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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22697963 No.22697963 [Reply] [Original]

>600k endurance
>Ends stream with 596k

>> No.22698080

>nijibros want to prove their talent is better than Hololive with Vox.
>He's justa fujo & china pandering subs grifter.
What did nijibros mean by this?

>> No.22698168
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>>Ends stream with 596k
Seriously? I only watch hololive, is this true?

>> No.22698174

>he actually fucking failed to hit 600k
You can't make this shit up

>> No.22698223
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Vox cucks get BTFO

>> No.22698233

Based on the comments all going "it's okay", yeah he fucking embarrassed himself.

I guess nipplechinks forgot that their sub growth isn't natural like holoGODS.

>> No.22698240

Should've done this at CN primetime.

>> No.22698245

sorry wheres your 596k subs? ah thats what i thought

>> No.22698278

The war is over...

>> No.22698313

OP didn't promise an endurance to 600k.
Vox failed to deliver his promise.
Don't set expectations if you're not going to meet them.

>> No.22698317

>Not stopping until we hit 600k
>Stops before hitting 600k
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22698326

and Vox failed. Even if he did reach 600k, its too late to save face.

Niji got BTFO

>> No.22698351

>5 hours
roru rumao

>> No.22698365
File: 394 KB, 1425x1078, 1648646076258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream is literally called NO STOPPING
>can't even play for longer than 6 hours before cryquitting because of "stress"

>> No.22698378

My brain saw that 600k as GOOK

>> No.22698382

Hewo ping ying here. sorry my botnet was down. i will provide the needful subs to milord

>> No.22698424

>sana pic
at least he streams anon

>> No.22698441

this moron thought he was so popular he could get about 8k subs in a couple hours.

>> No.22698451

the absolute state

>> No.22698455

>5 and a half hours
That's not even an endurance stream in ordinary circumstances.

>> No.22698468
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Here Vox, have my one (1) non-bot pity sub.

>> No.22698473

How will he recover?

>> No.22698498

With CN approved desserts

>> No.22698579
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>> No.22698644

Kek, what a pathetic bitch.

>> No.22698651
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imagine having less endurance than a bitch who usually doesn't stream longer than 2 hours

>> No.22698674

Roru rumao

>> No.22698726

the irony of posting a sana image

>> No.22698747

With as often as Holo girls miss streams and collabs from oversleeping, straight-up being too drunk/hungover to stream, my dog died :(, and tummy/back hort, it’s hilarious that you guys are ragging on him for this. Hopefully you can catch Baelz or Kronii on-time sometime soon!

>> No.22698752

kek milord mogged by a houseplant

>> No.22698776

Sana got multiple 11+ hour vods. Girl can do endurance when she is actually healthy.

>> No.22698783

Sanigger has several 10h+ streams retard

>> No.22698787

Hey, retarded nijinigger, you have NO FUCKING RIGHT saying this shit when you have Finana.

>> No.22698817

How dumb is /vt/... This is why we wouldn't beat Milord. He is obviously farming pity points, wait for tomorrow's ''''Revenge'''''' stream and see him get 30k USD hahahaha

>> No.22698850

And HoloEN has Kronii and Baelz. Your point?

>> No.22698893

Maybe she needs a better chair or posture correction for those long streams.

>> No.22698901

This. At least Vox fucking streams and puts more effort into his content. I only remember Vox making an excuse for a cancellation or reschule maybe twice while Holos do this every other week. This thread just reads as yet another cope.

>> No.22698915

to be continued then

>> No.22698990

I feel kinda bad. Nobody deserves this, I know the people who used him for shitposting aren’t real fans of his.
t. Holo fan

>> No.22698995
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... yet what you just posted was pure deflection cope

>> No.22699005

So that's why she doesn't stream: do a couple of 10hour streams to make up for not streaming for nearly a month and then fuck back off to being lazy kek

>> No.22699016

>Fish zoomer: oversleeps a collab once, streams every day otherwise, called out by every single Niji split here and by her own genmates
>Holowhores: stream once a week, spend the other 6 days cashing in their condom money checks, defended daily by hollowbrowneighs (lmao if this mindbroke you so much you're filtering it) too deep in the sunk cost fallacy to admit they're being taken for a ride by cunts who realize they have Cover by the balls and don't have to try anymore

>> No.22699153

Vox streams for 4-5 hours 6 days a week and the only other time he’s cancelled in recent memory was 2 days before karaoke so he could get more rest and prepare. Please don’t make me pull up Ayame and Sana’s stream schedules, Kanata’s and Fubuki’s recent breaks (didn’t Mio post something about inactivity today as well?), Baelz being too hung over for her Mori collab literally just the other day, so on and so forth… Listen, I get you guys are mad that he’s already at 600K, has surpassed 3/5ths of council + a handful of ID and holoX girls, but ease up on the copes.

>> No.22699178

>5.5 hour
That's shorter than a normal Kiara stream.

