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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 426 KB, 1891x1805, 1648555420665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21330675 No.21330675 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK were they thinking? Especially Pomu.

>> No.21331089

I don't understand why NijiEN management allow this?
Even Twitch Thot knows that streaming together with a guy in a hotel room is career suicide

>> No.21331377

Did you draw cum on the girls' screens?

>> No.21331462

You have very high expectations of them, anon.

>> No.21331512

Guys, I really like Pomu, but im starting to see that shes just another whore like all the rest

>> No.21331703

I feel sorry for you nijibros, It must feel bad to get cucked

>> No.21331771

remove the E

>> No.21331890

God that looks so hot

Any more fanart of this event?

>> No.21332016

She's a woman. You need to set boundaries every now and then or they will try and have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.21334630
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>> No.21334673

post the condom edit

>> No.21334740

anon... its real cum

>> No.21335157

They prefer unprotected creampie, anon...

>> No.21340427

>Especially Pomu.
She was the only one who thought about anything, and she's a numberfag who wanted his audience of tweens.

>> No.21340517


>> No.21340617

If someone made an NTR doujin of this I will cum buckets

>> No.21340643

Trading your audience of loyal gachikoi for an audience of teenage girls who don't give a shit unless there's a male on your stream seems like a bad idea in the long run

>> No.21340749

They are

>> No.21340756

Claiming yourself gay is viable strat to get girls.

>> No.21340808

Western whamen can do whatever they want

>> No.21340829
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I LOOOOOOOVE BEING STRAIGHT (not gay (yes i think about dicks all the time but it's just how much i hate them ok))

>> No.21340855

She ain't the brightest bulb in the box. Is probably hoping her usual audience won't pull out over a single stream.

>> No.21340990

>Uki merely pretended to have a boyfriend for years JUST so he could fuck some rando SEA girl and her 30 year old ex-OL friend
Genius. Not like he's a hot asian dude who could pick up any chick he wanted if he wasn't incredibly gay.

>> No.21341045

I didn't like the stream but I s the fact she disabled comments and deleted any that even remotely criticised it that made me realise she's just as vapid a bitch as every other women
I now genuinely believe she would fuck Luca if they ever met

>> No.21341133

They were hanging out with their friends. Literal simple answer.
It's career suicide for e-girls.

>> No.21341159

Then it's possible that fujos would start paying for the girls if their husbandos ask them to, not much but enough to keep them going and dab on the "incels" so that nijihomos can keep their playthings.

>> No.21341212

Nine months from now, pomu and finana will graduate at the same time.

>> No.21341309

NijiEN are egirls

>> No.21342388

Hear me out anons I think I figured out the problem of why this collab was pure dogshit from the start.
> NijiEU Collab advertised as M/F collab, surprise guess is male, collab does great.
> NijiCAN Collab advertised as F only, surprise guess is female, collab does great.
so far so good but then...
> NijiUS collab advertised as F only, surprise guess is male, collab goes to shit.
That's the problem. If Pomu was the secret guess and that Uki was advertised from the start it would have gone under the bridge but the ''clickbait'' russled the non-vocal unicorn fans. You had the fact that Uki is, for the most part, a who guess to that very hyped up collab and that the chemistry was low and you have a mediocre collab and fans upset.

>> No.21343204
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I think my favorite part of the image is that they took the pic on the bed. It's pretty much a taunt, or a "yeah, fuck you".

>> No.21343279

This is literally what is happening right now. Go to the comments for the collab, and the few remaining critical comments all have replies with faggy avatars or names like "Uki's husband". The rabid nijiboy fanbase is going to keep burying any criticism of the collab to own the "holobrony unicorns", even though long time fans just didn't want to get bait-and-switched.

>> No.21343345

his cock was good enough to ruin her career over

>> No.21343991

I'd facepalm from you stating the obvious, but many retards /here/ clearly seem to need it, so well done

>> No.21344092

Don't use Noraneko for posts like this.

>> No.21344190
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Wtf so he really did bang them

>> No.21344508

Nina thriving
Pomu in shambles
Thank you Luxiem

>> No.21344511

Comments got disabled in the early morning, probably was asleep. Thank Mane-chan
I'm not a unicorn, I actually watch some of the males stream, and the worst part of the situation was that it was Uki.
I swear, the dude has the personality of cardboard. It doesn't seem to extend beyond gay and effeminate. Only Finana and Pomu would've been far better... too bad it seems the stream wouldn't have even happened if Uki wasn't there.
They weren't able to get the hotel wifi working and had to use his hotspot.

>> No.21345081

>They weren't able to get the hotel wifi working and had to use his hotspot.
Would have been better to just cancel and tweet out teetee sleepover posts

>> No.21345234

They were thinking they would have a fun off-collab with each other and they did.

>> No.21345546

Unironically this. At least then we wouldn't have had Pomu nuking all criticism from the vod, because >muh haterz boogeyman
I can deal with the disappointment of a ruined stream, but I can't deal with my disappointment in Pomu as person

>> No.21345624

I bet they're patting themselves in the back after filtering her OG fans(formerlyBronies)

>> No.21345675

too horny to think straight

>> No.21345771

4th camera. Someone else was there.

>> No.21346015
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Diving through the comments

>> No.21346062
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>> No.21346127
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>> No.21346132

Should apply for NijiEN

>> No.21346157


>> No.21346163


>> No.21346299
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>> No.21346331

oh no what's next?
Twitter screenshots?

>> No.21346339

All of them should have multiple phones. Basic opsec starts at not using your personal phone for the ******face recording device******. Using one for the pic and transfer is trivial.

