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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20856769 No.20856769 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20856886

>My DMS are open.
manipulative dirtbags always do this to bring their victims into a 1:1 place where they can control the narrative and harass them in private.

>> No.20856910
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>> No.20856990

>Western Trendhoppers

>> No.20857049

/vt/ should have a holo only policy

>> No.20857109

>My DMS are open
I bet he will be real busy grooming minors.

>> No.20857116

I'd settle for female only and no twitch. Would eliminate 90% of the problems.

>> No.20857146

/vt/ should have a no retards policy

>> No.20857283


>> No.20857286

the whole board would be empty

>> No.20857369

>female only
Women have always been superior to men. Men are intrinsically inferior in every metric.

>> No.20857403

>t. Needs a stool to reach the top shelf

>> No.20857434

>as if the use of technology is bad somehow

>> No.20857496

this, hopefully we can pinkpill the rest of the board.

>> No.20857574
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manlet cope

>> No.20857598

>inferior man cope

>> No.20857659

>Scrotes think there is only men on this board.

>> No.20857912

There are no women on the internet.

>> No.20857979


Women are a myth.
Wake up sheelple.

>> No.20858181

are we l*l*ow now?

>> No.20858201
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1245661023,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of these people, but I have enjoyed following along as they've dug own graves deeper and deeper everytime something new came out.

>> No.20859906


>> No.20860999

t. en tourist holobrony

>> No.20861193
File: 38 KB, 432x410, 1646034165154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm willing to side with the holobronies if it will get vshitjo, /lig/, and /wvt/ the fuck off this board. Fuck this Twitch cancer and everything it's brought with it.

>> No.20861373

t. someone that doesnt give a shit about vtweeter drama that should fuck off to >>>/trash/ as it is not related to ANY board

>> No.20861855


>> No.20862155

>posts Selen

>> No.20862179

Female only is boring, a lot of my favorites like aruran or luca are males. Woman can't provide the bro experience.

>> No.20862545

NTA, but no, you're the tourist, you newfaggot fuck. /vt/ was specifically created as a containment board because of the introduction of HoloEN. We were sick of newfags and redditors spamming HoloEN in /hlg/ back in September-December of 2020. This board exists solely because of Hololive and only Hololive.

>> No.20863223

They don't call anons in this place /vt/ sisters for nothing.

>> No.20863702

can you 14 year old twitch dramaniggers fuck off christ almighty
this faggot wasnt even a vtuber for the past 10 years and i dont even consider him one now
go eat a bag of dicks and go back to >>>/v/

>> No.20864259
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>Goes live
>"This is it boys! IM DONE BEING MISTER NICE GUY!"
>Bunny implodes
>Deletes vod
>tweets "Im not a good guy.."

>> No.20864314

Go back to your holorape thread

>> No.20864352

how about you kill yourself back to livestreamfails and go back to pretending 4chan is "le spooky website!!!"

>> No.20864542

KEKW this dude is done for.

>> No.20864595

Okay Jose, time to go back to mexico.
Go on then, dont be shy.
Hey i hear there was a Cute and funny thread with YOUR name on it.

>> No.20864640

damn nigger you even post like a retarded teenager, maybe it's time you go get some friends

>> No.20864703
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>myth tourists shit up /jp/
>they get a general vtuber-oriented board
>even more myth tourists shit it up again
I've noticed the problem.

>> No.20864757

nijinogs have no place to speak after kicking out hololive from /vyt/ which is part of the domino chain that lead to this shithole

>> No.20864762

Bro wtf, why you gotta drag us mexican into this shit. I just want to enjoy my oshi in peace.

>> No.20864898

Still replying to a teenager?
I heard someone say they liked Ninisani in a holo thread, and no one is replying to them.
shoo shoo, off with you.

>> No.20864956

this but unironically
twitch shitlords are a cancer and twitch links should've never been unfiltered

>> No.20865043

Man all these weebs really need to fuck off to /a/.
Im trying to get my drama updates here.

>> No.20866262

Just rangeban SEA, this will be the slowest board on the site after that happens.

>> No.20867464

This guys sounds like a massive manlet bitch. Who gives a shit about this cocksucker. What kind of mongoloid mouth breathers give this fuck their money??

>> No.20868234

it's hilariius because bahroo is 6'1" and taller than most seamonkeys

>> No.20868558

t. has literally never been on this board during SEA hours

>> No.20868569

Why are you here?

>> No.20868648

I don't get it, what's the context? based on some posts, apparently SEA related? you niggers think everyone here is SEA so the majority would understand the context right away?

>> No.20868764

All these dramacucks are Americucks. Ban America, let the rest of the world enjoy their oshi in peace.

>> No.20868820

Western is more than burgerland you stupid dirt eating sea monkey.

>> No.20869518

Did I say western you inbred third generation illegal immigrant? I said Americucks, fat obese lardass Americucks crackers. Ban them all.

>> No.20869740

Sending a cease and desist because someone doesn't want to talk with you? goddamn this guy lmao

>> No.20869830

America is Mexico and Canada too you little rere

>> No.20869882

yeah, south america doesn't exist, this is well known

>> No.20869990

we don't talk about south America.
or the white people start to shoot things up and get 10 days of probation

>> No.20870024

Shit like this is why Hololive's strict management is useful, it gives entertaining people a platform but also tardwrangles them

>> No.20870769
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it's "virtual youtubers", not "hololive english", right?

