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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 202 KB, 800x990, gawr_gura_by_nami_nya_de5g86w-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2348905 No.2348905 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain her appeal? I like some of the other vtubers because it seems like they are slightly more genuine in their reactions about stuff. With Gawr it's like her laughter is so obviously fake and her jokes aren't funny. It's like her sense of humor is completely flat.

Her voice acting also sucks most of the time. She is the worst vtuber yet has the most subscribers.

I really like her character model and the whole idea but I find the personality behind it to be cringeworthy. It's not even a language barrier thing because Calliope does it just fine. She seems way more of herself comes through the character and it feels more natural. Or with Korone, it's obvious she's playing a character, but it seems like she genuinely enjoys being that character and doesn't have trouble finding it most of the time. With Gawr it's like she doesn't know what to be doing most of the time and she's grabbing at straws. You know what I mean.

>> No.2349124

Okay, OP here. I just realized what it is. Gawrs primary subscriber base must be children. I think she lacks the appeal for adults that other vtubers have.

>> No.2349161

Gura sucked to start with but lately she's come out of her shell more and can talk to her audience without being fake and cringe
She's pretty funny
And she has a foot fetish

>> No.2349196

That explains why I don't like her footfags are cringe.

>> No.2349276

Humor is incredibly subjective. You also seem rather uninformed as to the true nature of any of them, judging by the way you are valuing subscribers as the most important metric.

You might find more insight by looking at any of the past threads, though I'll summarize.

Attraction to voice, as it has a unique tonal quality for certain persons.
Attraction to past Identity, which is all I can say on that.
Attraction to her model, cause it looks like cute and funny.
Having a non-abrasive personality.

But I don't really watch her that much.

>> No.2349297

probably easy to watch, so casuals start off with it. like cod, gta, etc.

ive never watched it though

>> No.2349528

I can't believe Gura includes fake snorts in her fake laughs that she's faked being self-conscious about for years.

>> No.2349577

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gawr Gura. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of hydrodynamics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Gura's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from SuperChat literature, for instance. The chumbuddies understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about SEALIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Gawr Gura truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Gura's existencial catchphrase "Aaaa" which itself is a cryptic reference to Melville's New England epic Moby Dick. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as HololiveEN's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Gawr Gura tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for my oshi's eyes only- And even she has to demonstrate that she's within 5 IQ points of my own (definitely lower) beforehand.

>> No.2349619

Some people can't comprehend traits, coincidences, or aberrations.

>> No.2350079

I going to use a copypasted content, but it's a good summary from someone who actually watches her streams regularly and got to know her instead of clipfagging and recycling rrats borne out of ホロライブ ass
>Cutest design that carried her to have the most subs in HoloEN even before debuting
>Sweetest and least grating voice in HoloEN
>So incredibly good at singing that there are several clippers solely dedicated to posting singing compilations and members-only karaoke VODs
>Very empathetic and understanding, stays humble no matter how popular she is, genuinely looks up to her co-workers and senpais and actively tries to learn from them
>Inspires others by being as earnest and uplifting as possible while streaming, despite clearly having dealt with severe depression in the past
>Good chemistry with everyone in collabs, especially Ame and Calli, doesn't force herself to do collabs unless she's comfortable and knows she can make it a great time for everyone
>Has the best understanding of what makes good stream content in HoloEN, a balanced mix between popular Hololive staples like Minecraft, Phasmophobia and RingFit and personal favorites that play well into a livestream format like Amnesia and Luigi's Mansion
>Avoids certain genres like RPGs and VNs because they generally don't make for good streaming content, especially if they aren't short
>Very self-conscious about getting stale with her content (ironically assisted by her ADHD), always makes sure to try one or two new things every week, doesn't hesitate to drop games that overstayed their welcome and are getting boring for her (Amnesia Rebirth, Skyrim, Visage, RDR2)
>Leaves typically niche content like watchalongs to members only, as not to take regular stream spaces that can be used for more mass-appeal stuff
>Has the self-restraint not to run her own jokes to the ground
>Meme pockets run deep, catches viewers off-guard every time she drops a cultured meme out of nowhere
>Story times range from interesting and comfy (plant cultivation stories) to batshit insane (bathwater pizza, dish mold, foot fetish stories), you literally never know what you're going to get
>Closet horny but keeps it classy
>Healthy relationship with chat, reads messages a lot of the time, often compliments them and jokes around with them, knows how to masterfully spin serious complaints into playful banter without souring the mood of the stream
>Overall just a meticulously balanced act in being cute, funny, endearing, smart and dumb, high-energy and low-energy, and inspirational and relatable

>> No.2350722

This is completely bizarre to me. Like I can instantly tell when someone's being ingenuine. I have a like weird second sight for people's expressions and stuff, and this is why I like anime, because it's really hard for me to suspend my disbelief for live actors.

