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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18405501 No.18405501 [Reply] [Original]

Now that i think about it, this would force literally all Hololive members to get to know about the scandal now.

The eternal shame RUMAO

>> No.18406990

You would think she was facing murder allegations with the amount of coverage she's receiving.

>> No.18407076

Yeah, the murder of thousands of unicorns.

>> No.18407167

>thank you to everyone for your continued support of COVER corporation
very funny

>> No.18407649

>but also other tale ts within our company have suffered harsh emotional stress
I don't watch ALL of them but I've seen a lot of them doing streams just fine. Korone acts the same as usual for example, same for Subaru. I think I saw Noel and Pekora collabing and those are Rushia genmates

When zhangs attacked...THAT was stressful and most holomems were crying and streaming less, even cancelling streams.

>> No.18407902

>greenlight to suck dicks
So it begins
The age of whoretubers.

>> No.18408010
File: 242 KB, 1280x1078, women lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have one job
>don't do that one job
You are a woman lol.

>> No.18408186

Let's talk about this line to differentiate this thread from the other 5

>not only Uruha Rushia herself but also other talents within our company have suffered harsh emotional stress.

>> No.18408233

>force the entire company to know that there's a nothingburger that schizos are spamming about everywhere
>implying noone in the company pays attention to anything at all
take. your. meds.

>> No.18408376

Cool, can we get more collabs with Holostars now? I need that Flare and Aruran collab.

>> No.18408470

>GFE prime may or not be taking dick by by a famous singer
>We will not comment on such matters
>Btw stop making shit up

Who is this supposed to placate exactly? You're basically confirming as true and telling people to keep supporting your GFE shit.

>> No.18408578

They should encourage their vtubers to get in relationships as revenge

>> No.18408821

They should raffle them off as brides like real idols?

>> No.18409002

Yeah seriously what the fuck is this about? The whole incident seems very isolated so this line makes me question the legitimacy of everything else. Why be so explicit with Rushia yet protect the identity of the other members if they’re getting hit nearly as hard?

>> No.18409314

>Nothing happens
>Rushia probably makes a record amount of SCs when she returns
Where did they confirm it? Where does it say they are in a relationship? Oh right, it doesn't. Just your own imagination telling you things again.

>> No.18409521

Mori had a severe panic attack when she heard there could be backlash from cucking her fans

>> No.18409662

The other members are mentally suffering behind the scenes because of what Rushia's going through as well. Matsuri for example was enraged on her roommate's alt twitter at the situation.

>> No.18409859

That makes sense. I'd be pissed if any of my co-workers were getting shit on by people, and I'm not even friends with most of them. Considering many members are friends, this would be even worse.

>> No.18409959

you are a incel LOL

>> No.18410326

This level of cope is not healthy n.

>> No.18410520

What disgust me about this whole fiasco is not that some vtuber may or may not have a boyfriend. It's how they blatantly take advantage of mentally ill and lonely men and suck them dry of their paychecks with all these toxic parasocial GFE, but as soon as they don't agree with something the vtuber does, everyone comes out to belittle and shame them for their "incel" behavior. These GFE vtubers are the ones cultivating such culture in the first place.

>> No.18410759

I mean I'm sure they were all aware, and all in support of Rushia because they are also women and aren't possessive like men are.
If anything this has just made the girls up their security on their own personal lives to make sure it doesn't slip into their chuuba life.

>> No.18410899

>mentally ill and lonely
Just don’t be that it’s not hard

>> No.18411036


>> No.18411040

This, the problem isn't the presence of a boyfriend or not, it's the GFE behavior and the milking of the gachikoi.

>> No.18411133

If that’s true then that just makes Matsuri look bad because she’s obviously still raw from her own similar experience and not thinking critically about how this is different. If this was Haachama then yeah sure, the situation would be fucked, but this is the exploitive GFE vtuber queen we’re talking about here. Rushia and COVER both deserve shit for this. They enabled each other for profit. I don’t want a massive yab but I’m glad they’re going to think twice now about their behaviour. It went too far and people rightly snapped.

>> No.18411198

>also women and aren't possessive like men are.
Jesus fuck bro, get a hang on yourself, this is embarrassing.

