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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 465 KB, 1115x300, company hires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
178016 No.178016 [Reply] [Original]

So when are we going to come clean and admit that half of HoloEN is only where they are because they had guaranteed massive free exposure from being a company hire?
To act as if their fame is self-earned is the purest form of ego-wanking.

>> No.178161

The same goes for gen 5. The hardest part is to pass an auditon though. They don't hire someone without a portfolio.

>> No.178170
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is that...................


>> No.178231
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Read filename_____________________________________

>> No.178239

How can half of them be anything when there's an odd number of them?

>> No.178268

They all streamed before joining hololive, something you TBAs can't even do. I don't even have mine finished yet but I still make fanart, you are nothing but twitter attention whores

>> No.178359

they diddnt

>> No.178417

>To act as if their fame is self-earned is the purest form of ego-wanking.
You really think passing the audition to be a Hololive member doesn't take any effort?

>> No.178419

Except they didn't?

>> No.178428

Why do you think Hololive hired them in the first place faggot?

>> No.178429

so kiara anti thread then?

>> No.178457

>You really think passing the audition to be a Hololive member doesn't take any effort?
Clearly not since Ame got in.
>Honey it's time for my weekly schedule, more mincrafts and movie watching, oh oops teehee, I canceled two of those streams, better luck next week!

>> No.178465

Every fucking thread seems to become a Kiara anti thread.

>> No.178487

underrated post

>> No.178491

Gura literally only got hired because she was a successful youtuber before hand
She got lucky with her success and is undeserved

>> No.178528

Your birth is undeserved

>> No.178544

Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it bait, anons. Gura is carried hard by her design. Hard. She puts in the bare minimum of work as is evident by her last karaoke stream.

>> No.178557

now this is vtweeter bait

>> No.178582

But it's true though

>> No.178587

This desu. They all had to ace auditions against hundreds of other applicants as well as showing plenty of prior experience with related stuff

>> No.178606

Pretty sute that Gura didn't needed Cover help.

>> No.178607

>They all streamed before joining hololive

>> No.178618

>posts the MOST undeserving girl
She's literally just a meme gremlin, she didn't deserve it, she didn't earn it, she only got where she is because her model is cute and funny.

>> No.178629

>you TBAs
I legitimately just don't like Mori. I don't want to be a Vtuber and I'm a guy

>> No.178637

enjoy your vacation

>> No.178652

Go back to twitter, tranny

>> No.178688


>> No.178731

Are you going to make the same complaints for VShojo?

>> No.178755

And that's enough. It's all about perceived value just like any business.

>> No.178756

seething holotard detected

>> No.178766

>free exposure
Cover corp takes half of the superchat revenue.
Hardly free.

>> No.178805

point proven now go back

>> No.178820
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You didn't need to reply to us three different times.

>> No.178839

my point is proven that you are a mad holofag yes, now go back to your hugbox thread

>> No.178848

Is VShojo producing diss tracks from their ivory tower?
>Oh nooo, I only get a portion of the 30 akasupas I get every stream!
God how awful, I'm sure they would be far better off with 500 subs as unknown indies.

>> No.178878

You will never see success, and that makes me res tassured, little vtweeter

>> No.178910

Even the VShojwhores know that's a bad look

>> No.178928

>Everyone who disagrees with me is one guy
Chumbud cope mentality.

>> No.178935
File: 28 KB, 638x360, Rozen Maiden - 07 - Large 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every successful person got their break.

Point is, there were steps taken to get that break. Have you taken a step, while running your mouth on a cantonese illustration forum?

>> No.178952

t. seething vtweeter

>> No.178964

not an argument.
You said "muh free publicity"
I point out that it isn't free.
You sperg out in response.
kys faggot.

>> No.178972
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This is bait but it seems to be a good discussion to have so i will use an analogy to explains things to you.
Imagine you have you have a small restaurant in which you have worked for years to make grow with little success.
Then Gordon Ramsay comes along making a public offer to promote a restaurant in exchange for half of their earnings but you still have to do the rest of the work.
You have to send your dishes to audition along with thousands off other participants.
You please Gordon because your cooking is good and he saw how much and how hard you worked on it.
Congratulations you got through! You receive your shiny badge of "Endorsed by Gordon Ramsey" in you restaurant name and small makeover and rebranding.
Now you have to keep doing what you did before but towards thousands of costumers instead of few dozens.
Is all on you to produce the content.
Is all on you to retain the customers.
Is all on you to keep growing your brand beyond the initial "Gordon Ramsey" boost.
If cant cook for shit people will leave, if you are not entertaining no one will watch.
Is as simple as that.
Now the thousands of fags that auditioned along with you are seething and call you a "corporate hire".
Fags that never cooked a dish.
Fags with only a "To be cooked" menu sheet to their name.

Do you understand now?

>> No.178978

God, Moro is amazing. Her fans don’t even have to hunt you sad sacks down to flame you. You come freely to the slaughter. Rent Free.

>> No.178990

Clearly, when presented with the message of "just fucking do something", the key to my success is to keep seething on a mongolian carving forum.

>> No.179012

Not really a 5/EN exclusive phenomenon, though they have the most boost. Really anyone in Hololive/Niji outside of the first gen or two gets a massive initial platform that is completely unavailable to anyone outside of a company.
This is a really poor strawman. No one is disparaging effort, the problem is that if you have Vtuber A and Vtuber B, and A is picked up by hololive, B could put in literally 10 times the effort and care into their channel and they would still be lucky to have a tenth of the subs of A. You can see the platforming effect even within hololive, just by looking at older holos that didn't have a massive breakaway (i.e. they are growing normally). Half the time people forget Lamy even exists, but she's still on the verge of overtaking Mio and has already passed Towa, despite both of them having 2+ years of putting out content on her.

