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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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214650 No.214650 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, we know who are the closest in hololive, but what about the ones who hate/dislike each other?

Moona/kiara? Pekora/Aqua? Risu and any non-id vtuber?

>> No.214714 [DELETED] 
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>> No.214780

You sound like a gossiping whore.

>> No.214849

If that one Subaru copy pasta from her post Collab with Kiara is to be trusted, then she hates literally everyone

>> No.214918

spoonfeed me

>> No.214968

"She" as in Subaru or Kiara? Former doesn't strike me as someone that'd have mass problems with others.

>> No.214969 [DELETED] 
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>> No.215080

Imagine being a vtuber and assigned a group of friends as coworkers. They help you with stuff and a lot of your high volume content is about hanging out together. Now imagine being so unprofessional that anyone is able to see your negative thoughts towards people in the organization in a public light. If there was anything like that, I can't imagine they would be able to hold the job for long. I'm sure plenty have resentment. They're women after all. For them to actually be openly bitchy would tarnish the brand beyond repair.

>> No.215183

I would be surprised if Fubuki didn't harbor some sort of resentment for Coco.

>> No.215280

Kiara. There was a shit-post on /jp/ right after the Subaru/Kiara collab where it basically stated that Subaru met Kiara and she instantly had her fuck off because it wasn't stream-o-clock. (kiara) Stayed on her phone with texting, calling, and checking other things while Subaru set everything up. Kiara lost her shit over not having a chair, Subaru offered hers but was declined. Kiara then sat on a trashbin meant for like a school kids desk and it obviously broke (This is mentioned in the actual post collab of subaru/kiara video). Collab starts and Kiara instantly goes into Kiara mode for the stream. As soon as its over, her loving vibes and kindness instantly turn off and she moves on to her next stint

Subaru plays it off (the shitpost continued as to say) as her being an exceedingly busy woman

>> No.215324

fairly positive the JP side of the infamous JP/ID/EN Among Us stream are not very cool with Gura

>> No.215353

I hope this isn't true. I just keep hearing negative shit after negative shit with regards to Kiara, and I want to believe she's not that shit of a human being.

>> No.215451

kill yourself

>> No.215469

Kiara isn't exactly the most warm person. Seems to be a motif even on the EN side

>> No.215477

So was the source simply an anons post from /jp/, or was there actually some sort of actual proof on this? Because if it's the first one, I'm not really sure how much you can really trust it, given how much Kiara anti's and hate threads we seem to get here.

>> No.215511
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You first.

>> No.215528

Sounds like narrative bs.

>> No.215558

Not all that surprising, especially given how much she tries hard to act the opposite with her persona.

Could very well be but given all the other stuff known about her, it's believable.

>> No.215602
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This whole thread is a breeding ground for narrative fags and narrative Youtubers.

>> No.215749

It is, theres literally a clip of Subaru talking about this.

>> No.215751

>he believes dox fags

ok buddy

>> No.215850

That sounds like a big narrative.

>> No.215921

none of the holos hate each other. you don't need to post in the thread now.

>> No.215947

Is this the thinly veiled anti thread?

>> No.215994

That doesnt make any sense since fubuki fucking hates idol culture and said that she would step down in Hololive became a black company.Hell she even Collabs with holostars when nobody else does in hololive asidr for id and matsuri

>> No.216000


>> No.216072

Now that's what I call rrating

>> No.216076

Coco and Hachamma acknowledging the existence of Taiwan got everyone booted off of BiliBili, and Fubuki was extremely poplar in China. I think she technically lost, like, half her income?

>> No.216149

Eh yeah Fubuki probably thinks Thats sucks But why would she resent Coco for it.Coco mention taiwan and getting everyone kicked wasnt really her fault she just mention a country in like a harmless sentence and china went ape shit for some reason

>> No.216167

She's been opinionated from the start. That narrative would better serve Aqua since she's the one the Chinese fawned over and made up tales how she's the one who suffered from the Coco decision.

