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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23229398 No.23229398 [Reply] [Original]

Fanbase power ranking
Vox > POWER GAP >> Dedicated Holo fanbase >= Dedicated Niji Fanbase >> Everyone else
Jesus Christ why is his fanbase so ludicrously loaded?

>> No.23229459

>doesn't post numbers

>> No.23229500

Fujo fanbase are unhinged. Why is there no KazuhaxVox yet?

>> No.23229638

What kindred did for Vox's birthday:
>7 billboards
>6 monkey adoptions
>A star
>A 102 page magazine dedicated to only him
>A visual novel
>An original song and music video
>5 song covers with music videos
>4 3800 x 1060 aggies
>4 consistent red carpet supers

>> No.23229672

Anon, I'm not numberfagging. I'm talking about his insane fucking fanbase. It's a goddamn cult I tell you

>> No.23229752
File: 90 KB, 678x621, 1648908368821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to post the pic where his fanbase tries to worship him in the station like a fucking god

>> No.23229780

chink fujos are insane

>> No.23229778

that's Luca's fans

>> No.23229781

>It's Woman
>It's Chink

>> No.23229803

>6 monkey adoptions
What the fuck

>> No.23229835

You misinterpret what's going on.
That's attention seeking behaviour.

>> No.23229843

All I'm getting from this is that they're an insanely dedicated bunch. Good for them, I hope they don't bully a smaller fanbase some day because that man has a lot of sway.

>> No.23229885

Okay but where's your professional band singing an original song with a music video?

>> No.23229911

chinks are dedicated i can give them that. at least this doesn't hurt anybody

>> No.23229930

And a partridge and a pear tree

>> No.23230002

Chinks are unhinged, suprise surprise. They blew up the bar dor cringe it wound up being kind of cool

>> No.23230114

chinks are just like that, they loved hololive so much that they shilled it enough to get Azur Lane sponsorship and ran the biggest English translation channels, full stream translations on bilibili, all that for free

>> No.23230150

Well, until, you know what

>> No.23230153

I'm a man, I want to express my love approrpiately in private.

>> No.23230171

And hololive lose all of that for a mere kson...

>> No.23230191

Pussy. A real man would plaster stickers on his car with his kamioshi

>> No.23230224

Vox is actually an MI6 plant. His mission is to crash the Chinese economy by causing a liquidity crisis. His means are akasupas by Chinese fujos, extracting yuan for China's domestic market.
Vox is the man to finally kill bug country.
Thank you, Vox. And thank you, Britain.

>> No.23230232

You sound like a coward that's afraid of others scorning you for your hobbies

>> No.23230237

Nope, that's done for other people to see which makes it attention seeking and feminine.

>> No.23230242

> I'm a man

>> No.23230268


>> No.23230272

Not at all, I talk often about how I watch vtubers. My love is implied.
I don't talk about how I feel because im not a faggot.

>> No.23230308

Smells like cowardice to

>> No.23230322

Low test behaviour

>> No.23230331

Cope, get your hormones checked out.

>> No.23230332

Local meme.

>> No.23230333
File: 21 KB, 540x540, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one you talk to

>> No.23230363

>using a phone to talk to people
kek, it's an unironic zoomer

>> No.23230367

Bet your dick is smaller than my clitoris, anon

>> No.23230372


>> No.23230398

Cope, my big dick is my best feature

>> No.23230400

An MI6 plant by a Japanese company?

>> No.23230408

I only have this reaction image anon, sorry XD

>> No.23230429

You have balls the size of peanuts

>> No.23230531

Anon... Girls don't have balls

>> No.23230590

Anon, your biology rep...

>> No.23230620

Trannies, your reality reps

>> No.23230696

Yeah pretending to be a man is pretty disgusting

>> No.23230769
File: 43 KB, 320x447, 943b5a7f37390f4f907cfab46396b45716cedd8ab8c792d65b1776df266fc60e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vox thread
>someone tries to defend this vox
>yet, this nigger refuse to believe woman involve in this dumbfuckery
Glad I'm not a nijisanji's fans

>> No.23230819

Come on dude.
I just said my dick was my best feature, women would be confused as they care more about what shoes im wearing.
Trannies on the other hand, are porn obsessed and wouldn't think nothing of it.

>> No.23230957

People go along with your shit too much you don't realise that bullshit is obvious even through text.

>> No.23231275

So what we have here are a few billboards, a few songs, some misc. Am I missing something impressive? The numberfagging was a lot more impressive, should've sticked to that. At least tell us if they were significant billboards placed somewhere notable or expensive.

>> No.23231424

Also, should post the good songs, too. So we can judge if his fans did a good job writing and performing the songs for him.

