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20153949 No.20153949 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a failure?

>> No.20154014

laziest "event" of all time lmao

just self involved bullshit from queen cunt

>> No.20154069 [DELETED] 

>no you can’t have a thread dedicated to an ongoing event. I won’t allow it.
Why is cuckbeat janny like this?

>> No.20154293

How many people are attending it? And is there competition? Because if Calli is just going to dominate, not because of her skills but because no one else bothers to master this fucking game... Then yeah, it can be considered a failure.

>> No.20154299

even reddit agrees, its a failure.

Her first mistake was picking Jump King, its not a good competitive game

Her second mistake was open invitation to Holostars, That precluded most of JP from joining even if they wanted too. Even Holostars didn't join because they know how things work, being Japanese. They aren't looking to 'destroy idol culture', they just want to succeed, and this tourney wouldn't help them with that.
Her 3rd mistake was timing this right before Holofes, and when people were clearly in the Elder Ring/Sekiro arc. She didn't organize this well enough, sorta half-assed it, work put in affected the work that came out.

>> No.20154327

I got like 4 hours of IRyS/Bae/Mumei/Fauna/Mori chatting and having fun, so not a failure to me.

>> No.20154421


>> No.20154432

she literally won, anon

>> No.20154449

How many people actually participated?

>> No.20154450

nobody knows the rules + mori is too good, so yea

>> No.20154485 [DELETED] 
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Why was this deleted? You can't even criticize Mori now? Get your shit together janny.

>> No.20154489

This. Good event.
People that say it's bad are either trolls or have unrealistic expectations, Mori said herself it was just a small thing that people could just join if they wanted to.

>> No.20154530

also having it up for 3 days, should just have it for like 1 hour and be done with it.

>> No.20154552

she clearly had aspirations in the beginning for it to be something bigger than an EN gettogether

>> No.20154607


>> No.20154720

>hey you know that game I already literally practiced speedrunning and no one else even likes? let's have a competition in it! We'll schedule it for elden ring launch and right before holofes when people are prepping for that. I'm too lazy to actually organize literally anything so it's a 3 day event where any run counts. damn this is an amazing event.

>> No.20154776

That stream was good, but it just illustrates framing the whole thing as a competition was pointless. If the goal is just to have fun playing a rage game on VC with friends, that could have been organized a lot less formally and still given the same result.

For whatever reason she tried to organize the whole thing as a tournament, revolving around submitting clear times for a game nobody but her could even clear. It just looks kinda sad and pathetic and for no reason, she could easily have avoided it

>> No.20154778

Trying to make Jump King into a competitive esport was her first mistake. Her second was thinking holos cared enough to give JK the time of day. It requires a lot of personal investment and that's not something lots of people are willing to do, and the holos who already played are sick of the game to give it another go.

>> No.20154865

>management told her, why dont you just make it a normal tournament
>"i wanted holostars, vshojo and TT to participate too using a this loophole in the rules!"
deserves to fail.

>> No.20154891

>the stars
I think it's lack of interest, more than anything else. The JK hype train for them was 2 years ago, back when Kira was the first person who cleared it. The only guy who played JK somewhat recently was Astel and he's more invested in getting better at Valorant, than grinding for this.

>> No.20154912

thank god for her clique and council pity.

>> No.20155056

>How many people are attending it?
In theory 5. In practice no one outside of Mori bother to have timer. So it turned from something that supposed to be a competition, to just normal JK streams.

>> No.20155059
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Objectively? Yes, since the overall enthusiasm for the event was low, and combined with HoloFes and packed in the middle of a shitload of EN birthdays means everyone's distracted. Doesnt help that the only other JP that expressed interest in it that had a modicum of skill was moving this one weekend, so it really should have happened in January, but we all know it didn't happen, and frankly it's better off it didn't anyway.
Personally? No, since only reason I liked JK streams was for the Zatsus, and this one was fantastic with some decent progress and bonding along the way that was really fun to watch. It's already become pretty popular in the community just for that alone, so the real shame just comes from the fact the timing was incredibly bad for all participants.

>> No.20155066

great stream, huge failure for Mori. Twice as sweet.

>> No.20155188

It was the most piss poor excuse of an event I've seen in Hololive and it was absolutely a failure. Unpopular game, poor timing and she clearly didn't think it through at all. 4 members talking for 4 hours doesn't change that.

>> No.20155244


I was going to type up paragraphs about why but then I realized it could be summed up with this.
>no one in all of holopro likes JK except Mori
>Mori hosts a big JK speed running tournament
>no one wants to participate, those that do feel obligated to out of pity for their friend
>Only one person even cleared the game in these three days; Mori

>> No.20155274

Streams were great except for any time Mori opened her mouth. All the other moments with IrYs Fauna Bae vibing were great.
Mori can't read a room to save her life, so many moments of her ruining the mood

>> No.20155302

Fuck you

>> No.20155328

It was really comfy and chill. I'm the biggest Mori hater on Earth but it was really enjoyable to tune into and just listen to.

>> No.20155348

I appreciate the hard work Towa put into her MK tournament so much now. It really was great.

>> No.20155356

Fuck you too

She's not that bad you're just blindly hating someone because it's popular around here

>> No.20155413

>can manage 5 minutes of mori talking
fake anti

>> No.20155418 [DELETED] 
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>I'm the biggest Mori hater on Earth but it was really enjoyable
Yeah okay deadcuck.

>> No.20155434


>> No.20155470
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>> No.20155496

Ok "worlds biggest Mori Anti". Tell me the number 1 thing you hate the most about Mori. Surely a real anti will have a very satisfying paragraph long answer

>> No.20155503

I had fun the night before last. Works for me.

>> No.20155506 [DELETED] 
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Great time to post this!

>> No.20155543

>worlds biggest Mori Anti
That title is reserved for that one indog who made that disstrack for her

>> No.20155546
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See, now you're just trying to hard.
>>20154776 actually makes some good point, and then you gotta bring in shit opinions.
That being said, I still believe the timing really was the major detriment here, and since the window of interest shifted since Jan, it was doomed to fail, yet she still committed to it like the bull headed dork she is.
Here's hoping she can learn from this experience and from Pokémon, and works on a better format for the next one.

>> No.20155571

Good part but still a huge failure as an event.

>> No.20155704

I swear. I'm on anti threads all the time. I do my due diligence. I was watching it for the other three.

She makes the most god-awful ear-piercing music known to man. She has a hip-hop shtick despite the fact that half of her music is over shitty electro-swing beats that a middle schooler would be embarrassed to admit they listen to. She's extremely cringe and tryhard. She collabs with the most garbage faggot internet personalities like TT. I could go on but you get the idea.