>> No.18411284

Except those "incels" arent the ones being attacked here. Its the chinks that joined the leaked discord to hack and cheat on the GTA server, which is how they found rushias discord and spammed her
They're getting ratio'd the fuck on twitter and every single hashtag they attempted to start has failed with the support for her getting 4000x more tweets
Another failed anti campaign that will be remembered as just another failure to their list along with: Matsuri, Towa, Lamy

>> No.18411285

All the GFE baiters were in shock since Rushia revealed that they're all cucking their fans. They all know the gachis are going to be very suspicious.

>> No.18411359

Black on black. I agree.

>> No.18411747

What the fuck are they even talking about just let her take a break for a month why are they acting like this is the Mel situation? hell they’re doing more here than the Mel situation.

>> No.18411866

They're clearly implying that another company has been doing a viral campaign against them
Nijisanji would greatly benefit if one of Hololives biggest earner would get shit on

>> No.18412131

Literally every talents stream I watched, there's gonna be THAT ONE SC that keep asking about this situation

>> No.18412137

Friends get upset when friends have a hard time but the nature of the drama made it hard to talk about due to it being roommate related.
Also drama and safety concerns can often make other bottled up issues come out at the same time

>> No.18412198

Why is this company so awful at covering their talents asses? Why is the talent so awful at their job?
>tell Rushia and Mafu to acknowledge what happened
>have them explain it's not how it looks and apologize for the misunderstanding
>say they've been working on a project together that they've been trying to keep under wraps
>take a day to record a duet and release the audio
>apologize they were unable to complete it in full before ruining the surprise
Easy. If you're going to lie and fake a character, do it right.

>> No.18412257

>not only Uruhara Rushia herself but also other talents within our company have suffered harsh emotional stress
...did they just imply there are other streamers with BFs freaking out over this?

>> No.18412310

you mean all of them? lmao

>> No.18412459

Anon, I know you don't have friends so you wouldn't know, but generally speaking when people suffer emotional trauma those who care about them are negatively impacted as well

>> No.18412512

>the hole can only argue regarding its holes

>> No.18412837

Cope. She did GFE, you're the retard who fell for it.

>> No.18413152

>Cover lies with another lies, nothing can go wrong right?
This is why you're not a PR person

>> No.18413416

Except HaloSweety and Fallenshadow they specifically say they didn’t like how people were coming after the parasocial relationship thing. They know that there are specific fans of that and it’s not all a bad thing. Which honestly shocked me I expected all Vtubers to agree with the hive mind.

If you go to 2:30:26 you’ll know what I mean.

>> No.18413486


>> No.18413516
File: 42 KB, 994x625, 1643479410093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are women
Then they love gossip anon, and these sisters has been mogged by her superchat numbers for a very long time. Nips are numberfags while ENs hate unethical GFE method Rushia used.

>> No.18413569

They are siblings please stop.

>> No.18413595

> another company
You mean the indie Vtubers who’s been shitting on them since this started? Also rent free.

>> No.18413609

Hello tourist! Mafu wasnt the one that sent the discord message. The discord was leaked which let the chink hackers invade the GTA stream (which you would know if you even watched the stream in question or the "source" the antis spam 24/7, where you can clearly see the hackers in the background). Anyone can send a dm and it will show up if you have discord overlay enabled.

>> No.18413635

This boosts hololive viewership than any rushia gfe ever would

Probably not the kind of normiefag viewers they want tho

>> No.18413687

Matsuri was also exploitative, she just fucked herself over longer and harder and when za hando occurred it was the nail in the coffin. She will never incline back to where she was, she will always be below Mel the actual whore, because Matsuri is a whore who pretended to not be a whore and is also mentally ill while Mel is chill about everything including dicks.

>> No.18413778

I don't give women money, I just find women being retarded apes that can only think with their holes to be really funny :)

>> No.18413852

I think all the talents that have boyfriends should come out in support.

>> No.18413856

Flare is too much of a bisexual shutin to have a bf, especially considering her and Flare. Luna too. The rest, however, are likely in the field.

>> No.18413921

The more popular Hololive gets, the more normalfag viewers they want. Before when it was niche they needed that lonely men unlimited money, but now with numbers they can't stop relying on a few whales and modify their business model to cater to your average liberal westerner and pocket money donations.

>> No.18413926

I don't understand. They lied for years. Why not double down and just say that russians hacked her discord or some other bullshit.

>> No.18413956

Because lying like that would probably expose them legally, it's easier to be vague especially in MACHIGAISHITA, the language.

