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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17877479 No.17877479 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /meat/?
A place to talk about Ryona/Guro/Cannibalism Themed V-Tubers and doing those things to other V-Tubers

>/meat/ themed V-tubers
Mazono Akira
Regenerative lab reject, sandbag queen. Lewd ASMR clips.

Yumemino Mai
From 'Mai-Chan's Daily Life'. Immortal snuff maid. Morning ASMR talks.

Natsume Minori
AwA's daughter. Lamb that loves getting belly bread. Married and loves watermelon.

Eroguro artist, kawaii cat, makes chocolate with her blood.

RyonaClub Circle

Dentata's Wish Bakery

Various channels

>Today's special
Selen's liver and onions
>Question of the thread
Where do you keep your oishi?

>> No.17878159

It is midday, the scorching sun above your head burns your scalp, the hot sand flying on your face felt like needles
You take a sip from your canteen. The water's barely there. And you know why
Turning around you see your misbehaving red-haired partner sloppily taking a big chug of water, wasting every drop on her shirt
Water you desperately need to survive now dripping from her body and onto the desert you stand on
"Captain... that was the last of our water..." you said worriedly
Marine stops and looks at you, giving a playful smile
"I'm sorry, Anon... I need all the water I could get to keep looking fresh and hydrated!" she said with a smile
You point at her wet shirt
"Was that necessary?" you asked
Marine nodded. "It's how I look good! So you can see my wet breasts dripping with water~ aha~"
You take the flask off her hand and point in her face
"Captain! You just wasted our last chance of survival and for what?! Looking good to impress who?! The entire crew is dead except me!"
"Oh my~ Anon if you're that thirsty you could just... lick the water off m-" before she could finish, you feel your hand moving against her face
You took a second to realize you were making a fist, and another microsecond to see it in contact with Marine's smooth untouched face
Your pent up rage for the whole week had finally blew its load. You stand there watch as Marine kneels on the sand, staggering against your blow and her hand against her bruised cheek
Slowly, she stands up, not bothering to wipe the sand off her face
"Anon... I'm sorry..." taking her hat off, Marine bows and apologizes for her immature behavior
You're not impressed by the slightest and resume your journey, Marine tagging along behind slowly, guilt and shame in her eyes
It's been 8 days since your ship crashed on this island. The journey started innocent as ever. Captain Marine found clues leading to a treasure. A usually easy adventure
But then you were faced with misfortunes. Misfortunes on your captain's behalf
The ship crashed and moored against the island's cliff, because she tried to brave through a storm
On the first day, you lost a quarter of your crew to the island's enraged wildlife, because she tried to sing to cheer everyone up
On the second day, you lost another quarter to a landslide, because she thought travelling on shaky ground en masse was a good idea to save time
On the third day, a few more died of lead poisoning, because she believed making the crew drink from rusty goblets she found in the crypt gave good luck
Day by day, your men died of attrition. Through the jungles, the rivers, and now the scorching wind blasted desert
Your last partner died yesterday, the captain tried to make him drink her urine as alternative to the water she finished. He drowned and was left to be covered in sand
You are the last remaining one. And you do not know how long you'll have before the captain kills you through sheer inadequacy like the others did
You look forward, you study the horizon
Mirages and halos. Not a single sight of your destination. Or so you think
There, for a moment! You swore you saw it! A shrine, half buried in the sand!
The last clue to the treasure you are looking for.
Fighting against the scorching winds, you slowly make your way to it. Your legs sinking into the sand inch by inch with every step
As you touch the surface of the shrine, your legs are already knee deep in sand
This is it. The clues said the treasure can be found here
"Ah! We found it!" you hear your captain from behind
Ignoring her, you inspect the shrine for any sign of treasure
No jewelry, no gold or bronze, not even a shiny pebble. Just a stone shrine with sand covering it
"Anon! I- I think we need to rest first" Marine says as she sat on a rock
As much as you distrust her, she is right. You are tired and anguished. Hungry and grieved. The heat had not been kind to you
Marine rest against the shrine's wall and felt an incline
Before you you could react, you feel the sand beneath you moving. A hole opened under the sand.
You ty to escape the sinkhole and grab onto the shrine. As you feel the sand beneath you washing away like currents in a river, you feel Marine grabbing against you. Holding on to her dear life
The moving sand and her weight were burdening your grip. Your grasp is slowly waning and alas you finally succumbed to the current and sank into the hole