It's just an objective fact that someone like Mori is getting a huge portion of her subs from simply being an English hololive member in a recent generation. Not because she's earned it. That doesn't mean she hasn't put in effort, it just means that she's profiting way more than her individual effort warrants.

>> No.179015
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VShojo is liking her track and tweet tho. come on vTweeter you should know this shit.

>> No.179050

You guy are aware you can dislike Mori and have absolutely zero interest in becoming a Vtuber yourself, right?

>> No.179088

Well true, Vtweeter. You didn't really like Vtubing, you just wanted another platform to ruin like Gaming, Anime and Comic books.

>> No.179109

>You said "muh free publicity"
I said that they're punching down despite noty working for their publicity.
Then they are also bad? Lmao okay

>> No.179125

>you just wanted another platform to ruin like Gaming, Anime and Comic books
butthurt hero hei fan detected

>> No.179179

I don't even have a Twitter account. Take a deep breath

>> No.179203
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>/vt/ - 4chan Retirement Village
Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps sonny-jim, I did it! Huh, wuzzat? Publicity? Just pull those bootstraps harder!

>> No.179205
File: 422 KB, 1043x1091, pikameebench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Pikamee thread.

>> No.179228

suure anon. whatever makes you pay that rent free space that Mori lives in.

>> No.179251
File: 223 KB, 370x400, Blackened Wings of Death [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F176r7n.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course retards don't even have enough neurons to read

>> No.179272

>you just wanted another platform to ruin
Don't worry anon. No one is coming between your autismbux and Mori

>> No.179292

you exist, vtweeter.

>> No.179327

I have no idea what you are trying to convey with that post

>> No.179335

Most of vshojo were vtubers who were already very popular as indies.

>> No.179336


>> No.179396

>All I needed to join hololive was a few years streaming experience

>> No.179428

>no u

>> No.179439

you fags take what you have way too much for granted
i wish i still had that forbidden audition link so you could see what talent you REALLY could've had

>> No.179445

Shoe me Mori, Ina and Kiara's 3+ years of streams.

>> No.179453

i'm not calling you a vtweeter im calling you schizophrenic

>> No.179481

Here's your holoEN, bro.

>> No.179486

Meds, take 'em.

>> No.179498

There's nothing there

>> No.179500

404 nigga

>> No.179518


>> No.179543

I'm not gonna risk it. Just DM me and you'll see the beginning.

>> No.179561

If it's Amelia I already know what it is

>> No.179586
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Seething vtweeter detected

>> No.179604
File: 727 KB, 751x791, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way fag look it up for yourself.
Besides is not just "streaming experience"
Those 3 produced metric tons of content for years
before auditioning for hololive.

>> No.179609

Based Mori making 4ch seethe

>> No.179615

The system is bullshit and Gura getting over 2 million sub for being in the right place at the right time with the right design and doing fuck all really showed how meaningless sub milestones are.

>> No.179639

You said streaming experience.
Show me the streams.
Return the goalposts corpotard.

>> No.179656

Sad to see Mori using her massive fanbase to attack small indie vtubers...

>> No.179661

>can't even get a clue
Fine, you asked for it. You were warned.

>> No.179671

Kiara still streams and is active on her other life

>> No.179700

So /vt/ is full of salty ENtubers who can't even bother to do a stream every now and then lol

>> No.179701

She's not even HoloEN

>> No.179715

im not the guy you were quoting retard i was just adding that it isn't even the "streaming experience" that mattered is content production so that other fag is also wrong for making it about streaming only.

>> No.179725
File: 46 KB, 750x1017, EiRiqigU4Ac3Hil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never debut.

>> No.179746

>I-I'm not him noooo don't make me stay on topic
Show me the streams.

>> No.179756

It had a part to play in their success, yes. Anything else you want to hear that you already know?

>> No.179765

Over everything else I hate how this legitimately unfair situation had to be brought up by the whiniest people on earth

>> No.179781

>spoonfeed me pls
you're asking for something that it's against the rules you fucking retard

>> No.179794

No not really but use whatever defense mechanisms you need when you see someone who doesn't like Mori

>> No.179795

Don't people remember that time when Mori did a remix contest that put into the spotlight vtubers like Ririsya?
But apparently she is a indie anti now

>> No.179800

This is a very poor analogy, because food is something that has to rely on solely its quality in independent restaurants and because Gordon Ramsay's endorsement is nowhere even fucking close to comparable to hololive's weight in vtubing. You'd be closer with an analogy about how Disney picks up a restaurant to put in one of their parks. That restaurant can have shit food and overcharge to all hell and it is still going to be completely financially stable because being in a Disney park ensures a constant stream of customers.

None of this
>Is all on you to produce the content.
>Is all on you to retain the customers.
>Is all on you to keep growing your brand beyond the initial "Gordon Ramsey" boost.
>If cant cook for shit people will leave, if you are not entertaining no one will watch.
is accurate, and this is just fucking dumb:
>Now you have to keep doing what you did before but towards thousands of costumers instead of few dozens.
because you don't have to make any more content for the thousands than you did with the dozens.

Do you think this is quality food?

Hololive can put out literal nothing videos under a minute long and have hundreds of thousands or millions of views guaranteed. They don't need to go out of their way to retain customers, produce quality content or grow their brand. They can do the exact same video game streams and content as an indie and will continue to explode because they already have a massive platform and visibility by virtue of being recent holos.