>> No.23232132

Kings Cross station
Main station in Taipei
One in Akihabara
Don't know where the others are

>> No.23232816

Welcome to the world of fangirling. You'd be surprised by the things that those female kpop fans did.

>> No.23235604

I don't think I would be surprised, I'm just surprised at mere vtuber fans can do this shit since I have this perception that Vtuber fans are the bottom of the barrel

>> No.23235670


>> No.23235775

So this is the power of yumejos...

>> No.23235778

>have this perception that Vtuber fans are the bottom of the barrel
I mean, you're not wrong if you have this perception of male fans of vtubers. Females? They're fucking crazy

>> No.23235863

Cope, a man openly preferring an anime girl because of who she is as a person is by the incel definition an ultra-chad.
Women aren't supposed to like male bimbos so them viewing a streamer thats hiding his face isn't a big deal.

>> No.23236006

This is nothing for a Chinese fan bar. You should see the kind of shit they do for actual celebrities.
Though I won’t be surprised if by next year they’re pasting his picture on airplanes and flying banners in the sky.
If NijiEN had a PO Box they’d have sent him thousands of dollars worth of luxury goods too.

>> No.23236150

If you aren't adopting a monkey for your oshi then what the fuck are you doing

>> No.23236293

The most important is the Visual Novel and the Original Song Music Video

>> No.23237090

Vox is hard carried by his Model, Voice, Accent, Humour, Entertainer skills, Autism and Charisma.

>> No.23237206

He's only been around since december, where did his fans find time to organise and do so much shit. I don't even like him but that's amazing

>> No.23237312

Seems kind of like being a fan of an idea of a person, forgot he hasn't been around that long.
Pretty sure I was 6 months in before I realised I was in love with my oshi

>> No.23237315

Vox talks japanese or some chinese or are a lot of his fans crazy people just sitting there listening to him, salivating at his model and voice?

>> No.23238484

This is the original music video. I can't be bothered to check for the covers. They're all in his Twitter tag

>> No.23241807

but they homos

>> No.23242238

You guys can’t overhype Ame’s 3D bullshit and try to talk about something not being impressive.

>> No.23242280

This is bullshit. I can't be outdone by these fujos.

>> No.23242831

They adopted half a dozen monkeys. That is insane

>> No.23243148

He is dumb gaijin from uk, he speaks zero japanese and chinknese, he is not even an otaku either, he doesn't watch anime or consume nip media. I do think him being a tall, blonde and blue eyes bloke IRL also helps though.

>> No.23243159

I kneel. Also those fucking lyrics, kek

>> No.23243211

Actually was 6 silverback gorillas adoptions

>> No.23243265

You forget about that fujo that scaled a fucking mountain for Vox and the other crazy fujo that traveled in airplane to six places to take pictures of all the billboards

>> No.23243290

7 billboards is impressive enough but one in Kings Cross and Akihabara? Now that's crazy.

>> No.23243327

Stop lying tranny we seen his face here ages ago, he looks like he knows how to make a vindaloo

>> No.23243334

>6 monkey adoptions
he's grooming his fans now???

>> No.23243356

The six billboards is impossible unless they're like a hyper VIP with covid pass, imunity etc...

>> No.23243487

Do you reps, that pic is old, the video from his uni shows up that he man up a lot. He looks like a more good looking Connor.

>> No.23243508

The monkeys are a representation of himself because he sees himself as a monkey like a certain Brit living Japan who's constantly making this board seethe

>> No.23243544

Wait a fucking second. Is that Zuk's theme from RuneScape 3?

>> No.23243548

A brown boy can't grow up to be a white man, sorry to tell you

>> No.23243727

huh? did you get him mixed up with someone? since he was the whitest twink ever

>> No.23244093

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23244153


>> No.23244296

Dude, I don't even like the whore, I'm just confused.

>> No.23244336

Not that confusing, UK has a lot of indians and brown asians

>> No.23244701

I have a fondness for British men

>> No.23244715

but you talked about seeing his face, which was a white twink's face... I was so confused I went to check again to make sure I didn't get it mixed up. Half my class look vaguely like that and some of them lived in the same house that their great great grandfather died in. So I'm pretty sure you got him mixed up with someone else.
Anyway, I'm done with this thread, there's nothing particularly interesting other than the monkeys anyway, who cares about people throwing money into useless billboards.

>> No.23244825

I dunno what any of that has to do with anything. It's irrelevant to me why you think he's white when he isn't.

>> No.23244917

I really really really hate Vox Akuma. He is my least favourite thing since the history of forever. This man lives rent free in my brain and I think about him every day, I think about him all night long. I stay awake not sleeping because I keep thinking about him!

>> No.23244961

Ok tranny, drink more water because your hormone pills are hitting you too hard.

