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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 468 KB, 2048x1072, FOQqkXVXwAAHajD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20670831 No.20670831 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>20572615

Today's streams
Drawing new hairstyles for lunita with hina

Upcoming Streams
Ito Apex Collab with Profesional Players

Miu's birthday celebration and new outfit!


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg
Lia: Schedules are for pussies.
Hana: n/a
Rose: Inactive due to suspension.
Suzu: https://twitter.com/HoshinaSuzu/status/1503288023425105927
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg
Pal: https://twitter.com/sumeragi_pal/status/1503054716795645952
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8
Ito: n/a
Himea: n/a

>> No.20670855
File: 76 KB, 900x900, _Proud_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of this autist!

>> No.20671173

I always forget how well proportioned Himari is.

>> No.20671311
File: 289 KB, 300x162, 1194965668411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jimena already went full argie

>> No.20671345

I miss /wactor/

>> No.20671486


>> No.20671719

Nice pic!

>> No.20671842
File: 63 KB, 506x1000, miu sexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mating press

>> No.20671859

Wait another Miu outfit? Didn't this bitch already got one a couple weeks ago?

>> No.20671924

Why are wactor designs so slutty? Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.20671945

in 3D dumbass


>> No.20671997

That particular one was designed by her

>> No.20672129

And she did a stream with polls asking about what chat liked (tits size, hair, etc) before. I dont know if she did that for the design but i like to think it was

>> No.20673325


>> No.20673405


>> No.20673756

Como que buenas noches jimena, vení que el asado ya casi está, y trae una manaos

>> No.20673785

vampires sleep during the day though

>> No.20673900

how were Lia and Ito this morning?

>> No.20674091

Even if she's argie she can live on another country, right?
i'm memezuelan and i live on spain

>> No.20674221

The best ASMR still belongs to Luna-sama.

>> No.20675566
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>> No.20675571

Miu birthday soon!


>> No.20675779

ok, try to get into context, I have literally been reading post without censorship for two days and everything related to the case of the male harem that has sopita, specifically I have been reading since November 29, 2021 and apparently that idea was already known much earlier, I really do not know what to think, at first I did not believe anything, but after seeing connections and that practically she herself confirmed it involuntarily on many occasions, it makes me want to vomit, it is practically a fact that the garbage of incels did their best to have contact with her and remain as parasites as long as possible to gain her trust and that she herself (graciously) see them as friends, I do not need to explain how dangerous and stupid it is to have in your circle close to fans, beyond that it is only envy, the truth is that those cockroaches only put garbage in her head and you can see their influence on her, I have no money but I would like to pargate the SP and see the truth, because really my fear is to believe that it is still with those idiots, if someone knows more if it is still with them?, do you talk to those parasites?, or do they only work for free as fools? If it is true that she left discord out of protest for her boyfriends? or was it because of the harassment of Faka and her shitty friends? I know that she spoke out at that and had explained that they sent her DM and things like that and that's why she left Discord, but when I saw the video of her return it seemed that it was more because of differences with Akira and anger when attacking her circle of incels, but I really do not know, this place confuses my mind, Mind, please someone who knows the truth, clarify all this, at least I want to know that he is no longer in the clutches of those idiots and at least he is with the girls like Miu and Luna and only uses discord like them. I repeat the little group mental parasites that if I believe it totally, misora is very stupid hidden that, it is almost as if I wanted to say it to everyone and that everyone accepted that I finally got friends who are looking for a way to idiotize her more to have sex for discord and take out her tits, like an image that I saw and I paralyze myself from disgust and fear.

>> No.20676302

My dear anon,

You've been victim of baiting made by schizos. Don't believe everything is written /here/ by them and just enjoy the entertainment the streamer gives to (You). If you're affected by their narrative means you're too emotional invested with a Vtuber and that won't make you any good.

Best regards,

A Misopita.

>> No.20676369

I have been saying the same thing for months and the anons thought I was making shitpost, what I recommend is that you need to move on, what misora decided to do she already did and there is nothing anyone outside her circle can do. Just wait and see, everything will fall into place.

>> No.20676416

If I had one penny for every time someone mentions on this board any Vtuber having Discord Sex with fans, I would be millionaire already, I miss the time when rrats were original.

>> No.20676623

at least I want to have hope, when I read about the banning of the shitty group of translators, I felt relieved, it was in the rise of lealmiutomo, then someone from SP said long before FEB 14 that misora had explained that FAKA was harassing her and that was the final nail for akira to dismantle that group, but the son of a bitch had told misora that it was because they supported laila and they were banned for that and that's why she got upset and left the discord later, you could see the rebelliousness of mosora, and it was also obvious that he already considered those miserable as true friends and support, but that was more than a month ago, I want to know if he finally woke up from his idiots and moved away from them or still has contact with them, for Please I just want to know if he's on the right track and he's finally going to fuck those manipulative sons of bitches

>> No.20676709

Doing the right thing is a social construct, do what you think is right and don't be swayed by the opinion of what is written here for better or worse. Many misopites like to cross fire with false info so that their misdeeds are hidden, so focus and look for the truth about that hafu who is probably using even her chococorate friend without paying her

>> No.20676830

I'm not reading your walls of texts faggots.