>> No.18413995

can stop relying*

>> No.18414052

Why did people think Cover was restricting them in the first place? Its been made pretty clear that they don't. Any "restrictions" are made by the girls themselves or fan expectations.

>> No.18414131

The problem is not really if Rushia went hard on the GFE but if it was deliberated manipulation or she's just genuinely a menhera.
If she's genuinely a menhera then it's ok because she was just being herself.

>> No.18414138

The guy that sent that dm was just a random nijifag, the list of people that join the GTAV discord remain forever along with their name. He was also found to have attacked vshojo too in the past.

>> No.18414327

They don't know how to cater to western cucks and they also don't care enough. If they cared they would all be speaking english by now. Japanese are to japan centric to even considerate it.

>> No.18414411

yea, something that you will never be with.

>> No.18414827

The average liberal westerner is only attracted to drama and scandal. Hololive can get more and more popular just by continuing to cater to lonely men and getting free publicity from people who don't like that they're doing it.

>> No.18414851

>Doubling down on the they're not dating lie
It's going to be condom money for connor all over again. Literally all they had to do was give her a gentle bonking for using her work account for personal matters, no comment on everything else, and accept the fact that she will be the Towa of Gen 3 from that point forward. Instead they're going to antagonize an already pissed off fanbase in an attempt to shift target audiences over to a bunch of Twitterfags that spend all their disposable income on hot tub streamers.

>> No.18414973

Lose weight and maybe I'd consider it, fatty.

>> No.18414993

Aloe was forced to issue an apology and was suspended for two weeks and eventually drummed out of the company because people snooped around and discovered that she maybe had or previously had a boyfriend.

Rushia is a GFE streamer and had a discord notification pop-up on-stream suggesting she has a boyfriend, and suddenly her private life is not Cover's business. It seems Cover was distracted by her 1.58 million subs and her number one superchat revenue.

It really is a shit company.

>> No.18415114

Is this even possible?

>> No.18415148

That was 18 months ago, also Aloe ended up leaving because she was being harassed by her real-life stepdad as a result of it and it broke her fragile mind and cover doesn't have a paid security team or anything because that would cost money.

>> No.18415204

> Now that i think about it, this would force literally all Hololive members to get to know about the scandal now.
You really don't think they didn't all know?
Women talk.

>> No.18415222

Doesn't matter how long ago it was.

>> No.18415232

this is a horribly juvenile and one-dimensional way to look at the world. I hope you work on yourself.

>> No.18415287

>she maybe had or previously had a boyfriend.
lmao sure

>> No.18415336

Never get a job in PR.

>> No.18415405

I don't know the details and I don't know if she really had one, but that's what the controversy was about.

>> No.18415409

utter dumbfuck.
Aloe was given a short suspension because some anti faggots dragged up her sperging about other vtuber companies and there was a reveal leak. Cover didn't fire her, she talked about it on her Delutaya fanbox that it was her own fucked up mental state that made her leave.
The only Holo that was actually kicked out by Cover was Chris.

>> No.18415424

No, their moneymaking scheme works the same as casinos. Big whales keep the whole thing afloat, plus some medium dolphins and the memberships. Rest don't matter.

>> No.18415441

Wasn't Aloe fired cause she released her model and some information earlier than she should?

>> No.18415573

She wasn't part of hololive at the time, and wasn't doing anything that the vtuber community doesn't do around the clock, so this is just an excuse.

>and there was a reveal leak
After her debut, which is to say it wasn't a leak at all. This was also an excuse.

>Cover didn't fire her
Not as such, but they made sure she'd leave.

>> No.18415845

She's talked shit about multiple things openly since then yet didn't blame Cover so why are you pretending it was on them.
Meanwhile Cover was very open about kicking out Chris over her enjou.

>> No.18415861

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.18415881

Turns out Rushia wasn't actually dating the guy and most of Hololive went all out on Valentine's streams. They're truly the top vtubers.

>> No.18415890
File: 34 KB, 1024x515, concealed bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't possessive like men are
An ultimate ability that slices opponents with multiple baits at the same time... a multi-dimensional refracting bait reflecting sheer skill on the level of a Noble Phantasm!

>> No.18415953

Cover her forced her to issue an apology and suspended her for two weeks almost as soon as she debuted, and did so under a pretext. You think that might have had anything to do with her mental state? Retard.