>> No.179823

Nijisanji had more resources, but treated an EN branch like it was a side-project. It crashed and burned.

>> No.179828

See >>179439
That cursed audition was leaked near the end of May. It's the future that could've been for holoEN.

>> No.179840

So you don't have any proof to back up your baseless claims?
As I thought.
>Remember when Jezz Bezos saved an orphan? That means he can't possibly ever do any wrong!

>> No.179862

Is digi back to identifying as male, then, or is this from before the incident?

>> No.179875

Ina didn't need Hololive. She's done plenty of art for bigger companies and I think she auditioned just for the fuck of it

>> No.179879

kek all that text only for it to fall on its face, you tried

>> No.179897

she only went after those who don't produce content and just run their mouths 24/7 on twitter as if that's their main job.

>> No.179900

>food analogy

>> No.179938

Nothing he said was wrong though retard-chama

>> No.179950

Ya she's definitely an indie anti. Just look at how she interacts positively with indies on different platforms.

>> No.179959

Is cherrypicking not appropriate when some of the most popular Hololive accounts might as well be cherry trees? Have you been blind to the last month of Coco getting millions of views for 30 videos of her and Kana twerking on greenscreen?

>> No.179965

Well I said he's wrong and that hold as much weight as your retarded opinion

>> No.180018

is it that hard for you to understand that multiple people use this threads? but whatever non-vtuber related content is off topic on this board so there is nothing more to argue about.

>> No.180022

Literally R E N T F R E E

>> No.180044

Hey say what you want but leave the lesbian chink slayer out of this she works VERY HARD making reddit meme revi-

>> No.180053

This just makes you a faggot

>> No.180061

i could never make it past "big gay"
pure, unfiltered cringe

>> No.180071

Yeah, there is no argument because you conceded when you had no evidence, lmao.
I accept your undignified loss.

>> No.180075

>hired onto a multimillion dollar company with a decent english fan base who make and watch subbed jp clips and were waiting for an english generation.
yeah no fucking shit retard. you can’t be serious man

>> No.180093

"yes, they are"

>> No.180101
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 3437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mori. What u gonna do then? Cry? Shit, piss and cum?

>> No.180130

ame streamed for multiple years prior to hololive which is a lot more than the tbas on twitter can say
she also didn't cancel any streams over the past two weeks as far as i know and she's played minecraft like once over that timeframe and that was a guerilla stream
i also don't get the movie watchalong point since she does like one a week

>> No.180150

>muh punching down
Maybe those faggots didn't have been whining about mori being privileged as if it's the same as the kind of privilege wealthy people have.

It's so stupid the way they decided to ape intelligent leftist thought and apply to a context that isn't applicable.

>> No.180169

better they get the views instead of dumbass clippers

>> No.180180

>They didn't have to work to get considered by hololive

Huh. If it's that easy maybe you should just do it, anon

>> No.180220

Some people seem to conveniently forget that Calli held a remix competition that helped put spotlight on indie.

>> No.180222

>B could put in literally 10 times the effort and care into their channel and they would still be lucky to have a tenth of the subs of A
If they applied to Holo/Niji and failed, maybe they should have auditioned better.

>> No.180243

You guys are actually insane if you don't think all of the holoEN girls would be 100 viewer streamers without the Hololive brand

>> No.180255

antis don't watch streams

>> No.180265

That's even cringe
Just off yourself already

>> No.180283

Alright, I know you're just mocking twitter but let's get this shit started anyway.

>Gawr Gura
Built a large on youtube following as an indie before joining hololive.
Talented Singer.

>Calliope Mori
Struggled as a musician for years before finally making her big break by proving herself to cover.
Moved to Japan without a plan because she loved the scene, which is far more than any of the lazy assholes on twitter pretending to be vtubers would ever do.

>Amelia Watson
Had a rough childhood, to say the least, possibly absent parental figures.
Was homeless for a period of time.
Streamed regularly even before becoming a vtuber.

>Ninomae Ina'nis
Incredibly talented artist that spent years and years of her life perfecting her craft.
Actual, legitimate, professional artist that has done work for reputable companies, large and impressive portfolio.

Spent years trying to get into the idol scene, was actually an idol for a time.
Constantly getting involved with the community, doing cosplay at events.
Can speak three languages fluently.

Wow it turns out that you don't get hired by a company like Cover unless you work your fucking ass off, who would have thought? Every girl in EN has put in far more blood, sweat and tears than any twitter tranny bitching about entitlement could even hope to do, all without cover's backing.

>> No.180306

The only reason the Hololive brand has power is because it's talent has created a level of hype and standard around the name. People get excited for new Hololive chubbas because they believe that they are bound to be at least good.

>> No.180330

>Cover branding helped give this girls exposure.
No shit, but that doesn't mean that they didn't work hard to get into that position in the first place.

>> No.180334

>You guys are actually insane if you don't think all of the holoEN girls would be 100 viewer streamers without the Hololive brand
>he doesn't know

>> No.180421

vtweeters on suicide watch lmao

>> No.180428

Even before Hololive Gura was a lazy piece of shit who simply got incredibly lucky but yeah, the others have worked pretty hard.

>> No.180461

It's always been that way retard.

>> No.180466

so you admit gura got by on a singular talent without working hard or even uploading consistently

>> No.180470

"effort" is irrelevant. the talent you're born with is far more important.