I feel like I'm noticing really really obvious stuff about people that usually turns out to be true, but other people have no aptitude for it. They don't even need to be autistic, it's like they just don't even notice other people noticing and reacting to things.

>> No.2350801


>> No.2350894

>sweetest and least grating voice
That's the thing, her voice actually bothers me. It feels like it's lacking something.
>Has the self restraint not to run her jokes into the ground
What jokes? She has no sense of punchline, a lot of her jokes are just unfunny observations.
>Balancing act
Yeah idk I'll give you the rest of that stuff, she does appear to learn from others and seems like she's trying to be appealing, but I don't think she's balancing anything. I don't find her funny, I don't find her cute, she doesn't appear particularly dumb or smart just kind of normal and her energy to me just seems like completely fake pandering to viewers rather than a genuine interest to engage. It's like she's treating the hololive experience as a point of sale, rather than a role she fills well. She reminds me of an unenthusastic cashier. All of her "reactions" look fake like how a cashier says "how can I help you today" with a fake smile.

>> No.2350986

If you don't like her then don't watch her, simple as.

>> No.2351125

Except this is literally a forum where I get to talk about opinions I have about virtual youtubers, so if I have a negative one I'm free to discuss it here.

>> No.2351126

Gura hates that and jumps at any chance to tell the children to get lost but this whole thread is bait

>> No.2351207

Anon, I never said you aren't allowed to discuss what your opinions are on Gura. Regardless of what you think of her, there are others who like her and will watch her.

>> No.2351238

Yeah but what kid actually stops watching something because a cartoon shark tells them to stop. If anything any cartoon shark told me to stop watching things when I was 12 I would do the exact opposite.

>> No.2351255

Meant for (You).

>> No.2351292

I know others watch her, I'm just having trouble identifying her appeal, but find her avatar cute, so I made a thread about it.

>> No.2351357

Well that previous Anon gave you reasons, her voice being one of them, which is completely subjective. If you don't like her voice, then you won't. Others do like her voice.

>> No.2351370

That was a really long-winded way to blow air up your own ass for being cynical.

>> No.2351371

Have you actually watched one of her streams in its entirety or are you subsisting off of clips?

>> No.2351387

You clearly aren't interested in doing anything but bashing her. And no, you aren't subtle with this "I just don't get it" shtick.

>> No.2351473

>aren't subtle with this "I just don't get it" shtick
It's just a spin on concern-trolling. The dumb part is that he's doing it on 4chan. Just say you don't like her for x and y and move on, don't couch it in that stupid shit. This isn't twitter or reddit, your post isn't going to get hidden for being explicitly negative.

>> No.2351544

pfff okay.
The reason I made this thread is because I'm interested in vtubers. Not sure what other people find interesting about them, and don't really know what is interesting about Gawr Gura since she has the most subscribers yet seems the least appealing to me. I'm just giving my perspective. I'm not the kind of person who just mindlessly bashes stuff.

there's no shtick you are dumb lol

>> No.2351586

There is a reason why other vtubers exist. It's obvious that you'll never get her appeal so go watch someone else.

>> No.2351596

You lost plausible deniability when your next post was >>2349124

>> No.2351709

Shark loli bad. Next you're gonna be saying that anyone who likes her is a pedo.

>> No.2351861

>I don't find her funny, I don't find her cute, I find her fake
So what sort of "talk about opinions" you expect to have except embellished
>I do find her funny, I do find her cute, I don't find her fake
>Yeah, En whore bad t. hororaibu
Just take the hint form the fact that so many people do like her and accept the fact that your taste is just different and stick to watching someone else

>> No.2351913

You're still wrong so it doesn't matter.

>> No.2351958

Cunny. Her design is cunny. Her voice is cunny. Unironic pedophiles like her. That's it.