>> No.21346386
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>muh community

>> No.21346502

Desperation. Remember that nothing burger of a discord leak? I think it affected them more than people would like to think. They're ramping up to prove their worth like the little brother syndrome would dictate. Kind of sad to see because they were a good alternative but now they've shown they're like the rest and not above bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator content. The cost of this stunt wasn't worth it.

>> No.21346619

Vtubers are e-girls

>> No.21346660

The cost was an extremely slim minority of people getting assmad about it, so it really didn't cost anything valuable.

>> No.21346711

Go back to youtube you weirdo

>> No.21346797
File: 202 KB, 1080x1441, Screenshot_20220329-220209_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that?

>> No.21346833

>an extremely slim minority of people
Whatever lets you sleep tourist. Contrary to your commie beliefs money is necessary, but I'm sure you fujos will support the girls in the long run

>> No.21346853

So they disable comments just for a insignificant minority complaining? why bother then?

>> No.21346865

>It's career suicide for e-girls.
nah the greynames will "SURELY" support them by pressing like and safebox comments

Only decline awaits

>> No.21346877

That is where I watch streams. Thank you. You should try it sometime.

>> No.21346896

So what's gonna happen then? Will this drama escalate into something worse or is it just a plain old nothing burger?

>> No.21346960

>Women invade a male dominated hobby, try to change the thing that made it popular it the first place and tell any of the male old fans who challenge them to fuck off
Tale as old as time

>> No.21346965


>> No.21346967

Nothing burger. Schizos will seethe for a bit but that's about all.

>> No.21346970 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21346986
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>> No.21347008

Unless the real gachis and not the gachi larpers are actually pissed and Pomu's superchat money drops this won't amount to anything

>> No.21347012

Ame, Kiara and Mori?

>> No.21347016

Rrats aside how likely is it that they actually fucked? I know that weebs are notorious for being horny in conventions and meetups.

>> No.21347053

Finana was there. Nuff said.

>> No.21347086

Thankfully that small minority isn't responsible for most of Pomu's income
Oh wait...

>> No.21347108

that guy definitely posts here

>> No.21347120

But I though you femcels said that gatekeeping is bad... Oh wait I forgot that its ok when you do it

>> No.21347133

Please tell me that isn't lazuligut

>> No.21347148

She'll be fine anon. Though your concern is sweet.

>> No.21347167
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>> No.21347199

Literally nothing will happen. It's a very small number of people who are actually upset with this and not just baiting.

>> No.21347204

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a femcel.
You're so fuckin braindead dude

>> No.21347216
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Dios Mio...

>> No.21347264

>everyone who disagrees with me is a unicorn
You're so fucking braindead dude

>> No.21347269

>all greynames
Who wouldve figured it was underages and tourists engaging in muh internet culture war bullshit.

>> No.21347275

>starting to see
She's nuts, she's nuts and doesn't understand why other people think she's nuts while she acts nuts. She is the worst kind of woman.

>> No.21347324

There are no good women, anon. I wasn't born hating women you know.

>> No.21347334

All Mori

>> No.21347335

I just feel sad for genuine pomudachis, then these fuck just barge in put salt and rubbed it in the wound.

>> No.21347336

The BBC pill is that all women are like all women and even the cute oshit you thought might be different is just a woman.

Except Fauna because she's a vegan, which makes her worse.

>> No.21347398
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reminder that not even Nijisanji JP (except maybe gundou) would do this
EN nijiniggers don't watch JP Nijisanji and don't know that collabs between males and females are pretty professional and aren't extremely common
Nijisanji EN is the exception

>> No.21347422

From the pfps and typing styles, Im guessing its one based /here/ poster and a bunch of nijisisters who just watched the stream because it had a penis.

>> No.21347438


>> No.21347474

>pretty professional
Maybe like the first JP waves and their extremely simplistic uniform like chubbas back in the day but I find it overall hard to believe.

>> No.21347496

Some people will stop watching pomu but who cares about them. The army of yes men said it was good.

>> No.21347534

Tbh I don't care anymore. I already unsuscribed to pomu for this fake advertising shit. And lost any interest in finana ever since she brought in the new mods in her chat. Elira is the last remaining Lazulight I bother to watch, and my interest is in the decline given how much she brings the faggots up on stream. In the end al the jpfags were right, EN vtubers were a mistake.

>> No.21347544
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Saw an anon posting this when the comments got reenabled. The only one addressing the criticism, was a member
The defense squad is greynames cause they don't watch or support Pomu, they're just there pretending that they were always there

>> No.21347587

Never called anyone a unicorn so point still stands, dummy.

>> No.21347615

Nah, anon. You just discovered that wave and Nijisanji to be a failure. There are some good ones. Its just getting less common to find them.

>> No.21347630

They keep it extremely clean. There some sexual jokes here and there but it's all above board and in japanese joking fashion, something you'd see in school.

Outside of very rare occurrences they make sure to keep the wall up between them.

>> No.21347636

by professional I mean female X male offcollabs if they happen (insanely rare) happen in the studio with staff not some hotel that would make "offpako" trending word of the month

>> No.21347673

If you find it so hard to believe then watch their streams and see for yourself

>> No.21347697
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I can’t really say much. After Luxiem dropped I went from donating nearly every Pomu stream to dropping my membership, to not donating at all for months now - BUT I’m poor. My donations were frequent but they were all green SCs and the basic membership. So I can say ‘I stopped paying’ but I’m not representative of actual gachis/simps. Maybe the actual red SC members will stick with her even in spite of this shit, and it’s a good bet to ‘filter’ her audience. I don’t know. There’s, to me, a big difference in intention and spite from ‘NijiEN turns coed’ to ‘off-collabing with gays to own le chuds’… but hey, maybe actual gachis differ. Rushia’s more delusional unicorns followed her, after all.

>> No.21347701

Glad I dropped EN before it came to this.

