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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 480 KB, 713x800, sadtako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23561789 No.23561789 [Reply] [Original]

>bored in class
>guy in front of me on his phone
>he's scrolling through twitter, looking at Ina fanart
>a chance to make a friend?
>approach him after class, show him the tako background i have on my smartwatch
>"uh thanks"
>quickly leaves room
>i walk to the building lobby, he's on a phone call loudly telling a friend about some weirdo who showed him a tako on his watch and how awkward it was
>i turn around and take the back exit out of shame
i just wanted to make a friend

>> No.23561842

You can still salvage it, put on an Ina cosplay and tell him he can pretend you're ina while making a blowjob motion.

>> No.23561920

Rape correction is needed.

>> No.23562262

>he replies with "uh thanks"
if this story is real (it definitely isn't) you did nothing wrong OP, the guy is just a dickhead

>> No.23562394

next time don't be a weirdo and ask directly

>> No.23562615

That guy was a dick but it is a little awkward to start a conversation with someone by flashing a screen at them.

>> No.23563140

I'll be your friend TismoTako

>> No.23563358

fucking retard
what you did is like trying to make a friend at fancy bar by flashing your dick

>> No.23563673

>browsing Twitter in class
>friends I follow retweeting vtuber shit I don't care about
>quickly scroll through it
>some guy sitting behind me who was watching my screen corners me after class
>he thinks i'm also a weeaboo faggot
>brush him off and try to get away before he shoots up the school

>> No.23563801
File: 729 KB, 1155x1159, 1650041277137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approach him after class, show him the tako background i have on my smartwatch
>"uh thanks"
This can’t be real KEKW

>> No.23564109

Ikr, how autistic can the other person be

>> No.23564197

Anon, im proud of you for trying, but maybe you jumped to conclusions a bit too fast + try talking next time, but it's a start.

>> No.23564354

OP incase your autism riddled brain does not yet understand where you went wrong here, I offer an analogy

>bored in class
>guy in front of me on his phone
>he's watching the news, cnn
>a chance to make a friend?
>approach him after class, show him the Anderson Cooper background i have on my smartwatch
>"uh thanks"
>quickly leaves room
>i walk to the building lobby, he's on a phone call loudly telling a friend about some weirdo who showed him Anderson Cooper on his watch and how awkward it was
>i turn around and take the back exit out of shame

>> No.23564372

>>i walk to the building lobby, he's on a phone call loudly telling a friend about some weirdo who showed him a tako on his watch and how awkward it was
Sounds like you dodged a bullet, people who talk loudly on the phone with no regard for anyone around them are extremely obnoxious.

>> No.23564762

>Fans are the same as their oshi
Im sorry anonchama but you are not a Takodashi

>> No.23565637


>> No.23565710


>> No.23565767

dodged a bullet
having shared interests doesn't mean people can't be dicks

>> No.23566054

it's been said to death that the dude was a dick so don't stress it too much, but you should've also just, tried something less awkward like approaching him and say "hey sorry I happened to notice you like ina, that's cool so do I" or something along those lines, followed up by a question to give him something to reply back with. just flashing your watch's wallpaper at him is kind of an odd thing to do.

>> No.23566328
File: 252 KB, 1280x1708, 2F405460-36FB-4BC8-ACF5-F9DA6C6F4DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be your friend Takodachi

>> No.23566503

No, do not drop names straight away. Start with a simple "hey do you like vtubers?" If he negatives on that nothing was going to work, and it avoids the awkwardness on his end of knowing he was spotted scrolling through Ina fanart

>> No.23567406
File: 108 KB, 1846x289, 1644380140242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just reminded me of a hilarious post I saw a very long time ago. Thankfully it wasn't too hard to find.

>> No.23567615

>Hey, do you watch Ina?
>Uhhh, no, I just like the fanart.

>> No.23567715

lmfao awful

>> No.23567845
File: 206 KB, 894x656, watchingvtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23568065
File: 289 KB, 583x600, 1586642182159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking with group of friends about vtubers
>other guy hears us andapproaches "I like vtubers too!"
>lets fucking go
>gura is my favorite! he says
>never contact him again

good riddance

>> No.23568117

i choose to believe this is real

>> No.23568232

Fuckin cruel. I used to work a bookstore and some super lanky kid with long hair came in with a Touhou shirt on, and when I told him I liked his shirt he lit up like his whole day had been made

>> No.23568248

>loudly gossiping and backbiting on her phone
you dodged an imaginary bullet with this imaginary story anyway, she sounds like a cunt.

>> No.23568482

I've been to too many anime conventions to know that people who share similar interests in this space are weird.

