>> No.25387587

Beats me. Probably getting older and realizing her situation. She got caught off guard not to long ago. She was hanging out with her rigger that she paid a fortune to for a smooth model and they bonded over not needing a man. Then lo and behold the rigger announces she's getting married. It genuinely shocked her. Maybe she just wants a who needs a man circle of friends.

>> No.25387699

It was just a joke she was playing up. She was actually a bit taken aback when she saw some were taking it seriously.

>> No.25388413

Someone needs to put a fucking baby in this woman.
She is losing her damn mind.
Like all women above 30 that dont have kids / kids on the way

>> No.25388482

Are those vtubers really having a mental problem or what?
It is hard to distinguish what is real and not real anymore because of parasocial issue.

>> No.25389238

technically, but this is also to put less strain on her voice, which is what led to this trouble in the first place.

>> No.25389376

There's nothing technical about her choosing a shitload of off stream work, if such work even exists.
If she wanted to stream she wouldn't have taken on things that stop her from streaming.

>> No.25389497

You did not read the reply you just replied to.

>> No.25389574

she seems to have also cut back on her recording work; when was the last Maruyama?

>> No.25389701

Streaming isn't what ruined her voice, it was all the off-stream worked combined with streaming.
If she says she wants to stream but then chooses to the the other thing which isn't streaming, she doesn't want to stream.

>she seems to have also cut back on her recording work
But she can't stream because she's recording every single day. How did she cut back on it, exactly?
>when was the last Maruyama?
All members of Maruyama have had other things going on this spring. She isn't the only one deciding if it's happening or not. In all likelyhood they have probably been recording more of it over the past month.

>> No.25389744

Blackpill time:
What if she got a bad family name and can't find a decent guy to marry? She and some of the other hag JPs might be burakumin.

>> No.25389889
File: 69 KB, 231x268, 1645427628070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches porn
>is depressed
Imagine my shock. Porn is a soulcrushing addiction.

>> No.25389897

if you turn down the volume, you won't hear them when they talk normally. it's a valid criticism. (not that it warrants this drastic a reaction.)

>> No.25389977

not that farfetched that a streamer likes attention.

>> No.25390059

parasociality goes both ways.

>> No.25390125

not everyone, you can still have unique problems, but money does help.

>> No.25390329

Parasocial is by definition one way only.

>> No.25390333

that was just an example.

>every single day

I mean, recording work and streaming presumably put the same strain on her voice, it's mostly the same activity. she said she's been doing vocal training so that it's not as damaging, hopefully that'll pay off.

>> No.25390369

speaking of definitions, it seems to have changed.

>> No.25390492

Yet Subaru gets no hate from JPs for being loud. It a lefit reason to dislike a streamer but they hold Polka to that standard and not Subaru.

>> No.25390578

It hasn't.

>> No.25391700

it by definition involves two people.
