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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.51 MB, 3000x3000, 1615492669638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2270317 No.2270317 [Reply] [Original]

Our daughter's gonna be playing CHKN in a few hours.

If you don't know what that is then this clip from her last stream should give you a good idea:

>> No.2270386
File: 36 KB, 848x900, 1592626871139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss my daughters stream bc of work
I Feel like a horrible dad

>> No.2270399


>> No.2270448 [SPOILER] 
File: 434 KB, 2048x2048, 1617706155631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played a lot with beatani recently, if you know what I mean

>> No.2270604
File: 822 KB, 1446x813, vn5vhVy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least... We can see our daughter again...

>> No.2270638

She's not your daughter you disgusting groomers

>> No.2270662

What is this baton that you speak of?

>> No.2270797

Same it sucks

>> No.2270870

More like Beatani is grooming /yah/

>> No.2270912

>he is not in possession of the prerequisite information

>> No.2270926

i wanted to post the chckn clip to the chckn games subreddit but it turns out the subreddits dead and it wouldn’t help .

>> No.2270966

Good morning dads

>> No.2270970 [DELETED] 

>search beatani on youtube
>this channel shows up

What the fuck

>> No.2271011 [DELETED] 


>> No.2271040 [DELETED] 


>> No.2271285
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>> No.2271296

You're right, she's my wife.

>> No.2271434

She is older than me, anon, stop being retarded

>> No.2271602

>he is not in the ownership of the crucial intel

>> No.2271764
File: 132 KB, 1301x1302, 738B2C3A-30C8-4CB6-8EB9-10F99348F188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smiling dad

>> No.2271828

>biblically accurate chicken

>> No.2271880 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 384x384, 1617711411058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is dad making this face?

>> No.2271979
File: 134 KB, 1301x1302, 9B36D210-9E26-4AC1-B6A7-58F5427A5264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear cunny

>> No.2272386

Posted about this last thread, but didn't get any response. I noticed while watching the last Omori VOD that the Mountain NPC gave Hero a four-leaf clover, and I didn't notice anyone else mention it.

>> No.2272563

what do you want us to do about it anon tell her now?

>> No.2272702


>> No.2272905

Idk, but in an earlier stream when she got a three-leaf clover she said she wanted a four-leaf one instead.

>> No.2273815
File: 187 KB, 320x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it cute that she later asked for forgiveness because of the clip where she berates us

>> No.2273986

what did she mean by this

>> No.2274039

it means she wants you to spread her clips so others can suffer from her berating them

>> No.2274494

get in here

>> No.2274552


>> No.2274590

Flawless start. I'm so proud!

>> No.2274599

20 viewers, going down every stream...

>> No.2274605
File: 626 KB, 500x281, based bear cunny [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fywl5zv.webm].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting it before another retard forgets the soundpost.

>> No.2274610

Get the fuck in here

>> No.2274661

60 waiting....
meds now kuso dad

>> No.2274728

7am late night stream. Let's go.

>> No.2274749

Kusoge time

>> No.2274752


>> No.2274777

dad looks different

>> No.2274804

dad got 強い

>> No.2274810

when stream starts refreshing the tab probably helps the viewer count

>> No.2274816

Take off adblocker dads.

>> No.2274831

My god this game is beautiful!

>> No.2274834

>nice chest

>> No.2274840

I did it just for her. I've been dealing with YT ads all week but it's worth it

>> No.2274842

Thanks for reminding me anon.

>> No.2274944

For my daughter...

>> No.2274976

I keep adblocker off on youtube because I have premium because I'm a faggot.

>> No.2274998

>I want to eat my dads

>> No.2275013

>forces us to work
>forces us to train on treadmill
>eats our food right in front of us
>hits us on the mouth
>forces us too eat bush instead

>> No.2275016

>I want to eat my dad
What did she mean by this?

>> No.2275033

>I want to eat my dads
why is she like this
sorry beatani but literally nothing can convince me to turn off adblock. I'll just send her some money on streamlabs and buy a membership instead

>> No.2275035

Beatani eats ass and dad is not an exception

>> No.2275103

She's perfect.

>> No.2275111

Her bullying is becoming more advanced...

>> No.2275125
File: 141 KB, 366x372, 1615298182676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love her.

>> No.2275147

>eat bush

>> No.2275180

>cunny bush
Isn't that mutually exclusive?