>> No.20871880

>posts Selen
>claims other people are cancer instead

>> No.20871966

Yeah they've done a good job of handling Rushia and Mori especially

>> No.20872081

What the hell is happening in EN indie sphere? Isn't this like the third big controversy this past week? My assumption is that Saruei getting exposed started some sort of "me too"esque movement

>> No.20872173

Dramahungry whores are always looking for someone to cancel but this time they hit jackpot.
Top twitch vtuber indie is gone.

>> No.20872332

>Top twitch vtuber indie is gone.
Who the hell are you talking about?
No one that important ever getting cancelled.

>> No.20872758
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NTA but I went to check how big this guy was. Unless someone major is slipping my mind this looks to be the biggest EN indie

>> No.20872909

Technically he is but that's because he had his own large fan base before he became a vtuber.
He hasn't really been growing before the drama so I wouldn't be surprise if someone overtakes him for the top twitch indie title soon.

>> No.20873228

Most of this board is holofags so obviously they won't give a shit, but for people who do watch Twitch chuubas this actually is a bit of an interesting time for the indie scene there.
Saruei, Bunny, and Bahroo have all basically imploded. Yes they obviously are still gonna have enough simps to keep their career but they're likely gonna be ignored by the rest of the vtuber community there now. Could provide an interesting opportunity for other chuubas there to fill in some of the space. Whether that's with some vshojos, other current indies, or if any new players show up.

>> No.20874553

Should be corpos and small indies only. Sorry /lig/ but you’ve basically become lsf at this point. Twitchtubers were a mistake.

>> No.20874660

When he debuted as a vtuber he had about 820k followers. Given that he only reached about 860k since then, Vtubing has done literally nothing for him just like how he's done nothing for vtubing except give us a dumb bald cuck to laugh at.

>> No.20875105

/jp/ was getting shit up long before Myth, anon.

>> No.20878426

what's this site?

>> No.20878773


>> No.20879280

Bunny must create a onlyfans now. It's her only way out.

>> No.20879568
File: 9 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that was cringe...why do these people unironically post shit that is essentially rehashing the Marine copypasta, and think it doesn't make them look like a fucking retard?

>> No.20879711

what is the marine copa?

>> No.20881032

At least he was able to cash out with that subathon before this happened.

>> No.20881510

I cant believe the guy who played huckleberry in arcadums dnd could turn out to be such a huge piece of shit. Amazing how people are under their facade.

>> No.20881652
File: 198 KB, 567x857, sssa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I knew he's a douche but you can't be that rude to the person who drew and rigged you a beautiful 2D model. That's why you're sad and lonely fuck.

>> No.20881795

This is why you should stay the fuck away from twitch faggotry and western vtubing in general

>> No.20882513

More like stay away from white people, there the devil.

>> No.20882559


>> No.20882609
File: 28 KB, 494x83, FavReact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my new favorite react,

>> No.20882649
File: 55 KB, 665x120, BasedSaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But nothing beats Saru

>> No.20882678

Anon, the majority of shitposting during burger primetime comes from three regions
>North America
>South America
>Degenerates who are NEET and thus defy all timezones
Most of the time when the board is shit during NA primetime SEA is at school/work.

>> No.20882714

I honestly hope this nigger dies in a ditch

>> No.20882753

Jamaal, I...

>> No.20882786
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[apology here] was a fucking good one too.

>> No.20883123


>> No.20883130

Case in point

>> No.20883192

why is it always selen posters
pot calling the kettle black you fucking retard

>> No.20883229

I don't get the Selen hate, out of all the ninjinigers. shes the one i can watch

>> No.20883317

it's not about her but the retards that post her here
when you see any post with her you can bet it's going to be retarded

>> No.20883477

it really is interesting to me how this whole thing went down. I think bahroo literally would have walked away with almost zero damage to his reputation if he said nothing, profusely apologized if/when called out, then took a hiatus. Instead he kept streaming, insulted people on twitter, then blew up, and who knows what his stream will look like when he comes back now.

He was raking in over a million a year, at that point get a fucking PR agent to handle this shit. I know he does have a manager but she was obviously useless here, probably just handles business things. Maybe his ego was just too big and he thought he was bulletproof, or maybe he knew he was fucked and decided to go down on his own terms.

>> No.20884169

The thing is, you need to have someone with actual authority over them if you want that to work.
Someone who is able to pull the plug when needed and tell them "Put the damn phone down, just stop going on the Internet for now".
This is why corpos are usually the only ones able to do that, there's not that many indies willing to lose control of their own accounts, especially in the middle of a manic episode.

>> No.20884459

Who even is this person and why do they wind up at the center of all the drama lately. I only vaguely remember them for being one of the first to get blocked by Saruei for constructive criticism of her episode.

>> No.20884707

'This' is one of the center figures of twitch vtuber artists / riggers of models - Dya Rikku.
Vshoujo / large twitch vtuber indies usually go to her or her group for stuff.

>> No.20885073

I think even with his first response, he could have gotten away with it. his fans ate it up and defended him with out so much as asking for the other side.
But Bunny kept making twitlonger after twitlonger dragging him down.
even if he kept insulting people like he normally did, no one would have bat an eye

>> No.20886580

besides Iron Vertex, she is artist/rigger of most good shit on EN scene... of course she is not that big in viewership because does lives drawing and rigging, but in professional capacity she is huge

>> No.20887054

I noticed there is one person missing in all of this, Layna partners Slugbox. They been quiet during all this

>> No.20887290

>Sends a message
>The next day goes "why never reply"
Some people can't wait can they

>> No.20887331

I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and guess that this wasn't the first time they've been left on read.
Especially considering Bahroo's response.

>> No.20887366

stfu bahroo

>> No.20888112

Has vshojo even done anything controversial lately? The last drama involving them that I can remember was the Nux shit almost half a year ago. At this point it's the people complaining about vshojo that shit up the board, not vshojo drama.