>> No.20676928


>> No.20676970

Is it possible that she is stupid, she is very stupid, so as not to realize that all the misfortunes that I saw here in 4 is because of that little group?

>> No.20676973

Buy SP! Buy SP! Buy SP! Buy SP!
You can do it Anon!

>> No.20676974

Just buy sp with a vpn

>> No.20677091

I will do it and I am going to leak everything

>> No.20677112
File: 102 KB, 845x562, misora_fan_server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the Discord server from Misora and her fan friends is still there and going. Some of them help her with short, clips, covers and others related stuff.

You just need to move on about that and accept it as a Misopita or just stop supporting her if that annoys you too much.

>> No.20677367

At this point it feels like a psyop to make retards buy Misora's shitty SP membership.

>> No.20677401

>is she stupid
frighteningly so, but I believe she does have boundaries, despite all that's happened

>> No.20677446
File: 46 KB, 593x267, Blocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this and stop watching the streams you will feel better.

>> No.20677562
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That's MisoClip Team Discord, her groomers server.

>> No.20677734

It seems that she is very comfortable and happy with that group, and they are delighted, we will see more cloudy things soon. Why akira allows this? at least she must be there right? If she wanted to save money so much, knowing the problems she had with the fans, she can't be an idiot?

>> No.20677748


>> No.20677787

ah yeas nice schizo tears, It always helps to make feel superior.

>> No.20677830 [DELETED] 

leak it somewhere else, stop luring in tourists

>> No.20677905

Anon if he wants to become a leaking whore let him do it, he already seems to have enough low self esteem

>> No.20677969

Death to Wactor, Justice for Laila.

>> No.20678049
File: 585 KB, 2048x1536, FOThMKtVEAA-u4W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yue finally learned how to type "Aniversario"
This Elf is becoming stronger

>> No.20678102

at least it doesn't go from just work for free simp right? although that's asking too much... the friends she didn't have in the company she had in her male harem.

>> No.20678147

No, take your leaking shit somewhere else. Everytime there is some drama thanks to some deranged retard (mtf, sticky) it always ends up with newfags coming here and its always a new deranged schizo shitting up the thread.

>> No.20678236

she is never going to leave this group he is very fond of her it is time to accept it and see how everything in life goes to hell

>> No.20678263

I don't care what you think of me, I don't care what misora thinks of me. I care more about the mental health of those who post here and if me filtering what they talk about in the sp stream makes them feel better I will do it, plus there is nothing to be afraid of since she doesn't say anything bad right, sp member?

>> No.20678309

if everything you say is true what are you going to do anon?

>> No.20678344

The fact that it's a separate Discord server from the WACTOR Community one already tells you that it isn't in control of Akira or his "staff". That's groomers' dream freeland.

>> No.20678434


Post like that, makes me agree 4chan should be banned for teenagers, but also for retards

>> No.20678452

at least a little hope for those who are worried about a tit leak by her gang... member SP... tell us if she learned or her pack will leak here

>> No.20678493

Yeah! Buy Buy Buy Buy!

>> No.20678546

>since November 29
That's too late to differentiate the elaborated rrats from their more simple origins.
Also you need to watch the streams too to get better context, because anons altered events narrated /here/ just to make the rrats more credible.
Why do you think Misopitas that saw everything happen in realtime plus paying close attention to rrats stopped being schizo once the main HTF/MTF rrats were debunked? I myself was somewhat schizo and I don't feel proud of it
I can be somewhat certain some of them got in the SP because of fear, but after some time cleared their doubts.
>why she left Discord
She had DMs open to everyone, didn't know how to disable them and received harassment not only from groomers but from schizos too.
She said now she took care of that and that's why she's back in discord.
>she is with the girls like Miu and Luna and only uses discord like them.
Pretty much, she is working hard (and the other girls too) to enhance the bonds between the girls and it's mainly through their exclusive discord server.
>FAKA was harassing her
You're mixing things, the faka rejection rrat is only a rrat, a funny and somewhat credible one, but a rrat.
The translator harassment incident that she told in SP was another translator that was outside from the translation group.
>had told misora that it was because they supported laila
I've never seen this narrative pushed with actual proof, he simply disappeared and was doomposting in twitter.
>she's on the right track
She is
One last thing I'll tell you, she is taking therapy with a real mental health professional, have faith in her, she is REALLY improving. Even Akira recognized her progress.This is the only time I'll break my own rule
in the event you really buy SP, watch all the archives and watch one live before doing anything, don't act on impulse

>> No.20678601

It is done with Akira's supervision, do your reps, it was disclosed ages ago.