>> No.21347714 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21347722

Anon, the impromptu collabs where people randomly show up in VC does not happen in the JP branch outside of Totsus. It's a completely solitary phenomenon to the EN branch. It's a culture shift, and not one that that the JPs actually like. Imagine wanting to be able to interact with the streamer and some chucklefuck Niji you don't actually like pops up and takes up the time and attention that could've been the talent responding or speaking to chat like they usually do? Yes, they collab with men, but it's said well in advance if it happens.

>> No.21347763 [DELETED] 
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Get out here holobronies

>> No.21347778


>> No.21347825

Rushia at least kept the keyfab going. I just assume most girls have a boyfriend. But as long as they're not rubbing my face in it I can suspend my disbelief, theyre anime girls playing a character not real girls. There's lots of overlap sure, there's still that barrier that helps you believe.

>> No.21347841

fucking newfags, they never collab in a hotel and sleep in one bed like these fake nijisanji aspirants in EN

>> No.21347847

it's really funny that some nijiniggers are actually hurt by this
grow a pair

even Kuzuha and Rindou who actually live with each other in real life never show it on stream for a good reason

>> No.21347850

kys seanig

>> No.21347875

Hope they are still together and have a healthy relationship

>> No.21347927

Newfags? Yes. You would have to be a turboweeb to know just how professional the JPs were in those collabs. Which is like what? 2018? 2019 and so on?

>> No.21347959

Impromptu collabs basically don't exist at all in nijijp
Collabs are always announced in advanced so if you don't like a particular liver you know if you can ignore a certain stream

>> No.21347966
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>> No.21347995

Pomu is a hypocrite
she doesn't care about her gachi feelings or is convinced that majority of them are okay with her sleeping around

>> No.21348004

Pomu cultivated an audience of saviorfags before showing her true nature. Its basically what Ironmouse did so she could have her cake and eat it too

>> No.21348079

>so true
i fucking hate twitterfaggots

>> No.21348088

I just realized the pomu thread spammer probably killed himself after this hotel fucking shit

>> No.21348105

ive gotten so many nudes claiming to be gay it’s true

>> No.21348133

I wish holoen wasn't so garbage if they were halfway decent I'd actually make the jump here and now.
But I guess I'll just go back to the jp branches instead.

>> No.21348144

It's a shit test. They're trying to see how far than can push before they get pushback.

>> No.21348155

Yeah but Ironmouse has that illness to fall back on so no matter what she does she'll still have saviorfags orbiting her. Pomu's only saviorbait is not getting into Holo

>> No.21348204

Guess we'll see what happens if viewership / SC's sent take a sudden drop for Finana or Pomu tomorrow.
If nothing changes then I guess their fans really do not give a shit and only anons /here/ do.

>> No.21348216
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Exactly this. The people defending this abomination of a collab probably don't even watch Pomu

>> No.21348221

Well they've successfully cultivated an audience of women and cucks who wouldn't care if they literally fucked on stream
Neither of those groups donate to the girls though so I'm not sure what their end game is financially
Share out the boy's SCs?

>> No.21348243

As a person who dabbles in both, Holo is fine. Hell their Mariokart collab last night was hilarious.

>> No.21348260

Indeed, no matter what she does. Her condition is making her easily the most protected chubba outside of Gura, Sora and Kizuna Ai.

>> No.21348308
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saviourfags and gachis were truly born to suffer. you know this to be true, anon. however even a viewer, be they grey or a member, must acknowledge the true nature of this image. what you do now is your decision, anon.

>> No.21348327

I'm a member and do not care.

>> No.21348339

I'm sure there's bright spots but I've never seen a good stream from them. Except from kiara but she's an honorary holojp.

>> No.21348389

I took the small corpo pill and after sorting trough dozens of them I found some gold that I enjoy more than I ever did the HoloEN and NijiEN chuubas, who I only watch on rare occasions recently

>> No.21348434

You clearly care seeing as you clicked on this thread in the first place

>> No.21348456 [SPOILER] 
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That offcollab makes me want to apply to Niji desu

>> No.21348472

gachibros, the true hero we didn't deserve

>> No.21348524

? I don't care that they collabed. I was curious what people were mad about. Turns out it was nothing.

>> No.21348563

The small corpos annoyed me too.
Especially prism recently with their begging for free art constantly.

Or the one that annoyed me
>It's not fair. Why won't anyone draw me in this meme swimsuit
>wtf guys stop posting lewd art (that I just asked for) to my main tag! Fuck off!
>also refuses to have their lewd tag listed anywhere

Some of them are nice but I feel like every small corpo is mostly run by the worst of the groups, like miori in tsunderia who I just hate with a passion.

>> No.21348582

Sorry Kiara, you will never be japanese

>> No.21348603

Doesn't seem worth the effort

>> No.21348624

that lucky bastard got a threesome holy fuck

>> No.21348678

edit incoming

>> No.21348735

nah its fine, go back to your safebox thread split.

>> No.21348783

Who in prism? Call them out anon why are you being annoying I want to know the beggars and bitches

>> No.21348790
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NTRbros I want doujinshi of this NOW

>> No.21348827
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>2 Women one of which has no problem letting the world know she is super horny
>1 Bi curious dude
>Rent out a Hotel room for just a 2 hour long collab

I'm a fella, you're a fella. c'mon guys, do we have to spell it out for you?

>> No.21348847

Saviourfags do nothing for anyone, you holobronies trying to saviourfags ‘failed holo’ is pathetic. Reminds me exactly of homobeggars who never watch the homos and only want to brag about saving them. Her actual saviourfags are not around because shes a ‘failed holo’ but for reasons that involve watching her streams, something you tourist don't do since your knowledge of Pomu extends only to what Kiara has said of Pomu. Holobronies desperately want other fanbases to be as obnoxious and pretentious as them to justify their bronylike behavior, this thread reads like you holobronies are projecting how you guys would react in this situation rather than how actual nijifans are reacting.

