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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 1280x720, jibovt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
232415 No.232415 [Reply] [Original]

JiboVT bout to make his debut and you are going to watch it.
the former professional football player and current professional wrestling vtuber weeabo boi is about to grace us with his functionally distinct vtubing grace.


>> No.232434

Why does this exist?

>> No.232450
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>> No.232486
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vtubing as a black character makes you a trans nigga?

>> No.232514

He do be black IRL aswell

>> No.232535
File: 710 KB, 500x282, 1600577481426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HIs avatar looks like a Pokemon Gym Leader ripoff.

>> No.232601

Then why doesnt he has big ass lips and a onion nose?

>> No.232616


>> No.232630

Why doesn't Manny call you anymore Brennan?

>> No.232707

because he has isultes the great prince mohammed bin salman

>> No.232906

First words on debut

>Eyo wazzup yo
>sup maan
>wuz poppin
>ye im black

>> No.232970
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The absolute state of WWE

>> No.233244

I thought WWE banned their wrestler from streaming?

>> No.233323
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>> No.233340

They banned them from using their real names or their WWE names
This is a loophole Brennan is exploiting

>> No.233386

what the fuck is this thing
and why is it on my screen

>> No.233398

Reminder that GBO posted on /vp/ and challenged them to pokemon battles winning every single one

>> No.233411

*crip walks*

>> No.235246

they need to use "legally destinct entities" if they want to keep any of the income and a Vtube persona allows him just that

>> No.235330

Get back to jobbing on Raw, Dio. And tell T-bag to stop acting like a fag on Twitter.

>> No.236294


>> No.236980

It DO go down.

>> No.236999

Brennan if you posted this say "How's it going pals tee hee" as your first debut words

>> No.237011

more people watching Jibo than any of his matches lmao

>> No.237113

Because Brennan's current boss, Vince McMahon, owns all of Brennan's rights to appear as his own physical self and has forbidden him to stream as his WWE persona or under his real name. But Vince doesn't own JiBoVT. Hence, Brennan is going with a loophole.

>> No.237121

Why is he black

>> No.237175


Shit i knew his first words was gonna be some stereotypical shit, fucking nihongos

>> No.237223


>> No.237474

The ban is under the contention that their appearance is IP that WWE has the rights to for marketing and such because its value comes from their exposure on WWE TV (or at least a large part of it does). Which, while whether or not they have the right to restrict it based on that is questionable due to them being independent contractors, does have weight. Since he is streaming as a character with none of his image that's used on WWE, that argument can't be applied here. Of course, they could try to shut it down anyway, but it'd be a bigger stretch than the current ban.
Also, the ban is because of both worries about streams (and sponsorships and cameos etc.) devaluing a wrestler (for example, asking for subs or donations on a stream making it seem like being a TV star isn't valuable or that they're not a big star), as well as WWE wanting to get into these things themselves (similar to how they have created their own podcast network).

>> No.237610

I'm honestly kinda jealous he can be a dad, a pro wrestler, and a massive weeb.

>> No.237631

kek what a kwab

>> No.237678
File: 2.15 MB, 1914x1894, 1611821875295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this guy is a wrestler for WWE and he couldn't afford a decent Live2D?

>> No.237792
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>> No.237966

He's basically a cross between Pokemon and Splatoon.

>> No.238072

He's been a (minor) eceleb for a long ass time so he has a lot of connections to complete shitters, which probably led him to the guy he commissioned.

>> No.238525

anyone who unironically calls themselves otaku just needs to die
2012 is over

>> No.238553
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>> No.238608
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>> No.238621

this is my first time watching a vtuber. Is it usually this awful and cringe inducing? It's literally just a guy monotone mumbling over a 10 frame animation loop

>> No.238646

Shh, don't say that, half of this board is /jp/ refugees

>> No.238694

>Is it usually this awful and cringe inducing?
no not really
usually very comfy streams

>> No.238714

yeah, vtubers are actual fucking airheads thats it

>> No.238764

he looks like an autists splatoon kingdom hearts OC
it's literally all the worse parts of being a weeb in the west

>> No.238773

but isn't the animation like supposed to match up to the person speaking

>> No.238777

Well it's nice that he hooked his buddy up with a job but he should really look into getting that shit upgraded asap, the janky animation is filtering me

>> No.238806

How is this you're first vtuber?

