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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 68 KB, 500x500, vshojo-square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18014845 No.18014845 [Reply] [Original]

isn't vshojo the most 4chan choice because it was made by a guy who made gachimuchi videos

>> No.18014883


>> No.18014889

It's the choice for people who just want to watch your average western whore but with an anime avatar instead of a facecam

>> No.18014906

Yeah but /vt/ is reddit

>> No.18014948

If I wanted to watch a normal western streamer with a cartoon avatar I would watch vshoujo, but I'm not into that

>> No.18014963

Having fun watching japanese whores instead ?

>> No.18014971


>> No.18014999

this trend got invaded by western incels with yellow fever so that doesnt matter

>> No.18015032
File: 243 KB, 1900x1600, 1635630338421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because holocels would rather be fed a lie about fake women caring about them

>> No.18015054

>leftwing ironic weeb sluts
No, they're Reddit.

>> No.18015075

One of their girls humiliated an autistic fan on stream in front of 10k people with his boyfriend, I'm not watching this shit.

>> No.18015082

>/vt/sisters acting like their oshis aren't whores too
Roru rumao

>> No.18015085
File: 38 KB, 351x348, 1640741555758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my big white pp go in your women

>> No.18015137

ummm anon?

>> No.18015180

right? there's one making chocolate right now

>> No.18015246


>> No.18015273

Thanks for acknowledging my lenght. I'm very proud of it.

>> No.18015479

No, how very fucking little you understand the actual otaku culture if you think "well this person was vaguely connected to here" as being more important than the fundamentals of what made this subject take off - girls being cute, not edgy / coomerbait shits. We are in fact more than willing to reject people as fakes, has beens etc. No one person is elected to represent us. There is no 4chan tuber etc. It's the no true scotsman fallacy.

>> No.18015534
File: 53 KB, 443x383, 1640741555759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're really proud of this 4chan stuff huh
you've participated in something cool from here, right? You don't just post random shit, right?

>> No.18015556

what about beatani and kiki and pipkin

>> No.18015589

My oshi is pure anon unlike your whore

>> No.18015639

middle one is a shit vtuber

>> No.18015838
File: 51 KB, 500x500, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because a former YTPMV maker made vshitjo, doesn't mean I'm gonna follow mountaindoodoo forever.

>> No.18015882

Shit humour, shit personality, drama baiters. If you want to watch a cunt then just stick with 3DPD, for fucks sake.

>> No.18015892

Suuuure just like how Gura is a virgin despite being 9000 years old no?

>> No.18015923

when have they ever caused drama
go back to /jp/

>> No.18016012

The first one I only saw being posted here in a bait drama thread where she was screeching on reddit about her posts being censored.
The last one I only saw being posted here in a bait drama thread because she talked about Gura not liking being a loli, which wasn't even true either.

>> No.18016030

Public figures who "represent" 4chan for their own credibility tend to hate 4chan and see it as something from their past. I'm pretty sure vshojo's main girl is one of those. Frankly I distrust anyone who mentions 4chan outside of 4chan.

>> No.18016029

with her face? most likely yes

>> No.18016034

Much less grating, western culture is a blight

>> No.18016089

This board is a reddit/twitter colony, so no.

>> No.18016183
File: 67 KB, 550x550, D6A1DEA9-7A14-4B0E-88CF-D90658384DC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't trash taste the most 4chan choice because it was made by guys who pretend to be otakus

>> No.18016381

Virgin vtubers are a myth
Your oshi has taken dick in every hole
She's just playing a character online for money
Deal with it or move on to a new hobby

>> No.18016560

name two instances where they've had sex

>> No.18016580
File: 15 KB, 298x177, (You) & your oshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no my oshi wouldn't betray me deal with it

>> No.18016624

The first time and the last time.

>> No.18016818

even the peehole?

>> No.18017139

Only if she's into asian dudes. Regular humans can't fit in there.

>> No.18017636

what about black americans

>> No.18017767 [DELETED] 

Yes. And anyone saying otherwise is a 2016 election tourist or younger.
Go back, touch grass, have sex, take a shower, shave your neckbeard, go for a walk, lose weight.

>> No.18017807


>> No.18017852

Shhh, don't upset the r/Hololive tourists! They must be lied to about purity!

>> No.18017854

Nyanners was already 4chan way before VTubers.

>> No.18017880

just shut up already

>> No.18017961
File: 436 KB, 344x655, 1644423090808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just shut up already

>> No.18017983

/qa/ lost

>> No.18018059





>> No.18018072

which holo would take bbc in her pisser

>> No.18018115

Gura already does with Jay kek

>> No.18018128 [DELETED] 

Dilate and KYS! YWNBAW!