>> No.2275260

Why won't she check her bindings...

>> No.2275311

Those moanings...

>> No.2275346

she did but she only skimmed over them, and i think she only looked at the keyboard binds not controller

>> No.2275363

Just close your eyes and enjoy

>> No.2275431
File: 22 KB, 497x406, gordon-ramsay-good-food-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should make pic related with "dad"

>> No.2275461


>> No.2275474

>Figures out how to feed dad after 20 minutes.
>Kills dad immediately after.
Foolish daughter! But we must forgive her.

>> No.2275482

She really likes this kusoge doesn't she.

>> No.2275516

can someone explain why does she stream in different hours?

>> No.2275527
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>> No.2275528

I see the appeal honestly.

>> No.2275549

It seems fun.

>> No.2275551

It's causing her to be entertaining unlike how she is with omori.

>> No.2275577

It might just be her schedule or it could be she wants to switch it up for different western audiences since some can't make it no matter what time she picks.

>> No.2275632

to be able to groom both mutts and europoors

>> No.2275642

she seems to mostly stick to streams in early morning and late night (and vice versa for her time zone) since one's convenient for her and the other's convenient for her fans. seems like a good system to me since these early morning ones work for my schedule better than the ones that are later at night anyway.

>> No.2275666

Tbdesu I really don't see the appeal of this game. Its an eternal early access, it doesn't even look good, doesn't seem that much fun. There are other, better open world foraging games put there.
I'll tune in for the stream but it's only to support Beatani, not because I'll particularly enjoy the stream itself.

>> No.2275671

So that slavdads could end their job and enjoy stream

>> No.2275693

>My dad died with suffering

>> No.2275733

she's entertaining in Omori too, though? the game's not my cup of tea but it gives her enough room to do her own thing inbetween story beats.

you get to create hellspawn and watch your dads fight and get killed by monsters, seems fun to me.

>> No.2275771

Now she's calling us cucks...

>> No.2275815

i'll take a thousand kusoge streams over one Apex stream

>> No.2275834

The fact she doesn't like fps is a blessing.

>> No.2275840

Why did she stop playing Slayza Spire bros...

>> No.2275851

Our mouth looks like a dick sometimes...

>> No.2275895

Looks really shit to play but it is really entertaining to watch honestly. It creates funny situations she can react to.

>> No.2275926
File: 226 KB, 381x462, 1343463646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach, dad. Preach.

>> No.2276017

I kinda hate how hide and seek mechanics are now standard for what people consider to be good shooters. I remember when not forcing the players to engage on maps was considered bad design.

>> No.2276029
File: 125 KB, 376x336, StarvingDad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


twenty years in ms paint

>> No.2276049

Makes people feel tactical.

>> No.2276067

Next big arena shooter when?

>> No.2276069

Will you be bigger for Beatani?

>> No.2276080

Show this to Beatani, it's more cultural exchange.

>> No.2276093

I guess I just don't see the appeal, but in the grand scheme of things I don't matter so whatever. I'll keep supporting her, but I hope for some other games in the future.
I'll agree that I prefer this game to that ladnpile. As long as she's not follwing trends and staying true to herself I'll be there for her.

>> No.2276144

It's a shame too because APEX has great gunplay and movement
>I want to make dad bigger
what did she mean by this?

>> No.2276148
File: 234 KB, 370x397, 1597358551730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a good dad anon

>> No.2276164

To be honest I find this game more boring than her others. But if she's having fun with then that is what matters. There's just nothing in this game that really looks interesting.

>> No.2276229

Architect Bear...

>> No.2276232

You're a big dad

>> No.2276278

are you chewing her slowly>?

>> No.2276280


>> No.2276287


>> No.2276354

Introducing Beatani to Baneposting when?

>> No.2276415
File: 1.25 MB, 926x715, 1586998038033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her making chicken nosies

>> No.2276477

>I love you!

>> No.2276485
File: 108 KB, 1076x260, 1616373163732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pets dad
>dad lets out mini uooooohhh
this is too perfect to be anything but a happy little accident

>> No.2276495
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, 1616102291149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani calling out to you, saying she loves you...

>> No.2276500
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>> No.2276523
File: 249 KB, 477x583, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy family

>> No.2276535
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1531886793601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can make you happy, now

>> No.2276581
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>> No.2276667

>Getting roasted by Beatani

>> No.2276672

I think in the dub it was おまえがだ

>> No.2276673

>Forced feminization
Uhh... daughter?