>> No.180471

Gura was probably the one that worked the least, but even then she has a natural affinity for going viral and it's hard to fault her for that.

>> No.180485

The food part is irrelevant, the comparison can be
done with any industry it was just the first one that came to mind.
now explain why is this not accurate:
>Is all on you to produce the content.
>Is all on you to retain the customers.
>Is all on you to keep growing your brand beyond the initial "Gordon Ramsey" boost.
>If cant cook for shit people will leave, if you are not entertaining no one will watch.
Is literally what they are doing.
cover does not produce content for them, do to not fund, nor organizes marketing campaigns beyond the debut.
>because you don't have to make any more content for the thousands than you did with the dozens.
i never implied that they have to produce "more" content just to cater to thousands instead of dozens, even with the same output.
>Hololive can put out literal nothing videos under a minute long and have hundreds of thousands or millions of views guaranteed. They don't need to go out of their way to retain customers, produce quality content or grow their brand. They can do the exact same video game streams and content as an indie and will continue to explode because they already have a massive platform and visibility by virtue of being recent holos.
Your implying that visibility works like a perpetual machine, which it doesn't, if you don`t pump it it won't turn is simple as that.
And even your Disney analogy works that way, if what you cook is literal dog shit you won't be picked in the firsts place, that or the other options were even worse.

>> No.180528

So does having a sob story make them more deserving to get hired

>> No.180548
File: 28 KB, 360x450, Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"deserving" stuff is a spook

>> No.180560

because it is the same privilege lmao, because mori is rich and white?

>> No.180564
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 1608727129659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.180576

I would say that Hime should be very humble going forward yes, though its not like I care too much about coporate vs independent for virtual camwhores.

>> No.180577

Gura did

>> No.180586

She still "PUT" out content, which is far more than most twitter trannies do.
Can't succeed if you don't even try, right?

>because Gordon Ramsay's endorsement is nowhere even fucking close to comparable to hololive's weight in vtubing.
Are you actually retarded or are you just pretending?

I'm saying that none of the EN girls had it easy.
What makes them more deserving than your average twitter tranny is the fact that they did well enough on their interviews and/or had impressive enough resumes to land them jobs at cover.

>> No.180612

Yeah, the girl who worked in a ghetto applebees to scrounge together minimum wage pocket change and lived in a virtual closet in Japan before Hololive was loaded.

>> No.180649

These are a the words of a loser. Only shitters get mad about things out of their control, Winners do something about it.

>> No.180652

Is this the power of ill-informed twitter trannies?

>> No.180667

yes, and she is aware of that

>> No.180689

stirner vtuber when?

>> No.180717


if you go back further, SHE had a toy channel on yt. i don't know how popular it was compared to yt general but she did a decent number of skits. that was HER video editing grind on mac days.

>> No.180757

Hololive recruits the best the EN scene has to offer. I understand why you whine, because you know you'll never make it there. You can say they got the boost from being part of a company, but you actually have to get hired first. Does anyone in this thread honestly think they're good enough to become a part of a second EN generation?

>> No.180763
File: 45 KB, 613x771, r-xLjcX8vs3eIi6GHzuAo6gdWc62O84nLWcB4CbTltI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[雑談/Free Talk] Talking about why morality is a spook & superchat readings from last stream!!

>> No.180786

Cover held an audition for Holo EN. And these 5 had the portfolio that convinced the company to pick them. Only after they got picked, they would benefit from Hololive brand.

>> No.180817

Lazy or not, she have a vtuber model as an indie. No excuse for other vtwitters saying having a model is expensive.

>> No.180826

No, you don't understand, Cover literally magic'd them into existence from the ether and now they're unfairly bullying TBA Vtubers despite not doing any work.

>> No.180855

post your youtube video with +20M views and a vocaroo with your singing

>> No.180892
File: 520 KB, 549x551, 1604374363879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TBA Vtubers

>> No.180901

not that guy but did your brain rot? how is "sob story" the only thing you get from that?
They put out content for literally years,
some of them in multiple venues with mild success, so the "deserving" argument is retarded
there may have been more deserving candidates in the audition pool, we may never know.
But that they are more deserving that TBAs that have never put out a second of content is certain.

>> No.180928

>You can't criticize someone if you can't do better
Classic chumkid logic.

>> No.180951

Just because you have no idea of what are you talking about doesn't mean they weren't content creators already.
Cover ask you to show them everything you have produced as such during the auditon, having debut tba anywhere = you are out no quedtion asked

>> No.180980


>> No.180987

I think more than anything it just goes to show that Hololive made an investment and it payed off. Its not just the vtubers in this senario, the company also is looking for them to succeed

>> No.180990

Made music, good enough for Cover

>> No.180993

Eh, pretty lame bait, dude. Even the meido seems to agree.

>> No.181096

Kinda, hololive IS artificial fame, but you're also disingenuous and leaving out a lot.
Good conversation starter, i guess.

>> No.181109

>I don't even have a Twitter account. Take a deep breath
Jesus, how expensive is the rent?

>> No.181131

so if a lazy piece of shit can make viral content that easy where's yours? can you sing better than the lazy piece of shit?

>> No.181155

Do your homeworks.
They still produce content on their other persona

>> No.181220

>So you don't have any proof to back up your baseless claims?
>As I thought.
Just off yourself faggot, you will never debut.
Bless you Mori for this song

>> No.181228

>incredibly lucky
She managed to blow up twice. She clearly has some inate ability to recognize the memelord content people want.

>> No.181251

Kiara's first video was posted over ten years ago.