>> No.17878271

You do not know how long it had been since you fell but you know it was over
The sand stopped flowing, you can finally move around
Moving your hips up, you try to lift yourself out of the sand. You take a long inhale, you are able to breathe once more
Marine is right next to you, still unconscious
You look around. A corridor, glowing crystals on the ceiling illuminating your view, rocky walls with tribal carvings on them. This was a temple
The treasure is definitely close by
"Anon... where are we?" Marine says as she steadily gets on her feet
"A temple of sorts..." you answer
"Ahhh! The treasure must be here then!! Let's go!" Marine came running head first
Your instincts kicked in immediately. You reflexively knew what was about to happen. "Marine, stop!"
As your voice escapes your mouth, Marine barely heard you when she felt felt a searing burning pain from her feet
Marine's scream echoes through the temple corridor. You knew it was going to happen. You slowly make your way to her, watching the floors for any signs of traps
Marine is sitting on the floor, crying in pain. Her right leg kneeling shakily. Blood on her boot and on the sandy floor. A hole where her feet was
A spike trap. It was brief but it was dangerous. A metal spike pierced through Marine's right feet. You tore her boot off and inspect the wound
It was not a regular spike, you could tell from the complexity of the wound. It was serrated
Her foot had its insides crushed and eviscerated on the inside, leaving a clean burrowed wound. This will cause uncontrolled bleeding if not treated soon.
You grab her by the ankle and hastily wrap her feet. The bandage is not going to hold it back off
Despite what you've been through, you cannot leave her like this
"Captain, we need to get out quickly. We need to get you treated soon." you say as you wash off her clean the bloodied sand off your palms
"W-we need... to go now..." she shakily says, holding back her pain. You lift her up and help her limp forward
You look at every nook and cranny as you walk. You know there are more traps in this place. But you do not know where there are and when they respond
A dead end. No, not dead. There is a platform overhead. And a ladder. Your heart sank as you understand the risk of climbing this in a place like this
Marine is the first to grab on and make her way up
"Don't force yourself, captain. You'll lose more blood." you advise Marine as she tries to climb up the ladder
"I'll make it, Anon... We'll get.. huff huff... out of here and we'll... huff... find that tre-" In an instant, you heard an explosion
"Captain!" you ran to catch Marine as she lost her grip of the ladder. With a thud you stopped Marine's fall with your body
There is a bloody hole in her abdomen. You look up to see a smoking hole on the wall behind the ladder
Marine is shaking, her body now cold from blood loss. "Anon... w-what was that..." she squeaks out a question
It was another trap. She grabbed on a wrong step and it triggered a gunpowder mechanism
With your last bandage, you wrap the wound around Marine's tummy. You do not know how long she can hold off blood loss
She is now incapable of moving around. You told her to grab on to you as you climb up
With an extra load on your back, you had to climb the ladder carefully to avoid both traps and falling off, with each step you take you can feel her warm blood seeping through your clothes
It was a miracle, but you finally got up. With Marine on your back, you resume walking down the corridor
At the end of your path, you both arrive in a chamber. Its sight was a glorious one to behold
Walls lined with armor and weapons. Coins littering the floor in piles. Platforms with jewelry hanging off. A golden altar in the middle.
The treasure chamber. You both finally made it. Even in her weak state, Marine could give a weak smile as she knows her journey is fruitful
But your gut twists when you study the chamber carefully. There is no way out
The ceiling is solid tight. The treasures pile up against the walls
That leaves only the altar left unchecked. A flat altar, about the size of a bed. And four cups of gold. Each bearing a different symbol
To the left of the altar is a dagger. Beneath the altar, the floor is decorated with carvings. A pattern originating from the closed off wall in front of you
These are not carvings, they're drains. You immediately know why it leads to a wall
It's the only way out...


