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File: 392 KB, 1175x514, Shake and Burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2457208 No.2457208 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that this is Pikamee's daily snack

>> No.2457269
File: 187 KB, 990x1500, EuRwsS_VgAEmoNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the bad thing, ne?

>> No.2457284

Reminder Japan cares about its people so they limit fast food and change recipes unlike china or Brazil or the US to reduce fat and sugar so the reality is pika gets 1/5th of whats in that mess

>> No.2457297
File: 495 KB, 615x1302, 9 year old moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is Pikamee's daily snack.

>> No.2457355

>implying pikamee doesn't add in the missing fat and sugar herself

>> No.2457390

Where would you even buy that much sugar in Japan? She'd need kilograms per week

>> No.2457484


>> No.2457512

Don't underestimate her american side

>> No.2457518

>32 fl oz.
That's one liter of Oreo milkshake, there's no recipe in existence that would make a goddamn liter of any kind of milkshake healthy.

>> No.2457561

Reminder that this likely hasn't been sold since the late 00s

>> No.2457564

Using 1/6th the sugar and low fat dairyb
Go look up the Japanese health facts from the jp site

>> No.2457710

>adding 'the' incorrectly or for no reason
I love pika english

>> No.2457794

Good enough to understand what she's saying, but bad enough to still be cute

>> No.2457946

A small chocolate milkshake from Japanese McDonalds looks just about the same, maybe a bit higher in sugar and a bit lower in fat. The biggest difference is that it's one tenth of the size of this monstrosity.

>> No.2458507

Pika unironically said she liked Arby's and IHOP.

>> No.2459667

ihop is good
as long as you're not an idiot and only get waffles or pancakes with whipped cream and shit

>> No.2459670


... a tenth the size as in, like, 90 mL?

>> No.2459743

Fat American Pigamee.

>> No.2459959


>> No.2460121

Someone post the Pikamee ass image.

>> No.2460604

Either Japan's just known to have really small portions of everything, or America is known to have large portions of everything. Forgot which. That's the biggest difference really.

>> No.2460794

Where does this meme originate? I first saw it being posted with Suisei

>> No.2464084

Cause she's fat

>> No.2464310

Imma need to see that for verification purposes.

>> No.2465401

I don't know about the former, but the latter is definitely true.

>> No.2465472

European here...

It's both.

>> No.2465530

I will never forget being in Florida and finding out you can get 2L servings of slushies. that's got to be like 2000 calories

>> No.2465568
File: 722 KB, 320x240, bugs_florida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in Texas all my life and I've never seen such debauchery. It's always fucking Florida.

>> No.2465607

It's so fucking weird, like I think US's medium size was our Supersize, which ended up getting made illegal because it was just too unhealthy.

>> No.2465752

I don’t know how one can eat that amount of sugar without passing out

>> No.2465769

I legit just drank kids size sprites the whole time I was there because american kids size is UK small and sprite was the only soft drink I could find that wasn't full of HFCS at the time
Towards the end of the trip my father found a "UK specialist" shop that stocks stuff like McVitties and Robinsons so it was diluting juice in a water bottle for the rest of the trip

>> No.2465846

Seriously what the hell, it's like they have a challenge to fit as many calories in a given volume as possible

>> No.2465890

Oh I just remembered, I also had a look at the ingredients on a pack of bacon in Wal-Mart. I think it went like "Pork, HFCS, Water, Salt, assorted preservatives"

>> No.2465894


have fun bro

>> No.2466402

that is just foul. also I wish the different dews had different densities so they formed rainbow layers instead of that reddish brown

>> No.2466436

they're all just sugar water with different food colourings anon

>> No.2466489

I actually checked my bacon to make sure and while there's no HFCS, it does have sugar. Reports 0g carbs though for a pound of bacon. Of course we have other grocery stores than walmart.

>> No.2466533

>added sugar in BACON of all things
what the fuck is wrong with America

>> No.2466590

There was an American restaurant here in Asia that ended up having to put labels on their menus, warning diners that they served American portions.
People would end up ordering nearly twice the expected quantity otherwise.

>> No.2466633

I'm pretty certain that's a common ingredient used when curing meat. Check yours before making that statement.

>> No.2466682

ha ha

>> No.2466695

Mine says "pork, salt, curing agents" but it is from a local farm shop

>> No.2466737

Ah, neat. Don't have any of those nearby. You win this time.

>> No.2466807

one of the benefits of being in the arse end of nowhere is that I'm surrounded by farms of all kinds and can buy all my food locally. The only thing shipped in I buy is monster energy

>> No.2470653

you are weak

>> No.2471080
File: 2.12 MB, 240x240, extra cream, dear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps she should have two

>> No.2477517
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, zero-ultra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monster energy
I hope it's this one

>> No.2477556

How do they fit so much fucking fat into it? Is the whole thing just flavoured double cream?

>> No.2477752

I'm from Western Europe and I've been in Dallas for work and the food sizes actually are actually insane. I remember I ordered a single large pizza with some sides (because a large pizza doesn't really fill me up in my own country) and the fucking space ship sized item I got delivered lasted me like 3 days. I will say it's a pretty good amount of food for the price though.

>> No.2477826
File: 177 KB, 1200x675, 30D28C04-7249-497F-8F6D-3C792651E8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IHOP cupcake pancakes are amazing

>> No.2477866

that's texas ..which incidentally is where pikamee lived, she's probably chubby

>> No.2478030

Why do Americans get to stuff themselves to death with cheap chemically-deliciofied fast food and we don't
I just want to live in a state of sugar and fat induced bliss until my heart gives out from the strain.

>> No.2478080

No you don’t, you eventually get used to it, and then sick of it

>> No.2478094

this looks fucking nasty

>> No.2480749

Wtf? Is this fucker 24 years old? He looks old as shit.

>> No.2482387
File: 58 KB, 420x509, 545f944a0b39b57121ceb6789fbb3b6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless your buying the ingredients fresh and making everything yourself then anything you eat will have had a pound of sugar and 3 pounds of salt added to it
its all fucked here

>> No.2482580

>posts an angel

>> No.2483101

It's both.
America has huge portions and Japan has smaller than average.
The mismatch is enough that you can consider an extra large in Japan to be a small or medium-small in America.

>> No.2483555

I heard American bread tastes like cake to foreigners.

>> No.2484295

>ywn be Pikamee's man and force her to diet

>> No.2484522

i wouldnt be suprised
bread isnt sweet to me but its entirely possible my tastebuds are just fucked and used to that minimum amount of sugars

>> No.2484855

fucker ate his youth

>> No.2487334

There was someone from New Zealand or South Africa in one of my classes and one thing she was surprised by was just how sweet everything tastes in America.

>> No.2488480

is there a link I'm not newfag i just wanna see

>> No.2488716

Baskin Robins Japan doesn't have an Oreo branded shake. Cookies and Cream is 401 calories.

>> No.2488849

I want one. I bet its disgustingly delicious.

>> No.2489169

America's portion sizes are larger than basically everywhere, but when a place is advertising "American portions" they're actually serving even bigger portions. It's a really common international marketing tactic for gimmick restaurants, a lot of those kinds of places also sell "American" menu items that flat out don't exist in the American chains.

>> No.2489245


>> No.2489261

Did Brosnan embrace the meme?

>> No.2492751

someone post the screencap of Aqua's drink

>> No.2492770
File: 2.84 MB, 1047x2378, 1618217665022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2493747


>> No.2493993

He is the meme.
