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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19684931 No.19684931 [Reply] [Original]

Just how important is a chuuba's voice to you?

Fan of low voices? High voices? Any certain vocal features?

Picrel is Kaneko Lumi, whose voice can be pure SEX to me when she isn't dialing it up to sound like an anime trope.

>> No.19685052

Any chuuba who sounds closest to their real voice. I know it’s vtubing so they will always alter their voice, but something that’s closer to their real voice compared to the usual high pitch kawaii shit is good
Also Lumi is based

>> No.19685251
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A chuuba's voice is half of why I watch them. If I don't like their voice and can't comfortably listen to it for hours at a time, I don't watch. Simple as. Any voice can sound nice, and it's not really a matter of particular vocal qualities as much as it is a reflection of the chuuba's personality. If their voice matches their on-screen personality, whether it's genuine or affected (and you vibe with their personality), it's good. My favorite chuuba voice is Nina Saotome, who was blessed with a voice that sounds like melted chocolate. Her natural kindness, femininity, and humor come through in it. Lumi's is also very nice.

>> No.19685263

Voice doesn't matter to me as long as it fits the model tbdesu

>> No.19685376

I genuinely don't like super high pitch, squeecky-toy, fake loli voices like IronMouse. It's just not pleasant to listen.

>> No.19685418

It matters a lot. It's the main reason I can't listen to holo myth. Jap companies don't know what a pleasing English speaker's voice sounds like, so they recruit people like Kiara who makes my ears bleed. Council was a huge upgrade in the voice department.

>> No.19685420

And on that note, I have to admit I don't care for the seagull laughs some chuubas have. I know they can't help it (or can they?) but still rough to listen to imo.

>> No.19685509
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It matters a lot.
Many OG tubers, like Kaguya Luna or Sakura Miko or so on, were chosen specifically because of having distinctive voices.
In some ways it matters even more than having a good model (which itself matters by a lot).

>> No.19686062
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Hmm, yeah I suppose I can agree.
Kiara's voice is like nails on a chalkboard, actually half of HoloJP's voices are the same way to me.
LOVE Polka's voice though.

>> No.19686631

I suspect it matters a lot, I hypothesize that it is a significant cause of Gura’s/Vox’s success

>> No.19686700

I wish I understood how people withstand Fubuki's voice

>> No.19686761

It matters way too much and now it will be one of the most important thing for dating in the future

>> No.19686978

She might have the cutest voice + voice related mannerisms in all of hololive and I don't even watch her

>> No.19687149

Matters a lot. A shit voice can instantly filter people. Probably the best case of this is actually Luna. If she dropped the baby act voice I might actually like her, but as it currently stands I just won't watch her. Subaru easing up on the duck voice has made her watchable, but I'd still quickly opt to watch many other chuubas over her.

>> No.19687152

Second most important thing, personality comes first.
I fucking love sexy low voices like Kronii's but Kronii herself is kinda boring so I don't watch her.
On the other hand even if the girl has a great personality, a really high pitched voice is a no go for me.

>> No.19687215

As long as its tolerable its fine call my taste shit idc i mainly watch pink cat, mouse, zen, mel, snuffy, haruka

>> No.19687304

I personally just get used to the voice and get invested into the character/personality of the chuuba, initially I used to find Luna's voice fake and couldn't find it entertaining but after watching a few of her streams I got used to it and now I find her voice pretty cute. The same logic can be applied to models as well;
Bad model ( i.e. Irys) --> Get used to it --> no longer filtered by model and can enjoy her dorky personality

>> No.19687343

i really like a good lore though the cursed/cultural lore pinkcst has is one of my favourites especially when she does a cursed stream

>> No.19687470

Probably the most important thing. I don't think I would have watched Korone without her voice or accent. I do have a preference for quirky voice so Korone/Miko/Luna are my favorite voices to listen to.

>> No.19687937
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I used to think that Luna's voice is irritating and annoying when I first watched Ochame Kinou cover. But you get used to it and even adore it.

>> No.19688768

The distinctive voices make it easier to remember the chuuba. Otherwise the model and content matters just as much.

>> No.19688902

Enough said

>> No.19688914

My oshi's voice makes me gosling hard and I never thought a voice would give me heartboners and literal boners.

>> No.19688959
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All i know is that Suisei's voice makes my dick hard

>> No.19689004

I like voices that are different enough from the uguu and Stacy voice crowd.

>> No.19689014

If you have a voice like botan i an diamonds

>> No.19692272

>Lumi declining so she's shilling her voice now

>> No.19692346

as long as it's not unbearable then I'll watch them as long as they are entertaining.

>t. jop

>> No.19692845

>Probably the best case of this is actually Luna
I also hated Luna's voice at first as it's your typical cutesy anime girl voice which is unbearable. But after I watched a few of Luna's streams, I kinda got warmed up with her voice since it is perfertly compatible with her 2D model and personality. Now, I even admire it, and the way she can consistently stay in her character/streaming persona

>> No.19693553

Doubt she has the balls to shill herself
I'll gladly shill her with absolutely no shame though kek

>> No.19693796

Voice matters a lot but it can be a lot of things - it just has to be distinctive in some way, and close enough to their "natural" voice that it's not going to be a strain to do it all day. No streamer voice is a "natural" voice (whatever that means) just as your voice isn't the same on the phone to your boss, but many are character voices that are unsustainable and don't gel with their natural laughs/emotions, which degrades the quality of a stream because they are too busy maintaining that character to actually enjoy content.