>> No.23245017

Just a SEAman who hates Anglos. I hate their colonies, they're the scum of the earth

>> No.23245085

That's like trying to say you hate steak

>> No.23245169

one in HK metro

>> No.23245191

I hate steak. Seafood will always be superior

>> No.23245427

Your body doesn't agree with your words

>> No.23245757


>> No.23245774


>> No.23245825

Tbh, I wouldn't mind fucking Vox or getting fucked by him so long as I keep hearing that voice

>> No.23245984

Now that’s what i call dedication. Kindred’s really do go all out. I’d say you may be more dedicated than the vast majority of Hololive fans.
Although not as defensive as Watame’s fans.

>> No.23246077

Why monkeys?>>23243148

>> No.23246220

I don't think I need to really defend Vox hence why I'm alright even if someone tries to slander him since I know he and a lot of kindreds will disregard it

>> No.23246278

>dedicated to someone you've known for 5 months
I'm pretty sure dedicated isn't the accurate way to describe it

>> No.23246379

>A star
Wait, are people still doing the "name a star" scam?

>> No.23246461

It's definitely dedication but not in the regular fanbase kind of way, but a fucking cult. Like holy shit
Yeah it's still a thing

>> No.23247072

If only Hololive fans could be as well-mannered as you. And the fact you guys actually watch your oshis streams is even better.

>> No.23247273

The first two, and the VN is enough to tell me his followers are at a cult level, that's all well and good for them.

>> No.23247688

It helps that my oshi constantly provides free fanservice literally every stream so I never have to feel like I'm unsatisfied with the lack of content plus he streams almost every day and they're pretty long streams too.
It's a little bit terrifying not gonna lie, the sheer number of fan content made during his birthday was something that got me feeling chills down my spine. I'm already well aware of how down abyssmal our fanbase was during his thirsty tweets stream he did in his initial 2 weeks of streaming but good god I wasn't actually prepared for his birthday. It's funny how lore-accurate it is though, in his lore he's basically a cult leader and kindreds worship the billboards he's plastered on.

>> No.23248055

No wonder the chink fujos use viewfarms to inflate his numbers they’re obsessed with him.

>> No.23248288

I don't think numberfags have considered that the "botting" might actually because of chinks using VPNs from mainland China. Then again, they're all bugs and don't really count as people so their views should he considered null

>> No.23248643

underrated comment

>> No.23248764


>> No.23249258

This anon has him confused with Mysta

>> No.23249499

Honestly baffling m

>> No.23249823
File: 2.09 MB, 1600x1200, 1651084634078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should buy a Times Square billboard just for shits and giggles.

>> No.23249901

cope, he's a "brit"

>> No.23249967

the garry stu of vtubers.

>> No.23250006

anon? do your reps he's actually a quite attractive white man

>> No.23250019

Too costly

>> No.23250033

On his 1st year anniversary, I'm gonna buy advertisement for his anniversary on the Piccadilly Circus. Screencap this.

>> No.23251441

I will hold you to your word kindred.
May wealth be prosperous and your mind be clear.

>> No.23251650

Hmm it seems I have made a grammar mistake. I’m off to kill myself.

>> No.23251905


>> No.23254886

It is. Vox is a HUGE Runescape fan, has been playing every day for literal years. He uses a remix of this theme as his stream OP, hence people in charge of this video used it as well.

>> No.23256302

Holy autism and based. Is that allowed? Is there no copyright claim every time he uses it?

>> No.23256994

No, because Runescape creators are based as fuck.
captcha: GAY4S

>> No.23257226

This is actual mental illness and unironic cult behavior, women really do be unhinged

>> No.23258178

I used to reply comments on clips a while back when people used to question the male vt market, I told them about using One Direction / BTS as a reference and that all we really lacked was an actual good male vtuber to produce the same crazy stans.
Now someone actually has done it. props to him ig.

>> No.23259195

Whoever fucking scouted him deserves a raise because holy shit, Vox makes absolute bank. Now if only anycolor was actually proactive in making physical goods that isn't just artwork plastered on some cheap shirt

>> No.23263011

Redpill me on Vox.
Who is he? What does he bring to the table? Why should I watch him over Pomu?

>> No.23263315

>they didn't even hire a hit man to kill the biggest Holos for him
Fake fans

>> No.23264485

>Why should I watch him over Pomu?
You shouldn't. Vox is an fnaf autist with lots of sex jokes and brit humour and his voice is very much his appeal

>> No.23264684

pure, crystallized holobrony cope

>> No.23265235

>He doesn't know about Kronii

>> No.23266204

Nah bro, ryonafags are higher
It takes a special kind of autism to enjoy your oshis hurting themselves and vomit on stream

>> No.23266806

Ngl if i was in vox's shoes i would be fearing for my life. Who know these people are capable of
