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22870862 No.22870862 [Reply] [Original]

why do her fans hates hololive so much?

>> No.22870904

i support my oshi. my oshi just happens to be hololive. if my oshi leaves, i leave with her. i don't feel anything for hololive.

>> No.22871048

Because she does and her fans are simps?

>> No.22872335
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Same but my oshi is pic rel. She owns the character (maybe not the models) so if she left Hololive for whatever reason it would still be Suisei. I don't know about the music situation, about who "owns" it so that could be shit-fan. I'm gonna watch mikeneko though, if it's still the same Ru then I'm game.

>> No.22872448

because their fans havent taken their meds and are going through withdrawal symptoms

>> No.22872488

I follow the talent not the brand or tribe

Simple as

>> No.22872511

Because they are not her fans, those hating on Holo are mostly twitter saviorfags who want to use her as a ''win'' against the evil corpos they hate so much, once she outlives her usefulness they'll leave her.

>> No.22873165

Cover values their soulless corporate image more than the people that helped build their garbage company from the dirt.
They could have kept Coco, but still decided to drove her out because she ruined their Bilibili pandering and Chang market.
They terminated Rushia, not because of the contract breach, but to make her an example that not even their most successful earner is nothing more than an expendable and easily replaceable asset.

The day Cover disbands will be the best thing to happen to the vtuber community. And won't affect the girls because all of them are guaranteed to retain a good follow up which will make for what Cover takes.

>> No.22873225

Why are indies like this?

>> No.22873402

she was bullied hard by holomen. yes not all of them participated but they didn't help so they are at fault as well

>> No.22874309

That's 95% of her fans.
Nah, even the Twitter saviorfags want her to move on. It's entirely schizos, most of them falseflagging too.

>> No.22874428

Her current "fans" are a mixture of brainwashed paypigs who would defend her no matter what the fuck she does, and twitter bandwagon hoppers who think that the reason she got fired is because of "muh idol culture" and are using her to push some feminist and/or anti corporation ideology. The second group doesn't even watch her, they just reply to her tweets and are subscribed to her.

>> No.22874431

Hololive was supposed to have bonds, turned out to not have bonds. Hololive Fantasy was just a fantasy.
Without the bonds there's no point to watching a soulless corp.

>> No.22875498

>if it's still the same Ru
She pretty much is. Still the overly affectionate girl who gives out wet kisses and "I love you"s constantly and still getting very worked up when playing high action games. Her Splatoon stream was a lot of fun with lots of screaming and noises (members only, though).

>> No.22878558

>say they follow the vtuber ane not the brand
>they actively wish to sabotage the brand instead of forgetting about it
Literally, rent free.

>> No.22879540

Fancuck/Cuckfami deflection thread. Go here instead: >>22844094

>> No.22879933

That girl is not leaving Hololive anytime soon

>> No.22880023
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I follow the brand not the """talent"""

To me, Hololive is a show, I don't simp for any girl in particular

>> No.22885011

Yes I might get heated when I mention mikeneko and some shill starts going off out of nowhere on how she deserved it is a piece of shit and NDA is the most important thing in the whole world to them. I might respond by telling them fuck cover at that point, despite the fact I still watch plenty of the talents.

>> No.22885088

>I still watch plenty of the talents.
And by doing that you're supporting Cover.

>> No.22885111

S-same except I have a special place in my heart for Soda sama since she's the oldest holo vtuber

>> No.22885131

This. Brand loyal faggots are brainwashed, nothing can be done for them other than putting them down.

>> No.22885357


>> No.22885417

my point was that I don't even hate the company, my point is that I will respond in kind to those who actively hate her merely because they worship the company.

>> No.22885629

I'm allowed to hate her for attempting suicide with the intent of bringing others down with her.

>> No.22885685

she said if she kills herself do this, not I'm gonna kill myself so that you can do this

>> No.22885731

Same difference. She had been setting this shit up since November.

>> No.22885800

If Cover was still the mom and pop shop of 2019-20 they would have just slapped Rushia on the wrists. A-chan even admits that they're only did it because they're afraid of pissing off the big boy sponsors and partners. They made a business first decision, not a talent first. Fans should be the talent first supporters, fuck business. I only say Rushia deserves it because I hated her, not because I love Cover.

>> No.22885900

dunno don't care.