>> No.2351959

He definitely isn't.

>> No.2352001


>> No.2352016

no u

>> No.2352055

>half her audience is 12 year olds
>the other half are pedophiles
She's like the omegle of vtubers kek

>> No.2352436

>It's like her sense of humor is completely flat.
You mean like Gura?

>> No.2352563

i just think shes hot bcus c u n n y

>> No.2352583
File: 51 KB, 476x735, chiaki epic gamer moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunny <3

>> No.2352600

>Literally only happened once

>> No.2352890


>> No.2352979



>> No.2353032
File: 44 KB, 750x397, 6FB8CE6E-5A4F-41A1-B784-26C7125A3309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2353040

Meme shark funny
I like
Simple as

>> No.2353061

her entire appeal is UOOOOOOOOOOOOH

>> No.2353083

She has feet, and she has toes. I like that about her.

>> No.2353110


>> No.2353143

Gura is down to earth and sweet.
Also, she feels like one of us, based on her sense of humor.
Not to mention her singing that can soothe a weary soul.

I think Gura was hear btw, in this thread, not gonna say which posts.

>> No.2353186
File: 849 KB, 680x680, 1613948237307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the notification gura is live pops up.

>> No.2353239

Gura is probably OP and concern trolling herself

>> No.2353297

Wouldn’t be shocked. She feels like a channer, and she has a lot of doubts she’d like to sort out, and that is one way to do it. I do it with politics all the time when I’m searching for perspectives.

>> No.2353306

Anon, it's a know issue, dicklets can't see her appeal, don't worry you'll be ok, as a 4chinner I doubt that you'll ever show it to any girl

>> No.2353326

I have JUST started to actually watch her streams and it has happened at least twice besides the famous clip.

>> No.2353369

I think it's an accurate assessment. Won't say fuck as to not upset the children, but will then go on to insinuate her energy drink is pussy juice or piss.

>> No.2353425

Fuck off gura. The Kiara hate threads are at least mostly fun shitposting about "hating" the chicken, but there are legitimately deranged schizoids here who are waiting for the moment that you are brought to harm and that want to see you in pain, and it can't be good for ANYBODY to expose themselves to that. I am TRULY sorry that by virtue of being the biggest you attract the worst fanbases.

>> No.2353540
File: 238 KB, 443x783, 1616464626047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they way Kiara anti threads just vanished one day and the next one we started having these Gura threads makes you wonder if they're not a coordinated work of some tranny discord server
anyway here's a cute Gura clip

>> No.2353548

Primo schizo posting.

>> No.2353593

Absolute art.

>> No.2353606
File: 6 KB, 137x137, 50089A1A-45B0-4E00-880A-BFF221B38E44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2353786
File: 12 KB, 246x222, 1614230088127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be that, or just the nature of people to move on to the next thing. maybe one day, we will wake up and every thread will be "FUCK KORONE for yuribaiting" or something along those lines. I personally blame SEAdogs.

>> No.2353919

Lmfao, you’re one of the good ones anon.

>> No.2354160
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1615918130009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for top left
She can laugh at herself and tells cute stories like the bath pizza
She says that I deserve happiness even though I don't
She pranks other girls in games
She kind of sucks at non-rhythm based games, which makes for funny fails
She screams a lot in horror games

>> No.2354305

>they way Kiara anti threads just vanished one day and the next one we started having these Gura threads makes you wonder if they're not a coordinated work of some tranny discord server
I'm not saying you're wrong about the tranny discord, but wasn't there a Kiara anti thread last night?

>> No.2354504

Every thread used to be FUCK KIARA, it's died down noticeably. EN, Pekora, and Roommate threads were just Kiara hate threads with different names.

>> No.2364075

Everyone wants to harness the lightning in a bottle, but few would be able to adequately explain what makes them love their Oshi, not in any way that someone else could utilize to their benefit.

>> No.2364122

just watch and come to your own conclussions faggots. I'm tired of retards like you that need a spoonfeed for everything and then whine and cry like bitches whenever someone doesn't want to.
Kill yourself

>> No.2364259

>What's the appeal?
>oh so you're basically a pedophile and want to rape children
>Why are you chumkeks like this, I was only asking a question

>> No.2364297

I think she's the first vtuber a lot of her fans have ever actually taken the time to watch.

