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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23362838 No.23362838 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23362889

Astel is pretty good

>> No.23362920

1) Don't enjoy
2) zzzz
3) she's okay
4) zzzz
5) literally who?
6) too uggo to watch

>> No.23362977

Meh, don't care about them

>> No.23362985

Zero effort streamers.
But not like that matters anyway since welsh man was right.

>> No.23363026

Nijinigger deflection thread.

>> No.23363091

Kronii = Self sabotaged her popularity
Mumei = Boring
Baelz = Ear rape voice and laugh
Fauna = Boring
Sana = Lazy
Irys = Sex

>> No.23363101

failures. Holo en peaked with myth

>> No.23363176
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1-Korean female vinny

>> No.23363217

But enough about the characters they're cosplaying

>> No.23363276

Lazy stoner
Cute college girl
Best of her gen
Cute and thriving even with design debuff
Would impregnate all of them but would not take responsibility for Kronii and Sana.

>> No.23363309

Sana and Mumei - alright
Fauna - the best one, because she's the funniest
Bae - don't like the model, seems like nothing special
Irys - Cute and Sex
Kronii - Has her moments, but comes across as insincere and kinda dumb

>> No.23363319

Kronii good, Moom ok, others bad.

>> No.23363346

boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, only good EN

>> No.23363435

Fauna and Mumei are beyond uninteresting
Sana never streams
Bae and Kronii are alright, decent even
IRyS is wonderful

>> No.23363470

Top tier: IRyS, Mumei, Fauna.
Mating Press tier: Bae.
Don't care for them tier: Kronii, Sana.

>> No.23363473

Depressed menhera. The definition of wasted potential. Could have been god tier if she cared.
Personality of a rock. Absolute trash.
Can't watch her due to her meme timezone
Incredibly well-rounded streamer. Is great.
"I'M LE HORNY" jokes x1000. Trash singing.

>> No.23363483

I like them and have nothing against them, but I'm not interested enough to watch them consistently.

I really admire IrYS's talent and work ethic, and I was truly happy to see Hakos Baelz back after following MyHoloTV since their debuts (although I was primarily a Miori watcher).

Sana was a weird one to me because I've been in her orbit of artist friends from a distance through mutuals for years, and she never really struck me as suited to Hololive's streaming as much as I love her. I watched her for a couple months to support her because she is genuinely a nice and cute person, but fell off for obvious reasons.

Don't know much about the other three but they seem cool! Honestly I wouldn't be mad if I was forced pick any of them and watch each and every broadcast.

I 100% see where people are coming from, saying they Council girls don't really measure up to Myth. But Hololive's appeal for me has always partially been the longevity of their lifespans and all the changes together and alone that come with the months and years. Wishing the best for them.

>> No.23363497

I enjoy Mumei and Kronii's content. Don't really watch the others but they're inoffensive enough.

>> No.23363503

kind of killed my interest in HoloEN honestly

>> No.23363515

Love Irys. Who are these other ones?

>> No.23363517

autistic and socially awkward.
long pauses in her sentences.
Gura 2.0 but if she was way weirder
ugly laugh. but overall fun to watch.
especially when paired with irys
softspoken, gentle, and caring.
the best english GFE vtuber
hardly streams.
but still better than mori
great, despite her ugly model.
also has great chemisty with bae

>> No.23363556
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have not watched a stream of any of these, except IRyS
rrat knows cars so she's cool

>> No.23363559

>"I'm a literally thread watcher"
That's all you had to say. I don't like them either but come on retardo.

>> No.23363565

What the hell is this? A reasonable argument? On MY 4chan?

>> No.23364003

1. Sex
2. Sex
3. Sex
4. Sex
5. Nigger
6. La creatura

>> No.23364067

I like Fauna and Irys
Feels like the rest are still settling in

>> No.23364135


>> No.23364185

IRyS is by far the best. Fauna is #2. The others are meh.

>> No.23364190

Better than Myth

>> No.23364234
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Mating Press
Mating Press
Mating Press
Mating Press
Mating Press
Mating Press

>> No.23364459

>she's gonna turn me into a concernfag if I keep watching her
>can't tell if she's actually like this or really good at playing the part
>the constant ritual posting of "c-cheesed to meet you?" followed by mating press has conditioned me to want to say it the moment I look at her
>I liked her Spore streams
>there are better and more active Australian vtubers
>tends to look better in fanart

>> No.23364503

Kronii: Depressed prude with impostor syndrome that threw away a shot at being a top-3 EN vtuber. She can still fix things but asking her to do that is like asking Gura to be a numberfag.
Mumei: Really shaky start but she's starting to build her brand up. She's going to end up as the ace of Council.
Rrat: Annoying zoomer speak, tries too hard to be energetic and to fit her model/lore. She should just give up on trying to be aussie Ollie and calm down.
Fauna: Found her groove since she started playing more games and will probably end up being the 2nd most popular Council girl after Mumei.
Sana: So many mistakes and self-inflicted wounds but it's nothing that isn't fixable as long as she wants to fix it.
IRyS: No red-flag flaws except for her goblina model.

