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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18629404 No.18629404 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV (embed)
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.
Start tweeting.

Last Thread: >>18594206

>> No.18629486

How are people editing videos with live2d models for TikTok?
I tried using a screen recording from slobs and croping with openshot but my resolution looks like ass.

>> No.18630260

Any linux native software to start vtubing? I've done some digging and all I found is people saying to use wine.

>> No.18630504

There are guides on how to get vtubestudio and vseeface running on Linux but I'm not sure there's anything native. It's probably easier to do that than to try to find some obscure alternative that may not perform as well.

>> No.18630587

I haven't used Linux in a while but I don't remember having much trouble with running stuff in WINE when I did

>> No.18630812

Been enjoying being a 2view since I started regularly streaming about a month ago. Wondering if it's worth all the effort to shill myself to grow or just chill and see if it happens organically

>> No.18631342

What you would boys recommend, Youtube or Twitch?
The only real advice I've heard is that Youtube is better if you plan on uploading videos and streaming, while Twitch is better if you plan on just streaming.

>> No.18631714

Twitch has the advantage of putting you in a listing of which game you are currently playing.

>> No.18631933

>The only real advice I've heard is that Youtube is better if you plan on uploading videos and streaming, while Twitch is better if you plan on just streaming.
that's really it. there's nothing more to it. if you're like most chuubas and want to livestream, start out on twitch since that's where you'll get the biggest indicators of progress while live streaming. after you build up a community, if you want to continue growing you'll need to start expanding out to other platforms like youtube.

>> No.18633846

Avex released a new vtuber software.

>> No.18633856

do both at the same time

>> No.18633893

Yes? What is it?

>> No.18633899


>> No.18634521

I plan on doing language learning streams as my schtick and would like to save the vods from day 1 onwards. Should I stream on twitch and upload the vods to yt or just stream on yt instead?

>> No.18634583
File: 627 KB, 1218x1624, Ideal_Male_body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to make typical male OC
>Friends are all regular males using female OCs
>Not even femboys or girly, just bros with cute girls for pfps & models
>Decide I want to be cute too even though I don't act feminine or have a girly voice
What do? I don't want my character to be a coomer femboy with child-bearing hips nor do I want to put on a voice or act like a girl. I just kind of want to be cute while still acting like a guy. I've been looking at art of Rimuru Tempest and they seem most similar to what I would like.

>> No.18634604

Not familiar with SLOBS but I hope you aren't using your streaming bitrate for recording.

>> No.18634721

There are some characters in anime that look exactly like women but are men with deep manly voices.
Like aphrodite from saint seiya, or Yuda from Hokuto no ken. Maybe try that?
They are both sadists tho.

>> No.18634729

no one is going to watch you either way so it really doesn't matter. language learning streams aren't fun unless you have a ton of people invested into watching you already.
sounds like you already know what you want to do.

>> No.18634919

How do you determine the line of how much kayfabe to do? I'm wary of going more in on it since I'm afraid of it filtering potential viewers.

>> No.18634994

How viable is pngtubing anyway especially if you have multiple faceplate states? I want to get my model rigged once I save up a bit more and find an actual good rig artist open. But I've found PNG streaming to be pretty comfortable since I have 6 or 7 different faceplate states that I can swap through easily.

I just worry I'm wasting my time since I don't have a proper model yet.

>> No.18635009

we literally already had a language focused /here/ chuuba and it didn't work

>> No.18635023

>They are both sadists tho.
well considering how much i like teasing & bullying(for fun) I fail to see that as an issue.

>> No.18635052

but answering your questions you can just make VODs that last for more than 14 days, i don't remember how though

>> No.18635123

Thanks for the insight. I'll reconsider what content I should focus on.

Oh cool. I'll look into it just in case.

>> No.18635238

Language is still attracting, but you shouldn't dedicate stream to it unless you are a cute girl who can't handle it. Don't entirely discard it tho, it's still nice to have it punctuate streams here and there, also it's an easy filler.

>> No.18635250

iirc you just need to highlight every single VOD

>> No.18635695

>since I'm afraid of it filtering potential viewers.
if you care about filtering potential viewers then the answer is little to no kayfabe. if you care about your kayfabe more then do whatever you want with it.
i don't know what you mean by "viable" but Little_S was able to make partner as a png snake with a variety of expressions he toggled. your model and design really don't matter as much as your ability to entertain viewers.

>> No.18635790

It's the opposite of wasting your time. You probably won't gain a huge following that way but you can get a few regulars and some good practice in so when you do get your model you aren't flying blind.
So it's like Vseeface with built in hand tracking. I tried messing with it but the tracking was very janky. When I tried to make a fist my hand sorta morphed into itself, and I couldn't figure out how to re-center the facial tracking so I was constantly looking far to the left. Maybe someone who actually knows Japanese can make something out of these options.
There are some precanned animations. The default wave is a little weird, and makes your head tilt way back and to the left. The default dance option is amazing, however, and I'm gonna get a recording of my model doing it ASAP.

>> No.18635926

I'm back again and I found two potential riggers that actually does male vtubers. I will be hard job searching to pay for everything

>> No.18636114

This may be my autism acting up, is it ok to reply to a mutual of a mutual's tweet or does it come across as clout chasing??

>> No.18636243

yes, it's okay. yes, this is autism. you're overthinking tweets.

>> No.18636335

anon i don't even stream or have a public OC yet and I just reply to everyone even Holos & Nijis. It's a fucking tweet nobody cares what you do. Anyone who would call you a clout-chaser just hates fun.

>> No.18636618

Alright, thanks

>> No.18636631

This is probably the problem. Thanks I'm retarded.

>> No.18638947

Preemptive bump

>> No.18639180

Stop using streamlabs OBS

>> No.18639276

Look around, how much kayfabe do you see anyone with views doing?

>> No.18639449

this shit keeps coming up and aspies need to preface their posts before it gets out of hand. if you're genuinely doing this as a hobby to larp some OC you came up with 14 years ago then it doesn't matter. kayfabe it up as much as you want. it's a hobby and no one's going to give a shit how you enjoy your personal time on a hobby.

if you're trying to "make it" or even halfway give a shit about numbers, don't kayfabe. just don't. gotta lay that foundation down first and be brutally honest with yourself. none of this wishywashy bullshit about just having fun and making friends but going menhera because you have no numbers after chasing away every viewer with too much kayfabe.

>> No.18639537

kinda sad I can't use my highschool OC because it can very easily be tracked back to my ID.
But I came up with something new so it's ok.

>> No.18639996

>should I do [thing]/will [thing] help or hinder my growth?
Are people doing [thing]? Anyone doing it successfully? Can you do it?

>is it OK to do [thing]
Is anyone else doing it? To what degree? Do others seem OK with it?

>will people like/dislike [thing]
Do you like or dislike it?

Please be a bit more introspective and try and do some critical thinking /aspies/.

>> No.18640079

a lot of people are just aimless. I'm still trying to figure out the "wanna be a cute boy but not femboy" thing on my end. It's a minor issue but it's one I care about.

>> No.18640150

>It's a minor issue but it's one I care about.
regardless of whether you're doing this as a hobby or if you want to "make it" your first step should be getting over this shit. realize which decisions matter and which ones don't and move on. otherwise you'll be like half the aspies from last year who were indecisive and wasted all of 2021 without even a design let alone a single livestream.