>> No.22699206

holy cope

>> No.22699227

> puts effort into his content
> timeline is just celebrations


>> No.22699231

>Holowhores not streaming, not putting effort into streaming, and constantly making excuses to not stream is "deflection" from a simple endurance stream where he's only 4k away from the next milestone not being completed by a man who streams nearly every day for 3 or more hours
Connor was right

>> No.22699262

>tapping out

>> No.22699280

>"STOP COPING!!" the desperate fujo yelled, as she continued to post cope deflections

>> No.22699314

>5 hours
why are nijmales all fucking twinks even with streaming?
kuzuha does 11hr streams all the time.

>> No.22699318

"a-a-at least he streams regularly"
It's okay vox dick suckers. Just take the loss and the shame and move on.

>> No.22699321

Are the anons here really defending Vox??? How low can you go? You really would suck another man's dick just to numberfag??? Really???

>> No.22699324

The retard forgot he's not in hololive where sub growth is organic and therefore sub streams lead to actual growth bursts.

>> No.22699345

>I’d ally myself with Chinese fujos and a Welsh ultrafaggot to bolster my point
>meanwhile Vox only has this many subs through becoming a whore
Average Nipplesanji fan.

>> No.22699349

How much did he even start with?

>> No.22699358

I'm not the one who's coping, my friend. Are you going to argue with the objective fact that Vox streams 6/7 days a week when his schedule is posted on twitter and youtube publicly? Are you going to argue with the objective fact that like half of all Hololive girls have canceled streams and taken breaks for trivial shit? I don't think I'm the one who's coping here kek

>> No.22699395


>> No.22699405

but also he forgot he would need to start this at chinese afternoon not at chinese 10pm time.
he isnt getting recomended by the algo as most of his viewers come from OUTSIDE youtube to do this kind of long ass endurances.

>> No.22699410

>the Niji shotgun model puts the fear of God into streamers, preventing success from going to their heads because there's always a bigger fish in the horizon
Tazumi-sama... I understand now your search for strength...

>> No.22699413

>gets out of Chink time zone and stops because its ogre
At least the british dude knows that EU time zone is fucking garbage for views.

>> No.22699421


>> No.22699430

Fauna's endurance was 11 hours.
Tell your crybaby demon to deliver on his promises or not make them at all.

>> No.22699435

This isn't about stream schedules, so yes, you are coping hard and it shows

>> No.22699458

Still desperately deflecting, the cope is palpable. Just take the L, cocksleeve

>> No.22699476

>Are you going to argue with my [totally irrelevant deflections]
Nah. Keep crying KEK

>> No.22699483

reminds me of mysta 1hr chip amsr
he stopped it after 30min becasue the views were low.

>> No.22699520
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>> No.22699523

The chinese Fujos from the dox site have been migrating here lately.

>> No.22699534

What's with all the arguing? Can't we all agree that a numberfag failing is hilarious?

>> No.22699536
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>his whores have so thoroughly devalued one of the greatest brands in vtubing that people would rather side with fujos and welshmen than give any validation to these grifters looking to keep the lottery tickets flowing
Fucking VShojo streams more (and now has bigger numbers, Jesus Christ) than EN, and JP is slowly heading the same way as they realize there's all of 0 consequences for this behavior thanks to enabling simps like you.

>> No.22699585

>Vox fails his endurance stream

>> No.22699616

>thinking im a tribalfag just because I'm calling out your retardation
If Vox is a whore then so is the plant chick with all those asmr streams. what's up with green holowhores and pandering anyway, first rushia then faunah? Oh it's only okay when your company does it

>> No.22699628

>Desperately trying to steer the conversation to holo stream hours because they know their manwhore got mogged

>> No.22699644

This is the emperor's clothes all over again. His Fujos inflating his growth with bots made him believe he really has that many fans. What happens when they're one botter short? This.

His numbers are inflated AF and this will become painfully obvious as more EN males debut and his slice of pie begins to shrink.

>> No.22699668

Don't forget Noel and her roommate kek

>> No.22699706
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Oh no I have no zhang bots today why did i stream?

>> No.22699739

>more effort
>Shitty ASMR
>Shitty ASMR
>Shitty ASMR
>Celebration part 1
>Celebration part 2
>Shitty ASMR
>Shitty ASMR

>> No.22699741

Is this what Noctyx meant when they called Luxiem "minutemen"?

>> No.22699742

He start the stream at CN primetime tho? also SEA primetime too. 7-10 PM

>> No.22699800

"Shitty asmr," cried the Fauna fan

>> No.22699801

Is vtubing the only medium where males are less creative and have a higher sense of entitlement than the females?

>> No.22699802

>This post
lol, all you had to do was pick a different image.

>> No.22699836

Nigger green lamy refuses to even do shit like ear nibbling.

>> No.22699845

Nijinigs everyone! Fitting seeing how all their fujos hang out in their doxxing site!

>> No.22699847

>What did he mean by this?
That, unlike any other ass-licking vtubers, he can do anything he wants.