>> No.21348872

You need to filter them better, I found 3 of them who are everything I wanted from an EN chuuba. Although I will agree that the good ones don't really get the spotlight as much as the loud and abrasive ones

>or the one that annoyed me
Kek no idea who that is, but I guess I dodged a bullet

>> No.21348909

one of them is allegedly gay (like that changes anything) so nothing happened and if you question it you are an anti and even if they had sex it doesn't matter because it makes unicorns seeth

>> No.21348953


>> No.21348963

I know this is cuckshit but this picture makes me unbearably horny...

>> No.21348975

I've seen shiki and Nia do it directly on twitter. And I've watched a few of them asking on stream for more.
Not gonna bother digging for it but it's always off-putting to see.

That aside as well, most of the small corpos just tend to become little cirlcejerks with their discords. I enjoy the detached professionalism of the bigger corps. Tsunderia always being in their discord hanging out with the same circle and name dropping them on stream sucks for people who don't want to suck dick on discord all day.

>> No.21348995

>What the FUCK were they thinking
Sluts generally cease all brain operation at the chance of tasting dick.

>> No.21348996

I pretty much watch indies exclusively. The chance of an corpo, even a smaller one, having a member that spreads cancer to a girl you like is too high.

>> No.21349095

I need to watch more indies.
I like some of the art based ones. Chocojax is pretty cool when I find her (the model is ugly as fuck though)
And yumemi or something, the polish loli chick that's a really good artist.

>> No.21349112

Blah blah blah

>> No.21349140


>> No.21349191

Pomu.. I'm sorry... I'll fap to this

>> No.21349319

an off-collab with a male in a hotel room would be career suicide for even the most unity holo, how are nijikeks so soft?

>> No.21349473

Fujos literally killed the fanbase.
It sucks I don't even mind yaoi and will throw them a bone periodically. But they've completely taken over the Fandom and you're not allowed to have any complaints about any man ever. And wanting a solo girl collab makes you the devil.
I hate what it's become. And it's worse because I stopped going to any of the community sites or here when the males debuted and just kept to YouTube. Coming back after a few months and it's such a fucking mess.

>> No.21349565

>literally save koopa
>literally save nyanners
but in the end we were betrayed by this bitches

>> No.21349618
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I feel sorry for you, but that only reinforced my belief that western vtubers are never safe and that gatekeeping is essential

>> No.21349666

same, I'm still subbed to elira until she's ruined as well.
I blame the managers who are absolute garbage

>> No.21349695

I'm in the process of saving indie 2view if she betrays me I will probably rope

>> No.21349738

I still like Enna and Millie. People will
>hurrdurr unicorn likes enna
Me but they're usually doing solo streams and when they're not it's usually with other girls. That's all I want from a vtuber, I'm not asking for them to never look at a man im their life, just give me the streams that appeal to me.

>> No.21349744

This is why I unironically think Gura and her fandom are going to crash western vtubing with no survivors within the next 3 to 5 years.

>> No.21349856

With Vox and Mysta reporting an 80%+ female audience and the numbers they have, alongside the size of the girls audiences pre-male days. It's easy to think the NijiEN audience is a majority female one these days.

>> No.21349968

>Handsome McDeepvoice that will speak sweet nothings into your ear
>British/Flip with a decent helping of cute retard
Anybody surprised that those two have a dominantly female audience is a fucking idiot or ignorant of what women actually like.

>> No.21350006
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gura will never give in to normalfags, homos and fujos
she is based

>> No.21350014

The men getting a female audience isn't a surprise. It's that they've completely destroyed any semblance of the culture that was there before the men debuted.

>> No.21350016


>> No.21350076

pretty much true outside of hololive and maybe isegye

>> No.21350111

Lmao, Gura will turn her greynames into idolfags before giving an inch

>> No.21350339

No one's arguing that anon, but no one thought it would be this fast. Even NijiJp took a few years before Kuzuha and Touya tookover the reigns from Mito. Shitposting aside, lets be fucking real here. The girls at this point are unironically just accesories for the boys. You literally have fujos admitting to camping the girls streams hoping that one of the guys hops on the VC and makes the girls solo streams into impomptu collabs. NijiEN's whole structure reminds me too much of OTV, only the boys have way more control.

>> No.21350385

is that an edit?

>> No.21350415

>EN bitches
There's your problem anon

>> No.21350448


>> No.21350539

Nah Pomu comissioned it to kill unicornfreaks

>> No.21350542

It's worse than nijijp since you can't ignore the boys like you can there. And while mito and the jk gumi lag in numbers mito is still to defacto mouthpiece for nijisanji management whenever they want to announce something important. The girls still matter in JP. You can't say the same for EN.

What bothers me too is the boys get mods while the girls don't. Supposedly they're "quiet" but all week I've been having to watch the girls stop mid stream to ban bots showing up, even rosemi who literally could not tab out without breaking her game had to do it herself.
But the boys have like 5 mods at all times.

There's such blatant favoritism it sucks for anyone that favors the girls.

>> No.21350585

>Did not have a pre-meeting with Shu their tech guy
Yeah they were not thinking, or else they would realise their tech would be in shambles without the proper preparation...

>> No.21350600

the way you described this made me cringe physically. I hope you are either Female or Gay.

