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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21271590 No.21271590 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21271628

connor was right

>> No.21271761

How long until she passes Sana?

>> No.21271777

Except she seems genuinely more talented than Connor is. She can speak four languages, sing, and draw. All Connor can do is monkey. What Connor is wrong about is that it takes a lot of talent to get in the door at Hololive. They aren't picking randoms off the street. They are looking for the the most talented of the talented. And fans know this, that's why they follow. It's like going to the first night of a movie by a director you like. Sure it might not be good, but you are still going to sign up to see it. Same with hololive. If these girls weren't super talented, consistently, then this wouldn't happen.

>> No.21271805

nice pasta

>> No.21271809

>comparing with the trajectory of a HoloGay

>> No.21271822

Within a week if she keeps up this current pace.

>> No.21271831

Rob worked hard for those and I'm happy how far he has reached.

>> No.21271841

Nobody cares about your homos, faggot.

>> No.21271844


>> No.21271940

I thought you incels already knew that girls are more popular than boys?

>> No.21271963
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>If these girls weren't super talented, consistently, then this wouldn't happen.

>> No.21271997

Kobo will over take her soon enough.

>> No.21272005

>best of the best guys I promise
You guys still believe that?
I wonder if there are any other Vtubers who draw, speak languages, and sing hm…

>> No.21272037


>> No.21272044

I wish Cover just handed all the stars over to Nijisanji. They'd do much better there.
It's just time to admit that each company has its strengths and its audience. Hololive wins with girls but Nijisanji wins with guys.

>> No.21272387

I think JP holo wins girl vs girl. But it does lack some of the unique talents of the niji side. There's no good alternatives to girls like ngo or tamaki.
On the EN side though hololive is just so inept at hiring its unbelievable. You have thousands of girls begging to get in, and they hire Sana. Then hire the best EN singer and give her a model made by a drunk 10 year old.

>> No.21272519

Yeah, I will admit Irys and Council were very very poorly managed like holy fuck how do they fuck up so hard.
Kronii hates her job and lacks Calli's talent, Sana is incompetent and boring.
Irys has a lot of potential but its wasted with a garbage model that massively debuffs her.
They also took a whole fucking year to debut their gen2 and that gave Nijisanji and every small corp time to build themselves up and steal some of their thunder.
I seriously hope Holo EN 3 doesn't take another year to come out and hope they don't repeat the same mistakes again.
No more garbage models like Irys, no more self loathing talentless hacks like Kronii, no more nepotism hires like Sana.
Get 5 fun competent girls who enjoy being vtubers and entertaining and give them good models please.

>> No.21272594

They should just disband for their own sake
Kaoru and Kira unironically do better after they leave Holostars

>> No.21272744

Irys model is fine

>> No.21272809

Explain Nijisanji then.

>> No.21272844

It's not. It's time to stop coping. Literally anything would have been better... even pikamees dinosaur costume or moon jelly weird monstrosity. Literally anything else.

>> No.21272845


>> No.21272913

Schizos sperg out about it but everything connor said was right. He didn't even shit on any of the girls, just straight up said they don't have to do shit and they get big numbers. People will try to point to sana, but she literally did jack shit and got big numbers. Sure if you work for it you can greatly improve your growth rate, but if you do fuck all you're still going to be sitting comfy at around 300k after a few months. There has been a cool off of interest because Myth really was lightning in a bottle, so scary cripple gay man was 100% right about council not doing as well as cover would have liked, it's just that "below expectations" is still incredibly good. The stars had to work much harder for their growth and it has had some benefit for their new kohais who got an automatic 20k which took the stars a lot of hard work to reach over months before their small eop boom.

Personally I don't even think Irys was the best choice for the job of "Vsinger" when compared to the NijiEN girls like Enna who are vocal powerhouses. Irys absolutely deserves her position because she's a great streamer and she is a good singer, I just don't think her singing is strong enough to warrant advertising her as an Vsinger. Honestly She should have been put into council with a non shit model (could even be the same design, just get rid of rednigger) and sana completely scrapped and someone else hired for kronii's model. The Vsinger position isn't really needed.

>> No.21272923

Dino Pika completely filters me. Same as TMSK v2.
IRyS is cute...sometimes.

>> No.21272954

What did Roberu do to deserve this shitposting?

>> No.21273116

Having a penis.

>> No.21273114

Who's the guy on the top? Some indie or maybe some Nijinigger rando?
What doesthat have to do with Hololive?

>> No.21273183

Not being part of Nijisanji apparently...

>> No.21273201

Vsingers aren't particularly always amazing, their focus is just on music. Which Irys does have far more songs and covers than any other holoen.

On the JP side for example you have RIOT where only like 2 of them are decent singers, but they have access to all the anime licenses so they can cover any song they want. So covers are 90% of their content.
Or kamitsubaki which is also pretty average on the singer side outside of koko.

