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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23296583 No.23296583 [Reply] [Original]

Hey 2view saviors, is this accurate?

>> No.23296850

This is the reason I avoid streams with less than 10 viewers.

>> No.23296915

Yes, very much so.

>> No.23296980

Calling out people from viewer list and trying to force them to talk to you is probably the worst thing you can do as a streamer.

>> No.23297035

bigjeremy here. I only acknowledge people once they send a message, and even then I try not to address them by name. I promise we're not all like that

>> No.23297068

wooden roof? hope he doesnt get any rain

>> No.23297135

it's fine in minecraft

>> No.23297280

...you can literally avoid this problem by closing the tab (but I wouldn't expect that much from people with autism)

>> No.23297564

Social pressure tactic, similar to that sketchy vendor putting an arm around you or that guy mounting a show to propose a girl when their relationship is still uncertain.
You can also reverse the situation by leaving immediately after being called out but come back a minute after to check the host/hostess reaction. Yeah, is bad but then again they are doing something not everyone is comfortable with.

>> No.23297862

Even worse on Mildom... It even notifies everyone when you join. Can't even safely browse for people to watch without getting called out by both streamers and chat

>> No.23298180
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I always thought that 2views had it easy because they have a reasonable amount of viewers, they can read all chat messages and reply to then, they even remember every viewer individually, but seeing it from other perspective they can't just ignore most of the annoying messages on the chat because they're not on a position where growing is so easy that they can dismiss any possible subscriber, but i still think they are on a better position than the famous vtubers who can't give attention for most of the messages they receive while streaming

>> No.23298822
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More than you know

>> No.23299025

KEK. unironically true. Thats why I never chat in small viewer streams

>> No.23299563

I don't watch any vtuber under 20 viewers. I don't want them to notice the number going down when I leave and feel like they're doing something wrong.

>> No.23299821

Same lmao

>> No.23300209

I’ve learnt to just tell them I’m leaving and say thanks and bye. I’ve noticed that the sadness they might feel from losing a viewer is nothing compared to how happy they seem when you actually come back to their next stream

>> No.23300257

lol why this article sounds like one written by the Onion?

>> No.23300415

Aqua's english isn't that good anon...

>> No.23301110

imagine watching a 2view be like me and watch 50view

>> No.23301199

>pussy viewers can't even handle 2view tactics
checks out

>> No.23301461

>click on random JP cutie with 18-25 viewers
>she sings very well
>watchers mostly EOP from some discord
>she greets you and thanks you for joining
>immediately told by discordfags to don't chat dumb shit and that they've been watching her longer
>fucking leave and never come back
hate the bloody cunts so much. I swear I can't save these 2views even if I tried

>> No.23301608

you were expecting anything other than faggot simps?

>> No.23301734

>not just ignoring discordniggers and chatting freely with the chuuba so that she can see their seething faggotry for herself

>> No.23301778

Sounds like /vt/

>> No.23301853

So ... A 2 viewer?

>> No.23301931

I get anxious when they refer to me by name. Also got a hishashiburi one time and then closed immediately.

>> No.23302181

At least post the whole thing.

I wouldn't watch Jap 2views anyway, they're all numberfag whores

>> No.23302261

It's the reason I never chat unless there's enough conversation going on already

>> No.23302583

>Leave after got told off by some discordtards
>Not even staying to make them seethe and show how horrible they are for gatekeeping
Anon, you're a pathetic kid. Can't even handle online social pressure and crack under pressure. You're an autism greentext soon to happen.

>> No.23303169

power move would've been to send her a 100$ dono and watch the poorfag simps seethe

>> No.23304166

200-500 ccv is the sweet spot. Too many to individually give real attention but not so many that you have imposter syndrome, get anxious, or feel like you're overlooking SCs/donos/comments.