>> No.21350698
File: 366 KB, 500x569, 1613250372061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just unsubbed from Pomu because of the false expectation followed by censorship, even though I've been watching her more than the others recently. I'm still subbed to Elira, but I mostly just watch her karaoke streams nowadays and Rosemi, who I watch less because she's started doing Luxiem's twitch-brand "humor" cause her naive toddler brain was made to believe this is probably what's cool with the viewers right now. There's only so much >POGGERS EXDEEEEE! I can listen to before I drop her too, so its only a matter of time I guess
My initial gut reaction to avoid EN chuubas was right, I was retarded for giving in to my curiosity

>> No.21350771

if you're talking about her disabling comments, I agree. if she thinks there's nothing wrong with what she did, then why would she do that?

>> No.21350774

>The girls at this point are unironically just accessories for the boys.
I wish males had been here from the very start. It feels like all the work LazuLight and to some extent Obsydia put in before Luxiem debut amounted to bread crumbs.
We're never getting back Pico Park collab levels of kino but I wish they at least had 1 full year where we didn't break 10 members in the branch. Nina and Mika from ID are unironically the only smart ones who are capitalizing on some of the boys popularity. Otherwise, the rest are just collab fodder while their viewership or supa earning remains unchanged.

>> No.21350780

I mean, you could always just keep watching Elira, and pick up Ina if you're willing to watch holos.

>> No.21350805

I think they just realized they're big enough that they can safely shed off any of the remaining unicorns and any whales within that segment of their fanbase. Has happened with a lot of non-vtuber women, yes there's a dip in income but their growth onward with the perma-debuff is the new normal and they can proceed without having to worry about what might set off the unicorns.

>> No.21350873

that is the fate of women in manjisanji. We told you this would happen, but you didn't listen.

Thankfully HololiveEN is already too connected to HoloJP for the same to occur. Management will come down on it hard.

>> No.21350884

Women like the same dumb anime archetypes men do, just in the opposite direction. The cool, confident woman that will command the situation is just as popular with the right crowd as Vox is with his crowd, and just like women are their cutest when they're almost retarded, so are men like Mysta.
It's all about context.

>> No.21350888

its over bros, nobody would unironically play the character for us

>> No.21351071

so its a win for future holoENs then? Damn yagoo cant stop winning huh, the starsEN literally shook the fabric of reality of nijien

>> No.21351091

That's exactly what I meant. Most likely she did it cause >muh hater trollz
Just because there were some bad apples there to shitpost, doesn't mean she should nuke all criticism

>Ina if you're willing to watch holos
Funnily enough she's the only holoen I still watch

>> No.21351153

Babiniku's will save EN vtubing, they know what the bros want.

>> No.21351194

>the other thread was nuked
A certain truth was uncovered that needed jannie intervention. Can you guess what it is?

>> No.21351202

Nina is too busy trying to get one of the boys to put a baby in her to give the bros what they want.
Good on her, but I'm not here for that content.

>> No.21351251

Except that "growth" will depend on them collabing with the guys, so in effect they'll be stuck pandering to another segment of the audience.

>> No.21351299

Babiniku who?

>> No.21351320

Babiniku me

>> No.21351327

Holy cope, just how delusional are you? Do you honestly believe that the fujos who support Luxiem are going to donate to Pomu and the other girls? Purging any potential paypig is a bad move either way no matter what (You) think of them

>> No.21351332

They were thinking about you, the audience. Pomu's first priority is quality content

>> No.21351380

>Nijigirls are just a carpet for the entrance of manjisanji
You should have seen this a mile away. Let me give you another prophecy:
>caste system

>> No.21351395

>voice changer
lol no

>> No.21351443

Enlighten me, anon. What was revealed?

>> No.21351531

Im going to assume it was Pomu having a bf but I doubt he would let her have a sleepover with a guy.

>> No.21351592

>remove the E

>> No.21351602

Uki is the bf

>> No.21351684


>> No.21352404

It's a nothingburger you drama addicted idiot. It's just sad to see them doing it is all

>> No.21352442

>Finana coping over HoloEN having their 3D debut
>Now Finana coping that her girl date with Pomu got ruined
I truly feel for this feesh. Hope she doesn't go full on doomer.

>> No.21352634

I hope she does. She could lock herself inside for 4 years, eat glue and shitpost on 4ch during the prestream zatsus

>> No.21352753

Bruh, until I subscribe to keemstar I am anything but a drama addicted idiot. I am just a product of 4chan

>> No.21352900

Does Keemstar cover vtubers?

>> No.21353095

Based Nina using protection.

>> No.21353252

She did it to purge the holobronies from her fanbase.

>> No.21353389

What a weird coincidence that they totally relied on "holobronies" to get off the fucking ground to begin with. Acting shocked that they're there when 90% of the first Lazulight streams were obvious HoloEN fans only shows how fucking deep a rift there is in the NijiEN fans these days. If you're post Luxiem you're a totally fucking different demographic than what NijiEN UTTERLY was for the first six months, still the majority of its time existing.

>> No.21353442

>muh hololive boogeyman
touch grass

>> No.21353631

thanks pomu, Holoen3 will be raining on scs

>> No.21353673

what is sad about this? I didn't watch.
Don't tell me it was literally because there was 2 females and 1 male.

>> No.21353757

I think the collab sucked and Pomu is a dumb bitch for doing it but you guys are delusional if you think it will actually hurt her numbers. Gachikois are gachikois specifically because they can justify all the dumb shit their oshi did and convince themselves she can do no wrong.

>> No.21354023

but the members are openly complaining

>> No.21354153

>you guys are delusional if you think it will actually hurt her numbers
We'll turn this into a yab if we have to force it. Letting the discord leak go was a mistake. Don't count on finding much love for NijiEN on this board until Pomu's gone, nijinigger.

>> No.21354166

Just sad to see them leaning into this direction

>> No.21354247

Good for you, but that has nothing to do with my post.