I once put a Lucky Star ring tone (timotei remix) in my phone and got a call during a lecture. At that moment, I could feel all eyes on the room judging me as I fumbled to silence my phone while it's blaring 'Timotei, timotei, timoteeeeeeeiiiiiiii'

>> No.23568882

cool blog bro. please post more

>> No.23568893

I was always too embarrassed to ever have any ringtone. I would set my phone on vibrate and the vibration is so loud it's pretty much like a ringtone anyway.

>> No.23568954

heres what you should do bro. talk to him as he looks through it and say hey is that art of ina?

>> No.23569981

sorry but i dont watch EN

>> No.23570251

I did this once. My phone's wallpaper is for a game I like and a random dude said to me, "Hey that's a good game". I punched him in the face for staring at my phone, then I got off the bus at the next stop. Fucking retards these days.

>> No.23571639

And with a mistake like that you clearly don't speak Japanese which means you are a clipwatcher. Yikes.

>> No.23575330
File: 436 KB, 498x485, 95D9C109-D09F-49D1-933B-25CC2F06E3E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you showed him your watch without saying anything, he might not have understood why you were showing him that art. If I were scrolling through art of vtubers or whatever that I don’t usually watch and someone came up to me and showed me something pertaining to said vtuber, it would probably go over my head.

Or, maybe he understood and he’s just kind of a cunt. It happens. I’m pleasantly surprised by how friendly people are, but once in a blue moon you just get a dud, it’s nothing to beat yourself up over. If it would have been me, I would have been happy to shoot the shit with you. Keep your chin up, bro

>> No.23575606

I'm using an anime ringtone, but it's so niche and specific that virtually nobody here knows it. I've had my phone ring in the middle of talking to a bunch of supposed anime fans and none of them reacted.

>> No.23576432

Good man, anon. Some people just need to be shown a little bit of kindness now and again.

>> No.23577486
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the example I'll give for why this is really, really not the way to approach this. I play dota, went to one of the early internationals where they gave out nalgene bottles that are dota branded. I drank from it when I'm at the office, until one day, some guy recognizes it was dota, and starts talking to me about the game. The thing is, we have absolutely nothing in common outside of that, and he's also really bad at the game. You basically approached this dude as if he was a friend, when really, you don't have anything in common outside of a niche shared interest, and you could be into that for totally different reasons. Mutual interests should come after friendship.

>> No.23577825

You sound the like the cringe one in the example you provided, to be honest.

>> No.23577997

ok retard

>> No.23578403

and then everyone clapped

>> No.23578671
File: 112 KB, 202x212, 1642286675741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres this one guy i know who wears nyanners merch all the time in my classes, but situations like this are why i dont want to befriend him as a fellow vtuber loving bro.

>> No.23578738

Arriving at this conclusion means you probably don't understand social cues. You sound like the type of person who would wear a hentai hoodie outdoors unironically

>> No.23579209

At least you trying to make friends. I am burn out and no trust anyone, even if this anime/vtuber convent i cant make this.

>> No.23579387

>Goes to esports events
>proudly displays autistic video game water bottle on desk
>coworker decides to talk to the creepy guy at work, thinking it’ll help spare him when anon inevitably goes postal
>How cringe, why is this guy talking to me when he isn’t as good as me at this game?

>> No.23579762

So instead of asking "You like Ina?" or something normal
you decided to show a fucking TAKO background?
Dude probably just came across ina's hashtag without knowing her
You not only missed a chance to introduce the guy to Ina but also embarrassed yourself beyond expectations

>> No.23579960

> schizophrenia intensifies

>> No.23581506

OP's post aside, I feel situations like yours are actually the easiest to try connecting with people you otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to. especially for multiplayer games with a ton of mechanics, and in general hobbies with layers of dedication/cognitive investment, there's a lot to talk about and actual value from keeping in touch (for example, you both could share tips, news, etc. about the game in the future). I just don't think there's anything wrong with putting common interests before deeper friendship, since that's how I've initially gotten to know plenty of others.

>> No.23581651

When I was playing WoW vanilla private servers before WoW Classic was announced, some guy in my college class was coincidentally doing the same.
I appreciated talking to him about it despite not sharing any other interests.

>> No.23581875

>bored in class
Vtubing board is for oji-sans only. Scram kiddo!

>> No.23582080

>You basically approached this dude as if he was a friend
You are probably some north european autist that never talks to people on the street, nobody does small talk because they think they are your friend, but because they think you are a normal person

>> No.23582587

I don't disagree with you. My issue isn't that someone wants to bond over a niche interest, it's that they treat having this common interest makes us have this shared background with an already established friendship. When someone just "skips" over all those levels, it's really rude, and puts you in a bad position of rejecting these over-expending invitations.

Did you approach him after seeing him playing wow classic in class, or did it come up in conversation after you'd already otherwise initiated conversation with him?