>> No.20888396

>i'm busy
reasonable reply
>somehow his logic is that dya should pester him more than necessary and waste even more of his time even though he just said he can't reply because it's busy
retarded logic, just your average holier-than-thou asshole. The shit he's getting is fully deserved.

>> No.20888766

Let's just agree that one is an idiot and the other an asshole

>> No.20891710

Dramafags deserve the rope

>> No.20891776

Admiral BaWHO?

>> No.20892975
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>insults layna
>apologizes and says he will change
>insults layna
>apologizes and says he will change

>> No.20893054

like an echo chamber for the mentally ill

>> No.20893056

In other cases id agree, i tame days to reply to emails. However those emails are conversational or negotiotianal. Sending someone a link is easy. Though complaining about not replying in 1 day is kind of bitchy too.

>> No.20893402


>> No.20893880

Not that it absolves him of being stupid, but I think Bunny probably pressured him to talk from behind the scenes. Otherwise it seems a remarkable coincidence that he changed his tone from apologetic to victim-blaming on the exact same day Bunny released a twitlonger that switched from her previous tone of apologetic into one of victim-blaming.

>> No.20894644

I think bunny told him she's cooking up something that would shift the blame from them and he caught some courage. Then after seeing what people thought of that ridiculous wall of cope he went back to apologizing. He's like a woman in the body of a man, what a pathetic guy.

>> No.20894748

the ghost of mikeZ forever haunting bunny. Skullgirls making it back in evo emboldened him

>> No.20895310

The amount of control Bunny has over him is absolutely ridiculous.
She's dating a millionaire (in an "open relationship", which means free sex with other guys on the side), living in his house rent free and is able to make him do whatever the fuck she wants.
It's just sad at this point.

>> No.20898158

>hunting for artists from your friends
What does this mean exactly? He was trying to make the artists work for him instead and stop working for his friends? He was going through his friends to see if some of them were artists he could hire?

>> No.20898189

You being a retard is not exactly the own you think it is.

>> No.20898230

Yeah, like with Arex.

>> No.20898307

basicly wait till a "friend" finds a good artist instead of looking around yourself
and because he has a massive fanbase people will autisticly yell that "friend" copied bahroos emotes

>> No.20898351

Never knew fucking emotes were this serious business.

>> No.20898413

why is vox from gregory horrhor show

>> No.20898426

>nude cosplay
Nude doko?

>> No.20898498

jej, what's the context to this?

>> No.20898525

The dude has his entire business model revolving around his emotes.
He got dozens of thousands of people paying just to be able to use them all over Twitch, without even watching his streams.

>> No.20898529

>My assumption is that Saruei getting exposed started some sort of "me too"esque movement
Pretty much. Bunny tried to virtual signal about it saying someone feels she has wronged them to step forward and someone did, which caused further cascading.

>> No.20898626

They piled on the Saruei drama. Which truth be told, nobody gives a shit about

>> No.20898744

Mori is friends with Saruei, imagine how much worse it could have been.

>> No.20898772

>Unless someone major is slipping my mind
The fact that he isn't a vtuber at all.

>> No.20898775
File: 57 KB, 960x821, spurdo yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying someone feels she has wronged them to step forward and someone did
What a fucking idiot.

>> No.20899067

Understand that getting emotes JUST RIGHT is a tedious thing.

Twitch downscales them from the uploaded aspect ratio, so you need to ensure it's visable for a variety of different window sizes (PC, mobile, TV) and expressive enough to get what you want across. Those fucking Panda's, in part due to the minimal brush work and colours (white and black) just stand out tenfold on Twitch. I'd argue his emotes are on par with Pepe with establishing meta expressions you see across the platform, such as the holding heart and joyful arms.

So when you factor in that some channels have 40+ slots to use, having an artist you can depend upon to in essence, support your channels entire brand appeal. It becomes a very demanding market place.

It's why I've already gone ahead and documented what small artists I'd want to commission if I somehow get past the auditions stage of Holo/Niji

>> No.20899102

>Been on the streaming gig for a decade or so
>Almost never used webcam because low self esteem
>People keep pestering about lack of cam
>Vtubing becomes popular
>Joins on the bandwagon, also helps shutting up complaints for good, has a decently looking model
>Throw it in the bin after using it for a few months
>Back to nocam streams for some more months
>"3D" debut which is actually just a worse new model
The new one came out like a month or so ago
He's a "vtuber" by semantical definition but i'll never acknowledge him as one

>> No.20899283

Hey good luck Nigger.

>> No.20899369

Its crazy that you people with no money can judge someone, who has massed millions of dollars , on the decision they make and think that you would know any better.
its sad really

>> No.20899447

imagine forming a parasocial relationship with a no cam streamer during babi bait streamer and then coming here to defend his honor when he doesn't even know you exist as a human.

>> No.20899634

I dont have to know him, I unlike YOU, Have friends with money.
So i can easily understand the situation he is in, and empathize with how frustrating it must be to have THOUSANDS of people who follow you because of how much of a role model you are and then have people from the outside come in and judge you when you are clearly in the right.
trump should have deported more poors.
nuff said
*Drops Mike*
weebs out

>> No.20899700
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>> No.20899806

Why are you making this a money issue again? How underage are you?

>> No.20899816

>The other girl show nips
>Bunny just stays dressed
nude doko

>> No.20899853

Look at this moneh worshipper. Go back to youtube watching zoomers brag about the clothes they wear.

>> No.20899974

You're legit 10 years old, aren't you.