>> No.238812

he probably rigged everything up incorrectly

>> No.238839

>He buddy
>He jabroni
ggwp he tried

>> No.238914

I was wonder when any WWE person doesn't try to be a vtuber.

>> No.238978

it's worth mentioning that literally all of this is basically a stopgap measure because WWE doesn't allow its wrestlers to stream or do other 3rd party things using their likeness without express permission. This is basically just a way for him to stream while being legally and visually distinct like
said. So once those restrictions change or he stops working for WWE, Jibo probably goes away.

>> No.239054

it's sort of sad that a guy who's on a TV show that gets millions of viewers a week is so desperate for attention that he is compelled to stream for 300 anonymous weebs

>> No.239072


>> No.239104

If he really cared about fame he would've stayed in the NFL.

>> No.239205

He posts Vtuber edits on his twitter every once in a while (since before it blew up in the west) so I think it's sincere

>> No.239209

RAW's numbers are honestly not that good. They struggled to pull 2 illion people a week, and he's in what is widely considered one of the worst parts of it with Retribution, a stable basically comprised of his RL friends where they gripe about not getting opportunities and then proceed to get opportunities only to fucking choke. I'd want to do something that makes me happy like streaming too if my job was being a chump in front of almost 2 million people a week.

>> No.239342

Of course he's sincere. He came here to fuck an entire thread of /vp/ fags at pokemon when he was a handegg player and he's been known as the bigblackotaku since even before that.
Even when he became a wrestler at WWE, one of his finishers was called the NICO NICO KNEE
He's just living the dream of finally becoming an anime himself.

>> No.239414

he was in the indies when he had the Nico Nico Knee.

When he was in WWE he basically did nothing for fucking ever until he got a commentary gig, at which point he immediately shitposted on commentary with a bunch of /a/ and /tv/ memes. He literally said "all according to keikaku" during a match with a japanese woman.

>> No.239460

>Of all the vtubers you had to start with you went with the debut of some meme wrestler's character
My sides. What a fucking introduction you must have had.
Debuts are normally a bit cringey anyway, until the voice actor gets more comfortable.

>> No.239492

With "Keikaku means plan"

>> No.239536

I like how he got F5'd by Brock Lesnar and then absolutely nothing came from that

>> No.239660

his character now is basically him being driven insane because WWE wouldn't let him fight Brock.

>> No.240334
File: 80 KB, 593x663, 1528453232449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played college football and was drafted into the NFL
>had a once in a lifetime opportunity and flunked out of that
>immediately scouted by Booker T, a legitimate hall of famer and massively successful professional wrestler to come train as a pro wrestler under his wing and tutelage
>thanks to the FIVE TIME world champ's connections with WWE (and the fact that he's a 6'7 250 pound giganigga), he gets offered a contract by WWE less than a year into his pro wrestling "career"
>once again a golden opportunity falls into his lap
>piddles around in developmental and never goes anywhere, never makes it onto TV
>after stagnating for 4 years, another opportunity falls into his lap
>this time Paul Heyman (somehow) sees potential in him and pulls strings to get him on the commentary team
>cannot help himself but to constantly spew memes and make dumb anime references on live television
>quickly pulled off and kicked back to performance center
>he tries to cope and say that he was taken off commentary because he was "too big"
>roughly a year later, given an opportunity once again and made part of an angle/stable on the main roster
>displays that he has learned almost nothing and is still green as fuck despite having been in WWE's training system for SIX YEARS, to the point where Vince himself singles him out as one of several shitters that need to go back to the performance center and train (again (lmao))
>now instead of trying to get his shit together, he's trying to jump on the vtuber trend because he knows it's only a matter of time until they pull the plug on this shitty Retribution angle, and then his "career"
It's kind of sad to see someone who is so naturally gifted continually squander all the opportunities in his life, because he's more interested in shitposting on twitter, streaming shit games to a few hundred people and LARPing as a dakimakura-owning NEET otaku for e-cred than actually applying himself and working to make the best use of his talent. But at the same time, it's somewhat comforting to know that no matter how naturally gifted and talented someone from 4chan is, no matter what kind of serendipity they experience in their lives, they can never shed the skin of being an utter walking embarrassment and they cannot help but to constantly seek failure. KWAB.