>> No.22699867

Vox has a couple of 7 hour regular streams. Fnaf is just a shit game for endurance.
But missing this milestone just tells how much of a newbie is Vox when it comes to streaming.
Vox is a literal diamond in the rough. Imagine if he could tap into his full potential if he took singing, cooking and crafting lessons

>> No.22699874


>> No.22699884

>nipple controversy
>cancelled sponsorships and events
>cancelled concerts
>no 3D for EN in sight
>no live2d updates in sight
>discord leak revealing them seetheposting about their superior rival, marking them as jealous hololive rejects for the rest of eternity
>males crashing yuribait off-collabs as a "surprise"
>comment sections getting closed to hide complaints
>girl streamers getting turned into accessories to the males and forced to exist just as walking collab platforms for males
>literally getting numbermogged by hololive's new INDOGS
>gen2 males are a huge flop
>can't get elden ring permissions
>their biggest streamer fails his subathon endurance stream and cucks out after a mere 5 hours

Can Nijichinks stop fucking losing for ONE SECOND?

>> No.22699894

You can feel free to alert me when anyone else does a stream like this.

>> No.22699908

She doesnt like to swear so she cant do any vulgar like Vox repeating his fujo's comments.

>> No.22699910

They're both dissapointing.
See? I can admit my rrat disapointed because, unlike you, I hold my streamers accountable. You'd eat whatever garbage Niji put out.

>> No.22699922

yeah their poster boy won vsaikyou lol

>> No.22699928
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ok threadwatcher. It's all right, you can just say you get all your information /here/ instead of actually watching any streams. I get it, your whores are that boring to where you won't watch their streams so you'd rather look at what people are gossiping about the chuuba you supposedly hate. Here, have a picture of him since you're so in love.

>> No.22699993

How do you manage to spell 'disappointed' incorrectly twice and in two different ways? Go to bed SEAfriend, you have school in the morning.

>> No.22700073

I fucking love Noel and Mel’s roommates, though. Getting to see Noel rub her cunt through her panties and grope her tits, the occasional slip of a pink areola under her nipple pasties, the siren song of the Sword of Damocles that is the fact that both she and her audience know she could start drowning in cash the second she strips completely… god I love whores. They make my dick feel so good.

>> No.22700104

that is just luxiem and maybe noctyx soon.
But thta is ebcasue most of its fanabse is china/sea and some JP
But i hate how people are looking at male tubers in geenral like whores here and maybe outside becasue of them.
i wish kanae, kuzuha,toya,yashiro, maitomo were the male standard for vtubing in the west.

>> No.22700134

Seems like chat spoiled vox again, instead of telling him to keep going with a different game or take a break, they told him to be done with it.

>> No.22700145
File: 27 KB, 620x190, Seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still seething at my /#/ post
Nothing mindbreaks holoniggers than seeing other people do good.

>> No.22700172
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>People shitting on Vox when he has streamed more than Gura, Ina, and Fauna combined so far this month and has a Jump King Endurance tomorrow.

>> No.22700181

>fregoli delusion
>projecting his own broken mind onto others

>> No.22700200

Fauna has class.

>> No.22700222

Except chat did recommend both, retard. At least pretend you watch streams; Vox himself said he was considering switching to play Minecraft but decided on just calling the stream finished for the day.

>> No.22700244

>my deflection cope didn't work the last 10 times I posted it over and over again? Better post it 5 more times.
Stuck in a mental loop

>> No.22700273

He should start doing normal streams

>> No.22700276

i recall a luca stream were he was in a collab with the other dudes and girls. i dont recall but i belive it was either phasmo or some other shit.
BUt he was going late to his MGS rising stream.
The prechat was begging him to keep going on the collab rather than start his MGS rising stream.
Fujos are picky in the content they consume. Even sonny is distancing himself from action games lately.

>> No.22700299

Maybe he should stream less, then he might not have to cut his endurance streams short.

>> No.22700302

>when all else fails, bring up hours streamed
I can spend 6000 hours practicing origami and still never get better, that’s not an impossibility.

>> No.22700313

>half were telling him to be done
nice fanbase

>> No.22700317

Should have saved all that time for this failure of an endurance stream instead. He might have actually hit 600k.

>> No.22700319

Why did he stop ?

>> No.22700327

> the stream time cope

You're desperate now.

>> No.22700350

If you are going to question his streaming endurance, what else would you bring up but hours streamed?

>> No.22700354

holobronies and nijinipples sitting in a tree

>> No.22700358

low views
low subs gain
not worth keep going

>> No.22700360

>T-taking breaks is... LE BAD

Screamed the hololive fan after clicking off of Ayame's channel

>> No.22700368

Didn't he also have a yab recently when he said that some EN whore (Reymu?) is better than Kuzuha at APEX and he didn't call King his "senpai" there's bound to be some real drama from this if he keeps growing past established niji talent being this careless, Gura was extremely smart to ignore all milestones.

>streamlabs donations

wait why... is VOX an indog?

>> No.22700375

He's bitchmade.

>> No.22700378

No girl wants to watch boomer shooters. Fulgur and Ike are pretty soon going to be the only men playing actual games.

>> No.22700424


Nobody cared about it. Not even 2ch cared about the tweet, the only people who were screaming about Japanese workplace culture and respect were twitter westerners.

>> No.22700426

So he stopped after 4k? Kek

>> No.22700431

Because NijiEN is smart and doesn't wanna give Susan her cut.
He just scheduled it at a bad time, if he did it a day later or didn't have tomorrow's JK, it would have been fine.