>> No.20155702

doesnt matter the timming, would have failed either way, dont you realize all the rules only benefit Mori? it was just a tournament to flex on other people and interact with stars/twitch faggots.

>> No.20155716

You can seethe cuckbeat, but he's absolutely right. No one bother to follow the timer rule. This is big failure for og Mori plan.

>> No.20155914

>Here's hoping she can learn from this experience and from Pokémon, and works on a better format for the next one.
Some people shouldn't organize events, it's that simple. There's nothing to learn from these events, she's simply terrible at it, maybe she should ask her manager next time

>> No.20156104
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You can't blame her for trying at least.
She wanted to spice things up and make an event where everyone could participate and have fun with games she was enjoying. Arguably both were failures, but they each had some fun highlights to look back on with a smile for me personally, so I can't be mad that they happened.
I honestly don't know what game besides Mario Kart would motivate the girls to all participate together at this point, but maybe something down the road comes her way, and she tries again.

>> No.20156120

At this point just terminate the entire vtuber

>> No.20156177

It has Mori in it so yes.

>> No.20156189

getting over it

>> No.20156223

it was a poorly planned event
the way I would have done it is
>8 HoloEN compete against one another
>Top 4 fastest move on
>8 HoloJP compete against one another
>Top 4 move on
>Main event is those 8 now
instead of just deciding the winner by who reaches the top first it'll decided by a team point system with 1st place being 10 points 2nd place 9 points and so on. add up all the points and that decides which branch wins
>also Connor and Junichi Kato will be hosts

>> No.20156239

its not the game, its the lack of understanding other peoples time and ability. many anons already suggested formats where both games could work as an inclusive event, but you need to make it with as little barriers to entry as possible.

>> No.20156312

Pokemon had chance to work, Mori just made everything unnecessary complicated. Jk was always destined to be a failure.

>> No.20156397

I could see a few doing a high score in Vampire Survivors competition. It would be more like a collab than a full minecraft olympics event.

>> No.20156521

Yes, her "nooo, i don't want to force anyone to come, that's embarrasing" vibes means no ones comes. 3/4 of the company are introverted as fuck, barely no one likes jump king, and it stopped being FOTM a long time ago. Also doing it a week before the fest was pretty bad timing.
And we could have tell her this already a month ago.
Just invite them in discord explicitedly beforehand, or put some kind of prize or do it in collabs with them, you fucking dork.

>> No.20156623

She didn't organize shit.
She commisioned some image with a vague "i challenge you all" shit and that was it.

>> No.20156681

unless i'm forgetting something, calli is still the only one in holoEN who can clear the game, at all. more planning or structure would not have saved it because the game itself is a bigger obstacle

>> No.20156709

What the fuck even happened with this
I'm just confused

>> No.20156760

How many streams or hours did it take Mori to get through the game the first time?

I doubt any hololive member who hasn't played the game before could get through it in less than 3 days

>> No.20156809
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That one I could see working for maybe a full release, yet it would also require someone to actually organize it, which definitely doesn't seem to be Mori right now.
Pokémon seemed to be a massive clusterfuck of Perms bullshit (and lack of communication by management since Jchad was bedridden with the coof), alongside her Jan meltdown AND having Sana in the tournament deterred even those that were casually interested (noted directly by both Kiara and Ina). The round Robin knockout was pretty dumb, but it did lead to some amusing and surprising upsets, so while disorganized I still had fun watching it.
It seems like she learned about scheduling more ahead of time with that for JK, but the problem was the game itself was the barrier, and didn't have any sort of payoff by the end of it. She had ambitions for a larger pool of contenders, but it's incredibly clear most bailed or simply forgot about it, which is sad, but something she has to account for moving forward.
Like I mentioned, hopefully the next thing she tries is both low-barrier enough for a lot of players to be interested in, and has a high enough skill ceiling to be competitive and entertaining for some final matches.
Watch it be neither of those things and she goes for a Elden Ring Fight Club tourney though lmao

>> No.20156812

Wait. She's holding her ending ceremony during Kronii's birthday? Why are either of them like this? This is miscommunication solidified.

>> No.20156818

looking at her channel archive, it looks like it took about 24 hours on stream for the first clear

>> No.20156842

>Only Mori reached the top in the time of the tournament
what do you think

>> No.20156867

You could also watch streams and find out yourself, but out of all of the Holos that played it, she's in the top 4 for initial clear time, 5 if you count Stars.

>> No.20156968

Everyone will be at Kronii's birthday, and she will crown herself the winner of the tournament where she bullied her kouhais, who never played the game, to join. A fitting ending for the pink bitch.

>> No.20156974

oh but I really want an Elden Ring Fight club collab. I want to see Noel beat the shit out of everyone. That would be so fun

>> No.20156991

Spice things up with Jump King. Wooooo

>> No.20157064

Imagine how uncool they'd look if they brought it up to the other instead of acting aloof!

>> No.20157129

it was quite literally one of the worst games possible to pick.

>> No.20157202

While I personally would love to see Noel literally hammer everyone into the dirt with her giant Mace, I'd rather see much more Co-Op between all of the girls in the game, and a fight club with members and chat like Smash Bros. However, the latter's just inviting an unnecessary Yab, so I can see why that won't happen, and the lack of Cross platform co-op kills the other option as well.

>> No.20157267

Yes. First and biggest problem was making a fucking Jump King speedrun tournament in the first place.
The game is a massive timesink for most of the girls to clear even once. Nevermind grinding the game over and over trying to get a somewhat decent time for a speedrun.
Second problem was not actually inviting anyone and just expecting people to show up. I would not be surprised if most people outside her friends in EN and other Holos that follow Mori knew this tournament was even a thing. Because all she did was post it on twitter a few weeks ago.

>> No.20157314

Link me the Reddit thread.

>> No.20157402

anything involving the wigger is an automatic failure

>> No.20157425

why do any of you think this was some big arranged tournament? it was a group playing a game together not a fucking conference meeting

>> No.20157493

calli directly stating it was a big arranged tournament might have been a factor

>> No.20157539

I Hate describing streams as "comfy" like you wouldn't believe, such a shallow fucking description

>> No.20157562

when was that actually said? not saying you're lying, i mighthve missed it. I've been watching a fair bit of the streams leading up to it and don't recall

>> No.20157597

It netted us an amazing collab with the girls admittedly carried by Fauna reacting to Getting Over It instead of anything people were doing in JK.
More importantly it finally got Mori to rage at the game live on Stream during that collab, which will probably trigger her shyness to never playing the game again after this.

