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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18664724 No.18664724 [Reply] [Original]

Ironmouse is about to become the most subscribed streamer on twitch (twitch subs = YT memberships). We did it bros. Vtubers fucking won.

>> No.18665993


>> No.18666033

>simping for a fake mexican with a fake illness
I'd sooner sub to Nyanners. her shit was MUCH less egregious.

>> No.18666339
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What the?

>> No.18666440

The fact that the biggest channel on Twitch is going to be a girl who represents a company full of Amy Schumers and Margaret Chos who think "MUH PUSSY FART" is the pinnacle of human achievement in humor is just cynical. Blackpilling. Diabolical. Satanic, even.

>> No.18666485

>almost every sub is gifted
Yeah it's a nothingburger

>> No.18666489

wtf casimiro is the first one

>> No.18666535
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>Satanic, even.
I see what you did there

>> No.18666597
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The bigger it gets the more freaks enter and push (relatively) normal people out. Soon enough you will hear about how sexist so many Vtuber models are, asking why they are all "white", ect.
Call me a doomposter but I've seen it happen in my hobbies and it will happen in this one. Look at where Magic the Gathering was a Decade ago and look at where it is now.

>> No.18666614

I have no idea who anyone on that list is, besides Mousey.

>> No.18666667
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Fuck off, doomposters.

>> No.18666684

There's no rule saying a vtuber can't be black. It's just that actual blacks are hideous and no one would ever want to give them money. It's a purely economic decision.

>> No.18666716

This has all already happened. Also too real with MTG, I used to play it. Shame that such a mechanically good game got completely subverted and driven into the fucking ground.

>> No.18666763

I have no idea what any of the other channels are. I assumed it would be that Fortnite Ninja dude since I saw him appear on my country's news website.

>> No.18666773

>350k+ worth of donations in 2 weeks are worthless

>> No.18666868

400k+ if you count other stuff, 20$ x minute

>> No.18666938

Yes that's generally how a subathon work idiot.

>> No.18666984

He's the first in FOLLOWER count. Sub count is different.

Subs and donations are also like 10% of the income big twitch streamers make. They make the real money in sponsorships, just like sports stars.

>> No.18667064

Yeah viewership will matter more when you're really big. Although Ninja has kind of "fallen off". He's still got good average ccv but it's far from his peak.

>> No.18667090

>Subs and donations are also like 10% of the income big twitch streamers make. They make the real money in sponsorships, just like sports stars.
source: your ass

>> No.18667125

Bitch at OP not me, all I'm saying is that she'll drop back down to #438 or whatever the fuck

>> No.18667192

This is definitely true when you're large enough. Ad revenue itself can dwarf that.
And even that gets dwarfed by things like sponsorships and merch dwarf that even more.
Xqc has talked about it before, he literally said you should only really sub/donate to small steamers if you care about supporting someone's career.

>> No.18667265

I think ironmouse's subcount was like around 15k before it started so that would put her somewhere like #50-60 instead

>> No.18667372

Difference with vtubers and MTG is that MTG you have to play whatever they tell you and sell you, with vtubers there's so many out there you just don't watch ones you have no interest in.

>> No.18667389

All that money going to waste of a soon to be corpse
Says it all

>> No.18667622

what the hell is this supposed to tell me?

>> No.18667778

>you should only really sub/donate to small steamers
How small is small? Should I only donate to 2views?

>> No.18668306

>these niggas call you parasocial

Durrr it says SUBathon in the title I guess I gotta

>> No.18668707


>> No.18669374

>those subs she has
>they don't count

>> No.18669420

Not necessarily. Not all subs are created equal because of different sub prices depending on the country. I'd say the average value of her subs are probably closer to $2.

>> No.18670004

>fake mexican
Nigger explain.

>> No.18670973

Yes they don't count, because 90% of them will be gone within a month when the gifted subs run out

>> No.18671121

>that time Ironmouse was the most subbed to streamer on twitch doesn't count

>> No.18671214

Sub marathons are pathetic and lazy content.

>> No.18671327

Has Ironmouse said what she plans to do with the money?

>> No.18671468

what do you expect from people streaming on Twitch? hahaha

>> No.18671493 [DELETED] 

She's not from Puerto Rico, stupid. She's from California and is actually an old white bitch.

>> No.18671530

Why are you holobronies like this? The moment anyone mentions a vtuber thats not hololive doing well you dogpile the shit outta her because you faggots are too insecure your oshi will get overshadowed

>> No.18671544

xqc has 60k viewers right now... and he had 100k other times.

nice subscribers.

