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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 267 KB, 1242x665, Vienna single.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20809297 No.20809297 [Reply] [Original]

She's not actually single, is she?

>> No.20809401

Go and ask. And watch her reaction.

>> No.20809436

I am extremely skeptical of any vtuber who openly tries to claim she's single, which is a shame because most of my favorite vtubers have started doing that since green woman exited the stage. I suspect they want to catch some of that paypig magic.

>> No.20809469

She’s mine I already have her address

>> No.20809488

Sounds like bf dumped her.

>> No.20809509

Single can also mean not married or not in LTR

>> No.20809594

she's actually kinda uggo so i buy the no bf story

>> No.20809650

Quick anons! What's your go to yearly rewatch movies? Mine is Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.20809770
File: 25 KB, 474x398, THE 4TH FORBIDDEN WAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but National Treasure 1 and 2

>> No.20809836

No female streamer is ever single, especially chuubas

>> No.20809876



>> No.20809922

>kung fu panda
dropped, watch a good kung fu movie like kung pow

>> No.20809947
File: 2.46 MB, 432x270, AdarTdi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star trek 2

>> No.20809954

I like ratatouille

>> No.20809979 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 225x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even joking, i fucking love this movie

>> No.20809985

sounds more like she is memeing and maybe baiting the idea

>> No.20809986

Shit taste
Kung fu panda is wuxia kino

>> No.20809991
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1647089875880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teehee I'm totally single~
now give me your money.

>> No.20810012

the original Friday movie

>> No.20810028

Most chuubas who claim they're single probably are because despite the belief of the predominantly male population of this site, women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men in their adult years even if they're not disgusting neet fujos.

That said I don't think there's a real way to tell the difference between the ones who are and the ones who aren't until a yab happens so you're kind of playing minesweeper and it's still better not to get your hopes up.

>> No.20810280

>women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men in their adult years even if they're not disgusting neet fujos.
Come on dude. Obviously women can have difficulty finding relationships considering how most me are garbage, but they still have it way easier than men in every conceivable way. Women are only ever single if they want to be single.

>> No.20810476

I haven't rewatched it since I was like 15; Im afraid its not gonna be as good as I remember it.

>> No.20810501

haha I wouldn't mind watching Kung Fu Panda with you haha just kidding hahaha unless?

>> No.20810518


>> No.20810530

>despite the belief of the predominantly male population of this site, women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men in their adult years
No, we know that; But the reason for that is because they sleep around and no man who is looking for something serious wants to touch them with a teen foot pole.

>> No.20810549

Somebody post the NGO pic

>> No.20810557

Not a movie but an anime, Kiseijuu Sei No Kakuritsu. For the movies it might be the Saw saga but I watched these whenever I feel like it, it's not a yearly rewatch event.

>> No.20810600

>Plays league
Yup, probably single

>> No.20812280


>> No.20812391

imo original > complete
complete version fucked with the sephiroth fight too much

>> No.20812437
File: 511 KB, 644x644, 1647870371432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most chuubas who claim they're single probably are
Ok let's see where he's going with this I could use a white pill.
>because despite the belief of the predominantly male population of this site
This is going to end in flames but let me keep reading
>women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men in their adult years even if they're not disgusting neet fujos
Full blown doubt. Do I even subject myself to reading the second paragraph?
>That said I don't think there's a real way to tell the difference between the ones who are and the ones who aren't until a yab happens so you're kind of playing minesweeper and it's still better not to get your hopes up.
Odd that you decided to start telling the truth halfway through

>> No.20812525

>not posting the updated version

>> No.20812558

>yearly rewatch
this is 100% a couple's thing, single people just rewatch stuff when they want

>> No.20812673

pfft no, it's in the contract to say otherwise.

>> No.20812784

There is a difference between getting laid and getting into a relationship. Women might have an easier time getting laid, if that's all they want, but an actual relationship? Eh, I can see that being quite a bit trickier.

>> No.20813156

women are only single if they want to be single

>> No.20813314

you're confusing having sex with being in a relationship anon

>> No.20813352

if she whining about being single on social media, she's not really single then

>> No.20813509

I rewatched it a couple years back. It's still pretty cool visually, but it's a fucking disaster as far as storytelling.