>> No.22700450

>how dare anyone question your endurance in an endurance stream?
It’s the single category that holds viability to do so, and the chart listed does not suggest those are solely endurance stream tallies.

>> No.22700454

I'm convinced these are just trolls taking turns falseflagging as both to create more chaos.

>> No.22700470

Isn't that the point of an endurance stream ? People usually start to show up when the streamer starts struggling. Planning an endurance stream, give up because it doesn't go as you planned is kind of dumb

>> No.22700515

Nekohakeron went on for like 13 day long karaoke to get to 10k subs

>> No.22700516

Nijisanji doesn't have permissions for Elder ring?

>> No.22700529

>oversleeps a collab once

>> No.22700554

That’s too much power, I kneel.

>> No.22700568

> Stream endurance on the title.
> Didn't endure.

He brought this up on himself.

What a complete lack of self awareness, all he had to do is rest a couple days before this endurance. But he gaslit himself into believing he's the ubermensch his fujos think he is.

>> No.22700592

his whole channel was built on overhyped """special events""" and celebrations of celebration for another number (last time he celebrated 522K because LORE) so it wasn't quite impossible and hey if he streamed for 12 hours it might've actually work but milord is lazy.

>> No.22700638

They used to have perms for all Fromsoft games until some people pointed out that they enabled SC on their Fromsoft game streams, which they are not allowed to. I believe this was after Fubuki had her "controversy" where she did a SC enabled stream right after ending a Sekiro stream

>> No.22700647

Well they're certainly not playing it. Only streams I've seen were two (2) Luka streams for Elden Ring. I think the permissions have to autistically be granted for each individual stream. Or at least that's how it was for Hololive at the start, seems like now they can just stream whenever they want.

>> No.22700710
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Fair enough. I wouldn't call Vox an endurance streamer in the same vein as Elira or Selen. He only has 4 streams which are longer than 7+ hrs, the longest of which is this dark souls stream.
He just has a lot of short to medium length streams, sometimes 2 or more in a day.

>> No.22700713

It's taking most of his energy to keep the fujos satisfied, please understand.

>> No.22700773

Smells like roast in here.

>> No.22700819

I wish I was a lowly 2D indie desperate for attention and that Vox Akuma would manipulate me, mindbreak me, and break me down until I'm absolutely nothing but a shell of my former self. And he'll do it all on stream so my cuck fanbase can watch as their oshi gets broken by the guy they love to hate. And then I'll go on some Rushia-level menhera sperg on Twitter and become everyone's least favorite Vtuber. I'll make Mori look like a fucking messiah, and I'll only be able to crawl back to Vox because he's the only one who cares enough to give me fake attention anymore.

>> No.22700835
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They do have perms. Hayama probably has the most hours in the game for any vtuber. NijiEN just isn't interested in the game, Luca is the only one who's streamed while others are playing older Dark Souls games like Elira, Rosemi, and Selen or finished it off stream like Vox.

>> No.22700846

Niji fan here. I don't care for the fake drama whatever has been said itt. The only thing I hope with this is that it discourage the rest of nijiEN of doing these dumb numberfagging endurance streams. Those types of streams are terrible for content and they happens to often now. I hope they failed every single one of those in the future so they just stick to their normal content that's what I actually care about.

>> No.22700863

it's not so disgusting if you are a girl I guess, they do it all the time sometimes even you don't have to pay for it.

>> No.22701011

Jap and EN perms are seperate brainlet

>> No.22701015

I'm with you. These types of streams always leave a bad taste in my mouth regardless of who is doing it. If you love your job, you will stop being a numberfag and instead stream normally, getting to that milestone organically.

>> No.22701026

well isn't that his standard growth rate? Perhaps they just forgot to switch bot farm to 2x mode, they have a serious Covid outbreak in Shenzhen and Shanghai atm where people struggle to eat so I guess anime boy is not a priority.

>> No.22701042

What a weird thing to choose not to stream, even if they're not "fans" of the game or not even good at it, it was still a super buff game when it first came out.

Even Ame who initially refused to play it due to everyone else doing so still gave it a try and had a blast with it. Which is what most fans want to see from when they play the game.

>> No.22701148

it's actually pretty based to ignore Mori, she was probably just tired with her bullshit. You can take the brapper into mixed gen 6 if you want nijibros, she deserves to be irrelevant again.

>> No.22701152

Why do you faggots keep bringing up hololive? This thread has nothing to do with them

>> No.22701165

They dont have the income base to turn of Superchats for a game thats gonna take 15-20 streams to complete like Holo.

>> No.22701185

>can't get elden ring permissions
moving the goal post huh?
lmao, that meant they have SOVL and stream whatever they enjoy instead of chasing FOTM, your holowhores are plastic

>> No.22701219

They are the one who made the thread. More than half of the posters are them.

>> No.22701255

take your holobonies with you then

>> No.22701259


>> No.22701333

They play plenty of non-sc games you idiot, you can't exactly turn on SCs for the older Dark Souls games they are literally streaming instead of Elden Ring.

