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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20182986 No.20182986 [Reply] [Original]

What’s wrong with watching vtubers who stream with men? Outside of the idolfags, who are delusional and aren’t tethered to reality, why is that /vt/ hates vtubers who stream with men? I personally watch a few vtubers who stream with men and I find it fun to watch. I just don’t get the hate.

I mean, watching a few clips should tell you it’s just a regular stream but with vtubers. Why make it into something more?

>> No.20183150

Because nips are a cancer to western entertainment and need to be eradicated

>> No.20184400
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i dont care about your vshojowhores. just dont go shoving those same expectations to holoEN. also stop shilling your 2 view here.

>> No.20184516

>posting mumei
Peak irony

>> No.20184628

judging by vshojo and nijiEN
>collab with male
>shippers flood in
>100+clips about how they totally flirted with eachother for real
>all the comments "COLLAB WITH [male]!!!" "OMG she cheating on [male]!??"
keep in mind this happens with /u/ shipping but its at least a little more tolerable

>> No.20186212


>> No.20186403

>but its at least a little more tolerable
It's not

>> No.20187254

It's just not what I signed up for. I wanted to hear Japanese so I could better learn it and found some cute girls playing games so I went there. I was made aware there are other cute girls who play with guys but it's not my thing so I didn't go watch them.

>> No.20187556

Nigger, its not a vtuber thing. Twitch whores and your Twitter bugs are always like that. Your SJW incels were mad and very jealous on Twitter when some e-celeb girl released her porn contents with her boyfriend

>> No.20188302

They don't need to stream with males to be garbage, though. "Vtubers" (outside of Japan) just don't work well with this hobby. The larping is pretty obvious and lame. Why use an anime avatar if you don't want to be asociated with anime related stuff at all?. This was about cute anime girls doing cute things. I hope this bandwagoning shit ends soon. Western vtubers were, are and will be a mistake.

>> No.20191968

Literally no different than Japanese vtubers.

>> No.20192184

>no difference.
Go back.

>> No.20195381

Nah, whatever they have going on in their private lives is their business, so long as they don't bring that shit into streams. Mumei's worst offense was not covering her tracks well enough, which can be chalked up to her retardation. A certain level of retardation must be expected when it comes to women online.

>> No.20195984

Fuck off cuck

>> No.20196684

>Japanese mindset watching western vtubers
Incel cope.
Vtubers are entertainers and can live their personal lives as they wish.
So glad Cover fired Rushia and ended the unicorn pandering garbage

>> No.20196952

cuz Japan is the superior one

>> No.20196956

This, western vtubers are just ugly ass whores who are too scared to show their face, no different than a twitch slut, so why bother? The Japanese ones, even the male vtubers, bring something interesting to the table and are more interesting than "I'll sleep on stream"/"pee pee poo poo cum" bitches

>> No.20201669

So, what's this vtubers gimmick? She just plays games with her boyfriend for all to see?

>> No.20204871

Yes and it’s very fun to watch. Give her a try.

>> No.20205144


>> No.20205175

don't question idolfags, they aren't a sane breed. one of my favorite vtubers is an open gosling for another man but that doesn't make them any less enjoyable to watch because I don't watch them out of a desire to have sex with them or any inane shit like that.

>> No.20205290

Shippers ruin everything for everyone.

>> No.20205351

>ended the unicorn pandering garbage
Are you serious? You think Rushia is the only one, huh.

>> No.20205510 [DELETED] 

>country invents things
>OMG don't apply their standards to the thing they invented

kys onega I WILL be japanese

>> No.20206869

Stop posting here Fulgur, you have to go bump the Sana ship thread.

>> No.20206882

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.20206893
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>> No.20206928

I don't even know who this faggot is, retard

>> No.20206970

That's your new Vtuber avatar, as part of NijisanjiEN Noctyx. You can read more about yourself here: https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Fulgur_Ovid

>> No.20207050
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>> No.20207163
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2479, B8361283-9E54-4BA7-8A3B-A7D84B9C4674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing. one fucking thing for lonely fucks like me. the literal one place on the internet i can go to see cute girls with cute avatars being cute and enjoying being cute, without worrying about getting reminded that i have nobody. and you want to take that from me. fuck you.

>> No.20207371


>> No.20207433
File: 114 KB, 500x400, ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when enough are left with nothing will there be sufficient tinder to fuel the flame of redemption.


>> No.20207442

>hating female vtubers when they collab with men is Japanese mindset
retard if that was the case, then Nijisanji wouldn't have been popular at all

>> No.20208544

it is not, its mostly watched by seanigger eop

>> No.20209749

She has a good psycho laugh.

>> No.20210047

the real Nijisanji, anon

>> No.20210385

There's a general that specifically exists for you. This is a Hololive (Japanese company) board.

>> No.20210408

Probably because it's a japanese company

>> No.20211789

It's not really a mindset or culture, it's just the natural order. There's competition for the viewers. You can seethe all you want about viewer expectations, but if they aren't idolfags, then they're gameplay fags or something else.

>> No.20211865

All forms of shipfaggotry are cancer

>> No.20212017

We hate whores here.
