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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20234505 No.20234505 [Reply] [Original]

>Lamy sold engagement rings too
how did she get away with this?

>> No.20234551

because her dad is a yakuza boss

>> No.20234636

Imagine seeing a guy in public wearing that? Just wanna grab a first sharp object and stab him in the eyes. Fucking faggots.

>> No.20234637

Imagine not being engaged to your chuuba, I really feel bad for you guys.

>> No.20234676
File: 163 KB, 828x1675, 20220220_024442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she is actually smart and loyal yukimin girlfriend

>> No.20234694

They're not meant to be worn you retarded ESL

>> No.20234725
File: 459 KB, 1536x1080, 1645365536827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething nigger

>> No.20234842

Wow you're pretty retarded huh

>> No.20234888

This is exactly how fancucks used to be like.

>> No.20234951
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>engagement rings

>> No.20234974

Holy based

>> No.20235024

You won't do shit, pansy.

>> No.20235081
File: 144 KB, 600x400, pepega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a first sharp object

>> No.20235092

The divorce rate isn't even as high as normal marriages, what's the problem?

>> No.20235147
File: 337 KB, 703x853, majesty3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes i insert my penis in these

>> No.20235152

why do ESLs use ESL as an insult?

>> No.20235183

Calm down, tough guy.

>> No.20235205

>how did she get away with this?
By not fucking up.

>> No.20235216

In some places, wearing that means you'll get mad women jealous, and you can--
who am I kidding, you're married to a fucking imaginary cartoon character

>> No.20235282

I mean ignoring that it's obviously a woman's ring, it says it's a size 7 which is a woman's size. If some fat otaku tries to put that on his finger he's never taking it off again without a trip to the ER.

>> No.20235408

>replica of what sensei WROTE
AIEIEIEIEIEIEIEI you’re telling me someone already bagged the hag brehs?

>> No.20235686

>it's obviously a woman's ring

>> No.20235733


>> No.20235810

rushia never betrayed her fans

>> No.20235889

japs aren't fat americans

>> No.20235901

It’s an interesting concept on paper, but I thought Cover would at least have the self-preservation instinct to not do this twice. Maybe not saying “lifelong” in the name helps. I hope for Lamy’s sake that this doesn’t blow up in her face.

>> No.20235927

Rushia did a lot of things, and betraying her fans wasn't the least terrible

>> No.20235979

They're specifying it as a "Replica of what she wrote" so that you can't legally say that you're ACTUALLY married to her and get anything out of it. Since a replica of a signature on a replica of a wedding registration is not legally binding.

>> No.20235994

I’d blow up on her face haha

>> No.20236018

That anon is right though, she never betrayed them.

>> No.20236104

GFE is fine, that's capitalism and it's no one's business what someone spends their money on. If you're on /vt/ you're also an ultra niggerfaggot so don't act superior

>> No.20236186

Considering who Lamy's family is I doubt anything bad would happen to her. That's like expecting Reine to have something blow up in her face in Indonesia.

>> No.20236194

I wonder how many seaniggers have put these around their tiny cocks

>> No.20236219

You're buying an engagement ring for Lamy. You can keep it in your pocket with the idea that you'll give it to her one day, but it doesn't represent any commitment on her part. It's dumb, but not as bad as the wedding band / wedding registration.

>> No.20236249

>It's ok when Wamy does it
Honestly 5th gen has always been allowed to get away with things that would get other girls fired. It's obvious the girls in 5th gen was the ultimate nepotism hires.

>> No.20236269
File: 305 KB, 1670x2048, lamy maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will I /become/ Lamy if I wear this?

>> No.20236308
File: 176 KB, 368x360, 1645987750609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever think the background employees who have to set these things up stop and think
>Wow we're really exploiting the mentally ill, huh

>> No.20236316

>Reine to have something blow up in her face in Indonesia.
yes my dick

>> No.20236389


>> No.20236428

lamy has repeatedly stated that she is in relationship with yukimin and wouldn't want yukimin to cheat on her
you can say it's all a game of pretend, but it's her words not mine

>> No.20236484

Lamys ring was first though. It's from her anniversary last year.

>> No.20236495

Probably about as much as people who run cuddle cafes, or hostess clubs. You know people want it, you know others will provide it if you don't, and you know there's no solution to truly help them. What are you going to do, choose to do something less profitable?

>> No.20236574 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, zomg le pip boy xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people love limited edition chinkshit

>> No.20236618

Yea, at least I know I would. I would probably ease my sense of guilt by convincing myself everyone that gets one is just doing it as a gag/post-ironic weeb thing.

I assume these rings aren't cheap though, and I am pretty sure it is mostly really sad/lonely/mentally ill people buying these and that is super dark.

>> No.20236722

Rushia would have got away with it too if not for a scandal with mafumafu and leaking info to korekore.

>> No.20236721

>If some fat otaku tries to put that on his finger he's never taking it off again without a trip to the ER.
till death do us part anon

>> No.20236762

>just doing it as a gag/post-ironic weeb thing
japs don't view it that way at all
they sincerely think this as symbol for commitment to an oshi

>> No.20236946

I believe there was a man in college who did a personal experiment where he wore a wedding ring (but never said anything about his relationship status) and suddenly women starting showing interest and slept with him. After that he would tell them that he's not married and they were pissed to hear it to put it lightly.