>> No.20157623

It was comfortable. It brought me great comfort, anon. It was cozy. Cushy, even.

>> No.20157658

>admittedly carried by Fauna reacting to Getting Over It instead of anything people were doing in JK.
The girls gave more of a shit about Fauna's GOI challenge than Mori's JK tournament.

>> No.20157707

I don't think everyone who was doing JK was being boring. fauna is just that good

>> No.20157737

Did she really try? Really? It feels like she just declared a JK tournament was happening and expected it to go off without any real prep at all.

>> No.20157772
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Is it a failure?

>> No.20157809

This entire thread is just people saying "Yeah" with more or less words than that, yeah it was objectively a failure but the discussions as to why seem to be prety samey.

>> No.20157825

the deadbeats expression is still top class for me. still hasn't gotten stale somehow

>> No.20157881

It's a shame because I'd like to see more friendly competitions and tournaments in Holo EN. The Pokemon tourney was fun despite the shortcomings. Jump King is just a really poor choice of game for multiple reasons.

>> No.20157889

Twitter ruined it for me by describing things that upset them as "uncomfy"

>> No.20157903

Does anyone remember her mentioning that she wanted streamers outside of hololive to participate as well? What happened to that?

>> No.20157937

that's because the points are all incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain and yet calli walked into all of them lmao

>> No.20157965

Mori was right about one thing. I love seeing the expression on your cucked face deadbeats.

>> No.20157969

It helped that Fauna's GOI challenge was both impressive and actually achievable.

>> No.20158080

It's stupid to host an "open" tournament, It would have been better to just confirm people before setting it up, Well the idea was cool but the execution was shit.

>> No.20158084

Fauna organizing Getting Over It Tournament would've made more sense then fucking Jump King.
At least with Getting Over It there are Pekora / Aqua / Fubuki / Noel who have pretty competitive sub 10 minute times, so there would've been actual competition if we assume Fauna would've reached to them to confirm participation prior to announcing it as event.

What mori did is look at Kiara's \ Towa's MK8 tournament, thought: "Damn, I can do something like that as well", picked a game that she is only Holo to even remotely care about and made it open for everyone because confirming participants and scheduling is too much work for a wigger.

>> No.20158214

Makes you realize how few competitive games are left without going into turboautist esports or diving way back.
What is there now that can compensate for at least 8 people. Mario Kart, maybe Smash brothers? A bunch of shooters people won't pay for when Apex is free?

>> No.20158370

well basically every competitive game in the last 10 years has an esports scene so cutting those off doesn't leave much.

>> No.20158496
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I'm sure the stream was enjoyable. But thinking that Mori always expected this tournament to end up with only her and 4 other EN girls playing the game for a few hours and her being the only one to even beat the game is either delusional or cope.
She could have scheduled this as a normal collab stream any other week. Not a fucking tournament that was announced a month in advance, was planned even longer ago, and anyone from HoloPro was invited.

>> No.20158598
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>> No.20158779

Woah, is Mori's /here/!

>> No.20159250

It was nice, I'm convinced the people calling it shit are just angry nijiniggers that are jealous once again.

>> No.20159280

No matter how she organized it the only remaining fact that matters is that she's the only person who cares enough to play, letalone is able to beat the game. I have no idea what she was thinking; like did she forget it took her multiple nonstop endurance streams to beat the game at all?

>> No.20159383

There's none. Literally none. Reddit doesn't seems to even bother to acknowledge existence of this "tournament".

>> No.20160288

She should had hosted the tournament as a commentator and invite five people give them one or two hours to get as far as they can,and the one who gets the farthest wins the contest

>> No.20160566

I warned you about Jump King, bro! I warned you!

>> No.20160599

I am literally listening to the tail end of fauna's endurance right now
and mori shit up every fucking challenge fauna brought up. obnoxious loudmouth.

>> No.20160772

Nothing because this whole thing is the epitome of "wouldn't it be cool if...?"

>> No.20160826

As a tournament, it was a spectacular failure for a multitude of reasons, with game choice and timing being major detractors. IMO, it should always have been framed as what it turned into: a friendly collab on a set day, where they all join VC and shoot the shit for a few hours. People clearly liked what it became (chill zatsu) over what it was "supposed" to be.

though I'm still fucking annoyed she used that god-forsaken fat albert voice during the ASMR bit; it is insane to me how much of a spastic she can be in failing to read the room.

>> No.20160904

>Have a shit attitude at Minecraft events
>Have a shit attitude during the MK tourney
>Don't give a shit about learning japanese despite having the best situation to organize collabs and build relationships with her senpais

Why should people give a crap. But sure other Holo should join her JK VC when she barely can give a fuck about Ame's birthday (a Holo that can actually organize EN events)

>> No.20161290

not much different from whenever Shuba does 'ASMR' with other holos

>> No.20161532

Damn. You don’t have to be so truthful.

>> No.20161591

If you don’t have anything nice to say…

>> No.20162020

This is a good idea but it doesn't let Mori give herself a trophy.

>> No.20162119

That’s the difference between this and other organized events.
Even in Myth, when Ame organizes something, it’s usually not even a game, it’s more like an event that everyone can participate in. When Kiara organizes something, it’s something everyone already knows or is casual like Mario Kart/Party or Among Us that has the minimal barrier for entry. Ame and Kiara understand how to plan something that’s enjoyable for a decent sized bunch of people.
When Mori organizes something, it’s because she’s interested in it and wants other people to be interested in it too. This is the case for Jump King and TTRPG. She’s asking other people to put in ton of time and effort for something they’re not nearly as interested in as she is. Her hearts in the right place and it oesn’t mean the content itself isn’t good but she should probably be more considerate of other people’s interests if she wants to try something like this in the future.

>> No.20162152

This is a good idea, she’d never do it because she couldn’t come out on top. This was all so supposed to be a flex of her gaming skills and it backfired horribly.

>> No.20162258

idk know about this event being a ton of work for the other girls. Installing a game, running a stream, and having discord open. It's not a ton of work. TTRPG had more but they knew what they were getting into. That was also far more popular.

>> No.20162305

>considerate of other people’s interests
She would never. It’s not in her DNA. She’s a narcissist and no one wants to admit it.

>> No.20162407

It would take hours for the girls to beat JK ONCE, it would take even more for them to get good enough to clear the game in a reasonable amount of time. It’s too big a commitment for a shit game that no one likes. That time is better spent on shit that won’t kill their numbers or eat into their personal projects.