>> No.20678620


Anon, are you retarded? Anyone can enter that server, you only have to ask. It's too make clips for hina, she even made a post requesting help for that server, you discord mongoloid

>> No.20678661 [DELETED] 

I wonder why almost everyone thinks the girl behind sopa is a frail and stupid one

una persona que se sabe vender y jugar sus cartas no puede ser nunca idiota

>> No.20678668
File: 237 KB, 424x400, 23349543562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you are a Shizo and I give you a (you), it is not for (you) but for those lurkers who believe anything that is posted here.

>> No.20678715

because they don't notify Akira of this, many of his gromers are banned, perhaps he doesn't know that the leaks and their discord were due to their cult. God, that seems like a sect for soup tits, unless someone clarifies everything and puts limits on it.

>> No.20678718
File: 188 KB, 269x309, 1645661511495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it always have to be this place...

>> No.20678919

MTF ruined the minds of many anons, abandoned them and left behind confused mini schizos.

>> No.20678948


Schizo posting is quite common on 4chan, but /vt/ has is the most schizo swamp in the whole site. Even /pol/ has more selfawarness than this board

>> No.20678956

As the first company chubba who fluently speaks spanish you knew eventually she'd get most of the wierdos, meanwhile Luna and Himea have it a bit more tame when it comes these guys. I'm glad girl is back on track, it really shows.

>> No.20678987


>> No.20679095


>> No.20679127
File: 8 KB, 250x167, miu_owo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point watching schizos and white knight Misopitas arguing is another entertainment point for me.

>> No.20679294

thanks for clarifying it, I let myself be carried away by my simp emotions, besides that to a certain extent one does not know if everything is going for better or worse, now I am calmer, I will still try to pay the SP, the only thing I want is for her to finally become a professional.

>> No.20679406

I mean I try to post other things but everyone ignores it, so I guess most anons here only want to fight.

>> No.20679432

really the only things in the way of her professionalism are her youth and adhd

>> No.20679535

Latest rumor is that apparently Akira's using the membership money for new 3D models and hiring new staff to slay a dragon (?). I don't understand the latter but oh well as long as the girls are happy.

>> No.20679618

the dragon is the Thai nation, Akira speaks biblically

>> No.20679659

I admire you for trying.

>> No.20679706

Don't believe anyone, don't even believe me, everyone can be misleading you, pay the sp membership and leak the info.

>> No.20679715

This, Hina is just a bitch who wants things done for free like all women and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.20679760

Out of all Wactor Girls who stream on Youtube, Hina, Luna, and Himea are the ones you see more Anons Schizoing and Hateposting (with Hina being by far the worst case) I wonder if it's just because they can understand them.
Wactor ES was a mistake.

>> No.20679764

Poor chococorate doing mixes for free, what a friend misora is....

>> No.20679794


>> No.20679882

You know I used to hate Akira, but after reading about 3 months of this uncensored forum archive, I realized that the only mistake is discord. the problem is that they almost made me kill the rrts. I don't know if I should read the remaining months or I better close this chapter and trust that everything is going for the better now.

>> No.20679890

You're welcome.
Remember, don't act on impulse and don't do things you may regret.

>> No.20679935

believe me, we are in a better time now, the worst was leading up to Valentine's Day. Gen 4 is bringing us into a good time

>> No.20679943

rose (in the past) and lia get lots of hate at times

>> No.20680025

Discord vc created the first schizos, these schizos damaged MTF mind, he started to create rrats about the translators group and filter rm accounts, mtf disappears but first he damaged the mind of new schizos who took over from him. This will never end.

>> No.20680153
File: 519 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

83rd for MIU HATE

>> No.20680159


>> No.20680242

None of this would happen if that damn discord server wasn't created in first place

>> No.20680317 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 666 KB, 901x1080, ballechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, look I leave you a picture of Misora with the Ballena-chan (the original one). I'll delete in a minute

>> No.20680359

True!! Discord created og schizos, og schizos created mtf, mtf created new schizos. Burn the discord

>> No.20680371 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 719x1120, seredoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back there for fun I found this kek
Sere doko?

>> No.20680549
File: 78 KB, 500x500, artworks-TfA3UbQfKLHBhvvj-t5cddg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, In the end everything is fine, all this bullshit only affects on this thread being shit and nothing else.
Sopa Love

>> No.20680582


Thanks anon, you're my favorite brown nipple supplier!

>> No.20680670


>> No.20680699

Holy fuck. TLDR me or use paragraphs i can't tell where your sentence breaks are my dude.

>> No.20680797

fucking disgusting anons ahhhhh soo boring, nothing will be the same, i just go bored everytime i enter this thread. Do something.

>> No.20680825

nice tits

>> No.20681001

Dedicated to Misora Hina and the schizos.