>> No.20813552
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, [De.us] Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu (1920x1080 h.264 Dual-Audio FLAC 10-bit) [017CB24D].mkv_snapshot_02.04.37_[2019.09.03_01.23.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

december 16th baby

>> No.20813562

>if we change the definition of single, it's technically not lying

>> No.20813618

>you cynical neets should gosling because it's hard for women out there with chads being only 1% of the population
Oh, okay.

>> No.20813634

Lord of the rings trilogy

>> No.20813644

NTA but still they have no idea how easy they have
imagine if the average woman that can get sex on demad would have to live in inceldom like majority of men

>> No.20813657

>woman makes herself into a "red flags" girl by doing stupid things
>woman wants 10/10 men but 10/10 men don't want a girl with red flags
>woman wonders where it all went wrong

>> No.20813711

And she will tell you that she always was in toxic relationship.

>> No.20813803


>> No.20813891

Treasure Planet

>> No.20815255

It sounds like she was recently dumped

>> No.20815298

Any person that repeatedly and openly talks about being single is either a liar or retarded

>> No.20815404
File: 77 KB, 919x689, The Tale Of Princess Kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20816595
File: 181 KB, 1133x641, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20816682

No. It's because it's such an unusual state for them to be in that they find it an interesting talking point. Anyone that repeatedly and openly talks about being single is someone that puts a great emphasis in being or not in a relationship and will most likely make an effort to get into one asap.

>> No.20816705

Yes she is but she does have a korean roommate who is actually her roommate.

>> No.20816747

Gibli movies, most are fine to rewatch after some years

>> No.20817315

red flag if vtuber says
>im single

>> No.20817353

Matrix Reloaded

>> No.20817433

Wolf of Wall Street

>> No.20817502

>women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men

>> No.20817980
File: 360 KB, 1536x2048, 1628882714059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fond of Titan A.E too.

>> No.20818134

Most of the time they just see their fans worrying about it and try to mention it casually. It's kind of a slow integration into idol culture where they realize being single makes them more competitive.

>> No.20818613

Considering how the fandom has grown and attracted paparazzi who research their real lives a bit, they're only risking a bigger yab if they're caught lying.

>> No.20819060

>women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men in their adult years
Yeah, because single men's standards rise as they age and climb higher in their career.
If you're at least middle management in some top firms, there's no way you would get together with a dropout influencer who just have a pretty face and nice body.
The older men get, the more we think of women as suitable mothers to our children and a good fit to our extended family, instead of just another pretty face or another tight body

>> No.20819174
File: 55 KB, 800x804, 1424838787173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women actually tend to have more difficulties finding a relationship than men
Good one.

>> No.20819640

All Quiet On The Western Front

>> No.20820539

chinese filename

>> No.20820556

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Orgazmo

>> No.20820599

Are Vienna OPs the new meta because she actually comes here sometimes?

>> No.20821004

Rocky and The Godfather.

>> No.20821056

She's a twitch streamer, they don't care.

>> No.20821105

Lord of the Ring extended editions, all of them at once.

>> No.20821170

Haruhi and the PPG movie.

>> No.20821255

Good taste man

>> No.20821319

>She mentions being single as something kind of great deal as like she's not used to being single
Plus even if that's not the case, there are girls who call themselves "single" but go every weekend to a nightclub to get railed by chads.

>> No.20821384

The only time you bitch about being single is when you want to piss off your boyfriend. I got not one but two of my ex did this to me.

>> No.20821528

Lord of the Rings Extended Edition

>> No.20821548
File: 65 KB, 594x586, 1615894504422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

>> No.20821645
File: 639 KB, 1278x1800, ghost in the shell poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once a year is probably a huge understatement.

>> No.20822152

When Harry Met Sally

>> No.20822282

This is why gay femboys are superior.

>> No.20822394

Femanon, no man in this site pretends that women don't have difficulty finding a relationship. But you all have a better chance finding a partner than men do, even if we had the exact same appearance, lifestyle, achievements, all of that equal except what's hanging between our legs.

