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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18107934 No.18107934 [Reply] [Original]

So why would the BF be retarded enough to message her during a stream in the first place? You'd think that was a big rule in their house. Legit don't understand how they can let this happen
Was it on purpose?

>> No.18108017
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>Was it on purpose?

>> No.18108039

People saying it was Rushia who planned this, when all along it was Mafumafu trying to tank her career and/or pressure her into marriage. He's the one who messaged her. He probably snuck onto her PC and switched the notification settings.

>> No.18108119

Take meds schizo

>> No.18108145

this barely makes sense, why would she risk her career?

>> No.18108165

What the fuck. Yandere boyfriend?

>> No.18108933

this is your 40th thread about rushia today

>> No.18109826

This makes the most sense.

>> No.18110025

What about a lover's suicide situation where they both conspired to do it

>> No.18110160

Honestly im just gonna go with the simple explanation.

He just got out of recording and didnt check to see if she was streaming.

>> No.18110214

Mafumafu is bigger than Rusia

>> No.18110275

Dude, she's like 33. Why would she prioritize career over marriage? Especially when she can marry a rich celebrity.

>> No.18110348

she just would ok?

>> No.18110382

Collateral damage. Being wife and possibly mother is the end game. She has chosen her mate. He hasn't committed. She will make him commit.

>> No.18110491

>you ruined both our careers
>now i will marry you

>> No.18110568

Accidents happen every day, my friend.

>> No.18110618

There are quite a few unmarried and childless women who do prioritise it at that age or even older. Including streamers.

>> No.18110642

thanks paulie

>> No.18110710

If he was using his career as an excuse not to marry her, it's the perfectly irrational response by a woman.
>Now you don't have a career getting in the way.

>> No.18110860

because the excuse of her ruining his career is so much more preferable? kek

>> No.18110923

She's a yandere IRL too but only to her bf.

>> No.18110981

It's probably more like collateral damage, even though it's insane to think it would happen, if it's her only shot then she took it, also why not burn down his career if it's never gonna happen?

>> No.18111030

>she's just crazy bro
this is all you've got to go on?

>> No.18111093

lmao reddit mods nuked the thread about this

>> No.18111121

Your examples are western women though.

>> No.18111216

Memes aside it was probably just an accident like with Matsuri's roommate.

>> No.18111221

what actually happened? I just woke up. Is there I don't want retarded rumours and fans losing their mind on twitter, is there any screenshot evidence that anything happened? or is this all just schizo posting?

>> No.18111275

It happened on stream

>> No.18111286

women are not rational

>> No.18111296

Why does she have him on her work discord and not her personal?

>> No.18111298
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>> No.18111331

she wrote a poem that hinted at being suicidal

>> No.18111392

discord notification from popular jpop femboy singer showed up on stream saying hes 'coming home'

for once its not schizo stuff

>> No.18111454

They probably did it countless times before over the years and got too comfortable. That is usually the cause for a failure in OpSec. Deserved for using shitty software like discord.

>> No.18111469

Anyone could have changed his name and profile picture to send that dm

>> No.18111499

Why use discord to begin with? I might be outing myself here as a forever alone loser but do couples that aren't teenagers seriously use discord as their go-to option for communication?

>> No.18111510

The fact that is was on Discord and not on LINE like a normal person is weird

>> No.18111608

rushia got a discord popup on stream from some mafu mafu guy and the dm suggests they be fucking. havent got a screenshot though

>> No.18111614

she made millions. she can ghost her fan and live with her br when she want

>> No.18111666

yeah cause any discord rando can send a DM to a corporate controlled account

>> No.18111735

Correct. You cant block dms on discord. Anyone can send a dm to anyone as long as you know their id

>> No.18111822


>> No.18111876

okay but is it realy believeable that people been in a relationship for 5 years still call each other by their online nickname? let alone communicate in a work account. im still genuinely confused because the japs seems so wild about it on twitter

>> No.18111912

Because Mafumafu is not her BF and they are just IRL friends. He was going home but it's not her home, both of them live alone. Mafumafu didn't think anything dangerous because its just DMing a friend, why would you worry about that somehow magically ending up on stream and being misinterpreted. Rushia had recently made multiple sad posts on her personal twitter asking for friends and Mafumafu noticed as a 10 year acquaintance thought it would be best to talk to her when they both had the time.

>> No.18111922

They're probably both already using discord heavily for work: collabing with voice channels, managers, etc. Not that weird I think at that point.

>> No.18111967

It isnt and you are falling for the chink antis rrats. They do this shit weekly and literally throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.

>> No.18111987

Anyone thinking Rushia would ruin her career as most superchatted YouTuber like this is actually retarded.