>> No.20681009 [DELETED] 

Commit Sudoku on Live that would be entertaining.

>> No.20681077

Lose weight and stop shoving anime figurines up your asshole, mtf

>> No.20681116

of all the classic rtts which are real.
the one with the paguayan granny?
The boyfriend argi is the teacher argi?
and others that I no longer remember, in the end if they were denied?

>> No.20681170

nice thread faggots.

>> No.20681325

Rent free

>> No.20681358

You can buy the Fang Gold for more entertaining content like watchalong, piano practice...
Another one is Lv2 naItos so you can play Apex with la Leona. Worth it alot.
For inukamis you can play fall guys, for now.
For paladines i don't know but it's the cheapest.
For Yuelfinos it's only one level. For now you have stickers.
For Familia you will able to watch most of her funny streams.
For Miutomos you have access to ASMR.
You can buy SP to see what happens but maybe just maybe you will only get charla libre

>> No.20681418
File: 163 KB, 1075x1075, Lunita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/WACTOR/ is always a fun place to lurk!

>> No.20681459

>Out of all Wactor Girls who stream on Youtube, the ones that get the higher numbers are the ones you see more Anons Schizoing and Hateposting (with the one having the biggest numbers being by far the worst case)

>> No.20681675

In other news Natamo Project first gen will be debuting one month from now! Any thoughts on the girls?https://twitter.com/NatamoProject/status/1505604332112138243

I believe they would have debutted this month but had to delay it after the most recent nateyo debacle.

>> No.20681725


>> No.20681808

now there is only one question left, what was the real reason why the translation team was dismantled? and the reason why faka disappeared and many were banned?

>> No.20681891

isnt her birthday today?

>> No.20681893

Amai Direct's website is carrd.co too

>> No.20682067

>paraguayan granny
I though this was canon by now

>> No.20682139

Bass practice

>> No.20682148

Why is Miu always behind Himari?
She likes dogs that much?


>> No.20682183
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>> No.20682475

>real reason why the translation team was dismantled?
They argued inactivity, besides that we only have the rejection rrat.
>why many were banned?
Only LoyalMiutomo knows the real reason. The argument seems to be rule 6 from the discord, witch has a very broad interpretation.

>> No.20682532

>what was the real reason why the translation team was dismantled?
No more time and motivation to do Akira's job for free.

>why faka disappeared and many were banned?
Don't know about Faka but a lot of people were banned from Discord because they posted stuff against Akira and others supporting #FreeLaila. Some other well-known Misora's fans gor banned by breaking rule 6 by trying to contact the talents directly via Discord DM.

>> No.20682572

I guess they are just that cheap.

>> No.20682641


>> No.20682706
File: 213 KB, 801x758, FOT-MLPVcAMT_En.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking autists

>> No.20682904


>> No.20682933

>very broad interpretation
my mistake, for some reason I thought rule 6 included spreading misinformation.

>> No.20683139

I think Himea bgm is fucking shit and doesn't fit at all. Misora's is so much better.

>> No.20683162

Do you want >we to talk about you again, Nateyo?
You're prettier than Luna btw, I hope she doesn't kill me for saying this.

>> No.20683231

Nothing will ever beat Luna's first BGM

>> No.20683271

Anon, Sopita's circus bgm is the most irritating shit ever.

>> No.20683283

Not even me with a fucking high yellow fever will think that

>> No.20683317

lmao anon your tastes are shit. Nateyo is a fucking moon face.

Lunita la más bonita en 2D y 3D!

>> No.20683414

How far? How far will this feeling go? Misora, as far as I want and as far as necessary. Misora, my goal is to break your distorted self-esteem and for that I will continue to work without any ambition but with a lot of determination. The truth is that we humans have grown up too much, with principles and determination but above all with the hope of changing the future, Misora, and how have you grown up? Misora, the problem with you is that you are too kind to both the criminal and the victim and that only confuses me, that's why nobody takes you seriously, you should confess everything! Why do you prefer to complain in front of a small crowd instead of doing it in front of everyone? Preferences and discontent is all I see in Misora's personality. Misora, can we go back to the time of desires full of intent but without malice?Even my heart, I am exhausted from being your fan, but I can't give up just because my determination won't let me. There is no point of return. I really don't want to know what kind of day tomorrow will be. Misora, I don't need any meaning anymore, I got rid of them.

>> No.20683593

And it fits so well with her personality. Himea one is mental torture because of how repetitive it gets.

>> No.20683704

Bros why does hearing this make me so warm inside.....