>> No.2364493

Only true Hydro Homies understand.

>> No.2364585

Right now it seems to be evenly split between Mori and Gura anti posting. The Mori ones are lower effort though. Remember to sage dumb threads

>> No.2364605

That’s probably true for a lot of English viewers. Even language barrier aside, how many from JP side would many of the EN noobs watch? Fubuki and Marine would probably be extremely popular in the west if not for the language barrier.

>> No.2364708

Korone got a boost when she did her English only Mario streams that she had to explain to her viewers that her next stream (which was Mario 2) wasn't going to be English only and suddenly the live viewers dropped

>> No.2364733

I have watched a couple of Korone streams despite only being able to pick up what she is saying maybe two or three times per stream, I think that she would destroy Gura (and by extension, the ENs) if she was EN because she just has so much enthusiasm and loves the chat. I say this as a chumbud.

>> No.2366143


>Cutest design
Cute at 1st glance but goofy looking design that needs alotta work. Ina's design is better.
>Sweetest and least grating voice
She cute yeah
>Clippers solely dedicated to posting singing compilations and members-only karaoke VODs
Clippers riding onto the vtuber hype for their own clout
>Humble and tries to learn from others
Humble sure but probably bc she has a bit of an imposter syndrome from her instant fame. And she also doesn't try shit. Gura is the laziest tuber I've seen.
>Inspires others by being as earnest and uplifting as possible
Tf is she supposed to do when a sperg superchats about their retarded depression?
>Good chemistry with everyone and doesn't force collabs
HoloEN chemistry is decent overall. Cant really collab with anyone else bc she's too lazy to learn jp and her fans would probably harrass ID girls
>Has the best understanding of what makes good stream content with said popular games + avoids certain genres + ADHD
You mean she doesn't know how to be entertaining and only plays staple games to get views? idgaf about ADHD, she better be entertaining!
>Leaves typically niche content like watchalongs to members only, as not to take regular stream spaces that can be used for more mass-appeal stuff
More excuses for not being entertaining
>Has the self-restraint not to run her own jokes to the ground
No confidence?
>Has library of memes and is cultured
I guess she DOES appeal to kids. I know there's boomer memes too but the person who wrote this list sounds like a kid.
>Interesting stories
That's a good start for entertainment. Hope she has more. The stories also back up that she's fuckin lazy and probably unhygienic
>Closet horny but keeps it classy
Retarded assumption. I don't really care if they are or not. Why does this person make it sound like it's an interesting trait?
>Healthy relationship with chat, reads messages a lot of the time and compliments them
Again, she ain't gonna insult chat. What else is she supposed to say? She also asks a lot of annoying "ice breaker" questions to chat as if she doesn't have anything else to say
>Overall just a meticulously balanced act in being cute, funny, endearing, smart and dumb, high-energy and low-energy, and inspirational and relatable
Yes, you should like her for who she is.

I love Gura but these points are retarded. I would still watch her with all the things wrong with her bc im a holofag

>> No.2366369

Your post reads like you've only ever watched her for 5 minutes and made up your mind beforehand. Just straight bullshit like her reactions not being genuine, that's rarely the case.

Another anon has summed it up much more articulately than I, so I'll just post the pasta:

>Cutest design that carried her to have the most subs in HoloEN even before debuting
>Sweetest and least grating voice in HoloEN
>So incredibly good at singing that there are several clippers solely dedicated to posting singing compilations and members-only karaoke VODs
>Very empathetic and understanding, stays humble no matter how popular she is, genuinely looks up to her co-workers and senpais and actively tries to learn from them
>Inspires others by being as earnest and uplifting as possible while streaming, despite clearly having dealt with severe depression in the past
>Good chemistry with everyone in collabs, especially Ame and Mori, doesn't force herself to do collabs unless she's comfortable and knows she can make it a great time for everyone
>Has the best understanding of what makes good stream content in HoloEN, a balanced mix between popular Hololive staples like Minecraft, Phasmophobia and RingFit and personal favorites that play well into a livestream format like Amnesia and Luigi's Mansion
>Avoids certain genres like RPGs and VNs because they generally don't make for good streaming content, especially if they aren't short
>Very self-conscious about getting stale with her content (ironically assisted by her ADHD), always makes sure to try one or two new things every week, doesn't hesitate to drop games that overstayed their welcome and are getting boring for her (Amnesia Rebirth, Skyrim, Visage, RDR2)
>Leaves typically niche content like watchalongs to members only, as not to take regular stream spaces that can be used for more mass-appeal stuff
>Has the self-restraint not to run her own jokes to the ground
>Meme pockets run deep, catches viewers off-guard every time she drops a cultured meme out of nowhere
>Story times range from interesting and comfy (plant cultivation stories) to batshit insane (bathwater pizza, dish mold, foot fetish stories), you literally never know what you're going to get
>Closet horny but keeps it classy
>Healthy relationship with chat, reads messages a lot of the time, often compliments them and jokes around with them, knows how to masterfully spin serious complaints into playful banter without souring the mood of the stream
>Overall just a meticulously balanced act in being cute, funny, endearing, smart and dumb, high-energy and low-energy, and inspirational and relatable