>> No.23365358


Alright enough joking, here are my honest opinions

Kronii: Vtuber with the sexiest voice. I think it depends on the stream but I actually enjoy her unlike what people claim here on /vt/. She gets a bad rep probably because of the clippers clipping her depressing moments,(another reason she is hated is because of her past) but i do feel she is a good girl at heart. Although her talking about her private life like a few days ago really made me a concernfag. I just hope that whatever she is going through does not break her. Also she gets along really freaking well with Ina, Ame, Gura, IRyS, Fauna and Mumei. Also imo had the best Vtuber debut.

Mumei: I fucking hated her debut and she was my least favourite Vtuber in Holo (there were a few rrats that her roommate was going through a rough patch at that time).
I will be honest, I thought she was the most cliche vtuber(as i only was a clip viewer) but long story short, she really grew on me as time progressed and the clippers started clipping some interesting moments from her stream. For January onwards, I started watching her streams and honestly, she has now become one of my favourite Vtubers and my second favourite Vtuber in En. She can do almost everything and despite being socially ackward, gets along with every fucking member.
The only thing i wish is that she collaborates more with the Jp members. I also feel she is a good singer but she should not sing Jp songs as it really makes her conscious.

Bae: There are a lot of things that people may dislike about Bae like her laugh, but despite all of that I feel she is the most simplest Vtuber to get into in Hololive En. The one thing I will say is that if she drops her fake laugh, she will eventually become more popular than her genmates.
Also, she does not really quite fit the title of the leader of the group like Ame or Kiara(This is one of council's downfall as there is no organiser here like Kiara or a reliable personality like Ame) but I cant expect much from her as she is a uni girl and as a person who is in Uni, I really admire her dedication to streaming. Lastly I wish she focused more on singing and releasing more covers as i actually feel thats where her strength lies. She was my favourite Vtuber during the debut month also her model is sexxx.

Fauna: The one Vtuber I personally have had 0 problems with since she started her career in Hololive. You get everything you expect from her and more. I felt she will just be an Ina 2.0 in the start but by the end of her debut, I was impressed. Yeah the leak about her roommate really sucks as it initially made her get an immense amount of hate like Mumei from Holo antis and some schizos which slowed her down in the beginning from making more content (and it only makes me wonder what their full potential could have been in terms of number and subs if that was not leaked). But despite all of that, I still think she has the best interaction with her fanbase. She is a really wholesome lady who will make you feel comfortable and will take away all your stress with her lovely giggles and smile. And despite being amn Asmrtist, she does not do GFE. She considers herself as a voice actress/ Asmrtist before being anything. And out of all the vtuber fandoms i have seen, I must say that saplings have by far been the most wholesome community i have ever seen and it makes me want to watch more of Fauna. Also her model is Sexxxxxxxxx.

Sana: I really liked her and just think what could have been if she was as motived now as she was back then. Now she is just a laughing stock for Nijisanji and Vshojo peeps. She has a close connection to her members but overall, the 2 big breaks really did affect her mentality regarding stream. She was initially the most hard working Vtuber in Council and if she had continued that, I think she would have been in a similar position to Lui from Holox who had a neche fanbase here and now, she is one of the most loved vtubers. Also her numbers would be way better but i dont feel she streams for numbers and records like some of the other Hololive members from the main branch.

Finally, IRyS:
My Love, my one and only Oshi.
She is just pure joy. As soon as she debuted i knew she was gonna be a special vtuber who people will come to appreciate in the future. Her model is ok desu. Kind of like 1.0 of Fubuki and people exaggerate how bad the model looks. She got everything you can ask from a streamer and it just shows that how much this girl actually loves streaming. And one thing which really makes me love about her is that the way she shows how grateful she is really is to be in this position unlike M***. She does not bring her personal life in her streams (Kudos to her for that) and uses streaming as a way to lift herself up, which really does puts a smile on my face. I also believe she is the best En singer for live singing and is up there with Towa, Sora and others from JP.(1/2)

>> No.23365462

Kronii: She's pretty funny but I like her in collabs, don't really watch her solo
Mumei: I enjoy her alot and she has great karaoke, bless her for trying to revive MC
Bae: My favorite and most watched council, very hardworking and cute, I try to catch every stream of hers
Fauna: I really like her solo streams and she is pretty good in collabs as well
Sana: I haven't caught much of her but she seems like a sweet girl
IRyS: I love iwys, she is really entertaining, one of the best collab partners and her ER playthrough is my favorite so far

>> No.23365616

The only right answer

>> No.23365686

Although, if i had to point out one flaw when it comes to IRyS, then it will be the software that she uses to record her songs and stuff.
Her singing is divine for live karoke but for recorded songs, it just lacks something.
I feel if talking about recorded songs, she is behind Kiara and Bae.
There have been some good songs despite of that though. Sink again, Rise again is my fav En song but I kind of expect more from her considering she is soo good in live singing department.

Finally, I think it was all expected that these guys will not replace Myth in terms of numbers and all that stuff but if i am being honest to myself, Council is far superior and more engaging for me than Myth.
Based on watchtime and preference, I will say that for me

>> No.23365722


>> No.23365726

My man actually wrote a goddamn essay to give his honest opinions.

>> No.23365828

People always say Bae's laugh is fake but as someone who watched her previous identity, she always had a weird high pitch laugh that she desperately tried to hide. She just stopped bothering to suppress it as Bae.

>> No.23365846
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I love IRyS!