>> No.20899987

Because people who don't have money are poor and degenerate, and the only thing they can do besides steal and do drugs, is post on this dumb Image board.
People like me are far to busy making money and managing the poor people that work for us to even think about posting a single message to you poor white trash.

>> No.20899988

And here we have a Tourist,
Good that it's your friends that have that money.
And getting back to Bahroo situation - wondering what ecuses he is thinking right now to give in the next 5 days about the whole situation

>> No.20900110

Its going to be the most generic pr statement OR
i have a feeling they are going to try to go the legal route and we might hear from the others before we hear from bunny and bahroo

>> No.20900165

>Drops Mike

>> No.20900249

imagine using another girl even to do porn

>> No.20900250

tits or fake.

>> No.20900403

so i don't follow this shit at all, has he actually received any damage? Any loss in revenue? Loss in viewers? Loss in sponsorships? Anything aside from twitter outrage?

>> No.20900833
File: 3 KB, 459x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it. It's a shitshow

>> No.20900909

He halted his subathon that had been ongoing for a couple weeks, and offered refunds to anyone who subbed or donated during it. He's been losing a bunch of followers (as you can see >>20872758) but it's too early to tell what kind of effect it'll have on his viewership/subs.
It has also burned whatever bridges he had left with much of the rest of Twitch streamers; not many of them are going to want to associate with him after this.

>> No.20900947

Go back to twitter dumb kid

>> No.20901193

Don't take the bait dude.
You're just feeding the trolls

>> No.20901426

Did anyone even know who he was?
Before this shit, i had no idea this dude existed.
No one i follow collabed or even mentioned him

>> No.20901444
File: 185 KB, 800x553, 1647760057866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a wonderful shitshow

>> No.20901496

Almost took Number 1 from Iron Mouse too. So the timing of this cancel was very apt if anything

>> No.20901504

>burn your relationship with your mama
Not even Rushia was stupid enough to do that.

>> No.20901518

The only good selenposter

>> No.20901599

>A fucking stool is technology

>> No.20901642

dumb bitch forgot to delete the markers left by the guy that wrote her essay

>> No.20901648

twitchniggers seethe

>> No.20901713

this post is so stupid you'd think bahroo typed it

>> No.20901739 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x719, motherfucker mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but some of the stuff Bahroo's been saying and doing to people happened way before Bunny even began streaming. He's clearly being tainted by the allure of pussy he'll never get, but he was already a dick to begin with so that excuse only goes so far.
What did Mike ever do to you? Is it penis envy?

>> No.20901847

I know nothing about twitch. What's a subathon?

>> No.20901935

Its when people pay you to sleep

>> No.20901962

It's when you intentionally don't end broadcasting via monetary gain. So if someone donates $5, they add 2 mins to the timer. Etc. He was on fast track to become number 1 overall subscribed channel. So easily earned over $150,000 in his 15 days or so

>> No.20901967

Dude's one of the many faces of JTV that didn't fall off entirely or partially when it became Twitch. Only other people I can think of off the top of my head are TotalBiscuit (rest in peace), Sacriel and Destiny, but the only one who even came close to his numbers was TotalBiscuit. The long and short is he's much more influential than you'd think being one of the biggest ones of those hundreds of old names who "made it". Or was.
The dude was at least 40k subs away when he started.

>> No.20901979

Don't pity the fool.
He is a fucking rich, if he is being used by a bitch he deserves it for being stupid AND rich. that kind of money buys a lot of stuff, including whores to blow a load and think with your brain instead of the penis.

>> No.20902013

at least you got a semblance of an idea of how to stream properly, good luck on the auditions anon!

>> No.20902077
File: 93 KB, 345x396, 51978658_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was "30-50 hour marathons of nonstop streaming and watching your favorites go increasingly insane/exhausted for fun until their own personal limits", until Twitch allowed sleeping on stream and then it just became "pay me thousands a day on top of the additional thousands a day you were already donating to continue doing this thing I was going to do anyways."

>> No.20902088


>> No.20902141

Ludwig made over $1mil easily in his month long event. It's easy money since you are "punished" for not stopping. Ludwig's diet and general attitude turned to shit towards the tail end

>> No.20902187


>> No.20902193

Thanks. I used to work in the multimedia space, doing channel management for a bunch of YouTubers and streamers. I know all the technical end stuff, just never could make it big myself.

>> No.20902245

>people who don't have money are poor and degenerate.
He's a cuck in an open relationship using a female avatar. You're defending the perfect example that proves you wrong.
>I hate the poor.
>I have friends with money
Funny how you say your friends have money, not you. What a self-hating bitch you are ww

>> No.20902492

why can't people just shut the fuck up

>> No.20902704

You know how people feel compelled to get the last word in in internet arguments? It's pretty much that.

>> No.20902797

Get fucked never forgot how he shitted Guras chat that day may this happen to all collab beggers

>> No.20902826

because bahroo keeps digging, and when you think he stopped he picks up the shovel and goes for round 2
>call someone a bitch and a liar
>sorry, im an asshole
>she's a professional victim and im not to blame
>sorry, i'm an asshole
cant wait for next weeks episode

>> No.20902965

>why never reply.
This makes me think this is not the first time the fag takes days to answer.

>> No.20903072

hard to shit up what is essentially the most traditional board on 4chan,outside of the /vtg/ threads nothing really changed. the creation of this place has unironically affected vtubing (e.x the mori SC and her twitter response),so maybe vtubing was the problem all along.

>> No.20903199

what the hell did mike do to you

>> No.20903677

I hope next weeks episode has him screaming on stream like a psycho.