>> No.22701372

They're literally throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks, trying to steer the conversation away from their manwhore's public humiliation

>> No.22701552
File: 493 KB, 1080x1080, E9ALDLFVIAYYL-B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.5 hour "Endurance"
>When Elira slammed out a 9-hour and 7-hour DMC5 stream just because she wanted to play, not even for a goal or an endurance.
>When Selen's AVERAGE stream is 4 hours and she frequently will go on a bender for 5~8 hours, and has done multiple 12~20 hour endurance sessions.
>When Pomu singing God Knows 101 times was 9 hours long
Where's the "Nijimales" power I keep hearing about? It's fine if you don't want to stream for long, but if 5.5 is your "endurance" then start doing some fucking stamina reps. You're embarassing the girls who actually endure streaming for hours on end.

>> No.22701565

Can't wait to see you scold all of the "NIJI MOGGED NIJIKEKS CAN'T STOP LOSING" posters when the next Hololive event gets big numbers

>> No.22701583

>Thread is started by a holobrony looking to stir the pot and trash on Niji
>Why do you guys keep mentioning hololive?

Do holobronies really lack the critical thinking skills...?

>> No.22701621

It can be seen as an investment for the future, sacrifice SC for a few streams but gain a good buff on viewership, and since almost no one is playing Elder Ring whoever calls first dibs gets the Viewers who are hungry for Elder ring from a Nijisanji member.

>> No.22701626

But, EN has permissions for it. Luca is EN.

>> No.22701631

He's only shitting on NijiCN though.

>> No.22701688

It's called "whataboutism" Soviet go to strategy for dealing with any sort of criticism, especially from the outside, now practiced by Putin, China and nijiniggers.

>> No.22701687
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>> No.22701763
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Selen... Pomu... Elira... Come home.

>> No.22701780

Reminder that 12 and 24 hour long endurance karaokes are somewhat common challenge streams

>> No.22701983

It's pretty embarrassing to declare an endurance stream and then give up a little over 5 hrs into the stream

>> No.22702015

A reminder that "whataboutism" is a fake fallacy made up be hypocrites for the sole purpose of preventing anyone from pointing their hypocrisy

>> No.22702044

meanwhile Ike had a single sub 1 hr karaoke and hasn't sang again because he's "nervous"

>> No.22702104

It's actually hilarious how completely devoid of talent or entertainment the males are. Outside of the lame ass pandering to horny asian women they really have nothing going on.

>> No.22702127

Holobronies call Niji out for something, they're replied to showing a Holo girl doing the exact same thing, then cry "whataboutism." top kek, holofag

>> No.22702201

They're fun as collab partners once in a while and Yugo is good as singing if you count him as a male but yeah they're disappointing

>> No.22702320

>a Holo girl doing the exact same thing

>> No.22702368

Why the fuck would you need to bring up Hololive when this is an embarassment within Vox's own company? I haven't double-checked yet, but doing a quick once-over of each NijiEN channel, this is the shortest "endurance" stream by a country mile.
The only reason you'd need to bring in Holofaggotry is because you don't have an internal counteragument, so you need to bring in an entirely different company with different metrics and corporate goals and modus operandi to make some half-baked false equilvalency counterargument.
Just accept that 5 and a half hours is a fucking mockery of "Endurance" streaming compared to Vox's peers.

>> No.22702374

>logic is fake
The absolute state of chinks HAHAHAHA

>> No.22702429

>they're replied to showing a Holo girl doing the exact same thing
Where's the Holo ragequitting a subathon after a mere 5 hours because it wasn't going as fast as they liked?

>> No.22702461

You all are whining and crying and laughing that Vox didn't live up to a promise he made, and instances of girls doing that exact same thing ie Baelz being too hungover to attend her english class collab + the constant breaks girls go on were posted, and you cried whataboutism. The absolute state of holobronies

>> No.22702476

> Koyori to NijiEN girls

I tip my hat off to you. One legend to another.

>> No.22702553

cope. desperate to talk about anything but this failure of a stream

>> No.22702636

Do you even try to hide the cope anymore?

>> No.22702647

They were all disappointing. But no one is calling those girls "the face of EN vtubing", "my queen" and no one is asking the Nijis to kneel to Bae.

If you weren't so obnoxious about the only 2 popular streamers in your whole company there would be no schadenfraude when he fails. Simple.

>> No.22702682
File: 79 KB, 513x519, 1647140640068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 5hrs endurance

>> No.22702688

>Retards troll retards with retarded shit
>Why do the earnest fans do this?

>> No.22702823

More like SEA and China uses Streamlabs... JK

>> No.22702863
File: 77 KB, 1274x714, 1649946420396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who you are accusing of doing those things aren't even real fans of Vox. We don't actually care about numbers and hours and other shit. The people who use him for those things just use him to show off to Holo fans, none of them watch him and they probably don't even like him. Go to the NijiEN threads when he's streaming to see actual fans of his.

>> No.22703086

the one Vox just made fun of?

>> No.22703124
File: 562 KB, 1164x1093, 1635721944456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real fans of Vox

>> No.22703154

>Gura was extremely smart to ignore all milestones.
Gura ignoring milestones as a way to avoid stepping on fragile HoloJP egos is a rrat that saw little use despite how obvious it is.