>> No.20162493

and they don't have to beat it to participate. I'm certain Mori didn't expect the vast majority to.

>> No.20162517

The TTRPG was also supposed to last only 5 season but had been dragged out and then dropped

>> No.20162567

it got dragged out since it was going well. It was dropped because vacations, other collabs, new outfits, holidays all meant timing for months was shit.

>> No.20162632

She’s not a narcissist she’s an autist.

>> No.20162688

Then why try and make it a contest and not just a casual zatsu collab?

>> No.20162738

>less viewers than most of them get in a solo stream
>going well

>> No.20162748

To make it appeal to the audience. Make it seem more exciting.

>> No.20162774

Did it? Was it?

>> No.20162792

it was a speedrun competition to see who could beat it the fastest LMAO

speedrunning a shit game like jump king is more than casually playing it for a stream.

>> No.20162799

that's not true though. It got myth collab numbers. It was also big on twitter and in art and was apart of the conversation landscape. All of that affects numbers.

>> No.20162811

I'm just saying intent.

>> No.20162845

And yet you could just casually play it on stream on those days and it counts. You act like any of this matters.

>> No.20162957

If you compare it to something like Towa's Mario kart tournament well yeah it's not even in the same ballpark.

If you measure it by the question of "did it actually happen" it's "technically yes", however not much about it really looks like a tournament or played out like one and not a lot of people participated. On top of the game itself being one many Holos never touched and the ones who did played it like once or twice, as has been said it just has no competitive element to it other than speedrunning and the thing is, many Holos never fucking finished the game to begin with, or they took like 5-10 hours to do it. It was always a weird idea to do a speedrun competition for a game many people can't even finish to begin with.

>> No.20162965

More than anything it was relatively kino, and that's all that matters.

>> No.20162971

you think she "held" a speedrunning competition because she wanted to be the only person to actually post a time? you think she didn't dream of some situation where she posts a time then sleeps and someone else has beaten it and now she has to put up a better time? you know, like competition in her literal competition? lmao

>> No.20163088

If Iroha hadn't been moving, which there was no way to know would have been happening now months ago when this was planned, it could very well have been that.

>> No.20163122

she wanted people to find joy in the game that she likes. Nothing more to it than that. You're getting heated about something that doesn't matter.

>> No.20163327

>Mori said herself it was just a small thing that people could just join if they wanted to
Downplay something's importance early on so that if it craters you can walk away, ego intact. Classic loser mentality.

>> No.20163361
File: 68 KB, 634x356, F6E7EA28-D0BA-4BA1-88C5-DEBB71836ECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Desperately wants to collab with her JP senpais despite being a continent away, and yet still makes things work.
>Able to set up events, collabs, and even an offcollab with ease.
>Lives in Japan in proximity to her senpai, stars included, yet barely gives a fuck about meeting/collabing with themor learning the language of the country she lives in. Fails to set up a proper event but somehow managed to also do it in the most self centered way possible.
This girl is impressive to say the least.

>> No.20163409

this hits right in the kokoro because of how true it is, I can no longer enjoy cali ever since her shit attitude started leaking alot more

>> No.20163418

I mostly enjoyed TTRPG and I wouldn’t describe it as a failure, even if it was dropped, because the streams were fun, got a ton of fan engagement and brought something new to hololive.
That being said, it does show how Mori approaches these things. Rather than just making an event where the intent is that everyone has fun, she puts together something where people are allowed to have fun, but that’s secondary to them engaging in some she personally enjoys and can prove how good she is at something, whether it’s DMing or Jump King. It’s not worth her planning something unless she’s being praised. Obviously she wants people to have fun too, and usually they do, but that’s not why she puts these things together.

>> No.20163460

or it's something you can take at face value.
If she hyped it up you'd be complaining about that.

>> No.20163484

she's doing eikawas though. And doing a lot of music collabs.

>> No.20163511

She still has not played GOI after promising Fauna she would yet Fauna put hours into Mori's shitty jump king event

>> No.20163542

Wasn't she just at Lui's place hours ago helping her get through Outlast?

>> No.20163596

she said this would come after birthday and FES

>> No.20163611

>heart is in the right place
>choose games only she enjoys
>shit attitude in collabs that she don't and never touches the game again
I really don't think it is too far a stretch to say she is the most selfish out of her entire gen and thats saying a lot

>> No.20163702

>Able to set up events, collabs, and even an offcollab with ease.
Threadreaderchama, offcollab was a thing planned between Mumei and Fauna and everyone else just jumped on bandwagon

>> No.20163771

Just council and Irys, with the exception of Sana and Kronii.

>> No.20163826

5% anon

>> No.20163944
File: 679 KB, 883x799, 1626784258377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this was actually a nice and reasonable discussion before the usual uninformed cuckspammers hopped onto this

>> No.20163968

La+ didn't play it during the event but played JK because of the event.

>> No.20163996

You can't just blame all of your problems on nijifags you know. Deadbeats have been pulling this shit for ages.

>> No.20164068

no, I can and will call it how I see it
this is yet another time they made it obvious

>> No.20164072

Lui came to her house.

>> No.20164092

and la+ is incredibly based for dropping that game incredibly fast because it's honestly shit.

>> No.20164122

okay? Not changing that La+ was influenced by the event.

>> No.20164138

That and the english learning streams all in a rush all of a sudden. Makes me think that she, or really more likely just her manager, noted the criticisms against her on here of all places and rushed to try to counter them.
She's had months and months and only actually puts effort into trying to be chummy with JP now?
Too little too late bitch.
Should've done this earlier instead of dying on the hill of defending connor of all people.

>> No.20164168

Lui tries so hard, hope she doesn't get too close to Mori

>> No.20164174
File: 2.35 MB, 500x800, ruinsyouroshisasmr[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnyqs4g.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori ruins fauna's asmr challenge
>you're just blindly hating someone

>> No.20164183

Gotta get everyone all buddy buddy with each other before Holofes.

>> No.20164228

Picked the wrong game for a challenge run. Everyone was over it, and frustration in gaming isn't for everyone. Now, if she picked Vampire Survivors and made the run about getting the most money or defeating death. She might have got JP and ID. That game is still fresh and makes you feel OP.

>> No.20164275

even if we're virulent retards we still can have good observations and opinions

>> No.20164298

No she played it due english lesson collab with Mori. Mori really wanted La to play her game and La is to big cinnamon roll to say no.

>> No.20164322 [DELETED] 

They are not wrong, deal with it with cuckbeat. Blame anything that walks under the sun if you like, it doesn't change jack shit.