>> No.23365847

someone who actually watches streams

>> No.23365936

Fauna is great. All the others have something that holds them back as streamers but it's not something that couldn't be fixed by good experience/mentoring/management.

>> No.23365965

Have always liked Kronii, Mumei, and Fauna. Just recently felt Bae and Irys are kinda hot and sexy. Never felt anything about Sana

>> No.23366033

I don't know anything about that but i feel she is better when she is not pulling the chaos thing. Although, her acting like an agent of chaos can be interesting sometimes in the minecraft streams

>> No.23366036

I don't know how I got used to Rosemi's voice but Fauna still filters me even thought she's a great conversationalist

>> No.23366184

I feel you but she baerly does the chaos thing noawadays mate, she's just zoomer rat now and is much more soft spoken in non-gaming streams

Although yeah I agree with you, that minecraft was done well with the chaos aspect and all

>> No.23366185

Agree with almost everything but what was that Kronii thing which made people concerned about her

>> No.23366208

She doesn't force the chaos thing anymore either, anon. But I understand that she filtered a lot of people early on so they don't know how she acts nowadays outside of collabs (where she does tryhard) and don't give her a second chance.

>> No.23366529

Ok dont get me wrong, I still watch her from time to time and 101% watch her special streams like her MInecraft streams, singing streams and the collabs(This is why i was able to make a claim that in minecraft she does full fill her lore).
But there is only so much time in the day and because of this I sometimes miss out on her zatsu streams and her powerwash streams where she maybe the calm bae

>> No.23366693
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I think councils biggest issue isn't any individual flaws (well okay Sana's is). They're all growing, figuring out their character and trying to find a better balance. People often forget early myth struggles and how aspect that are now special to the group like 3D collabs didn't appear till the anniversary. But once we reach council's anniversary I'm not sure it'll feel like a special time for the group.

They still lack much of a dynamic, there are collab groups within that work very well but as a whole there is still a special spark that they lack. No one really leads, no one has some boundary they want to push as a group. It isn't unheard of for gens, funnily enough JP gen 2 openly joke about never doing shit together. It just stands out next to Myth's very strong dynamic.

>> No.23366754

>but comes across as insincere
How so?

>> No.23366767

god I fucking love IRyS

>> No.23366789

It's all good mate, we all only have so much time to watch the girls, the fact that you watch them all when you can and gave your honest opinion is appreciated in a place where people make threadreader claims all the time

>> No.23366933

I agree, as I pointed out here >>23365358
That Concil's biggest flaw is perhaps that they are missing the Ame or the Kiara of this group.
I think for individual talent, Council>Myth and for duo or trio collabs, Council>Myth.
But when its the 5 of them, it can be questionable. I actually used to think that Council had more group dynamic than Myth till the 6 month ani.
Where Sana and Kronii seemed out of place. But i feel the rest of the group collabs(like the missionary and earlier council collabs) were kino

>> No.23366968

I think Council has a strong dynamic between Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, and Bae. The problem is that Sana is basically nonexistent so they couldn't grow as a group. There's been no Council collabs except the mandatory ones ever since Sana basically disappeared that second time.

>> No.23367043

Kronii - Didn't like her at first, kinda grew on me. Hard to care too much since she doesn't put much effort in
Mumei - Oshi, great mix of funny and relaxing content. Works great in every collab.
Bae - Sex sleepy voice. Don't really care too much about her content, she at least tries though. Will check her out if there's no one better streaming
Fauna - High peaks and low lows, will either be really funny and entertaining and will sometimes put me to sleep. Has good collab synergy though.
Sana - Shit design on debut, boring content, doesn't stream. Who cares.
Irys - Sex. Her creative content is great, she's kind of like a more consistent Fauna. Held back by her shit design.
Honestly been watching them more than Myth recently other than Gura.

>> No.23367069

OP do you really feel the need to make 2 council post? Kys

>> No.23367073

I don't think about them at all

>> No.23367107

1 Cum Buckets
2 Cum Jars
3 ?
4 Cum small Buckets
5 Based Aussie Sheila

>> No.23367264

From debut was interested in Fauna, mumei and bae, then primarily stuck with bae and lost interest in the others. Now I like them all but especially Fauna, Irys, and Bae.

>> No.23367267

Kronii = Model is SEX and voice is SEX but I can't see her sexually because I'm worried about her mental health. Sometimes funny, sometimes awkward
Mumei = I really didn't like her at debut but now she's one of my favorite EN streamers. I'm glad she found her thing. I really want her to graduate(college) so she has more time to stream because I like her content.
Baelz = Cannot stand the voice. I've spilled liters of cum to her though.
Fauna = Very complete streamer. Witty and not boring to listen to. Like a standard deviation smarter than her genmates so sometimes when she says something smart and funny or uses complicated words no one gets it. Needs better game selection.
Sana = Wasted potential. Liked her the most at debut and now I like her the least.
Irys = Literal diamond. Can't watch her too much because I start to fall in love and I refuse to fall in love with a fucking streamer. Have to be cautious and watch from afar.