>> No.20903863

is the Bunny thing still going? I thought she apologized and it would subside given some time.
And what the fuck is that super long tweet of her? I can't read all that shit.
Just want to get some goddess ASMR, but I guess she's killed dead now.

>> No.20903930

please fuck yes so we can stop pretending this board isn't r/hololive and then move the actual Vtuber discussion worth a damn away from this shitheap

>> No.20904058

so what did this retard actually do?

>> No.20904344

>I thought she apologized
She then did a "you know what? Fuck you" and started attacking Layla instead.

>> No.20904529

is he right?

>> No.20904633

Show him the women behind it and I guarantee you he'd flip his opinion.

>> No.20904649

She retaliated in a very confusing manner. Some parts of her statement make her look worse. She also forgot to delete the mark [apology here] left by whoever designed this statement.

>> No.20905106

He's completely right, but he's also Destiny so everything that comes out of his mouth is worthless to begin with.

>> No.20905188

almost all her defense is private messages with Susu, who already didn't took her side...
imagine basing all you defense in private messages with someone who is already agains you...

>> No.20905528

>who already didn't took her side...
Susu said she could redeem herself and become a better person, five days later Bunny tried throwing her under the bus.

>> No.20905537

She literally posted screen shots of her private with Susu, calling Layna a 'sperg'. And then she tried to drag Silvervale into this, saying Silver 'ghosted her' and started hanging out with Layna.

>> No.20905633

the apology here was bullshit half of it was prefabricated as [apology here] whos. the other half was going after those that brought up stuff and she even tried to drag silvervale into the middle of all this because she was supporting layna, susu and some of the other victims.

>> No.20905863

she choose the "i'm going to take as many of you with me as i can" route

>> No.20905890

The hole just keeps getting deeper.

>> No.20905898

>no no, i didn't try to get this person to kill themselves, they were already at that level. I just encouraged it.
>[apology here]

>> No.20905996

You need technology to make stools, at least. Technology doesn't just refer to complex machines.

>> No.20906158

he got scammed by artesianbuilds and got a rig that would just straight up crash if he used live2d studio

Now why a millionaire can't just buy a new PC within a day? No clue

>> No.20906256

>Bunny went into a stream of someone trying to cancel her, sat there, wrote down time stamps and names of people who supported the streamer
Totally healthy mentality.

>> No.20906721

Speaking of sponsorships, has anyone alerted their sponsors about this shitstorm? Bunny's sponsored by GFuel and SteelSeries, and Bahroo is sponsored by Epic Games and Twitch itself. I'm sure they'd like to know about the activities of their representatives

>> No.20906848

>twitch thots
>mental health

>> No.20906869

>still talking about this nothingburger

>> No.20906919

waiting room until next Rushia menhera step

>> No.20907123

Nah, we are not evil like bunny or bahroo.
We are against cancel culture.
Anyway if anyone tried, they will just use it as pity begging material.

>> No.20907209

seethe more bahroo your going end like the BL3 leaker you tried to fucking murder

>> No.20907220

Go ahead anon, you have my approval.

>> No.20907225
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This is one I don't actually see a problem with; how is linking a public facebook account doxxing? It's a schizo thing to do and only makes her seem even more petty than >>20906256 already pointed out, but it makes it sound way worse than it is.

>> No.20907313

There was a pretty big push by twitter the first day Bunny got smacked to get her sponsors dropped and given how Bunny has no other option but to go radio-silent for the next several months that's dead in the water, but Bahroo I don't know about because Epic legitimately does not care about anything. Even G2A would care more.

>> No.20907332

The guy had good Xcom streams but fuck if being outed as a dramafag brings his content to such level of dogshit.
He needs to get over it before his community fragments more than it already is.

>> No.20907348


>> No.20907371

Well, cake princess and michael cat are also public accounts by your definition.

>> No.20907571

Those are some pretty shit examples considering how one of those people wanted people to come to their account.

>> No.20907684

You know what I mean, anon.

>> No.20907724

I haven't been following this since saruei called someones art bad what the fuck happened and who are these people?

>> No.20907761

Ex-friends with Vshojo and Nagzz21

>> No.20907768

She decided to be a retard and lash out against people out of anger instead
I genuinely don't understand what's her plan here

>> No.20907844

Was Saruei ever friends with VShojo? She didn't really interact with them that much. Are you sure you aren't talking about Bunny who obviously had a falling out with VShojo ages ago?
Don't know much about Nagzz or how he's related

>> No.20907865

White people are truly evil. Americucks deserve a range ban.

>> No.20907873

Think of her like a dog. She rolled over and apologized like people demanded but when she didn't get praised for it she decided to lash out.

>> No.20908092

You would think someone who's been on Twitch as long as him would know that shutting up and laying low is the best way to deal with a lot of drama.
Saruei basically just peaced out and everyone forget about what happened with her since they're busy talking about him and Bunny lol

>> No.20908179

saruei made her apology and retweeted the person she was rude agains saying that they talked to eachother in private and then peaced out

>> No.20908192

Is that what we call lashing out at everyone you know?

>> No.20908290

True that also helped her

>> No.20908323


Well, he's fucked as a Vtuber now, he pissed off Dya. No model maker will ever work with him again.

>> No.20908342

Maybe Bunny putting pressure on him to defend her and use his platform to help them. Didn't work tho

>> No.20908418

It's almost ironic, he made fun of Arcadum for doing that and now he's doing the same thing.

>> No.20908478

of course bahroo has it alot harder since every 5 minutes someone comes out with a 20 page long discord screenshot where hes being a massive asshole contradicting everything he says in his streams

>> No.20908505

I wouldn't be surprised if he silently tries to go back to being a no cam streamer

>> No.20908508

>Well, he's fucked as a Vtuber now
Good thing he's practically abandoned being a vtuber. Cna't be fucked as a vtuber if you're no longer a vtuber.