>> No.20164450

More like gotta try and make it seem like mori gives a shit so that her presence among the JP girls on the day doesn't stand out like a sore thumb. If rushia's dessicated corpse appeared on stage or on some side event it'd be less incongruous compared with mori. Can't fault management for trying at least.

>> No.20164542

you have a very tilted delusional view of how the JP audience sees Mori.

>> No.20164790

>The tournament's entry condition is that you need to clear the game.
>None of those who already beat it want to join.
>Only 3 rookies enter the tournament, and 2 of them haven't even made it past half the game yet.
The event was a disaster, and only had some pity entries, most of them was her kouhai(that alone should tell you something). And cuckbeats will still try to find a way to justify it.

>> No.20164913 [DELETED] 

Why are cuckbeats like this?

>> No.20164971

If they're worried about talents not giving a shit they would be forcing Ayame to engage first. I don't think she's ever acknowledged EN or ID, the meme that she's incredibly xenophobic is basically fact at this point

>> No.20164999

I knew it was going to be a failure but never suspected this. Expected a bit of drama because you can easily get mentally blocked playing JK but Mori's autism has exceeded all my expectations. What a great stream.

>> No.20165018

>another mori anti thread

dont you guys ever get tired and just stop talking about her?

t.cuckbeat so you dont have to.

>> No.20165038

main branch does not need to engage the side branches and they would only worry about ayame if she stopped doing content / sponsorships (she still does these) or stopped pulling in superchats (she still does this)

ayame has taken streaming as little as possible to its logical conclusion

>> No.20165067 [DELETED] 

Go back to your containment thread, cuckbeat.

>> No.20165070


>> No.20165122

it's just so much fun watching her fail

>> No.20165178

i said cuckbeat so you didnt have too anon...

>> No.20165185

Serves her right. Insufferable woman, by far the worst COVER hire ever (if we exclude Chris and that one Homo who got fired immediately).

>> No.20165237


>> No.20165299
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>> No.20165315

first day on the internet?

>> No.20165358

>her kouhai
That dynamic doesn't exist in EN. In reality it was Calli's closest friends making sure she isn't lonely which is wholesome of them along with Fauna coincidentally doing an endurance stream for a different mindless game and Mumei who just happens to jump into any voice call.
I am surprised not even one member of Myth tried to join in though, it stands out, especially when not even Kiara, queen of unity and the most upset over missing so many collabs, hasn't thrown her weight in.

>> No.20165363

you know how it's impossible not to root for the Duck because how lovely she is? the opposite applies to Mori

>> No.20165430

Not really disproving that she's xenophobic as shit though and that it's only coincidence she stopped streaming the minute foreigners got into Hololive.

>> No.20165482

You got one good stream where Mori was the worst part for most of it. You can't call it a success.

>> No.20165497

>I already literally practiced speedrunning
More like the only holo that took it seriously and not as a FOTM. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the only game she's good at

>> No.20165504 [DELETED] 

lol cuckbeats are already blaming other girls for Morishit's failures

>> No.20165565

Wasn't it 2AM for her?

>> No.20165631
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>> No.20165653

I don't really care if she's xenophobic? But the idea that somehow EN and ID branch got her to stream less seems insane. I think she just realized she's still getting paid but managed to cut down on her hours to like 1/3rd so fuck it.

>> No.20165888

It was 3 day tournament...

>> No.20166029

alright anon, thanks for the lovely image. it looks very cool

>> No.20166158

Pretty much. There's some entertainment in watching bad things happen to shitty people, and calli has only reiterated being trash time and time again.
I didn't always see it this way, but enough was enough and what is seen cannot be unseen.
My schadenfreude is however tempered by my worry that her bullshittery will cause any more grief for the holos I still actually like, magnifying my dislike for her.

>> No.20166197 [DELETED] 

>mods went out of their way to filter her roommate's name
Holy kek.

>> No.20166252

She probably saw the other tournaments and wanted to do her own without thinking about all the behind the scenes stuff that gets done to make the others run as smooth as they do

>> No.20166262

What is this spacing....

>> No.20166316

Calli should have just hosted a 1-hour race to see who could reach the highest. Or extend this event to 1-2 weeks.

>> No.20166345

no i dont get your point, how is this even a fail if they still managed to have fun. seriously its not like anything got ruined.

>> No.20166505

people would say she was copying trash taste because that is what they did.

>> No.20166540

Ayame reduced her streaming schedule a lot after the Holocaust. I think seeing Mio copyrighted striked and realizing she wasn't in an indie company anymore killed part of her drive

>> No.20166858

Maybe if the game competition was about who will fall the least in a span of an hour, it would have made sense. Even if they were beginners or all experts. Finishing the game for you to even count seems harsh. We know most JP don't just join in the fun. They want to win too.

>> No.20166915

I thought it was just an addiction to really shitty chink games. People make fun of her shitting on Koreans, but her gaming habits are full blown Korean.

>> No.20167044

The kouhai here means that they are the new meat, like the relationship of someone new to the company to someone that has already been working there longer than them. They are mostly pity entries. None of Calli's genmates or the ones higher than her want to join. If not that they are her "kouhai", I bet Mum and Fau will not even join in (Well, Fau already does not want to join in on Mori shit and just play different games, she is just there to chat with the other girls and do ASMR, which is ruin by Calli herself)

>> No.20167075

Mori if you read this: it was not a very good event but you can still try again in the futur!
Make the event 1 day. Make some clear rules. Make people commit and confirm their participation beforehand. Pick a time for it when there is no big game release or hololive events going on.
Don't believe anons that are shit talking and saying the fact that a JK tournament is impossible. Nijisanji did a kino Getting over it tournament a while ago, it's basically the same on paper. Take inspiration from it if you have to https://youtu.be/AQBo_bVBNLc

>> No.20167135

you fucking retard getting over it is a million times better of a game than jump king. jump king is a complete shit game.

>> No.20167253

That's not the point you schizo sperg. They are the exact type of games. So a tournament under the exact same format is possible. It doesn't matter which one is "better"

>> No.20167260

>which is ruin by Calli herself
Timestamp? the stream is too long to digest anything from it desu.

>> No.20167263
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She does have an habit of getting addicted to certain games and only playing these

>> No.20167270

holy kek

>> No.20167425

one has interesting movement that you learn to harness and get better at with actual a lot of complexity and things to improve at. the other is a thinly veiled shell over top of a memorize how long to hold a button simulator. they are not the same game at all. jump king is shit and has way more frequent punishing falls even it's fucking terrible and not similar.