>> No.2366436

I think the pasta is just bait

>> No.2366461

No it's pretty obviously correct to people who watch her a lot, that dude is reaching

>> No.2367695

Her problem is that she's unironically too good at her job. She's like a professional entertainer and is always in the zone so her streams and interactions always come out as insincere catering. She's like a Hollywood actor doing a meet and greet. As humble and friendly as they pretend to be, they're desensitized to the whole thing and are basically running on autopilot. Meanwhile you have other vtubers who genuinely work hard to entertain and interact so they come off as more sincere and genuine
She's also extremely bad at any video game that isn't a rhythm game.

>> No.2368173

I'm pretty sure she said the only reason she doesn't say fuck is because of youtube being autistic or some shit I could be wrong tho

>> No.2368196

Copied this from an anon

>Cutest design that carried her to have the most subs in HoloEN even before debuting
>Sweetest and least grating voice in HoloEN
>So incredibly good at singing that there are several clippers solely dedicated to posting singing compilations and members-only karaoke VODs
>Very empathetic and understanding, stays humble no matter how popular she is, genuinely looks up to her co-workers and senpais and actively tries to learn from them
>Inspires others by being as earnest and uplifting as possible while streaming, despite clearly having dealt with severe depression in the past
>Good chemistry with everyone in collabs, especially Ame and Calli, doesn't force herself to do collabs unless she's comfortable and knows she can make it a great time for everyone
>Has the best understanding of what makes good stream content in HoloEN, a balanced mix between popular Hololive staples like Minecraft, Phasmophobia and RingFit and personal favorites that play well into a livestream format like Amnesia and Luigi's Mansion
>Avoids certain genres like RPGs and VNs because they generally don't make for good streaming content, especially if they aren't short
>Very self-conscious about getting stale with her content (ironically assisted by her ADHD), always makes sure to try one or two new things every week, doesn't hesitate to drop games that overstayed their welcome and are getting boring for her (Amnesia Rebirth, Skyrim, Visage, RDR2)
>Leaves typically niche content like watchalongs to members only, as not to take regular stream spaces that can be used for more mass-appeal stuff
>Has the self-restraint not to run her own jokes to the ground
>Meme pockets run deep, catches viewers off-guard every time she drops a cultured meme out of nowhere
>Story times range from interesting and comfy (plant cultivation stories) to batshit insane (bathwater pizza, dish mold, foot fetish stories), you literally never know what you're going to get
>Closet horny but keeps it classy
>Healthy relationship with chat, reads messages a lot of the time, often compliments them and jokes around with them, knows how to masterfully spin serious complaints into playful banter without souring the mood of the stream
>Overall just a meticulously balanced act in being cute, funny, endearing, smart and dumb, high-energy and low-energy, and inspirational and relatable

>> No.2370834

Obvious Nyanners cuck hands typed this post.

>> No.2370852

Some people like the fakeness.

>> No.2370964

>>Avoids certain genres like RPGs and VNs because they generally don't make for good streaming content, especially if they aren't short

This is a bad thing and will hurt her more in the long run, she'll become known as meme fad game player who only plays games once or twice.
She'll end up having a high sub count but low viewer count

>> No.2371010

Why are people pushing Nyanners vs Gura? Is this some sort of mindtrick to get fans to want to see them collab?

>> No.2371017

Nyanners is reddit, Gura is 4chan.