>> No.20908616

this is literally the only thing that matters and there shouldn't be a single more thread about this
but the kiwis and cows will make it anyways

>> No.20908658

I hope that ends up being what happens at least. Dude isn't really even that integrated that well in the vtuber community to begin with (probably because of Bunny though lol).

>> No.20908830

Who? No member of Vshojo even said anything about Saruei.

>> No.20909029

He's been floating the idea since even before he knew Bunny existed during the shitty meme shark incident.

>> No.20909115

Except they didn't?
The only one I've seen that said anything about that is just Froot saying remember to be nice and respect artists or something in one reply. They haven't even said much publicly on the whole thing with Bunny and Bahroo.
They've seemed to have been avoiding these dramas for the most part.

>> No.20909181

layna is playing the proffesional victim [apology here]

>> No.20909229

They talked about it on stream and in chats, since after the Nux thing corporates locked down their twitter accounts pretty hard.

>> No.20909248

>shitty meme shark incident
Do you mean the time he publicly asked Gura to collab?

>> No.20909287

They haven't said and that isn't true at all, especially since some of them have literally retweeted nsfw stuff and also have commented on other dramas I'm pretty sure.
They just are sitting this one out for the most part.

>> No.20909335

None of them have said this.

>> No.20909384

>Yuni just dropped that Bahroo took all her comm slots for a month, then forgot that he had commissioned her at all, forcing her to take emergency comms to pay the bills
>wound up not even using her designs and switched to a new artist without telling her
Is there anything worse you can do as a vtuber than fuck over your artists?

>> No.20909518
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>Is there anything worse you can do as a vtuber than fuck over your artists?

>> No.20909522

Even if it was true it wouldn't be something they'd say publicly anyway lol

>> No.20909530

From what I understand he moves from artist to artist.

>> No.20909607

I feel like there's only so many high quality vtuber artists out there, and a bunch of them probably won't work for him or bunny after this whole shitshow

>> No.20909754

The part that really pisses me off isn't dropping her, but taking up all of someones commission slots and then fucking off to the ether. On one hand, it is absolutely her own fault for not reaching out to him constantly because comms are an active process, but on the other hand generally speaking if someone loves your work enough to essentially buy you out for the next month or two you've gotta be clear about what you want and how you want it rather than setting and forgetting it.

>> No.20909764

Artists in particular have been rising up against him.
I also saw his old emote artist, and that artist's girlfriend, talking about how he deserves it but keeping silent out of fear.
There were some screencaps of him saying how miserable his emote artist was to work with, but it's becoming more and more clear that he's abusive and manipulative with them. And then turns around and becomes a professional victim if they don't kneel and start blaming themselves like a beaten woman.

>> No.20909843

Oh god, I just remembered looking at the timestamps; this was about the same time he started switching to a newer version of Sam after years of having the same OC.

>> No.20910048
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>tfw he was actually honest about not being manipulated by bunny and was actually just a terrible person all along

>> No.20910168

>he was an asshole from the start
>bunny decided to point him at different people she didnt like

>> No.20910292

>And this is why you should pay a deposit upfront

>> No.20910296

All this started cause Bunny was scared of her ass and tits weren't good enough.

>> No.20910441

The fate of someone with 9/10 tits and a 6/10 face.

>> No.20910488

This board whole purpose was to contain holo discussion away from /jp/ when HoloEN debuted.

>> No.20910533

He raped and groomed children.

>> No.20910742

Get fucked.

>> No.20911662

Its nice to see someone getting fucked on social media for good reason, for once.

>> No.20911815

the taking up all comm slots and taking too long, that's bad. but not using yuni's design is up to him after he pays for it. i think it's unprofessional of her to cry about it when she got paid.

>> No.20911925

stop larping this isnt cc fucking troon

>> No.20911944

I think it's more that he went to a different artist without telling Yuni anything

I don't think any artist would take issue with a client paying for the commission and then saying "I've changed my mind and want to look into other options"
I mean that wouldn't feel good but at least it's upfront and honest.

But just dropping your artist without warning or explanation to commission someone else, that's fucked up.

>> No.20911990

found the fat loser himself

>> No.20912181

nah honestly I'm disappointed. no one has come forward with sexual misconduct or abuse allegations.

>> No.20912222

Bahroo is too much of a loser to even try that

>> No.20912225

Can't even really disagree; it is absolutely up to someone if they want to use art after they've paid for it and that in a vacuum isn't a bad thing at all, but we're not living in a vacuum and there's a lot of context. It's not really unprofessional to complain about it after its come out that he's been fucking around with artists for years and years.

>> No.20912568

only hope is that when bunny is pushed to the limit she attempts to drag him down with an accusation

>> No.20912674

At this point the only one who can be saved is the one smart enough to betray the other first.

>> No.20912711

am i missing something? there was dya's thing where he was rude to her, yuni's thing, the allegations that he'd steal emote ideas and the whole thing were he'd "steal" artists from other people (which, is that even a bad thing). i don't really get how he's been fucking with artists.

>> No.20912890

>i don't really get how he's been fucking with artists.
>three examples of him fucking with artists

You're even leaving out him literally saying he wanted to hurt his old emote artist because they were "difficult." That brings it up to four. That we know of, and he has a very clear pattern. Much like Bunny, he breaks down the weak ones and takes advantage until they break.

>> No.20912896

His statement on one of his old emote artists about how much he fucking hates them is pretty telling.

