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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24198618 No.24198618 [Reply] [Original]

Would your average /vt/ anon have a chance with any of them irl?

>> No.24198682


>> No.24198685


>> No.24198825


You mean in a fight, right?

>> No.24198889

Depends on how drunk Mori is

>> No.24198914

>average /vt/ anon
you mean the guys who keep spouting
"Nijinnigga" and "Holobrony"?

even vt doesn't want the average /vt/ anon

>> No.24198920

Yes with:
Bae (australian)
Sana (australian)
Ina (extremely shy, introverted, loving, and takes orders nicely)
Kronii (extremely shy, introverted, loving, and is an addict to literally any level of affection)

No with:
The rest

>> No.24198933

I could beat all of them in a fight

>> No.24198940

>average /vt/ anon
SEA teenager?

>> No.24198987

I think I would legit have a chance with Ina. Her noodle-like arms won't be able to stop me

>> No.24199104

Thinly veiled doxx thread.

>> No.24199225
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No chance = RAPE

>> No.24199242


>> No.24199303

the chance is high, kidnaping them right?

>> No.24199332

Considering I knew and conversesd with Bae before she was Bae... I wouldn't say it's a 0% chance, but it's low enough that it might as well be.

>> No.24199611

Shitty rrat
Bae is australian, she is by definition a fuckdoll waiting for literally any attractive/assertive guy to come dick her down

>> No.24200130

Ch-cheesed... to meet you?

>> No.24200224

Yes if they are a moderately attractive white guy with a stable high-paying job.

>> No.24200498

I'm 185/95, no woman without a professional wrestling skills have a chance against me, I'll beat the shit out of all of them

>> No.24200578

depends who chooses the weapon for the duel

>> No.24200593

Only Kiara/Mori

Ame/Gura never leave their house
Mum/Ina/Fauna no for obvious reasons
Bae/Sana are too Australian for anyone here to approach
Kronii/IRyS just no

>> No.24200816

Sana maybe, the rest of them no. Also Homeless Drifer Era Ame.

>> No.24200891

Probably not, if only because the userbase here is, for the most part, too young for them.
If you people are half as deranged offline as you are online, then definitely not.

>> No.24201062

Offstream Bae said she liked men in their thirties. Old enough to know what they want and be stable in life, but young enough that they're still capable of enjoying life.

>> No.24201093

>he fell for the /vt/ are schizo incels meme
Yes actually. Most of what we're saying or portraying ourselves as is ironic self-detachment and more direct rather than accommodating. From experience, girls absolutely love a guy like this.

>> No.24201150

It's just banter, lad

>> No.24202853

I'd be able to fix kronii but the drop-off is that she will become a normal woman who will be ready to climb motherhood and can only think about how she's going to be dicked down by me every night. I wouldn't want the kronies to lose their only source of entertainment so i'll just try to find a different girl to fix with my dick.

>> No.24203128

How old are you?

>> No.24203245

believe me, it isn't

>> No.24203947


>> No.24204434

Yeah, everyone loves hispanics.

>> No.24204877

SEA men are some of the least attractive in the world (only ahead of pajeets), so no

>> No.24205268

All XX chromosomes crave someone who can be their husband.

>> No.24205609
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>Horse girl

I can see some anons, myself included, having good odds with this one and yes this includes getting her to cheat.

>> No.24205851

Pro wrestling is FAKE even a JV wrestler like me could get an easy takedown

>> No.24205885

You have no chance with IRyS because she is my wife.

>> No.24206035
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>> No.24207557

>any attractive/assertive guy
So not anyone here.

>> No.24207669

You'd be surprised. Unless I'm the only one, but I know at least a few gymbros are /here/

>> No.24207781

The average /vt/ anon is a brown little asian so only with mori

>> No.24207878

They'll all fight me at once and beat me. Then they'll take turns raping me

>> No.24207937

You got that right
I lift for the rat (and myself)

>> No.24208327

A lot of anons here seem to be more interested in hearing girls talk about gossip and how they paint their nails, so no. I think you could pull Sana or Ina if you just talk about games and obscure anime for a while before you make your move. Kiara maybe if you're a foreigner who is fluent in Japanese.

>> No.24208749

The term is "gymcel"

>> No.24208774

What is an average /vt/ anon even?

>> No.24208867

Only the white anons.