>> No.20167532

Too bad, the main problem here is that no one wants to deal with Mori. That's why no one who's already clear the game(the event entry condition) wants to join in.

>> No.20167584

the webm is here: >>20164174
or if you don't have the plugin: >>>/wsg/4413425

>> No.20167643

Ha! Fair enough. If you just cut Mori out of that stream entirely it becomes ten times better.

>> No.20167687

Mori really is going to stream over Kronii's birthday. What a fucking cunt I truly hate pink women now.

>> No.20167721

Do you even know what a game genre is ? You're just describing how you don't like JK's mecanics. That doesn't matter if you what to organize a fucking tournament of the same type

>> No.20167818

Sorry, I don't want to go through all that again. It is so cringe-worthy when Faufau tries to do a soul healing ASMR, but Mori has to be some "cool" shit and make some of the stupidest noises ever in the middle of Fauna performance. I hope other anons (maybe some saplings) will link you at the time, though, because I just got back from work and I don't want to experience all that again right now.

>> No.20167886

She only really interacts with gura these days and calli saying she wanted to drink with gura when they came to Japan might have put some distance between them

>> No.20168005

By /vt/'s standards, sure, it failed.
By a sane person's standards, it didn't have a win state. It was just an invitation to play Jump King that generated a low turn-out. It's like saying a wedding "failed" because there weren't many RSVPs. Awkward, sure, but incredibly autistic to grade it on attendance alone.
Insert TR quote about the man in the arena.

>> No.20168040

Calli's go-to is always "yeahhh come here to Japan let's do stuff!" cause she has to meet her "WITH MY FRIENDS" quota.
When in reality the majority of all Hololive girls are within walking distance of her and she's doesn't show any interest in getting closer with the people she easily could.

>> No.20168053

I'm pretty sure one of her goals for the tournament was to create no pressure though. Not saying that's the best idea, a little bit of pressure gets things done, but she wanted an event with 0 pressure. Maybe because she's been pressured into things like the Mario Kart tournament

>> No.20168118

Okay now step back. Would you care if it was the other way around?

>> No.20168132

>I am surprised not even one member of Myth tried to join in though
You shouldn't be. Myth is nothing but loners and menheras. They've become more and more distant with one another as time goes on and they aren't forced to lean on each other as much.
As other chuubas in the business have candidly put it, you can like your genmates, but at the end of the day, they're more office buddies than actual friends.

>> No.20168175

...make a thread on /vt/

>> No.20168197


so since holo had a successful mario kart tournament should niji hold a *the worst racing game of all time* tournament because hey they're both the same genre okay!

>> No.20168244

The podcast that spawned from Mori's JK streams haven't been great either

>> No.20168338

It's the mark of a low intelligence when you project your own disillusionment with something onto everyone else.
No one hates Calliope. Not even Kiara, who has a lot of reasons to hate her. Stop accepting catalog schizo-posting as truth.

>> No.20168386

would never happpen, kronii would bend over backwards to not overlap at least not the first hour, still expecting management to foce Mori to delay it one hour.

>> No.20168395

I've really liked them and I think I will all the more once they get the holo guests they've been wanting

>> No.20168412

Well, the only EN can keep Mori silent is Gura, something behind the scene happened around that King cover period and their dynamic just shifted.

>> No.20168427

That's not what I asked. Would you care if the roles were reversed?

>> No.20168489

Number of participants is least of the issues. If we going by your wedding analogy, it would be more like bride tripped and fell into wedding cake. Technically wedding happened, but it didn't go as expected.

>> No.20168590

I get the idea but tournament it seems counterproductive. If she want to make an event like this just call it Jump King week or something like that. Advertising it has a tournament might stop some people from entering because of the competitiveness expectation that comes with tournaments.
Also I think the situation between the MK tournament and this is a bit different. Like MK tournament is semi-mandatory at this point. Calli's tournament is more of an open invitation things. You can't really get pressured into those

>> No.20168593

It's an unfair question, because the very premise is faulty. You first have to pretend that Kronii would be enough of an arrogant bitch to stream over someone's birthday celebration, which would change Kronii as an individual.

But if you want an answer, yes if Kronii acted like Calli and Calli acted like Kronii then the reaction would be the exact same.

>> No.20168619

Why the fuck is she like this.

>> No.20168629

whats this. jk rta? i could beat it within 8m. this game is fun but rta race is pointless as fuck. its the same as sekiro or das rta. nobody really wants to do it except they soloplay it. its just a game you autistically do try and error.

>> No.20168669


>> No.20168678

>Number of participants is least of the issues.
Literally the only thing anyone's piling on about is that no one but some EN chuubas joined in. And some token autistic ramblings about how Jump King is the worst game since Atari's E.T..
You faggots aren't smart enough to conceal the fact that you have an axe to grind with the reaper, and you'll use any excuse to do it.

>> No.20168684

>I don't think she's ever acknowledged EN or ID
She did, but just for ID.

>> No.20168686


>> No.20168729

thanks anon

>> No.20168736

it was an open invitation because she wanted no pressure. Calling it a Tournament or a Challenge or an Event or a Week is just semantics.

>> No.20168797

I don't believe you one bit. Your wording proves it. Just be a Mori anti. Don't bring other girls up. Just be an honest Mori anti.

>> No.20168798

i just don't understand how the thought that nobody else liked this game ever occurred to her. why would you host a tournament where you are the only person you know who wants to participate in said tournament?

>> No.20168815

She called it a tournament though. That creates expectations. You don't advertise your own wedding as an open brawl

>> No.20168861

It was most likely just the reaper constantly mentioning drinking like she usually does. Gura's past with alcohol may have caused her to back away

>> No.20168880

you're getting caught up in semantics. It would be the same no matter what title she used.

>> No.20168928

If this were to be taken seriously, mori would find a way to make this a cross corporate challenge since that's where the competition lies.

>> No.20168973

Gura raped Mori just like pekomiko

>> No.20168979

>Calling it a Tournament or a Challenge or an Event or a Week is just semantics.
Nope it is actually the most important point. Did you see how many anons and people in other places were expecting an actual tournament and got disappointed it wasn't one ? That's the whole complaint. This thread would probably have not existed if she called it anything else than tournament

>> No.20168996

Cover stops such things

>> No.20169020

Blindchama... Tons of people here are talking about the way tournament supposed to be and how it actually was. Just because you can't read doesn't change that.

>> No.20169022


>> No.20169034

No, it's not. It's a youtube title. You're talking about how involved the other girls were or weren't. The girls didn't care what she called it.