>> No.18640170

same desu, and I can't really figure that one out

>> No.18640237

I've already live-streamed a few times and I have an old OC I've been using. I just want something better and more fun to use. Honestly I just may not stream much at all and mainly use it to fuck around with friends in discord or game recordings, I ain't trying to "make it".

>> No.18640408

Henlo asp friends!!

I posted a while before about the horni chat thing and how to stop it, I tried to be more stern about it and enforce rules but it's actually had a more streissand effect?

It's gotten to the point that my collab mates have started sexually harassing me on stream.

I get that it's "haha horni vtubers funny xD" meme, but it's starting to really get into me. At the same time though I don't want to kill the fun/energy with my collab mates.

It's even funnier when I think about it because if I was a female vtuber being harassed by male vtubers, people would actually take my concerns seriously.

As much as I appreciate the people who would come watch me and the people who wants to do collabs with me, it's really disheartening that the horni is a thing.

I'm at my wits end really and I don't really know if I want to continue streaming like this.

>> No.18640506

stop collabing with them.

>> No.18640543

Don't collab with them, if they ask why say you don't really like all the "coomer" jokes. You need to put your foot down and stop letting people walk all over you. Start deleting messages, timing out, and banning and discuss it with any mods you have.

>> No.18640687

fellow holo applicants - so if I sent in an application in January, the 3 month rule means I can try again in April, right?

>> No.18640737

It was my first time collabing with them and I guess I didn't do enough research because when I watched their streams they seem to be pretty tame and fine.

I also guess it doesn't help that even my mods are in on it.

>> No.18641161

You just need to restructure from the ground up then. Unmod people, find mods who actually respect you. You're the one in control and if you don't like that type of banter mods and your community need to respect that.

>> No.18641177

I haven't personally even started streaming, so I wouldn't listen to my advice too much.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but I'd recommend talking to potential collab mates for at least a week before actually streaming with them. Talking with them and playing games together off stream to get a good feel for who they are as an individual.
I can't really lend any advice for how to fix the coomer issue in your chat. I personally would out all of my mods and find new ones who are willing to crack down on the issue.

>> No.18641357

Ditch the mods, tell your collabers it's not cool. They don't like it, ghost them.

>> No.18641722

Just reject collabs for a while, tell them why and that you're serious about it.

>> No.18641815

Anything your mods enable and encourage will catch on, because mods have "power", they give the impression of leading the herd so the herd follows. Kill them.

>> No.18641994

getting my rig in soon along with some nicer pc parts so my pc doesn't lag and freeze streams. Ive done some test streams and they did not go well. Thank god no one was watching

>> No.18642034

What were your specs before and what are the new parts you've ordered?

>> No.18642224

Sometimes I already have an answer for my own questions, but I ask /here/ anyway to get a different perspective. It help a lot especially for niche topics.

>> No.18642450

desu I have no idea. Im just going with what freinds/family tell me are good for what I want. Pcs confuse the hell out of me but I at least know people that know what they are doing

>> No.18642684

>didn't do enough research
valuable lesson for next time
>even my mods are in on it.
get better mods. tell them right now how uncomfortable that made you feel. if they apologize keep them on, if they make excuses or tell you that you're being too sensitive, drop them. you own your channel don't let retards and groomers pressure you.

>> No.18644829
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I'll have a big long think about it, but my current mindset is to not ruin people's fun even if I have to sacrifice something for it.

Thanks a lot though!! Cheers!!

>> No.18645166

That's a terrible, terrible mindset to have as a content creator or even just as a person. Doing that means constantly allowing people to put you into uncomfortable and unenjoyable positions, at your expense. You'll do nothing but foster a community you resent and will resent even more

>> No.18645308

>not ruin people's fun even if I have to sacrifice something for it.
you are being retarded. stop being retarded. this is how you get groomed and go menhera.

>> No.18645674

you sound like a minor. most people grow out of self sacrifice for a bunch of strangers to laugh at you when they hit adulthood.

>> No.18645746

is posting shitty hot takes and personal drama on twitter mandatory for success?

>> No.18645767

yes. you should be naming specific people irl and doxing them too in order to win social clout.

>> No.18645861

ok cool cool how often should be smugly tweeting showing genuine contempt for people that watch chuubas?

>> No.18645898

ideally every hour. you should be inserting yourself into every vtweeter drama in order to stay relevant and on top of everyone's timeline's too.

>> No.18645984

fuck man this is getting complicated
how often should i post my roomate selfies to break immersion? ive seen chuubas do it up to 5 times a week but some only do it every month or so

>> No.18646094

Interesting, interesting. I am writing this down; thanks guys. Any good examples of people who I should emulate?

>> No.18646132

check the Virtual Youtuber tag on twitter

>> No.18646262

This is not a healthy mindset. Your personal wellbeing comes before people having fun at your expense, all the more since the "fun" in question is harassing you.

>> No.18646370
File: 159 KB, 1272x720, 1454579509926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get gachikois as a male?

>> No.18646403

Gotcha, thanks. This must be what they mean when they say most of your growth takes place while you're not streaming

>> No.18646447

What kinds of games run in toasters and would be fun to stream?
I notice that nowadays just management or games that require a ton of reading which seem to be the kind of games that would suck to stream

>> No.18646524

Your best option is to follow through. Kill the vibe. I had one viewer that kept on ruining the mood. "Oh you had something nice for dinner? I couldn't afford anything but rice this week" kind of thing, always vaguely related to the topic, but only barely. I tried discussing it off stream, I tried asking gently in chat. They were a large donater, multiple giftsubs, bits, cash donations... So I'd treated them gently. But still.
In the end, I actually paused game, switched to a just chatting screen, and told them I'd given multiple warnings, they hadn't listened, and I wasn't willing to put up with it. Have a seven day ban and a public scolding.
It stopped.
Sure, it stopped some other people coming to the stream, but that's just gonna happen. You either have to put up with it, avoid the situation, or make them stop. Those are your only three ways forward.

>> No.18646540

Message your collab partners in private explaining that you're not cool with them saying that kind of stuff and ask them to stop.
Who knows, that by itself could clear things up.

If they refuse then you gotta cut them off. Being rung out will effect your stream eventually and your chat will be the first to notice.

>> No.18647171

When do you decide that your in-progress model design is "good enough" to stop doing minor iterations and just use what you have done?
Sort of feels like I keep on chasing "better" but I just want to start streaming lmao

>> No.18647289

You will eventually have to stop designing it. If you keep redesigning and redesigning it's only a matter of time before it turns into something completely alien than your original vision.

>> No.18647607

Be a feminine softboy that sings faggy songs about gay

>> No.18647761

Openly bi
Deep or cute voice, choose your poison
Flirt with your viewers without being cringy

>> No.18647916

eh, related enough
What's the best brand/place to get high quality coloured XLR cables? I'm in Canada.

>> No.18648053

look on amazon for which ever has a shitload of 5 stars

>> No.18648388

both, there's a big ESL scene on youtube tho so you might want to check it out

>> No.18648483

ESL as in English as a Second Language?