>> No.18415998

I agree reddit-spacer-chama, Cover must really have a failing upwards policy for management because they've never handled any of these situations properly.

>> No.18416009

So you haven't actually followed her at all and is just using her to talk shit, gotcha.

>> No.18416112

I saw exactly what happened, and now we know how differently Cover behaves when the same (or worse) thing happens to a top earner.

>> No.18416209

they are all pissed because they signed up to milk simps without any of the downsides of being famous. They have grown to the stage people outside vtubing in japan have figured out you can clickbait vtuber drama and rats have been increasing(see pekora cold chicken). there isnt anything they can do and it will only get worse as people who peddle this stuff dont care about roommate rules.

>> No.18416462
File: 9 KB, 195x270, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how you faggots get all "but what about muh mentally ill??? this is so wrong..." when this shit happens lol, falling for GFE is your own damn fault

>> No.18416863

>pekora cold chicken
what the fuck is this shit, you meaning to talk about Jun? because that's not a secret anymore

>> No.18417117

How is Cover doing more here than when Mel was getting stalked?

>> No.18417465

Almost as if they've grown as a company or something.

>> No.18417577

Imagine managing to fuck up fooling people THAT sad and dumb.

She made her bed with them, now we get to watch her lie in it and it's fucking hilarious for everyone not involved.

>> No.18417776

and yet you're in a board that mostly talks about women in virtual avatars.

>> No.18417907

she just didnt stream on christmas so people said she was fucking her bf. Japanese eat kfc at christmas hence cold chicken. Junefags trolled her spammed her chat. She said she was sick. I assume she wasnt lying but who knows. She seemed pretty pissed about it

>> No.18417975

please take a shower

>> No.18418203

Why are us mentally ill never asked how we feel about it and are just assumed to be exploited

>> No.18418236

this is not possible to do, you stupid braindead monkey. to send a dm, you have to know that person's discord username and if they have privacy settings, which they most certainly do, you have to be on their friends list to even send them a dm.

>> No.18418249

while i do agree that the framing is a bit unfair, rarely ever mentioning her GFE practice, i'm pretty sure both parties are at fault here.

while she should be more responsible as she's dealing with delicate business matters, it's not her fault entirely that men flock around her as gigantic simps. while men can be vulnerable, its their choice to donate money and support her.

>> No.18418446

this is an extremely based and six-dimensional way to look at the world. I hope these hoes work on themselves.

>> No.18418811

he already said he finds women being retarded funny you didn't have to reiterate that this place follows retarded women

>> No.18419118

Selling engagement rings and promising love to mentally ill people is wrong if your intention is to betray them.

>> No.18419148

Cover's managers resent having to do their job so whenever a situation like this occurs they go out of their way to fuck it up as severely as possible so that the girls don't bother them in the future.

>> No.18419301


>> No.18419499

Pretty sure that all of the Hololive members know about the scandal, but they're not going to be able to acknowledge anything about it publicly. To everyone it will be a constant reminder of what could happen should they follow in Rushia's footsteps. Granted that when Rushia does return, the live chat will be castrated down to members only on whichever channel that she appears on. Cover's expected decision on what to do from here on out will depend on everything from the numbers.

>> No.18419504


>> No.18419861
File: 16 KB, 389x389, 1644534363927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that this marks the end of GFE vtubers, because even if Rushia comes back i don't think that she will be able to continue doing this thing, and it should be a warning to the other members that doing this is literally taking money from lonely man and being a target of their rage when they find out about their relationships in real life

>> No.18419922

what. are you implying that they didnt know about this controversy before cover put out a statement?

>> No.18420074

Haachama acknowledged it and she even made a rap to defuse the situation, but got forced to step back and deleting the rap (But the support tweet is still there)

>> No.18420349

>because even if Rushia comes back i don't think that she will be able to continue doing this thing,
I laugh so hard every time I see somebody seriously post this.

>> No.18420398

have sex

>> No.18420471

bend over

>> No.18420493

Wow I really like what that HaloSweety girl says. Thanks for the link.
She's definitely not part of the NPC hivemind, which is really rare in fanbases invaded by normalfags.
Fallenshadow is cool too but she isn't as bold. Interesting.
There's only one thing I really hate about this : the underage retards in chat who keep spouting the dumbest, most baffling off-topic shit.
Poor halo, she deserves better conversation.