>> No.20822571

>tfw 6'2, /fit/, and make close to 6 figures at 25
>have never been on a date because every woman I've asked out (most of whom barely make like 1/2 my income) just shits on me and says they'd never date a bald guy

>> No.20822706

It's not even an idol culture thing, egirls have known that being perceived as single is a huge buff for ages.

>> No.20822797

Holy cope

>> No.20822897

This is true, they only reveal their boyfriends if their numbers stop to rise meteorically for years, see Pokimane, QTCinderella, etc. Do you think Valkyrae doesn't have a boyfriend? Lmao she wants to enjoy her youth too, I feel so sad for her underage simps

>> No.20823090

Tokyo Godfathers

>> No.20823143

What bullshit is this!?

>> No.20823273

No she's not. Every time they say things like this openly, they're lying and baiting for gachikois. Look at shirara it whatever that en indies name was with the bf yab.

>> No.20823275

Luca's meme isn't gimmicked. So he's just a boring looking dude

>> No.20823324

Lock stock and two smoking barrels.

>> No.20823490

The Amouranth image with the mod getting mad has been around for ages.

>> No.20823935

The character is, the actress is not.

>> No.20824925
File: 130 KB, 904x662, 1618518993278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, do a fucking hair trasplantation

>> No.20825028

you are just ugly

>> No.20825228

I looked into it, my genetics are dogshit though so it wouldn't work, I'd need a toupee & to hope it was a good one.

>> No.20825448

Can't go wrong with this.

>> No.20825709

People rewatch shows?

>> No.20826925
File: 811 KB, 2000x3019, Back_to_the_Future_Part_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the Future
Also this, fucking great movie

>> No.20828328

I’ll be extremely surprised if she isn’t, Vienna is hot irl

>> No.20828452
File: 1.02 MB, 800x1200, MV5BNGViZWZmM2EtNGYzZi00ZDAyLTk3ODMtNzIyZTBjN2Y1NmM1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20828515

If you're streaming a ton it's kind of hard to sustain a relationship. Like someone like Koyori is definitely single. The ones who only stream 3 or 4 times a week and are always off on certain days are definitely not single

>> No.20828551

i personally believe that shes single, but that doesnt mean she cant get some tonight. with her social media posts, her streaming, and her overall attitude, i wouldnt be surprised if she was single, but being single doesnt mean you dont at least date around

>> No.20828561

it's a default Mii

>> No.20828586

She already talked about getting fucked in the ass so much she had to buy a special type of chair to be comfortable.

>> No.20828672

Not to mention she talked about not being able to trust men because shes been cheated on alot, if shes with a man its for a fling not a relationship. i dont think Viennas chat are gachikois they seem to be normies and a lot seem to be girls that share her liberal views she share on twitter

>> No.20828875

I believe it too. There’s no point in lying about being single if you’re going to mention your dating app activities and meeting people on them during stream like she’s done before.

>> No.20829098


>> No.20829332

I’m quite envious of the guy that gets casual sex with her

>> No.20829433


>> No.20829452

Based, it's been a few years for me but that movie never fails to disappoint. It's a shame that the funding for the sequel fell through after Del Toro left the project.

>> No.20829546

yep this board is just so used to idol hololive and vshojo coombaiting they forgot some vtuber are just normies like Vienna

>> No.20829562

How the fuck do you think that is determined through "genetics"? If you still have strong strands of hair, be it in the back of your head or sides, you might as well look into getting an evaluation and getting the procedure done.
Genetics doesn't fucking factor into any of this. Unless you're completely bald or have rail-thin hair, you can try for a FUE procedure.

>> No.20829678

So good

>> No.20829703

me too, it's cool

>> No.20829765
File: 240 KB, 1910x1080, EoZfTYiXcAIbf9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no second movie.

It's the perfect combination of dumb and inspirational that mecha needs.

>> No.20830461

Fight Club

>> No.20830806

My balding is heavy & in the same pattern as my dad's. I could get a transplant, but I'd have to keep getting them every few years.

>> No.20835425

Dr. Strangelove and the Dollars Trilogy.