>> No.18648580

thats the one

>> No.18649026

Remember that any game can be turned into a zatsudan

>> No.18649512

I don't trust that much in my skill to turn random text heavy games into zatsudans, especially at the start of my streaming career

>> No.18650030

A question related to this one:
Is it better to use female OC as male or just use male OC? In terms of viewership, I mean.
I'm leaning towards male OC, but guys generally have hard time getting views in first place.

>> No.18650130

Anybody who would click on your stream because you have a female model would click off of your stream when you speak and have a male voice.

Just stream with the same gender model.

>> No.18650267


>> No.18650281

>In terms of viewership, I mean.
the more gender conforming you are the better because that is what the audience will expect the most.
>but guys generally have hard time getting views in first place.
this is wrong, you're just not looking in the right place. there are plenty of male vtubers and plenty who have partner status numbers. the only reason you see so many more women is due to the fact that there are more male incels jerking it over anime tits than there are fujoshis.

>> No.18650654

I see, that's good, actually. Thanks.

Other question:
Would it be okay to have profile picture/PNG model to be a masked/anonymous character and then come up with actual character and model once I get an audience going? I was thinking about silently streaming some stuff to get used to the whole thing without having to come up with stuff to talk about.

>> No.18650726

>masked/anonymous character
> I was thinking about silently streaming
the nature of streaming now means your first 10 streams will have zero viewers. you're over thinking this. scribble a png design and just get started.

>> No.18650887

>the nature of streaming now means your first 10 streams will have zero viewers.
I can expect that, but I just would have problem talking the first few times, I was thinking about using a notepad program to reply to people if someone came up.

>> No.18650898


>> No.18650913

>I was thinking about using a notepad program to reply to people if someone came up.
please stop being retarded.

>> No.18650964

I see, how much of a toaster are we talking about?

>> No.18651072

Do I have to talk even with no viewers? Well, that is going to get archived anyway, so it's like just uploading a video, hmm...

>> No.18651108

>Do I have to talk even with no viewers?

>> No.18651390

Well, shit.
Guess I will have to look up archives and see how established indies like Beatani started out.

>> No.18651516

>see how established indies like Beatani started out.
you start out by not streaming to zero viewers and marketing yourself.
>short clips
>voice reveal
>relatable shit
>show off a talent or skill like singing
and post it in appropriate places that have audiences who can potentially become your viewers. beatani picked 4chan and it worked out for her. you can see most of her early youtube videos weren't streams but shitposts in video form.

>> No.18651802

You sound (read) underage . adult don't get bullied

>> No.18651916

>you start out by not streaming to zero viewers and marketing yourself.
That makes sense, Thanks!

>> No.18651997

Silent streaming? I've only ever heard of Zentreya doing that, and nowadays she uses Speech to Text to Speech.

Generally, it sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.18652044

Tell me, what would you do if you entered a stream where the streamer was silently sitting there playing a videogame? Would you stay?

>> No.18652107

I was thinking more of art thing, but you still have a point.

>> No.18652129

>I was thinking more of art thing
livestreams aren't art and even if they were your stream wouldn't be it.

>> No.18652279

I mean stuff like drawing on stream.

>> No.18652507

talk to your viewers. your art isn't good enough to carry.

>> No.18652712

and why would anyone sit there to watch you silently draw? I know big artists who have 30k+ followers and pull maybe a dozen viewers. They draw silently.

>> No.18652796

do you want to make it or is this just a hobby? if you want to make it absolutely must be talking to pull in viewers and hold them.

>> No.18652810

Do you watch drawing streams?

>> No.18652843

>Would it be okay to have profile picture/PNG model to be a masked/anonymous character and then come up with actual character and model once I get an audience going?
you would have to be really fucking creative to pull that off, I wouldn't try it

>> No.18652879

Fair enough.
At least I know I can promote myself beforehand, so I don't end up starting out as 2view.

Another question, if I may:
If I were to go with male OC, what sort of stuff would be good? I kinda want to go with kemonomimi(is there a way to track animal ears?), but I have a feeling it might be either overdone or generally just unpopular.

>> No.18652928

>If I were to go with male OC, what sort of stuff would be good? I kinda want to go with kemonomimi(is there a way to track animal ears?), but I have a feeling it might be either overdone or generally just unpopular.
literally does not matter. just be conventionally attractive.

>> No.18653045

as long as you're something people want to look at it doesn't matter if it isn't popular

>> No.18653399

Have you seen any vutbers at all? Watched them? Look to what other people are doing. Do you see other people with animal ears? Are they moving? are they popular despite being commonplace? You seem like you've never even seen a vtuber before.

>> No.18653437

Intel graphics 3000
4gb ram
Intel i3 4000 something
I can barely run n64 and ps2 games
While streaming i'll probably be locked to NES era

>> No.18653510

bro you aint gonna be streaming shit with that kind of hardware

companies now days can finance you a custom beefcake pc, look into that maybe

>> No.18653598

I see.
>conventionally attractive
So something like Vox, I guess? I think I can work with it, thanks.

I barely watch any stuff in first place, but indeed I don't really watch art streams. Streams are indeed about the social aspect first and foremost.

Make it, but I'm quite shy when I have nothing concrete to talk about and getting drunk seems like a bad idea.

Just a bit there and there, mostly clips, but those were female vtubers. Haven't noticed the ear tracking yet.

>> No.18653809
File: 107 KB, 346x397, IMG_20210116_235151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can stream but basically zatsudan only
Trust me bro, the male and ESL debuff won't make me cry and kill myself after 2 months hahahahaha
god, i wish i was a cute girl

>> No.18653838

>Just a bit there and there, mostly clips
So you consume next to no Vtuber content, and no indie content at all yet you want to be an indie?

>> No.18654102

I must say that I'm surprised how many men (boys?) I see that post in this thread wishing they were girls. I wish you guys felt more comfortable in your own skin.

>> No.18654215

>I wish you guys felt more comfortable in your own skin.
lack of positive male role models causes that.

>> No.18654266

But I admit I need to watch more stuff, I was just asking to have a general plan and to get an idea which type of vtubers I should check out. There is many of them.

>> No.18654400

I hope this is something that people want out of a vtuber because I will be happy to provide it once I get my PNG.

>> No.18654514

based and father-figure pilled
Be careful with that though, the parasocialtards could take everything you say as gospel, even if you're joking.

>> No.18654598

That's good advice; I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.18654605

praying that you're not going to end up a shitty caricature of jordan peterson or ben shapiro if you actually go for a father figure route.

>> No.18654752

Could you elaborate? Do you mean people who are interested in seeing Vtubers teach ESL or Vtubers who are learning English as a second language?
Or both?

>> No.18654753

I think it can be done. It's a sea of faggy pussbois in the male vtuber sphere so I'd imagine a positive male role model would actually be pretty based.

I'm into cars, guns, motorsports, boxing and shit of the sort. I've given some thought to the possibility that I'd ngmi based purely on the virtue of me liking and being knowledgeable about things seen as masculine. I'm also retarded and drunk right now so who knows

>> No.18654818

>It's a sea of faggy pussbois in the male vtuber sphere so I'd imagine a positive male role model would actually be pretty based.
this is a great example of how to fail at being a positive male role model right off the bat.