Irys fits in there with them. She's no himehina but she's a good saki.

>> No.21273252

>More songs than Mori
Ugh okay...

>> No.21273299

Based on both points. I really agree that they shouldn't have hired Sana. She's clearly just not dedicated to Hololive. Plus Irys honestly fits better as a normal member vs VSinger. She loves to stream so much that it makes sense for her to be a normal member.

>> No.21273329

Honestly I'm not sure on that since I immediately close out of anything mori related.
Vsinger or not, everything mori sings is up there with the worst music I've ever heard.

>> No.21273483

Women are just the superior gender

>> No.21273577

>What Connor is wrong about is that it takes a lot of talent to get in the door at Hololive. They aren't picking randoms off the street.
>Council exists

>> No.21273658

No, more like most of the JP fans have overall made up their mind that Hololive just isn't a co-ed company. Roberu's a good streamer but legit in the wrong company. Don't blame idolfags, blame the NijiJP fujos for being tribalist and loyal to that brand because that is the market Cover wanted but has struggled to woo.

>> No.21273963

The reason NijiJP are successful while Holostars is dead in the water is because no one cares about muh idol culture, they just want entertaining streamers and it's hard to be entertaining when you're blacklisted from ever interacting with the side of your company that gets 99% of the budget.
Niji males can freely show up on streams with the girls, do 3D events with the girls, share a Minecraft server, and can freely play games and participate in the same tournaments like Mario Kart or Apex or singing relays to showcase their superior abilities and that's why they mog the girls, because they're simply more talented and people see that.

Holostars the closest to that is Astel destroying Towa in Apex tournaments but he's still never allowed to tease her or be proud of it or he gets rabidly harassed by antis so it'll always be super awkward rather than something to highlight his talents.

>> No.21274206

How many subs do the new ones have?

>> No.21274232

male Nijis mog the females the moment they debut without ever interacting with them and sometimes the girls literally debuff the males
homostars not being able to leech from the Holo girls is hardly the only reason they're not as popular as Manjisanji

>> No.21274292

Why does Hololive have Holostars if they do nothing with them?

>> No.21274427
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>> No.21274442

Way to out yourself for not watching Nijisanji at all. A lot of the males had to struggle for years with low numbers while steadily growing.
We're not talking about Chronoir here, Nijisanji doesn't have nearly as much of a box effect as Hololive and every person usually has to work for their success or be left behind.

>> No.21274681

What are they called now?

>> No.21274781
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>> No.21274830

Because Hololive doesn't "have" Holostars. Cover does. It'd be like saying "why doesn't Lexus make Camrys alongside their luxury cars" - they are purposefully separate branches under the same ownership.

They were never built to be one in the same thing and are in fact male idols in practice which is why they always act stoic around girls. Roberu when asked directly (by that itoulife girl who was fired) if he even masturbates at all, and stalled and tried to paper over/dodge the question - why? Male idols are supposed to be similarly clean and pure. They're not supposed to flirt and be normal dudes. It's a different image of what they're building, they're closer to host club type personalities in scope than generic streamers.

>> No.21274853

At least everyone can agree that Council is a mistake and whoever manages the EN should be replaced.

>> No.21274888

>idols are supposed to be clean and pure
except they aren't and you faggots have literally 0 idea what idols are supposed to be like.

>> No.21274929

that's what he deserves for ruining baelz's streams

>> No.21274938

You faggots try to twist the definitions and go "that's not REAL idols" as a no true scotsman fallacy yet the actual purist companies in Japan generally operate on the same old principles. Quit perpetuating this false reality of "idols are just regular people now" as it's bullshit.

>> No.21274967

Shut up Millie

>> No.21274973

Why do people keep lying?
The word talent was NEVER said/used/brought up in what he said, go rewatch the clip.

>> No.21275020

>4 replies
>3 out of 4 are essays
You love to see it

>> No.21275118

>okay how about literally 1000s of examples of idols not being perfectly clean and pure

>> No.21275220

People being unable to uphold to the ideal =/= the ideal changed. They just suck at it.

>> No.21275258

I confess, I now understand the rush dramafags get. But I do actually think he was right, even though I don't like him.

>> No.21275277

I'd actually watch Roberu if he streamed anything other than talking streams.

>> No.21275292

I mean no shit? But the way he phrased it was retarded
It'd be like if I made an outrage claim and TT podcast got a 4th member and he also started side streaming and got a massive following
That's literally how shit works in corpo

>> No.21275329

He streams games all the time. Have you tried actually looking at his channel?

>> No.21275340

You know the irony of ironies here is Mori applies to this probably harder than most of the other ENs as she never got anywhere big before Holo and her music is strictly "good for a vtuber" tier, yet she doggedly defends him. Not sure if it's her desperation for expat friends in Japan or ego blinding her, probably both.