>> No.17878360

"Captain..." you say softly, holding back the lump in your throat
You slowly put Marine down on the altar and let her rest on her back
"Anon... huff... what... what... is this...?" she asks as you pick up the jewel encrusted dagger
"I am sorry, Marine. This is the only way out..." you say as you inspect the symbols on the cups "An eye. A stomach. A womb. A heart."
Marine quickly understands her predicament and tries to get off. But her strength had already weakened
Grabbing her by the head, you forcefully open her left eyelid.
"You know, captain. I always wondered why you always wore an eyepatch even when you're not scarred. Let's... make it official shall we?"
Slowly, you bury the dagger into Marine's eye socket. Making your blade's way behind her eyeball and cut her eye stalk. Marine squirms beneath you, trying her hardest to fight your grip
With a scream, Marine twitches and shakes as she feels you cut off her eyeball. Her freshly removed peeper in your hand. Your pour it in the cup with the eye insignia
The cup lit up. Marine covers her emptied eye socket with her hands, crying in pain
The next item on the list. You cut Marine's shirt off with the dagger and rip off her inner leotard. Swiftly burying the dagger into her torso and carve down to her waist
Marine's screams and cries echo across the entire temple. The pain was unbearable and excruciating enough, you can see her wetting herself
You cut open Marine's muscle layer, spilling out her entire internal organs. You reach for her stomach and cut it on both sides. One in the esophagus and another at the bottom
"It's alright, Captain. You'll never feel tummy aches anymore after this."
The second cup filled. Her blood now fills the altar and trickles down onto the drain carvings
You quickly slide your hand down Marine's waist through her gut. There it is
"Captain... you were always sexual. Aroused non-stop. Telling everyone how much you were horny. Let me cure you..."
You grab Marine's uterus and pull it out for both to see. Marine's sobs and wheezes intensifies
"Anon... sniff.. no... no..." she plead. But it's too late
You pull up her uterus and cut it off from her vagina. You feel it slide in your hand. A cute little vessel where Marine's eggs and baby should be
"Marine look! It's so adorable!"
You place the womb in its cup. Now for the last item
"You've always had a fondness for heart designs, captain. Our flag, your jewelry. I'm sorry you have to lose it."
Marine could not respond, she was already pale from blood loss. Merely mumbling and staring into the thousand yards
Wriggling your hand in-between her ribs, you grab the pulsating muscle mass behind her lung
It pulses and wriggles slowly. With your dagger, you removed the tendons around it and forcefully ripped it off her chest
Still beating, you put the heart in its cup
It is done
You look down to see Marine, eyes wide open, cold, static, and getting paler by the second
You see the blood filling up all over the floor drain and reaches the door. The glowing cups getting smoking hot and its content dissapears in golden dust. The room shakes slightly left and right
You hear a mechanical click and the sound of stone scraping. The wall in front of you moves down
Light pours into the chamber, and you could see trees and a river. The jungle at the coast of the island. You've travelled that far in the temple
You walked out and the walls staying open. You provided an offering and you're free to take your reward
You grab your dagger and skin what is left of Marine's cadaver. Her whole body, scalp to toe, now exposed flesh. With your seaman skills, you weave the leather together with rope. A makeshift leather bag
Filling it with coins, jewels, and other treasures you could get your hands on. As soon as you stepped out of the temple, the wall behind you shut tight
You came here with a crew and your beloved captain
You left with nothing but wealth
And you couldn't have it any other way


>> No.17878916
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Fuck Im hard!

>> No.17879667
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>> No.17880322
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>> No.17880466
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>> No.17880604
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>> No.17880679
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>> No.17880850
File: 1.67 MB, 2015x2845, abusedpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were watching a VOD recording when the doorbell rang
>Your package has arrived
>After signing the paper, you pull the huge man-sized box into the living room
>Inside the box is a tightly sealed container with a keypad
>You punch in the numbers and it opens
>Revealing a liquid filled tank...
>...and a naked Pekora floating in suspended animation
>You drain the tank and take Pekora out
>Ten thousand dollars including shipment... this better be worth it
>Within seconds she wakes up and immediately freaks out from seeing you
>She screamed, asking where is she and for your identity
>She's still a bit dazed but you told her that you bought her off a rabbit farm, they have been breeding Pekora by the thousands
>Pekora couldn't believe the story, there is no way she was being grown en masse like this
>She exclaims how the last thing she remembered was doing a 2022 New Years idol concert in Japan
>Ten years have passed since, you told her
>Her pupils shrink and the light on her face disappears
>You showed her a clip of the HoloFarms project on the monitor
>An entire warehouse with copies of Pekora in tanks, believing they are still streaming and doing idol activities in their dreams
>Pekora covers her mouth and tries not to throw up from shock
>You revealed how vtubers were contained and converted into renewable sources of food and material after the vtuber market crash
>As for the original? Theyre being kept alive, hooked up on machines, forced to give birth to these copies
>Swallowing bile, she asks you what is she here for
>You walk to your kitchen and turn the lights on, showing her your fridge and pantry
>Rabbit meat. Lots and lots of rabbit meat. Sausages dangling from the ceiling, pelts adorning the walls and floor, vacuum sealed rabbit steaks marinating
>The clothes on your back being made from her hair and fur
>Pekora was taken aback and crawled against the wall, her eyes fixed on the fridge
>The fear in her eyes was overwhelming her expression, her face turning pale, her mouth lost motor control and all she could do is wail in fear
>You told her she was special
>The previous Pekora you bought were all Grade C's
>Mindless copies grown for meat and fur, devoid of memories and intelligence, animals in humanoid bodies
>The one sobbing in the corner of your kitchen is a Grade A
>Having the memories, personality, and most importantly, sentience, similar to the original Pekora
>And it has been a long while since you enjoyed having your way with an actual intelligent and tasty creature
>Pekora stands up and makes her way to the door
>You grab her by the neck and choke her down on the table
>She pleas for you to let her go, tears swelling in her eyes and drool dripping from her mouth
>You move forward and give her a deep kiss, pushing your tongue deep inside her mouth to the back of the palate
>Grabbing her neck, you force her down and pin her in place
>Her voice barely able to escape her throat, her cries for help inaudible behind gurgles and wheezes
>You grab the cleaver on the counter and rest it on her neck
>Pekora watches as you raise your arm, reflecting light off the blade into her eyes, her tears making the image blurry
>With a swift strike, the cleaver cut its way through her neck
>Her head separated, her body limping
>As you hold on to her, you can feel the warmth of her flesh slowly lose over time
>Your hand reaches for her crotch
>Maybe a quick one while she's still warm