>> No.21354256

>in our community

>> No.21354280

>Don't tell me it was literally because there was 2 females and 1 male.
>Stream hyped for a couple of weeks
>Finana has an extensive conversation with her parents about how she's just hanging out with Pomu, another girl, who is one of her coworkers.
>Talks about this with Ryugards on stream.
>Pomu can't wait to meet with Finana
>They're both hype as fuck, being cute on Twitter and shit.
>10 minutes into the collab, Uki just suddenly shows up at their hotel room.
>What follows is an aggressively mediocre collab as neither of the girls really jives with him, and he doesn't gel with them either.
>Awkward all around.
Even ignoring that Uki is a dude for a moment, it just wasn't a good collab and it was obviously because of the intrusion of a third person that didn't belong there. Pomu and Finana have great chemistry in general.
Then you add the fact that Uki is a dude to the mix, and of course people are gonna be mad that their Cute Girls Off-Collabing Cute Things is getting invaded. Even if it was one of the darlings of Luxiem this would have been poorly received, and it's the literal who from Noctyx, who fans of Pomu and Finana probably barely know exist.
If this wasn't some hamfisted shit from management, I'd be very surprised.

>> No.21354413

People tribalfag /here/ so much and start legitimately thinking there is no overlap between the fanbases

>> No.21354647

It's amazing how some have quickly shifted to
>th-they were just going to play Mario Kart anyway, nothing changed, the more the merrier
The copium is strong.

>> No.21354694

Damn I didn't know there was that much of a lead up to the stream

>> No.21354763

It was more like a week.
But it was still fucking stupid.

>> No.21354768

This is why I dont feel bad about trans women invading womens spaces. Get fucked roasts

>> No.21354824

all i see are greyniggers

>> No.21354839

How did their managers allow this shit

>> No.21354859

Don't forget the stream was extremely scuffed on top of all those things.

>> No.21354907

>threeway sex
cant make this shit up

>> No.21354918

It's the way NijiEN do it that I can't stand. It feels like it's every stream is boy-girl stuff. I could take it in moderation. But I prefer to watch female chuubas. That's what I subscribed to. And you just don't get that at NijiEN anymore. They badly need management to reel everyone back in, but I think they are careening toward some graduations and huge yab in the future.

>> No.21354956

Wait a minute, Finana didn't even know? That's the kind of shit that would make me not want to meet up with a person ever again.

>> No.21354999

Nani just knows how to push the cum out. She has more experience.

>> No.21355080
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1666, 1648574673676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji EN fanbase is full of fujos
it's time to let go

>> No.21355087

niji was always about coed streaming

>> No.21355162

Men build communities. Women come in and destroy them. Such is life.

>> No.21355184

It felt like Finana was weirdly silent after he appeared.

>> No.21355200

their managers literally don't give a shit
that's it
I think it is also possible neither of them informed them about it in the first place

>> No.21355290

don't even understand if that pic is supposed to be pro or anti unicorns

>> No.21355291

VTubers lessened my hatred of women.
Female fans of VTubers reminded me of why I hated women in the first place.

>> No.21355294

You ARE a woman. Its too easy to see femcel

>> No.21355310

I'm starting to think Finana didn't know until last moment either.

>> No.21355372

Not really.

>> No.21355391

yea but not hotel offline fuck stream

>> No.21355463

I generally don't mind the dudes. They are sometimes fun in collabs. But this one was simply retarded.

>> No.21355466

NijiEN management doesn't exist lol

>> No.21355539

>2019-2020 vtuberfags are all women
Not completely wrong, I guess.

>> No.21355613

>Damn yagoo cant stop winning huh, the starsEN literally shook the fabric of reality of nijien

>announce StarsEN
>causes Niji to double down on pushing up their males to get more of a head start since "it's an all out war right now"
>causes unicorns to leave NijiEN
>some come (back) to HoloEN
>HoloEN profits
>Delay StarsEN as much as possible, then release them as a separate branch like JP
Yagoo truly is a mastermind

>> No.21355691

>2 girls 1 cock
>Cucksome foursome

>> No.21355694
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>> No.21355698

>1 year ago
>arguing with a nijiEN newfag that anycolor loves to cannibalize their own livers fanbases to boost new waves
>they hurl insults at me
I hate being right

>> No.21355756

now is the time to find it and grudegpost it

>> No.21355941

This is not about unicorns I usually don't give a fuck about that crap but dude ruining a yuri collab and making it awkward sucked fucking dick. He had no place there.

>> No.21355976

>Highly anticipated offcollab with Finana, hyped for weeks
>Four (4) days of hanging out
>Only end up doing one (1) scuffed stream with a guy that killed the vibe and a low effort Twitter space
This was a trainwreck, as a Pomudachi I'm severely disappointed.

>> No.21355996

Really? Because I love it, especially when it's related to me being spiteful. Unironically few things make me happier than posting a worst-case scenario, having people doubt it, and then watching it unfold.

>> No.21356017

Girls only grew since dudes debuted this has nothing to do with cannibalizing.

>> No.21356053

>a yuri collab
End your life

>> No.21356068

Yeah I have no idea why this went so wrong.

>> No.21356097

Being stuck in a hotel with someone your mad at can make you insane. Pray4Finana

>> No.21356123
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>> No.21356169

Fuck off and die retard. They were literally advertising it like this. They fucked up and nothing will change this.

>> No.21356184
File: 3.28 MB, 320x227, ces.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even without the poorly shopped cum, this image just seems.. wrong on some level. I dont know if its breaking kayfabe so publicly or the fact you can easily replace the phones with underwear and it seems to give the same message.

>> No.21356206

Yurifags are also cucks, and extremely retarded. Die

>> No.21356255

>guys we're just having a sleepover with our gay friend teehee dont worry about it
do nijifaggots really?