Anyway much like I think Gura should have done, Vox should reenact Hiroshima on whichever Asian manlet shows up to him and demands unearned respect. As far as I’m concerned the man answers to himself, God, and the Chinese fujos that pay his utility bills. Anybody else can suck a chode.

>> No.22703191

Soo, real fan, how did you like the complete disaster of an endurance stream?

>> No.22703548

Elden Ring isn't a buff game. People who like souls games just watch Hayama or Patra or L*l* because they're souls autists. Everyone else gets about average viewership unless they're a Holo because Holo fans live in a bubble.

Luca streams Elden Ring and it was a debuff game for him. He struggled to break 4k on it the two times he played because females are hard filtered by its gameplay and kept complaining of motion sickness in his chat. Then he dropped it for Minecraft and easily breaks 10k every stream.

All of them have streamed souls games, Elira played DS3, Selen played Demons Souls, Nina played DS1, Rosemi played Sekiro, but none of them finish because they're both viewer debuffs and can't have monetization. It's a weird situation where taking the Vox approach of playing it offstream is probably better. Or just streaming it on Twitch like Selen does.

>> No.22703656

when her dog is healthy*

>> No.22703751

Nipplenogs and milardass BTFO lmaooooo

>> No.22703885

what is his promised again?

>> No.22704189

Stop it this is not Twitter Jesus fucking Christ

I bet you really desperate since no one wants to fuck with you, these Fujos i swear to god.
This is beyond cringe

>> No.22704261

But you see I alteady hate Council members, so I do not have that hypocrisy that you are whining about Nijikek, I would argue that I hate Bae more than you *Wipes your tears*

>> No.22704328
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It was nice! I enjoyed the funny reactions and the cute dancing every time he won a round. It was also nice to listen to in the background while I organized some things and got some work done. He may not have made it to his goal but it's no big deal, he'll try again another time. And if he doesn't, I'll still watch him because I enjoy his streams!

>> No.22704401

Pomu is not welcome.

>> No.22704443

Pomu played MGS2 for 9 hours and then read SCs for an hour after that.

>> No.22704586

This is why the girls are the actual entertainment of the branch and the males are destroying their channels. Sad life for nijifans

>> No.22704750

>5 hours
>Called it an endurance stream
>Forever engraved into history as somehow having less stamina and mental than holo en2 and bottom tier inies
>I had to reread the previous point in order to believe what I'm saying

Yab yab yab ayame yab yab schedule yab yab holobronies it doesn't matter dumbass the guy failed to keep his promise to himself and his fans.that's the dick you are sucking, a bugmen pleaser that gives up because he knew you guys are too brain-dead and easily manipulated. really now? Dude that guy lost to Cali and fauna in endurance, and over at hololive we have MikoKorone doing 24 hours++ stream. Take your Ls.

>> No.22704755

Reading the replies feels like k-pop stands defending their gods. Godamn this is hilarious

>> No.22704944

The absolute state of vt. I genuinely thought we couldn't get worse with braindeads defending rushia but here we are

>> No.22705232

Pathetic Beta Male

>> No.22706585
File: 27 KB, 451x95, 164783255920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this about canceling streams I hear?

>> No.22707039

Who cares if it isn't a buff game. Sometimes you have to stream something you enjoy so you can develop a nice floor. Vox clearly enjoys Souls games but he is so obsessed with numbers and celebrating every little milestone that he will never do it. Its fucking tiring. You can only do so many ASMR yaoi fujo bait streams before the casuals are going to get sick if it and leave. That is why his viewership is decreasing and only the obsessive fujos are showing up anymore.

He really needs to start a long form game that he can truly enjoy and turn the pandering off for a few streams. It will do a lot of good for him.

>> No.22707164
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>He will still reach 1M soon
>He will beat Tokyo GHOUL
>He will beat all of Council
Doesn't matter he can't be stopped this man is coming for the Niji Crown and the Council Crown.

>> No.22707354
File: 276 KB, 1031x176, 1625207585832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you heard? China has literally banned vtubers as of the last day or so and have demanded all streamers return money to donaters without condition.

>> No.22707356

Elira said early on perms are shared between all branches.

>> No.22707366

Last but not least he will beat himself up because of the chink, can't wait to see that happening.

>> No.22707470

The major problem Nijien is going to find with what it's done is that there are only so many fujos in the world. If you pander that hard to them you seriously alienate any normal people and stop them from watching you, once his fujos start to peter out, he's not going to have anywhere else to go unless he wants to piss off Zhang fujos and you can imagine how horrible an experience that would be.

>> No.22707570

>5 hours
that's anya usual stream length, playing the bottom of the barrel kusoge.

>> No.22708422

Lol fat fuck nijichinks go kys

>> No.22708718

is this real? if its china so jewtube doesnt count?

>> No.22709022

You will never have your precious brotubers. Stop trying to watch people who don't pander to your retarded "bro" fantasy and go watch flesh streamers like xpc and pewdiepie and max dood.

>> No.22709633
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kneel facing a litteral who, you lazy fuck. He can't even stream for more than 5 hours? Hahahaha what a failure

>> No.22709857

Wow people unironically refer to him as milord

>> No.22710171

So would most holos even fall under umbrella of people promoting bad phenomena?
In general idols are more of inspiration than anything that turns people American

>> No.22710474

He stopped playing so he could have sex with me, sorry.