>> No.17883916

Good stuff.

>> No.17884517
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Meatheads have good writefags

>> No.17885815
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Ange beef!

>> No.17886783
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so, last thread was deleted, right? i guess that means that one time we reached bump limit was either a fluke, or a test, and i guess we failed. feels bad. to be fair, you guys posted a lot of images last time that were pretty spicy. oh well.

>> No.17887953

damn this flare is cool

>> No.17888687

Holy shit this is great! Ryona and guro!

>> No.17889270

as far as the world building thread goes, does anyone want to make all the cities for our regions? or maybe add some more lore?

>> No.17889396
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>> No.17891262
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Lunch with Nina!

>> No.17892247

Some dumb idea
Because our chuubas are creatives (AwA does art, Mai does music, a lot of the chuubas are amateur artists) and our writefags, plenty of people are artistic

>> No.17892295

that was agiven with the fact that our society finds so many different ways to make use of human flesh.

>> No.17893770
File: 55 KB, 1850x222, meattext2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other ideas? i was thinking, since pic related mentioned different tribes, what if we had different abilities for different chuubas? i would really like the idea of Comma Dentata's tribe being able to mimic things, so they end up being a bit like a plant-based version of the thing, or whatever she is supposed to be on her site. https://commav9413.wixsite.com/mysite/comma-dentata%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6%E3%81%AE%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99

>> No.17893792

Spoiler link method should work with the hard shit, unless we already tried that. Being a /meat/lover is hard, but at least we're considered fag-proof.

QOTT: Fridge or freezer, depending on the kind. Unless you got lucky with one of the immortals. You always have their asses fresh.

>> No.17893932

>"Contrary to stereotypes portrayed on /hlg/ media, the capital of /meat/ is cleaner than thought believed"
>"The streets are brick laid, and the buildings made of marble and steel. A sign of contemporary architecture. And the fountains spew water instead of blood."
>"You might be asking "Wheres the meat?" And to answer that we turn our camera from this pristine clean neighbourbood..."
>"...to this gruesome temple in the middle of the city. Built out of red marble, obsidian, bones, and sprayed with blood on a weekly basis. /meat/'s religious sites are as stereotypical as the customs themselves. Each temple is erected to honor a particular Vtuber of their pantheon. This one is built for AwA-chan. The Artist of the meat Chuubas"

>> No.17894040

Cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.17894124

gurochan would be a good place to keep all the really spicy things. i tried to make one before, so i could make another one if you guys want.

great. i want /meat/ to be barbarians and pirates and what not, but i also want us to distinguish ourselves from murderhobos, or any simpleminded type. we are resourceful, just because we prefer using humans as a primary resource doesn't mean we can't make a proper civilization where we want to. with that said, where would the capital be? i am not too sure if having our capital on the island would be a good idea due to how close it is to hololive, but the other region is in the contested regions, even if it is a bit larger.

>> No.17894235

we have a skeleton chuuba, but the only english royna vtuber i can think of at the moment is gumi, who is nothing like mori in terms of personality. sorry to disapoint.

>> No.17894302

>but at least we're considered fag-proof.
wasn't there that one vorefag who was shitting up the worldbuilding thread trying to imply his shit fettish was superior to ours because of a bunch of dumbass reasons or something?

>> No.17894543

>the capital of /meat/ is cleaner than thought believed"
not sure if it is correct grammar to say "thought believed" in this context, maybe "initially thought" or "initially believed". besides that, the only suggestion i have is to add a bit more to the description, maybe describe what they do inside. maybe have them doing something artistic with one of the sacrifices recently shipped in from the more barbaric regions of /meat/ that are closer to what the stereotypes describe. also, if this is the capital, maybe include some of what the cultist/higher class types are doing. maybe planning their next raid, or setting up for a higher status victim from one of the secret cults they have in different regions of the world.