>> No.18654820

Vtubing/streaming is similar to other types of performance art. Imagine if instead of vtubing, you're hoping to make it as a concert pianist with literally 0 hours spent behind a piano. That's fucking retarded, right? Gotta practice, realistically for years, to get the skills necessary to hold a live audience of a few hundred. Be humble, start asap with a learning oriented mindset. Watch and read guides on improv and video editing, I think those are the two most useful skills for streamers.

>> No.18654858

Im just talking shit anon I don't actually dislike them for their niche lol.

>> No.18655123

I've never given either of those guys the time of day if that makes you feel any better. I never had a chud phase.
I think you should shed that mentality man; you never know how many vtuber viewers could also be into that stuff. I'm not into a lot of stereotypically masculine stuff myself (except for guns) but I don't find any of those things to be a turn off. I mean hell, I'm into some pretty stereotypically feminine stuff (tarot and astrology), but I won't be pretending to be anything other than a straight guy on my stream.
I really do plan to push the positive encouragement angle for any dorks who might be watching my stream because my favorite streamer on Twitch kinda sneaks that stuff into his streams in his own way.

>> No.18655131

>Vtubing/streaming is similar to other types of performance art
Fucking hivemind, I thought I was the only one approaching streaming from a performance art angle.

>> No.18655234

Alright, will try. I generally don't have patience to learn stuff, but you gotta do what you gotta do...

>> No.18655253

I mean, you are literally performing a character for a few hours everyday, if people don't think it's performance art they are dumb
There's a reason why there are so many theater rejects into this hobby

>> No.18655611

chuubas with english as their second language and mainly stream in their native language, if you mainly speak english, you're better off with twitch

>> No.18655703

Stop calling it Zatsudan, It's just chatting.

>> No.18655804

>Romaji: zatsudan.
>English Meaning: idle talk, chat (noun), light conversation.

>> No.18655821

but then you wont get the fucking retarded weeb audience make up for 90% of vtuber watchers like this guy >>18655804

>> No.18655877

>posting the correct definition of a word makes me a retarded weeb

>> No.18655937

>complaining about weebs in a weeb hobby

>> No.18655977

There are people who don't see it that way? I've seen all streaming as performance art for quite a while now. The way that I moved past "who wants to watch people play video games?" was understanding that it's all performance art. It's like e-busking

What these guys said:

>> No.18656156

>Ryzen 7 5700G
>32GB (16x2) DDR4 3200 CL18
>850W 80+ gold PSU
Good enough for gaming at 1080p + streaming + live2d or 3D?

>> No.18656191

It makes you a retarded weeb to use a Japanese term in place of an English one for no reason other than it being used by Japanese people and to not understand how this conflict can affect the perception of your content
>Retarded weebs will think you're just like them and come in, and then leave because you're not a woman
>People who aren't weebs will think you're just another retarded weeb with nothing interesting to talk about because you've based your personality and outward appearance around being Japanese even though you're not

>> No.18656309

Most EN viewers don't know what a zatsudan is because no one except /here/ chubas and extreme holo-larpers even use the term. Iron Mouse doesn't log on and say "Today's a Zatsudan stream!". "Just Chatting" stream makes so much more sense in this specific situation, purely because it's just the most commonly used term.

>> No.18656324

You reminded me about graphics card being brutally expensive and that my laptop probably won't suffice.
Maybe if I play old games...

>> No.18656382

If you hate weebs why are you even here?

>> No.18656387

Exactly my point though, only retarded weebs think it's a good idea to use zatsudan instead of just chatting despite not talking japanese or catering to a japanese audience

>> No.18656392

>I'm just gonna "be myself" and see what happens teehee
>wtf why arent I inclining vtubing is all luck
>I should rebrand as a babi

Many such cases, regrettable. Performance art chads just keep winning.

>> No.18656471

>I'm into cars, guns, motorsports, boxing and shit of the sort

> I'd ngmi based purely on the virtue of me liking and being knowledgeable about things seen as masculine
You sound like such a retard, and i doubt these are purely drunk thoughts. The reason you'd be ngmi, besides your stupid mindset, is the fact that no one into those hobbies wants to watch vtubers. You are an outlier at best, nothing more. No one is looking for a fucking "role model gigachad hell's angel mechanic" role model. They want entertainment.

>> No.18656677

I don't hate weebs, I hate retarded weebs who only look at things on the surface and want to copy their favorite shiny thing. Cover and Niji are Japanese companies, so it's fine when their EN branches are like that, but indies who use Japanese names without speaking Japanese and say zatsudan are cringe as fuck and reveals that they have no personal strengths. This goes partially for western corpos as well, but I understand they do want to take a piece of the Holo audience and they think they have a shot because Holo watchers don't watch indies, but otherwise if you're an indie you have no reason to out yourself as an uninteresting weeb with no qualities besides quoting the jojo anime and buying figmas.

>> No.18656710

>There are people who don't see it that way?
It certainly seems that way. I marched snare drum in a world class WGI ensemble and I still approach rehearsing and performing with the same mindset of "don't rehearse until you get it right, rehearse until you can't get it wrong."

Lots of indies and corporates have stuff go wrong or not work out that would have been avoided if they took the time to rehearse or practice something. This is especially true when a piece of tech or a game shits out or something. Same with indie collabs, those are notorious because so many of them have people that clearly don't know shit about each other or how to interact.

>> No.18656768

> reveals that they have no personal strengths.
Lmao what. Because they use one word instead of the other?
Take your meds, you're not okay upstairs.

>> No.18656777

i just googled zatsudan and pasted the top result definition
i apologize for the emotional distress this caused you

>> No.18656836

>indies who use Japanese names without speaking Japanese and say zatsudan are cringe as fuck and reveals that they have no personal strengths
This is such a stupid take. What does any of that shit have to do with "personal strength", it's just a weeb being a weeb. What's it say about you if all these indie vtubers with no "personal strength" are still mogging you in numbers? You're making it seem a lot deeper than it is.

>> No.18656888

>No one is looking for a fucking "role model gigachad hell's angel mechanic" role model. They want entertainment.
That isn't at all what I'd be doing in any capacity. I'm not going to be giving fucking life lesson talks and shit

>> No.18656933
File: 369 KB, 726x763, 1636361365292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. retarded weebs

>> No.18656964

You niggas would be right except we are in a board that 90% of us watch hololive and we all know exactly what kind of content a zatsudan should be while the just chatting category on city or just putting the category as [Chat] on yotube doesn't give the same meaning

>> No.18656971

appreciate the free (You)'s man, thanks!

>> No.18657009

On twitch***
God i hate phoneposting

>> No.18657034
File: 44 KB, 253x226, 20171026_170608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agree it makes no sense to use zatsudan

>> No.18657058

remember most Vtuber never watch anime. If you ask them about it they probably dropped anime when they picked up Vtuber and spend most of their days watching stream. You will never talk about anything Japanese with them.

>> No.18657073

I WILL call my chatting streams zatsudans and I WILL mog all of you in numbers

>> No.18657183

Yes, in he context of using it on 4chan it makes sense because it's basically just a loanword, but outside it still doesn't make sense unless you're Hololarping to a very specific audience.

>> No.18657184

remember calli dragged in a lot of TT listeners and Connor keeps trying to involve himself in the scene so you might at least get people who got their anime opinions from TT as opposed to not knowing anything at all

>> No.18657241

>remember most Vtuber never watch anime
Why do you feel the need to just make up random lies? Who do you think you're impressing?