>> No.23367432

I think Kronii, Fauna, Mumei have a very solid dynamic. Bae can work individually with them, but as a four it just kind of becomes friends chilling. Which is fine it just doesn't stand out. Then Sana has no idea so defaults, I love Kiara for saying "Sana what did you have for breakfast don't say bread" cause she could see it and wanted to pull her out that shell. Council lack those Austrian balls of steel. unless as I keep hoping Bae grows them

Myth had a huge advantage as trend setters cause whatever they do IT BROKE NEW GROUND tm. But they're also more about being performers, Ina less so but she plays a very good straight man and can cry good. A stronger council group showing would probably have to play into their more chill nature. Just doesn't seem like any of them are pushing for it.

>> No.23367569

Kroni: overall ok, the narcissist bit gets old after a while though
Mumei: boring af when she's alone, but not to bad during collabs
Hakos: the constant screaming is annoying and she acts like a child who didn't get their way sometimes, will still watch if no one else is on
Fauna: I honestly can't stand her voice, it's like she's trying to hard to speak a certain way not to mention her game choices are sub par. I'm not in to the whole ASMR/GFE thing so doesn't appeal to me
Sana: should honestly just graduate. I actually don't hate her, but it's extremely clear she doesn't care about the job at all, possibly even less than mori seeing as she doesn't stream
Irys: I'm actually pretty cool with Irys. The face thing was weird at first but it grew on me and doesn't effect me anymore.

>> No.23367638

> getting raped by a rat
what a beta, toughen up weakling

>> No.23367661

Retarded (cute)
Cuter and funny
Doesn't stream
Love of my life. I want to ram IRyS from behind slapping my balls against her perfect ass and using her horns as handlers

>> No.23367726

Why does everyone seem to like IRyS?

>> No.23367739

I honestly believe they would have had way more cohesion as a group if they had just debuted IRyS with Council instead of Sana. They probably still wouldn't have a 'leader' but they wouldn't really need one. IRyS helps Bae stand out in collabs when she's not being distracted by gameplay. And the others are really good at bouncing of eachother and off IRyS. There'd at least be more push and pull than the awkward collabs we get now whenever Sana forces dated jokes.

>> No.23367815

She is literally HoloJP quality, but speaking english

>> No.23367831

holy based

>> No.23367835

I kneel

>> No.23367849

Mumei drawn too sexy, IRyS too. Kronii and Fauna and Bae not sexy enough. Sana not really in between, more like a third space where you know the body is drawn well but face too moeblob to consider sexy (much like the actual Sana).

>> No.23367871

I'd like to get in those robots.

>> No.23367872

Kronii needs to stream more and stop being so fucking lazy. Also needs to learn more about Hololive, she clearly doesn't know much.

Mumei's lack of OPSEC hurt her, right now she seems to be "lulsorandum XD" girl.

Bae is loud and annoying.

Fauna has the same OPSEC problem as Mumei but she's a great entertainer. She'll never be able to maximize her ASMR for GFE though because of said problem.

Sana needs to stream more.

Irys seems great but her model is fucking upsetting.

>> No.23367956

Other than her design she's just a very inoffensive streamer. Doesn't have any gags that grow old, gets along really well with everyone, tries to do some creative stuff once in a while. She's also doesn't do much to stand out but she does what she does well.

>> No.23367983

I think Holo Jp streamers are amazing(My oshi is from Jp) but En has an overall better quality of streamers if you take all the En vs all the Jp in account

>> No.23368014

Her model is really her only set back, and even then you can easily get used to it/past it. Nice personality, decent singing voice, interacts with fans

>> No.23368110

She's just the right ammount of seductive and unseiso so she doesn't comes off as unclassy while reaping those benefits, and the right ammount of funny while not coming off as trying too hard

>> No.23368126

She's everything I wanted from a Holo EN except the model. She's like a Holo JP with her quality and work ethic, except she speaks English.

>> No.23368190

I feel you are the one of the few people who actually watches Vtubers and not just a clip viewer.
Its rare to see a person who has an oshi give unbiased opinions about other vtubers.
Glad to see you that you get along with the saplings

>> No.23368216

>(another reason she is hated is because of her past)
Kronii has a past? What'd she do?

>> No.23368219

They're all kind of boring. Then again I don't watch EN in general.

>> No.23368309

All of them have been underwhelming lately or in some cases overall. But I have a soft spot for this cursed generation&IRyS. I hope they get better because at least 4 of them are going through some sort of crisis right now and I know they can do great things under better circumstances. Best wishes.

>> No.23368345

He's a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will

>> No.23368401

Fauna and Irys are decent entertainers. The rest are unwatchable

>> No.23368521

They have improved a lot since debut especially Bae. Overall they have better chemistry than Myth but for many reasons they can't make use of their strength. Kronii, Mumei and Irys currently are the ones with potential to become top tiers in Holo but we will see in the future.

>> No.23368547

I like Kronii a lot, good voice and pretty funny I love when she's teasing chat, too bad she's a lazy bitch with a lot of personal problems
Mumei can be so cool at times, great singer too when she's not being autistic, sometimes her streams can be awkward when she doesn't know what to say th
Bae is great but sometimes I hate her voice
Fauna is kinda boring but her ASMR streams are top tier, she's doesn't take herself too seriously which is cool
I have no idea about sana and Irys so i can't comment
overall I think they have better chemistry than Myth but they're all too fucking lazy for this game they have to grind more

>> No.23368763

Irys is unwatchable because her model is SHIT

>> No.23368868

I will personally rank them as
Overall, i think because of Sana, Myth>Council

>> No.23368886

dont like kronii, hate her voice
like mumei
like the rat
fauna is ok
dont like sana
irys is ok

>> No.23369276

I don't really watch them because of timezones and other vtubers have come along to offer things I like. A shame if you ask me, I'd be more willing to watch Bae and Irys more if they didn't stream at around 4:00am for me, wish them the best regardless, especially Irys getting a non goblino model.