>> No.2276698

Huh, well i was just kuso posting desu

>> No.2276730


>> No.2276732

Mmmm, dadpussy

>> No.2276754

Where do you think all the other Beatanis come from? Beatani is a virus.

>> No.2276768
File: 645 KB, 1000x414, beatani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.2276790

Have to leave for a few minutes to take care of something, come back and she's holding a fucking wedding
cute bear daughter too good for us

>> No.2276921

To imagine we would get a wife in the end. Gonna call my mom after this stream and send the picture of my new beutifull wife.

>> No.2276925

Nice pun

>> No.2276949

how come there are ~40 ppl watching but a 100 likes?

how does yt work?

>> No.2277015

Check the thread on this anon. Because of adblock or other factors, around 30% of people watching aren't counted in the view count since the end of last year.

>> No.2277016

Because people like the live stream and then leave and new people are coming into stream and giving a like as well, also taking their "spot" as viewer, you dork.

>> No.2277072

she's riding on us

>> No.2277091
File: 643 KB, 1105x1020, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2277101
File: 62 KB, 222x243, 1615297820236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2277123

I'm so glad I got feminized and merged with my favorite chat member

>> No.2277208

Basically YT super downplays live viewers 30-50% less than who's watching for reasons that only make sense to them and through all kinds of means and you get weird shit like a 10k viewer 2hr stream with 20k likes and 100k views as soon as the stream ends.

>> No.2277224


>> No.2277292
File: 185 KB, 468x431, 1543449028726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you love me?

>> No.2277331

>Beatani gave us a wife so we can stop saying how much we want to fuck her

>> No.2277362

>tsuki ga kirei
what a reference

>> No.2277372

>Why not both?

>> No.2277379

it won't work, i still need that kumakani

>> No.2277401

I don't want to fuck either of them, I want to go on picnics with my daughter. The old hag can stay home.

>> No.2277418

lol wow her english has improved so much since last month

>> No.2277421
File: 1.93 MB, 1038x789, 1617578201951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2277444

We were starving anyway, we might as well get some oyakodon.

>> No.2277492
File: 232 KB, 407x337, happymariage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find yourself a lover who looks at you like that

>> No.2277499

Combination of her studying on her own and just speaking english so often now when I imagine she didn't have much opportunity to do so before..

>> No.2277521
File: 486 KB, 600x754, image0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2277540

yeah there's no better way to get better at something than to just keep doing it on a regular basis

>> No.2277550

>I love you, dad!

>> No.2277579


>> No.2277588

I think it is mostly confidence, Before she would not even dare to say something withouth double checking with the translator, but now she makes her own sentences up on the fly with confidence.

>> No.2277667

All thanks to (You)!!!

>> No.2277668

these CHKN streams are comedy gold

>> No.2277685

Not gonna lie, my dick is very hard right now

>> No.2277703

Is mom that hot?

>> No.2277707

Horny dad alert.

>> No.2277712

Oyakodon time

>> No.2277714
File: 457 KB, 600x670, reimu2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2277717
File: 39 KB, 600x400, 0yIORjghxPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to find

>> No.2277810

Kumagai Fresh Cunny

>> No.2277835

Kumagai Funny & Cute

>> No.2277879

mom looks like a dildo mobile

>> No.2277913

>I am very seiso girl
beatani we both know that isn't true

>> No.2277928

>i ride on my mom, traditionally
beatani is classy

>> No.2277959

"The aristocrats"

>> No.2277977


>> No.2277982
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, how to reflect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2277988

I wish she spoke japanese more

>> No.2277996

Did she actually mention that once or am I imagining it?

>> No.2278017
File: 42 KB, 480x542, !1532285497632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I'm comingu

>> No.2278020

>I'm coming near my mother

>> No.2278023

>I'm cummingu

>> No.2278052

>Loss of consent

>> No.2278078

When dad crossed the line

>> No.2278143

>game chugging even on low graphics
Oil barons, where are you?

>> No.2278177

Waiting for the karaoke party

>> No.2278205

Waiting for the party

>> No.2278246

It's better than the last CHKN stream. She fixed some stuff I think.