>> No.181277

>Remember when Jezz Bezos saved an orphan? That means he can't possibly ever do any wrong!
Comparing Jeff Bezos to Mori is not very smart anon, besides that is not the point i'm making.
Coco said that she would not be able to pass the auditions to holoEN because the standards climbed too high.
Hololive grew immensely from the talent of these girls, that were facing immense pressure to prove that western vtubers could be compared to their JP brethren in talent and entertainment, and as far as i'm concerned they knocked it out of the park.
So while it's hard to gauge what she deserves or not, i think you are taking this rap a bit too negatively and undermining her success considering that her actions do match someone who tries to give some attention to fellow artist, musicians and vtubers against a rap that might be considered insulting to the unlucky

>> No.181281

9 years actually

>> No.181284

Its hilarious how seeth can cause a person to twist a really simplistic message.

>> No.181285

>*records self playing video games*
>"wow they put in so much hard work!!"
Fuck off

>> No.181320


Are all known for other stuff.

>> No.181325

She streamed before she became a hololive personality? Do you have any of her old streams?

>> No.181359

You will never debut.

>> No.181372

I could post THAT kiara video, you know which one(5 years old THAT one) but all the vtweeters here don't deservse the cringekino

>> No.181378

All of them did stream before Hololive except for Ina. Not as vtubers, but they did. Yes even Mori, she used to make drawings streams and zatsudams of sorts.

>> No.181385

This is really funny because I know for sure that almost 99% of indie vtubers righg now will jump into auditioning for Hololive. 100% sure only a handful will pass because you have to actually have something to offer. Just because you are entering into a namebrand... that does not mean you can make it. All these girls are making bank.

>> No.181419

Ina streamed too

>> No.181431

so you admit shes a lazy piece of shit, all i wanted to hear

>> No.181451

She has said it herself, on stream, like last week.

>> No.181469

Where is your content?

>> No.181486

i am a lazy piece of shit
gura is also a lazy piece of shit
these are truths that coexist
but the point here is yes, gura is a lazy piece of shit

>> No.181518

>flips burgers at McDonalds
>"wow they put in so much hard work!!"
Fuck off

>> No.181519

yes, a talented one. She's a great singer and can live inside your head without paying rent, can you do something like that?

>> No.181550

Yet she work her ass more you probably ever do

>> No.181564

despite her being lazy she's still made content so i don't see what your point is here

>> No.181583

It's timestamped Feb 1st 2010, it's Feb 2nd 2021.
11 years, almost on the dot.

>> No.181597

just taking a step is sometimes all it takes

>> No.181605

>Built a large on youtube following as an indie before joining hololive.
More like inflated artificial followings because she had a pedobait character design to pander to pedophiles.
Now as Gura also used a pedobait design to boost her sub counts

>> No.181613
File: 387 KB, 646x647, morideformed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Releases ONE (1) song
>Puts dozens of VTweeters on suicide watch
>Causes them to cry and whine about it all over, even on 4chan
How does she do it?

>> No.181628

Oh so you are one of *those*

>> No.181639

she nuked her archives prior to debuting but there's a lot of people on youtube that have reuploaded her old content
if you watch enough hololive you'll probably encounter one of the doxchannels but yeah she did streams both with facecam and with 2d and 3d avatars

>> No.181662
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>> No.181664

I can literally smell the salt from failed twitter TBAs from 1000 miles away in this thread.

>> No.181675

It's pretty obvious that cover takes in consideration things way more than peoples previous experience. Mainly personality, traits, etc etc. Talent and the like doesn't matter as they look more are the character of them. They all got "lucky" by having something that made their character shine above the rest. You're an idiot if you think gura got picked because she was successful beforehand. There is no way there wasn't a dozen way more successful and talented people who had applied as well.

The vast majority, or rather, almost every single western vtuber are fucking hollow and boring. A lot of which are more deadfish than the trannyshark. You can put as much time, effort and money you want into it but it means nothing if you're fucking boring.

>> No.181682

They're from Twitter, what do you expect?

>> No.181705

>Run out of steam with Mori when people who actually know what they're talking about enter the thread
>Move on to Gura

>> No.181707

Nah chicken’s safe, the vtweeters and tranny’s are seething at Mori right now.

>> No.181717

Look at Towa
>Literally no name before hololive, only passed audition because she's friend of Mio
>Shit voice
>Shit personality
>Even got her boyfriend's voice on her stream
>Rarely stream
>Not good at any video game
>Can't draw
>Can't dance
>Can sing but never does it seriously
>Still get 5k viewers easily because of hololive and a good model

>> No.181742

Are you frustrated?

>> No.181769

How are you doing Brittany Venti?
Also it is sad to see that rooting for someone cute can be considered as pedophilia
I will make sure to report anyone suffering from enjoying Kindchenschema

>> No.181785

Your boy is too powerful for the weak to handle.

>> No.181793

the point is simply that she is a lazy piece of shit, no more no less

>> No.181809
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>> No.181815
File: 117 KB, 776x1024, 1609042319024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Calliope
>Successful musician
>Successful streamer
>Hard worker
>Endearingly dorky
>Can adapt to capture success
>Loved by coworkers, non-Holo Vtubers, and fans across the world

>..Maybe they can type fast, since they use Twitter a lot

>> No.181839

oh so this is just some seethe, got it

>> No.181850

>someone paid $800 for an anti gura ad
>then someone paid a $800 for this counter ad
Never change 4chan

>> No.181854

oki doki boomer

>> No.181860

I hope you all twitter whores to kill yourself for the betterment of this world.