This Aqua narrative was also disproven almost immediately

>> No.216177

I mean tbf If fubuki cared that much about her income she wouldnt be collabing with holostars then

>> No.216188

Anon, the zhangs went ballistic and started spamming Fubuki's hashtags with dox shit just because she tweeted about having lunch with Coco the day before her suspension ended

>> No.216204

You've been watching Vtuber gossipshit on Youtube, haven't you?

>> No.216235

Yeah if she truly resented coco why did she make that lunch treat and get the hate mob onto her doesnt make any sense to do that for someone you resent

>> No.216257

this narrative is pretty insane because Subaru talked about the collab at great length and mentioned how Kiara set everything up and was triple-checking if everything works correctly. Subaru also gave her a trash bin to sit on herself and it broke.

>> No.216259

Miko dodges someone like the plague i'm sure, i just can't remember who

>> No.216293

I don't think anyone truly hates anyone else, and if even if they do, they are professional enough not to show it

>> No.216300

Probably bs, considering that Subaru was fine with collabing with Kiara again afterwards for Holotalk when she could have easily refused and let someone else do it. Why would she happily accept a collab if, as the narrative suggests, Kiara was awful to work with?

Not to mention Subaru called her kind and considerate when she talked about the collab in a later stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRu6m1p7d-w).). If this narrative was true, it would mean that Subaru's a liar when she could have simply not talked about her afterwards.

>> No.216323

Miko dodges the holostars but make sense considering you know her image

>> No.216349

Based on what, though? Gura's silly little gamer rage moment? It's not like the JPs haven't had those before. Hell, Rushia's was turned into a funny little animation on youtube.

>> No.216372

>Subaru also gave her a trash bin to sit on herself and it broke.
How many narratives can schizos make out of this?

>> No.216386

Rushia's is hammed up gamer rage, while Gura was actually sulking at the end of it.

>> No.216425

Rushia plays it up and it's her shtick, Gura was salty
One of the only narratives im willing to believe, considering 0 jp collabs happen with her, yet every other EN girl has had at least 1

>> No.216464

I personally have a narrative that Kiara has a thick ass and would like to test it with my face.

>> No.216498

Good news about your narrative anon

>> No.216503

That's not how that post went. What happened was Subaru met Kiara at a grocery store before their collab. She told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but she didn’t want to be a douche and bother her before they were meant to meet up or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
Subaru was taken aback, and all she could say was “Huh?” but Kiara kept cutting her off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of her face. Subaru walked away and continued with her shopping, and she heard Kiara chuckle as she walked off. When Subaru went to pay for her stuff up front she saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen rotisserie chickens in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma’am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the chickens and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at Subari. She doesn’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Kiara kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.216507

ITT: schizos and actual autists.

>> No.216517
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Finally, a narrative I can immerse myself in

>> No.216546

Props because i haven't read that in a while

>> No.216556

riterarry shaking, she'd never do this

>> No.216570

Social manipulation games are often a saltmine. Gura didn't just not win, she didn't even get to play for the whole match, and she was executed several times (unfairly) while not being able to defend herself due to the language barrier.

>> No.216576

At this point, it sounds like a fiction.

>> No.216599

Also Ame found infinite more joy off throwing Gura under the bus
>Gura sus
>Gura sus

>> No.216647
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I mean, Kiara has mentioned sitting on her faces several times. She even asked Gura is she's like her to poop on her, to which Gura accepted. Seems like using her butt is Kiara's charm point.

>> No.216675

A narrative I can get behind.

>> No.216787

based schizo, no (you) for you tho

>> No.216797


>> No.216823

Noel ABSOLUTELY DESPISES Fubuki. If you know you know.

>> No.216863

I don't know.

>> No.216897
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How new?

>> No.216898

I could believe this

>> No.217005

Jesus Christ Kiara...