>> No.2278298

to be fair it's early access so it's probably horribly unoptimized and would run bad on even the highest-spec computers

>> No.2278343

>daughter thinks kimochi warui = spooky
How do we teach her the nuance

>> No.2278373
File: 12 KB, 480x640, !1525346444681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is (You)!

>> No.2278382

If only she scheduled it April 6 or 7 so that it would be exactly 1 month since she visited this board.

>> No.2278413

just explain it in chat I guess

>> No.2278426

It's been exactly a month? Wow, feels longer honestly.

>> No.2278452

Yeah, when I was doing my reps for the wiki article, I noticed it was a month ago since she only had 100 subscribers. To think her goal was just 1000 at first, and that she's already at 2100.

>> No.2278461
File: 885 KB, 225x350, 1605286552627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stand by: making better wife

>> No.2278462

Teach her useful english anon. For example, you don't need to add the word "more" in front of better or cuter. She makes that mistake a lot.

>> No.2278508

Yeah I've been keeping track to prepare some art

>> No.2278582

>you shouldn't cum dad!
You heard her.

>> No.2278645
File: 200 KB, 800x709, nidone_woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have work.


>> No.2278691

CBT (Cute and Base Tickling) stream when?

>> No.2278917

Fuck youtube

>> No.2278957
File: 35 KB, 476x468, 45f4965816f997d0b253508eba22db1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2278987

>Apex fucking predator, several tons of muscle
>looks like a cute fluffy dog
What did nature mean by this?

>> No.2279018

nature is a tsundere

>> No.2279077

her graphics card is holding her back for her model upgrade and the games she can play.
anons need to make it rain for that karaoke stream

>> No.2279085
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, bwyWyujY034KEaHq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans stick like omnivore at the middle of the food chain 6000 years ago
>Why do all predators look cute?

>> No.2279133
File: 672 KB, 800x800, 1615499114606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made to bait retarded harp seals into getting close

>> No.2279159

it's not like she could easily get a new one anyway with all the scalpers buying up stock to bitcoin mine

>> No.2279161

Well it's up to her what to do with the money, and boy anons would need to donate kiddies to buy a 2070 even...

>> No.2279178
File: 36 KB, 246x138, abusivedaughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute thumbnail today

>> No.2279235

She has an AMD video card, she could probably turn the graphics up. She only turned them down because the game was lagging the other day.
I think the stuttering is from her CPU when she loads new areas, but she also seems to have a 6-core CPU.

>> No.2279257
File: 38 KB, 531x556, 1491929165229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has an AMD video card
there's the problem

>> No.2279259

beatani, please, just a crumb of kani...

>> No.2279316

it might just be because of running both the game and live2d at the same time. I know I saw one vtuber that had to just put up a PNG instead of her model whenever she played apex when she first started

>> No.2279355

The single PC set up is going to limit her on what games she can play if she also wants to use live2d

>> No.2279360

The frame rate is smooth on both the game and Live2D most of the time though except when she's moving fast and loading in lots of stuff.

>> No.2279369


>> No.2279389

she could keep playing gamecube games since she already has one of those and a way to capture footage from it
or alternatively a switch/PS4 if she wants to play more modern games

>> No.2279428

Is Beatani's English good enough to play To The Moon? I'm about to suggest it on streamlabs

>> No.2279432

I think you mostly need the big GPU if you want to stream monstrosities like ARK or if you're playing Apex and you need high FPS to stay competitive while streaming.

>> No.2279433

Every holo I know uses a single PC setup, including before upgrades. Live2D isn't THAT demanding.

>> No.2279436

I'm tapping out dads, gotta go to sleep. Have a fun rest of the stream in my stead

>> No.2279457

I'm all for this. I want more chuubas to play PS2/GC games.

>> No.2279470
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, 4e436b506fdb75d756551444c6674343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2279475

Isn't ARK more of a CPU hog?

>> No.2279481

well she's already said she doesn't like FPS so that doesn't seem like a huge issue
I still think the main problem with this game running poorly is just that it's Early Access, but even then "running poorly" isn't that bad once she turned down the settings.

my dream stream is gitaroo man so I feel ya

>> No.2279506
File: 58 KB, 680x544, retina_thin_yakiniku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to the anon, yakiniku can be this.

>> No.2279513

My dream stream would be Haunting Ground. It's from the golden age of PS2 horror gaems, and it's a game that preys on female fears specifically.
It also has the best game over scene I've seen in all of vidya.