You'll be the first, ngmi-chama

>> No.18657427

what's your graphics card playa

>> No.18657436

>want to get someone to rig/cut my model design
>have T2D-induced cataracts at 32, will need to get surgery where the IOLs can cost anywhere from $2000 to $5000
I'd rather get my eyes fixed so then I can actually read shit without having to zoom/invert shit
And then I can get it rigged after if I can't figure out live2D.

>> No.18657708

Before this discussion I was really planning to call any Just Chatting streams "Just Chatting/Zatsudan" because I figured that would just expand the amount of people who would tune in for it. I guess I should just stick with Just Chatting if that ever comes up?

>> No.18657938

just do png until then
it seriously does not matter and i would even go as far as to expressly call it a zatsudan just to piss off this one singular anon who has got his panties in a knot.

>> No.18658035

nah use zatsudan instead. that way you're still correct but now you're making retards seethe

>> No.18658049

on twitch, use just chatting. on youtube(lol) use just chatting and hide zatsudan in your description somewhere just in case some weeb is actually searching for it.

>> No.18658090

>hide zatsudan in your description somewhere just in case some weeb is actually searching for it.
that's not how youtube description or tags work nor how it's worked for at least 6 years.

>> No.18658160

Just Chatting/雑談 it is

>> No.18658211

lets be real here, if this aspie is going to stream on youtube it doesnt matter either way kek

>> No.18658427

sure but it's real retarded seeing anons repeating bullshit from back in 2006 when youtube was first acquired by google. tags and description words worked back then but were easily gamed. they've stopped having any influence in search results or algorithm long ago but anons are retarded and keep parroting two decade old info.

>> No.18658461

That's the plan <3
sitting/standing left, sitting/standing right, or cute pose left/right?

>> No.18658511

doesn't matter just don't block anything important if you're showing something on stream. or take up at least 50% of the screen if you're just hanging out with the chat box.

>> No.18658581

Don't worry, I'll be streaming on Twitch. A corporation would have to pay me to get me to stream on YouTube

>> No.18660705

My only advice is to try out boomer shooters

>> No.18661736

How exactly do expression hotkeys work in VTubeStudio?
Are they just parameter changes or can you like swap entire outfits/faces with them?

>> No.18661896

My knowledge of Live2D is limited, but if I had to guess you can just rig a separate outfit and make its visibility a parameter, along with just about anything else.

>> No.18661991

They could play NES, Genesis, SNES, and all kinds of DOS games

>> No.18662346

I don't think it's gaming specifically that's the issue, it's the vid encoding needed to stream while doing that, even with just a png

>> No.18662568

I just technically had my first collab and i'm really happy

>> No.18663028

I have this idea of having a subtly animated and 3D (think curved holograms and HUDs) stream layout, I wonder if I could make it work with WebGL and a lot of custom work, or would there be an easier way to make something a little different than the usual flat chat box and lower thirds/etc.
Or am I just asking for trouble?

>> No.18663346

are you the same anon that was asking about this 2 months ago?

>> No.18663372

No reason to animate or make your stream layout weird. Keep it as standardized as possible. Something 2D that suits your channel theme, doesn't need to be crazy or else it can just get distracting. There's a reason people stick with "the usual". It works.

>> No.18663451

Sounds like a lot of wasted time and energy on something no one pays attention to.

>> No.18663894

Maybe I am.

>> No.18664050

It's a waste of time. If no one else is doing it, stop and think about why.

>> No.18664107

Overlays are more for the streamer than viewers. I think it's absolutely fine to invest your time and money into them, it's like decorating your room. But don't expect overlay upgrades to help you incline.

>> No.18664225

Outside of a chatting screen, overlays are stupid anyway, no reason to shrink the game more. Scroll through chuubas and see how many actually have one.

>> No.18664551

If your rig has parts of your clothing set as an expression you can use a hotkey to switch in and out of it. It would be a decent chunk of work to swap whole outfits/set outfits as an expression, but if all the data is in one live2d model I don't see why not.
My model has some removable clothing parts set as expressions that I link hotkeys too and have on my stream deck, it's nice to have.

>> No.18665053

I really think this is a solid hole in the English speaking market somebody should fill.
Some of the people who are in this hobby would greatly benefit from having a nice dad figure to watch. Especially if you keep it wholesome and don't push any weird /pol/ shit or whatever the fuck. There's also plenty of female viewers who want to have a kind older male figure tell them they're proud of them t. Female viewer who wants a dad vtuber to tell me he's proud of me
But please for the love of God have a normal looking male model.

>> No.18665495

Seems way, way too niche. Look to the larger streamer audience. Who is doing that now? Who is the kind older male filling your daddy issue role? If there isn't one, then there's likely a good reason for it.

>> No.18665706

you don't have to be dadtuber 100% of the time you just need to have moments where you can show off being a positive role model

>> No.18665833

I think there could be an audience for that but I feel it would be filled with femcels with daddy issues who would eventually turn into some sexual kink and get luxiem levels of thirst.

>> No.18665876

OK, but who's doing this?

>> No.18665950

are you being serious or a piece of shit?

>> No.18666321

Does anyone have any recommendations for art mamas? I have a friend that wants to start out, but I want them to start with a png first

>> No.18666372

I'm asking genuinely. Who is currently making this sort of content? Can you name anyone? Do you think there may be a reason for that if you can't? There's very rarely "new" forms of content, so surely there's currently people making content this way, with that type of personality.

That's a big deal when it comes to starting off as a new streamer, finding others who make content to the similar type so you have some sort of guidance and know what to expect it's doable for 99% of content creators, lots of people do it without even thinking about it.

>> No.18666377

Vox Akuma literally gives advice and tells the fujos he's proud of them, it's one of his charm points. His flaw is that he's too young and doesn't have the life experience to provide good advice consistently (and that he does too much horny baiting).
It's totally feasible for somebody to do this minus the weird daddy dom implications.
In terms of normal streamers/content creators who do this there's already a very popular grandpa who streams apex and food4dogs is a grandmotherly woman who reviews JRPGs. I'm blanking on dad content creators beyond people like John and Hank Green.
It may sound niche but its also something that is easy to network with on twitter, just start praising and therapying menhara vtweeters when you have a nice model and a nice voice and you'll see the appreciation.
Don't underestimate how mentally ill the audience is/how desperate for validation, direction and praise they are.

>> No.18666426

Yami. he's a twitch partner.

>> No.18666634

As someone who watches Yami, that's definitely not what he does. He's just a soft boyfriend streamer. It's a comfort thing but it's definitely not "father I never had." stuff.