>> No.24208926

>Chance with neet losers

My ex is cuter than all these uggos combined

>> No.24209305

She is alot like my ex. I think that's why I'm partially in love with her.

>> No.24209355

I am not good enough for Fauna but I strive to be

>> No.24209414

Consider the odds of randomly meeting any 1 of 11 these specific women IRL by random chance in some part of this globe. Virtually 0

Hell toss in the JPs into the calculation, and put yourself in Tokyo. Still virtually 0

So quit dreaming about it

>> No.24209503
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Yessir I used to powerlift in high school but I do Olympic weightlifting now. I hit a 161kg clean and jerk on Wednesday.

>> No.24209717

Ame has mexican blood which means as long as no one gives her a machete then I'm pretty sure I can beat up all of them

>> No.24209896

Yeah im sure you could take Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle or Collegiate champ and MMA world champ Brock Lesner

>> No.24210016

Omg are you Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner? Big fan!

>> No.24210065

absolutely fucking not

thank god im not the average guy here
im gonna get IRyS' womb all filled up just wait

>> No.24210356

Nio im Kenny Omega and more talented but thats not the point here. The point is a lot of us can whip the shit out of your fat neckbeard ass and because you took 8th place in your local high school wrestling competition doesnt mean shit

>> No.24210379
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Yeah, me.

>> No.24210574

well 50% of the board is faggots and the 40% is "bi" (but like dick for 99% of the time) and 10% hetero
considering that tose girls irl are just average in looks and really nothing special I'd say yes, you have a chance with them like you would have with any other average girl not the SEA teenagers tho the only problem is that all of them has tasted the feeling of being whorshipped by thousands of males, so they probably have absurd standards now

>> No.24210583

Banter is spamming and samefagging for 3-5 hours every single day? Go take a look inside schizo central that is the numbers thread, it’s pretty funny because Luxiem chink fujos have taken up residence there.

>> No.24210594

Glad I'm getting in better shape so I can have a fighting chance in battle for the oshis

>> No.24210943

Then why didn't CM Punk whip ass

>> No.24211513

because we're tourists and normies

>> No.24220051


>> No.24223078

Because hes a skinnyfat bitch obviously. Again not the pioint

>> No.24223111

None of them are good enough for me

>> No.24223210

Average /vt/ anon? Hell no.

Top 1% /vt/ anon? also no

>> No.24223528

wasn't Kiara disgusted by some guy that tried to sit next to her at a mcdonalds

>> No.24224982

Let's be real. The average poster here is probably underage and nonwhite and none of the girls is a shotacon.
Like, imagine Fauna or Ame with some 5 ft 2 Indo gremlin who's still in high school. Sorry but it's pretty much impossible.
To have a good chance I think you need to be white and have a stable, non weeb job and hobbies. So that pretty much knocks out 99% of this board, and the remaining anons are probably code monkeys or cryptoshills with 0 social skills or anything that makes them attractive. In the end they will probably all end up with normies instead of fans.

>> No.24225355

yeah by me

>> No.24230478

No bc he doesn't have real fighting skills. You're not Kazushi Sakuraba or Brock Lesnar. Your backchops don't impress me and you'd never catch me in a Boston crab.

>> No.24231255

Would I have a chance?

No only because I feel that she still has some amount of street rat still stuck in her.
Tries to hard to fit in a specific crowd. Cringe.
Too much autism to properly have intimacy. Doesn’t like hugs. No thanks.
A bit too metropolitan for my tastes, perhaps shared Germanic heritage and autism could make us mingle.
Yes. Shitposter at heart, I would be able to tease and make fun And flirt with her in playful ways.
She acts like my mother so yes.

That leaves 5 of the westernized Asians. I am a pasty white man, so I already have a chance with each of them.

>> No.24232089

They would all ignore you anon

>> No.24235338

I think the average poster here is in their 20s and 30s

>> No.24235695

I find that hard to believe with how much traction 0-effort bait gets on this board.

>> No.24235762

I think it's more likely that the majority of the people posting here are under 25.

>> No.24235899

Do they shitpost there or are just number retards like the other idiots there?

>> No.24236097

And they're still to good for you, loser.

>> No.24236264

Give me a cup for my balls and i could knock out all of them at once except Fauna. I would instead knock out he bf and take Fauna for myself.