>> No.18112041

it is schizo stuff, the message just said he was going home, not coming home (which implies a shared home)

>> No.18112043

You can control the privacy settings, dumdum

>> No.18112053

Orca cope

>> No.18112062

Most non retarded people keep discord incoming dms to mutual server only or friends only

>> No.18112078 [DELETED] 

He was and now he's just a dumb nigger who's pimping his girlfriend. His fans are going to get the deadbeat experience times 100.

>> No.18112112

She spoofed the profile and name and messaged herself
For the menhara points.

>> No.18112128 [DELETED] 

You are unironically worse than nijifags and Reddit cucks who scream incel every 5 seconds

>> No.18112141

how did this even happen?
is she using her vtuber discord account for private messages?
surely she can't be that retarded?

>> No.18112164

whatever, im just enjoying the chaos now

>> No.18112177

Couldn't they just be siblings?

>> No.18112215

t. never looked at settings on discord

>> No.18112216


>> No.18112315


>> No.18112334

I don't see why there would apparently have been denial they knew each other if thar was the case

>> No.18112346

>messaged herself
>while she was streaming

>> No.18112356

she was having OBS capture fullscreen

is that enough evidence for you?

>> No.18112400

>Rushia talked AT LENGHT about her brother complex and how jealous she was got of any girl near him
That barely helps

>> No.18112444

She's rich already and probably thinking of graduation. This will shower her in idiot's money before graduation.

>> No.18112799

Not was, is.

>> No.18112815

i'm not denying it happened
i'm just wondering how the fuck could she even make this slide, unless it was intentional
her livelihood depends entirely on hiding any irl relations she might have to her paypigs
it's really not that fucking hard

>> No.18112860

because shes a GFE and hes fujo bait

the fujos in particular are freaking out about their top seme having contact with a female

>> No.18112868

Never heard of mafumafu before but I see his real face is public and a vtuber is supposed be sorta in their own world. Would be kinda image breaking I think.

>> No.18113103
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I belibe

>> No.18113421
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>> No.18113432 [DELETED] 
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Anon I bestow upon you the image to BTFO retards like this anon here

use it well

>> No.18113445

I believe this. I doubt Mafumafu is stupid enough to message his girlfriend while she was doing a stream, yet it would be even more stupid and just plain weird for Rushia to have enabled discord notifications to be seen on stream. So I believe that she did this reveal on purpose, maybe not because she wanted to suicide her career but because she (they?) was tired of keeping it a secret

>> No.18113647 [DELETED] 

Master manipulator.
But the kid can literally get any jap pussy she wants, I watched him on the NHK new years eve show, plenty of 18yo to choose from, he doesnt have to settle with a 33yo

>> No.18113666

Discord has basically replaced skype amongst the youngins so think of it like that.

>> No.18113821 [DELETED] 

No. That's why my rrat is Rushia messaged him on discord while he was working so he'd also reply to her message via discord and people would see the notification, capisce?

>> No.18113843

>the message just said he was going home, not coming home
No such distinction in japanese though, 帰る can mean both.

>> No.18113968 [DELETED] 

5 thousand japanese on 2ch and 5ch disagreed with your JSL crap 12 hours ago. Fuck yoyr damage control lmao

>> No.18114019 [DELETED] 

off yourself dramacels

>> No.18114044

Fucking garbage language

>> No.18114095

the image was doomed to break anyway once they started getting on traditional TV and palling around with established voice actors

im totally expecting one of the hologirls to announce shes getting married this year

id believe it, however it wasnt the first time rushia streamed using fullscreen capture and showed things that we dont usually get to see

unless its a long con but im not schizo enough for that

>> No.18114104 [DELETED] 

Via phone?

>> No.18114606

>The guy was streaming with Hiroyuki
Of course this fag is involved

>> No.18114813

>I'm totally expecting one of the hologirls to announce she getting married this year.

I believe it. The illusion is broken.
I could fuck off watching anime but I kinda want to go back to the real world. This place has become creatively bankrupt anyways.

>> No.18114854

What a stupid plan if that's true lmao, he will simply dump her sorry ass and move to another young and attractive girl.
But at least then the menhera part of her character was the real deal all along.

>> No.18115776

Well it could still be seen as them communicating from their vtuber world with ours (the viewers, TV, etc). Being siblings would make that distinction impossible.

>> No.18115927

He probably sends her messages all the time and just assumes it's off and no one can hear it. How often do discord messages pop up anyway?
She's 33 and has money already. Why bother. Doing something like this though is a soft way for women to reveal something they're scared to mention. He probably postponed any marriage since he has a career as a streamer. Now he can't post pone anymore. Least that's the trap she set for him.

>> No.18117720 [DELETED] 


>> No.18117851

How much has Rushia earned anyway? Doesn't Japan have a high cost of living?