>> No.18018154

Because they hire SJWs that openly hate 4chan, for starters?

>> No.18018156 [DELETED] 

You will never be a man. You will always be a chud. Trump lost. Holoshit is dead. Go back.

>> No.18018200

>muh SJWs
>/pol/ good!
Unironically touch grass.

>> No.18018201 [DELETED] 

2022 is the year of the chud

>> No.18018262

Sorry if my post was too transphobic for you or whatever, feel free to return to twitter.

>> No.18018382

That's not the point newfag. If you still complain about MUH ESS JAY DOUBLE YOUS in the year of 2022 then it's clear that you're an outraged /pol/eddit tourist who is obsessed with muh purity when it simply doesn't exist in this interest.

>> No.18018384 [DELETED] 

Yes, because people will remember how many of you dropped dead from COVID because you thought you could tough out and outsmart a rapidly evolving virus

>> No.18018427

Who the fuck cares, Sargon? Didn't you lose to Destiny?

>> No.18018481

the cuckiest mindset

>> No.18018517 [DELETED] 

>i get my entire vocabulary from /pol/ and grifting ecelebs like le heckirino weatherman

>> No.18018532

Ironically, the cuck is you for believing in myth of muh purity just like the rest of the Holobrony tourists from Reddit that infest this board.

>> No.18018552

the trannoids are really unironically seething itt lmao

>> No.18018567

>calling people -fag while unironically defending SJWs
Huh, you vshojo cucks are something else
I wonder if your oshi even want you around

>> No.18018569

this, /jp/ is bad too

>> No.18018631

The Holobronies are seething even harder after being outed as the real cucks.
Yes, look at what website you're on newfag. And no one actually cares about site diction here unless you're an unironic sheltered Redditor. Don't post here again if you haven't lurked.

>> No.18018643

Oh boy, can't wait for the politician collabs.

>> No.18018655

>Holobrony tourists from Reddit that infest this board
nah, they want them to be twitch e-thoths, seems you're the tourist here

>> No.18018680

>everyone I don't like is muh trannies
Rent free Chudlet

>> No.18018721 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 789361351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad sjw?

>> No.18018732
File: 334 KB, 500x317, 1618925001873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who made the IWF videos was often not helping the most

>> No.18018750

SJW isn't even a /pol/ word. They live rent free in your head.

>> No.18018753

I'll take lovable dork "twitch e-thots" that make /pol/edditors like (You) seethe over washed up dried up nip whores that all have boyfriends and lie about it.
I'd unironically watch a Nyan and Bernie collab.

>> No.18018768

They can blame mental illness for their flaws, but you have only yourself to blame for being a caricature of a human twisted by identity politics and state propaganda designed by people who don’t have your best interests at heart

>> No.18018798

And the Redditchuds aren't the unironic schizophrenics for believing in a false sense of purity? LOL

>> No.18018803
File: 126 KB, 889x779, 1517497675684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lovable dork
You know she gave people blowjobs at cons, right?
You claim to be an oldfag so you surely know this much.

>> No.18018809

It's for /a/ chads
holo is for fags that split into /jp/

>> No.18018830

Same. Would love to see leftoids throw money at Bernie just so he can get shut out by the based neolib colossus yet again

>> No.18018845

Yes, I was one of them. Youmacon 2011. You mad, Holobrony?

>> No.18018866

Being on a platform like twitch is anything but "4chan" the culture there is shit and more annoying than youtube. The average twitch user is also a zoomer too so that just adds more shit to the shit fire.

>> No.18018892

And rightoids throwing money at Japanese whores is better? LOL

>> No.18018901

Not really. Hope you got yourself checked, that seems like a bad place to stick your penis into.

>> No.18018915

yes they actually support business by doing so

>> No.18018919

please understand

>> No.18018953

Twitch is what old 4chan looked and acted like but you didn't know that kek

>> No.18018965

Ooh that one really struck where it hurt eh?

>> No.18018991

Yeah you're an incel.

>> No.18019032

Why would I be hurt when it obviously struck your own nerve, Holobrony?

>> No.18019083

>no u
Thyre really not bringing their best

>> No.18019109

Beats being a cuck.
Do a couple more flips, dog, maybe those feminists you chase after will finally give you a headpat.

>> No.18019170

Yes but /vt/ isn't 4chan this board is leddit, tumblr and twatter combined.

>> No.18019180

I don't watch any Holoshit though.
That's always been the fucking point of this website though, newfaggot. Holy shit.