>> No.23369318

I really wanted to like her, but she has the personality of a cardboard. At least she's funny on collabs
Funny birb, even funnier if paired with Kronii and Fauna. Love her karaokes.
Not my cup of tea. Loud, obnoxious, humor way too zoomer for me to enjoy, basically Ollie but Australian. Would mating press, nevertheless.
Makes me cringe but in a sad way. All the time she hasn't streamed has caused her to not form any bonds within the branch other than Ina. Watching her try to interact with the other girls and fail miserably at it makes me physically uncomfortable.
The biggest surprise in the gen for me. Funny, witty, soft-spoken and I like her word choices a lot. Pretty good at games, and the most entertaining of the bunch.
Haven't watched her a lot on her own, but from what I've seen on large collabs she seems pretty funny. Shame she's often paired with the rrat and the Lean Reaper.

>> No.23369342

I hated them all because I disliked how Hololive tried to undermine the success of Myths. Eventually I came back and watched a lot of their clips and started to like them more and more.

IRyS > Kronii > Bae > Fauna > Mumei

Yes IRyS is pure s3x. I hope she streams more.

>> No.23369384

Like Kronii, tolerate Mumei, despise Sana and Bae, hate Fauna, like Irys.

>> No.23369387 [DELETED] 

Mumei and Fauna are whores with boyfriends. Sana is a lazy bitch nepotism hire.

Bae and Kronii are alright tho.

>> No.23369430

>hate Fauna

>> No.23369624

>Mumei, boyfriend
He doesn't know

>> No.23369656

Really underwhelming and killed my interest in any future gens of holoEN. Was immediately turned off by the lore and over-the-top designs, and their streams didn't do anything to make me care for them either. None of their voices really stood out to me either like early Gura and Ina's did.

>> No.23369740

and why is that?
why do you not like them?

>> No.23369821

IRyS is the best EN, Rrat is very good but I can't get into her enough to keep up with her channel, basically only watch JP collabs with her. Don't care about the rest.

>> No.23369829

Kronii - I think she's fun in collabs and can be one of the funniest members of Council when she tries, but she definitely got intimidated by her sudden success especially for someone who already was in a poor state of mind. I don't watch her solo gaming streams often (they're just not for me), but I enjoy her zatsu streams and twitter spaces.
Mumei - One of the two I'd consider having the roughest start. It took her a while to grow into her own but she's hitting her stride now and finding the kind of content she wants to make. Very weird/funny and damn relatable when she's ranting about her troubles with uni and socializing.
Bae - I'm a Brat through and through. I love this sweet zoomer rat like a sister and have been here since the beginning. Definitely the other one I consider having the roughest start. The lore and expectations she desperately tried to meet early on hurt her. First impressions can make or break someone and she left a pretty bad one for a lot of people. She's made vast improvements since then and is settling into her role now. There's still room to improve though and I plan to be there to see them.
Fauna - I love the comfy vibes this kirin gives me. Very consistent streamer who has given solid content from the beginning. I can't always catch her streams because of the time, but the ones I do catch are always nice. She's a smart girl with witty humor I appreciate.
Sana - I liked her fine at first but... well...
IRyS - Probably the one I watch the most after Bae. At this point I might even consider her a second Oshi. She's charismatic and funny. Honestly a joy to listen to, especially when she's going on and on about the anime she likes. I just wish she was being better managed. The complete and utter mismanagement of IRyS is turning me into a concernfag. I really hope she can negotiate for a better contract when the year is up.

>> No.23370017

I share this smart man's opinion

>> No.23370088

Kronii: i personally enjoy her streams the most out of council. i think she holds herself back sometimes and it can cause issues between things like what she thinks her chat wants to watch and what they actually want to watch (which generally is anything involving her).
Numei: its been pretty interesting to watch her grow into her own, she has a good chance of being the breakout talent of council. consistent streamer + being able to collab with anyone + quirkyness have made her stand out a lot
Fauna: i agree with the another anon that fauna is probably the most well rounded of council. the most "gamer" focused person of council and has a niche all to herself being the main one to do asmr
Sana: her not streaming often have stifled her but her steams are generally pretty comfy so it is what it is. i think she would be a bigger hit if/when she can stream more consistently and collab with the others.
Bae: i think shes still trying to find her niche and place amongst the group, i think she wants to do more but college + timezone kinda limit her.
Irys: my second favorite. i think making her be in a gen by herself and not giving her proper support musically have kinda screwed her over a little bit. but just like with mumei she can collab with anyone and ends up being the glue in collabs due to being able to speak both english and japanese.

all around im generally a fan of council and i think they were a good addition to EN. they all got collectively screwed by omega and by youtube deleting their subs but all of them got no real yabs or issues that cant be circumvented and tend to work well together and with myth.