>> No.18119210

anon, unless she has a net worth of double digit millions and is actually wisely investing her money in a diversified portfolio, its still extremely inadvisable to burn down your primary career in your 30's. People are calling her a hag at 33, but that's really not old at all, not old enough to burn your career down without worrying in anycase.

>> No.18119575

not any of them, but whatever cope you're using is pointless. JP Fandead clearly believe it, and they are the ones who will decided how this goes.

>> No.18119695

sure, but if they siblingzone each other they become a whole lot less threatening to each other's fanbases. They could collab without issue. Course they have to show proof they are.

So yea, they aren't siblings, else they would have been open about that.

>> No.18119796

Goodbye fandead anon. I hope my 35p ass doesn't follow you by next year

>> No.18119939

If so , then that is the ultimate betrayal to her fans. She deliberately disregarded them for her own personal goals.

That won't be taken lying down.

>> No.18120093

They get DM'd by their boyfriends during streams all the time.
Ollie made a reference to it on her NSO stream.

>> No.18120159

>That won't be taken lying down.
Her fans will either not care or wander off and die alone.
They absolutely will take it lying down.

>> No.18120232


>> No.18120372

>tired of keeping it a secret
Why the fuck would that be tiresome? These people are already used to keeping their "work" lives and private lives separate, and yet having a boyfriend is too much?

>> No.18120445 [DELETED] 

He will cheat on rushia and the NGO ending where she kills the horsechad will become reality

>> No.18120509

>anon has played too much NSO and has started projecting

>> No.18120664
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Don't underestimate Japan and their mental illness. If Rushia want marry, then marry is gonna she get. That's why don't stick your dick in crazy, corpo or 2view. Stand up for yourself because you have some worth and value.

>> No.18120669

She's a woman. I am a lawfag, and have seen women do reatrded stuff like get pregnant on purpose for the most stupid of reasons, up to and including receiving the equivalent of $50 monthly. This is nothing.
He was shown to be among her dms before, a previous yab that considered a nothingburger. This is harder to ignore.
Lmao we have 2017-2018 pics showing they have the exact same plates/furniture. They have been living together for a while
>logical decisions involving career and money
>mentally unstable women at that
This. The reason the dude sent the messa geis because this was normal betwen them. She sabotaged herself by turning off streamer mode/do not disturb on purpose.

>> No.18120986

A few million isn't enough to cover the remaining 50 or so years of her life she has left
vtubing and streaming also doesn't look too great on a resume if she wanted to jump to a more professional career either
There's really no reason not to just continue on with the farce even after they get hitched. Both of them keep their fans who can keep enjoying them in blissful ignorance
Unless of course the guilt of lying to her fans all this time is crushing her mentally and she just wants to end all the lies

>> No.18121198

>is crushing her mentally and she just wants to end all the lies
is this one of the reason why matsuri is also menhera?

>> No.18121344

She's retarded, Coco had to teach her how to CTRL V.

>> No.18123193


>> No.18124783 [DELETED] 


>> No.18124902

mafu was drunk so he sent the message without giving a single care in the world

>> No.18125010

Also the karma of all the people who roped tonight

>> No.18125151
File: 6 KB, 1003x74, 1315364623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the bottom part of the stats report

>> No.18125330

Rushia said she was single so it's true!

>> No.18125429

I like this rrat too

>> No.18125689

It relies heavily on context and actually reduces mental fatigue so you can be more productive.

>> No.18125799

I kinda want it to happen, only so things can go back to how they never were.... as long as she doesn't hurt herself.

>> No.18126608

sacrifice your career to force the man to marry.

what a power move

>> No.18127077

The conclusion is fucking retarded but I can believe the setup if only because it was such a nuclear, picture-perfect yab. "I'm coming home", "Mi-chan", all in one message, right in the middle of the stream. The only way it could be more on the nose is if he said "I, Mafumafu, am your boyfriend, and I am now coming home to have sex with you (Mi-chan), since we love each other very much".

>> No.18127089

>alien looking fag and rushia break up because rushia loves us
>he tries to hurt her career out of spite

>> No.18127840

>"honey, could you not message me on a work account during streams? come on now."
>"honey, could you turn private notifications off during streams? come on now."

>> No.18129700

hmm, what if half of those stories are not about her brother, but actually mafu2?

>> No.18129741

Honestly, this is actually so yandere/in-character for rushia the immersion isn't even ruined
Masterclass plan
She retires with her money and lives as a japanese housewife

>> No.18130014

Bitch is already set for life. All she probably wants is that twink cock and a baby now.

>> No.18131357


>> No.18131482

Congratulation you just crack the code, anon

>> No.18131533

>both yandere


>> No.18131576

She tricked him.