>> No.19695093

>Just how important is a chuuba's voice to you?
It's really important, anon. They need to sell it.

>> No.19695283

>loli avatar
>tranny voice
im out

>> No.19695512

Tourist chama you EOP must love western whores then

>> No.19695681

It is everything for me. If it is someone who is a native English speaker I usually look for cute, higher pitched voices. If its ESL the cute is kind of guaranteed, then I look for decent enough English to understand.

I think voice is easily one of the most important aspects. We can't see them in any meaningful way outside the model so the voice is the only "real" thing about the character.

>> No.19695720

Voice is not everything, but it is a HUGE buff if a chuba has a really appealing one. Just look at veibae, especially her earlier streams. Her voice is a constant topic of discussion in her chat. Same for shylily now, plus her rigging. Voice and good rigging are very superficial, but they undeniably have an enormous effect.

>> No.19696412

Innate speaking voice is the first and arguably biggest hurdle IMO

>> No.19696503

This is a good take.

>> No.19696743

I only know Watame's voice makes me feel warm inside whenever she talks normally or softly.

>> No.19697938

depends on the chuubas
for holos it's around 60~70% voice, 30~40% model/rigging (I hate their rigging, nobody moves like that), and I prefer comfy (or as anon said, boring) and/or low pitched voice like okayu/rbc rather than high pitched and/or energetic voice like fbk/miko
for niji and others it's more like 50:50, some of my faves are shizurin and onoharu (she could be loud tho...)
there are also some that I like because of their quirkiness like botan, levi, kirame, and enna

oh and also, suisei's low pitched voice (her natural?) is sex

>> No.19698660

Gura's voice is god tier what are you talking about? Especially when she is soft spoken. Fucking melts my heart. Ame also has a sweet voice that fits her model well.

>> No.19701969

The most superchatted vtuber had a mickey mouse voice, so I don't think it matters that much

>> No.19704830

it's not the main draw, but it can be the main filter. it's sort of what the job is built on, like an athlete's physical prowess.

>> No.19705073

It doesn’t matter much imo. A chuuba can sound weird but if they are confident in their voice, they could easily turn it into an iconic trait that only they can do. Pekora is the prime example of this, she didn’t try to change her voice, instead she created her verbal tic and the iconic laugh everyone remember
In fact I feel more incline to watch chuuba who sound different to see how they overcome that handicap

>> No.19705174
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Considering my 3 favourites are Pekora, Subaru and Kiara, I don't think the voice is that important to me. Although voices will filter me like Marine's and Sana's. I also really enjoy listening to certain ESL accents, there's just something about them.

>> No.19705486

It's really, really important to me. Squeaky, baby-voice, high pitch voice filters me, hard. Best example is Luna. I'm sure she has great personality, a talented musician and all, but I just can't watch her stream. My Japanese understanding is already limited, her baby-voice and pronunciation just make it harder for me to understand anything.

Or the next example is Kaminari Qpi. I love her personality, she's very entertaining both when she streams solo or collab, but unfortunately her voice just filters me. I'm fine if she appears in the others' stream for a collab, but I'd rather watch other's pov not hers.

>> No.19708208

It seems a lot of people dislike Luna's voice.
Is it the same with Miko though? Somehow Miko gets a pass to a lot of people.

>> No.19708421

I'm on board with this. There's definitely an added charm when I can believe "yeah, that's what this character sounds like". Especially if the attitude's a good fit as well.

While that's all up to individual interpretation to decide such things, I think some vtubers get a boost from that charm because a bunch of people reached a consensus on it. Like how Pekora sounds like a mischievous rabbit girl, Gura sounds like a lively and sometimes bratty kid, or Vox sounds like a well dressed demon dude.

That even turned me around on someone like Selen who's voice I didn't like at first. Over time, it really came to fit her character as a mischievous, competitive, teasing sister to Elira. It even further highlighted Elira as the dorky straight woman to both Selen and EN at large due to such a contrast I couldn't feel as much with just Lazulight.

Mind you people who don't match in my mind aren't bad and I don't blame those who couldn't choose or had limited say in their avatar.

>> No.19708495

Absolutely vital imo.
The main reason I don't watch Kiara and Fauna is because I can't stand their voices

>> No.19708546

i want that art of lumi, give it to me

>> No.19708600
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>> No.19708659


>> No.19708674

See that is the most surprising shit to me
Coco's voice was beyond annoying to listen to

>> No.19708736

It's make or break

>> No.19708851

This is the same poster who used Menace as the OP for a bait thread isn't it?

>> No.19708970

Actually no idea what you are talking about.
I only watch a couple of the smaller chuubas.

>> No.19709003

My preference is that the voice needs to be within a range of "normal" and not be ear-piercing, silly, or affected in a way that is abnormal for the character. In addition, if they have verbal tics they should be used sparingly and not every fucking sentence.

>> No.19712825 [DELETED] 


>> No.19717844

if I hear verbal tics then it is an immediate drop to me

>> No.19718700

Sauce on this bunny suit Lumi art?

>> No.19718828


>> No.19718874


>> No.19723522

Selen's laugh is so iconic to me that if I heard a copycat of her somewhere I would recieve whiplash

>> No.19723702

I used to think her voice was terrible
Then the doctor told her she was destroying her throat by doing that everyday so now she talks normally and it's infinitely hotter

>> No.19724041

t. seething femoid with vocal fry

>> No.19726934

many such cases
we'll see it repeated with subaru, I bet