>> No.18420573

Not fired, suspended, but that's too boring a story to stick either way.

>> No.18420784

That is exactly what he is saying, which is clearly retarded because it even says in the statement some other talents were affected by it as well. OP doesn't even know what he's trying to argue for lol

>> No.18420800

You retards have 0 idea how PR works.

>> No.18420808

oh look an actual retard.

She literally holds no ill will towards the company and left on her own accord you dumb fuck.

she could've easily waited it out and comeback but her mental broke first. not that i can blame her for it.

>> No.18420828

What I hope will happen is that cover will stop them from bringing up 3d people on stream.

>> No.18420861

cope incel

>> No.18420897

I am going to call Rushia a whore countless times in every fucking single stream she does from now on.

>> No.18420934

>He thinks female coworkers don't know every intimate detail about each other's love lives

>> No.18421007

hate to break it tou you but a lot of them double downed on GFE yesterday anon...

>> No.18421051

I'll cope inside that tight boypussy

>> No.18421136

that cosplayer Noel collabed with was hot though.

>> No.18421190

I have no stakes in GFE vtubers. But Zhang warfare? Now this is a rrat I can get behind.

>> No.18422377

I agree with this, unless it's someone cool like that bald comedian and the famous cosplayers that sent a video message to korone and miko

>> No.18424884


>> No.18424961

Nice try Sio.

>> No.18425226

have you tried not lying

>> No.18425308
File: 804 KB, 1078x606, 1644743422964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, based department?

>> No.18429636

why do you put LOL at the end as if to hide your insecurities and lack of arguments ?

>> No.18429714

just dont abuse them its not hard

>> No.18429797

So then the ones who openly supported her are legit free from having a boyfriend? Because they wouldn't openly support her if they had a bf

>> No.18429949

neither do you nigger

>> No.18430038

yeah she can wipe her tears with her comfortable amounts of money living in the top 5% of japan, what a poor fate! oh, and her friend is also a real life celebrity!? oh jesus christ someone please! this poor girl can't take anymore!

>> No.18430160

What is this image

>> No.18430165

So they’re incompetent to stalker but competent to online bait?

>> No.18430179

Matsuri and the rest of Gen 1, 2, and Gamers were a part of Hololive before they switched to idol business. Okayu almost quit because of it. Some members would just rather nor have to worry about this shit.

>> No.18430212

Because when Mel was getting stalked cover has a grand total of 18 employees, now they have somewhere approaching 300

>> No.18430257

they were barely a company then
like literally

>> No.18430308

I mean as someone who watches Halo considering she kinda barely understand English most of the time having small off topic conversations like that works. But yeah more people should watch Halo her singing is also amazing.

>> No.18430381

utter faggot
the "leak" was same as Laplus showing Botan's new outfit
it was used as a scapegoat to force her to leave
now kys

>> No.18430570

Hitomi Chris and Mano Alor must be seething reading this

>> No.18430637

>Hitomi Chris
But she was a real whore who sold her body

>> No.18430702

They're talking about Mori, Mumei, and all the others you probably have been flaming in the background

>> No.18430711

Chris' case was inexcusable.
Aloe is a menhera and will never take responsability for anything.

>> No.18431049

hololive was always idol like in theory they just didn't really have a clear idea what they're doing at the start. I kind of wish they actually collabed with real idols more, perhaps they would go this way by now if the EOP fanbase didn't react in such an alergic way to this word.

>> No.18431174

One nightfall a man travelling on horseback towards the sea reached an inn by the roadside. He dismounted and, confident in man and night like all riders towards the sea, he tied his horse to a tree beside the door and entered into the inn.

At midnight, when all were asleep, a thief came and stole the traveller’s horse.

In the morning the man awoke, and discovered that his horse was stolen. And he grieved for his horse, and that a man had found it in his heart to steal.

Then his fellow lodgers came and stood around him and began to talk.

And the first man said, “How foolish of you to tie your horse outside the stable.”

And the second said, “ Still more foolish, without even hobbling the horse!”

And the third man said, “It is stupid at best to travel to the sea on horseback.”

And the fourth said, “Only the indolent and the slow of foot own horses.”

Then the traveller was much astonished. At last he cried, “My friends, because my horse was stolen, you have hastened one and all to tell me my faults and my shortcomings. But strange, not one word of reproach have you uttered about the man who stole my horse.”