>> No.21275381

No, not recently.

>> No.21275437

Eh don't worry about it too much, Robert once before turned spammer into a subscriber

>> No.21275499

Yagoo just wants to have Karaoke friends, hololive is dominated by the girls no matter how much people cry about sharing the pie with the stars,

>> No.21275502

Always was.

>> No.21275520

I mean Mori's past life is still bigger than Sana kek

>> No.21275545

Probably because she knows he's right.

>> No.21275575

Nothing. Just like Zeta. Leave my ID wife out of this you fucking niggers.

>> No.21275601

He just played apex like 3 hours ago
>Inb4 apex
Well he's gonna appear on tournaments with vspo girls

>> No.21275653

Roberu is a top lad and deserves better.

>> No.21275712

deep down Mori wanted to be more of a twitch streamer that makes cringe humor than a vtuber, if hololive wasn't so restricted with collabs half of the twitch streamers would've been memed into ''honorary holo members''

>> No.21275774

Except instantly surpass someone whose been doing this for 2+ years with only having done 3 streams?
She hasn't even done anything in those streams to even display her talent in a way that warrants her succeeding this much.

>> No.21275895

That isn't her fault though. Blame Cover for the mismanagement of the Stars brand.

>> No.21275971

13 Stars for 13 Niji Girls


>> No.21275985

Connor shut the fuck up
Branding will always be important and we already know that Stars has issues of their own
I fucking hate drama niggers but I hate Mori more for bringing them in

>> No.21275987

Don't worry all of those indog whores already followed "holostar" senpais and will probably collab killing their gachis, only Moona seem to care about her idol image and even that only happened after she was told to stop this shit after that "secret" collab with conur that Ollie dragged her into.

>> No.21275991

Mori already had a song with a million views before she joined Hololive.
Some Hololive members still don't have that.

>> No.21276030

Do you mean to imply that if cover managed stars better they would be bigger than Luxiem?
Nevermind the fact that the niji brand allows for more freedom in talks/convos and overall creativity, you honestly think with how clean and censored cover run hololive that holostars would somehow be huge?


>> No.21276100

it was a rant it doesn't really matter what exactly this faggot said or not, keep in mind Mouse was smart enough to cut it short before he could go into details.

>> No.21276102

35 words/181 characters just to agree with me about the overall point of this thread.

>> No.21276111 [DELETED] 
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> Except she seems genuinely more talented than Connor is. She can speak four languages, sing, and draw. All Connor can do is monkey. What Connor is wrong about is that it takes a lot of talent to get in the door at Hololive. They aren't picking randoms off the street. They are looking for the the most talented of the talented. And fans know this, that's why they follow. It's like going to the first night of a movie by a director you like. Sure it might not be good, but you are still going to sign up to see it. Same with hololive. If these girls weren't super talented, consistently, then this wouldn't happen.

>> No.21276118

>Do you mean to imply that if cover managed stars better they would be bigger than Luxiem?
No, but 240k after 2+ years at THE biggest vtubing company is pathetic.

>Nevermind the fact that the niji brand allows for more freedom in talks/convos and overall creativity, you honestly think with how clean and censored cover run hololive that holostars would somehow be huge?
That all ties in to the management, so I'm not sure how you think you are disagreeing with me.

>> No.21276155

RIOT I get, outside of Cocoa and Suzuna (and if you wanna stretch it, Saki), the other's are kinda average. But what's wrong with Koko? Or did you mean she's the only good one?

>> No.21276227

It literally has nothing to do with her? How is Zeta's fault she is popular compared to a Holostar? Absolutely fucking nothing. This whole "Connor was right" take is beyond retarded and extremely toxic because it puts the blame on the chuubas rather than their parent company. How fucking hard is it to understand that branding, marketing and penetration of a market is beyond the scope of an average chuuba and it's in fact responsibility of their corporation branch?

>> No.21276239 [DELETED] 
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> You faggots try to twist the definitions and go "that's not REAL idols" as a no true scotsman fallacy yet the actual purist companies in Japan generally operate on the same old principles. Quit perpetuating this false reality of "idols are just regular people now" as it's bullshit.

>> No.21276260

I'm pretty sure if Connor had worded his statement differently and Mori not try to guzzle his cock we probably would never have this thread
We wouldn't have such a divide between TT and here
Once again women fuck everything up

>> No.21276304
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>hire the best EN singer and give her a model made by a drunk 10 year old
Gura's model is great though she just needs a 2.0 to fix the rigging on the base model

>> No.21276322

I swear all zoomers have brainrot and are incapable of nuance.
Being a talented individual =/= Being a good streamer

I could take the best artists/singers/dancers/gamers/chefs/programmers/engineers/mechanics and if they're all boring or terrible at streaming, how fucking cares how talented they are? You watch a stream to be entertained, not to suck their dick on how talented they are.
>Tech issues/delays/cancellations/permissions/vod editing
I don't care how talented EN is, they're shit streamers, if you work for a company the standard is higher than the average streamer and there shouldn't be any hiccups.