>> No.22885919

>Same difference
t.faggot just looking for a reason instead of having an actual one

>> No.22885963

t. faggot excusing being friendly with fucking korekore of all the people on the internet

>> No.22885971

not a vtuber, don't care. gtfo and go back to ur /jp/ shit

>> No.22885988

Then just come out and say it instead of hiding behind corporate PR lines. nobody in public does anything but spam the same 3 letters, and I won't respect that. If you dislike her personality to begin with then its something I would accept, as there are specific people in hololive I also feel this way about.

>> No.22886038

>I only say Rushia deserves it because I hated her,
Imagine hating somebody for fostering romantic love when that's the only kind of meaningful connection in the world
You can now cope and pretend I'm wrong despite knowing I'm right

>> No.22886047

There were no fandeads on vt before her meltdown. Which probably means these >fans are just larpers looking for (you)s

>> No.22886072

I've said it from the start but your dreaded three letters are also relevant because they're the reason why she wasn't wrongfully terminated contrary to your daily claims stating otherwise and you need to be bludgeoned around the head with that until you get it.

>> No.22886162

There were a few in the dedicated Rushia thread for around a year and I used to be one of them. I would agree that a lot of these current fans are probably just pretending because shitting on hololive is trendy in certain parts around here.

>> No.22886193

Why do you hate proper English?

>> No.22886386

I understand it is a reason to be terminated. I wish they didn't choose to do so ofc. Regardless you once again continue to miss the point I wanted to make.
I still like her, and if you attack her under the guise of corporate bullshit, I will tell you fuck your corporate bullshit. That is all there is to it, and why it may appear there are more mikeneko fans who hate hololive than there likely actually are.
Have a nice day.

>> No.22886454

>if you attack her under the guise of corporate bullshit
You defend her by completely ignoring the reason why it all has to be like this so the only response you can be given is that "corporate bullshit".

>> No.22886683

she's retarded and he helped her before, how is this a surprise

>> No.22886747

What did she need help with in November, hmm?

>> No.22886788

Aqua was bullying her.

>> No.22886814

Pain and suffering

>> No.22886890

And what does he do to help with that other than offer a platform to destroy her employer in the case that she kills herself? The intent was clear.

>> No.22887212

>destroy her employer

>> No.22887380

Why did she tell a drama channel with millions of followers to tell everyone that she had issues at work if she ever killed herself?
Was it just "le menhera moment" and she didn't mean anything she said?

>> No.22887494

Hold on, I think I just realized something. Hypothetical here but you don't actually think korekore starting drama about an employee = starting drama about Cover and Hololive as a whole right? That the actions of an employee reflect or would ever be publicly percieved as somehow related or reflecting on Cover, right?
You're not actually retarded enough to believe that....right?

>> No.22887583

You're actually delusional if you believe there would be absolutely no damage done to hololive if this crazy bitch had actually succeeded in killing herself.
She couldn't even name any of these people or their position.

>> No.22887783

Nah you're the delusional one here you maladapted unsubstantiated baseless room temp IQ mongoloid with zero business acumen, lack of any sense of precedent, and zero sense of public opinion or how it actually develops.

>> No.22887838

>Literally tells a dramatuber, "I want to make everyone miserable," after dumping a bunch of gossip on him
Most people don't want a "friend" who might potentially twist anything they say to ruin their careers, anon.

>> No.22887847

It's pretty clear in the past year that Cover has sanitized their talent's content to shit. The only talents worth watching are ones that go over the top in making what stale content they can deliver entertaining.

>> No.22887936

You already hated Cover for what and now you're actually trying to convince me that more people wouldn't feel the same way if she had actually died.
That's really interesting and retarded.

>> No.22888049

I don't hate Cover and I repeat that you have zero sense of how events actually play out and need to go read a fucking book once in your life before you end up overtaxing your brain with speculation over things you have zero grasp on

>> No.22888414

It doesn't matter how the events would actually play out when the intention was to get the public against Cover. That was the only reason for talking to korekore.

>> No.22889056

Regardless of whatever bullshit people in here are arguing about, I just want to say that when I think about how hopeless my oshi must have felt when she attempted to take her own life, it hurts. It's an awful feeling to know how close we came to losing her and I'd never wish the same on any other fan regardless of my personal opinions about them or their oshi

>> No.22893242

so no one on /vt/ has friends?

>> No.22898501

Miguel Gato

>> No.22901320

micheal cat manipulates her braindead fanbase to do her bidding, literally her own personal army. she could probably orchestrate a mass suicide if she so pleased

>> No.22906547

because pink cat

>> No.22907691

She sees all her fans as retarded little paypigs and laughs as she pursues tranny looking males with their money