>> No.18671549

These numbers don't make much sense.
15+63+4=82, far off 93-94
73+6+67=146, far in excess of 85-86

>> No.18671571

never watched the mouse, I thought she have a life-threatening disease or whatever and can only stream from time to time?

>> No.18671581

>How do Vshojofags keep making this about Holobronies?
Why are y'all like this?

>> No.18671592

you're not /vt/ anonchama, everyone hates vfags here, especially those who fake the severity of her disease kek

>> No.18671619

*on /vt/

>> No.18671625

So when do these vtubers play video games? like not just for an hour or two, but actually play video games. from start to completion or at least 8+ hours of straight game playing. What is this? why do they just keep talking?

>> No.18671816

Mean while Pekora sold $1 million worth of merch but her fans will actually have physical items to remember her bye. What Mouse did/doing is impressive number wise but this type of shit shouldn’t be praised by us. Fucking hell even Irys sold over $100k worth of vinyls,cds, and cassettes for her album + whatever iTunes and Amazon sold. This is lazy crap

>> No.18671820

She sleeps during day and streams during night, her life is literally being a vtuber
I prefer the money going to Mousey than any other faggot

>> No.18671833

Twitch just makes up numbers.

>> No.18671902

>you faggots are too insecure your oshi will get overshadowed
Firstly not even a holofag. I am a Nijinigger.
Second, she is a react andy who somehow makes the Video worse. Her collabs are alright but her solo streams are dogshit.
Third, I hate her Tsun Tsun relation with Connor. So no one cares if she is popular or not. No one

>> No.18671955

>I prefer the money going to Mousey than any other faggot
Donate it to Nijiniggers. They provide better content. Every single Nijiniggger provide better content than her.

>> No.18672060

b.b.but must protect frail little chuba, anon.
>her blown out of proportion ''severe'' condition is working, cant you see

>> No.18672136

>Yeah X is the most watched streamer.
>Yes that bot farm some dude paid for totally counts.
I know you are going to be an obstinate nigger, but some small handful of retards splashing cash to make the number go up, rather than 1 sub = 1 person, goes against the spirit of number/rank fagging. Anyone of these Twitch millionaires could just buy a shit ton of gifted subs and fly to the top.

>> No.18672183

Let's fucking GOOOOO Ironlungs

>> No.18672449

Best thing you can do for 2views is shilling them on social media, unironically. 0-50 CCV is valley of despair zone for newbies, after crossing it it's much easier to grow. 300-500 subs is another cutoff, mostly consists from donobaiting e-girls and niche genre streamers, depending on monetization tactics can even be somewhat of a sustainable career at this point, but waiter in a local pub is a career too. If there is an effort to grow and at least some entertainment value in the stream - it quickly snowballs into fairly cushy job after 500 subs due to network effect.

>> No.18673004

more like Rustlungs amirite

>> No.18673143

Probably spend it on all the medical bills she has. Mousey has a weakened immune system. Her lungs are messed up lungs from a time when she caught emphysema and she can't walk because she has no leg muscles.

>> No.18673257

this desu.
Nijinig reporting in, all she does now is just react to shit, at least Melody and to a degree Nyanners make it somewhat entertaining, Mouse is just boring now. Plus, whenever I turn on her subathon, it's just her replaying old VODs while she's sleeping and somehow 10k+ people find this entertaining? We are at the absolute apex of societal decline right here.
the chuuba scene would unironically be a much better place if Trash Taste never existed. Connor needs to start inserting himself into chuuba streams because the one thing that made him famous no longer generates popularity.

>> No.18673333

I'm genuinely surprised she hasn't tried pulling an Ayame yet where she just goes dead quiet for months at a time except for milestone events to farm subs and donos

>> No.18673334

I don't think you actually partake in any of the things you speak about. It all sounds like second hand accounts based on stuff you read on /vt/.

>> No.18673406

Anon, I watched her since I discovered chuubas. The VShojo girls were technically my first exposure to vtubing before I found Holo, when they were still in their indie days. Believe me, I know what the fuck I'm talking about.
But go ahead, tell me how I misunderstood her and how I'm actually wrong.

>> No.18673546
File: 37 KB, 828x120, 9404ACEE-1DA0-4BFC-BB33-D20716A4906D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>18673406 (me)
Samefagging here to provide proof.

>> No.18673845

No you’re a falseflagger

>> No.18673901

I'm surprised how low prime subs are. I sort of figured a lot of people had amazon prime.