>> No.2279516

CPU has gotten better over the years but it still turns my 2070 into a jet engine if I put it on max graphics at 1080p and I don't even get 60 fps all the time.

>> No.2279555

My dream game would be her playing RAD so I can understand what you anons feel.

>> No.2279558

Beatani falling asleep in your arms!

>> No.2279588


>> No.2279638

Roboco uses a 2 pc setup

>> No.2279649

pain yah

>> No.2279674

So, yakiniku=grilled meat?

>> No.2279729

Yes, Also yaki+niku literally means grilled meat.

>> No.2279746

>said she will be streaming for less than 2 hours
>been playing for almost 3 hours and it's almost 2AM in japan
She's clearly having fun playing the game, isn't she

>> No.2279753

Autist bear daughter

>> No.2279757

Going to the bed with Beatani!

>> No.2279777

You can tell that she's having fun by her voice too. It's cute.

>> No.2279800

nothing wrong with stream running long occasionally as long as the streamer is enjoying themselves the whole time

>> No.2279801

Mom fears the NTR.

>> No.2279803

I can't believe Bea stepped on her dad in front of her mom

>> No.2279806
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, poalr sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I want the opposite!

>> No.2279832

I hope she sleeps properly and isn't late for work tomorrow.

>> No.2279836

>47 watching now

>> No.2279854

Yeah and I'm glad that she does

>> No.2279868

>and don't forget to RAPE that like button
I can't believe she actually said that...

>> No.2279901

>I want little brother and little sister
You heard her dads

>> No.2279908

dad and mom(dad) will get right on that

>> No.2279918

Does that make Chihiro her older sister?

>> No.2279936

Yes she's her older sister

>> No.2279947

She can have step sisters/brothers who are also her daughters/sons

>> No.2279957
File: 178 KB, 280x322, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2279960

it’s not a bear stream without technical difficulties

>> No.2279961

>[buffering] am trapped on the internet and [buffering]

>> No.2279967
File: 111 KB, 357x384, Screenshot from 2021-04-06 11-58-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube ripping me away from my daughter yet again

>> No.2279985

This time it's actually YouTube's fault though.

>> No.2280000
File: 61 KB, 500x366, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo my bear

>> No.2280028
File: 16 KB, 323x407, helpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2280031

I can't believe she's leaching off of gura like this...

>> No.2280052
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1617369660324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Susan better run because I'm coming for her.

>> No.2280053
File: 91 KB, 950x534, Sleeping with poalr bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo bear nooooooooo

>> No.2280056

We almost made it too.

>> No.2280058
File: 326 KB, 667x583, 1571845856925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2280061

>people complaining about her having low live view counts
>stream ends
>literally seconds after the VOD goes up has ~500 views
and yet, I'm sure these same people saying she's declining will appear next thread

>> No.2280084

I hope YouTube-kun keeps its shit together during the karaoke stream.

>> No.2280086

can you explain how does it work?

>> No.2280098

youtube jewery

>> No.2280106

It's more cuter that way.

>> No.2280129

big brain move by youtube to filter 30-50% of viewers because of adblock and other retarded reasons

>> No.2280135

Rate the stream

>> No.2280144

Ten out te

>> No.2280152

I miss Bea ToT

>> No.2280155

dad got married to beautiful wife(male) and they both got blessed by beatani's abuse

>> No.2280178


>> No.2280181


>> No.2280189

best bear daught/10

>> No.2280198

100 grams / 10. Went from torture to blessed wedding to I'MA FIRING MAH LAZERS very fast.

>> No.2280205


>> No.2280220

9/10 Beatani put on a good show but the kusoge is starting to show its limits

>> No.2280229
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, bealost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Da- .... am trapped on the internet and- please don't forget- .... a..... .... love you.-

>> No.2280234

>he is not aware of the circumstances

>> No.2280250

I took my meds and she started to fade away.... learn from my mistakes bros

>> No.2280263

Honestly it's not a game I'd play myself but since she's having such a good time with it I'm having a good time too

>> No.2280271

>he thinks it's US who are grooming HER

>> No.2280279
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I'm losing it bros

>> No.2280308

proud mom/10

>> No.2280315
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She will return.

>> No.2280333
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I don't even know where a clipper would start with this stream, it was good from start to finish (well outside of youtube's buffering problems anyway.)