>> No.181874

Fuck of 5ch

>> No.181891

superchat her and tell her to start paying the rent, she is bankrupting your head loft

>> No.181907

Every one of those girls was more succesful than vtwitters before they started with hololive.

>> No.181909

they were 2 (two) anti Gura ads if count the one with Korone

>> No.181925

Towa's husky real voice is far more pleasant than the fake pitched one

>> No.181926

Yes, yesterday some larping fag made a how to pass auditions general. The people in there were what you would expect. Shit like shouldn’t be allowed to exist on vt, it only attracts the worst trash like OP.

>> No.181931

>he got triggered by moris song
i dont even have to read this thread, get fucked lol

>> No.181933

gura streamed too though? on twitch, playing dead by daylight, singing karaoke, even doing collabs with other streamers.

>> No.181954
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>> No.181957

Calli absolutely dabbing on all the social media cultist niggers and they seething. BAAAAAAAAAASED.

>> No.181964

and you're just a /v/tard evidently

>> No.181968 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.03 MB, 1977x1125, 1612246699019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retardation is beyond saving.
Stick to eating soap so your life ends faster.

>> No.181974

Then why the hate, can you just not see her and do something else?

>> No.182015

i haven't been on /v/ for almost 10 years at this point
if you're gonna take a shot in the dark at least get the right board

>> No.182028

He is trying to damage control
>ahaha i am not a debut tba
>i don't even watch vtubers ahahahah
He is seething
Mori is literally living rent free in his head, he will never be a woman nor debut

>> No.182107

You will never debut is probably more hurtful than you will never be a woman
Their genes and biology already remind them everyday that they will never be and they can't do anything about it
But never debut, debuting is something that it's entiererly them, and they don't, never and never will
You will never debut

>> No.182130

/hlgg/ hates Mori long before this
I suspect most of them are chumbuds who hate everything that is not Gurame

>> No.182135

then stop using /v/ buzzwords or at least be able to identify them as such

>> No.182161

>/hlgg/ hates Mori long before this
fuck off
t. /hlgg/

>> No.182172

wow bro, you speak for all 300 of your regular IPs?

>> No.182192

people don't value hard work in this type of field, they value memes and charisma, and knowing she pulled off pretty good numbers at least twice now, me thinks she got the essentials right, which is all you need, so i don't know what your point is

>> No.182213

You really think that if they were shit people would still follow them? Yeah, it's true that being part of Hololive it's a huge boost in views and subscriber's just from being part of it, but people would not follow them if they were bad. They still put alot of effort to be where they are.

>> No.182224

ITT: "TBA Vtubers" seething hard

>> No.182229

>You really think that if they were shit people would still follow them
Pokimane, XQC, every other big streamer existing points to yes

>> No.182241


>> No.182249

you don't post in /hlgg/ and if you do you get told to fuck off anyways.
You will never debut

>> No.182255


>> No.182260

I never cared for Mori but now I think she's based beyond belief.

>> No.182277
File: 100 KB, 905x1280, photo_2020-09-25_15-58-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geez, you're a cranky little deadbrap, aren't you? if you want to go back to your hugbox "muh unity" shilling thread you're free to

>> No.182326

Describe your feelings watching this images

>> No.182328
File: 1.05 MB, 1131x1600, Calligula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggot

>> No.182336

Please, with all due respect, end your miserable existence. It'll do the world a favor. Thank you.

>> No.182374

>They are shit because I don't like them
Yeah, you're retarded if you really think that. It is not how it works.

>> No.182390

how can a woman be homeless? you can just crash with anyone you fuck, and living on the streets just gets you free anal.

>> No.182403

so you're saying you think Pokimane and XQC are good streamers? feel free to admit it we're all listening

>> No.182430

>EN will collab with theoretical Gen 2 EN before they do another crossover with JP/ID like they did with Among Us
What was it anons, bullying the shark or shark being tilted?

>> No.182442

So a woman's options are a kind of sex they only pretend to enjoy and constant rape via crashing with strangers, homelessness is the better option comparatively

>> No.182450

Um, you realize that the Mori hate on /hlgg/ is ironic to fend of the antis, right? Only that retarded Chillean is confirmed an anti.

>> No.182484

Not a fan of twitter because of the schizos but I'd help them out if they want to pull Calli down from her 'Holier than thou' post. I literally hate Calli.

>> No.182512


>> No.182532

Coco didn't apologized
Cover didn't made apologize
Cover completly erased china from their archives
And you think Mori will bow down to a bunch of angry trannies ever?

>> No.182538

I haven't even seen one stream of them, but I'm not talking about that, they must have something if they are popular, it's not like one day Gura created her channel and hit 2 million subscribers in five months just because she's part of HoloEN.

>> No.182550

>Literally all the Mori hate is ironic
>Except for one guy where it's confirmed not ironic

>> No.182594

then what did lamy did before holo? she was talentless till past few months where she improved her horrible singing to acceptable levels

>> No.182608

Go find the n word tweets. Oh wait nobody gave a fuck.
>produce nothing
>try to tear down those that do

>> No.182609

We will bring down the locust queen one day
You just wait

>> No.182618

Stfu they did apologize retard, the chinks didn't care and wanted Coco's head.


>> No.182622

God speed Chang

>> No.182636

Why is this board infested with reddit faggots and seething non whites? I just want to ogey post bros

>> No.182637

I mean none of them did anything to apologize for. Coco just said one word, she didn’t said death to all the chinks or Nanking didn’t happen so apologizing is stupid, same with mori, her advice is simply stop tweeting all the time, make some content if you want to be a vtuber, what the fuck is there to apologize for?