>> No.18431190

yeah, Coco was just ALLOWED to graduate too


>> No.18431277

so ... just like normal then

>> No.18431444
File: 16 KB, 702x60, Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 05-29-13 How can I get a refund for SuperChat - YouTube Community.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18431526

>go on /vt/
>find a new author
Thanks, anon. Excellent post.

>> No.18431529

You are an absolute retard

>> No.18431655

Why would they say statements meant for the thief, to the victim instead?

Its not like we can talk to rushia, only her fans.

>> No.18431667

>other talents within our company have suffered harsh emotional stress
good, so have fans that are into GFE, if a talent is doing GFE then they should be careful, you reap what you sow

>> No.18431707

But holo idolism felt tighter than what even AKB does tho when it comes to male interactions, so it's not that EOPs are against it but rl idols we're not held to an insane ultra-conservative standards we've seen in holo

>> No.18431843

Yes she is a whore, just like Rushia, but it was also private matter yet Cover kicked her anyway lol

>> No.18431923

Wait isn't fallenshadow the ASMR girl that had a bit of a meltdown over Fauna for using her and whatnot? She's a proper holofag, too bad it might be awkward for Cover to let her in on EN3 because of that little incident.

>> No.18431989
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>holo idolism felt tighter than what even AKB does

>> No.18431994

Chris didn't betray her fans though, she is just a whore

>> No.18432027

The guy who Chris blackmailed was a suspected Cover employee

>> No.18432082

Chris fucked (May Allah forgive me for saying this) a c*worker.

>> No.18432307

Yea, that not worse than betraying your fans after milking them dry for years though

>> No.18432324

Seems like they're just careful not to mention the mafumafu part you know the part that made it 2 times worse although it's possible that Rushia was sabotaged, you know mafu was actually involved in that new chuba company merise with Hal etc.

>> No.18432415

It's infinitely worse.

>> No.18432468


>> No.18432549

Women have been whores since the dawn of humankind. They are basically animals. It's up for us men to control ourselves. Simps are men that have failed.

>> No.18432671

mori b4 and after hololive

>> No.18432676

Who says that's worse or not? Cover definitely had more reasons to kick Chris, learn to read the context. Rushia's doing GFE while having a private life is none of Cover management's business and they were clear with that. Try to connect at least 2 neurons before writing anon.

>> No.18432787

Agree, what Rushia was doing is unforgivable

Me saying it was worse you retard, read the post before you reply

>> No.18432874

>Agree, what Rushia was doing is unforgivable
Learn to read, ESLchama, I was saying fucking a c*worker is infinitely worse.

>> No.18432924

Oh sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic

>> No.18433438
File: 628 KB, 640x605, The male fantasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just don't have two of the biggest ailments thats affecting men worldwide who for the most part don't have the resources and support systems to fight it!
My guy, what?

>> No.18433506

I wonder if the other girls who are serious about their idol image, like Miko and Pekora, will start avoiding Rushia now.

>> No.18433902

You mean 98% of them?

>> No.18433921
File: 187 KB, 847x655, 1513477250170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supposedly, before Chris debuted, she asked a person, unknown to the english community, to buy some very expensive equipment for her, worth around 70,000 Yen. During the audition, she removed the person from her contacts and threatened to call the police if he continued to contact her. She also did not return the equipment nor pay the person back. Later, after her audition, said person began to post evidence about his involvement in Chris' audition by posting their chat logs and her audition video online. This infuriated Chris who threatened legal action against him. The drama quickly spiraled out of control when the person leaked her personal information. This exposure made hololive end Chris' contract
What a fucking cunt.

>> No.18434416

Is this real? It reads like a joke version you made up.

>> No.18435127

I thought most Holomems would cool it but they went at it harder this year than last.

>> No.18435286

Hololive needs to take a stand against incels and idol purists and encourage collabs with males. Its the first step to getting rid of this disgusting culture

>> No.18435496

Almost like it was Valentine's day... Use your brain anonchama

>> No.18435647

It's also the first step towards getting rid of a lot of money.

>> No.18435730

Which Holos secretly disagree with Rushia's actions? My bet is on Sora, Okayu, Suisei, IRyS, Anya and Watame
As for Holos that support her: Mori, Ollie, Iofi, Haachama, Ayame, Fauna and Fubuki

>> No.18435836

Valentine's day is the perfect day to start cooling it. Just do a normal stream so nobody gets pissed you didn't stream but don't do ASMR love song karaoke chocolate making stream + a sugary sweet mengen later.