>> No.20913012

Well for one, there's Dya's post implying a history of non-correspondence, there's Yuni's post about explicit non-correspondence, there's him overreacting about one of his emote artists, and theres the guy who got his emote artist "stolen" I agree with you there that its a retarded thing to bitch about who then later also got dropped like a rock. Not sure if that's the same person as the one he said he wanted to run over with a truck or whatever edgelord shit it was, though that's still at least three examples of him fucking with artists.

>> No.20913039

He treats artists like tools to be used rather than people to support

>> No.20913364

i guess so. i've seen rude and lazy coworkers, bad bosses, downright disrespectful clients. this shit doesn't seem nearly that bad and the one arex posted about might even be interpreted as "lol i was just joking". though I guess influencers all work purely on trust so this shit is less tolerated.

>> No.20913501

Like you said, it's pretty much entirely because of trust; word spreads when someones a shit client who uses their fame as a shield.

>> No.20913511

Nah, that's totally on brand

>> No.20913531

hey bahroo can i just ask if bunny is an innie or outie?

>> No.20914097

Not really, if you almost end up missing your bills because of the faggot's irresponsibility and the motherfucker ends up not even using your work, it adds insult to injury.

>> No.20914261


>> No.20914514

Kana was though

>> No.20915741

As a business person, your job is to make money for the company. As an influencer, your job is to be liked. An asshole coworker can be tolerated as long as they provide value, but an asshole influencer is essentially a failure (unless they've marketed themselves as an asshole from the get-go).

>> No.20916488

hey plague rat. hopefully you and fat tits have learned all you two are doing and holding a belt sander to your genitals

>> No.20916608

I don't think we actually know the worst of it yet. The stuff that Alex posted showed how paranoid Bahroo was about what Alex was going to tell people. Alex makes it sound like they just drifted apart because Bahroo is an asshole, but why would Bahroo give a fuck about that so much that he'd use his PR lady as an attack dog for threatening legal action? It's just so weird that "being a dick" is the worst thing he's done and yet the thing he's terrified of getting out? I have a feeling there's a bigger story here somewhere, but they haven't revealed it yet (and may not ever).

>> No.20916788

two possibilities:
-he is just totally psycho
-he did way worse things

both totally... lets see next chapters...

>> No.20917034
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Heh, you’ll be tickled to know the Cafe has a minor civil war going now since the admins let troons into their girls-only space and have been using jannies to suppress the backlash. Hilarious and sad in equal measure.

>> No.20918139

Can someone give me a QRD on this whole Arcadum thing?

>> No.20918147

Just make this only generals and I'm fine.

>> No.20918273

Being an e-celeb sounds like absolute torture. Imagine your dms being crossexamined and every little misunderstanding and slight being bought up in the public forum to judge your character. Well I guess that's what you get for making your larp persona super wholesome chungus comfy huh

>> No.20918284

Wait, don't these people take payment upfront?

>> No.20918426

I would prefer we take the rational route and ban all vtubers except for my oshi

>> No.20918586

>(unless they've marketed themselves as an asshole from the get-go)
Even that tends to implode eventually, see: Saruei.

>> No.20918695


>> No.20918772
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I heard he molested Coral from the walking dead

>> No.20919003

There's absolutely no way someone who's that catty and insecure behind the scenes has a pretty innie. The look of their vagoo is one of the few things that women can't control about their appearance so they go absolutely mental when someone tells them they prefer a different looking one than what they have.

>> No.20919386

He's a big streamer they'd probably think he'd be good for it/reputable.

>> No.20919596

He didn't commission her so there was nothing to pay for at that point.
Opening slots for commission is artists saying that during a period of time they're able to do X number of things and to make their income and schedule consistent they're planning for the future. Whether or not someone is taking deposits, people are willing to be flexible for people who they think they can trust. So she thought she had work and payment lined up for a period of time, all reserved to one person, and then he left her with nothing.
Something to know about art as well is that due to the price and limited availability of an artist, it's not an impulse buy and people who need art by a certain time will turn to someone else if they had a person in mind but see that their slots are full. So not only did she not get paid but Bahroo reserving her for a period of time turned away any potential clients she could have had if he pulled out earlier and the nature of art makes it hard enough to get replacement commissions quickly.

>> No.20919783

If someone takes a commission slot there's usually a set time frame for finalizing the commission details and payment. The artist should've freed up the slots after the fatfuck didn't get back to them.

>> No.20919861

What kind of chunibyo shit is this? Muh powah is so great I could end you. But I'm handicapping myself for your sake.

>> No.20920340

Oh wow you actually doubled down on that retardation? I mean, props for sticking to your guns I guess

>> No.20920501

You can get your labia chopped off. See: lsbiaplasty. Everything about these women's appearances is fake, why do you think a vagina would be any different?

>> No.20920591

Getting a surgery is a step above the usual makeup and photoshop, but sure.

>> No.20922906
File: 274 KB, 487x363, gahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one about the artist and "running them over with a truck" being seen as a real threat/show of psychosis is honestly more hilarious than the entire shitshow up to this point. It's the only thing I feel even slightly bad for him for, if only because literally everyone on the internet has made some kinda "god i wanna fucking kick x's ass" post to their friends at some point.
But before the /sisters/ get mad at me and spend the next dozen posts deflecting by saying they've never done something/its "too over the top", I still think he's a genuine cunt for practically every other reason.

>> No.20923032

Holofag echochamber lets go

>> No.20923528


I'm curious, which artists would you recommend for emotes?