>> No.182652

Risu's fault

>> No.182661

New flash, xi still won’t give you a new dick and balls even if you do.

>> No.182669

Yeah what an apologize
>Sorry if i said something offensive, if you don't like you are free to unsub and stop watching me

>> No.182696

People in other media industries got their career ruined for less than what Mori and Coco did, but they are also so infested to the core by these people that is a completly different world now

>> No.182702
File: 320 KB, 505x525, 1605399888896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do, fellow Changs?

>> No.182705
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If it was just off the company's backs, then they would have flopped a month or two in
That being said, it would have been a SEVERELY longer road to 1m/2m without the Hololive Platform

>> No.182725
File: 70 KB, 326x258, 1601690425340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greentexting on an image.jpeg

>> No.182763

Why you gotta do Furare like that?

>> No.182770

Like who and what did they said? I seriously doubt there is someone who got their career ruin by saying one inoffensive word.

>> No.182821

People get their life destroyed over something they said 30 years ago, you need to walk on eggshells around some people and if your bosses are that pozzed you are getting fucked on the whim solely on how the hormone therapy of twitter posters woke them that day

>> No.182824
File: 872 KB, 429x480, 96431651361c9cb1283e47b33f4e6113b1977f0c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about mori and twitter
>reddit coco rrat start talking about coco and china and calling each other chang
lmao literally rent free. imagine having chinamen live in your head 24/7 hahaha

>> No.182838
File: 345 KB, 720x720, Oozora_Subaru_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't just SHOW UP with 0 streaming history
>You have to also be at least a decent gamer, or artist, or musician. Something with talent!

>> No.182867

couldn't get enough (you)s in your artia shill thread discordnigger? 草

>> No.182879

You mean the one where management told her not to sing a song because that sure is some carrying cover is doing

>> No.182880

everyone making posts like this is someone that just hasn't read any doxx post yet about X vtuber
Fuck off doxxnigger

>> No.182890

seething reddit rrat. i'm just here to read the twittr and mori drama and then i see you coco rrat seething about china.

you are some seething rrat's

>> No.182893
File: 60 KB, 623x453, 1611621805464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about Mori, but you Vtweeter idiots absolutely deserve being put on blast.

>> No.182896

she was in iriam, and her content in there was mostly zatsudan too

>> No.182900

>She didn’t deserve it whaaaaaa whaaaa
Gonna shit your pants gonna piss a little maybe cum

>> No.182908

>he says after he posted nu-artia
yeah, sure, whatever you say zhang

>> No.182913

Pretty sure she didn’t said that, she just said, don’t tweet, push out some content, anything.

>> No.182916

Fake it 'till ya make it. Shuba.
Earlier holos had lower expectations but definitely paved the way for the newer gens. They have all worked hard. You can debut strong and then crater if you actually have nothing to offer.

>> No.182925

Forgive my autism but who's the Trannyshark?

>> No.182927

>horrible singing
she sound decent from the start...

>> No.182932

seethe rrat seethe. free rent 24/7.

>> No.182938

Anon, Shuba started in the era where Hololive had barely any fans and worked hard to become a good streamer from her relatively poor start...

>> No.182948


>> No.182949

yes yes zhang, we know you learned your english from 4chan just like artia, keep showing off your cool buzzwords why don't you

>> No.182951

The literal point of the company is giving everyone in it boosts, do you think you're a genius because you figured out the company's stated MO?

>> No.182952

Pretty sure this thread is just a thinly veiled attempt for people to spoonfeed dox

>> No.182953

Chang, did it hurt your feeling? You are welcome to go back behind your wall. Grow some balls nigga, it is one word.

>> No.182962

>words words
you're seething reddit rrat boy.

>> No.182975

Doxes apparently say she was in a singer group in Niconico and had a small time Vtuber gig prior to Hololive

but tbf, nothing has been confirmed yet

>> No.182981

If you can believe it, hololive wasn't always the amazing SC and viewer machine it is now
it grew from girls who wanted to do vtubing as a part-time, and some still are, even hiring some underage talent
they could have gone the way of the dodo as many other companies had, but the they carved out a place for themselves

>> No.182989

keep on posting them buzzwords zhang, really proving my point

>> No.182992

Proof that you are not a chink by saying something bad about China right now otherwise get back behind your wall.

>> No.182999

>worked hard to become a good streamer
Is something that's incipient? because christ she....she is just awful on all aspects

>> No.183014

Sex with Gawr Gura

Thank you for your attention

>> No.183023

so.... they're litereally Big Hit Entertainment for Vchuubas?

>> No.183025

reddit rrat don't you have another thread to begin your schizo rants about china in? it's the revolution of our time. get to it

>> No.183036

this thread:
hurr durr durr durr hurr durrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.183041

>reddit rrat
1. you don't know what those words mean zhang and 2. you're a newfag to not know about the cooldown time between posts. go back behind the wall

>> No.183056

it's funny that outright saying it gets you banned, or downvoted, or whatever, but STRONGLY hinting it and shipping it is a-okay

Do you think when the shark is dumb enough to post that she found someone in her life, her viewership will plummet?

>> No.183061

Yeah, I'm here for the feet threads, not to see some people crying because other people are successful

>> No.183064

her talent is just being fucking alive

>> No.183067

And don’t you have wall to get back to? Your time? You don’t have the balls to take one word, how do you survive if someone said Nanking didn’t happen in front of your face?