>> No.18131581

She's pregnant then.

>> No.18131618
File: 34 KB, 650x400, oh no no ahahahaha 50 year old roasties finding out they cant have kids even with frankenstein science magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18131700

It was Chloe who sent the message, so she can take over Russia.

>> No.18131818

>bro they only have a few million between them, that's not nearly enough to retire
Even putting aside their industry connections, friends, family etc., there's a fact that most people outside of 4chan and even most fags on 4chan don't understand that having a million at 30s doesn't make you set for life, merely infinitely ahead of everyone else in your age group.

>> No.18131938

There's enough plausible deniability that he could accept it even if he knows deep down she did it on purpose.

>> No.18132043

Holy cope

>> No.18132272
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>> No.18132560

> Play GTA out of nowhere
> Collab with Miko to get more viewers
> Make it 1 POV so viewers all gather in her stream
> Release the yab
Truly menhera. She invite Miko because she think Miko is a yab machine.

>> No.18132722

Miko would never, ever betray us.

>> No.18132820

While that might be true, it will also leave a huuuge stain on hololive and all other GFE streamers.

Rushia might have effectively killed GFE content since people will hardly fall for it anymore, regardless if it's another holomember or vtuber from another company or indie.
Whether that's a good or bad thing depends enterily on you.

>> No.18133073

She would have cleared up the confusion very quickly if that was the case

>> No.18133084

I was just playing Catherine too. Why do woman go to the extremes just to force their partners to tie the knot

>> No.18133099


>> No.18133169


>> No.18133330


>> No.18133562

you seem unstable

Does the Japanese grammar specify its a shared home I'm wondering? I've definitely texted my friends "I'm coming home" but I meant my home, not theirs. I don't give a shit if they're married or not, but was wondering if that had been completely ruled out

>> No.18133585

she (used to) constantly earn +100k USD monthly. She, Coco and Lamy are the highest earners. Recently Chloe might be getting into the list too. But that aside, Rushia could have somewhere between 1-3M USD. Maybe more if we count the membership money and whatever wage Cover pays her.

>> No.18133695

Miko collab = yab. How does it keep happening

>> No.18133800

About 10% of all Japanese females were in JAV.

>> No.18133838
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>> No.18134083

doesn't really matter what he said in the message, it just confirmed old suspicion and they've been sharing tableware for a long time

>> No.18134251

Interesting. And the fact she hasn't made one of her crying apologies yet gives this theory some validity.

>> No.18134341

It kinda does
Any other random message could be dismissed as "oh we're working on something together, dealing with management"
and then when people ask later just say "oh the deal fell through" or even ACTUALLY collab on something.

"Im done my stream, im coming home" is harder to cover for

>> No.18134749

But why is he streaming at a different place?

>> No.18135002

He's mainly a song cover guy/singer
Possibly a recording studio

>> No.18135322

He was streaming. He didn't need to be in a studio.

>> No.18135513

See >>18114606 That was the stream he was returning from.

>> No.18135606

Ya’ll are overthinking this. Mafu is bigger than Rushia and 80% of his fanbase are fujo gachikois. Rushia is GFE embodied. Why would they be together. They’re both straight up menhera fucks who would absolutely not fuck

>> No.18135630

>she's already at the age to get married
Has been for 18 years

>> No.18135649

Its not ever whats true
Its what people think
And JP gachis are not happy.

>> No.18135736

A million USD? Depends on your country. Could retire in your 20s in mine

>> No.18135752
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I belev, fuck this world

>> No.18135842

Apparently you’re unaware of the song “What a Fool Believes”. Unicorns across the globe are telling themselves that their oshi would never betray them like that.

>> No.18135904
File: 339 KB, 1052x1167, the 200 IQ poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One man has the solution to fix everything.

>> No.18135966
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Which hiroyuki? I only know the mangaka.

>> No.18135983

>Never heard of mafu mafu before


In any case, he's a really talented composer and music artist who has been active since forever ago. Vtubing is secondary or even lower, it's not really image breaking when everyone knew him. He even performed on NHK 红白 recently.

Maybe an good example to compare to would be 96 neko or tamaki vs norio

>> No.18136216

Abe hands made that post

>> No.18136391

Or Only a Fool by Steely Dan.

>> No.18136420

no one is killing themself. They'll probaly do the killing though

>> No.18136534

Our beloved admin

>> No.18136560

Hiroshimoots real name

>> No.18136623

no money for her then whos going to pay for the gfe if you have one

>> No.18136635

it's not as high as you think it is considering animators are paid like slaves and they could still live there

>> No.18136724

I can't believe Migo planned this....