>> No.18674093

You should watch jp chuubas if you want that

>> No.18674096
File: 93 KB, 227x222, Pekorean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it the other way around. The bigger it gets the more normal, sane people enter and push the actual freaks(lolicons, incels, misogynists, unicorns, etc.) out. You don't seriously expect the retardation that is /vt/ as normal sane people do you? Even /v/ is more sane than you dumb fucks.

>> No.18674402

Trying too hard to attain credibility. Just because you sub to something doesn't mean your opinion isn't wrong. Like, whoa, Mousey is doing a sleeping meme-stream. Did you also lose faith in humanity when you first saw a vtuber hot tub stream?

>> No.18674460

Giving facts as why she is not the same
>muh Falseflagg
Claims not a holobrony
>muh Falseflagg

Vshojo keks, a i right everyone?

>> No.18674596

Mouse's stream is complete shit but everyone feels compelled to congratulate her because she's such a cripple that the most mundane things are miracles to her.
SHE ATE A GRAIN OF RICE POG, let's watch dhar mann and donate mom's monthly salary
It's all pity subs

>> No.18677303

It almost 100% from subs for Hasan, but that is the exception due to him not really taking sponsors and running minimal ads.

>> No.18679770

So, what type of original things does she do that make her stand out enough to get that amount of fans?

>> No.18685744

The gif sub system is just too funny

>> No.18686148

fucking literal who in the 4chins

>> No.18686344

Nothing, she's objectively a shit streamer that only got "popular" because she's saviorbait material and leeching over other content creator fanbases
If it wasn't for Nyanners and Connor carrying her shit and making their audiences have pity for her , her subbathon would've died the first day by how boring her solo stuff is.

>> No.18686466

I'm usually a hater but congratulations, Ironmouse!

>> No.18687405

Puerto Rico is Mexico without soul

>> No.18688180

I knew the number was inflated either by Prime or gifted subs, but I never expected it to be 85%. What a joke. 66,552 people get roped into a free trial financed by her paypiggies and now she's suddenly one of the most "subbed" channels on Twitch.

>> No.18688431

A subathon is a glorified begging marathon where streamers bait subs as part of the current "twitch meta". I cannot believe people fall for that crap.

>> No.18688499

How is she holding up. 16 days seems more than stressful.

>> No.18688562

Jesus the newfag schizos are really out in force today

>> No.18688926

Twitch really fell off, huh?

>> No.18689470

>up 54 positions
That's about how much it'll drop once the subs run out. Established channels don't just jump over 50 spots to the head of the pack and stay there

>> No.18690038

When the fuck are we going to ban all EN whores? They've brought absolutely nothing positive to the community.

>> No.18690208

Happy for her but this is a healthy reminder that numbers don't tell the full story, and high views/sub don't mean that your content isn't shit that no one with common sense will praise you for.

>> No.18690362

She is the unfunniest streamer I've ever watched and she is annoying as all fuck no wonder she is so popular on twitch

>> No.18690803

They brought your constant seething and I wouldn't trade that for anything

>> No.18691091

a lot of people do its just that shes fully activated all her whales for this subathon her usual subscriber base is likely at most 2x her prime sub amount like everyone else.

>> No.18691427

She lives in her bed practically, streaming is her window to a life. If anything it's energised her more.

>> No.18691479

twitch is dead

>> No.18691553

>t. schizo

>> No.18691878

Just say all of them are Asian. Like in anime.

>> No.18694509

based and chadpilled

>> No.18694766

assuming the default contract her subs are $2.49, but larger streamers often get better custom contracts

>> No.18694980

COnnor keeps offering his fat sheep-tested cock to the manic reaper to keep Mousey alive

>> No.18696428

>push the actual freaks(lolicons, incels, misogynists, unicorns, etc.) out
Go the fuck back

>> No.18696501

They'll all expire after a month, it's just glorified superchats. Also not really a vtuber. None of Vshoujo are.

>> No.18696554

PR are just mexicans that happen to live on an island.

>> No.18697852

>Also not really a vtuber. None of Vshoujo are.
Why? Do you have to live with some twink jpopfag to be officially considered a vtuber?

>> No.18698806

Hes unironically right. shes not that high because people want to sub to her, its a few mentally ill paypig saviorfags.

>> No.18701819
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>66500 subs gifted
>probably mostly from the the 89 tier 3 subs
they sure are dedicated

>> No.18702040

Remember, Bubi's making his debut soon. That'll give her another boost.


You're assuming they won't do the same next month if the stream's still going. Plus, you know she'll have gotten some new subs from all the publicity who'll stick around, and that'll help her grow.