>> No.23370095

I think you are being a little to harsh on Bae

>> No.23370392

Bae's voice is a hit or miss tho.

>> No.23370625

I like them all with Bae and IRyS being my favourites
If I had a ranking, it would go something like this:

Like I said, I don't hate any of them and they pair really well with myth, especially Mumei and Fauna

>> No.23370820

I like Bae, Fauna and IRyS.
Mumei is ok.
Sana could be good but she never streams.
Don't like Kronii - too much of a downer and I don't find her sense of humor enjoyable.

Overall as I unit I like them better than Myth.

>> No.23370961


>> No.23371021

Baelz collaborated with a whore on twitch, fucking retard after the retards like Ollie, Irys, Mori and…

>> No.23371116

1. Would smash
2. Would smash
3. Would mating press her
4. Would smash
5. Would smash
6. Would smash

>> No.23371482

finally people for Gura to talk to

>> No.23371549

I didn't say I didn't like them, I said I found them to be underwhelming. They fell short of what I imagined holoEN gen 2 to be like and now I don't have any hopes gen 3 will be any better.

>> No.23371567

Gura becoming the de facto leader of Council is what we all deserve.

>> No.23371673

bae had the worst debut i've seen in 3 years, then turned a 180 and was great til she got attached to mori at the hip

sana is decent whenever she actually streams, i really like the timeblock she typically occupies

the rest fucking suck

>> No.23371726

1 funny autism
2 good only on collabs
3 mating press
4 cute and funny
5 awkward dork
6 proof that personality >>>> model, also sex

>> No.23371733

switch Baelz for Gura, Sana for Ame or Ina and Gen 1 dead Gen 2 can survive

>> No.23371921

Kronii- My depressed dorky oshii...hates that I love her, but I can't stop
Mumei- EN Akai Haato but sounds like Gura
Bae- Loves streaming more than anyone in EN
Fauna- Nerfing her own talent, because she's afraid to shine too bright
Sana- Back Hort
Irys - If not for her design she'd be the queen of EN. She's cute and funny

>> No.23373145

>Boring voice, probably druggie, generally not entertaining
>She's fine, her Fauna and Gura all sound the same to me though. Shit's weird
>Had some potential at the start with some minor problems, ironed out some of those problems and started looking better, then started hanging out with the drunk
>She seems the smartest and generally most not retarded of her gen
>Double Susan'd, then took two big breaks. Should have streamed more to start but when she does they're alright.
>Alright, except again she and the rat are now getting worse and worse hanging out with the drunk.

>> No.23373987


>> No.23374217

Kronii is massively overrated
Mumei is great
Bae is fun
Fauna is relaxing
Sana is interesting once she starts streaming more often
IRyS is good

>> No.23374224

irys just streams too late for east coast usa otherwise she would be more popular.

as for council... well let's just be real none of them are particularly amazing. hopefully en3 actually delivers

>> No.23374749

I like her in collabs and her zatsus, dont enjoy her gaming streams
Like all of her streams overall, I think she's the strongest in gen 2
same as Kronii. Love her in collabs and her zatsus, but never really get into her solo gaming streams
If not for my dislike of ASMR content, i may have shifted from being a Takodachi to a Sapling. Definitely my favorite of EN2 currently.
Absolutely love her sense of humor, her creativity, everything. definitely think I would have shifted from being a Tako to a Sanallite if she streamed more often and with the variety she started out with.
Genuinely believe she's the JP experience in english. Quite enjoy her content and am sad that she feels like a weird outlier at times. If i were to include her with EN2, I'd say she'd surpass Mumei as the strongest streamer in EN2, though it would be close.
Captcha: 4GAAY

>> No.23374757

Even if you told him, he won’t believe you.

>> No.23374932

>cute, needs to stream more
>cute, needs to stop doing things that make me wanna get parasocial
>want to bang, needs to stop liking homosh*rts
>cute, probably my ideal gf but it's never happening, needs to do more asmr
>shes alright, needs to stream at all

>> No.23374997

and irys...
no shes pretty cute too, definitely want to bang, needs a papa that gives a fuck

>> No.23375080

>don't like her as a person but she can be alright sometimes
>don't like her as a person but understand why she appeals to ironic weebs
>don't like her as a person but respect her work ethic most of the time
>she seems cute but also maybe a little too basic, also I don't like asmr
>if she didn't hate hololive so much I think I would enjoy her content
>i loved her a lot at first but she ruined all that by latching on to the worst part of Hololive
The problem for me with Council and even most of Myth is I like Japan which is why I'm aware of vtubing in the first place and most of these people have zero interest in Japan so we just don't share any interests. Also, I don't even like video games, if I did I think I would hate streamers because they always play games badly. I watch a streamer for their personality.

>> No.23375430

a lot of people call IRyS best EN for that reason. Most japanese one used to Ina lol

>> No.23375668


I basically agree with all of these opinions.