>> No.18136965

there is no BF the only one with a boyfriend is you faggot

>> No.18137073
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>> No.18137362
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Oh. "That" Hiroyuki. Gross.

>> No.18137488


A 33 year old woman has at least already wasted more than half of her reproductive lifetime because of the quantity and quality of her egg cells.

That's why they want to tie the knot as soon as possible in order to get a child. Especially in Asian (including Japanese) culture where child-raising is only after marriage.

>> No.18138903

Is that true?

>> No.18139024

What if she gets dumped lmao?

>> No.18139374

>had been completely ruled out
Some other anon here said "coming home" and "going home" are written the same. But either way the pet name is a sure fire shot of it confirming what others suspected.

>> No.18139647

>Rushia forcing her brother to become her lover or else
>Nukes both of their careers so they don't have to worry about the public eye anymore
I give fandeads, your Oshi is truly the queen of menheras, for real I believed Brocon Noel would have fucked up first but Rushia did it out of nowhere.

>> No.18139651

hi /pyon/

>> No.18140676


>> No.18142913

exactly, it can mean either.

>> No.18144819

I also think it's weird he would call her by her online persona. Don't you call your girlfriend by her real name?

>> No.18144951

Her real name starts with Mi too.

>> No.18146285

>he believes 2chan rrats
There is no saving you anon

>> No.18146425

Is this the part where you mentally ill retards finally understand and become aware of the fact that behind these 2d avatars is still a 3d whore.
You retards get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.18146509

I bet it is

>> No.18146644

I just want to see stalkers and murder happen. Let it happen for godsake this is the closest thing some mental schitzo will go full awol.
please god let someone die over this shit lmfaoooooooooooo

>> No.18146652

Imagine unironically believing even for a fucking minute that a popular and attractive woman doesn't have someone fucking her every night.
Imagine thinking a woman who has dealers choice available at any point she wants would settle for a bunch of mentally ill incels and actually cares about anything other than their money.

>> No.18146787
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Its over...

>> No.18146856

It's just layers of retardation on top of each other.
>Having private contacts on your work discord
>Having that discord popup messages on your streaming monitor
>Not having Discord on DND during your streams
>Not telling your BF when your are streaming so they know not to message you
Avoiding any of those would have prevented the whole thing. You would think that company like cover would teach their talents at least some very basic opsec stuff like "keep your private and work stuff separated at all times".

>> No.18146865

Just because they are retards doesn't make it ok to manipulate retards on a (one sided) intimate level.

>> No.18146982

Yes it does.
Mentally ill delusional retards deserve what they get.
You're literally "sharing" your girlfriend with millions of other fans as it is.
(You) are not important to her. (You) never were important to her.
The sooner these retards take the ultimate blackpill the sooner they stop falling for shit like this.
Stick to 2d if you can't handle the idea that a 3d whore is going to be a 3d white.

>> No.18147094

probably in his death bed. Respect.

>> No.18147103

She deserves whatever is coming towards her

>> No.18147107

Why is mafu so retarded to not check if she's streaming before talking to her???

>> No.18147257

>I doubt Mafumafu is stupid enough to message
He was stupid enough to message using discord instead of just texting her via phone.

>> No.18147273

Stop conflating people's fake personalities and online personas with their actual personalities.

>> No.18147335

Did they start a petition yet?

>> No.18147375

It was only a matter time of time until someone from the golden generation fucked up. Too much power, too many bakas.

>> No.18147452

Regardless of anything, appeals to the popularity of anons is beyond stupid.

>> No.18147522

Yes, but most Japanese people solve that by living in closets and working themselves to death.

>> No.18147559

I just had a really unpleasant premonition about waking up tomorrow and seeing an announcement that Rushia killed herself. It's a really spooky feeling. I think a vtuber suicide is something that will eventually happen and I'm concerned that it's about to

>> No.18147594

It has happened before.

>> No.18147613

based premonition

>> No.18147839

>I think a vtuber suicide is something that will eventually happen
Happened at least once already. Some pretty popular indie killed herself, but that was due to actual depression.

>> No.18147854
File: 214 KB, 2296x1284, 4DF3FA1C-E783-4BFD-B095-87E7CB8525F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>messaging herself

>> No.18148206

at least the jap isn't denying that he is getting cucked lol if this works out for rushia congratulations to her

>> No.18148268

She's 33 and rich you dumbass.

>> No.18148437

just to add the peak world average for women is 35.

>> No.18148585

If you believe so then you also believe that Rushia had it coming.

>> No.18148680

>never happened before even during her solo stream
>conveniently left discord pop up this time eventhough this is obviously really bad/yab for streamer since they have discord on every day
What so different this time? it's because she is collabing with miko. She is intentionally doing this to show miko. She probably told him in the morning to DM her when he is done with the recording knowing he would be tired by then and wouldn't check if she is streaming.