>> No.18435990

>IRyS is against
>Mori supports
Anon... IRyS is a Mori yesman

>> No.18435995

Korone is 100% not cool with it. Kanata too, only her and Shion made fun of handgate.

>> No.18436074

She fucked up, everyone can see that. I think they will all still support her though.

>> No.18436111

>They should not do what is expected from them on Valentine's Day
Okay retard

>> No.18436265

/vt/ needs flags so badly

>> No.18436359

>coming out against her
No. That is PR suicide. Hololive is a box push, always circle the wagons.

>> No.18436380

No need to point out the obvious
we all know everyone is a seamonkey in this cursed board

>> No.18436479

i dont give the slightest of fucks

>> No.18436494

Kronii just went on a vacation with her bf (me)

>> No.18436585

>no need
Wrong, they deserve to be publicly shamed whenever they post.

>> No.18436610

It's only expected of them if they want to continue the GFE stuff, otherwise they don't have to go so hard. .

>> No.18436946

april fools is coming up.

>> No.18437012

They all support her because they know it could happen to them. Most probably see it as an opsec fuckup. Some might be cheering her on like iofi, ollie and mori but they are retarded

>> No.18437122

She doesn't give a shit about whatever happens to Rushia. She's just glad someone's pulling heat off her.

>> No.18437479

I don't remember posting this

>> No.18438300

This is a funny bait but mafu already acknowledged sending the message.

>> No.18438847

>take a day to record a duet and release the audio
This is when it can go wrong. It's hard to work under pressure + it's actually lying so both parties would have to want to take the risk. It's better to go for a safer option.
Also, what are they gonna record to justify the collaboration? It will be noticeable by miles that it was ar rushed work.

>> No.18439011

But when the bank takes stuff from people away everybody is like 'let's go socialism!!', 'Cancel student debt!!'

>> No.18439213

>GFE prime may or not be taking dick by by a famous singer
can confirm. it was mine

>> No.18439899

not op but
>they (JP, EN, ID and Stars) all know and in deep details
Rrat's domain
>Cover officially releasing statement
No longer in rrat's domain

>> No.18439997

>Aloe was given a short suspension because some anti faggots dragged up her sperging about other vtuber companies and there was a reveal leak

So why isnt Mori fired?

>> No.18440783

yeah, if i was a holomem i would lowkey blame Rushia or staff/management for fucking up the opsec this bad

>> No.18440928

You think they don't already know? That's adorable

>> No.18441027

because you're not women

>> No.18441151

Only the ugly fat ones who can't get laid.

>> No.18441228

They really need to label "incel" as a type of mental illness, you people need meds and therapy and need to be pulled away from those threads and forums where you just encourage each other to be even more of a schizophrenic mess

>> No.18442111
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 0F4AD63F-0E90-4FB0-A560-5421A66611F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reads like:
Regarding our product Uruha Rushia TM
No refunds on digital products lole
(C) Cover corp 2016

>> No.18442329

>People that make money from gfe defend gfe

>> No.18442840

She has to be in the top 0.1% at least, she lireally earn 1 million$ each year.

>> No.18442988

This isn't anything new in the idol scene lol

>> No.18443058

>Now that i think about it, this would force literally all Hololive members to get to know about the scandal now.
?? what the fuck are you smoking. They all know

>> No.18443231

won't someone think about the lonely rich men that donated her money???

>> No.18445233


>> No.18447216
File: 177 KB, 1080x1443, 1644544566442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18447267

Rushia and Korekore have known each other for a long time, maybe even 10 years. I haven't verified that long, but what I have verified is that she was on his stream 3 or 4 years ago to talk about her abusive ex-boyfriend, a fellow internet content creator, and that she played some sort of collab game with him. As an aside, said ex-boyfriend was recently arrested and banned everywhere for soliciting nudes from a minor after said 15-year old went on Korekore's stream to talk about it and later went to the police. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahoto_Watanabe

I would trust Korekore based on this

>> No.18447360

The schizophrenia might be small issue too.

>> No.18448048

all of these involved have serious issues

>> No.18448099
File: 205 KB, 541x546, 1643044940567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copied and pasted from a reddit post
Oh for fuck's sake this faggot is back again

>> No.18448163


>> No.18448300

Prostitution ?