>> No.23304610

the trick is to pretend to be a bot, so they'll ban you or leave you alone

>> No.23304820

good lord so many of you are so autistic it is unreal

>> No.23304961

don't watch twitch vtubers

>> No.23307409

>Go to /vt/
>"good lord so many of you are so autistic it is unreal"
First time?

>> No.23307588

i'd be pretty sad if i missed my 2view's stream

>> No.23308664

>Decide to check out 0views one day
>sort Twitch vtuber tag from lowest to highest viewers
>see decent looking model playing block game, seems as good as any, 0 viewers
>enter stream, which now has 1 viewer (me)
>the girl (an actual one by the sound of it) was in the process of asking the non-existent chat random questions and responding as if someone was actually chatting back
>now 1 viewer (me)
>without even saying anything I am noticed
>"It looks like we have a new viewer. So, should I finally kill myself or get therapy?"
>I didn't sign up for this
>leave stream
0views, never again.

>> No.23310288

you almost certainly missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity to craft the perfect vtuber

>> No.23313301

God bless you.

>> No.23313427

>Joining a discord
That's your 1st mistake. Some 2view can be completely welcoming and accommodating to me, but I will NEVER join the discord.

>> No.23313516

She sounds hilarious. The hell's wrong with you?

>> No.23313820

Some men heed their calls to greatness, you do not.

>> No.23313996

Yes. I'm literally the only viewer of this Japanese girl that plays Valorant. My shitty anxiety won't let me speak up, even though I know she'd be stoked to know a real person is watching, especially one that speaks English cause she sometimes titles her streams "learning English through playing Valorant" or something like that. She's funny though, has great reactions to her deaths. I just can't handle talking to people one on one like that.

>> No.23314054

Come on, make your egg happy.

>> No.23314057

He didn't say he joined a discord.

>> No.23314148

Anyone have that post about getting groomed by a 2view?

>> No.23314225

Here anon I'll give you the key: ナイス
Now go forth and learn to talk in chat.

>> No.23314303

How about you guys join and do it then? She'll probably stream more often than normal for Golden Week:

>> No.23314530
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Years ago I used to enjoy influencing small-type ecelebs but now I avoid it like the plague. I even get worried whenever a chuuba reads my comments.

>> No.23314666

>anonymous imageboard user can't handle social pressure where he is not completely anonymous anymore
such many cases
the amount of pathetic anons in /vt/ is amazing

>> No.23314673

Ergh, I don't like pew pew games and I don't want to jump into another parasocial relationship again. The last one hurt me too much.
She's got a good 訛り

>> No.23314734

>valorant and apex
Gross but fine, I'll give her a shot. You owe me one, anon!

>> No.23314895

i was expecting someone depressed/intense sounding but she sounds ridiculously approachable. Jesas anon get a grip.

>> No.23315056

maybe i will watch her, i need to be nihongo jouzued by a virtual waifu

>> No.23316095

I usually don't feel pressured to stay in a 2views' stream. I tend to stay for a few minutes and then leave. I'll stay longer if the game or whatever they're doing is interesting and ask questions about it and whatnot.

>> No.23316190

But what if it's your oshi.

>> No.23316387

>Not asking if she's going to stream the suicide

>> No.23316434

>Not just posting wwww in chat when she does something funny

>> No.23317791

I found a 2view I liked but one time I showed up I got addressed like that and I bailed.

>> No.23318045

>got my account flagged as bot by yt
>stealth watch the 2views
it’s the best

>> No.23318182

It's like friend simulator.

>> No.23318291

NTA but I've literally never had anything to say in a live chat

>> No.23318681

i only watch streams in private mode

>> No.23318711

Talk about your muscles. That's what I do in real life when I'm in a pinch.

>> No.23318870

If anything you should have stayed, this just shows you're a thin skin faggot that gets hurt by words on a screen.

>> No.23318942

>missed out on grooming
The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.23318970

>watch 2view
>they greet you by your real name
>immediately hear a knock on your door

>> No.23319186

This is why I don't watch 2views anymore.