>> No.2371058

>most popular in their respective agency.
>both has mental illness.
>fish v cat.

>> No.2373119

Her stream preferences could change and mature over time. Starting out her career in Hololive meant she was encouraged to diversify her content a lot early on, in order to leave a strong first impression and garner a wide following, which isn't as important now that she's 7 months in and has consolidated her fanbase. With the exception of her sponsored Bandori stream, this entire week was comprised only of games she's already started before. She's smart enough to realize that even starting new games as often as she usually does can be, in itself, repetitive. While Gura is definitely lazy in some regards, she somehow always makes great weekly schedules and has a good eye for content that buffs her views/subs.

>> No.2373428

It's been a meme since before Gura was even Gura. People often used to call her past life Blue Nyanners. It has irrationally persisted even though there's not really that much reason to compare them apart from both having cute loli voices, and Nyanners is far from the only other one with a voice like that these days anyways.

>> No.2374040
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humble sure but probably bc she has a bit of an imposter syndrome from her instant fame. And she also doesn't try shit. Gura is the laziest tuber I've seen.
>Cant really collab with anyone else bc she's too lazy to learn jp and her fans would probably harrass ID girls
>You mean she doesn't know how to be entertaining and only plays staple games to get views?
>The stories also back up that she's fuckin lazy and probably unhygienic
>She's not entertaining
>I love Gura and watch her

>> No.2376025

this will explain everything.

>> No.2376876

You could at least try and watch her first.

>> No.2377060

Its the trend, eventually everyone will either stop watching vtuber or just watch Nijisamji

>> No.2377747 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 510x336, istockphoto-516532217-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't find Gura entertaining, but I still force myself to watch her, because, uhhhh... I'm a... holofag, I guess? Anyways here's a bunch of retarded rrats I found about her- I mean I observed from obviously watching her regularly, ok? I love Gura but she boring and suck and for kids, ok?

>> No.2377783
File: 53 KB, 510x336, istockphoto-516532217-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't find Gura entertaining, but I still force myself to watch her, because, uhhhh... I'm a... holofag, I guess? Anyways here's a bunch of retarded rrats I found about her- I mean I observed from obviously watching her regularly, ok? I love Gura but she boring and suck and for kids, ok?

>> No.2379775 [DELETED] 
File: 3.14 MB, 2189x2375, soyshark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2380025

This thread wants to be the "is she leaving?" thread I just know it

>> No.2380075

>Her voice acting also sucks most of the time. She is the worst vtuber yet has the most subscribers

Nigger have you seen some of the indies?

>Voice acting
I hate faggots like you so much

>> No.2380154

The audience for western vtubers is the same as the audience for mlp and smash

>> No.2380200

Isn't Lilypichu the OG?
This shit is unhealthy.

>> No.2380265

Anon...That says more about you

>> No.2380354

Aren't smash fans too young to like mlp?

>> No.2380396

Why out of all the characters, they had to give Gawr to some talentless EN whore? I’m still fucking mad. She’d be a 3M subs JP holo, easily.

>> No.2380421

To like MLP and post about it online you mean. And most of them are probably being groomed by a pro as we speak

>> No.2380445

How do you even go to the bathroom without shitting yourself?

>> No.2380466

Her design was going to go to Polka originally too but they decided not to because it was too similar to the character she used between Nobuhime and Polka

>> No.2380513

I can't watch her because she's too popular even if she really did nothing wrong to make me hate her or anything it's just my inner hipster.

>> No.2380533

Majority are too used to JP lolis because most viewers are weebs and actual Japanese. So hit them with the western loli.

>> No.2380572

>Fucking kill yourself

>> No.2380574
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Yeah, I’m sick of it. I'm sick of all this "millions of subscribes English vtubers" bullshit that's going on in the chuuba market right now. Japanese vtubers deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself donated to a genuine vtuber from Japan over 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been watching their every stream for almost 2 years now. My vtubers mog full professors of philosophy with interesting things they have to say.
Japanese vtubers spend years practicing for a single stream and do their reps up to million times to produce the finest entertainment known to mankind.
Japanese chuubas are thrice as entertaining as English ones and thrice as funny for that matter too. Anything an EN can stream, a JP can stream better. I'm pretty sure a JP holo could easily mog EN thrice their sub count with a simple gaming stream.
Ever wonder why Gura never bothered collabing with a JP? That's right, she was too scared to be put next the disciplined JP-senpai and their superior Japanese entertainment. Even in the beginnings of /vt/, orangeposters targeted mainly JP holos because their audience captivation power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? JP holos are simply the best vtubers that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better numbers than they get. We don’t need those EOP meme spewing twitch thots to pollute our perfect vtuber word, unless they're asian and underdog like Ina.