>> No.22710522

>cries when they can't reach their target
>just achieves their goal with ease, or makes fun of subathons by starting streams when they reach it

>> No.22710572

Gay ass thread

>> No.22712184

China literally banned femboys in media a week ago and yes it is absolutely real.

>> No.22712473
File: 573 KB, 1536x2048, 1650326556975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the full picture in the thumbnail? Just curious.
>pic unrel

>> No.22712644

And singing nyan cat for five years

>> No.22712888

I kneel Xi-sama...

>> No.22713039

it's linked in the description bro

>> No.22713130
File: 1.58 MB, 1680x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours
>not even 6
That's literal baby tier holy shit
Pic related, can sing for 24 hours

>> No.22713227

The stream ended and he's still at 597K so I'd assume this is indeed true.

>> No.22713289

>unironically defending a faggot
No fucking intellectual male will do that

>> No.22713636

What a faggot. I've never seen any chuuba lazy and stupid enough to fail a milestone endurance stream.

>> No.22713691

Just to bring this to a new low he ended the stream just so he could go and play minecraft instead like how little does he care about this?

>> No.22713703

>streamlabs donations
Don't they get a bigger cut from streamlab as opposed to superchats?

>> No.22713719

unironically go back to your safebox, these faggots in nijifagEN has their own dedicated channel to seethe on hololive

>> No.22713951

Youtube takes 30%. Streamlabs takes nothing.

>> No.22713953

UCN is a torture game meant to be played like 30 minutes at a time by sadists. It was a mistake to choose it.

>> No.22714080

This is like how he gave up on his Seikiro endurance stream too. Vox is actually kind of a bitch

>> No.22714092

The homos absolutely wipe the floor with the nipples but since they don't pander to Fujo Zhangs they become 2views

>> No.22714251

Could be worse...like Mio's probably already 25 days stream about the sub goal

>> No.22714391

His own chink fan base is laughing at him on weibo lmao

>> No.22714402

I like how every vox stream is an event stream. It's always Endurance, arbitrary subscriber count, "only time i'll do this so pay up" shit.

>> No.22714451

more like her

>> No.22714680

kek voxanus in shambles

>> No.22714909

I know most people don't watch Noctyx, and for good reason, but Fulgur and Sonny aren't bad for a rrat seller and a dead guy.

>> No.22714931


Getting 10k-ish subs in just one stream is like totally way too much.

>> No.22715334

Yeah, I don't think he was gonna make it even if he stayed streaming for whatever extra hours. He's not THAT powerful (yet).

>> No.22715584

Maybe the most ridiculous was the mods removing any mentions of the sub numbers in the chat when it was a numberfagging stream

>> No.22715927
File: 26 KB, 340x191, 1645000843756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic and shameful display.
KEK. Vox in shambles.

>> No.22718644

why nijis are such numberfag? none of the holoEN is a numberfag. except maybe kiara? though that's also very mild.
all nijis talk about is number and their streams also say number number number.
where's the entertaining chuubas like pekora in Niji?
this Vox guy only do yuribait.

>> No.22719105

>be holo reject
>being petty, you HAVE to get some kind of one up on holo en to make your life feel worth something
>constantly numberfag so you can brag about how you got two more viewers than sana playing tax accountant simulator 1997
They're like their fans.

>> No.22719294

the only niji i like is kazuha

>> No.22720080

Lol did the chink bots stop working? This is the most pathetic shit no one else has been this much of a numberfag
A 'milestone' stream every 50k subs lmao

>> No.22720273

Vox really ruins the daddy immersion every time he reveals himself to be a bitch

>> No.22721030

jap male chuubas dont have this issue
its the modern western LGBT community thats corrupted by feminist drivel that has made gay men weak

>> No.22721921

Can you repeat the question, but in English this time? Thanks.

>> No.22724738

kek. seethe more.

>> No.22724992

Where the fuck is Rich Piana

>> No.22729482

*cums on you*

>> No.22731531

This way you can make three event streams out of one milestone, one failed ""endurance"" stream, one grudge stream to actually hit the milestone, and one celebration stream aftter. Milking them for all they got.

>> No.22735671
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nijitards when vox doesn't stream a couple more hours until he reaches 600k

>> No.22736513
File: 535 KB, 750x795, kobo106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My whores are better than your whores
Even my indo GODDESS is better than all your niji EN whores

>> No.22736559
File: 77 KB, 1080x275, voxflip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she's in this board?

>> No.22736861

that's fucking pathetic lmao

>> No.22737080
File: 1.72 MB, 1310x1088, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder for nijisanji fan in case they think vox is making an endurance stream
5 hours stream is not considered as endurance
this is what endurance looks like

>> No.22737168

Are you telling me this menhera streamed for a month straight

>> No.22737360

his chink fans were starting to go to sleep and he couldn't stand low numbers

>> No.22737481

>Season 2
Dear god.

>> No.22737527

>gave up after 5 fucking hours
>meanwhile xQc normally streams 12 hours a day at minimum
Vox is fucking pathetic.

>> No.22737563

what the fuck lol
is that real?