>> No.20236984

Lamy's dad would blow up Cover's HQ if something bad happened to his princess

>> No.20237044

>Do the Dealers at a Casino ever stop and think wow we are we're really exploiting the mentally ill.

The answer is yes but the people who enter the casino do so of their own free will.

>> No.20237127
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At least they don't pretend they actually care about the mentally ill unlike you faggot

>> No.20237190

She didn't backstab Hololive.

>> No.20237440

That's what they said about Russia

>> No.20237487
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, FM2URKhaQAMwltg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile based Nenechi sells underwear for her husbands.

>> No.20237677
File: 112 KB, 637x900, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Lamy the one who said she's got multiple devices to keep her stuff separate?

>> No.20237696

She traced Hanes for these

>> No.20237816

Lamy has good opsec

>> No.20237872

Yes. She even got her dad to pay for a soundproofed room when she got started. She's quite tech savvy, even if she is getting dick between streams she's likely not to slip up and reveal it, so good on the Yukimins.
Plus, if the "Yakuza daughter" rrats have any weight, they can't just fire her like they did a nobody country bumpkin, unless YAGOO doesn't care to keep all his fingers.

>> No.20237952

haha dummy snowoman

>> No.20237988


>> No.20238019

>Imagine not using it as a cockring

>> No.20238020

They CAN fire her. They got legally binding contract afterall. Not much a yakuza can do nowaday against corpo.
Her antis on the other hand would likely end up in tuna or crab boats.

>> No.20238026

Where did the lamy is a yakuza princess rrat even come from?

>> No.20238106


>> No.20238149
File: 61 KB, 711x400, a11fd-15823495910275-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who think VTuber waifus are real and their actors are the people they play are dumber than the idiots who think professional wrestling is real.
Not that you can't enjoy wrestling or vtuber virtual girlfriends.
Just enjoy the facde for what it is and don't mistake it for the real thing.

>> No.20239048
File: 749 KB, 864x855, 1647159138255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrestling IS real fucker

>> No.20239092
File: 399 KB, 1669x2048, 1646360466754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramy has a girlfriend

>> No.20239194

Women see that you've been approved by some other chick and so that you're worth something.
It's the same reason why you get a shit tone more attention when you actually get at girlfriend, they're legitimately fucked.

>> No.20239212

no? they know who their target demographic is, a bunch of lonely people, NEETs, disabled people, all sorts of people with too much money that have nothing better to spend it on

>> No.20239313
File: 71 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3454265907_4rlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically wear this with Sana's signature on it.

>> No.20239379
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>> No.20241252

It looks way less tackier than Rushia's.

>> No.20241374

how would you even know the ring he is wearing is vtuber related at first glance? you'll just be a retarded sperg assaulting a random person in public and you'd get your ass handed to you

>> No.20241522

Nah, choco is an older woman, who you can tell from the Kson stream is pretty banging, but she does stuff like adult ASMR and has blonde hair so Japanese men are too intimidated to every actually go after her, and she dislikes the proactive ones

>> No.20241534

SEA at their finest

>> No.20241940

You understand that the whole yakuza thing is just a meme right

>> No.20242008

She did it before Rushia, mouthbreather.

>> No.20242290
File: 227 KB, 379x474, 1646215100317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20242410

fucking cringe. who would wear that?
they should really not go overboard with this GFE thingy and this is coming from a holobrony

>> No.20242583

>they should really not go overboard with this GFE thingy
Why not?

>> No.20242653

Lammy underwear next guys. Nene is setting the trend.

>> No.20242655

I grew up in Illinois. Everything is ESL to you faggots.

>> No.20242799

It's predatory behavior that cultivates an unhealthy relationship with mentally unstable individuals. At best it's just plain mean, at worst it's how you get your offices set on fire or your talents hunted and stabbed.

>> No.20242913
File: 150 KB, 982x585, Screenshot 2022-02-12 155429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's a symbol of love between me and my live-in girlfriend, Yukihana Lamy?

>> No.20242926

cus they're all lying.
just look at the allegedly best GFE vtuber in the world. look what happened to her.

if you're just roleplaying, it's fine. but if you go full rushia retard, faking menhera and shit. then can't really blame anyone when they get rushia treatment when yab happens.
cus they fucking deserve it and they should blame their own selves.

>> No.20242990

>look at the allegedly best GFE vtuber in the world. look what happened to her.
Tourists are a funny bunch.

>> No.20243022

If anything like that happen Yagoo can count on Roberu, he would probably befriend the Yakuza boss

>> No.20243104

that's even worse. acting like an ESL when you were born in Illinois.

>> No.20245415
File: 27 KB, 716x722, IMG_20200705_173716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it was the GFE that was all roleplay, the menhera aspect was real the whole time

>> No.20245510

Hah, suuuure

>> No.20247882

> believing the kayfabe
please take a shower

>> No.20248077

toes and feet details are hard to draw

>> No.20248154
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by a wat(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a dumb fucking rrat, people will fall for anything these days

>> No.20248213
File: 452 KB, 500x544, 1633947340286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not willing to take that chance, anon.

>> No.20248472

Lamy is not that insane yet.

>> No.20249040

>Japanese company
Pick one

>> No.20249133

Correct. Fandeads always knew they were being cucked. Rushia's main draw wasn't gfe, it was the ntr.

>> No.20249268

you're still here? rushia's not coming back fag return to twitter

>> No.20253931

i bet you punch walls to impress girls about how strong you are

>> No.20254010

holy based
Nobody is gonna press charges.