>> No.18148716

what if mi-chan was actually miko-chan

>> No.18148769

I believe this rrat.

>> No.18148777

the twitter account linked to her roommate's twitcast account is still tweeting

>> No.18148802

I agree, it should be you killing yourself

>> No.18148860 [DELETED] 

call of procreation, she needs a kid who will take care of her in 20 years.

>> No.18148877

Link faggot, otherwise it's fake
>B-but spoonfeeding...
Ok faggot, you're spewing rrats.

>> No.18148935

doesn't matter if you believe me kek
i have already given you all the information you need to reach the account

>> No.18148951

Sure sweetie

>> No.18148979

It really hasn't been said enough:
They must be fucking like rabbits right now. BF must be on his third shot or so around this hour.

>> No.18149054

Isn't that a bit much from heroin?

>> No.18149133

If he's on the fourth shot then they'll need to buy some birth control pills for 9600 yen

>> No.18149192

Clearly not enough earnings to raise a family.

>> No.18149337

Limit herself to one kid and she's good. She can also use her CV for some minor roles in voice acting.

>> No.18149398 [DELETED] 

kek dox baiting faggot

>> No.18149635

Yeah after 35 the egg cell quality greatly declines. up until the dreaded menopause in which the egg cells are running out at 45.

>> No.18149670

lmfaoooooooooooo it'll be suicide by cop after my schizo rampage in minecraft

>> No.18151659 [DELETED] 


>> No.18153675

the only one with a boyfriend is you faggot

>> No.18153921

Time to go back on Mori hate bros :

>> No.18154297

>don't listen to a woman
>she goes nuclear and tries to ruin your career
I'm not getting a girlfriend. I'm too much of a doormat anyway.

>> No.18154504

no shit Rushia personality seeps in her completely

>> No.18154611

First hand experience. Yes people do suck in general

>> No.18155267

>She, Coco and Lamy are the highest earners
Oh no, Wamy is next in line for the biggest yab...

>> No.18156590

Women arent rational when theyre desperate for the rock. She will have convinced herself that whatever inherent deniability exists is enough to convince him she didnt do it on purpose.

Problem is that usually the dude just never had any intention to get married anyway. The excuse will either change or he'll move on to the next one.

>> No.18156906

>she's just crazy bro
ok schizo

>> No.18157151
File: 40 KB, 227x222, 1644587158456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was rushia's plan
>it backfired and mafu is gonna call it quits between them
>now Rushia never love a real man irl ever again
G-good end?

>> No.18157171


>> No.18157400

What risk you retard? They are both multimillionaires, they can both quit today and live like royalty for the rest of their lives.

>> No.18157511

Catherine is a game and you’re legitimately a schizo if you can’t separate that from reality

>> No.18157513

It most likely *is* a rule in her house.
Do consider they've been together for years and this is the first time this happened.

4~ years before committing the mistake is pretty damn disciplined. I'd use an entirely separate system, but they didn't for whatever reason.

>> No.18157675

Royalty in hiding

>> No.18157718

This. Still not my go-to for work, but it can be well organized in that fashion, esp since both of them rely heavily on vocomms for their work. Should've used slack for work or something instead.

>> No.18159071

>He doesn't know about the photos

>> No.18159180

Who's to say her real name doesn't start with "Mi" too? Maybe that's part of the wordplay she named her account after, aside from the cat

>> No.18159258


>> No.18159268

Details on the Ollie shit?

>> No.18160337

wait i'm confused did he message her hololive account does she use that account for personal messages outside of work or you can have multiple accounts active at the same time sorry i'm pretty ignorant in this discord thing

>> No.18160490

he probably didn't think she was dumb enough to be doing screen capture instead of game capture

>> No.18160765
File: 94 KB, 686x504, 11 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should know when she's streaming and not message her when she's working, and if he really wanted to message her then he should've text her phone, not on Discord. At best he's retardedly naïve and dumb and at worst he's intentionally doing this to cause drama.

I'm not a GFE guy so I don't really care if she's dating someone on the down low (tons of celebrities do this) but I understand how people who let themselves be comforted by GFE can feel betrayed but those same people drank a little too much out of the well. GFE can be a fun EXPERIENCE but it shouldn't be a substitution for real life.

>> No.18161003


Understandable for the everyday user, but Hololive and Cover decided to make Discord their primary way of communicating with each other so I can understand why she let discord messages pop up on the overlay as a matter of convenience.