>> No.20169047

this thread exists to give Mori antis a meeting place.

>> No.20169061

The event name is the dumbest thing to bitch about. There's real things to criticize

>> No.20169075

I remember Luna explicitly saying she saw Mori's invitation and saying she wouldn't join because she thought she would suck at the game

>> No.20169095

Kronii never even called in to Ame’s birthday.

>> No.20169133

So she said "I didn't join because Mori called it a Tournament"?

>> No.20169159

Sucking at a video game would happen if it was Jump King Week too.

>> No.20169180

That's true. At least the thread would've have been named something different like "Mori ruined the event everytime she talked"

>> No.20169216
File: 61 KB, 349x326, 1623635066911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the closing ceremony overlaps a bday stream
dying from cringe and second hand embarrassment here

>> No.20169224

Have Ame and Kronii ever done anything together that wasn't a big group collab?

>> No.20169236

being bad at a game when it's an event to just play it is different than being bad at a game when it's a tournament.

>> No.20169245

It's implied yes.

>> No.20169286

Stop putting that on Mori, it was 100% on Kronii for being a fucking ape and scheduling her birthday a day before her actual birthday.

>> No.20169312

>"Mori ruined the event everytime she talked"
That's kind of true too. Mori's social skills aren't that great.

>> No.20169332

It would have had the same copetition if it was named something else. You're caught up in a minor detail. You have no insight worth sharing. Go back to lurking.

>> No.20169349

If it is advertised to the girls as a tournament it matters. If Luna didn't want to join because it was a tourney, it shows that there is a problem

>> No.20169351

So you're assuming. You have no proof, just assuming.

>> No.20169373

Management made her because "it's 3/14 in JST" and having it tomorrow would make it overlap with Koyori's.
So blame them for not fucking thinking.

>> No.20169377

>She called it a tournament though. That creates expectations.
>Tons of people here are talking about the way tournament supposed to be and how it actually was.
Here's the point: it's very, very obvious which of you have never had a social life and think things like dead air or low turn-out to a party mean people hate each other. People throw parties that get low turn-out all the time. It's part of life. Randos will call out or fail to participate for a myriad of reasons. Not every "event" you host is going to be a sell-out.
And it doesn't mean that all your friends suddenly hate you and want you to fuck off. It means people are busy and don't always align their interests with yours. The only people who cringe about it are recluses who think social interactions are supposed to be like Disney movies.
Another good example:
clearly some faggot who unironically believes Holomems care about birthday streams beyond the professional expectation they carry. They're just merchandising opportunities.

>> No.20169390

It's the name of the event. Luna didn't want to play a hard game even if it was just a collab with an open invitation. That's fine.

>> No.20169397

That's only because she can't communicate with any of those people because her Japanese is garbage. Sincerely happy for her that at the last she can talk to Lui now. Hopefully she realizes that Azki is good at English too now after the eikawa.

>> No.20169441

Then there you go
It's fucking management's fault, but it's not Mori's because EVERYONE ELSE did it in NA time, not JP time, and Mori had this time set for like 2 weeks

>> No.20169561

I wouldn't call her extolling the virtues of the jap ww2-era bioweapons lab in indonesia as a "grand triumph of glorious nipponese medical technology" an "acknowledgement" of the ID branch, anon.

>> No.20169563

you're so fucking retarded if you think
>I really like this game and I think it'd be fun if we all played and checked it out together
is the same as
>I'm holding a jump king tournament!!

>> No.20169575

They played some tower defense game once

>> No.20169577

>call something a tournament
>a clearly defined word
Anon it'd be like being told you were going to a F1 race only to find out you were taken to Gram Gram's knitting club. Words mean things. F1 race doesn't mean knitting club. Tournament does not mean casual get together.
Words have meanings

>> No.20169617

if you maanged to throw a party and have people not show up then I'm pretty sure it's you that doesn't have a social life LMAO

>> No.20169637

This rrat doesn't make sense. Koyori is gonna have birthday stream like 12 hours after Kronii. 12 hours in one way or another doesn't change anything.

>> No.20169662
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>> No.20169693

it wasn't intended to be a collab. It was intended to be an event to get people to play it at their own times on their own channels. It's a name. You're autistic. The girls aren't. They don't get caught up on naming schemes.

>> No.20169713

what the fuck? You're terrible at analogies.

>> No.20169764

It's a tournament because the times are being taken down and judged. It still could have been called a contest or an event and been the same damn thing.
Are you retarded? Why are you focused on the name of all things?

>> No.20169771

And you still keep talking about only about number of participants... You really can't fucking read.

>> No.20169800

That’s because she’s a menhera bitch who was having an episode. Or she was sleeping. But the point is, Kronii sucks.

>> No.20169823

He's right though. If it's not a tournament don't call it that. You know you fucked up somewhere when even leddit the dicksucking hug box question the fact of why it's called a tournament

>> No.20169851

>mori holds an opening ceremony going over the rules she wrote for her tournament, as well as a closing out ceremony
>its just a youtube title
whats with this deadbeat cope? why are you stuck on this one detail? it was obviously not only presented as a tournament, but she expected it to be treated as a tournament

>> No.20169878

>if queen mori doesn't care about birthday streams no one does!
deadbraps are going all out today

>> No.20169895
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1637269808028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scheduled endings ceremony on kronii bday because she's the only council that doesn't participate on her trash tournament
What a bitch

>> No.20169900

He's not right. There's things to complain about, that this thread has complained about but now the entire thing is derailed to talking about the definition of the word "tournament". He's an autist.

>> No.20169899

To me it is a success because it hopefully marks the end of any future Jump King streams from EN(aside from Mori who will continue to autistically obsess over it and make it a defining character trait)

>> No.20169916

>Doesn't make sense
Yes this is management we're talking about

>> No.20169930

How am I terrible at analogies? Words have clearly defined meanings you brain-deadbeat.
A dog is not a cat. An apple is not an orange. A tournament is not a casual get together.
What don't you understand ESL-kun?

>> No.20169986

And you could have called the tournament a contest and nobody could have noticed a difference.

>> No.20169992

Because she knew that she could easily pressure the contact starved and interaction desperate (IRyS) into participating.
Poor IRyS doesn't like to be excluded so she'll sign up for anything, even jump kang the gameplay of which she very clearly wasn't into.

>> No.20170007

Happens to everyone. If everyone can relate it wasn’t special. Get over it little indog brother.

>> No.20170018

The only people who call other people ESL are ESL themselves conscious of that fact.

>> No.20170053

Literally none of the girls who actually showed up to that collab were actually into the game. They just did it because Mori asked them to play at some point in time.