>> No.21356265

Keep crying.

>> No.21356270

they grew because they turned into male accesories. Nina is the perfect example of that. The girls probably don't like it personally but are okay with it since it gives them numbers. But mark my words, this setting has all the ingrediants of a "me too" clusterfuck. If/when one of the guys makes a mistake and public opinion turns against them, the girls are gonna use that to backstab this shit outta them.

>> No.21356276

Are you anons surprised the nijifag reacted like that? he’s like her second biggest fan and second biggets donator

>> No.21356298

lmao the nipplelet is a roastie projecting

>> No.21356316

Aren't you crying about your precious yuri collab being ruined?

>> No.21356323

NijiEN grew so big we now even have braindead corp sheep that will defend anything.

>> No.21356373


>> No.21356396

And people winder why nijifags can't get views lol

>> No.21356435

it literally looks like some ntr doujinshi page
placing their phones on the bed with their models just begs to make sexual innuendo

>> No.21356436

And the people on this board were putting her on a pedestal

>> No.21356447

Sisters what does sex with a gay man feel like?

>> No.21356450

Genuinly go take your meds Tismo. I can smell it from over here

>> No.21356504

Nina is the only one like this. She's acting as the self insert for Luxiem fans. Other girls are not like this at all. Rosemi mostly does solo streams and her numbers are like 4x better than few months ago. Millie is the SC queen and she barely ever interacts with dudes.

>> No.21356554

It's been an interesting development to see the same crowd that disregarded and made gatekeeping impossible now be in favor of it.

>> No.21356571

Keep crying.

>> No.21356592

she isn't an idolfag
she is a whore

>> No.21356639

The people who are against gatekeeping are only doing it so they can be let in, push as many of the original fans out as possible, and then gatekeep themselves by pretending things were "always like this." And by 'the people' I mean women, this is almost strictly female behavior.

>> No.21356689

>only women do this
he says after holobronies did this first.
he says after holoENfaggots did it the original holobronies

>> No.21356704
File: 987 KB, 3000x3744, 1643505813803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We literally just had a girl collab that was 2/3 everyone wanting to fuck Rosemi. You are overreacting. Yes this collab sucked dick and Pomu went full retard but it's not the end of the world. I will probably just not watch Pomu for a while until shitty feeling goes away.

>> No.21356705

Can't believe Hana out her company's business secret like that.

>> No.21356713

Man, I think this only shows that it's over for the NijiEN girls, think about it.
The entire fanbase got hijaked by fujos, males already have bigger subscribers, view count and SC than the girls, the males can do whateber without getting concerned with their fanbase and the girls don't have much choise other than collabing with them, putting in risk their own fanbase and growth.
The manjisanji meme is real.

>> No.21356720

>you can seriously believe that these idols wouldn't be dating someone for their own personal reasosn
>btw I wouldn't date an idol for my own personal reasons
Nice one. Is this what you nijis watch regularly?

>> No.21356751

Okay, lemme walk you through what the word "almost" means in this context.
>not quite; very nearly.
>"he almost knocked Georgina over"

>> No.21356765

She's deleting comments lol

>> No.21356764

Women exist for men not the other way around

>> No.21356811

Stop shitposting none of this crap is true.

>> No.21356828
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>> No.21356844

You mean the canada offcollab?

>> No.21356854

The bestiest collab is universally praised as good, can't deny that.
the problem is its 1 thing in an ocean of nothing.

But yeah I'm too tired to keep bitching about it. I'm done with pomu. i gave that twitter space a shot but its literally just damage control and its boring a fuck since finana instantly shot down any attempts pomu made at conversation.

its not the end of the world, but it'll probably push me back toward watching indies.

>> No.21356855


>> No.21356878

>Its not true!!!

>> No.21356915

Based wataa

>> No.21356924

yes, it means close to every incident is done by women.
except holobronies are majority men, as are holoEN. and the bullshit hololive did to /jp/ was far worse than anything women did and has a far higher population. meaning in this case it is not "amost" as men participated far more than women did.

>> No.21356994

Fagshit most of the girls are getting 2x better numbers than a month or two ago doing solo streams. Pomu fucked this one up but holobabs flocking to this like flies to shit pretending it's over and NijiEN is dead is simply fucking hilarious.

>> No.21357000
File: 1.16 MB, 1326x744, pomu-debut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't try to defend pomu anymore, but put yourself in the shoes of someone around the time of lazulight debuting, and watching her early streams:

She was a breath of fresh air, and pretty charismatic (with the fact that she was doing her vtuber streams on top of working her office job being pretty endearing). She charmed a lot of holoEN fans (takos in particular) and many thought of her as being THE nijiEN girl to watch for people who were otherwise pretty much hololive-only (kind of like pikamee is for VOMs).

A lot of people started dropping her after she started becoming a lot more crass and swearing constantly, then nijiEN started becoming over-saturated with how fast they rolled out new gens, then you had mandated male collabs, the discord leak happened and didn't make her look good, and now you have this.

It felt like watching her rise and fall in real time.

>> No.21357009

Oh, I see the problem. You're only viewing this within the space of VTubers while I'm speaking of hobbies and men's interests as a whole. We're talking about the same thing, just the scope is different.

>> No.21357045

Don't pretend you were browsing /jp/ for longer than a month, you fucking tourist. it was dead for a very long time before hololive was a concept. Go make another fucking boobhu thread or something.

>> No.21357078

Fuck you I was browsing /jp/ when train posting was still going strong

>> No.21357098

Wataaamage never disappoints

>> No.21357152
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1629941538431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just taunting everyone, not sure if that's a good thing to do to your fans.

>> No.21357165

Is this like a Calli S1-S2 situation?