My personal rankings are:

1. Fauna
2. Kronii
3. IRyS
4. Mumei
5. Bae
6. Sana

>> No.23375669


>> No.23376081

1) Don't care. Her accent never did anything for me, but the little clips and lines I see from her make me laugh sometimes at her doomer mentality.
2) Fun schtick, her vocals are nice and always make me wonder where she's going to go next with the topic. Plays into her character really well.
3) Cute accent. Her hyperness at the start was so over the top that I couldn't really stick it out, but once she started to mellow out a little bit, I like her. Her doing an Inuyasha karaoke won me over too. Gonna try to get into her Acen panel if the line isn't too long.
4) Never did anything for me. ASMR isn't my cup of tea and she doesn't seem bad, but doesn't have much surrounding her to catch my attention via clips.
5) I loved her at the start. The model reminds me of stuff like Ah My Goddess, old anime from the late 90's/early 00's. The Holoscopes had me really interested and she seemed competent playing games. Her game choices after a while kinda fell off for me and her large gaps in streaming made me lose touch with her streams causing her to kinda fall by the wayside.
6) I really really want to watch her and like all of the clips I've seen of her. Seems genuinely sweet and positive, and the more recent turn in mentality for a minute where she took off the mask was humanizing in a way that makes me really interested in watching her stuff. I barely have time for my Oshi and she streams at bad times for me so I end up not really watching much of her content but feel bad and like I'm really missing out on something. She hasn't done a collab with my Oshi yet which makes me a little sad.

>> No.23376353

I like Sanners
I like the rat's design

>> No.23376436

They’re pretty good, but need some more oomph.

>> No.23377448

I think they are entertaining.

My personal ranking.

>> No.23377479

Why is irys so overrated here, i don't get it

>> No.23377678

Mumei carries them HARD

>> No.23380493

I don't have opinions because that shit is gay, I will mating press them all

>> No.23386105

irys - she comes across as insecure about her japanese to me
kronii - can be pretty funny at times
mumei - sleep
bae - i liked that drinking stream with m*ri
fauna - i only remember being filtered by her voice
sana - ?

>> No.23386416

Hand holding
Mating press
Nursing handjob
Purposely give her the wrong number

>> No.23386780

They need better overall juxtaposition
Kronii - surprisingly way more fragile than expected, goes well with voice. Model needs better face, eyes are way too big.
Mumei - way more shitposter tier than initially thought, good addition to team
Bae - Had potential but didn't live up to hype. Would be fun if she could channel Pekora without copying.
Fauna - Why can't she sing, goddamn fucking hell wtf with that voice
Sana - needs to stream more
IRyS - Needs to be either seiso or shitposter, just pick a lane and stay in it.

>> No.23386990

I enjoy Fauna the most, her content, and design. She's just real easy to listen to.

>> No.23387078


>> No.23387186

I wish Fauna was my mommy

>> No.23387468
File: 256 KB, 700x695, plugsuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these kinda look like plugsuits

>> No.23388529

You'd know if you watch their stream anon

>> No.23388622
File: 78 KB, 114x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Council is only 5 people, stop trying to insert your indie with them

>> No.23388677

>plugsuits kinda look like plugsuits
Meds. NOW.

>> No.23388707

Mumei and Fauna are cute, the others are meh

>> No.23388898
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x3430, 1625598773235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey come on, stop calling IRyS an indie. That's not very nice.

>> No.23389189

Sana streamed yesterday and it was very cute.

>> No.23389194

Mating press
All of the above

>> No.23389329

while they don't have the immediately standout talents that myth has, what they do have is slightly less autism, so they act as pretty valuable social grease.

mumei, irys, and fauna have also grown into very good streamers over the months, which is great to see. The other 3 are good but those 3 really blossomed.

>> No.23389336

>Depressed Sex
talented but lazy.

>Forgettable Sex
shes alright and talented too but cant stay too long for her streamzzz.

>Ahegao Sex
hot hot hot and talented one of the few chuubas i can stay long to watch. embodiment of mating press.

>Mommy Sex
alright too and has great games choices.

>Dominant Sex
pls stream more.

>Sexy Sex
shes a weeb and im a weeb so i like her.

i like all of them but my
favs are: moom, bae and irys

>> No.23389773

Will always be Korean
Has her moments
Has sex with all the stars
Don't care about ASMR, but actually enjoy everything else she does the most out of the five. Green Okayu
Has her moments
Don't even watch clips

>> No.23390052

Based and my exact thoughts

>> No.23391871

>And despite being amn Asmrtist, she does not do GFE
This is self-deception.
Basically no adult man is going to doted on like this by a woman who is not their girlfriend. GFE and high quality ASMR are not mutually exclusive but there are many means of doing ASMR that don't entail this kind of intimate personal attention: reading stories, educational ASMR, or roleplay that doesn't suggest an intimate personal relationship, like bookstore/library assistant, doctor, teacher or other scenarios in a professional rather than a personal setting.

This is not a criticism of Fauna nor of ASMR. I think Fauna is the best streamer in Council by miles and one of the best in EN overall. I am also a fan of ASMR—predominantly educational ASMR, usually but not exclusively from male voices since they're often more resonant. Personally, I don't really get an ASMR response from personal attention, ear cleaning etc., so I'm glad Fauna is planning on doing some fairy tale reading ASMR. It's much more to my taste purely as ASMR, wholly independent of any enjoyment I derive from the illusion of intimate female company. But it is common to both ASMR and vtuber fans to practice self-deception about their motivations for enjoying content that provides that service. Insofar as Fauna might affect a pretense that she doesn't provide that, it's self-deception on her own part too.