>> No.2280338

>he is lacking the required info

>> No.2280376

Clips from a whole stream are just structured narratives really. So you build the story of dad needing a wife, and their family adventures together.

>> No.2280379

I NEED to hug and headpat this bear

>> No.2280380
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Funny how a bad game becomes a good game with other people.

>> No.2280400

you could probably tell a story just out of her trying to learn how to feed dad

>> No.2280407

I never expected to become Bea's mom. We're blessed anon (male)

>> No.2280533

Hey guys, surrogate wiki anon here. Now that today's stream's over, here's the rough draft of the wiki article for Beatani I mentioned yesterday. We should probably just put up a stub and incrementally edit, but here's the initial content I propose. Let me know if there's anything you would rather not see, and what you would rather see instead, particularly in the personality section. If you have a reference that can be cited along with your suggestion, that's even better.
> Kumagai Chisato (熊谷ちさと), also known as Beatani (ベアタに), is a female independent Japanese Virtual YouTuber.
> Previously a 24 year-old average office worker, she was thrown and locked into the internet by her sister Chihiro. Chisato describes her current job as "gatekeeper of the Internet."
> She likes cats and dislikes dogs. She likes Croquettes among other Japanese dishes. She prefers that her viewers call her Beatani.
# Personality
> Beatani has a cheerful personality, likes to joke around, and can focus when needed.
> Beatani refers to subscribers as friends, and the mood in her streams is amicable. She strives for a friendly relationship with all people.
> Beatani is very open about her otaku interests, and is in particular a fan of RPGs. Many of her jokes come from, or are related to, otaku culture.
> Part of Beatani's sense of humor is also based on Japanese meme culture, such as Japanese flash video culture. She's happy to share information about traditional Japanese culture and Japanese internet culture with her audience; she also likes to learn about western Internet culture from her audience.
# History
## Background
> Both her YouTube and Twitter accounts were created on January 2021. Her YouTube channel shows activity as early as February 10th, 2021, and a proper self-introduction stream was broadcast on February 27th, 2021.
> March 6th, 2021 marks the date when Beatani expanded her following by advertising overseas, and a debut for English-speaking audiences (a summarized version of her self-introduction from the previous month) was released.
# Fans
> Beatani considers her fans to be family, mainly refering to them as "dads", but her fan-family also includes her moms, brothers and sisters.
# Trivia
> Before streaming, she only studied English in middle school and high school for 6 years. She has a surprisingly good grasp of the language, and is continuing to learn and improve her English skills.
> Her hair's color is based on the hair of Touhou's Youmu Konpaku (her favorite Touhou character).
> She designed and rigged her Live 2D model herself.
> She designed her own outro BGM, although it has seen very little use since her debut video.
> Beatani names her own species as polar bear.
> Her background picture is Bliss, the default background picture used in the Windows XP operating system.
> Her Beatani nickname is based on an alternative reading of the characters that compose her surname.
# Infobox
> Original Name: Kumagai Chisato (熊谷ちさと)
> Nickname(s): Beatani, Cute and Funny Bear, Based Bokukko Bear
> Rest of the generic stuff

>> No.2280538

I can't believe our daughter rode us (traditionally)

>> No.2280545

I really liked the part with her jumping and singing the wedding song in front her parents.

>> No.2280616


>> No.2280638

Should probably mention in the first section she likes to cook and makes things like japanese style gyoza in addition to liking croquettes.

>> No.2280651

very seiso daughter!

>> No.2280669
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x850, 1616168376300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff anon

>> No.2280693

classy beatani

>> No.2280750

don’t make me cry

>> No.2280925

When is beatani opening memberships?

>> No.2281046

She has a stream tomorrow with a thumbnail saying "Will U join my membership?" so I'd guess sometime during that stream.

>> No.2281058

her next stream's about discussing things like icons for it so I have to assume in the near future if not during that stream itself

>> No.2281067

Join her Kani Club today.

>> No.2281068
File: 79 KB, 968x647, Reasonable+_6e140685eaee6f63b41af5335954ebac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my first time getting a membership what does it do?

>> No.2281088

members-only content mainly
also an icon next to your usename and channel-specific custom emojis

>> No.2281089

badge next to your name and you get access to her channel emotes

>> No.2281104

You get a green name in chat, can use member emotes in her chat, and see member-only content (if she makes any)

>> No.2281125

Why bother? Anon hates chat emotes for the most part.