>> No.217066

This ones not even a rrat if you’ve been here or on /jp/ with any regularity

>> No.217234

The only one I can think of is Ayame and Marine. However that is just Ayame being on edge around the sex offender, which is perfectly understandable. They actually seem to like each other just fine, Ayame is just hard to get to open up and relax and she never has around Marine.
I think anon is just making a comment about how Flare has stated that Fubuki's tits are her ideal breasts.

>> No.217749

Fubuki hate idol culture since when?

>> No.217766

Well, good news for you, kiara has a great ass

>> No.217809

Do you have a source for this claim?

>> No.217820

Dude... it's an old copypasta. I think the original was about Billy Murry it's so old.

>> No.217852 [DELETED] 

Probably her Cosplaying stuff from pre-Hololive?
I mean... how many Trilingal Austrian Girls in Japan are there? When a semi-famous cosplayer that fits that description moves to Japan, and then 8 months later Kiara pops up, it's not hard to connect those dots.

>> No.217874

I want to kiss her in her big ass mouth

>> No.217896

Everyone hates Gura, except for Marine.

Also Gura hates Fubuki.

>> No.217898

One would assume the question was meant to bait anons into posting more fanart of Kiara rather than roommate shit.

>> No.217950
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>they don't know the whole situation was defused by Kiara volunteering to be spanked for accidentally breaking her trash bin

Unbelievable. It's almost as if you're not paying for Subaru's membership.

>> No.217956

>since when
her inception

>> No.217977


>> No.217991

since your mom became a whore, newfag chama

>> No.217992

Let's be honest.
Who here wouldn't have been extremely butthurt had they been on Gura's shoes that time?

>> No.218017

>kiara has a great ass
Too bad about her hairline.

>> No.218094

nigger are you retarded?

>> No.218112
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>> No.218272

Post the clip where Korone says she dislikes Pekora

>> No.218352

This is bullshit. If it were true there would be fanart of Kiara's fat ass being mercilessly beaten by Subaru, preferably with Kiara ahegao and Subaru in a dominatrix outfit.

But there's nothing. Nothing but Marine spanking. What am I supposed to do with that?

>> No.218356
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Ina loves fubuki!

>> No.218360

Wait whats the deal with Risu? I thought she got along with Korone.

>> No.218369

>Nothing but Marine spanking.
No one draws that either and Marine was spanked on stream multiple times. It's driving me insane.

>> No.218392

Never meet your heroes, as they say

>> No.218426

the best narrative there is to offer

>> No.218541

What happen anon?

>> No.218648

w-where are her ears..

>> No.218740 [DELETED] 


>> No.218757


>> No.218802

This probably. You have to remember that for most of the globe Taiwan is just another country in Asia, the chinese butthurt over it is completely alien to most people, probably including most of the holos since Taiwan has existed as a separate country for their entire lives. I'm 34 and I didn't even know there was a controversy until Coco stepped in it. For most people it's probably just another reason to hate china.

>> No.218856

Is there any truth to the rumors about festival being menhera and having problems with other members like Luna or was that just /jp/ being schizo

>> No.218857

Risu didn't really like her afterward

>> No.218874

Isn't all this shit manufactured? Just like how somehow all of them just happen to be lesbians, much to the delight of the coomers.

>> No.218934

Thats a shame. did Risu say something like that in a stream or tweet?

>> No.218981

>somehow all of them just happen to be lesbians
Like who? Some are bisexual, but the numbers are in line with the general populace.

>> No.219008

I think Risu can tell us herself how she feels here anon

>> No.219028

Are you Risu?

>> No.219045

The only time Taiwan is not legally recognized is in the UN and in WHO. Everywhere else, it's treated the same as Hong Kong and Singapore - a chinese/mandarin-speaking country.

>> No.219046


>> No.219060

I'm almost sure it's just baseless narrative in that Korone isn't as referenced as much in Risu's streams.