>> No.18448727

I cant speak fucking nip what does it say

>> No.18448756

someone slapped her photo on a jav or something? or some adult club

>> No.18448915

That's from 2013

>> No.18448988

So someone 9 years ago used [REDACTED]'s image and Korekore busted them 9 years ago. And this is coming out now? why?

>> No.18449008

Just for you know, nijisister,
Okayu does GFE and is learning from Noel, Mel and Rushia.
Korone dislike Rushia's ways of being a bitch but doesn't give enough fucks to the situation.

>> No.18449093


>> No.18449202

maybe to save face

>> No.18449391

>The only one who treated it like a normal day and did a normal stream and had fun was Kronii
Once again proving she's the best girl in hololive.

>> No.18449585

“She exploited us!”
“A FUCKING engagement ring!”
“She had ONE job and she didn’t do it!”
“She LIED!”
If you’re stupid enough to have thought you were in a relationship with an Internet streamer, or deluded yourself into thinking she couldn’t possibly have had a boyfriend of her own, then you’re a complete retard who deserves to be “exploited” to the benefit of your betters. I have no sympathy for you because you will never learn your lesson, you’ll be at it again within a month.

>> No.18449647

Quick question: do you support Roa? This is a very relevant question to ask.

>> No.18450188

fuck off korekore you fucking dramawhoring piece of shit

>> No.18450581

Korekore and that tsubaki guy should join forces.

>> No.18450614

Sabaki. Poor guy also (allegedly) got contacted by Rushia before the yab just like korekore, but nobody gave a shit about what he had to say. His days of relevancy are gone.

>> No.18450661

>contacted by Rushia before the yab
Is that actually a thing that happened? But yeah he doesn’t have a YouTube account and probably can never make another one.

>> No.18450700

>Is that actually a thing that happened?
It's something that both korekore and Narukami claimed that happened.

>> No.18450793

there used to be the days where chuubas would flock to NRKM during drama (the most recent one is temako)
but sadly nowadays he is irrelevant

>> No.18451532

victim blaming

>> No.18452251

>its her right to be a whore while shes not stremaing
>but its not your right to discuss her being a whore because thats defamation

>> No.18452268

i'm pretty sure all of the holos are mad at the incels overreacting over rushia's private life. they actually hate you

>> No.18453734

>be a whore while shes not streaming
>had the same bf for years
kek this board is filled with frustrated zoomers

>> No.18457271

If this were truly the case, they should get married. Btfo the fujos and unicorns forever and be bound in wedlock.

>> No.18457531

Rushia is officially Amouranth with a live2D avatar. Literally no difference from standard Twitch e-thots. Hololive has finally become what they were fighting.

>> No.18459425

then don't cry when the broke man comes to burn down the casino

>> No.18460485

HoloDeath? Retarded? Sounds par for the course

>> No.18462237

hot welsh cock

>> No.18462596

>It's how they blatantly take advantage of mentally ill and lonely men and suck them dry of their paychecks with all these toxic parasocial GFE
I don't care about her taking advantage of others, but don't go crying when it backfires. If your shtick is GFE, don't expect your fan base to stay when you get caught. You reap what you sow.

>> No.18462847

The abuse children receive in Christian school stays with the kids their whole lives and influences their further life decisions.

>> No.18464374

NTA, but nobody said Rushia didn't fuck up or has any right to complain about any lost fan. If she ends up bottom of the barrel or retires after this, that's her own doing, she knew the game she was playing and she failed miserably at it, but if she ends up fairly unscathed, whatever, that's her fans' problem, not mine. Acting as if her fans are all helpless and mentally ill just so you can victimize them is such a weak argument. Maybe a very small minority of them are, but you can say that about almost any sufficiently large group of people.

>> No.18464442
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1644582441362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek, you have no idea how that shit works at all
You think the zhangs did this to her? how fucking delusional

>> No.18465776

touch grass

>> No.18466004

It's snowing where I am. There is no grass to touch.

>> No.18466519

>not only Rushia herself but other talents within our company have suffered harsh emotional stress
I hope that's just Y*goo trying to make an emotional appeal to the people who don't watch Rushia. Holy shit the state of the world if women with the easiest job relative to pay in existence are getting stressed because a workmate got called out for lying.