>> No.20836569

This. The same yab has happened on small to large scale, but anons will write up the most long winded nonsense to pretend as if something else will happen.

>> No.20837458

After Bao and that one girl that said ''m-my boyfriend...oh no'' in the middle of the stream I never believe when a vtuber says she's single, I rather she never talks about the topic

>> No.20837803

good joke

what else you got?

>> No.20838150

A woman reaching her 30s is starting to get ugly, who'd want to date that. Remember anons, only 20 yo

>> No.20838253


>> No.20838465

I'm willing to believe most streamers are single at the moment, I don't believe they're virgins who have never touched a male before though.

But streaming is time consuming and honestly boring and inefficient in terms of attention and money, only girls who severely need attention will resort to it. And the thing is most working women aren't having guys come onto them on a daily basis, they go to their daily grind and come home to suffer like the rest of us

>> No.20838553

fuck you, i have 30, yes 30 fucking nieces and they're all got kids now.

>> No.20838643

>The ones who only stream 3 or 4 times a week and are always off on certain days are definitely not single

bro i cant stream with my family home

>> No.20838673

>most working women aren't having guys come onto them on a daily basis
Why do they always bitch & moan abiut guys hitting on them in the gym, at the grocery store, or wherever else then?

>> No.20838726

Your average woman doesn't go to the gym.

And I guess what I mean is more they don't have decent guys coming to them asking them out. They have weirdos who come onto girls at the gym begging to suck on their toes.

>> No.20838857

Its almost like 4channers dont realize that not all women are in a relationship, casual sex is a thing. Actually the more attractive you are the less likely you are to be in a relationship when you are younger. Why chain yourself down to 1 man when you can get it from anyone?

>> No.20839036

Its actually the opposite.
Ugly girls are desperate for attention and are willing to fuck around to get it.

Pretty girls get attention from the moment they're born, they have it nice and are able to be as picky as they want. Pretty girls also tend to have it nice so they're nicer to everyone in return. Growing up it was always the cuter and popular girls around that were willing to bring me into their groups and be nice. Its the ugly girls who are always walking around being giant bitches and sluts.

But a pretty girl doesn't need to sleep around, she finds herself a 10/10 to lock down and sticks with it.

>> No.20839745

>is this vtuber single?
Don’t know, maybe, maybe not
>what about this one? She says she’s single.
lmao different story she 100% has a bf. This happens every time a streamer milks the parasocial teat and gets caught with a bf, the old tweets are brought up and laughed at “siiigh, lonely, if only I had a bf right now to comfort me”.
And everyone clowns on all the old posts ‘no bro, Yuki-chan is actually different, like actually for real menhera lol she wouldn’t be able to get a bf she’s said she’s afraid of them. She only interacts with us, the chat, it’s kinda sad how autistic she is lol’

>> No.20840046
File: 45 KB, 488x741, 717jYSQJjQL._AC_SY741_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's watchalong of this is still the only watchalong I've ever sat through

>> No.20840428

fujo attacks are the stump that these tourists keep posting. I'm not sure where they are from, but it ain't here. I don't even remember last time 4chan couched its misogyny on a single group of women. Like maybe roasties? But that was also memeing about western society.

>> No.20840865

I mean, if they complain about not having a bf, then they're probably looking for one.

>> No.20841017

if you think any of the vtubers mentioned on this board are single then you are unironically retarded.

>> No.20842218

I'm single

>> No.20846637

I'd say what it is but I also know the rules and don't have enough time to stream that film. So I'll let the implication do the talking.

>> No.20849828

The Oceans trilogy.

>> No.20852794

Take finasteride

>> No.20853393

Absolutely based

>> No.20857263
File: 402 KB, 1429x1429, Maid Mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busting makes me feel good!

>> No.20858055

Jurassic Park.

>> No.20858462

look up bao mod in the archives.

I've watched interstellar and The Martian every year since both movies came out.

>> No.20861259

Fucking based

>> No.20861732

>Kingdom of Heaven
Genuinely curious, why? I actually liked the movie, but it doesn't really seem like a yearly rewatch kind of film.

>> No.20861820

>watching kung fu panda 3 more than once