>> No.18161193

he stands the most to lose

>> No.18161339

So in a deleted tweet Rushia's roommate mentioned she had an idea to make her life easier. I gotta feeling someone should keep an eye on her or something

>> No.18161596

Anons, I have a question.
Is Cover gonna provide refunds for all superchats/memberships/merch that Rushia got during time of her activity? Because it's pretty obvious thing to do. Cover provided a product - a talent who does GFE experience. This product has defects. Now they should give back people's money.

>> No.18161665

Graduation, what other options could make her life easier? just stop working.

>> No.18161689

Would you like to talk to Cover's manager, Karen?

>> No.18161836
File: 226 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shop yagoo on this

>> No.18161873

He wanted to cuck as many men as he possibly could at once, what a king.

>> No.18161924


Leave that to mafu, he seems dependable enough to keep an eye on her.

>> No.18161983
File: 567 KB, 1111x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18162107

It takes an average of 2 minutes of googling to find that she has a boyfriend since at least 2020. Being shocked by this in 2022 is purely your fault, it's like being surprised in 2022 that Watame or Ame had a boyfriend they broke up with and Gura had a LDR before she joined hololive, even though it's public knowledge that takes a minute of googling to find out.

>> No.18162421

>2 minutes of googling
most people wont do this
the fact that it came on stream so be aired out to all her viewers is what makes this exceptional

>> No.18162547

>Gura had a LDR
Have none of you ever had a friend before?

>> No.18162622

>most people wont do this
Yes, which is why they deserve everything they got. It's like asking for a refund on a Nintendo Switch because it doesn't play GTA 5.

>> No.18162655

And those women are so miserable that it's a miracle they have the energy to wake up in the morning.

>> No.18162723

The final yab…

>> No.18162875

>deserve everything they got
>asking for a refund
no ones asking for a refund
and they choose not to look because they dont care so long as the illusion isnt broken
Repeat: they literally dont care about her personal life so long as she keeps it off stream and maintains the illusion
which it was by her shit opsec

>> No.18162970

Not everyone is miserable just because you are.

>> No.18163001

Ugoku-chan wasn’t a vtuber

>> No.18163010

Nah, you are quite wrong here.
You could only apply this comparison if Nintendo advertised that Switch can play GTA 5 and after purchasing it, customers find out that it was lies.

>> No.18163114

>Repeat: they literally dont care about her personal life so long as she keeps it off stream and maintains the illusion
which it was by her shit opsec
That's literal mental illness, and a plot of some movie where some Tim Allen type character dresses up as Santa Clause so his son doesn't lose the magic of Santa not being real. Except that's a little kid in the movie, not a full grown man with disposable income. Enabling such behavior or even excusing it is pathetic.

>> No.18163128

Quality rrat I like it.

>> No.18163303

I dont agree its mental illness, though its probably not healthy
>Enabling such behavior or even excusing it is pathetic.
cool, so you think rushia is pathetic
because she intentionally built a fanbase like this for herself
and reinforced this type of parasocial relationship every time she could
so she could make double what the top streamers make with 2Mill/year in donations

>> No.18163459

Weapons grade cope

>> No.18163469

I don't blame her just like I don't blame the dealer because people get addicted to drugs and ruin their lives. It's their problem.

>> No.18164256

>It's their problem.
oh, youre just a lolbert
hopefully youll be less of a cuck some day

>> No.18164356

It wasn't intentional. She didn't know it would tank her career. Her plan was a huge failure with devastating unintended consequences.

>> No.18165067
File: 8 KB, 858x138, Windose_2022-02-11_17-58-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18165361


most people dont care

also who the fuck could stand Ame long enough to date her?

>> No.18165435

Kronii's reaction describes what Rushia was feeling throughout the whole ordeal:

>> No.18165605


>> No.18166044

Mafu knocked her up.
She found out too late to take Plan B, and since Japan looks down harshly on abortion, she's completely fucked. She panicked and came up with this plot last minute to get Mafu to marry her. She hasn't even told him about the baby yet.
Why else would she pull this stunt on a random GTA collab? If it was just a marriage plot, why last night? Why not the night before or tomorrow night? Why do this before Valentine's Day and HoloFes?

>> No.18166542

If that were the case then it makes sense. She's effectively out of a job and she doesn't want to be a single mom even if she's rich enough.

>> No.18167153

Damn. Kson once said in her stream during superchat reading that "If a girl is menhera, she is most likely in a relationship."
She is proven right once again.

>> No.18167155

Gist of the situation
>Rushia and Mafu meet and become friends
>Rushia develops a crush on Mafu
>Mafu friendzones Rushia
>Rushia orbits for a number of years waiting for her chance
>Rushia's biological clock is fast approaching midnight
>Rushia concocts a scheme that will cause Mafu to inadvertently "ruin her career"
>Mafu, being a Japanese man, has little choice but to take responsibility
>Marriage and babies to follow

>> No.18167274

now this is pure rrat. ugly and grotesque

>> No.18167647

Aloe attempted suicide, but failed

>> No.18167785

>still tweeting
If you're talking about 195, the account was nuked

>> No.18167902

Holy mother of menhera...I actually feel bad for the dude.