>> No.2281137

Can she even open memberships soon?

>> No.2281158

Would you really hate your daughter's handmade emotes?

>> No.2281184

>Should probably mention in the first section she likes to cook
That must be in her first Q&A zatsudan, when she mentioned Croquettes or when she was asked about Ramen. I know there's Tweets for the gyoza stuff as well.
Once I'm done with >work (again) I'll look for the timestamp, since I want the article to have decent references at least. Many other articles in the Fandom wiki were categorized as stubs and were scarce on references. The only non-stub I had a chance to look at was Gura's article.
Thanks anons. I'll see if I can get this uploaded by EOD.

>> No.2281221

You can just upload it to the wiki without needing the okay by anyone running it

>> No.2281237

I'd assume that's why she's going to talk about it in the next stream, she's got the sub count for it so i think the only thing that'd hold her back is the watch time

>> No.2281244

Only one her stream or in general?

>> No.2281258

only on her channel/stream

>> No.2281292

Whoops, I meant uploading directly to the wiki by EOD. Main thing I was worried about was if anyone thought there was something dumb or too containment-breaching, plus a few suggestiond, but so far it looks like it's good to go after a few more editions.

>> No.2281337

No, but would I or other anons use them? doubtful.

>> No.2281381

You could mention she likes to play niche games, she dug up CHKN to turn her dads into abominations
you sure you don't want to flex about how much of a simp you are?

>> No.2281392

there's various features mentioned by other posters but really the main reason you pay for a membership is A) to support your oshi and B) to enjoy their members-only content (if they make any)

>> No.2281399

Another benefit would be the ability to chat if she ever turns on members-only chat, but I'm not sure she would do that and that's more common on Twitch anyway due to gift subs.
I like memberships because it's a nice way to just give her $X/mo without fussing over writing superchat messages. Though that doesn't help much if she only makes a $3 or $5 tier like a lot of vtubers.

>> No.2281488

She should go for $10 at the high end. People will want to pay it so it seems silly not to offer it.

>> No.2281585

pretty much everyone does $5 so it's probably best to just stick to the norm. if she has plans for a $10 tier that's fine but otherwise rocking the boat might just make her look greedy to an outsider looking in. If people want to pay just for the sake of sending her money then sticking to streamlabs/amazon spell cards or even regular SC's if she has those enabled is probably the way to go.

>> No.2281590

Maybe also mention her dream of talking to hiroyuki since she said so in her intro video.

>> No.2281634

Isn't it only like 4000 hours total watch time for membership?

She's wayyyyy past that.

>> No.2281687

The more options the better. I'd like a $100 tier myself ($5-10 per stream, seems pretty reasonable).
I wish YouTube would just let you pay whatever you want and give you the highest tier that is less than or equal to that amount.

>> No.2281704

Honestly if you want to give her that much then it's much better for Streamlabs unless you really want Youtube to have the 30% cut or whatever.

>> No.2281785

How much does Streamlabs take?

>> No.2281790

Every platform takes a cut and I want to be a Batdad, supporting her from the shadows. Spellcards work for that I guess but I think those are better to commemorate special occasions. Plus I don't want the bear to get in trouble with the Japanese IRS.

>> No.2281847

Streamlabs takes nothing from donations (they make their money through Prime features.
But Streamlabs uses Paypal, which does take a cut (it's complicated).

>> No.2281903

>No, we don’t take a cut from any donations that pass through our system, and we never will. All of the fees come directly from the payment processors.

Basically their cut is just Paypal fees or whatnot. Streamlabs is much better than SuperChat for streamers.

>> No.2282185

She could just play games that are either >10 years old or optimized for literal toasters.

>> No.2282194

paypal fee is like 3% instead of 30% for jewtube.

>> No.2282213

"Original" wiki anon here, I'm too busy lately and I couldn't take care of this. Thank you for doing it in my place.

>> No.2282229

I hope she knows about these cuts and doesn't get discouraged by people sending her streamlabs donations instead of superchats

>> No.2282259

We could just tell her, you know.

>> No.2282262

Does she even have superchats enabled?

>> No.2282277

dads just need to encourage her to go through with it even if anons would rather use streamlabs

>> No.2282356

Be me
>Be at work while wired as fuck from taking caffeine pills
>Working faster and harder than I've ever have in years
>All while listening to my little bear daughter telling me to do something and abusing me
I ended up getting all of today and tomorrows work done several hours before I clocked out for the day.