>> No.23393500

I like her but her downer personality turns me off
My favorite of the group. I can relate to being forgetful and it seems like she’s getting comfortable with streaming
Great personality and a ton of energy but I have to keep the volume down in her streams
I think she’s cute and I always liked the space theme. Too bad she doesn’t stream that often
Probably the only one in the group besides Bae who is happy to be there. ASMR is hit or miss but her cheerfulness is nice
Didn’t care much for her at first but I genuinely enjoy her singing. Just wish Hololive let their Vsinger actually sing more often.

>> No.23398811

Wtf did Kronii do in her past???

>> No.23399294

Because she is a superior talent in streaming entertainment. Shit, even with the debuff paintjob on her model's face and she's still the easiest to watch in all of HoloEN.

>> No.23399586

Mating press meme I want to watch her fucked by Roberu
Feet sex
Tits and ass sex

>> No.23402982

Probably talking about the rrat that she hates men

>> No.23403070

They look pretty damn good in those plugsuits but the artist is a fag who nerfed Kronii and Sana tits

>> No.23403213

>Although, if i had to point out one flaw when it comes to IRyS, then it will be the software that she uses to record her songs and stuff.
>Her singing is divine for live karoke but for recorded songs, it just lacks something.

I think it's Japanese mixers really having some strong opinions on pitch and tone and trying to tune people's voice towards their desired views.
Compare Mumei singing A New Start karoke vs the official release and you'll notice just how much they messed with her voice there.

>> No.23403319

Has heart but still boring
Good asmr but is inconsistent and won't even gfe, boring
Doesn't stream
Good voice but I can't stand her model

>> No.23403469

See there's RANDOM CHAOS and being a domino setter which creates chaos afterwards due to what she's setup.
Like her entire Secret Rooms thing in Minecraft that she's been making. People not knowing about them and Bae using them to sneak around is going to create chaos of "Okay How did you even get in here!!" When in reality Baelz is being very much a rat and living in their walls.

What I think Council does strongly is just the adhoc collabs like Mumei's Open VC stuff where you'll often get them popping in and out as they please.

>> No.23403957
File: 531 KB, 800x800, 1650488651087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

council are filler characters, theyre not iconic enough to be on the same tier as hololive's greats. imo theyre too normal, myth had a bunch of girls who needed hololive (le sad shark gura, homeless ame, aspiring idol kiara, underground artist mori) whereas council talents just seem like standard women that couldve lived regular lives. myth are quirky, council are "quirky".

irys is pretty good.

>> No.23403986

Love IRyS but she is NOT the council. Fauna is the best of the bunch and then Kronii. Bae is ok, nothing special, Mumei is boring to me and I can't stand her voice altho' she can crack a good joke here and there. Sana should have graduated months ago. Fuck that cunt.

>> No.23405213

I think if IRyS debuted in the place if Sana, Council would have been the strongest gen in Holo without a doubt. Rn, Myth and Gen 0 are the strongest gens

>> No.23405402

1. quite boring, too low energy to entertain. I need someone to put out my depression, not fuel it
2. quite boring too but at least sometimes she says some weird interesting stuff
3. the best on the list, she's quite fun and cheerful and her model is one of the best if not THE best in all of hololive. sometimes I feel like she tries just a bit too much
4. good asmr, terrible at everything else. boring in solo content, boring in collabs
5. streams so rarely that you forget she exists, not particularly entertaining either. I like the aussie accent "though" and her model makes me diamonds
6. cute, sings pretty fucking well and generally does her best in collabs

>> No.23405496

1) quite good thanks to wada mama
2) good but i already stop watching her since she collab with ho**star
3) didn't bother watch her since she collab with ho**star
4) mama
5) do more stream please
6) her design is really bad but her voice is really good, her personality is amusing too

>> No.23405589

Yeah, you don't watch Fauna. But thanks for the feedback. lol

>> No.23405665

furious sapling

>> No.23405967

1) lazy and tryhard, doesn't like coomers but panders with merch anyway
2) completely adorable
3) hardworking and tryhard, needed a better character
4) weird voice but she's a nice girl
5) doesn't stream
6) cool girl, but rubs me the wrong way

>> No.23406871

>On this List
>Full Holo en list

>> No.23408506

I don't care about them. Myth ruined my interest in all future ENs.

>> No.23408658

Kronii and Mumei have terrible neutral that makes them hard to watch, Bae and Fauna are alright but I'm not always in the mood for them, Sana's voice pisses me off but she seems okay when she streams, and IRyS is my fave of these but needs to spend some time getting her shit right so she can actually stream well.

>> No.23409705

I like all of them, but I do think a lot of them were held back by certain bizarre management choices.

Mumei has done amazing considering how absolutely stupid and limiting the role of Civilization was.

Irys is hilarious and has an incredible singing voice but is hampered with a weird divisive design and somehow she always seems to be missing out. She wasn't part of Holofes, didn't get a new outfit. Her new song is up on spotify with a Japanese only title with no youtube promotion and they didn't even bother to mark the instrumental version. I'm so glad that she's friends with Bae and Calli because I think being stuck between gens would be a pretty lonely experience for her otherwise.

Bae is amazing, and I really respected her for doing that month where she streamed every day but Chaos she definitely aint.