Brennan if you read this (and I bet you will), you should probably stop fucking around and consider getting a real job for the first time in your life. It's time to grow up. You have a family.

>> No.240348
File: 694 KB, 800x1920, Aragami-Oga-Holostars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His avatar should looks something like this.

>> No.240406
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Based /asp/ie

>> No.240565

this reeks of someone who was personally slighted by him so I'm guessing you're either someone who got shit on him via Twitter, got banned from his discord for some dumb shit, or beaten by him at Pokemon. This is too much seethe to be normal shitposting

>> No.240705
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1510225988253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have twitter.
Never used discord.
Haven't played pokemon since Gen IV.

Buy a banner, Brennan.

>> No.241013

>>had a once in a lifetime opportunity and flunked out of that
He absolutely could've stayed in the NFL if he wanted to.

>> No.241069

Why are Americans so shallow and materialistic? You ever think maybe he cares about things besides money? I doubt he's struggling right now.

>> No.241137

GreatBlackOtaku and he's was an /a/non since forever ago.

>> No.241174

Probably not, since the money from his stream will go directly to charities.

>> No.241194
File: 20 KB, 720x239, EFxXmgqU4AATK8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe JiBo flopped harder than a fish on dry land.

>> No.241268

Still can't believe this was the same dude singing Snake Eater in front of HWNDU

>> No.241324

If he actually cared and worked hard, definitely. That's the point I'm making. But he's a lazy manchild so he got cut from multiple teams and eventually a practice squad before he just gave up.
Must be why he has a kiketreon set up in addition to constantly begging for donations. That's literally why he's doing this cringe shit, because WWE is moving in on the streaming income of their talents.
But if it's true that he's doing so well, then he shouldn't have any trouble buying a banner.

>> No.241392 [DELETED] 

t. assblasted /vp/ niggers that got their shit teams BTFO by brennan.

>> No.241395

I miss his twitter account and the comfiness he brought to the Insiderz streams with Brennan and Shane. Fuck Bixenspan and his twitter cronies for destroying his spirit.

>> No.241416

>buying a banner

I get that this is the hot meme but I wouldn't buy a fucking banner on this shitpile if I had Elon Musk money, let alone undercard WWE money

>> No.241473

Play a real game, Brennan.
Get a real job.

>> No.241476

I like his voice but it doesn't match his model at all.

>> No.241490

Nope. I agree with him. Brennan has let so much goodwill slip through his hands. I've not really followed him once he left the NFL and started wrestling but I feel like he's a talented guy but lazy and won't work hard at anything that he doesn't love doing.

I'm sure if you asked him to choose between making 7 figures a year playing in the NFL or making at best a low 5 figures annually vtubing, he'd choose the latter. If I were him, I'd get some connection with Japanese media and whore himself out to nips, all while living the dream in Nippon.

>> No.241528

Looks like black Ina crossed with Knuckles.

>> No.241793

>started off with like 300 viewers
>ended with like 100 because he was playing Spore

jibros........... it's over...... ... we......didn't....make....it......... jibros.........................

>> No.243042

This nigga really went on TV as a masked character named Mace with teammates called Slapjack and Nutz. Jesus christ.

>> No.243096

You dont hear it from me, but a certain someone in a gym somewhere is punching right now lol