>> No.2282393
File: 200 KB, 828x479, 1617126522372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really magical to have someone believe in you. Having a daughter changes you...

>> No.2282449

Good to feel motivated anon but I would caution you not to become the guy who gets burdened with all the work because he is too efficient at it.

>> No.2282579

>50 min ago
Wait, I thought she went to sleep

>> No.2282615

She's probably nervous as fuck due to membership stream. Hope she can get some good rest.

>> No.2282668

The cost of using Paypal is variable and depends on a number of factors including: type of account, country of payer/payee, payment/withdrawal method, and currency conversion rate. There are also minimum fees which can eat into smaller payments (like up to 30% for a $1 payment).
You might also want to consider that superchats and memberships (or bits and gift subs on Twitch) are more accessible to users and more visible to chat, which can influence people's spending behavior and make them spend more than they otherwise would. Think of Canadians bullying a streamer with red superchats, or people ganging up on a Twitch streamer by throwing out enough gift subs to make everyone in chat a member. The high rollers who participate in these spending sprees often make up for whatever cut the platform takes. Streamlabs does have a donor leaderboard, but no one looks at it.

>> No.2282890

another day I press the play button on this

>> No.2283010

so much has improved from then

>> No.2283084

Is this Chihiro in the video?

>> No.2283370

Has anyone translated it?

>> No.2283559

>also known as Beatani (ベアタに)
"Beatani" is written with all hiragana (べあたに)

>> No.2283611

I knew that at some point she adjusted her model some streams after the first Q&A zatsudan. I'm not sure how I didn't notice it was in her eyes (height, position, coloring). Honestly I liked the innocent look, but I guess that wasn't intentional given how much her early model used to spaz out. Her "squintier" eyes give off the smug aura that seems to go with her personality anyway
Hey anon, don't worry, been there. Honestly I should be spending less time on the silly bear and more time figuring out what the fuck is going to happen with the severance pay from my previous work, but I've been managing to do both somehow. Also, thanks to the other anons that added more ideas for the article (a bit busy to quote them all), will definitely keep in mind once I can start editing the draft again.
How did I screw that up? Thanks for the catch.
Someone should translate it, it's really cute. That's supposed to be her sister.
I'm surprised she knows about MYST (the beginning text says that's what it looks like where she's trapped), if it's the same MYST I'm thinking of.

>> No.2283624
File: 182 KB, 289x499, sorry bros she's staring at me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic.

>> No.2283630

mbmasher san please translate

>> No.2283783
File: 38 KB, 1086x397, what did she mean by this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anons watch her play Popolocrois even if the translation patch isn't ready? I know I do, but I'm not sure about the EOPs. She did a decent job at live-translating during her Touhou stream.

>> No.2284128

Apparently the PSP version, which is a remake of the first and second game with a new connecting chapter in the middle, was released in English. PSP also has AV out, so I wonder how feasible it would be for her to import that version if she really wanted to play in English.

>> No.2284139

I know that Sunsoft funded the PlayStation port of Riven so maybe it's popular in Japan?

>> No.2285039

Post hidden gems you want her to play (only games from the PSX and PS2 era are allowed):
>shadow hearts
>Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
>OverBlood 2

>> No.2285353

Looking at my library, so maybe:
Blood Will Tell
Rule of Rose
Radiata Stories
Dark Cloud 1/2
Valkyrie Profile

>> No.2285788 [DELETED] 

RAD: Robotic Alchemic Drive
Blue Stinger
Ring of Red
Siren: Blood Curse
Carnage Heart

>> No.2285825

It would be cool to see her tackle a couple of classic WRPGs.

>> No.2286378

Tomba (1 or 2)
MediEvil (1 or 2)

>> No.2286431

Not really a hidden gem, but Zone of the Enders 2 was fire. Probably (actually definitely) too many cutscenes though.

>> No.2286637

>kare ni wa jūyō na jōhō ga arimasen

>> No.2286729

Has she talked about what game series she has already played? I'd love a MGS or RE stream

>> No.2286993

>she's entertaining in Omori too, though?
For me the only entertaining parts is when it turns into a zatsudan with chat.
A person only has to watch 30 seconds of the stream for it to count as a view.

>> No.2289840

I'm just itching to pull the trigger on a subscription