>> No.18167964
File: 2.86 MB, 3000x2518, 1607501145328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18168092

was this added recently?

>> No.18169075

>her lonely tweets weren't fake but reflected on the unrequieted relationship
>mafu has to perfectly balance her in the friendzone for years because she might become a liability

>> No.18169458

yeah he was friendzoning her on the bed every night for years while they lived in the same house

>> No.18169474
File: 935 KB, 720x552, aquadiskoteka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, i've got a rrat that will save fandeads souls in their cuckery. Hear me out:
>Mafu actually got menhera GF in his house, and it's not Rushia
>But since she is a menhera and can't handle the thought of him interacting with other women she hijacked his discord account to guarantee 0 future interactions
>Rushia got out-menhera'd and in shambles right now.
>fandeads are happy and mafu is in trouble from fandeds AND his yumejoshis
>tfw 9999 IQ

>> No.18169538

I'm confused
So Rushia has a boyfriend?
And this is news?
Why does this matter?

>> No.18169583

Honestly my copium is that the man is legit gay and not interested in her. It's more likely.

>> No.18169869

>look mom! I posted it again!
go back

>> No.18169952


>> No.18170004


ha ha ha ha!

>> No.18170041

Now this is a spicy rrat.

>> No.18170129

Anon you should know by now if a male celeb and a female celeb do the exact same yab, the male is treated more leniently then the female.

>> No.18170284
File: 137 KB, 400x400, heregoesnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets everyone: Is the guy going to bail after this or stick with the menhera till the dead, because she's basically roping him into taking the blame with her for the "Incident" and forcing his commitment to their relationship all the while, what's it gonna be then?

>> No.18171330 [DELETED] 

so this is what real menhera looks like...

>> No.18172205

her age source ?

>> No.18172405

most of these "vtuber" frauds are old af
you would be surprised lmao! anyone can make a 'cute' sounding voice or wahtever it's so cringe

>> No.18174646

If this is true mafumafu should ask her the big question.
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught. What’s the next step of your master plan?

>> No.18175150
File: 145 KB, 1200x675, drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18175358

because he isn't her boyfriend, and you're a fucking retard.
>oh no no nooooooo bro, males and females cannot come in contact without immediately fucking!
come out of the basement once in a while.

>> No.18175600

this looks like the kind of comment someone who has not spent years building a career would make

>> No.18177327

It's vt, what do you think anon?

>> No.18177414

Where is the NTR art, the tags should be full of it

>> No.18177446
File: 141 KB, 1242x1312, 1628790645712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't even be dependable enough to know when she's streaming, lmao

>> No.18177593
File: 40 KB, 681x388, holo rushia needy streamer overload edit lulz v2 refont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WHY can't people just let VTubers have their private peronal lives in peace? ffs

sometimes i wonder if the vtuber fanbase is any different from most other toxic fanbases in existence

>> No.18177629

wheres the rentagirlfriend ntr edits with rushia, mafu and cuckdead

>> No.18177688
File: 754 KB, 800x701, cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18177710

>it's the perfectly irrational response by a woman.
should I be worried that I would have had the exact same thought process?

>> No.18177802

Lol are you like 18 and think your life is done at 33 or some shit? even with all the money she has it will dry out because of taxes and other shit you gotta pay for your whole life

>> No.18177856

nigger she's past the wall, this is her last chance.

>> No.18177936

I fucking beleb this rrat

>> No.18178144

Ideally, she would want couple of years more, to milk her gachis truly dry and retire to comfy 6LDK, so realistically was a calculated pitybait. Girl is a fucking predator with an iron grip, how you motherfuckers even accepting such GFE is beyond me.

>> No.18178613

Only way I can forgive her even if they have been fucking is if mafumafu is her brother

>> No.18178678

Only way I can forgive her if she does ASMR cuckolding report to fandead about how great sex is with mafu

>> No.18178735

Only way I can forgive her is combining the two previous posts

>> No.18178780

wincest is a sin.
sounds great.
>cuckolding report
like a certain ntr series.
Rushia's Cuckolding Report by Atelier Sakura.

>> No.18179026

Wincest is the purest form of love.

>> No.18179388

Nuclear grade copium. She's just retarded

>> No.18180756

They live together.
if it is the most likely scenario, then odds are it's true.

>> No.18181385

Only parental incest. Sibling incest is just horny kids being horny and fucking each other for the convenience of it.

>> No.18183395

her womb is basically barren at this point she needed to act fast