>> No.219075

I'm Risu.
Any rumors about Korone dressing me up in Okayu's clothes and making me do the voice while she fondled my breasts are completely unfounded and untrue.

>> No.219076

>Why would she happily accept a collab if, as the narrative suggests, Kiara was awful to work with?
Not endorsing the idea, but there aren't many EN talents yet. Of them, only Kiara's fluent in Japanese (IIRC), and Subaru has been looking to reach the English-speaking audience for a while now.

>> No.219085

So many baits here and people eat it all so easily. LMAO

>> No.219123

this board is two minutes old and is already worse than /cgl/ at incessantly attempting to manifest drama where there is none.

>> No.219170
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>filthy kraut is into scat
Imagine my surprise

>> No.219179

> rumors about festival being menhera
You don't need a rumor for that, anon

> and having problems with other members like Luna or was that just /jp/ being schizo
Now that's fake. She does touch people who don't like to be touched but that's all.

>> No.219197

I can’t think of a single holo that has talked badly of another. The only thing I know of is people being on edge with Marine but that they either admit to it or play into her hornyposting shows it’s not serious.

>> No.219218

Why? Is she too drunk to communicate with? Language barrier typically prevents people from hating one another.

>> No.219221

But what really happen THAT night with Marine and Shion !

>> No.219231

Just the CN group after the graduation decision.

>> No.219268

>Taiwan... Hong Kong and Singapore
>a chinese/mandarin-speaking country.
Two of three anon, Hong Kong is Cantonese. Sure it's still chinese, but it's not Mandarin.

>> No.219277


To be fair her tweets defending Coco came after she and the other holos got booted off Billi at least to the best of my knowledge. So she could still resent Coco for causing her to lose money, but figured there was no reason not to make public shows of support for Coco after the fact, other than causing the bugs to hate her. And no right-thinking person cares what the bugs think, she would only care about losing their ant hive money hoards.

I don't believe any of that, just saying that it's possible she could hate Coco despite tweeting otherwise.

>> No.219279

What a retarded thread full of made up narratives and schizoposts. I hope none of you retards unironically believe this shit.

>> No.219280

They had some kind of awkward half drunk half sleep groping that Shion is embarrassed about because she thinks she’s straight or was just lonely but that Marine is probably completely fine with either way.

>> No.219446

A pure maiden or a hikkimori lesbian?

>> No.219452

>Schizo Narratives - The Thread

>> No.219483

Is that what they normally sound like when not doing the character?

>> No.219529

arr sound same

>> No.219578

So do French and Americans I guess

>> No.219659
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ive been wondering for a while about vtubers that dont get along. anyone got links to QRD for this? i cant sleep and need some drama in my life.

>> No.219923
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That was my post! I can confirm it was just a shitpost based on nothing, I was trying to make it sound like a rough translation of something Subaru had actually said. I'm glad people actually believed it was real

>> No.220062

KEK and these dumb nigger still bought it. Kiara antis is a special breed of retarded.

>> No.220172

I once posted that flare is extremely racist as a reply to an obvious shitpost narrative and to this day I keep seeing this claim posted over and over again.

>> No.220502

Flare and Ayame being horrifically racist is honestly my favorite rrat, I just find it hilarious

>> No.221167

Ogey zhang

>> No.221523


>> No.222591

No one mentioned aqua and pekora? this is not about kensetsu wars btw

>> No.222650

>filthy gaijin comes out of nowhere to yoink first big Hololive subscriber milestones
>stupid "a" meme
>doesn't speak a lick of niponnese

>> No.222736

What about them?

>> No.224836

You are fucking retarded (or just a zhang) Cover didn't announce they were pulling out of china completely until *after* Coco came back, in fact it's bery likely that Fubuki getting attacked by the chinese was a big factor, since it showed that the whole situation in china was irrecuperable

>> No.224966

Seems like thats just a (you) think and you are just bootyblasted about her getting 1M before your oshi

Maybe you should buy some ad space