>> No.2380603

Its only 2mn subs bro, Pokimane is more popular.

>> No.2380616

What's even more unhealthy is not being able to tell the difference between fiction and reality. Ask Nyanners.

>> No.2380639

She is though. She says the 4chan things instead of the reddit/twitter things. That makes her cool.

>> No.2380754

Nijifag trying to bait a Holo vs Vshojo war

>> No.2380840

Vshojo is just plain bad and you know it. You've got an assortment of hypocritical SJW, literal man using text to speech, lazy slut, dying slut, slut who has been accused of doing some scummy things in the past to do with business, etc etc etc.
I hate that Viebae is cozying up to them because I actually liked her.

>> No.2380891

I liked Apricot until I found out all the shit about her from her being in vshojo

>> No.2381163

yellow fever chama

>> No.2381197

>wojakposting here
You are just making gura antis look even more retarded, newfag

>> No.2381218

She's one of those "it's so bad it's good" type of creators.

>> No.2381229

>he ACTUALLY fucking believes this

>> No.2381401
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>> No.2381442

Just watch Kana, she's the best sister

>> No.2381467

Go back

>> No.2381526


>> No.2381571

She's just really sweet. I don't know why anyone would hate her.

>> No.2381615

You couldn't be more obvious how fucking new you are, you should return to someplace more your speed like reddit

>> No.2381650

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.2381724

You couldn't be more obvious with how much you're seething

>> No.2381784

Ancient pasta. Thanks for reminding me I've been on this shithole for far too long.

>> No.2381790

Kana's legitimately my favorite non-hololive chuuba and I feel like she would fit right in for gen2.

>> No.2381927

>Very self-conscious about getting stale with her content (ironically assisted by her ADHD)
People always say Gura has ADHD but I find no source for this. Is it viewer diagnosis or did she actually say it herself? Please no bully I just occasionally watch her uploads.

>> No.2381934

Going corporate would ruin her, since she'd have less freedom. I'm pretty sure that you could offer her a spot in HoloEN and she'd instantly say no

>> No.2381975

>since she'd have less freedom
Freedom to do what? Literally all she does is stream the same games that the holos have permissions for. She isn't a yab machine like Vshojo either, she stays pretty clean in what she talks about. Like I said she could fit right into hololive without needing to change at all. Your post reeks of being one of those indie groomer fags.

>> No.2382098

I literally just repeated what she said herself you dumbass

>> No.2382394

I only watch her because she's a good singer and because I did my roommate reps and found that she's likely a Red Sox fan.
(Also blue/white/silver is a clean fucking color scheme)

>> No.2384341

She'd still have to deal with permissions retardation and unforseen limitations being placed by the company that you can't predict. She probably just wants to be able to say what she wants without a manager breathing down her neck and not be forced to shill bullshit. Also she seems too afraid to sing.

>> No.2384421

I'm pretty sure I've discovered it. Besides her previous career and showing she's capable of raking in millions of views with her memes, her design is what really pushes her forward as the most popular vtuber.

Think about it, most of her viewers are kids. A while back, when these kids were even younger, they were all watching that fucking baby shark song. Now all of these kids have associated sharks with being cute and fun to watch on youtube. It all adds up that gura being a cute shark character for kids is playing on their old associations.

>> No.2385248

shes a pretty little loli vtuber thats the appeal you fag

>> No.2386423

A perfect time for a karaoke stream.
I did myself a little pleasure and took some AP-238.
I hope she's doing great and isn't too stressed!

>> No.2386437
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>> No.2386449

missclick, I'm dumb and I bumped a shitty thread instead of /ggg/ sorry

>> No.2386468

Watching the shark struggle to live with herself is part of the appeal yes

>> No.2399008

Coot shak

>> No.2399229


>> No.2405250

tl;dr she's cute, her voice is lovely and she's funny.