>> No.20923556

I don't think anyone believes they were legitimate threats
It's just incredibly poor form to speak like that of people you're in a professional relationship with, and coupled with all other accounts of his behavior paint a picture of someone who genuinely does not care about anyone other than himself

As soon as you cross him or outlive your worth, you're dead weight

>> No.20923728


I have one or two I am keeping to myself, purely for the sake if those auditions click, I can mass commission them in advance

>> No.20923811

>I don't think anyone believes they were legitimate threats
Have you not looked at twitter or even these very threads? There's people who think he's wishing genuine harm on this guy, which even with the picture that's been painted in great detail about this literal cuck of a man who does more harm to himself with his diet than he could do to a single fly... it's so over the top you really can't help but find it funny.

>> No.20924027

Bahroo was Big Pipe. Huck was played by Octopimp and I haven't seen anything from him.

>> No.20924032

Well, the Internet isn't what it used to be

A lot of people probably aren't used to people flinging around threats of harm like monkeys throw shit

>> No.20924310

Law enforcement normally assesses threatening statements according to three criteria:
1) Plausibility: Does the threat sound realistic? (e.g., I'm going to steal a B-52 bomber and blow up the whole town isn't very plausible)
2) Imminence: Is the threat made going to be carried out very soon? (e.g., I'm going to come over tomorrow and teach you a lesson)
3) Specificity: How much detail it has. (e.g., I'm going to drive over to the McDonalds you work at on 123th street and 45th ave and hide behind the blue dumpster with a knife)
So threatening to run someone over with a truck would likely not be assessed as a serious threat. That said, Twitch has an itchy trigger finger so it could still get someone kicked off that platform even if it isn't a realistic threat by law enforcement standards.

>> No.20924429

I wish Totalbiscuit was still around to shit on these dramafags among everything else going on in Twitch/gaming.

>> No.20924443

this is not entirely bunny's influence if accounts from others are anything to go by he's historically a shitty person
reminder that shitty people tend to surround themselves with other shitty people

>> No.20924481

Totalbiscuit was another dramafag, glad he's dead.

>> No.20924610

I can tell you right now if he were still alive, he wouldn't give a rats fucking ass about anything to do with vtubers. It's about as far from his scene as you could get, the most you'd ever get from him is "who?".

>> No.20924733

>It's about as far from his scene as you could get
Not as far as you'd think
One of his podcast co-hosts, Dodger, is married to Strippin who got wrapped up in this Layna/Bahroo business

>> No.20924831
File: 146 KB, 378x535, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say something right
>hundreds of autistic incels take what you said and drag it through the mongolian steppes by the balls
>blame the original guy

>> No.20924935

Right, because this thread is so full of people about to debut as vtubers and streamers that clearly they're going to book solid the artist's commissions for, what, the next 8-12 months? (Or however long it takes from audition to debut)

>> No.20925007

>Hey I was friends with Bunny until I too had a falling out with her
>Anyway here's all this shit she did because I said so
>No, I didn't save any of it
>Just trust me, but keep my name out of the drama

>> No.20925140
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He's a faggot that died of asscancer.

>> No.20925216

By that logic, he'd be heavily interested in whatever drama goes on in the Smash Bros scene.
I don't think you understand just how far three degrees of separation are, anon. Even Sam's not in it that deep.

>> No.20925225

>the admins let troons into their girls-only space and have been using jannies to suppress the backlash. Hilarious and sad in equal measure.
Holy shit just like whats going on now, even in anonymous threads its all the same

>> No.20925236

>people are still butthurt over TotalBiscuit
>he's been dead for nearly 4 years
Let it go already

>> No.20925280
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>> No.20925309

The only butthurt was him, so much he died of it.

>> No.20925326

Truth is, if he was still alive there's no telling how much he'd be involved with vtubers, if at all.

Wasn't so long ago that SeaNanners was suddenly collabing with Zen, nobody saw that coming

>> No.20925344

thank god this threads at bumplimit so nobody has to deal with /v/tards like (you) anymore than needed

>> No.20925397

suck more dead man's cock faggot.

>> No.20925561

>SeaNanners was suddenly collabing with Zen
I fully believe you just due to the pair of names being so outlandish it'd be impossible to make up, but next you're going to tell me Chilled's collabing with Kiara or fucking Selen or something.
That being said you're probably also right when it comes down to not truly knowing where he'd be, because nobody truly knows where their internet career takes them.

>> No.20925590

Imagine letting a dead man live in your head rent free

>> No.20925673

They played Halo Infinite together a couple of times

>> No.20925679

A dead man is a faggot even post-dead, I'm alive and dancing on his grave while you're mourning him and remembering him, thinking he would come here and save the day from vtuber drama.

>> No.20925782

I haven't thought about TB in I don't know how long, until this thread
You're clearly still thinking about him regularly, to be this immediately upset over the mere mention of him

>> No.20925811

I don't think anyone is actively mourning him, you're just getting mocked for still being mad about Starcraft 2 like a decade later.

>> No.20925943

> I don't know how long, until this thread
>I'm mentioning some random youtuber out of nowhere in the middle of some drama.
>i'm clearly not thinking about him.
>Even when he has nothing to do with this.
Keep telling yourself that m8. I just called him a faggot and you took it personal.

>> No.20925993

Get a room.

>> No.20926042

I'd like to think this is because of Chilled. I don't watch him anymore and only follow on Twitter but his first introduction was with Iron Mouse and then Silver. Now they talk occasionally.

>> No.20926053

I'm not the one that brought him up
Seek help you obsessive freak

>> No.20926111

>schizo believes every anon in a reply chain is the same person

>> No.20926281

You sure replied like you were though.
>I will samefag, nobody will notice.

>> No.20926397
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>> No.20926401

>admiral "give me money and I'll unban you, bro" bahroo is a piece of shit