>> No.18666943 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x2448, 20220105_013118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the well wishes. I'm only 26, but I've been pegged for having strong dad energy by people in real life pretty often so it really is validating to have people in this thread echo that, seriously. I found myself reading /asp/ for a month and a half before I impulsively posted a vocaroo here and was immediately told I could do BFE if I wanted to, so I really have a lot to thank the posters in this thread for as far as getting this shit off the ground is concerned. Thanks, everybody.
As far as looking normal... My model looks mostly normal. The character design I came up with is a lich and my face is partially skeletal looking. I would share the sketch that the illustrator I commissioned gave me but I feel like I should ask their permission for that first, so I'll just share with you the doodle that I gave them for my design. The actual design is much more of the typical anime proportions instead of the more juiced-looking design that I made, but if you see me out there you'll definitely recognize me from this post.
I've got both of these things in mind and I think I have the wherewithal to go about this responsibly.
Seeing Vox's success gave me a lot of confidence and inspiration because I feel like I could offer what he does without the daddy dom angle. I also love food4dogs; it's funny you bring her up.
This may sound absurd but the #1 reason I use 4chan is unironically to give alienated young men therapy.
Sorry if this blogpost is too long. I'm drinking beers with my friend the computer this evening

>> No.18667147

Forgot to mention the middle aged men on YouTube who record hour long videos of doing crosswords and sudoku giving you the realistic father experience, and the Korean dad on TikTok who describes taking you to the store and buying you candy and cutting up fruit for you because he loves you.
There is dad content out there, I don't think the vtuber market has capitalized on the need for emotionally competent father figures using an anime puppet to parent strangers.

>> No.18667250

>I don't think the vtuber market has capitalized on the need for emotionally competent father figures using an anime puppet to parent strangers.
Opposing take but this is probably for the best. Parasocial relationships are bad enough already. This seems like it'd be even more explorative.

>> No.18667416

>It would be a decent chunk of work to swap whole outfits/set outfits as an expression
How so? Wouldn't it be the same as any other expression?

>> No.18667436

could it really be worse than GFE?

>> No.18667455

I wish you luck. I hope your model turns out alright. I really genuinely want to watch a dad vtuber but if I'm being completely honest this sort of model might put me off from it. If the artist is capable of making the design look more ikeman then you'd be golden in my eyes, but again in all honesty, you may be debuffed based on the character design.

If you don't mind me asking, why did you go for a Lich? Will your lore and character design suit the atmosphere you're looking for and your personality?

>> No.18667466

I remember when Randon was going to be all of our dads

>> No.18667472

GFE starts and ends at horny. You will have gachis building their entire lifestyle and societal outlook based off an anime dad figure.

>> No.18667511

I mean in terms of rigging and modeling in live2d cubism, it's just more work for the rigger if you don't already have these things set up.

>> No.18667612

I constantly forget everyone just buys all their shit

>> No.18667642

If it makes the gachis go to therapy and clean their room and eventually stop needing the dad vtuber to encourage them(which should be the goal) then it is significantly less toxic than GFE/BFE which is borderline sex work

>> No.18667873

I doubt any anon from 4chan has the life experience and perspective necessary to make this work. Sounds like a pipe dream but not one achievable from any anon who uses 4chan.

>> No.18667890

>If the artist is capable of making the design look more ikeman then you'd be golden in my eyes,
Well, you're certainly in luck if that's the case. That's just the style that I draw in and not really reflective of what the actual model looks like outside of the horns and skeletal facial features. The Skyrim-ass shirt that I drew is also not reflected in the final model; he's wearing modern clothes. The actual model is decidedly more ikemen-like.
I will just get unabashedly chuuni with you here: I had a near-death experience at a young age and have been fairly existential since then. I got into occultism not long thereafter and have always enjoyed anime and JRPGs, so the lich is a character archetype that I've been fascinated with for a while. It goes along with the stuff I plan to stream about: older games, fantasy and sci-fi, and mysticism: tarot, I Ching, astrology and general armchair occultism. I don't plan to lean into the woo woo stuff or RP surrounding my avatar very heavily at all, but it is all stuff that I have a genuine interest in to the point that I wanted to design my avatar around those themes.

>> No.18667965

I could see the latter being correct but I think you're wrong about the former. I know there's a lot of coomer posts in those kind of threads but GFE isn't just horny. It's more about receiving female approval and affection, often sexually, and I don't even like GFE outside of asmr to help me sleep.
>significantly less toxic than GFE/BFE which is borderline sex work
I wouldn't go as far as that and I think it's possible to help people improve with BFE/GFE but I think it certainly can be abusive for material gain.

>> No.18668299

If dad-anon is here for the reasons he says he is, then I think it is possible. And I'm sure he's not alone either, I'm sure others are here for similar reasons.

>> No.18668960

It really is why I'm here, and bumping into other people doing the same thing on this website and making genuine breakthroughs with people is what keeps me coming back. I first found this place in 2006.

>> No.18669506

I'll wait for your amazing debut only to find out that you're prone to drop le ebin gamer words on stream when you see a black person in a video game.

>> No.18669572

Hold on.
Thee was Twitch leak, right? Did it include E-mails?
I was planning on changing E-mail address to something more official than the ones I use for various crap, but now if it's in the leak files it could be used to trace all accounts I used for random stuff.

>> No.18669582

>you're prone to drop le ebin gamer words on stream when you see a black person in a video game.
sounds like my old man

>> No.18670003

you say that but i've yet to find a /here/chuuba that has actually done so and even if there is one they'd be in a very small minority

>> No.18670039

No, and if anyone gave a fuck it'd already be out. The only thing of relevance of revenue.

>> No.18670603

Oh ye of little faith! You act like I never go outside or something. I promise I do, despite drinking in front of my computer into the early hours of this Saturday. I was consistently the person in my group of friends that wouldn't even say it without the hard R

>> No.18672549

Redesign after you debut, you might decide you are attached to what you have and not even bother.

>> No.18672620

Your inner monologue about the game is now what you talk about. It's not that hard, just talk

>> No.18673084

Zatsudan always make me read as The Sudan.

>> No.18673715

>tfw usually don't think much about the game and just do things
uh oh, but I get the idea.

>> No.18673865

Some of you people seriously need to watch streamers, ti feels like we get post after post by people who watch a few Vtuber clips here and there and know nothing about streaming, and I don't even mean the more technical side, just streaming in general.

>> No.18674030

20 followers on twitch after 2 weeks, am I shit or is this normal??

>> No.18674340

>you start out by not streaming to zero viewers
wow, almost bite that bullet. good thing I'm not anywhere close to being ready. I was prepared to go 0 views streams until it catches up.

>> No.18675335

>You will have gachis building their entire lifestyle and societal outlook based off an anime dad figure.
How is that a bad thing if the dad is a good man?

>> No.18675964

Welp, jut tried VRoid, no way I can pull off my animal guy with this. I guess I'll have to go 2D for now.

>> No.18676147

Any progress should see as a positive trend.

>> No.18677455

sounds quite normal to me, even pretty good if you're a man.

>> No.18677798

What is the best streaming software? There's so many

>> No.18678017

the only two viable ones are xsplit and OBS but OBS wins out in just about every metric

>> No.18678594

OBS is as close to professional as you’re going to get

>> No.18679605

Are longer or shorter streams better when starting out? I can see people leaving over long streams but heard someone else say new streamers should stream longer

>> No.18680571

as a permanent 2view, i sometimes i just stop streaming after 1-2 hours if literally nobody is watching. when there's people there i like to extend the stream sometimes even up to 10 hours. i don't think it really matters, but as time goes on you will probably get more tired and people will leave eventually. if you care about twitch stats (which you shouldn't at that level) probably shorter streams would be better.

there's also the consideration what you actually stream. if i get bored of a game or something i stop early too, even if there's people watching.