>> No.20683804
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got some time to watch the last Sopa Cover and Wow she is really getting better at singing compared to her debut. I'm so proud

>> No.20683870

>Why do you prefer to complain in front of a small crowd instead of doing it in front of everyone?
Even Holos do literally this, do you expect chuubas to vent their things to greynames?
Go to any other thread and you'll see people commenting about how this or that chuuba hates their fans except the ones that pay member streams, other comment how different they are from member streams and normal streams.
This a feature of the vtuber world, not a problem.
The OG schizos became schizos because Misora was doing that without a paywall, now that she is doing it correctly, those schizos don't have a reason to exist, and since have never came back.

>> No.20683950

All is thanks to Chococorate's free work...

>> No.20683980

Watch Himea instead or Yue or Ito. The three of them are too kind. They will like you comments most of the time and her memberships(only Yue and Ito) it's worthy.

>> No.20684026

it is, literally on her debut stream

>> No.20684122
File: 18 KB, 285x284, 1645022654855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of this retard anon

>> No.20684188

it was during one of her first streams at least

>> No.20684192


>> No.20684252

Never trust a misopita, they are the ones with rape fantasy fetish

>> No.20684286

And the paywall isn't even that big of a problem, even Sopa with her chat being at lightspeed has read my comments a couple of times being a grey name.

>> No.20684325
File: 13 KB, 739x415, 1644578257374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so... whose were those boobs?

>> No.20684377


>> No.20684470
File: 242 KB, 2048x1365, FOQFNG6aQAEeYBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20684508

some femanon posting them her tits

>> No.20684545

ok, all this was used for the rtts that hina had a personal group, but did she really have one? at least before the catastrophe before February 14? that little group of translators or whatever or any little group if it existed to manipulate it? Before everything was apparently solved, if she was trapped in that type of group of manipulative people and they managed to be her circle of friends that was talked about so much, was that real? now that you say that she has nothing to do with it anymore and she only uses discord for work, does that mean that there was a time when she was controlled by disgusting fans?

>> No.20684650

What a convenient rule, you can justify pretty much everything ?)

>> No.20684669

Let me understand your thought process, how tf did you make the connection with the nipple post? I don't have anything to do with that.

>> No.20684767

This, no disrespect to Nateyo but Luna mogs her in the cute department

>> No.20684788


>> No.20684860

The translation group did exist, and it was made with Akira's oversight too. Schizos just took that group and made rrats with it.

>> No.20684882

Miutomo OP

>> No.20684885

sticky doko

>> No.20684915

>there was a time when she was controlled by disgusting fans
There was a group, but she was never controlled, it all started because she was having a downtime last year and some people were worried that someone from that group could take advantage of that situation. then the rrats started spreading
But as Hina has mentioned many times, she is way stronger now and feeling much better.

>> No.20684925


>> No.20684951

He will come back once he finds another girl to hurt. Justa like Luna and Nateyo.

>> No.20685077
File: 1.53 MB, 2500x2500, FJwBEd9XwAcZL5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha, wactorkeks are fucking pathetic schizos.

>> No.20685090 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x120, Misopita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goblino's tits sir

>> No.20685093
File: 353 KB, 498x278, wactor-miu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hilarious to see how some Misopitas create lies to do some damage control over the Discord groomer situation.

>> No.20685166
File: 96 KB, 965x543, 7FAB3149-9F17-43E5-9A5A-A8C743532E9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking natamo haters kys. I met them just today but they are STUNNING

>> No.20685186 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1025x939, yugorcito_goblino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidence? I think not!

>> No.20685196

So is Natamo a mexican corp? I might consider support if that's the case.

Fuck you man, I had nothing to do with the Nateyo doxx besides interacting with her on twitter.

>> No.20685287

So this is the Miutomo that threw shade.
Miu did a tweet about that too btw, if you had doubts about it having Akira's supervision.
It was commented about in streams too.
The recruitment was done in twitter for both groups.

>> No.20685294


>> No.20685319


>> No.20685357
File: 123 KB, 1180x664, FOT-VX3VIAA_Bdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La ratona love

>> No.20685398

ok, I see, but groups of that style don't exist anymore right? I hope to know if they were deleted and all banned, or at least never fall into those dirty traps again, we have already seen cases, the last thing we want is for their lives to be run by sick people.

I appreciate this clarification, it really distressed me to think the worst and see the same case repeated over and over again but with my favorite vtuber, I hope this thread closes this chapter of schizophrenia

>> No.20685523

Miutomo OP what you have to say about this?

>> No.20685537

We love rata baby babu baby babu

>> No.20685607

what has my post about wanting to mating press miu anything to do with whatever are you arguing

>> No.20685611

All we know is that right now there is a translator ground that Akira himself recruited on Twitter >>20685287

>> No.20685615
File: 115 KB, 1020x1010, DFD5AFF6-E1F8-4C3F-AEFC-F45D31D9333C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make a Natamo thread for me to love these girls

>> No.20685636

i told you about that shitposter faggot, hope he get rangebanned again.

>> No.20685692

I trust Miutomo OP, I believe this is another Miutomo perro malo

>> No.20685707
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>> No.20685771

I said it once and I'll say it again, I'm not the only miutomo here.