>> No.18019190

pick or didn’t happen

>> No.18019209

I never cared about twitch streamers, whole culture there feels pretty cringe.

>> No.18019222

Most of it is 4chan in nature
Most of it is 4chan in nature

At least this board isn't as cucked as /jp/ seems to be.

>> No.18019262

Get filtered newfag.

>> No.18019271

>n-no u…!
Redditors being delusional doesn’t make you sane. You are two clowns in the asylum arguing over who is the more insane

>> No.18019296

This. If people like this one bunkertranny having a leftist meltdown are the norm over there i'll stick with based chudlive.

>> No.18019314

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.18019367

>everyone I don't like is le tranny or le leftist
Rent free Chudlet

>> No.18019371 [DELETED] 

>gets mad and spouts toxic bs
>pretends it was just trolling when receiving the same
why are you faggots like this

>> No.18019413

It must be pretty sad knowing that you spent so much time here and you still fail to fit in.
4chan has never been, and will never be kind to sluts, and you who openly praises and applauds them, is nothing but a clown for us to laugh at.
Now go back to your fellow pronouns-in-bio, you know that's your real home.

>> No.18019417 [DELETED] 

Yes, after two years of the world's most deadly plague only now will people begin to drop dead. Any second, your political enemies will die from literally the weakest version of an already weak virus.

>> No.18019439

Two instances of this guy copying a response that was used by other anons making fun of him earlier itt

>> No.18019453
File: 9 KB, 320x180, 89663FB2-BC32-4986-BA17-71A96EE1E857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread is now just a couple of retards shouting buzz words at each other on repeat
Jannies clean this up please

>> No.18019508

You support Bernie as admitted in >>18018753
so you actually are a leftist tho.

>> No.18019569

Unlike you I know the dynamics of this website and who has been here long enough and what fucks here since the earliest fucking days of /b/ you colossal newfag. Nyanners earned her stripes from being one of the few trips on /a/ that blended in with the rest of us, something that you were in grade school to comprehend. You're an election tourist raid kiddie. Leave.

>> No.18019611

>posting one of Holoshit's bigger whore as a retort

>> No.18019946

Imagine looking up to a tripfag. Even while she still browse people laughed at her attention whore ways.
You are not impressing anyone, you're a joke. Back then and now.

>> No.18019994

Did he get banned? The samefag rage slowed down significantly

>> No.18020078
File: 370 KB, 545x542, 1638490307345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao he did, his covid post is gone. good riddance.

>> No.18020092


>> No.18020162

>girls being cute, not edgy / coomerbait shits
But the reason vtubers took off was exactly because they were screaming "FUCK YOU" at video games, saying n*gger, Coco being Coco instead of being pure boring Japanese idols who would only appeal to a niche group

>> No.18020166

Yeah. KWAB
Redditors laughed at her though. She was at her peak right when they began raiding.

>> No.18020209

And Holoshit doesn't have 60 of them? LOL

>> No.18020236

ban evasion isnt allowed anon

>> No.18020261

>calling nyanners a tripfag
the absolute state of /vt/ """oldfags"""

none of you have browsed this site for more than two years i am afraid

>> No.18020372

No, it is the least 4chan choice because it is largely disliked by people who use 4chan.

>> No.18020406

I never was banned, faggot

>> No.18020441
File: 31 KB, 653x362, 1623325668593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was anons that engaged in the grave pissing and shit though, they were right to do so.
Either way if you wanna blame reddit, just look at this crap.

It's the same brand of attention whoring, why even make a distinction.

>> No.18020503

>they were right to do so
Gamergate fags aren't a valid source.

>> No.18020564

The were retroactively right because she showed her true colors shortly afterwards

>> No.18020628

This site has been shit since the cuck sold it to the Nip.

>> No.18020975

There's also an exclusionary part of 4chan that just likes to shit on ecelebs.

>> No.18021538

The wishes of those who wanted them to win big seem to have come true.
It would be such a shame if someone wanted 4chan to lose like a USA losing to invalid criminals.

>> No.18021953

Is this entire thread a /qa/ raid?

>> No.18022470

that's a blast from the past, are those sad fucks still around moaning that GG was their holocaust?

>> No.18022730
File: 491 KB, 616x708, 1640715609446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine isn't a whore
Proof: the only one that isn't doing clickbait porn shorts and fellating influencers and thats why she is the most lagging behind too in her group

>> No.18023423
File: 420 KB, 599x757, 1631221267581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mowtendoo is cool.

>> No.18023619

To be fair Japanese whores are more discrete.

>> No.18023717

That just makes you more of a cuck kek

Besides, the only good nip is a dead one