>> No.18681235

you shouldn't be streaming if you have no one watching. if you're not sure anyone is going to show up assume no one will and spend your time better. do something else like making clips and posting them on twitter.

>> No.18681834

How do I turn my Shure sm7b into an ASMR mic with that “ear touching” feeling?

>> No.18682280

you don't. the best you can do is raise the gain and get close to the mic but you're only simulating asmr mics.

>> No.18682306

Why don't you guys just have like a friend hanging out in chat with you? Don't you have friends you've added as mods?

>> No.18682533

this is a good advice, but probably not for me. i already know i have nothing to offer to people, but streaming is more of a self-therapy. i just browse /asp/ because i like talking about vtubing, but i can't into vtub drama or coomposting

>> No.18682628

none of my friends are into vtubing / streaming and i'm not planning to force them to do something they don't enjoy for my sake.

>> No.18683847

Not that anon, but I don't want to rely on my real world friends for viewers. Also higher chance of them messing up and using the wrong name.

>> No.18684231
File: 180 KB, 400x614, 1620903152203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are guys in suits a boring design? Does it matter that a design is just generic like that?

I've mostly viewed anime girls art and only recently been going through anime guys designs, and outside of shounen a lot of designs are just a bit too similar.

>> No.18684324

>Are guys in suits a boring design?
>Does it matter

how far you go as a streamer depends on how good you are at entertaining an audience. the design is only as useful as getting the initial click but in the long run even that means nothing. you'll naturally grow due to your content not your model.

>> No.18684455

Most popular vtubers started being like, Normal High School Girl. Etc
The model doesn't matter unless its Gimmicky in a moment the Gimmick is being searched for. I guess the only thing that matters about the model is if it isn't a Basic Vroid and even that depends on your content.

>> No.18686056

I want to make an avatar that uses one of those neural-net generated waifus, and rig it up directly. Is that something in violation of copyright? Does the generated image have any sort of copyright that’s attributed to the creator of the neural net? My assumption is that the source/seed art wouldn’t matter because it’s so warped that it falls under fair use.

>> No.18686534

>Is that something in violation of copyright?
>Does the generated image have any sort of copyright that’s attributed to the creator of the neural net?
check the service's terms of use
>My assumption is that the source/seed art wouldn’t matter because it’s so warped that it falls under fair use.
it doesn't and that's not what fair use means.

>> No.18686899
File: 25 KB, 1095x367, Screenshot_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn't and that's not what fair use means.
Since it's using it and morphing it into a completely different image that's likely indistinguishable, I figured any individual rights holder wouldn't be able to point at it. + the fact that it's a derivative work.

Here's what the site says. I guess anything that directly uses these images would have that as well?

>> No.18686928

safest bet is to use a generated pic as a reference/inspiration, and create/commission a separate png/rig from it

>> No.18686951

>Since it's using it and morphing it into a completely different image that's likely indistinguishable, I figured any individual rights holder wouldn't be able to point at it. + the fact that it's a derivative work.
using words like "morphing" and "indistinguishable" doesn't mean anything since that's literally what the project is supposed to do. but i'm not a lawyer and i genuinely don't care what some retard anon does with copyright infringement online. you do you, boo.

>> No.18687144
File: 372 KB, 512x512, seed72854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that definitely is the way to go. But the jank of a mangled, randomly-generated avatar had a bit of appeal to me, especially since I had the vague idea of just PNG streaming as a casual thing. Look at how endearingly fucked up this is!

>> No.18687376

Wow he's really packing

>> No.18687888

>using words like "morphing" and "indistinguishable" doesn't mean anything

it does mean something, that the images generated are different enough to not be considered infringement.
higuchi kaede from nijisanji is almost a straight reskin of monika from ddlc, and a lot more corpo reskin examples exist.

>> No.18688216

Yeah that's the line of thinking I was following. I took some old classes that I've now forgotten, but I figured it would fall under transformative work, parody, etc. What I was worried about was the SCP style of copyright, where it's CC-BY-SA and means that any works based off it have to use the same license and have issues with monetisation. Which would obviously be confusing to deal with as a streamer if donations come into play in the far future.

>> No.18689018

CC-BY-SA is perfectly ok to monetize, are you sure you don't mean CC-BY-NC?

>> No.18689211

Oh, yeah. I meant the part where SA require derivative works to also use the same license, where anyone can then monetise it as long as they allow further usage of their own work. That seems like a mess regarding streams, if I were to use an avatar that falls under that.

>> No.18689687

Yeah, it seems like a bit of a mess, though i wonder if there's any downside to making the entire stream CC-BY-SA, you're already publishing it for free, and as for the VOD, the only derivative work people could really make is clips, which people already do even with copyrighted VODs

>> No.18690260

Oh, yeah that's true. I guess I won't worry about it then. I mostly wanna just stream for fun using the neural net vtuber gimmick, so as long as it isn't some copyright mess right off the bat, it should be fine. Thanks for answering my questions, fellas.

>> No.18690477

is it weird to commission an artist chuuba to draw herself?

>> No.18690507

kind of

>> No.18690734

I mean, just do it, she will tell you if she does or doesn't do it. Eitherway she will judge you.

>> No.18691679

Random design question
What is the one element of eye design ((colored) lashes, look of the iris, pupils, sclera, caruncle presence, etc.) do you love, like, distaste, or absolutely abhor?

>> No.18691845

Forgot to add my own opinion.
I love multicoloured spectral highlights and center highlight, I also love subtle highlighting at the top of the eye that has shadows from the eyelashes.
I don’t really care for the simplified style you might see in older anime, unless you’re going for a specific aesthetic or style imitation, then I’d be all for that.

>> No.18691890

As one: No that would be the dream.

>> No.18691922

I like pupils that become tiny when angry or turn into snake pupils. Make the seething physical.

>> No.18692147

Do you guys dress up for your streams?
In my day job, whenever I have an important presentation, or I'm hosting a call, I'll get a nicer shirt than normal, wear a tie; consider a haircut... Even when I'm just presenting info verbally, rather than in person. My dad, once, referred to it as putting on his 'suit of armour' before a board meeting.
Or do you dress cozy, because it's unimportant, and comfort is king?

>> No.18692313

I dress the same but I always have to shower before my stream, even if I'd already showered that day.

>> No.18692368

I consistently get more viewers on longer streams - you get bumped up the twitch feed based on stream length as secondary to viewer count.
But don't burn out.
Much like anything else in life, don't start out by trying to copy the professionals. A five hour stream is nothing to the people who've done it before; but if it's your first time, you'll be sore, tired, and have melted your brain.

>> No.18692690

I like black sclera, and I like white pupils, though I can't say I would like both on the same design

>> No.18692988

How much ram am I going to need for this?

>> No.18693215

Ewe'll want as much as you can baagain for

>> No.18694951
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>> No.18696788

>watch nijisanji
>they're talking about the one liners they recorded for their teasers
>think about what mine would be like
>realize i'll never make it into nijisanji

>> No.18697223

Keep trying. For me.

>> No.18698991

What software and editing knowledge do I need to know to make promotional videos/music videos like the shit you see corpos pushing out?
I don't even know where to start but I want to make a lore promotional video ahead of debut.