I'm still rangebanned dummy

>> No.20685924

Thank you!!!


>> No.20685946
File: 2.55 MB, 498x379, miu_chamoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miutomo OP LOVE!

>> No.20686010

>he wants to be a personality on an anonymous image board

>> No.20686019

Based ritualposter.

>> No.20686063

Wait until April.

>> No.20686110

I think Miutomo OP is just pretending to be rangebanned because he grew tired from making the threads but still wanted to have a good reputation with anons.

>> No.20686152
File: 3.18 MB, 320x326, 1643463145718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20686309

No, on the contrary, what I like the most is to make the new threads, I feel frustrated because I don't know when I'm going to get this ban lifted.
Then again now more people are making it, so it doesn't matter anymore.


>> No.20686318

The only group that exists now is the clip group that also had a public recruitment tweet.
The leader reports to Akira himself as said in
>El lider firmara un acuerdo de confidencialidad luego de tener una entrevista con el staff de WACTOR

>> No.20686335

This last few weeks there's been some threads about new startups like aikoair and even that jewish one who isn't gonna debut a chuba till May.
Go shill and create a thread for them early and they may become a general who knows

>> No.20686432


4:02:19 Lunita's impersonation of Miu

>> No.20686577
File: 456 KB, 443x496, 670856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miutomo OP I miss you!
you were more predictable at making threads, making stealing the first post way easier.

>> No.20686604

It really depends on how good the girls are. Unfortunately we already know some of them and can confortably they are just going to be Amaidirect 2.0

>> No.20686647

I'm tempted to make a script to cuck you out of the first post, you are fucking obnoxious.

>> No.20686656
File: 109 KB, 1266x559, averagehanafan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious whats going on here...
That yogurblino is tryna deflect!

>> No.20686682

Hey, that's a pretty good impression.

>> No.20686855

Lmfao that's the face behind all posts about la poliglota

>> No.20687001

Well, I can relax, everything is really great when you work with professionalism and external people who do not come into the picture are avoided. I never thought I could have my confidence for sopita restored and for Wactor, I wish everything can move forward quietly and in the best way. love you misopa

>> No.20687012

>needing a scrip just a have a chance to beat me.
At least try to do it correctly. I'm starting personal responsibilities soon anyway so won't be around forever.

>> No.20687102

But how it's possible that I am more predictable?
I'm really that easy to read???


>> No.20687136

awesome anon now please take some english classes and come back in a couple years thank u

>> No.20687315

Don't let that stop yuo from creating a thread... /wactor/ needed to be bumped constantly for months before it started hitting bump limit on the regular

>> No.20687317

>At least try to do it correctly.
I have a life.

>> No.20687411

Yeah but wactor a lot more quality honestly. The best talent from Natamo seems to be Nateyo and she is Kyria tier at best.

>> No.20687449

there was a /ñ/ thread and it couldn't survive, so yeah the dude can forget about it.

>> No.20687498

I member, actually I was the author of the first couple /ñ/ last time it was tried.

>> No.20687500

Not the same Anon. But don't lie to yourself, it is a fact that anyone who comes here doesn't have a life.

>> No.20687682

Well, now you never know if a new thread will be created on page 3 or page 10

>> No.20687993

i fucking hate namefags

>> No.20688020
File: 101 KB, 231x253, 1646962255338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am forgotten

>> No.20688058
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>> No.20688638

I just want to say that I love Ito, she seems like a really nice person.

>> No.20688704

I've been watching her lately. How would you describe her personality? I noticed she calls her viewers hombres, while others say chicos

>> No.20688764

I'm asking about Kyria, sorry for vagueness

>> No.20688895

She sounds sad for some reason. It makes me depressed hearing her for too long. It's even more depresing when you know she was sexually abused in the past. Her whole vtuber persona seems like a coping mechanism for this.

>> No.20688983

Where did the sexual abuse rrat came from? Is it the haboo thing?

>> No.20689064

It's not a rrat, she said it herself in one of her streams. The habbo thing is something different also.

>> No.20689077

Don't believe the deflections here and don't believe Misora also please don't buy her SP, she is a big piece of shit person, she is in the center of a circlejerk making her friends happy, she hates Akira with all her heart, she is greedy and hates when one of her coworkers steals the spotlight from her, she is an hiypocrite, the only thing I can recommend you is move on, stop watching her and ignore her existence as much as you can.

>> No.20689154

Stream? Timestamp? Poor girl.

>> No.20689657

She privated it unfortunately.

>> No.20690177
File: 89 KB, 524x648, HotSopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today's streams

Sopa drawing new Haircuts for Luna Buebo

Himena Charla Libre

Miu/Himari Phasmophobia Collab

>Upcoming Streams

Ito Apex Collab with Profesional Players

Miu's Birthday! (New 3D Outfit)

>> No.20690251

Atención atención, en unos minutos abre la peluqueria de Hina con su primer cliente luna, no se lo pierdan

>> No.20690301

Is Himea going to do daily streams? What a zatsudan machine.