>> No.20170093

Contest is a fucking synonym for tournament you retard. Of course there is no difference between the 2

>> No.20170122

You know what subverting expectations do to people? It makes them disappointed

>> No.20170153

You're the one giving a shit about the name of the event. I just think the event could have been more fun if it was a height challenge, not a speed run challenge.

>> No.20170327

Yeah sure. I'm the anon that suggested Mori get some inspiration from the Niji tsubo tourney. And that's basically what it was: how high can you go in a limited amount of time.

>> No.20170346
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x600, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon, here's a picture of a dog.

>> No.20170374

jeez you are autistic

>> No.20170466

Yet only an ESL wouldn't understand what words mean.

>> No.20170467

He's an autist for caring how words are used ?
Well I'm an autist too in that case. Words have a meaning for a reason. It's like when people /here/ use fujo to speak about female vtuber fans. It makes no sense

>> No.20170492

> Happens to everyone.
It doesn’t happen to everyone, it happens to the smelly kid.
Were you the smelly kid, anon?

>> No.20170573

What's the matter Anon? Mad that you got exposed as a retard that doesn't know what words mean?

>> No.20170592

Yeah I don't give a shit in this conversation whether this was called "event" "collab" "tournament" "contest" "thingy" "week" "hoedown"

>> No.20170623

Thread reeks of derailing samefag

>> No.20170629

Yo doesn't mean oi. It's literally yo in Japanese or osu.

>> No.20170641

Mori unironically hates JK ever since Ghost of the Babe mindfucked her.

>> No.20170682

Thread reeks of alcohol and codeine

>> No.20170744

>Acceptable terms that would give off the vibe the JK "tournament" had
>words that don't under any circumstance what so ever

>> No.20170764

What word do I not know the meaning of? Where did I misuse this word?

>> No.20170786

It was a contest, just not a very successful one

>> No.20170807

Thread reeks of skin and flesh

>> No.20170809

it counts as a tournament even if it wasn't popular

>> No.20170899

The best part of the event is Fauna playing a different game and getting her milestone.

>> No.20170927

>(in a sport or game) a series of contests between a number of competitors, competing for an overall prize
>an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport or other activity, or in a quality.
Now where do the words casual gettogether appear in these two definitions?

>> No.20170953


>> No.20170976

there were a number of competitors and they competed.

>> No.20171014

get your mom to make you a peanut butter sandwich to calm your nerves

>> No.20171016

She actually powered through like a champ. I feel bad no one fucking joined her VC prior to her getting pushed by her chat (bless them for that, they always seem to push her in the right direction most of the time) though. She deserved better, especially since she had something prepared for guests too and it never got used.

>> No.20171034

Ask me how I know you’re a deadbeat

>> No.20171035

And to continue with my preceding post, we ended up getting more Getting Over It runs from JP side than Jump King this past weekend.

>> No.20171094

Why are you so butthurt? It's ok to not know the meanings of words but when someone tells you what they mean you need to accept that you didn't know and were wrong. As it stands the only autist is (You)

>> No.20171151 [DELETED] 

>shitting on cuckbeat ESL's that don't know what words mean
>durr you're a deadbeat
I knew cuckbeats were brainless simps but this is just embarrassing

>> No.20171200

The popularity is not the problem. People focus too much on the meaning of the word too. The problem is the expectations that come with the word "tournament"
Just compare the other actual hololive tournament:
>MK tournament
Tightly planned and organized, clear rules, 1 day
Same thing.
Pekora metronom tourney and Mori's own tournament were like that.
Now people have that expectation from the word tournament.
Don't say "it's just semantics" when people are surprised the word that has been use for one type of event designate something different...

>> No.20171259

That sounds hot

>> No.20171261
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, FL72SQ5VQAIXuOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.20171275

jchad literally had to make her hang out with suzy. It's mindboggling.

>> No.20171346

Wait there is no mention of the word tournament on that picture. Wtf anti Bros you lied to me ?!

>> No.20171386

Race is basically a contest retard.

>> No.20171410

>jchad literally had to make her hang out with suzy.
You got proof of that? I'm all for shitting on Mori but if it's just rrats, then it doesn't mean much.

>> No.20171459

threads been derailed because one autist didn't like what it was named

>> No.20171466

Ayame has acknowledged gura, but the other EN? I’m not sure.

>> No.20171507

But the turbo word autists were talking about tournament in the title or some shit. Where did she even mention the word tournament ?

>> No.20171508

>Holo race
>Only one person finished the race

>> No.20171579

Watch streams

>> No.20171664

So it's made up. Ok thanks have fun inventing things to derail the thread even more

>> No.20171762
File: 393 KB, 2284x2332, 1636874497021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all y'all

>> No.20171823

Derail the thread from shitting on mori to shitting on mori for different reasons

>> No.20171834

She didn't advertise herself as available for voice chat anon.

>> No.20171982

She herself said it was not a tournament and that it was a race

>> No.20172178

Mori known for her way with words
Being a rapper doesn't mean that she's like eminem and reads dictionaries daily
>Races set the incentives by rewarding the first person to meet a specified, typically hard-to-reach, technical goal. Tournaments set the incentives by rewarding the competitor attaining the highest performance in a given period
It's not a race by definition and it ironically pressures the participants more than a tournament, a race would have needed everyone to start playing at the exact same time

>> No.20172387

it's funny to think gura clawed her way back from being a destructive alcoholic, then has to watch someone else of the same age and peer group repeat her mistakes so closely.
think gura gives mori any advice about it? and mori would just throw it back "naw my dawg I'm cool I can stop any time don't worry about ya boi"

>> No.20172514

Mori's older than her though

>> No.20172604

There are Olympic races where everyone doesn't start at the exact same time you fucking moron.

>> No.20172662

Mori said so lol

>> No.20172705

It's still not a fucking race because mori allows for repeats, which was the point of the tournament being 3 days long (as if anyone but her would try more than once)

>> No.20173080

>Tournament rrat slayed
>Thread starts dying immediately
Was that the only argument you had against Moripipu ?

>> No.20174154

> They aren't looking to 'destroy idol culture', they just want to succeed
Shying away from collabs when normalfags barely know or care about them is the easiest way to not grow kekw. But I don’t expect a lot of them to even care about jump king that much

>> No.20174271

fuck of you autistic retard. There were problems and the naming scheme wasn't one of them

>> No.20174362

How does involving the Holostars put off JP from joining if no one's actually interacting in this event? Is it the possibility they'd have to acknowledge them if they got best time?