>> No.21357166

Yeah the entire veiwerbase is women who only want to talk about Vox's dick

>> No.21357216

Male collabs can be good. We have a great one happening right fucking now. The problem is that boring fag ruined a collab between two bi female perverts that was guaranteed to give us some great moments. I will never not be mad at this.

>> No.21357283

Didn't sound like they were having fun tho

>> No.21357292

>Uki made yurifags seethe
I usually hate fags, but I guess Uki is pretty based for this.

>> No.21357313

Who would have thought the greyname Genchink fans are only there to defend their precious gay baby cinnamon roll uwu.

>> No.21357328

Has the guy said anything about it?

>> No.21357389

Too busy enjoying a double blowjob.

>> No.21357419

There's ways of swearing and being crass that are fun and the way pomu did it.
Enna is fun and she's far worse than Pomu ever was, but she has good comedic timing and personality so it just feels like a part of her character.
While Pomu just like she was playing it up for fun but failing. Which is basically Pomu in a nut shell for me, she keeps pretending to try and do things but constantly fails are committing to any of it
>Fails are her cute fairy thing
>tries to go a schizo arc but within 5 minutes she immediately drops it because she has no idea what to do
>tries to be a malding funny girl but fails because she doesn't know how to do it beyond shouting fuck shit
>tries to pander to yurifags by accidentally dropping her "ex girlfriend" in a conversation. but never touches this again and has also dated men
>tries to pander to yurifags with this stream and immediately brings uki in for some retarded ass reason
>tries to be a singer but is worse than elira and everyone in ethyria
>tries to be the otaku know it all but is a foreigner and only has mid-level animefan knowledge
>tries to be the idolgirl but knows basically nothing about idols
she's a tryhard ironic weeb who fails at everything she tries and I've said this from day 1. I've tried giving her multiple shots, but every time her shitty newfag ironic tier bullshit ruins everything she touches.

>> No.21357423

NTA but since you replied to my original post, yeah that was also what I was alluding to >>21356554

Lurked/posted in the vtuber threads on /jp/ since 2017 and it's just kind of funny seeing the events in the vtuber thread on /jp/ in 2019-2020+ repeat itself except now it's happening to the people that were the "problem" in the first place.

>> No.21357764


>> No.21357990

that's because all the members posts are getting deleted
>t. former cuckdachi

>> No.21358041

Pretty sure Pomu's interest in japanese culture begins and ends with maid cafes

>> No.21358304

You opened my eyes.
Fuck you J.K. Rowling, troons WILL use the ladies restroom.

>> No.21358505

This is Nijisanji not HoloEN stupid brony

>> No.21358522

>the discord leak happened and didn't make her look good
Isn't her "all out war" comment because of Hololive announcing they're looking for StarsEN around 9 hours after Nijisanji announced their next auditions, especially considering nobody actually believed a StarsEN would've ever happened before Luxium? Maybe what she said could be considered overexaggerating, but it doesn't really put her in a bad light, especially compared to Fungus shitting on council or Finana's numberfagging.

>> No.21358859

She's a hardcore idolfag dumbshit.

>> No.21358915

>hardcore idolfag
>only knows entry level shit

>> No.21358917


>> No.21358919

Discord leak was literally nothing. Nothing they said was even controversial it was shit holofags were saying themselves.

>> No.21358980

You don't watch her.

>> No.21359021

>he fell for it

>> No.21359045

The only person that said anything even mildly offensive in the discord leak was Fulgur, and only because he was quoting dumb /#/ rrats from /vt/ as if they were reality. Everyone else was fine except Mysta who clearly needs a hug or something. Somebody get HIM a surprise off-collab with Uki.

>> No.21359100

Well yeah, I don't enjoy ntr so why would I?

>> No.21359291

Mysta is an ugly flip, he'll never convince any niji to fuck him.

>> No.21359313

>Even Twitch Thot knows

>> No.21359341

Proof next thread ?

>> No.21359406

Too many times I got the vibes she wasn't what I thought, but I tried to don't think about it because her streams were fun and she was cute.
Unsubbed Pomu, good luck paying the rent of your new place from your own pocket in the future.

>> No.21359570

I am extremely new to Nijisanji thanks go Nijisanji’s EN branch groups Lixeum and Noctyx. And I already can say from the members I have seen and searched that the LGBT representation and expression is off the charts.


I am going to definitely look more into the other streamers but I am incredibly impressed with the members who are comfortable enough to just be themselves and have friends who support them.

But honestly out of 200+ members (I’m still shocked by the amount) I wasn’t surprised there was going to be at least some members that defined themselves as LGBT.

I know to most their identity doesn’t really matter but for someone like me who is gay I find it hard to be comfortable in spaces where that isn’t accepted. So I am incredibly happy with finding this massive group of crackheads.

I look forward to watching, laughing and joining the fandom. This crazy new world might be something I’ll end up loving. Who knows? Time will tell.

>> No.21359923

Nice Reddit spacing, faggot.

>> No.21360039

He literally copy pasted that from Reddit.

>> No.21360055

Forbidden twitturd/redditurd sentence.
You have no power here.

>> No.21360309
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1648092590079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when my only hobby that allows me to fantasize is destroying my own fantasy.
what is wrong with pomu

>> No.21360429

Managers doesn't exist in NijiEN.

>> No.21360601

I see. I'm assuming from the Nijisanji subreddit.

>> No.21360650

Wtf does that rrat come from. Selen talks about manager san every single stream

>> No.21360759

It's really sad to see the male audiences turned from first-class citizens to a second-class citizen after the males moved in.

>> No.21361565

>Wtf does that rrat come from.
From the Kiara / Pomu collab I think. If Nijisanji managers "didnt exist" then the problem had to have been on the Hololive side.