>> No.20690541

According to her, her plan is to do 3 streams daily

>> No.20690655 [DELETED] 

<spoiler>Hana le gana</spoiler>

>> No.20690770
File: 45 KB, 960x960, ssus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20690855

go back

>> No.20691159

This is not html, fag.

>> No.20691682

It still hurts that Himea wasn't fantasmita, she was made for the job. FUCK YOU HINA.

>> No.20691995

>Punk hair.
More like rick hair.

>> No.20693284
File: 37 KB, 385x385, pbs.twimg.com_profile_images_1500242522379071491_TAtfs1UV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how hard a day could be, watching her streams always relieves all my stress, how can she do it??

>> No.20693560

Nice collab

>> No.20693706
File: 385 KB, 793x450, db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20693825

The luna we all deserved.

>> No.20694300 [DELETED] 

instead of prepare her streams and go for 3 hours this bitch just push the live button for some minutes to farm her daily supas and then fuck off, unprofessional lazy and greedy cunt.

>> No.20694467

>one hour
>some minutes

>> No.20694493

New Stream

>> No.20694561

40 minutes.

>> No.20694600

Why are you wasting your time with that whore? I didn't even know she had an active stream.

>> No.20695253

I can't listen to hina anymore, i tried enjoy the streams and I don't even usually give importance to the posts here but i can't handle watching her, yesterday's lordhalf clips hurt me more than i thought and after today's thread i think it's better to just move away.

I deluded myself as much as I could but she was more than just a vtuber or an entertainer for me, it started to feel like something unhealthy

>> No.20695739

don't forget Luna's watchalong for members.

>> No.20695892

Anon... if you are this easily influenced please stop coming here, it's for your own good

>> No.20695907

My gf is streaming again!

>> No.20695943

Timestamp for Luna appearance? I don't care about sopitonta, I only want to watch the parts with Lunita

>> No.20695974
File: 16 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20696032

she didn't appear, it's just a dibujando stream

>> No.20696091


cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope

>> No.20696459

Boring thread

>> No.20696553

>siento mucha mejora en wactor
I told you, she's staying

>> No.20696954

i bet that these Misora haters are just putiglotafags.

>> No.20697129

Breeder chads we won

>> No.20697148

absolute chad

>> No.20697540

No, i hate both equally

>> No.20697661

Rent free

>> No.20697666

Sometimes i think it's too much coincidence having a lot of vtubers gathered with the most tragic situations. Illness, family rejection, poverty, abuse, loneliness, alcoholic problems, suicide tendencies... i want to believe blindly but on the other hand i think twice before squish my card and donate. I want to tell them to use the SC to find professional help instead of relying on strangers and back when things are much better, but that means automatic ban from the chat and the hate of the groomers.

>> No.20697779

Glad you decided to move on, anon. It's for your own good.

>> No.20698143
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>> No.20698173

They don't even watch any stream, they are not fans, probably not even haters, only faggots who just want to shit the thread.
it is true that schizos have always existed, but ever since 2022 started this is almost a completely different thread. /wactor/ got raided sadly

>> No.20698190


>> No.20698238

Be proud that you don't spend a rainbow SC. Save money for yourself and spend it to improve yourself.

>> No.20698277

Himea just go argie mode freely, please. I'll still watch you.

>> No.20698449

vtuber antis in general, probably /pol/ fags too

>> No.20698454

based stacy not being afraid of showing where is she from (like most of the es chuubas)

>> No.20698536

Hina is going to have hours of hot dirty lesbian SEX with her teacher

>> No.20698576
File: 55 KB, 719x720, 113424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate argies.

>> No.20698590

Thaibros I don't feel so good...

>> No.20698603

>since 2022
it has been like this since gen 3 debuted, and there were worse days

>> No.20698711


>> No.20698854

Sorry to break it to you.... but Sopa just said her teacher now has a boyfriend so she can't spend much time with her anymore.

>> No.20698945


>> No.20699064

Discord vc

>> No.20699107

>Quieres ban?

>> No.20699204

gime sama

>> No.20699253

The plot is that Misora is doing NTR to the teacher's boyfriend with her teacher.

>> No.20699684
File: 528 KB, 725x796, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miu didnt wake up horny this time, but she is restored and happy

>> No.20700032

>the fucking family with the boca river
fucking kek

>> No.20700345 [DELETED] 

>Misora 1600 views
>turra choripanera 480 views

>> No.20700438

>all these simpsons jokes

>> No.20700802
File: 36 KB, 902x653, 1624676964583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are Argentinians so OBSESSED with the Simpsons?