>> No.18699609
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>tfw average male voice
women are gonna hate my voice

>> No.18699612

Davinci Resolve for videos
Reaper or Audacity for audio

>> No.18699717

I really hate heterochromia

>> No.18699782

You just decided that women will hate your voice on your own. You are your own worst enemy, anon

>> No.18699889

As long as you have an ikeman model and are charismatic and interesting it's possible to still have women like you. The only luxiem boy with a notable voice is Vox.
You're more likely to not be popular because of a shit model and personality.

>> No.18700149

anon, the majority of males have an average voice. just speak clearly and don't sound like a gamestop clerk.

>> No.18700300

>be into females of certain kemonomimi type
>into so much I'm planning to make a artwork about those girls someday
>but want to make a male chuuba that would be related to them in looks because I like that kemonomimi stuff this much, but lore-wise they wouldn't
People aren't going to think I'm autogynophile or something, right? Am I getting paranoid?

>> No.18700339

you're overthinking it

>> No.18700399

just dont be a coomer about it

>> No.18700539

Yeah, I think so as well.

I actually want to lean into grimdark stuff with the artwork, while the chuuba would be just average kemonomimi dude, maybe with slight edge.

>> No.18700543

Kemonomimi modo is for everynyan

>> No.18700659

Why are there so many light-themed vtuber groups popping up now?
Is it because of Nijisanji?

>> No.18700667

Maybe a little? Don't think they'd be offended by it though, unless you made it a gross fetish thing. Even then, some would probably be into that.

I think that depends on the person. Do what works for you.

Definitely overthinking it.

>> No.18700861

How do vtweeters have 1000s of followers without having streamed a single hour?

>> No.18700915

bots? titty pictures?

>> No.18700990

People should know by now that a social media audience does not necessarily translate to a stream audience, and vice versa

>> No.18701183

You can get followers by being active and good a posting, people don't follow them because of their stream or vtuber persona, but because of their actual tweets. It doesn't translate into viewers but it does help them if they ever even try streaming.

>> No.18701576

virtue signal to attract the oversocialized

>> No.18701736

I stream in my underwear

>> No.18701804

Oh my how lewd

>> No.18701864

please be a girl (male)

>> No.18702186

I stream naked

>> No.18702255
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Is Brian Tsui's playlist still the best Live2D tutorial available?
It seems a bit outdated. What did you guys use?

>> No.18702452

I like these, they're recommended by the official L2D website. The subs are broken but unnecesary, it's pretty easy to catch on what he's doing.

>> No.18702830

Once day when rushing home after a hangout, I went straight into stream instead of changing and it felt a lot better. I've noticed it a few other times as well and it's probably just something mental, but it puts me in a certain mood, like I'm not just sitting there in pajamas or relaxed clothes. I've heard of this being a thing before for people who study or work from home but I'm not sure what it's called but it's definitely a thing.

>> No.18702854

80% women only like the top 20% of male voices

>> No.18702900


From an artist's perspective this is a good one as well.

>> No.18702965

>the majority of males have an average voice
Almost all of successful the male chuubas do not, they're putting on a character voice (mostly "anime dub" style voices) or just have good voices in general.

>> No.18703489

Jesus I know it's the main shtick for male vtubers so far but it's fucking gay this owww wemen dont like this or that. There's only like a handful of really really successfull male vtubers so it's not like the rules are set in stone, 99% of stream watchers are male and you don't need to be SEXY TO WOMEN just because that's what male vtubers do, I'm sure there's a lot of possible market for male vtubers for male audience, it's not just handsome anime guy with abs and deep voice. There's a big variety when it comes to females, it's not all of them trying to be the same type of chuuba that became popular in 2019.

There's a bunch of male virtual personas anime adjacent on youtube that are just edgy or funny regular guys, I don't understand why when it comes to male vtubing at least on this fucking general all of you are obsessed with this gay personality type that I'm sure does not come natural to you. If you just want female approaval don't worry you'll get that regardless if you "make it" you don't need to be an idol.

>> No.18703983

This thread is obsessed with the "fujo audience" because they've never appealed to a woman in their life or they think they're the next Vox, Frost, etc. You can absolutely succeed as a male chuuba without specifically pandering to that audience.

There's zero difference between being a chuuba and just being a normal streamer, the issue is that most people on /vt/ in general didn't know a single thing about streamers until Vtubers became relevant, and even after that only watch Vtubers so it's all they know. They constantly want to be like "this vtuber" instead of "this streamer" because they're completely unaware of the greater streaming community outside of their Vtuber bubble. Why try and learn from streamer like Kitty or other hundred-something males when you can look at the bigger picture?

>> No.18704097

i want the femcel yumejoshi audience

>> No.18704150

ill do it and post myself, im doing some comfort stream with digimon world, feel free to bully me i guess, but im male so why would you. maybe rate my voice because i feel like its unsuited for streaming.


>> No.18704201

And you won't get it, feel free to try though.

>> No.18704212

Femcels don't exist so good luck.

>> No.18704650

Femcels are a meme but there's definitely no shortage of yumejsohi with how successful males have been lately. The issue is they've all got some experience doing it with voice reps and building a community from scripts and ASMR and /asp/ies think they can just jump in, call people their kitten, and get views. It just makes more sense to focus on growing from skills you have than starting from zero with something you don't even like.

>> No.18704671

This is a really sad way to shill yourself

>> No.18704711

>Almost all of successful the male chuubas do not, they're putting on a character voice
anyone can do this. Little_S did this. it's not that difficult. just practice. stop slouching and put more emotion into your speech.

>> No.18704832

I came in and you started talking about policing internet stuff. This is an easy way to start an argument in chat so be careful about that unless that's the type of streamer you want to be.

>> No.18704896

Menhera aside, Little S was great. Did he really not have an experience with content creation prior? He definitely knew how to create clippable situations and lean into jokes. One of the few chuubas that actually felt like a "real" streamer and not just someone pandering to the vtuber audience.

>> No.18704939

He mentioned in his debut stream that he was a former youtuber.

>> No.18704974

Oh I never saw that, that makes perfect sense then.

>> No.18705334

Nice, i'm preparing a Entente Powers army vtuber.

>> No.18705364

Is it better to try and go wholesome over dirty with streams? Minimizing swearing and everything. Or should you just say fuck it and go 18+ out of the gate?

>> No.18705493

Do whatever feels natural to you

>> No.18705569

Doesn't really matter, you can go either way (e.g. girl_dm_ and rosedoodle), do what you're most comfortable with

>> No.18705636

Honestly I'm mostly seiso but a bit yabai. So trying reign in the swearing. I don't go like full 4chan lingo, but I have been known to drop f bombs here and there. My chuuba is also kinda cute looking too so want to minimize the naughty stuff.

>> No.18705751

>but I have been known to drop f bombs here and there
Ho no! You can't do that, no vtuber ever does that!

>> No.18705826

i can't tell if you're being sarcastic

>> No.18706131

You to be a vtuber but you never watched one?

>> No.18706522

The only vtuber I've watched that swears is Vox. I like wholesome cute stuff mostly.

>> No.18706652

seriously just do what you want

>> No.18706789

Basically most of hololive casually says fuck on screen, including JP and especially Miko.
