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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24915166 No.24915166 [Reply] [Original]

Your oshi could never...

>> No.24915615

reminder that every single female, including your oshi, fantasize about getting gangbanged by these guys

>> No.24915670
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>> No.24915822
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>> No.24915940


>> No.24918934


>> No.24919039


> black people
> removed in Chinese version of movies because unsightly

>> No.24919129

HoloID girls got so horny over this video that they couldn't contain their horniness and tweeted about how much they love muscular black men. Every single one of them.

>> No.24919141

Mutts law

>> No.24919153

>pretending to know direct thoughts of multiple women
reminder that this specific poster fantasises about being gangbanged by these guys

>> No.24920961


>> No.24921383
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>> No.24921451

>>24921383 (me)
Oh hey I forgot I had the bideo

>> No.24921489

of course the french whore is into BBC kek

>> No.24923434

Do they think the Holos will actually react to this? Aside from ID?

>> No.24923487

Can someone please tell me these African kids are in like a refuge and weren't trafficked?

>> No.24923561

that bit was so fucking funny. 10/10 saruei

>> No.24923626

do they even have internet to watch vtubers?

>> No.24923658

how do you think those videos wind up online, anon

>> No.24923730

they film it and send the sd cards are transported in a van to a white guy who has internet.

>> No.24923777

how did I fuck up such a small sentence. racists really are low iq

>> No.24923790
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>> No.24923793

>reminder that every single female, including your oshi, fantasize about getting gangbanged by these guys
Based, me too.

>> No.24923807

>they passed in blacking vtubers now
we can't get a moment of peace, can't we?

>> No.24923878

Where is my BBC Saruei porn

>> No.24923985

Its not funny with her because those just look like average people in france.

>> No.24924021
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Chuubas love black men now.

>> No.24924024

reminder that every single female, including your oshi, fantasize about getting gangbanged by these guys

>> No.24924053

based, me too.

>> No.24924066
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>> No.24924481

Your oshi loves me. Pray she never meets me in real life

>> No.24924606

My oshi would never

>> No.24924771

I had to learn all women born from the 90's onward want to be single mothers raising black babies when I was a teenager already and had female cousins telling me these fantasies unprompted. It was like, what the fuck is wrong with these people. It was always daddy issues that caused it but it really goes to show that porn even rots women's brains.

>> No.24925006
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>mfw my shitposting becomes reality


>> No.24925090


>> No.24925561
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make sense

>> No.24925853

Really not surprising

>> No.24925924

Women literally always wanted that. Women fantasize about getting pumped and dumped by animalistic masculine men. They have to fetishize blacks now because they actually act like animals while white men watch vtubers.

>> No.24925928

What's that gotta do with china being based just once

>> No.24926039

Incels really do believe the weirdest things

>> No.24926149 [DELETED] 

Most holos have expressed pedophilic feelings so probably.

>> No.24926170

>convinced my parents to get me therapy
>however I'll be paying for it
This makes no sense.

>> No.24926188

She would literally die from a 16 inch cock.

>> No.24926392

well her parents are probably not very rich, and she has a job, so it's only fair

>> No.24926459

Not all women in the world are from burguerland anon

>> No.24926550

someone post the ID screenshots

>> No.24926754

I think his point was more so, why bother convincing your parents if they're not gonna be the ones paying (at least partially), at the point she might as well go without even telling them.

>> No.24926800

some people actually respect their parents

>> No.24926881

Should she have respected them if they said "No, you can't pay for and go to therapy"?

>> No.24926902

jewish hands typed this

>> No.24926954

White bois get it too

>> No.24926979

uhh chinks based?

>> No.24927008

They have internet to open fiverr accounts.

>> No.24927011

If you think this is a prerequisite for respecting your parents then you should probably go to therapy with her, might split the bill too.

>> No.24927094

Using their insurance policy and paying off the excess?

>> No.24927401

the fuck is her problem?

>> No.24927409

i wanna see

>> No.24927476

>muscled dudes wish a woman happy birthday
>just happen to be black
And if they were big titied and large ass black women you would freak out too correct?

>> No.24927579
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>> No.24927590

>tfw no qt 3.14 choccy gf

>> No.24927648

why the fuck is she acting like an American?

>> No.24927749

because she's french. most euros are culturally american post-ww2

>> No.24927862

I'm glad I'm not culturally American then

>> No.24927867

>why the fuck is she acting like an American?
Because acting like an America gives her more attention and money. Being anything but JP doesn't work

>> No.24927888
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not really

>> No.24927918

One day everyone is going to be culturally American. That's Woodrow Wilson's ultimate plan anon.

>> No.24928123

pliz understand, france is africa now, probably she isn't even a real french

>> No.24928217

Which is the greater of two evils, this or new york billboards?

>> No.24928263
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wait originally it was breeded isn't it?

>> No.24928354

>wait originally it was breeded
other way around. She changed it after white cuckbois started screeching in her comments.

>> No.24928364

no, she changed it

>> No.24928398

>after white cuckbois started screeching in her comments
It was actually blacks saying that "blacked" is racism because it sexualizes black people

>> No.24928456

> it sexualizes black people
Why is it bad thing

>> No.24928475
File: 77 KB, 794x704, Screenshot_3263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she pussied out, since africa doesn't pay her bills

>> No.24928585

source of the said gensin art?

>> No.24928631

wonder how much subs she lost that day

>> No.24928660

it's objectifying

>> No.24928679

TF that'd kill her by rupturing her womb! holy shit!

>> No.24928743

do you guys REALLY want that?