>> No.23319190

This is accurate
That's why I remain silent when watcht a 2view on YouTube

>> No.23319422
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Feels the same way when you're watching a 3view with a chat that's only been chatting in Japanese and you accidentally type something in English. The streamer then hyper focus on you for a while and try to phrase things in broken English specifically for you throughout the rest of the stream. What makes it worse is that the rest of the chat suddenly hits the brakes and they don't send in any messages at all during these moments.

>> No.23319688

Just act like a bot and post an ad speel

>> No.23319694

>Didn't tell her to do a flip

>> No.23319740

>not using your power to steal their Oshi
Anon, you're too nice for this world

>> No.23319746

If it makes you feel better there's a good chance they're thinking of NTR situations and jacking off

>> No.23319770

As a streamer I just find it awkward because I always have "2 views" but I just assume they're bots or something because they're always there and just never talk. But I periodically see it increase and nobody talks, despite me constantly leaving open ended questions and comments for people to chime in on.

I don't need anyone to chat, I just can't tell if I have real views or just bots.

>> No.23320146

what size chubs do you watch?
because I'm socially retarded but I will still pipe up from time to time with objective information (like if they're asking a question with a clear right answer).
But only if the streamer has, like, 200 people at most. Anything more than that and someone else will have the answer too.
I avoid opinions and other personal/subjective topics, though (including e.g. reacting to humour or trying to make a quip).

>> No.23320641

So you frequent 4chan and yet you're still too thin skinned to deal with that kind of question.
Bruh, I'm veteran of 4chan (and 8 chan before it got nuked) since 2010. The /p/hotography board actually helped me to be a better photographer hobbyist and thick skinned enough to deal and separate between critics or just insults.

>> No.23320731

>Given a good several seconds to think what kind of answer you can type out
>Still can't handle that pressure as well
Anon, really?

>> No.23320874

I have serious social anxiety that has fucked me up. I've not had a conversation longer than a few minutes with someone outside of my family in over 10 years. 4chan is basically the only place I can talk with other people cause I can just fade back into the shadows immediately.

>> No.23321192

Okay anon, look at me, I'm a fucking old weeb that ruined my chances of relationship because I always blurted the wrong words in IRL conversation because I must answer immediately.
But with 4chan and commenting on stream I'm given 10 to 20 seconds to form a better, cleaner come back. Trust me, 10 second is long enough time for our brain to rack up a proper answer. You're given that kind of luxury thanks to internet.

Train yourself, you can still do it.

>> No.23321265

I want to strangle you

>> No.23322007

Just do it anon. I was in the same situation but some anons pushed me to talk in chat and it has worked great for me.
A stream is a very safe environment to practice talking to someone. Take that other anon's advice and think about your messages, they'll just assume you have high latency. You can also fade back into the shadows, if they ever ask you why you left (they most likely won't) just give out an excuse like work called or something like that.
You can do it anon, I believe in you.

>> No.23323606

A little bit. Of course I'd feel bad to leave someone alone if I'm the only viewer they have, and it's even worse if they started interacting with me, but if I'm not enjoying the content or the chat there is no point on staying either.
You can always make up some bullshit like "Well, I gotta go and do x now. Thanks for the stream" to avoid being rude.

>> No.23323980

I'm too scared to join a discord

>> No.23328999

The only time I'm called by name is when I type in chat.

>> No.23329363

cool (totally real) story bro

>> No.23329446


>> No.23331685

>Like 2iew's post on twitter
>She likes my months old twitter post

>> No.23331871

Gonna do this next time I encounter some EOP saviourfags

>> No.23331878

Sounds fun, I'll do it. Japanese men are for cucking.

>> No.23331904

> Streamer is doing something very stressful?
Okay, more pressure to put on a show.
> 2viewer is trying his best to give pity points as streamer dies of depression?
Viewer hands down.

>> No.23331939

t. autist
Non-autists understand the concept of social pressure.

>> No.23331981

This is why we need to just talk to ourselves, 2views