There's a difference between someone coming up to you saying "boy the weather sure is nice" and "Hey I noticed you were looking at cunny on your phone, I also love cunny".

>> No.23582751

>Did you approach him after seeing him playing wow classic in class, or did it come up in conversation after you'd already otherwise initiated conversation with him?
He approached me about it, I was on the website for the server because there had been some drama about ownership stealing money.

>> No.23582888

But was your first conversation really "hey so about that WoW thing" or even worse, just showing you a picture about WoW?

>> No.23582941

Well I was still on the website and he said something like "You play on Elysium? What class do you play? What level are you? I'm a paladin blah blah I've done Molten Core blah blah"

>> No.23583029

Sure, something like that is totally fine. It's approaching you like a person rather than implying you're the part of this same secret club when they really have no idea who you are. That's the difference I'm pointing out

>> No.23583150

He seems like a dick, but I can't be too mad at him for being cautious. I once had an autist follow me around for 30 minutes because he recognized the shirt I was wearing was from an anime. I indulged him at first because it wasn't a shirt that screams anime, you would only know if you watched the show. But then he started talking about really personal shit and wouldn't stop talking. I kept giving hints that I needed to leave, but he just kept following me and talking.

As long as you kept the interaction brief and didn't say anything weird, I think you handled it as best you could.

>> No.23583159

wow story of my life.
mind if I bug you as well on why?

>> No.23583189

>Mutual interests should come after friendship.

Friendless retard spotted, while they don't make you instant friends, they're how you meet others and make connections. You don't form friendships out of thin air.

>> No.23583326

I have close friends I can talk about these niche interests with, but I'm wholly uninterested in talking to some rando about those niche interests when the level of conversation would be even worse that what I could find on 4chan.

>> No.23585817

One of dumbest posts ever

>> No.23585829


>> No.23585902

you are just a faggot

>> No.23585910


>> No.23585976

It was me, i am sorry it's because you smell like dried cum

>> No.23585979

Ina is a terrible vtuber and you should be embarassed

>> No.23586031

If you're a guy; he probably doesn't want to be lumped into the anime weeb group.
If you're a girl; you're probably just fat and he doesn't want to be seen with you.

>> No.23586936

maybe stop being a sperg and introduce yourself first before talking to somebody you just met

>> No.23587013

Make friends with tolerant normalfags, weeaboos and wapanese are the worst kinds of niggers you can be friends with.
t. Actively avoid being nice to the weebs at my uni after they kept acting weird whenever me or any normalfag kept acting weird when we spoke to them.

>> No.23587073

My man you need to have a better introduction than “autistically shows picture on a fucking smartwatch”

Who the fuck starts a conversation like that, should have say “Hey I know that girl” or “Wah” or “stop watching hentai on class”

It feels like im the only vtuber fan with actual social skills lmao

>> No.23587232

This post is fucking right. I'm autistic and it took me like years to figure this out but it's the absolute truth. Approaches like these just seem weird to people with at least a crumb of social skills, and those who do respond to these approaches eagerly are usually fucked up in some way and you'll realize you don't want them as your friend later on.
It's the same with romantic relationships, btw. Mutual interests don't mean shit if you don't click with each other as people first. I've seen far too many sad cases where people approach someone just because they like the same obscure anime title and then in a few months it all goes down in flames because they turn out to be completely different incompatible human beings in literally everything besides liking this title.

>> No.23587277

actual autist

>> No.23587300

ITT: friendless autists

>> No.23587310

still better than "uh thanks"

>> No.23587315


>> No.23587393


>> No.23587427

>arguing with some troglodyte regarding the best chuuba of HoloEN
>he refuses to listen to my factual evidence proving that Ceres Fauna is objectively superior to every other arc
>keeps babbling about some "cute wah's" from the entirely optional m*eshit p*dophiliac Ina streams that I've never watched and never will
>spewing ad hominems and strawman arguments
>get fed up with his shit
>draw myself up to my full and TOWERING height
>SMASH my beefy, VERY large fist into my chiseled chest and roar "UUUUUUUU!"
>little OG bitch's eyes widen as he realizes he's dealing with a scholastic Sapling
>drops to his knees trembling
>whisper "Little BITCH" and casually backhand him as I stride away to admiring gazes and thunderous applause

>> No.23587429

Who is your favorite, Anon?

>> No.23587517

this post is a great reminder to not take what anons post here seriously, they could be someone with absolutely no clue about actual social interaction

>> No.23587680

>wholly uninterested in talking to some rando about those niche interests.

so it was a you thing in the first place

>> No.23587749


>> No.23587784

holy gigabased

>> No.23590415

But why did he say "thanks"? It's not like you gave him something.