>> No.21276325

she already passed Sana numbers post debut, of course Sana lost like 150K thanks to Susan and ID so far around 1K afaik. Seems like Cover figured out how to better deal with culls.

>> No.21276358

Holocope is one hell of a drug.

>> No.21276362

>That all ties in to the management
Corporate management isn't the same thing as content management.

>> No.21276435

Yup. Absolutely this. HoloEN management is fucking retarded.

>> No.21276456

>if Connor had made the exact same point but dumbed it down for retarded schizos it would be okay
Fuck you and fuck ESLs who don't understand the language

>> No.21276515
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>> No.21276519

Irys is a good singer on technical level but her voice is unremarkable as all fuck. She's the exact opposite of people like Gura or Enna who have wonderful voices but lack professionalism.

>> No.21276544

Unironically ya, I don't give two shits about what Connor said, because he's right
Also ignore the second half that really pushes this shit into overdrive, fucking retard

>> No.21276645
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>> No.21276679

nice digits

/vt/niggers will defend Connor
the absolute state of this faggot board

>> No.21276782

The funniest part is that he's backtracked hard on this after his engagement to Andrea.

>> No.21276785

There's nothing to defend because what he said was both correct and an extremely obvious observation.

>> No.21277282

>stopped clock is right for once
>muh faggot board reeeeeeeee

>> No.21277294

If getting into hololive was so easy and recquired you to just be a vegetable, nijisanji or any other companies would not exist, everyone would be a holo since it is the more succesful one.
Why do you think costumers flock to hololive when they get new people anon?
That is because the public trusts them to deliver quality content they want. Even if you get a couple rotten apples, if every member was just a hackless talent hololive would have vanished a long time ago, just like every single garbage company and product does in a free market. Saying people have to do nothing is a retard oversimplification of the whole argument and ignores how basic the idea of trusting a company to deliver works everywhere.

>> No.21277501

Don't try to argue with schizos. The reality that as long as Hololive is the most popular chuuba company in the world, all the people supporting the competition is going to be jealous and/or bitter about it. If Nijikek was the most popular chuuba company in the world and they got the most viewers, people would make the exact same threads but instead complain that Niji is full of talentless people and has undeserved subs. It's called inferiority complex. People who constantly moan and shit on Hololive will never stop until they think the chuubas they support get the "fair" treatment.

>> No.21277511

>If getting into hololive was so easy and recquired you to just be a vegetable
That's not what he said

>> No.21277590

Yeah man Connor was right to a point that he joined Vshojo and become a Male Prostitute

>> No.21277684

Marvel is the best movie franchise ever. xQC and Ninja are the best streamers. Amazon is the greatest company.
Go back, corporate bootlicker. The new stuff is as sovlless as Niji Wave #2077.

>> No.21277742

it could be better

>> No.21277744


>> No.21277779

I really hope stars en is doa but atleast they should pass sana

>> No.21277802

Not really, even if they were moved to Nijisanji (something that would probably cause quite a lot of controversy around) they would still have the stigma of Holo all over them, which would continue to stunt their growth.
Thoguh who knows honestly, NariYang from NijiKR saw quite a lot of growth after the merge was announced and she started to collab more with JP via Valo and the likes, plus Kuzuha giving her a shoutout for her silly, little rap, so maybe Holostars would do better if they were under Nijisanji if the group were to be tranferred to it (by how much tho, that's up to debate), but who knows honestly.

>> No.21277849

Nah it's her voice. Irys's model still filters people... at first
Then you just deal with it. God if she gets into gfe im dead

>> No.21277874


>> No.21277999

Not a Hololive specific problem. Vshojo also has untalented entertainers with tons of subs cus of branding.

>> No.21278092

Imagine stating reality being considered bootlicking. Marvel had to deal with a lot of loss of income because of recent shit movies, and will eventually disappear if they keep going the way they are going, at some point your success money will dry out if you keep bashing your anus onto jamals dick. I don't care about xQC or Ninja but they will exist as long as there is a market for them, just because we personally don't like them doesn't mean they are "bad". Amazon delivers (?). No one is too big that they can fail and be garbage for all eternity anon.

>> No.21278173
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>You have thousands of girls begging to get in, and they hire Sana

>> No.21278179

NTA, but we're literally talking about two in the same company. Winning son is a hundred times better than half of the new whores but he'll never experience the success they get for merely existing. He's well-off and happy, but it's funny seeing the cope.