>> No.183082

>not to see some people crying because other people are successful
personally I think it's funny

>> No.183089

It IS self-earned because the company hired them on the merits of their audition /thread

>> No.183092

the reddit rrat doesn't care if you call him a eop, esl, /pol/tard, /v/ermin, or anything else but watch the reddit rrat scream and shout when you whisper reddit rrat

>> No.183107

i don't know enough about them, i can't tell you

>> No.183110

>vtubing as a part-time
Yeah, its why I love watching Ayame so much. A weekly stream of hers is enough to sustain me on Vtuber shit for that week and it doesn't mean I have a huge backlog to catch up on.

>> No.183122

nice jew quote reference, coincidentally enough the chinese are the jews of the asian world, which is why you need to go back. learn english while you're at it

>> No.183143

ogey reddit rrat

>> No.183145
File: 101 KB, 1024x692, 1602667899950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.183148


>> No.183154
File: 61 KB, 574x541, Judas to the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judas is done in the west zhang, the more you post Artia / Hecatiaz the more people find out she's a nationalist that backstabbed not only Hololive but the CN girls too.

>> No.183157

TBA vtweeters in full seethe

>> No.183181

the fucked up part about this is that elon musk tweets like such a teenage girl nowadays that i believed this was actually him for a second

>> No.183186

I might have to start watching her after this

>> No.183189


>> No.183216


lmao fucking white people

>> No.183241

How many holos do art besides Ina?

>> No.183243

>s-she's f-finished
ogey rrat

>> No.183296


>> No.183312

Iofi and Marine

>> No.183350

she literally graduated, so yes

>> No.183398


>> No.183425


>> No.183517

Pretty sure she's a decent artist too. At least on her roomates old website, I recall she offered artwork and graphic design as a service.

Nowhere near Ina's level, but probably second best in HolEn at art.

>> No.183556
File: 347 KB, 500x374, 436546675678758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, are there really people like this?

>> No.183671

>calli ragging on vtweeters and vtubers not trying hard enough
If only they all had a multi million dollar company to prop them all up

>> No.183702

But anon, that was their only interest. The platform to be able to spew tranny politics. They don't really have the passion.

>> No.183705


>> No.183721

>not trying at all
Fixed that for you.

>> No.183755

some people just want an excuse to get angry i guess

>> No.183775

an alternate take to people who don't get the message of Mori's song
And in this catatonic time, you’re gonna be alright!
Cuz I believe, if at first you don’t succeed
...try, try again!!
Appear like supersonic comets fallin’ day and night!
An “ALT-er-NATIVE” lesson for you~!

The message is: DO SOMETHING.

>> No.183849

towas channel is only a little over a year old anon
also she had a massive yab that fucked her growth

>> No.183932
File: 1.66 MB, 498x398, 1600045485622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl F Mori
>40 matches
What did she do to piss off the TBAs??

>> No.183953

listen to her new song as well as that last Q&A

>> No.183969

I think your problem is that you value yourself to little. You think you're a piece of shit so you seek validation by bringing others down.

>> No.184769

being a vtweeter isn't going to get you into hololive since they require you to create content, not just tweet.

>> No.184930

>reee, i can't believe youtuber showed youtube page, i hate you daddy i don't want your cocock cummies no more ;_;
shouldn't you be mad at youtube for not respecting muh territorial integrity instead?

>> No.185065
File: 40 KB, 521x346, 1602655724262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This logic is so retarded. Calli did have the hololive backing when she started her music career. You know, the shit that got her into the company. Everyone has to start somewhere. Show your content TBAtranny

>> No.185098

Your didn't was misspelled, bro

>> No.185115
File: 115 KB, 497x600, 1599953614278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit now my whole post is invalidated

>> No.185144

Next time, read before you post.

>> No.185300

Few people take Towa seriously.

>> No.185360

I don't want to give her views, QRD please? uwu

>> No.185445

Dude just log off or use Private Browsing, youtube doesn't count those views (not like -1 would change anything against dozens more).

https://genius.com/Mori-calliope-off-with-their-heads-lyrics something something diss track to the Debut TBAs who don't make anything but tweets

>> No.185569

Man, I've not even checked much of Hololive but the haters are disappointing and barely know anything, they could have so much better arguments if they took a bit of their time to do research

>> No.185832

How the fuck are you only discovering that meritocracy is a lie through vtubers?

>> No.186063

You guys know that they are where they are now because of their efforts? Their life didn't start as calliope mori, kiara takanashi etc. All of them were doing something (even if not very successful for some), they at least tried to make their ambitions come true (i think ina and maybe mori are the only ones who managed to do it). They shoot their shot with the holoEN auditions and got in. So all those people getting mad on twitter don't give the best impression of themselves. Just own that all you do all day is tweet shit and fucking debut already or make something engaging, interesting. Stop seething.

The reaction of Mori's new song from vshoujo on twitter gave me a better impression of them, or better I guess it opened my eyes. I don't like any of them as streamers but I respect that they put out shit one way or the other.

>> No.186097

While I do find the thread stupid and there is no reason to hate on those girls, many many people do just as much effort as them and end up with no result
Still no reason to sit on your butt and do nothing, but success is mostly luck/timing and cryonism
Still try your hardest cause that's all you can do anyway, and it increases slightly your chances
I think Mori herself knows that and said nothing wrong in her previous advice nor her song, create content, I swear it's fun

>> No.186636

the 2views are getting uppity again...

>> No.186711

You need to actually debut to have 2views