>> No.24929405

Black men with small penises don't like it and since the standard for them keeps growing and growing in pop culture, the vast majority of them have small penises by the pop culture standard even though a woman would still call a black man with a microdick large because she's really fetishizing the melanin.

>> No.24929678

My oshi is not a coal burner.

>> No.24929819
File: 230 KB, 457x498, 1649646464456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the black guy still kissed him
poor little white boi

>> No.24930045

Really, they're fetishizing criminals. It's not the successful business owning black guys that get the interest from those types

>> No.24930111

give me this genshin art please

>> No.24930339

WTF with african blacks being weebs and vtuber fans? It feels unreal

>> No.24930495 [DELETED] 

this dogshit board is already populated by SEAniggers, so normal niggers isn't that far of a stretch.

>> No.24930629

I mean seaniggers aren't that really "niggerish"?

>> No.24930743

they're hired from a fiverr/cameo like service. they aren't actually vtuber fans

>> No.24930864

is this really the physique required to impress normies and even vtubers? man, then I have already made it (still feel weak and small though)
>t. /fit/

>> No.24930922

What was the point in hiring them? Just for lulz?

>> No.24931300

just talked with one of them, big on mori

>> No.24931328

Go get em tiger

>> No.24931406
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>> No.24931425

Do you people not understand that Japanese people get these to laugh at them like zoo animals?

>> No.24931748

the problem is that porn has made the "bbc" myth and propagandized it, but it doesn't rappresent reality, is true that the average for the dick size in cameroon and senegal is 16+cm, but similiar numbers applies for men in equador that with 17+cm are the real BBCs of the world, and netherland too has an average of 16cm, same thing for good part of europe where a 15+cm penis is average. So really the difference from a normal white, african and spic is minimal, but usually africans miss some ligaments on the way the penis is attached and they are showers, so you get the typical big african penis that is floppy and doesn't really stand erect, this thing doesn't really happen to whites, that can have a standing erection, moreover good part of whites are growers, so their penis can go from 9cm flaccid to 15cm without problems, but if you put it near an african shower it looks small because it's not erect. Now what is the problem that porn can cause? In western porn men are cast to have giant dicks size so when you watch them when you are little you wonder if you were born wrong and if women would like your penis even if you had a completly normal measure, this was a problem for whites and blacks too, but on top of that blacks were told that they were the BBCs, when in truth only 1 african every 100k had the 12in dong, and all the others were average or under that, imagine how many white girls dreams this fact has shattered when they removed a black man pants and were enough unfortunate to not get the 12in dude.
So really being an african with a small penis must be hell since you are remainded everyday that the only good quality of a nigga is his BBC. That said, trust me that girls doesn't want to take a cock bigger than 17 cm, and the ones that says that they fuck only 8inches doesn't have the idea of wtf they are talking about since they fuck a 6in and think that is 8in. Professor penis is out

>> No.24932573

they're fetishizing animalistic behavior, that's why they fuck dogs too

>> No.24932645

it's only white women tho?

>> No.24932737


>> No.24932778

My oshi is racist

>> No.24932815

wtf I love Artia now

>> No.24932839

racists fantasize about it more since all women have a humiliation fetish

>> No.24932902

Who do you think posts on this board faggot

>> No.24932906

But the prioritization of black is something completely different from just wanting animalistic men. The latter is completely normal, the desire to race-mix is completely fueled by a hatred for their family and unnatural. Girls who want blacks are completely fine with some black nerd and probably are more likely to end up with some loser negro than an actual alpha.

>> No.24932979

>western whore

>> No.24932992

>Girls who want blacks are completely fine with some black nerd
are they? From what I've seen they only go for the ghetto gangbanger types

>> No.24933052

Sounds like she just got her parents to do all the work of finding a doctor and making the appointments for her.

>> No.24933102

wtf is wrong with women and their "bad guy" wet dreams

>> No.24933134

>BBC fan is mentally ill
every damn time, huh?

>> No.24933171

>Your brain on BBC porn

>> No.24933300

>as a poc myself
Obviously not, just some jealous idiot that didn't like the idea of his girl getting the good stuff.

>> No.24933345

This is true. Massive grower here (my penis almost triples in length when erect), 19.5 cm. If I go to rough with my gf, she ends up sore (although this can be overcome with enough foreplay and building up speed/roughness gradually). If I were one or two cm shorter dickwise, assuming the same gf, I would have a slightly smoother sex life.

>> No.24933477
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>> No.24933560

They don't even know what vtuber is, it's a service like rog or tyrone where they say a bunch of shit you pay them for.

>> No.24934317

They have never even been to the sort of places they'd have to in order to cross paths with that guy. Just because a black guy in college has his pants hanging off his ass doesn't make him a ghetto gangbanger, it means he's a total fucking loser in the negro hierarchy.

>> No.24939433

i mean who wouldn't? black genes are just superior so... yeah.

>> No.24939997

You got baited

>> No.24940506
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Daily reminder that there is a discord dedicated to spam BBC in all the boards and the trannyjannies cooperate with them.

>> No.24940574
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>> No.24941950
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gib choco pussy

>> No.24943353
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>> No.24943390

My oshi doesn't even know blacks exist

>> No.24943870

Lmao this shit writes itself

>> No.24948584

Pewds is based?

>> No.24951026
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I mean, if given the choice between those guys and a white couch potato, yeah.

>> No.24951097

I only have the perspective of someone in a country where it's illegal to carry weapons for self-defence and it seems to be that the further left society is the less that women feel safe around those following the law

>> No.24953393

specially your mom