She has been getting better, apparently. Managed to get up to watch the sunset a few weeks back IIRC? But yeah, she's got the camera on her while she's sleeping. Her friends drop by a lot to voicechat and entertain the viewers while she does.

Depends on the chuuba. A lot have lives that interfere with that sort of thing.

She has her talk show, but for the most part it's just that she does what she does really well, less doing unique things.

>> No.18702847

I think they get a % of the sub. So poorfag countries who pays the equivalent of 1.50USD for a sub is worth a lot less than an American sub.

>> No.18702887

>those subs she got. they don't count.

>> No.18702985
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>> No.18703047

Kind of shows what e-begging and the image of "I'm dying" can take you. I'm doubtful a 5th of those will stay when the time is up. This is why numberfagging is pointless on it's own. You've got to deep dive to see the reason behind the shift in numbers.

>> No.18703254

Ahh shit my mistake. This post >>18702985
was for (you) >>18691553

>> No.18703769

She plays a character who is dying from a debilitating illness, very easy sympathy bait

>> No.18707643

Doomposters are right, nobody wants to acknowledge it. Every hobby changes overtime. Ethots will rule this shit soon, if they don’t already.

>> No.18707688

Connor won.

>> No.18709300

Hasan did a sponsored stream for FC6
fuckin sellout

>> No.18711374

I tuned in for the first time today and all I saw was her crying, what was that about? Is she actually good on normal days?
Also heard she has some health problems, is that true?
And I think it's cute how she calls her fans her family, I know it means nothing but it's still cute.

>> No.18711575

>thinks CVID is fake
I bet you don't believe in COVID either

>> No.18711698

She was more fun to watch when she still had her old model and were interacting a lot with viewers while playing games. Now she does nothing but subathons and react.
Meanwhile, as much as people call Gura lazy, she's still almost the same since her debut.

>> No.18713549

who the fuck is Bubi?

>> No.18713846

She just hit #1 most subbed on twitch. Congrats to her, it's well deserved.

>> No.18713945

Anon… you’re so right it hurts

>> No.18714108

>le Jew brainwashing
>soros propaganda
Go ahead anon, tell us more

>> No.18714217

White women really do ruin everything.

>> No.18714474

Hololive wins? Good
Nijisanji wins? Good
Cancer spreads? Bad

>> No.18715134

It was supposed to just be a devil familiar revealed alongside her demon form last summer if I remember correctly, but as she grew closer to Connor the plans got bigger and now he's going to be a full-fledged vtuber partner with her. Debut is in a few days: https://twitter.com/BubiVT/status/1492427530540044288

>> No.18715560

How crazy would it be if the subathon lasted through the whole months and subs at the beginning of the subathon started to expire while it was still going on.

>> No.18719483


>> No.18721599

Yeah next month it will revert back

>> No.18721942

Vtubing =/= one corpo. There are plenty of corpos big and small along with indies that dance to the beat of their own drum.

>> No.18722030

How many will she have after a month once those gifted subs expire?

>> No.18722135

go back
also, the littlest cancer patient winning an imaginary contest means literally nothing

>> No.18722322

>People will try to force Connor threads even more

>> No.18723779

MTG has accelerated. Before covid I was the buyer/judge for a medium size store. I was getting paid by the store I worked at to travel to shows so I could buy/sell for the store. The only reason I still played was my job and the people I played with which covid crushed.

The judge slack group was unreal sometimes. People would say things like "How are you supporting trans lives today?". During BLM they really were trying to one up each other by bragging about how much they donated. They led a campaign to get WotC to change the term "man land" to "creature land" on all coverage and official content, which worked, I saw it happen. When they unpersoned Terese Nielsen, one of the best fantasy artists on the planet, for her lukewarm "TERF" positions since she is an older lesbian woman I was actually mad. I meet her in 2005, she is such a sweetheart. She talked to me for like 15 minutes about art because it wasn't that busy while she was signing some cards on her own volition. They ate her alive and they are trying to do it to Seb McKinnon too.

>> No.18724424

How do i math?
No matter how i calculate it the number of sub categories doesn't add up to the current active subs number

>> No.18724702

Anon, you won't be able to convince them. Just like every non-China business thinks "I'm the one that's gonna make a big profit!" while ignoring the myriad of examples that failed, all fanbases think "this hobby is not gonna get subverted!", even when the remains of subverted games/franchises warn them.

>> No.18725271

Okay but how big is her dick? That's the only number I care about.

>> No.18725796

-5 inches

>> No.18728638

>in the 4chins
>Implying this place has ever mattered.
It doesn't. It really doesn't. Just a containment board for the .002% of viewers who need to be in one.

>> No.18728771