>> No.20700860

Only good tv show aired in the whole country

>> No.20700882

for some reason all argentinian women between 24-30 are obsessed with los simpsons

>> No.20701156
File: 25 KB, 236x443, 75613735478578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20701478

Ok groomer

>> No.20701556

>Am I cool now???

>> No.20701595

It could be worse, she could be doing casados con hijos references.

>> No.20702692

i wanted jimena to be a success but apparently it's already impossible. A great shame

>> No.20703136

i like this pajera

>> No.20703527

i dislike this Nimu wannabe

>> No.20703665

Mexico = Spongebob memes
Argentina = Simpsons memes

>> No.20703774

Es verdad, cada vez suena más argentina jjajaj, ¿Liberará su voseo? "Boludo hacés tenés vos sos"?

>> No.20704807

kek, Ito translated this clip herself, right? cute leona.


>> No.20705002

Coming soon...... now

>> No.20705028


but she needs to improve a lot

>> No.20705177
File: 105 KB, 446x503, dfhdfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually feel sad for LordHalf, Misopa is completely and ruthlessly taking advantage of him. Are Euros this ronery, fucking god

>> No.20705556

>las boomers [como yo]
hag confirmed

>> No.20706090

Walking into this place was my worst mistake, it ruins your mind.

>> No.20706208

It has seen worse days.

>> No.20706300

everything they say here is garbage, you can't believe a single word of it, and you feel that little by little they are playing with your mind.

>> No.20706377

Ahhhhhh i need dopamine

>> No.20706401

You are just easily influenced jej

>> No.20706691

Ito is a WACTOR treasure. I'm sorry for trying shit at you in your debut for ko being #1.

I was so wrong on believing you wouldn't deliver.

>> No.20706861

Why is this thread so full of menheras?

>> No.20706904

I came for information, I wanted to know things, but at what price? 50% is a lie and the other 50% is also a lie, but well elaborated, they managed to make me see a reality that does not exist. I guess you are more vulnerable when they attack something that matters to you, but the fault is mine for sticking my nose in and wanting to know more, I got what I wanted, I hope I never feel this sensation again and that everything stops mattering to me.

>> No.20706959

Indeed the smart thing to do is to leave this place and never look back.
but if I do, who'll kill the rrats?

>> No.20706968

Dopamine nawww

>> No.20706976

this thread is full of cute menhera girls

>> No.20707047

I told you the truth, it's up to you to believe me or believe the schizos.

>> No.20707117

I told you the truth, it's up to you to believe me or believe the misopites sp.

>> No.20707242

Miu y Himari Phasmophobia

>> No.20707250

i told you the truth too

>> No.20707281

Nice now I have dopamine thank you

>> No.20707364

I told you the truth. It's your fault if you believe me and don't believe schizos.

>> No.20707631

I need to know where's Sereeeeeeee

>> No.20707680

This is the kind of people mass marketing panders to.

>> No.20707742

Too many femanons.

>> No.20707743

See you tomorrow.

>> No.20707828

New thread you op didn’t create a new thread yesterday and I was so sad without nothing to do so today create a new thread thank you thank you.

>> No.20707837

not only SC but also translating her in english on stream and twitter, editing her covers, making for her some thumbnails, making schedules and also translating them.
I hope they at least have some good private chats on discord KEK.

>> No.20707860

When literaly Wactor state is better than ever, but schizos and haters are more annoying than ever, you just know something is up.
As I always try to say, just enjoy the girls, that's only thing that matters.

>> No.20708027

This is pretty obsessive ngl and disgusting if you know that he is in his late 30's and sopa is aroud 20

>> No.20708076

>you know something is up.
Yeah, the trolls get bored and make rrats and noise or fake being a schizo.

>> No.20708108

this motherfucker thinks we are voices in his head or some shit? if you want to talk to somebody i recommend a therapist crazy ass dumbass

>> No.20708164

These recent threads are comfy, weren't you here during the wrath of mtf in January and early February, the threads would be over in a few hours and the misopites were so upset they almost split from this general.

>> No.20708205
File: 410 KB, 640x640, 1637625459750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have that weird ass sissyposter we had back in July-September than all these sad htf wannabes in dis thread.
That nigga at least could string a coherent sentence

>> No.20708275

Nahh he is probably younger than akira around 28-33 but i agree is weird af

>> No.20708418

It seems mom is sleeping

>> No.20708586

He is actually like 35+ yo same as Faka they both said it when Hina asked her audience their age a few weeks ago

>> No.20708733

I believe you, I will not go back

>> No.20709505

That makes it even more fucked up

>> No.20709667

Hello Manolo, good to see you again.

>> No.20710014

If you don't come back you will miss out on some of the funniest threads in all of VT.

>> No.20710040

New thread


>> No.20711196
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, 645754655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final message: I love all girls, and argies too!

>> No.20711336