>> No.22738047

>12 hours
15+ average easily

>> No.22738172

17 hours later and he's sitll only 597k. Lol.

>> No.22738201

Bae is an alcoholic? I don't really watch her but she seems like a good girl. Say it ain't true anon.

>> No.22738232

If it isn’t double digits it isn’t endurance.

>> No.22738234

I thought there was an argument in here which made this thread pop up to the top of the catalog but you fags are liveposting his subscriber count. I thought you hated him?
Shit like this
It's day time in JP where are your oshis?

>> No.22738343

She hands out with I-didn't-drink-for-two-days Mori, what do you think?

>> No.22738366

who the hell is that? That's not Temako.

>> No.22738406
File: 171 KB, 1028x982, fukoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100 bucks is a $100

>> No.22738777

Dont worry your School shooter looking ass Milord is going to groom some kid then come back stronger.

>> No.22738853

Ollie-lite JP...

>> No.22739609

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22739837
File: 26 KB, 732x304, best__male_vtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks his path*

>> No.22739980
File: 17 KB, 586x188, 5hourendurancelol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours is endurance

>> No.22740159

I don't like Vox either, but fuck off, there's no way that's true...

>> No.22740189

he still isn't at 600k LMAO

>> No.22740191

She had 2 vodka cruisers and got knocked on her ass. She then didn’t show for the Eikaiwa the next day without providing any reason

>> No.22740282

Holy shit ISREAL

>> No.22740481
File: 52 KB, 535x564, 1647835128372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours
That's it?
Fucking lol

>> No.22740646

Honest question, do you think his style of pandering is viable long-term? Would this type of "horny for white guy" asian audience get bored and move on?

>> No.22740659
File: 442 KB, 1076x606, SmartSelect_20210908-032508_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22740662

You can't make this shit up

>> No.22740710

>5 and a half hours
The Nijigirls really do put in more effort. Holy shit

>> No.22740934

Sadly effort doesn't mean shit in NijiEN otherwise most of the girls would be past vox's current subcount
Coomerbait sells, simple as

>> No.22741067

Wouldn't him not reaching his goal show that his growth was natural? 4k would have been easy to bot and it doesn't look like there was a cull?

>> No.22741130

How okay is she?

>> No.22741507

That stream left a huge sore spot for me...
All the more reasons to be disappointed at Vox's lamentable "effort'' and I say that as a nijifan. Its an insult to his fans...

>> No.22743538


>> No.22743559

Although that is SEA primetime, it was a Monday for us. And frankly, 10-12 hour schoolday/workdays plus overtime and, if applicable, travel time can mean people have other things to do than watch a bong play FNAF.

Timing was also shit. Flips were on holiday from Thursday to Sunday, and there are A LOT of flipfujos he missed out on.

>> No.22744992

Ahhh... I remember that
I think she streamed Dragon quest, good times

>> No.22746582

is that 2381 hours/99 days?

>> No.22748078

>unironically linking hero hei
Holy shit, each day this board somehow manages to reach new lows.

>> No.22748394

>watching the news because you like the news caster not what the news is about
You have mental issues.

>> No.22748482

>Calling shit hero hei is doing "news"
Yeah, >>22748078 is right. This board managed to reach another new low.

>> No.22748583

He still wants to milk the few fujo chinks he has, stopping before just to celebrate the 600k in another stream is actually a smart move. Can't say the same about his own reputation and fanbase though, that's understandable that he became the most hated Vtuber here in a few months.

>> No.22748798

Hero Hei is a rrat peddler. He's literally our version of Narukami for weebshit.

>> No.22748815

You're seething and mentally ill. The point is about the new chinese laws on streaming and games.

>> No.22749069

Yes, and broken clocks are right twice a day, but you still ignore them because they're useless liars wasting space.

>> No.22749153

It's not an opinion piece you moron. It's a report. On China's new streaming and gaming laws. Are you dumb?

>> No.22749491
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t. Hero hei

My man, if you want people to take your news video seriously then maybe don't peddle rrats in other videos, cause that will lose you credibility even when you do a good job reporting the actual news. Don't blame that anon, blame yourself for establishing this kind of a reputation

>> No.22749515

What are you talking about?

>> No.22750769

vox fujotards are worse than chumbuds

>> No.22753007

Good thing she stopped it honestly. It was killing her own viewership. She probably could have found her own niche by being an FF streamer but then she fucked it up by doing that endurance stream lol.

>> No.22755392
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>> No.22755792

>calls it endurance stream
>stops after 5 hours
>only reaches promised 600k many ours after stopping his """"endurance"""" stream
No, he's still a weak willed faggot who needs to grow some balls. Now go and tell him how great he is, femcel

>> No.22755794

Bailing on an endurance stream is a grave sin.
>6 hours
He didn't even try.

>> No.22755856

Going to sleep disqualifies her.

>> No.22755875

I mean yeah I do agree.

>> No.22756070

EN was a mistake and i don't know how anyone ever thought vox compares to kuzuha, who is better than him in every possible way

>> No.22756413

Sorry anon but women operate on emotions, not logic so coomerbait will always trump talent

>> No.22756691

should have streamed on CN prime hours milord that's the rule
